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Friday Corporate Fasting 3RD of Febuary 2023

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Scripture Text: Acts 4:31 “And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were
assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God
with boldness.”

God is looking for ordinary people just like you and me precious saints. For ordinary people through
prayer can do and get extra-ordinary things accomplished hallelujah as what you will see from the
below revival story in South Africa. But what about those in scripture like Elijah who closed the

James 5:16-18 “Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed.
The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. 17 Elias was a man subject to like
passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by
the space of three years and six months. 18 And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the
earth brought forth her fruit.”

Elijah was a man of like you and me and he had a passion for God. See he believed God and stood
upon His promises. For the earnest (FERVANT heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes
tremendous power available [dynamic in its working]. Yes, God want you to become effective in
prayer to move mountains within this hour precious saints.

We need people that pray and shake nations Hallelujah! Acts 4:31 – “And when they had prayed, the
place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost,
and they spoke the word of God with boldness.” Yes, for when the people had prayed the place was
being shaken and so shall the prayers of those that are completely sold out to God in this hour.
Remember what happen when Paul and Silas were praying and glorifying God in the prison. have
been shaken.

Acts 16:25-26 “And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners
heard them. 26 And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison
were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one's bands were loosed.”

See not only was the place shaken, but their bands were loosed but all the other prisoner’s
hallelujah. And so shall it be when repentance revival comes that there shall be so much conviction
of sin that many will be freed from the bands of wickedness in Jesus Might Name!

So never underestimate a small spark that can start a huge ripple effect in a river to start Gods
Endtime revival throughout a dark world that needs Jesus more now than ever before precious
saints. The bible says to ask for the nations to be our inheritance and that is what I am doing with
every single WhatsApp group that we have started with over 68 nations putting their hand up and
saying God do it in my nation.

So, allow todays revival story to stir you up to revival, like never before and believe for the


1966 – May: Maphumulo, South Africa (Zulus) Erlo Stegen


Erlo Stegen was a missionary for 12 years before the Revival broke out. Erlo helped found the
KwaSizabantu Mission, and He was determined not to “play church.” But rather he preached
straight: “Repent and change your lives. If you don’t, you are on your way to hell.”

He saw the debilitating and devastating impact of ancestral worship and witchcraft within South
Africa. One day, after pointing out in a sermon that the founders of all other religions are dead and
buried, but only Jesus is alive forevermore. “His grave is empty because He rose from the dead. He
ascended into Heaven and all power in Heaven and on earth are given unto Him. There is no other
name given among men by which we can be saved other than the Name of Jesus. There is only one
way: Jesus Christ. He is the way, the truth and the life. He is the same today as He was two thousand
years ago.”
Erlo Stegen thought that he was a complete failure before the revival broke out because he know
that there was more. He went onto say that, “I had preached the Gospel for 12 years and there
weren’t even 12 true Christians in conformance with Biblical standards to show for it.” Many
hundreds of people had come forward at his Gospel meetings and made public commitments to
Christ. He knew that many of these converts still craved cigarettes, engaged in worldliness. He knew
that the Bible taught that we were to “Love not the world, know the things that are in the world”1
John 2:15 and “Be not conformed to this world” Romans 12:2. Yet he perceived that his converts
were still worldly.

He then challenged his whole congregation to come to two Bible studies each day: 7 AM and 5PM.
“We will take our Bibles and we won’t explain anything away. We won’t justify ourselves either but
accept things as they are written.” Jesus said: “Whosoever shall not receive the Kingdom of God as a
little child shall in no wise shall enter therein.” Luke 18:17 and “Except ye be converted and become
as little children, ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.

It was December 1966 when the Revival broke out. Rev. Erlo Stegen explained, “We were at a loss,
we had reached a deadlock and we were in a spiritually desperate situation.” In John 7:38, Jesus
says, “he that believeth in Me, as the Scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living
water.” When we asked ourselves: “Whether such rivers of living water were flowing out of our
lives?” We had to answer “NO!”

Erlo stood and challenged his congregation: “Let us search the Scriptures and let the Word speak to
us. Let us not twist and turn what we read. Let us disregard our ways and customs, our church
traditions and our personal religious opinions and let’s hear what the Bible has to say. Do we really
believe as the Scripture says?”

Erlo Stegen explains that Revivals are terrifying things. When the Holy Spirit comes, He convicts us of
sin, of righteousness and of judgment to come. “For God resists the proud” - 1 Peter 5:5

“What is our greatest danger? In reality it is God Himself. There is nothing in this world that we need
fear more than God. Even if the whole world were for us, but God against us, we would be fighting a
losing battle.”

“Judgment must begin at the house of God. The first thing that happens when the Holy Spirit comes
into a person’s life is that He convicts that person of sin. There is broken heartedness. Many
conversions are not genuine; the ‘converts’ are not born again with the Holy Spirit. There are
‘Christians’ who don’t even know what it means to be convicted of sin. We cannot love Jesus if we
do not know what forgiveness of sins means. The deeper the conviction, the greater the love for
Jesus. He who is forgiven much, loves much.”
Erlo Stegen testifies how the Lord convicted them of pride, prejudice, and idolatry. “‘Let us get down
on our knees and pray,’ I wept incessantly and cried out ‘God be merciful to me, a sinner.’” That was
the beginning of the Revival.


