Parathyroid Hormone, Calcitonin, Calcium and
Parathyroid Hormone, Calcitonin, Calcium and
Parathyroid Hormone, Calcitonin, Calcium and
If above critical value
▪ excretion in urine is proportional to the increase of phosphate
▪ Vitamin D3 ( Cholecalciferol ) is one of vitamin D family,
▪ ‹Obtained from daily intake of food; or
▪ ‹Formed in skin from 7-dehydrocholesterol by ultraviolet rays from the
▪ ‹Inactive substance that does not cause effects.
▪ Vitamin D3 must be firstly converted to active substance →
1, 25-Dihydroxycholecalciferol in liver and kidney
▪ ‹Cholecalciferol is converted to 25-hydroxycholecalciferol in the liver,
▪ The concentration of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol in the plasma remains almost constant
and is regulated by the concentration of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol itself through a
negative feedback mechanism (inhibitory).
Minor effect:
▪ Calcium ion itself directly has slight effect on preventing the conversion.
▪ 1, 25-dihydroxycholecalciferol promotes absorption of calcium by
intestinal tract thru:
▪ Increasing the formation of calcium-binding protein in intestinal
epithelial cells
▪ promoting the transport of calcium through cell membrane by
facilitated diffusion
▪ Promoting the formation of calcium stimulated ATPase (enzyme) in
the border of the epithelial cells and alkaline phosphatase in the
epithelial cells
▪ ‹Vitamin D in smaller quantities promotes bone calcification ( the
mechanism is unknown ) but extreme quantities of vitamin D
cause bone resorption.
▪ Enhance absorption of phosphate in gastrointestine
▪ might resulted from the increased absorption of Ca that acts as a transport
mediator to increase phosphate transport.
▪ Hypocalcemia ( low Ca ion concentration in
extracellular fluid ) causes:
▪ Increase of membrane permeability to Na ions -->
easy initiation of membrane action potential.
▪ If Ca is 50% below normal:
▪ nerve fibers become very excitable and elicit
spontaneous nerve impulses to the peripheral
skeletal muscles --> cause tetanic muscle
contraction ( tetany ).
▪ Hypercalcemia ( excessive Ca ion concentration in extracellular fluid ) causes:
▪ Depress of nervous system.
▪ Reflex of CNS becomes sluggish.
▪ Decreases QT interval of the heart.
▪ Constipation.
▪ Lack of appetite.
▪ Collagen fibers and bone salts are bond together to provide a bony
structure to give both great tensile and compressional strength.
▪ Bone is continuously being deposited by osteoblasts and being absorbed
by osteoclasts.
▪ Osteoclast :
▪ large phagocytic cell in bone marrow
▪ When osteoclasts developed it sends out villus-like projections toward
the bone to form a ruffled border adjacent to the bone.
▪ The villus secretes two types of substances:
(1) Proteolytic enzymes ( released from lysosomes of osteoclast ) to
digest and dissolve organic matrix.
(2) Citric acid and lactic acid ( released from mitochondria ) to
dissolve bone salts.
▪ In this way the osteoclasts eat away at the bone to form a tunnel ( 0.2-1mm
in diameter and few milimeter long ) for 3 weeks., then osteoclasts
▪ Osteoblasts replace the osteoclasts
→ new bone mass begins to develop
and to be deposited on the inner
surface of the cavity to form layers of
concentric circles for several months
until the tunnel is filled.
▪ Each new area of bone deposited is
called osteon
▪ When the bone mass begins to
encroach on the blood vessels the
deposition of new bone stops
▪ Fracture of a bone maximally activates osteoblasts:
▪ immediate great increase of new osteoblasts from osteoprogenitor cells Î
large bulge of osteoblastic tissue and new organic bone matrix develop
between the two broken ends of the bone (callus) --> deposition of
calcium salt.
▪ The alkaline phosphatase
▪ indicator of the rate of bone deposition
▪ osteoblasts are depositing bone matrix they secrete large amount of alkaline
▪ 4 glands located behind thyroid gland
▪ ( each upper poles and lower poles of
thyroid gland )
▪ Composed of:
▪ Chief cells - Secrete parathyroid
▪ Oxyphil cells- Function is unknown and
absent in many animals and young
human beings.
Steps of synthesis of parathyroid hormone:
▪ PTH mechanism:
▪ For parathyroid hormone: in > 3 to 4 hours.
▪ more potent and acts over prolonged period of time
The calcium absorption and loss from body fluid can be as much as 0.3g/hour
(total Ca ions in ECF being 1 g )
▪ could cause serious hypercalcemia or hypocalcemia.
▪ first line of defense--> prevent this from occurring even before the parathyroid
and calcitonin hormone feedback system acts
▪ Exchangeable calcium
▪ 0.4 - 1.0% of total bone calcium
▪ Deposited in the bone in the form of readily mobilizable calcium phosphate
salts (CaHPO4)
▪ ‹The important role is to maintain the Ca ion concentration in the
extracellular fluid in relatively equilibrium level ( Buffer function ) as
▪ Slight increase --> immediate deposition of exchangeable calcium ions
into the bone
▪ ECF calcium concentration is too low--> exchangeable calcium can
release into the extracellular fluid.
▪ ‹Parathyroid hormone and calcitonin system:
▪ act as second line of defense ( in 3 - 5 minutes after the increase of Ca ion
concentration in extracellular fluid ).
▪ ‹In prolonged excess or deficiency of Ca concentration the parathyroid
hormone plays an important role in maintaining a normal blood Ca ion
concentration through Ca absorption from bone or deposition to the
▪ ˆBone is a large buffer-reservoir of calcium for one year or more.
▪ When the bone reservoir runs out of calcium the parathyroid hormone and vitamin
D control calcium absorption from intestine and kidney ->
▪ cause reduced excretion of calcium in feces and urine.
▪ Treatment:
▪ Vitamin D and calcium administration
▪ *Hypoparathyroidism is usually not treated with PTH administration
▪ Vit D deficiency
▪ plasma calcium concentration is rickets is only slightly depressed, but the level of
phosphate is greatly decreased
▪ Rickets weakens bones
▪ Tetany in rickets
▪ Treatment of rickets:
▪ Supplying adequate calcium and phosphate in the diet
▪ Administering large amount of Vit D