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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7825,853 B2

Bruce et al. (45) Date of Patent: Nov. 2, 2010
(54) MAN-PORTABLE COUNTERMIORTAR (56) References Cited
(75) Inventors: Steven E. Bruce, Liverpool, NY (US); 2,550,700 A * 5, 1951 Lancor, Jr. et al. ............ 342. 52
Thomas A. Wilson, Fayetteville, NY 2,573,682 A * 1 1/1951 Barret ... ... 342/22
(US) 3,176.302 A * 3/1965 Tipton ....... ... 343,872
3,315,257 A * 4/1967 Sauberlich . ... 342,125
(73) Assignee: Syracuse Research Corporation, North 3,417.394 A * 12, 1968 Sauberlich ................... 342. 52
Syracuse, NY (US) 3.432,853 A * 3/1969 Wise .......................... 342,187
3,745,569 A * 7/1973 Works et al. .................. 342/44
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
patent is extended or adjusted under 35
U.S.C. 154(b) by 777 days. (Continued)
(21) Appl. No.: 11/774,842 Primary Examiner Bernarr E Gregory
(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—George R. McGuire; Bond
(22) Filed: Jul. 9, 2007 Schoeneck & King, PLLC
(65) Prior Publication Data (57) ABSTRACT
US 201O/OO26552 A1 Feb. 4, 2010
The present invention is a man-portable counter-mortar radar
Related U.S. Application Data (MCMR) radar system that detects and tracks enemy mortar
projectiles in flight and calculates their point of origin (launch
(63) Continuation of application No. 11/081,043, filed on point) to enable and direct countermeasures against the mor
Mar. 15, 2005, now Pat. No. 7,248,210. tar and its personnel. In addition, MCMR may also perform
(60) Provisional application No. 60/553,262, filed on Mar. air defense Surveillance by detecting and tracking aircraft,
15, 2004. helicopters, and ground vehicles. MCMR is a man-portable
radar system that can be disassembled for transport, then
(51) Int. C. quickly assembled in the field, and provides 360-degree cov
GOIS 7/02 (2006.01) erage against an enemy mortar attack. MCMR comprises an
H01O 1/12 (2006.01) antenna for radiating the radar pulses and for receiving the
GOES 13/OO (2006.01) reflected target echoes, a transmitter that produces the radar
(52) U.S. Cl. ........................... 342/175; 342/61; 342/62: pulses to be radiated from the antenna, a receiver-processor
342/67:342/82: 342/89; 342/118; 343/702: for performing measurements (range, azimuth and elevation)
343/720; 343/872: 343/878; 343/880; 343/881; on the target echoes, associating multiple echoes to create
343/907; 343/912:343/916 target tracks, classifying the tracks as mortar projectiles, and
(58) Field of Classification Search ................... 342/21, calculating the probable location of the mortar weapon, and a
342/22, 27, 28, 42, 44, 52, 53, 59, 61-68, control and display computer that permits the operation of the
342/82–103, 118, 125, 134-144, 175, 187, radar and the display and interpretation of the processed radar
342/192-197; 343/701, 702, 711–717, 720, data.
343/872–892,907 916: 89/1.11
See application file for complete search history. 12 Claims, 18 Drawing Sheets


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US 7825,853 B2
Page 2

U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 6,917.414 B2 * 7/2005 Stierle et al. ................ 342,118

7,042,385 B1* 5/2006 Wichmann .. 342/22
4,746,867 A 5, 1988 Gunton ........................ 342/22 7,248,210 B2 * 7/2007 Bruce et al. ................. 342/175
4,820,041 A * 4, 1989 Davidson et al. .. ... 342/53
5,841,392 A * 1 1/1998 Kishimoto .................. 342,125 * cited by examiner
U.S. Patent Nov. 2, 2010 Sheet 1 of 18 US 7825,853 B2
U.S. Patent Nov. 2, 2010 Sheet 2 of 18 US 7825,853 B2

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U.S. Patent Nov. 2, 2010 Sheet 4 of 18 US 7825,853 B2
U.S. Patent Nov. 2, 2010 Sheet 5 of 18 US 7825,853 B2

