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3rdQ - SLM - TLE g9g10 (FINAL COPY)

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

3rd Quarter Self-Learning Module for TLE 9/10


Most Essential Competency: LO 1: Plan a design for a macrame product.

I After reading the Information Sheet, the learner must be able to:
a. Discuss the designs
b. Choose a design for the project
c. Get the measurement of the product

There are two basic knots in making macrame such as the square knots and the simple knot
or half hitch. In making design for macrame, it is essential to learn the basic knots to be able to
create your own. All things come from simple to complex.

Design for Macrame Product

In deciding a design, remember the following:

1. Start by looking for resources like books, articles, and sites where you can get the correct
and complete information you need in designing you project. Correct information is vital to
the success of any plan.
2. All patterns are developed from the two main knots: the square knot and the simple knot. It
is, therefore, important to master the techniques in making these two basic knots.
3. You must think about how everything fits together in harmony. Always consider the elements
of art and the principles of design. The designs of macrame projects to be made are greatly
dependent on the knots.
See the sample knot designs to be used to create your own macrame project.

Table 1. Square Knot Design

Square knots Alternating square Square knot Sennit Spiral Stitch


Table 2. Half Hitch Design

Alternating Half Hitch Half Hitch Double Half Hitch Vertical Hitch

Table 3. Larks Head Design

Larks Head Knot Vertical Larks Head Larks head Sennit Double Button Hole

Table 4. Chinese Macrame Knots

Cloverleaf Knot Chinese button knot Mystic Knot Plafod knot

Table 5. Unique Decorative Knots

Eternity Knot Lambda knot Knife knot Linked overhand


Table 6. Braids and Bar

Chain Sennit Zipper Sennit Coyote Trail Switchback Path Bar

Images Source: www.google.com

See samples of macrame products produced from various knots.

Bracelet Watch was larks head knot and double half hitch.
Source: https://www.dreamalittlebigger.com/post/friendship-bracelet-watch.html

Macrame Garland was Larks head and square knots.

Source: https://cuckoo4design.com/diy-beginner-macrame-garland/

Bohemiam Bag was larks head knot, berry knot, alternating Square knot, and gathering knot.
Source: https://bochiknot.com/how-to-make-macrame-drawstring-bag/

Measurement of Macrame Project

It is important to know the number of cords to be used in any macrame project. This will save
you time, energy, and materials. In a project with available pattern, the details of number of cords to
be used are provided already. If you want to create your own design or maybe the pattern is not yet
available, you can follow these three steps involved in calculating the needed chords.

1. Determine the length of the finished product from top to bottom.

2. Take note the length of the cord is determined by its size.
3. Determine the width of the finished product. This will give the total number of cords needed
for the whole project.

Basic Conversions
36 inches = 1 yard
12 inches = 1 foot
1 yard = 3 feet
36 inches = 0.9 meters
1 inch = 2.54 centimeters
1 inch = 25.4 millimeters
Ring circumference = 3.14 x diameter (edge to edge)

Steps in Determining the Number of Cord

1. Take note of the width of the finished product.

2. The knots on your design will determine the number of cords needed.
Example: Square knots sennit design is made with six cords per knot.
3. When your design uses rings, determine the number of cords each ring can hold. To find out the
circumference of each ring, measure the diameter across the center of the ring from edge to edge.
4. Find out if you have cords folded during the mounting process. Larks head knot is an example of
design with folding cord use for mounting. The fold doubles the number of cords in the design.
Example: Twenty vertical cords will give you a total of 40 cords to work on.
5. Determine if there are cords used as a holding cord in the design. This is not used as a working

6. When you want to widen some areas of your project, determine how many cords you will need to
add in cases like this.
7. Determine if your knot designs require you to cut extra cord like wrapped knots and sliding clasps
8. In determining the materials to be used, the width of the cord from edge to edge is the diameter
of the cord and described in millimeters.

