Drugs Affecting Calcium Balance
Drugs Affecting Calcium Balance
Drugs Affecting Calcium Balance
Calcium Balance
Dept. Of Pharmacology
Lady Hardinge Medical
College New Delhi
Physiological role:
• Excitability of nerves and muscles, regulates
permeability and integrity of cell membranes and cell
• Excitation-contraction coupling of all types of muscles
• Excitation and secretion of endocrine and exocrine
glands, neurotransmitters release from nerve endings
• Intracellular messenger for hormones, autacoids and
• Impulse generation and conduction in heart
• Coagulation of Blood
• Structural function of Bone and Teeth - hydroxyapatite
Plasma Calcium Level
• Regulated by 3 hormones Parathormone,
calcitonin and Calcitriol (active vit. D)
• Normal plasma level = 9-11 mg/dl
• Hypoalbuminemia – no decrease in conc. Of
• Acidosis – favours ionization
• Alkalosis – disfavours ionization
– hyperventilation precipitates tetany and
laryngospasm in Calcium deficiency
40-41% is bound to plasma protein – albumin,
9-10% - citrate, carbonate and phosphate and
50% is free ionized and important form-Responsible
for calcium function and Can be directly measured
Absorption and Excretion
• Absorbed from entire small intestine including
duodenum – carrier mediated active transport under
the influence of Vit.D
• Phytates, phosphates, oxalates and tetracycline, also
Glucocorticoides and Phenytoin reduces absorption
• Filtered through glomerulus but mostly reabsorbed
• Vit. D increases and Calcitonin decreases reabsorption
in proximal tubule
• PTH -increases distal tubular reabsorption -thiazide
• 300 mg is excreted daily in urine and faeces
• Daily requirement: 800 -1500 mg per day (1/3rd
Preparations of calcium
S.No Preparation Characteristic
1 Calcium 27 % calcium , highly irritant , not for IM
chloride use. Orally also irritable
2 Calcium 9 % calcium , non irritating Sense of
gluconate warmth produced on injection
3 Calcium 13 % calcium, orally well tolerated , non
lactate irritating
4 Calcium 23 % calcium , used as antacid and calcium
dibasic supplement
5 Calcium 40 % calcium , tasteless, non irritating ,
carbonate used as antacid and calcium supplement
1. Tetany: Severe cases Calcium gluconate 10 to 20 ml IV over
10 minutes followed by 50 to 100 ml of Ca gluconate
solution over 6 Hrs
• Oxygen inhalation, IV fluids then oral therapy
2. Dietary supplement: growing children, pregnant, lactating
and meopausal etc. In men and women reduce the bone loss
3. Osteoporosis: Prevention ant treatment of osteoporosis with
HRT/raloxifene/Alendronate – to ensure Ca++ deficiency
does not occur
• Calcium and Vit. D3 used as adjuvant