The Function of Chorus in Greek Drama
The Function of Chorus in Greek Drama
The Function of Chorus in Greek Drama
Although the historical origins of Greek drama are unclear it may be said it had relevance to
religion, art and to the love of expression and perceptive storytelling in general. The origins of
the chorus in particular may have stemmed out of ancient rites and rituals with elements of
song and dance, and most importantly – the gathering of people.
In order to understand the function of the chorus one must remember that at the origins of
Greek drama there was only one actor; and even at later dates no more than three actors
occupied the stage, each of whom may have played several roles. As there was this clear need
to distract the audience while the actors went off-stage to change clothes and costumes, and
perhaps prepare for their next role, the function of the chorus may have had more to do with
practicality, than with artistic or philosophical considerations.
Aside from the practical the chorus would have had numerous functions in providing a
comprehensive and continuous artistic unit. Firstly, according to a view accepted by many
scholars, the chorus would provide commentary on actions and events that were taking place
before the audience. By doing this the chorus would create a deeper and more meaningful
connection between the characters and the audience. Secondly, the chorus would allow the
playwright to create a kind of literary complexity only achievable by a literary device
controlling the atmosphere and expectations of the audience. Thirdly, the chorus would allow
the playwright to prepare the audience for certain key moments in the storyline, build up
momentum or slow down the tempo; he could underline certain elements and downplay
others. Such usage of the choral structure-making functions may be observed throughout
many classical plays but may be more obvious in some than in others.
In Aeschylus’ “Prometheus Bound”, the chorus is composed of Oceanids (nymphs from the
ocean, the children of the sea god Oceanus and his wife Tethys). Aeschylus changed the role
of the chorus which brought criticisms from Aristotle who his Poetics suggested that “he
diminished the importance of the Chorus” (Aristotle 5), and by more modern writers such as H.
D. F. Kitto who in his Greek Tragedy: A Literary Study writes “Aeschylus arranges things
differently. He makes the chorus do what Greek choruses are supposed never to do: to take a
part in the action.” (Kitto 85) Nonetheless such rearrangements might have made the chorus
more convincing because it could remain on the stage with Prometheus for the entire play as
witness and commentator. Here the chorus could express it’s sympathy for the lead character:
These primal forces would be at the command of the playwright through the choice of
character and composition of the chorus. It might well consist of sea nymphs, as in Prometheus
Bound, or 15 Theban elders as in Oedipus Rex, or of any other sort of people who would
represent the unison of people. It could be argued that the thing that unified the chorus was
their mode of communication – more often than not the chorus would elevate its meaning in
song. Moreover, and perhaps partly for practical reasons (for it may have been difficult to see
the characters from afar because of the relatively large size of the theatre) the chorus would
emphasize certain elements of the story through the use of attributes such as masks and
The chorus may have distinguished itself by an elaborate use of language or style, varying
the voice of reason or that of emotion depending on occasion and the intention of the
playwright. More importantly though, the chorus could have represented the prevalent views
of the contemporary society holding up certain moral and cultural standards – much like the
media does for modern people throughout their daily lives
In case of Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex the audience may have already been familiar – and in
many cases probably was - with the outcome of the play. This made the task of engaging the
viewer ever more difficult. Hence the chorus would create interest by presenting an alternative
or additional viewpoint. It may have negotiated sympathies for one or another character, or
perhaps depending on the sophistication of the particular character, it may have even guided
the characters through problematic situations. This is exemplified by how Oedipus’ (who is all
but blind to his fate) and Teiresias’ conversation is affected by the chorus.
How can we best carry out the god’s decree?” (Sophocles 485)
Both in the works of Aeschylus and Sophocles and in Ancient Greek drama in general, the
role of the chorus may have been important because of structural and practical reasons. At the
same one may praise primarily as an enhancer and amplifier of impression, and sometimes the
voice of a moderator, or the moral voice of the people. Certainly it also had a similar role to
music in modern drama underlining important events and downplaying the less important
ones. Perhaps most generally though, the chorus would give the ancient playwright a
multifunctional literary device for the creation of an award-winning play on the Dionysian
Kitto, H. D. F. Greek Tragedy: A Literary Study. New York: Routledge Press, 1990.
Nietzsche, Friedrich. The Birth of Tragedy. New York: Plain Label Books, 2000.