Cord Length Calculations

(Urbiztondo, 2016)

1. Cutting length for main area (body of the design)

a. Loosely knotted with 1- inch space or more, between rows of knots
Finished length x 3 = length of each cord
b. Simple braids or weaving
Finished length x 2.5 = length of each cord
c. Rows of knot are close together
Finished length x 4 = length of each cord
d. Double the length if cords are folded and add extra length for button knots, picot,
or clasps.
2. Cutting length for holding cords

Finished length + at least 8 - inch. Double the size if the cords are folded

3. Cutting length for added cords

a. Top of the project should be the same length as the primary cords for the body.
b. Close to middle. The length is 1/2 the size as that of the others.
c. Near bottom. The size is 1/4 the size of the primary cords.

4. Cutting lengths for extra cords

a. Sliding clasps: use 18-inch cords

b. Wrapped knots: use 36-45-inch cords
c. Wrapping rings:
Width of ring x 3.14 = area to be covered
6 mm material – multiply the area by 8
4 mm material - multiply the area by 12.

5. Formula in getting the entire length of cords needed for the whole design

Length of cords (in inches) x number of cords = total

Next, add the number from all groups (body, holding cords, extras).
Divide by 36 to get the yards needed for the entire design.

Size of Material Folded Not Folded

6 mm 2 cords per inch 4 cords per inch

4 mm 3 cords per inch 6 cords per inch

3 mm 4 cords per inch 8 cords per inch

2 mm 6 cords per inch 12 cords per inch

1 mm 12 cords per inch 24 cords per inch

Cords Chart

Source: http://www.free-macrame-patterns.com/cord-measurements.html


A. DIRECTIONS: Identify the following macrame knots. Write your answer on your notebook or
answer sheet.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

B. DIRECTIONS List down the different knots used in the macrame products below. Write your
answer on your paper.
1. 2. 3.


A. Direction. Calculate for the following length of cord.

Cutting Length Finished Length Total Length

1. Cutting length for

main area

a. Loosely knotted with

1 – inch space or
more between rows 1.
of knots

b. Simple braids or 2.
24 inches
c. Rows of knot are 3.
close together

d. Folded cords 4.

2. Cutting length for 5.

holding cords

3. Cutting length for 6.

added cords

a. Top of the project

b. Close to middle 7.

c. Near bottom 8.

4. Wrapping rings

14 cm x 3.4 = area to be covered

a. 6 mm 9.
b. 4 mm 10.


A. DIRECTIONS: Kindly read the given situation below and answer questions that follow.

Because of pandemic we are experiencing today, many are losing jobs. Many went hungry
and lost their livelihoods. You are still in high school and do not yet have the capability to find a job
and cannot go out either.

1. What can we do to help our family?

2. Do you think our TLE subject will help you?
3. How can the TLE subject be of help?

B. DIRECTIONS: Draw or cut out three macrame products that you are planning to make. List
down the knots used and answer the questions below?

1. Why did you choose those three macrame products?

2. Are you able to do so?
3. Do you think you are able to do the project even if we are experiencing pandemic today?
4. What are the resources that you can use to make the project easier?
5. How motivated are you to do the project?

C. DIRECTIONS: Compute for the entire length of a macrame project. Show your solution.

1. Mary is going to make a macrame plant hanger with 8 pcs of 3mm cord with the length
of 4 yards and 10 inches and an added cord of 2 ft in length for wrapping knot, how much
macrame cord does she need? Express your answer in the yard.

2. Mia is going to make a macrame bag with a wooden handle. She prepared 40 pcs of
3mm cord with 90.5 inches cutting length each cord. The design will use rows of knots
closed together. What will be the finished length of her macrame bag?


A. Directions: Read the statements carefully. Choose the correct letter that best describes the
statement. Write your answer in your quiz notebook.

1. What will be the cutting length of each of your cord if you are going to make a macrame project
with 12 inches finished length using a loosely knotted design?
A. 12 C. 24
B. 36 D. 48

2. What will be the cutting length of your holding cords if your macrame project has 28 inches
finished length?
A. 36 C. 20
B. 32 D. 44

3. What will be the cutting length of your added cords if you are going to add in close to middle part
of the simple braids and weaving macrame project design with 16 inches finished length?
A. 5 C. 10
B. 15 D. 20

4. What will be the cutting length of extra cord use for sliding clasp?
A. 12 C. 18
B. 14 D. 16

5. If you will cover a ring with12 cm circumference on your project using a 4mm cord, what will be
the cutting lengths for extra cord?
A. 452.16 C. 455.16
B. 453.15 D. 454.16