It was Christmas time when the Revival broke out. “In times of Revival, the Word of God comes alive.
It smites us and pierces our heart. The Word of God is like a hammer that breaks the rocks into
pieces. It now became clear to me that it wasn’t the heathen who were standing in the way of
Revival. I could only cry out: ‘Lord, there is only one person who hinders Your work, and that is me!
Please forgive me!’”

They were praying in a cowshed when they heard a noise like a great wind. “Everybody was
conscious of the presence of God. All I could do was to bow down and worship the God of Heaven.”

Then a witch, who was in charge of a training school for witches (Sagoma), came to Erlo Stegen. She
said: “I need Jesus. Can He save me? I am bound with the chains of hell. Can He break these chains?
If Jesus doesn’t save me right now, I will die today and go to hell! Pray for me, that Jesus rids me of
these evil spirits.”

Rev. Stegen and some of his co-workers began to sing hymns of victory, of the risen Christ, the
Mighty Victor who has overcome the devil, conquered sin, and death, paid the price with His own
blood! As they sang, the woman flung herself on the ground on her hands and knees and began to
move around like a wild animal. The sounds of many dogs barking from within her and a herd of pigs
grunting were heard. “We prayed: ‘O Lord set this person free!’ ‘Not by might, nor by power but by
My Spirit, says the Lord of Hosts.’ - Zechariah 4:6”

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the
rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” - Ephesians 6:12

“The moment the evil spirits left her, the expression on her face changed abruptly. She shone like a
saint who had been living in the presence of our Lord and Master for many years. With the glow of
Heaven shinning on her face and in her eyes, she cried ‘Oh how marvelous, Jesus has set me free!
Jesus has broken these chains of hell!’”

Rev. Stegen recounts that for the next months they hardly had any sleep at all as day and night they
were so busy counselling and praying for hundreds upon hundreds sick, troubled and demon
possessed people. Time and again people exclaimed, “A power within us has driven us to come here.
We can’t sleep anymore, we can’t recover our peace of mind, and all we can see is our sins!”
“Hundreds of people flocked to where we were in Mapamulo. We could go out the front door of the
building at any time of the day, any day of the week and there would be a hundred, maybe two
hundred, people standing outside. Hardened sinners would be weeping like little children. It was as if
the Day of Judgment had dawned. The conviction went so deep that some of them couldn’t believe
that Jesus could forgive them. They came with tears, and they left with joy. Their lives were changed,
and all things became new. Children were converted and parents were astounded at their change of
attitude and behaviour. Husbands and wives were astounded as their partners were transformed.
God kindled His fire and it spread through the valleys and the mountains so that thousands were
saved in one week. That happened among the Zulus. There is no limit to what God can do.”

“From that time on the Zulus no longer said that Christianity was the white man’s religion. That was
the end of that saying. They have experienced that Jesus Christ is their God too. I remember a blind
man whose eyes had suddenly been opened walking up and down shaking his head and crying out
again and again: ‘Jesus is my God! He is truly my God!’ Sick people would be brought in on stretchers
and rise and walk around…As a rule we never prayed for healing before the person involved, has
settled their spiritual lives. Divine healing always begins in the heart.” The Bible teaches us in James
5:16‘Confess your trespasses to one another and pray for one another that you may be healed.’
Healing of the soul is put first. Physical needs are secondary. Spiritual illnesses must be treated first.
To be liberated from irritation, anger, resentment, and other sins are a thousand times more
valuable than to be healed of physical ailments.”

People would come saying, “We cannot carry on living in sin. We must bring them to the light. We
need forgiveness of our sins. We cannot go home without having peace with God.”

A young Hindu woman, together with her 16-year-old daughter, came and told Rev. Stegen: “My
daughter here has been mentally handicapped since birth. Many doctors have said that she was
incurable. So, I went to the Hindu temples, but even our gods couldn’t help her. Two weeks ago, I
met a Zulu man who said to me: ‘why don’t you take your daughter to Mapamulo? There are
Christians there that serve the Lord Jesus. If you take her there, they will pray to Him, and He will
heal your daughter.’ When I heard that I said, ‘that is the God I want to serve!’ The moment I said
that my daughter was healed and in her right mind. Here she is, you can speak to her.”

The daughter spoke, “From now on, I want to serve your God, our gods failed, but your God has
healed me!” Erlo Stegen explains: “There is no God like Jesus Christ! When will the nations
acknowledge that there is no Lord but Him? The Lord of all lords, The King of all kings.”

At Tugela Ferry, an 18-year-old girl, Anagreta, who had been completely paralysed for 18 months
and who had been treated in 5 different hospitals was brought to the services. She lay, immovable,
on a stretcher. Her skin and hair were scalded from when witchdoctors fried frogs in a pan until they
were boiling hot and then put them on the girl’s head. After counselling her to repent of her sins,
Rev. Stegen prayed for her and “the bones of her body began to shake like the leaves of a tree.” She
leapt out of her bed onto her feet and started running! In an instant the Lord Jesus completely
healed this girl.