Transmit Matrix Switch Assembly

Azimuth Matrix 3:1 Selector

Beanformer Switch SWitch

28A 28B FG, 5 28C

Receive Matrix Switch Assembly

3: Selector 8X8 Matrix Azimuth

Switch Switch Beamformer

30A 3OB

F.G. 6
U.S. Patent Nov. 2, 2010 Sheet 6 of 18 US 7825,853 B2


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U.S. Patent Nov. 2, 2010 Sheet 7 of 18 US 7825,853 B2


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U.S. Patent Nov. 2, 2010 Sheet 8 of 18 US 7825,853 B2
U.S. Patent Nov. 2, 2010 Sheet 9 of 18 US 7825,853 B2
U.S. Patent Nov. 2, 2010 Sheet 10 of 18 US 7825,853 B2
U.S. Patent Nov. 2, 2010 Sheet 11 of 18 US 7825,853 B2
U.S. Patent Nov. 2, 2010 Sheet 12 of 18 US 7825,853 B2
U.S. Patent Nov. 2, 2010 Sheet 13 of 18 US 7825,853 B2
U.S. Patent Nov. 2, 2010 Sheet 14 of 18 US 7825,853 B2

Tysonal NEM



6 MHz 50 MHz 462 MHZ

1862 MHZ

U.S. Patent Nov. 2, 2010 Sheet 16 of 18 US 7825,853 B2



U.S. Patent Nov. 2, 2010 Sheet 18 of 18 US 7825,853 B2
US 7,825,853 B2
1. 2
MAN-PORTABLE COUNTER MORTAR array antenna mounted on a tripod to provide 360 degrees of
RADAR SYSTEM azimuth coverage. A receiver-signal processor (RSP) unit is
interconnected to the phased array antenna and provides sig
CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED nal conversion, detection, tracking and weapon location. The
APPLICATION MCMR system is operated locally by a notebook computer.
Power for the MCMR system may be provided by vehicle
The present application is a continuation of U.S. Non auxiliary power, a small gasoline generator, or from battery
Provisional application Ser. No. 11/081,043, filed Mar. 15, depending upon the particular situation and duration of
2005, now U.S. Pat. No. 7,248,210, which claims priority to operation.
U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 60/553,262, 10 It is to be understood that both the foregoing general
filed Mar. 15, 2004. description and the following detailed description are merely
exemplary of the invention, and are intended to provide an
overview or framework for understanding the nature and
character of the invention as it is claimed. The accompanying
The present invention relates to radar systems and, more 15 drawings are included to provide a further understanding of
specifically, to a man-portable counter mortar radar (MCMR) the invention, and are incorporated in and constitute a part of
system capable of 360 degrees of coverage over extended this specification. The drawings illustrate a preferred embodi
ranges. ment of the invention, and together with the description serve
DESCRIPTION OF PRIOR ART to explain the principles and operation of the invention.
The mortar is a projectile weapon that launches explosive
shells in high trajectories to penetrate enemy revetments and
trenches and to inflict damage on enemy equipment and per The present invention will be further understood and
Sonnel. It is a light-weight, low-cost weapon, that can easily appreciated by reading the following Detailed Description in
be carried and deployed by foot soldiers. The mortar can be
25 conjunction with the accompanying drawings, in which:
operated effectively from dense cover, and can be moved FIG. 1 is an exploded perspective view of a MCMR system
quickly to different locations, to avoid counterattack. according to the present invention.
Countering a mortar attack is a difficult technical and tac FIG. 2 is a perspective cutaway of an antenna array accord
tical problem, due to the ubiquity and flexibility of the 30
ing to the present invention.
weapon. The current practice consists of deploying a large FIG.3 is a schematic of the circuitry for the electronically
and very accurate radar (for example, the United States steered antenna array according to the present invention.
AN/TPQ-36) to detect the incoming projectiles, compute FIGS. 4a and 4b are opposing side elevation views of an
their trajectory, and determine the launch point location. antenna column panel according to the present invention.
Then, an immediate counterattack can occur, using mortars or 35 FIG. 5 is a photograph of a transmit matrix Switch assem
artillery, before the enemy can move his weapon. bly according to the present invention.
Conventional counter-mortar radars are very large, vehicle FIG. 6 is a photograph of a receive matrix switch assembly
mounted systems capable of 90 degrees of coverage. Such according to the present invention.
systems employ large, high-power, precision planar array
antennas to determine accurate launch point locations at FIG. 7 is a schematic of antenna beam positions according
40 to the present invention.