6. Labor cost, transportation and electricity used in the production are examples of ___.
A. cost of materials C. total cost
B. operational cost D. cost-oriented pricing

7. The amount paid for the raw materials.

A. operation expenses C. office expenses
B. price for food D. cost of materials

8. The basic method in setting the price of your product is called ____.
A. cost of materials C. total cost
B. operational cost D. cost-oriented pricing

9. Which of the following statements are examples of manufacturing overhead?

I. facilities, machineries and equipment
II. utilities like water, electricity and fuel
III. raw materials
IV. transportation

A. I, II and IV B. I, II and III C. II, III and IV D. I, III and IV

10. Which of the following statements are parts of product cost?

I. direct materials
II. direct labor
III. manufacturing overhead

A. I and II B. I and III C. II and III D. I, II and III

Most Essential Competency:
LO 2: Produce macrame projects

After reading the Information Sheet, the learner must be able to:
a. Identify the steps involved in production of macrame projects
b. Produce different macrame projects
I c. Apply creativity in packaging

Macrame String Bag

I. Objectives:
1. Make a macrame string bag
2. Develop love for work
3. Apply one’s admiration in making a macrame string bag
4. Show work enthusiasm
5. Show creativity in promoting the product

II. Design Drawing/Illustration

III. Tools and Materials:

1 plastic coat hanger with clips Quantity Unit Description

Measuring Tape 1 spool 50 yards Cotton cord ( any color)
Ruler 1 String
Scissors 1 pc 9 cm Mounting Ring

IV. Procedure:
1. Prepare 2 pcs of 30 in. / 78 cm and 24 pcs of 200 cm of cord for the handles.
2. Use the 2 pcs (30-inch) cord. Tie the ends with a regular knot.
3. Attach the 24 pcs (6 ft /200 cm) cord onto the handle using the larks head knot.
4. Start working on the first row and so on using square knot. Pull the knots tightly so that they
will not be loose.

1 2 3 4
5. Hold the two cords from each knot and use an alternating square knot. Do the same for both
handles; allot 1-inch space apart.
6. Facing both sides, tie the cord using a square knot until it reaches the bottom.
7. When you are at the bottom, double knot at the end of each cord to prevent fraying.
8. Trim the end of the base to the length you want. Flip it around.

5 6 7

8 9
Image Source: www.macrameschool.com
Video Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1MU1IuioYM
Macrame Plant Basket Hanger

I. Objectives:

1. Make a macrame plant basket hanger
2. Develop industry and love for work
3. Apply one’s admiration in making macrame plant basket hanger
4. Show enthusiasm while working
5. Show creativity in promoting the product

II. Design Drawing/Illustration:

III. Tools and Materials:

a. 8, 3-yard pieces of 3mm macrame cord
b. 2, 1-yard pieces of 3mm macrame cord
c. 2” wooden rings
d. scissors

IV. Procedures:
1. Grab your 1-yard 2. Lay the 1-yard
piece of cord. piece of cord on top
of your cord bundle in
a "V" shape.

3. Position the 1- 4. Holding the bottom

yard piece of cord of the V shape, wrap
so the left side of the the bundle with the
V is shorter than the longer piece of cord.
right side.

5. Continue 6. Once you are

wrapping from the satisfied with the
top down, positing length of your
each coil neatly gathering knot, slide
underneath the last. the wrapping cord
into the loop.
7. Pull the short end 8. Watch as your
of your original V loose end is secured
shape up. within the coils of
your knot

9. Trim your excess 10. Split four cords
cords. away from the rest of
the group.

11. Separate the 12. Pull the left
cords so two are in knotting cord over the
the middle (your other cords making
anchors) and one the shape of a
cord is on each side number 4.
(your knotting
13. Place the right 14. Grab the right
knotting cord over knotting cord and
the left knotting cord bring it behind the two
that is now on the middle anchor cords
right side. and up through the
triangle part of the
number 4 shape.
15. You should have 16. Pull the right and
cord on the top and left knotting cords
the bottom of the evenly and slide the
anchors. knot up the anchor

17. Pull the right 18. Place the left

knotting cord over the knotting cord over the
two anchor cords right knotting cord that
making the shape of a is now on the left side.
backward number 4.

