ANHS Group - CBAR - Proposal Manuscript Format
ANHS Group - CBAR - Proposal Manuscript Format
ANHS Group - CBAR - Proposal Manuscript Format
JericoG . Quizada1, Eugiemhar S . Videra2, Yerica Hannah Ramos 3 Christian Joseph B . Bielza 4,
5 6 7 8
AljeanG . Fernandez , Elaine Mae Eblacas ,Thelma M . Olipas , Francesca Dela Torre and
Cherry Anne Luzano
February 9, 2023
Republic of the Philippines
Philippine Normal University
The National Center for Teacher Education
Websites and programs that allow users to produce and share content or engage in
social networking are known as social media. It is more than simply a place to share photos.
Over time, social media has established itself as a trustworthy information source and a venue
for businesses to engage with customers and educational contents to be disseminated (Nasta,
2019). In comparing videos and prints in students’ degree of learning, Merkt et al. (2011)
found out that micro-level actions, like pausing a movie or surfing, appeared to be more
advantageous for learning than macro-level activities, such as consulting a table of contents
or an index.
Digital videos are becoming more common even in the educational system. Both
social media and technology are becoming essential components of our daily life since videos
may be shared at any time of day or night due to the online, asynchronous nature of the
internet (Willbold, 2019). According to a recent survey, social media platforms like Facebook
and Twitter receive millions of daily visits. More than 90% of college students regularly
access social networking sites (Mukherji, 2013).
The internet is easily accessible to students. This is one of the reasons why many of
them were using educational videos on Youtube, Facebook, or TikTok to support their
academic successes, especially in mathematics. According to Giannakos & Vlamos (2013),
the use of the Internet for teaching, including e-learning and educational materials, has
increased in recent years. This perspective implies that learning is a change in the learner, in
which students will become more proactive in building and learning the new concept.
As a result, the researchers want to learn and investigate more about the suitability
and effectiveness of this scenario for students. The study aims to investigate the comparison
between interactive videos’ and traditional instruction’s successes in educating learners. The
results of this study will then be a direct reference and suggestion to in-service teachers and
pre-service teachers for them to improve their teaching styles and strategies. This study will
benefit students in order to improve their learning and gain better educational achievements.
Similarly, it will also benefit teachers in improving their teaching strategies to better support
learners' improvement and development.
The study aims to determine the roles of educational videos in learners. This study aims
to answer the following research questions;
1. What are the roles of educational videos on YouTube, Facebook, and TikTok in
learners’ educational achievement and success?
2. Why do/don’t students prefer educational videos over traditional teaching?
3. Is there a significant difference between the test scores of three groups of students two
of which are experimental groups (Ex. Group 1: Learned through educational videos;
Ex. Group 2: Learned through traditional instruction and educational videos) and one
with conventional instruction only when grouped according to their “mode of
4. What interventions can the teachers do to achieve, maintain, and improve students’
educational/academic successes?
This classroom scenario requires the use of experimental research design. According
to Sirisilla (2023), an experimental research design is a framework of protocols and
procedures created to conduct experimental research with a scientific approach using sets of
variables. The researchers plan to conduct this study at Santiago City National High School.
The respondents will be Grade 8 which will be divided into three groups; Group 1: Learned
through educational videos; Group 2: Learned through traditional instruction and educational
videos and; Group 3 with conventional instruction only. The researchers will use structured
questionnaires to conduct pre-assessment to the chosen respondents. The students will
undergo three different learning modalities (Learning through Educational Videos, Learning
through Traditional instruction and Educational Videos, and Learning through Conventional
Instructions only). The researchers plan to study this scenario through having three groups of
students that will serve as a set of variables, a controlled group and two experimental groups.
The control group will learn through conventional instruction. On the other hand, the first
experimental group will learn through educational videos while the second experimental
group will learn through traditional instruction first then supported with educational videos.
To complete the data gathering procedure, the respondents will have post-assessment. Upon
completion of data gathering, the researchers will be analyzing the data with the use of JASP.
The researchers will be using JASP to conduct the One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
to test the significance of three independent variables. If the results of the one-way ANOVA
come out significant, the researchers will then proceed to Post Hoc testing, specifically,
Dunnett's Post Hoc Testing. The researchers will be using the Post Hoc testing to uncover the
differences between the three (3) independent groups. Similarly, the researchers will be using
the Dunnett's Post Hoc testing for the reason that all experimental data, which will be
gathered from the two (2) experimental groups, are going to be compared into one controlled
group. However, if the results of the one-way ANOVA come out insignificant, the
researchers will be, then the researchers will be stopping at one-way ANOVA.
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