extended ranges. Present mortar-locating radars are also
highly specialized to their single task, and have little capabil FIG. 8 is a graph of azimuth beam patterns according to the
ity for other useful radar functions; for example, defense present invention.
against attack by airplanes or helicopters. The radar system FIG. 9 is a graph of elevation beam patterns according to
cannot be moved quickly, thus rendering it vulnerable to 45
the present invention.
mortar attack. The radar is also sufficiently costly, in equip FIGS. 10-13 are elevation views of an MCMR at various
ment and operating personnel, that only a limited number can stages of assembly.
be assigned to any single battalion. FIG. 14 is an elevation view of a tripod according to the
OBJECTS AND ADVANTAGES present invention.
50 FIG. 15 is a perspective view of an antenna connector ring
It is a principal object and advantage of the present inven for interconnecting the antenna cylinder to the tripod.
tion to provide a portable counter mortar radar system that is FIG. 16 is a block diagram of the radar electronics that are
carried or moved with ease. housed in the antenna cylinder according to the present inven
It is an additional object and advantage of the present tion.
invention to provide a portable counter mortar system capable 55 FIG. 17 is a block diagram of a waveform generator
of 360 degrees of azimuth coverage. according to the present invention.
It is a further object and advantage of the present invention FIG. 18 is a block diagram of a receiver downconvertor
to provide a portable counter mortar system capable of mortar according to the present invention.
location to 5 kilometers with a fifty percent CEP accuracy of FIG. 19 is a block diagram of a digital signal processor
100 meters. 60
according to the present invention.
Other objects and advantages of the present invention will FIG. 20 is a block diagram of the hardware of an MCMR
in part be obvious, and in part appear hereinafter. system according the present invention.
SUMMARY OF INVENTION FIG. 21 is a block diagram of the firmware of a digital
65 signal processor according to the present invention.
The present invention comprises a man-portable counter FIG. 22 is a block diagram of software for operating a
mortar radar (MCMR) system including a cylindrical phased MCMR according to the present invention.
US 7,825,853 B2
3 4
DETAILED DESCRIPTION A diagram of 24 azimuth beams is seen in FIG. 7. The
azimuth beams extend radially outward from the central
Referring now to the drawings, wherein like numerals refer antenna cylinder 26. As shown in FIG. 7, MCMR 10 has 24
to like parts throughout, there is seen in FIG. 1 a MCMR azimuth beam positions from which the azimuth beams are
system 10 according to the present invention. MCMR system transmitted. These positions, as well as the proximal ends of
10 generally comprises an antenna 12, a laptop computer 16, the azimuth beams, are spaced apart at equidistant intervals in
and a power Supply 18. circumferential relation to the central antenna cylinder 26.
Referring to FIG. 2, antenna 12 comprises an L-band, These equidistant intervals are equal to 15 degrees, which
24-column cylindrical phased array radar mounted on a light yields 360 degrees of coverage by the azimuth beams. The
weight tripod 20. Antenna 12 scans electronically in azimuth 10 azimuth 3-db beamwidth is slightly wider at 18.7 degrees,
using an electronic matrix Switch and has a pair of fixed which accounts for the overlap of the individual azimuth
elevation beams. Both azimuth and elevation monopulse beams with other azimuth beams as shown in FIG. 7.
angle measurement is used to provide accurate three-dimen FIG. 8 depicts the transmit, receive sum, and difference
sional target coordinates (range, azimuth, and elevation). beam patterns in azimuth.
Antenna 12 is constructed of 24 radially extending antenna 15 FIG. 9 illustrates the three elevation beam patterns of
panel columns 22, spaced at fifteen degrees and mounted by antenna 12, i.e., the transmit beam, lower receive beam, and
Support rings 24 to a central antenna cylinder 26 that houses upper receive beam.
a transmit matrix assembly 28 and receive matrix switch Referring to FIGS. 10-16, antenna 12 is constructed on top
assembly 30 of which there are two, as well as a receiver 42, of tripod 20. Tripod 20 includes a tri-bracketed connector 36
digital signal processor 44, waveform generator 46, and CPU having thumb wheels for leveling antenna 12 and a boresight
48, as illustrated in FIG.16. Antenna panel columns 22 can be Scope 38 for aligning antenna 12 in azimuth.