19. Place the left 20. Pull the right and

knotting cord over the left knotting cords
right knotting cord that evenly and slide the
is now on the left side. knot up the two center

21. Continue this 22. To create a net,

pattern for about 1.5 combine the left
feet. Repeat for the anchor and knotting
rest of the cords. cord from one group
with the right anchor
and knotting cords of
the adjacent group.
23. Create a single 24. Repeat, creating a
square knot about square knot in
three inches down between each group of
from your knotted knotted cords.

25. At this point, you 26. Complete a

should have four second row of
square knots alternating square
connecting all your knots approximately 3"
cords. down from your last

27. Gather all cords in 28. Tie a final
your hand. gathering knot 3
inches down from the
last square knot. Make
sure it is tight enough
to hold your pot! 
Image Source:https://bit.ly/3fTTQ3e Video Source: https://youtu.be/L5nta49HIv4

Packaging of Finished Project

Packaging product is something that needs to be preceded. Packaging is used as container
as well as protection of the product from any possible damage. It creates a first impression to the
consumers. That is why it can be used as a strategy in promoting a product.
The following are types of packaging materials you can try for your projects:
1. Rigid (wood boxes, wood barrels, metal-like drums, pails, tin cans, glass containers
like jars, bottles, drinking glass)
2. Non-rigid (paper-like carton, greaseproof paper, cloth-like textile bags, muslin bags,
cheese cloth and burlap)
3. Synthetic films and derived materials (polyethylene, vinyl films, cellophane and
aluminum foils)

Points to Consider in Packaging

1. Labeling – It is used to guarantee that consumers have access to complete information of
the products, that includes name of the product, name and address of the manufacturer,
packer or distributor and materials used.
2. Durability – It should protect the product from possible damage.
3. Design, shape, and color – These are used to attract possible customer to take a second
look, check and finally buy the product.

Four Rules in Product Packaging:

1. Low-cost – Packaging is not only a box, but it must be informative, though it is wrapped in
2. Protective – It carries the resources and name of the person where it comes from.
3. Attractive – Packaging should be appealing for it gives a warm feeling about what is inside
the package.
4. Regulations compliant – Packaging a product for market is something that needs to be
anticipated. You should have the proper packaging for sending it safely and at a reasonable

Remember These:
● Macrame patterns are developed from the two main knots: the square knots and the simple
knot of half hitch.
● There are three steps in calculating the cords needed when you want to create your own
design or when a pattern is not available: (a) determining the length from top to bottom of the
finished product; (b) determining the width of the finished product; and (c) determining the
size of the material to use. The diameter of the cord is the width of the cord from edge to
edge and is described in millimeters.
● Production is the process of creating the products and services that a firm sells to its market.
● Production requires a set of input to yield a set of output.
● The designs of macrame projects to be made are greatly dependent on the knots.
● Packaging is used as container as well as protection of the product from any possible
damage. The rules of product packaging include: low-cost, protective, attractive and
regulations compliant.
● Types of packaging materials include rigid types, non-rigid types, and synthetic films and
derived materials.


DIRECTIONS: Arrange the following steps in making a macrame string bag. Write numbers 1-8
before the number.

___ 1. Facing both sides, tie the cord using a square knot until it reaches the bottom.
___ 2. Use the 2 pcs (30-inch) cord, tie the ends with a regular knot.
___ 3. When you are at the bottom, double knot at the end of each cord to prevent from fraying.
___ 4. Trim the end of the base to the length you want. Flip it around.
___ 5. Hold the two cords from each of the knot and use alternating square knot. Do the same for
both handles; allot 1-inch space apart.
___ 6. Prepare 2 pcs of 30 in. / 78 cm and 24 pcs of 200 cm of cord for the handles.
___ 7. Attach the 24 pcs (6 ft /200 cm) cord onto the handle using the larks head knot.
___ 8. Start working on the first row and so on using square knot. Pull the knots tightly so that they
will not loosen.

A. DIRECTIONS: Read and analyze each item carefully. Write the letter of your best answer in your
1. It is the basic material in macrame.
A. Bodkin B. Cord C. Rod
2. The process used in macrame.
A. Knotting B. Weaving C. Plaiting
3. Which of the following illustration is the first step in making macrame plant basket hanger?