The news of this event spread like wildfire throughout the entire area. It was as if the very air was
charged with the presence of God. Anagreta was taken to Pomeroy Prison were her father worked.
He was so filled with joy to see his daughter healed and delivered.

Rev. Stegen explains: “There is no greater power than that of our Lord Jesus Christ. All power in
Heaven and on earth has been given unto Him. Go therefore and teach all missions, baptizing in the
Name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things
whatsoever I have commanded you. What a God and what a Saviour! May God grant that our lives
do not bring dishonour to His Name but are such that people may recognise that the Word of God is
the Truth!”.

For those that know me will know I have spent many years working in South Africa, as I know revival
is coming back to not only this nation, but the continent of Africa and then to the nations of the
world. We need such a conviction of sin back in the church and in our communities, where God Spirit
will arrest people and draw them to the only antidote of sin which is the blood of Jesus Christ and
that they must be truly born again. As you are joining these weekly fasting’s, it is my prayer that you
would be stirred within your spirit to cry out for more of God, as there is so much more that I truly
cannot even contain it saints any more, and know it must be getting closer and closer to Repentance
Revival hallelujah!


Let us pray saints:

1. Lord, let us know you more and seek the higher calling within our lives and Lord just as you
moved in South Africa before, may South Africa once more be ignited, and all nations set ablaze in
revival in Jesus Mighty Name.

2. Lord help us to in unity with our family, that we may serve You together in Jesus Mighty Name!

3. Lord we ask through the name of Your Son Jesus that you destroy every work of the devil
delaying the fire of repentance revival coming to our lives in Jesus mighty name!

4. Pray that God will reveal His requirements for genuine revival in your life, family, church,
community, and nation. Ask God to start that revival in your own heart and life that repentance
revival will flow.
5. Ask God what He wants you to do today to apply what He has revealed to you and run with it.
What actions will you take after this fasting day?

6. Pray for an alertness and an awakening from spiritual slumber, do that you may be ablaze. Ask
the Lord to awaken the remnant body of Christ and draw more saints into the Body of Christ.

7. Declare readiness over God’s people for radical change that will come from a powerful move of

8. Decree that lives are being characterised by an increasing hunger for a new move of God and
experience Your healing power in Jesus mighty Name!

9. Ask God to do a fresh work within our heart this weekend, that just as you moved in Ireland,
that you will start with us today and do great things in Jesus Mighty Name!

10. May revival come to each of our homes and change family members to be on fire for God in
Jesus Mighty Name!

11. Lord we pray for Pastor Robert’s Meetings scheduled in 2023, may You come and visit Your
people within those respected nations as You have promised in Jesus Mighty name!

12. Any principality in the heavenlies delaying your progress and Gods messengers be removed in
Jesus mighty name!

13. Any agent of satanic delay in my (office, home, school, place of work, city, and nation),
withholding my promotion/graduation, revival may they be completely removed and rendered
powerless in the mighty name of Jesus!

14. Father we ask that you please send angelic reinforcements from the 3rd heavens to release our
blessings and arrest all demonic hinderances in the 2nd heavens, in the mighty name of Jesus!

15. Father for my shame, troubles, and delay, I shall receive double honour, in the mighty name of
16. I refuse to give up until my testimony gives birth to many other testimonies and revival comes
to my home, church, city, and nation, in the mighty name of Jesus!

17. Lord let your Holy Spirit fire fall upon each person's home today to stir revival in the hearts of
Your remnant in Jesus Mighty Name!


Now as many of you may have heard me mention already about the 68 WhatsApp groups that we
have already started for different nations that desire Repentance Revival. See just as it takes only
just one person to change the atmosphere with prayer, it also just takes one person to put up their
hand to start a WhatsApp group for your nation. So, we are just looking for one person that is
committed to pray for your nation to see this Endtime Repentance Revival. What the purpose of
these groups will be to encourage people weekly to fast and pray and invite locals to join to stir
revival and share the content.

Therefore, as we desire to do our part and fulfilling the preaching of the gospel to all nations, we will
start this straight away. So, if you are interested in joining one of our WhatsApp groups, then feel
free to email us at repentance.revivalfire@gmail.com

Now as the Lord tarries and the mandates continue to come down, I plan to travel to nations that
desire repentance revival that have started these groups just like with South Africa and Namibia.
Therefore, as I pray the Lord will place me exactly where I need to be so revival shall come. But as
we await upon the Lord, we must prepare the ground in prayer and fasting for all nations.

I have some nations below mentioned that are already existing and just need more members to pray
for those specific nations. So, if you know someone or are interested to join then feel free.


Just get them to click this link to join the WhatsApp group:


Just get them to click this link to join the WhatsApp group:

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Just get them to click this link to join the ZIMBABWE WhatsApp group:


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Just get them to click this link to join the UGANDA WhatsApp group:


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