removed and Stacked for transport, and can be quickly reas Antenna cylinder 26 is positioned on tripod 20. Two (top
sembled when the radar is deployed. and bottom) or three (top, bottom, and intermediate) levels of
Support rings 24 consisting of multiple interlocking panels
Referring to FIGS. 3 and 4, each panel column 22 is an 25 are mounted around the base, middle, for added stability if
etched Substrate containing six vertically polarized dipole needed, and top of antenna cylinder 26. As seen in FIG. 11,
elements 22a, each with a pre-selector filter, limiter, and low Support rings 24 have a series of twenty-four circumferen
noise amplifier. The six elements are combined on panel tially spaced slots 24.a for accepting a longitudinal peripheral
column 22 to form two stacked elevation beams that are offset
in elevation angle by 17 degrees. A single elevation beam is edge of panel columns 22. Panel columns 22 are then
generated on transmit, centered on the lower receive elevation
30 mounted to Support rings 24 using slots 24a. Once panel
beam. The elevation beams are independently tapered in columns are in position, a series of ground planes 32 are
amplitude and phase to reduce the below the horizon eleva positioned between adjacent columns 22 by slidingly engag
tion angle sidelobes to suppress the effects of ground-bounce ing the peripheral edges into longitudinal slots 22d. Cable
multipath. Each panel column 22 also contains a pair of connectors 22c of panel columns 22 are then engaged with
solid-state power amplifiers 22b that generate 30 Watts of
35 corresponding connectors 26a on antenna cylinder 26 to elec
peak RF power at up to a 10% duty cycle. Each power ampli trically interconnectantenna electronics of panel columns 22
fier drives three elements through an unequal split, three-way with transmit matrix switch assembly 26 and receive matrix
power divider. Panel column 22 further comprises cable con switch assembly 30 housed within antenna cylinder 26.
nectors 22c for electrical interconnection to radar electronics A Small monopole 34 may be placed over antenna 12 (on
housed in central antenna cylinder 26 and longitudinal slots
40 top of cylinder 26) to provide an omnidirectional beam used
22d formed parallel and adjacent to their respective inner for sidelobe blanking. Monopole 34 generates a hemispheri
edges. In addition, each panel 22 includes a placement pin22e cal pattern with a null at Zenith.
that engages an opening 23 formed through support rings 24 With reference to FIG. 15, an antenna connector ring 37
in axial alignment with the slots 24a to further ensure accurate may be used to interconnectantenna cylinder 26 to tri-bracket
alignment of the panels relative to cylinder 26.
45 connector 36. Connector ring 37 includes brackets 39 that
securely receive the thumbwheels of connector 36, and fur
Each of the elevation receive beam RF signals and the ther includes a circumferential sidewall 41 that envelops the
transmitter RF signal from each column are fed into a 24 to 8 lower portion of cylinder 26, and a plurality of electrical
electronic matrix that instantaneously selects an 8 column interconnects 43 and vent openings 45 for connecting cylin
sector and reorders the columns appropriately for the azimuth 50 der 26 to interface with antenna panels 22. A base plate
beam formers. For each azimuth dwell period only 8 of the 24 includes openings 49 for power cables, data cables, Ethernet
columns are active. On reception, the azimuth beam formers cables, and the like. A bubble level 51 provides visual indi
form an azimuth Sum beam and an azimuth difference beam cation of the level of MCMR System 10 relative to the ground.
with independent amplitude tapering for optimal sidelobe As shown in FIG. 16, radar electronics comprise a four
Suppression. The transmit beam is untapered in azimuth. 55 channel digital receiver 42, a digital signal processor (DSP)
Referring to FIG. 5, transmit matrix switch assembly 28 44, a coherent waveform generator 46 including local oscil
includes an azimuth beam former 28a that creates the eight lators, and a data processor or CPU 48. Waveform generator
equally weighted transmit signals that form the transmit 46 digitally generates a coherent linear FM pulse at 6 MHz IF.
beam. A matrix switch 28b provides beam steering by routing The IF waveform is up-converted to L-band using a three
the eight transmit signals to the appropriate eight antenna 60 stage up-converter. The output of waveform generator 46 is
columns 22 through a 3:1 selector switch 28c. sent to a transmit matrix module for distribution to appropri