4. In the pictures shown below, which of the following is the tenth step in macrame plant hanger?

5. From the illustration below, which of the following is the twenty-fourth step in making macrame
plant hanger?


B. DIRECTIONS: Using the concept map graphic organizer below, enumerate the different types of

Types of Packaging

packaging materials.


A. DIRECTIONS: Make a simple macrame projects using any macrame knots and follow the
procedures that you have learned.

a. macrame string bag

b. macrame plant basket hanger

Rubric for Performance

Criteria 4 3 2 1 Total
Proper use of Proper choice, Proper choice, Proper choice, Proper choice,
tools and preparation and preparation and preparation and preparation and
materials use of tools and use of tools and use of tools and use of tools and
materials at all materials most of materials often materials seldom
times the time

Proper Organized Organized Organized Never follows an

application of application of application of application of organized
procedure procedure all the procedure all the procedure all the application of
time with no time with least time with regular procedure
supervision at all amount of supervision
Safety Highly self- Self-motivated and Self-motivated and Needs to be
precautionary motivated and observes mostly sometimes motivated and
measures and observes all safety observes all safety does not observe
proper work safety precautionary precautionary safety
habits precautionary measures most of measures precautionary
measures at all the time measures
Promptness Work done on the Work done few Work done beyond Does not observe
given time moments after the the given time time
given time

Rubric for Product Evaluation

Criteria 4 3 2 1 Total
Materials used Very much Applicable to use To some extent can Not
applicable to use be used recommended for
Packaging Very much Very appealing Slightly appealing Not appealing
Design Excellently go Mostly go well Slightly go well Do not go well
well together together together together
Promptness Work done on the Work done few Work done beyond Does not observe
given time moments after the the given time time
given time

B. DIRECTIONS: Create a packaging for your finished project that you have made in your activity,
using the different types of packaging materials. Sell it around your neighborhood. You can decide
for the price you sell.

After selling your products make a reaction paper of what you feel before, during and after
making your packaging of macrame products.

1. What did you like most about the activity? ______________________________

2. What did you discover about yourself as a learner? ______________________________
3. How do you feel as you go along with the activity? ______________________________


A. DIRECTIONS: Read the statements carefully. Choose the correct letter that best describes the
statement. Write your answer in your quiz notebook.

1. It is used as a container as well as protection of the product from any possible damage.
A. Production C. Packaging
B. Project D. Procedure
2. What is the process of creating the products and services that a firm sells to its market?
A. Production C. Packaging
B. Project D. Procedure
3. What are the two main knots in macrame patterns that are developed?
A. Square knot and lark head knot C. Square knot and knife knot
B. Square knot and half hitch D. Square knot and eternity knot
4. This is used to guarantee that consumers have access to complete information of the products.
A. Durability C. Labelling
B. Design, shape, and color D. Branding
5. What are the four rules in product packaging?
A. Low-cost, Protective, Attractive, Creativity
B. Low-cost, Durability, Attractive, Creativity
C. Low-cost, Protective, Design, Creativity
D. Low-cost, Protective, Attractive, Regulation Complaint
6. Which of the following statements are characteristics of packaging?
I. It is a box or an enclosure.
II. It used as protection from any possible damage.
III. It can be an accessory to the product.
IV. It can be used to promote the product.
A. I, II, III B. I, II, IV C. I and II D. I, II, III, IV
7. Which of the following are types of packaging materials?
I. Rigid types
II. Non-rigid types
III. Synthetic films
A. I and II B. I, III C. I, II, III D. II and III
8. Cellophane, polyethylane, and vinyl films are examples of what type of packaging materials?
A. Rigid C. Synthetic films
B. Non-rigid D. Metal-like
9. It carries the resources and name of the person where it comes from.

A. Low-cost C. Attractive
B. Protective D. Regulation complaint
10. Packaging should be appealing for it gives a warm feeling about what is inside the package.
A. Low-cost C. Attractive
B. Protective D. Regulation complaint

Reference: Rex Book Store, Inc. (RBSI)

Laarni A. Urbiztondo (author), Leonora D. Basbas(coordinator) BASKETRY 9/10



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