Referring to FIG. 6, receive matrix switch assembly 30 ate antenna columns 22. A block diagram for waveform gen
works in reverse of transmit matrix 28 and routs received erator 46 is seen in FIG. 18.
signals from each of the eight active antenna columns 22 Digital receiver 42 uses a double-conversion superhetero
through 3:1 selector switch 30a and an 8x8 matrix switch 30b 65 dyne design with an output IF of 30 MHz. Receiver 42 has
to an azimuth beam former 30c. Azimuth beam former 30c four channels: low beam sum, low beam azimuth difference,
forms Sum and difference beams on receipt of signals. upper beam Sum, and omni. Receiver 42 outputs are fed into
US 7,825,853 B2
5 6
a four channel A/D converter card that directly samples the complex demodulator and pass band filter. The filter may be
four 30 MHz IF signals with an A/D converter as a sample rate changed by loading a different set of filter coefficients in a
of 24 MHz. The four channels are then converted into a configuration file. Acceptable MCMR System 10 filter char
baseband complex signal using a digital downconverter, acteristics are listed below in Table 1.
implemented in a field programmable gate array with an 5
internal clock rate of 144 MHz. The complex data is sent to TABLE 1
DSP 44 using high-speed data links. A block diagram for Parameter Value
receiver 42 is seen in FIG. 18.
Referring to FIG. 19, DSP 44 comprises three high-speed Input IF 6.0 MHz
field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). Such as a Xilink 10 Pass band O.375 MHz
Virtex-EM having more than 9 billion usable operations per Pass band weight 1.O
Pass band ripple -0.21 dB
second. Each FPGA node has 4 Mbytes of 100 MHz static Stop band 0.675 MHz
RAM. There are 50 MBPS bi-directional communication Stop band weight 2O.O
links and 50 MBPS data channel loops between each node. A Stop band ripple -60.99 dB
constant false alarm rate (CFAR) detector extracts target 15
detections from the lower sum beam while rejecting clutter Time domain correlator 52 takes the received data and
and other extraneous returns. Once a detection is declared in
the lower Sum beam, the corresponding data in the azimuth correlates it against a stored replica or the transmitted pulse,
difference beam, the upper Sum beam, and the omni channel the equivalent of using a matched filter. Because all MCMR
are used for azimuth and elevation angle determination and waveforms use linear FM coding with a 1 MHZ excursion,
for detecting side-lobe targets. All detection data are sent to this operation results in a compressed pulse width of approxi
the embedded CPU 28 for further processing. mately 1 microsecond.
Embedded CPU 48 is a single board computer that is Doppler filter (DOP) 54 is carried out using a 128 or 256
PC/104 compatible and has four serial channels, 48 digital point FFT operation. The number of points in the FFT is equal
I/O lines and 10/100 Ethernet networking capability. For 25 to the number of pulses in a radar dwell. In normal operation,
example, a WinSystems EBC-TXPLUS configured with an MCMR 10 uses 128 or 256 pulses per dwell. However, other
Intel Pentium 166 MHz processor is acceptable. CPU 48 dwell modes, such as 512 or 1024 pulses, are available for
operates the radar. For each multiple-pulse radar dwell, CPU use. The two-dimensional array of range-Doppler cell data
48 selects that azimuth beam position, chooses the waveform generated by Doppler filter 54 is stored in memory and
to be transmitted, and receives resulting detections. CPU 48 30 accessed by target detection module 56. Parameters for Dop
also processes detection data to provide range and angle pler filter 54 for three commonly used PRI dwells are listed in
sidelobe blanking, monopulse angle measurement, fine range Table 2 below.
measurement, and single scan correlation. The processed
detection data is then sent to laptop computer 16 for addi TABLE 2
tional processing and display. 35
Laptop computer 16 is used for radar control and display, PRI Number of Pulses Unambiguous Doppler Filter
as well as data processing. Embedded CPU 48 sends pro (microseconds) per dwell Velocity Bandwidth (HZ)
cessed detections to laptop 16 for processing by target track 50 128 +f-1154 156.2SO
ing Software. Target track files are maintained on all detected 50 256 +f-1154 78.125
targets. Once Sufficient track points are collected on a target, 40 1OO 256 -j-577 39.063
the data is processed by a discriminator that makes an initial
determination as to whether the target is a projectile. All Target detector 56 is accomplished by using a sliding win
targets that discriminate as projectiles are then processed by a
trajectory estimator that performs a more detailed target dis dow constant false alarm (CFAR) detector. CFAR detector
crimination function to help eliminate false launch point loca 45 options are show in Table 3 below. Detector 56 also carries out
tions from being generated. The trajectory estimator uses a bump detection in both range and Doppler to reduce the
Kalman filter technique to estimate the launch and impact number of detections caused by large targets.
points from the target track data. The target detections, track, TABLE 3
launch points, and impact points are all displayed on a PPI
display on laptop 16. 50
Parameter Options MCMR Setting
Power for MCMR system 10 may be provided by a con
ventional AC-DC power Supply 18a singularly or in conjunc Target cell position Leading, center, trailing Center
CFAR dimension Range, Doppler Range
tion with portable battery/generator 18. CFAR length 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 32
FIG. 20 illustrates the interconnection of the various hard
ware comprising MCMR 10, such as antenna columns 22, 55
laptop 16, power source (e.g., battery box) 18, and receiver Referring to FIG. 22, software installed on laptop 16 pro
signal processor 14 housed in antenna cylinder 26. Program vides radar control, data processing, information display, data
mable firmware and Software operations occur largely in digi recording, and playback capabilities. It should be understood
tal signal processor 44 and laptop 16, and are discussed in that a variety of software implementations are possible for
greater detail hereafter. 60 managing and displaying the reading obtained by MCMR10.
Referring to FIG. 21, digital signal processor 44 comprises Similarly, a variety of graphical user interfaces are possible
a series of firmware operations including a discrete Hilbert for enhancing user operation of MCMR 10. For example,
transform (DHT) 50, a time domain correlator (TDC) 52, a custom windows may be designed for the entry of radar
Doppler filter (DOP) 54, and target detection (DET) 56. parameters and controls as well as turning the radar on and
Discrete Hilbert transform performs digital down conver 65 off. Similarly, Software may provide a plan position indicator
sion and filtering. An integrated FPGA converts the digital IF (PPI) display for tracking relative motion of targets, an oscil
data to complex in-phase and quadrature data using a digital loscope display for visualizing the contents of DSP 44
US 7,825,853 B2
7 8
memory, or a waterfall display of historical parameters and 6. The portable radar of claim 1, wherein said portable
targets detected by MCMR 10. radar is powered by a power source selected from the group
What is claimed is: consisting of vehicle auxiliary power, a portable gas genera
1. A portable radar, comprising: tor, and a battery.
a housing for securely storing antenna electronic compo 7. The portable radar of claim 1, wherein said portable
nents therein, wherein said antenna electronic compo radar is operated by a laptop computer.
nents comprise a transmit matrix Switch assembly;
said transmit matrix Switch assembly comprises an azi 8. The portable radar of claim 1, further comprising a scope
muth beam former element adapted to actuate a plurality attached to said housing for aligning the radar.
of azimuth transmit beams; 10 9. The portable radar of claim 1, further comprising a first
said plurality of azimuth transmit beams collectively ring attached to said housing.
extend radially outward from said housing are in 360 10. The portable radar of claim 9, further comprising a
degree circumferential relation to said housing; and second ring attached to said housing.
a ground engaging member on which said housing is
removably mounted. 15 11. The portable radar of claim 10, wherein said housing
2. The portable radar according to claim 1, wherein said has a top end and a bottom end, said first ring is positioned
housing is cylindrical in shape. adjacent said top end, and said second ring is positioned
3. The portable radar of claim 1, wherein said predeter adjacent said bottom end.
mined radial amount is about 15 degrees. 12. The portable radar of claim 10, wherein each of said
4. The portable radar of claim 1, wherein said ground azimuth transmit beams are untapered and overlap other azi
engaging member is a tripod. muth transmit beams beyond said proximal ends of each of
5. The portable radar of claim 1, wherein said portable said azimuth transmit beams.
radar is operable to locate an incoming projectile from up to
five kilometers.

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