Exam Notes
Exam Notes
Exam Notes
• Financial asset is cash, equity instrument of another entity, contractual right to receive cash or
to exchange financial instrument under favorable conditions.
• Financial instrument is recognized only when the entity becomes a party to the contractual
provisions of the instrument.
• Financial assets are classified based on both:
(a) the entity's business model for managing financial assets; and
(b) the entity's contractual cash flow characteristics of the financial asset.
• The classifications of financial assets are:
2. FVOCI (election)
3. FVOCI (mandatory)
4. Amortized cost.
• A financial asset that is held under a "hold to collect" business model and qualifies under the
"SPPI" test is classified as subsequently measured at amortized cost.
• A financial asset that is held under a "hold to collect and sell" business model and qualifies
under the "SPPI" test is classified as subsequently measured at FVOCI (mandatory). A financial
asset that is not held under a "hold to collect" or "hold to collect and sell" business model is
classified as subsequently measured at FVPL.
• Exceptions:
1. Option to designate financial assets to be measured at FVPL if doing so significantly reduces or
eliminates "accounting mismatch."
2. Election to measure investments in equity securities that are not held for trading at FVOCI.
• Fair value is measured based on the market price in the principal market (if one exists) or in the
most advantageous market (in the absence of a principal market).
• The market price used in measuring fair value is not adjusted for any transaction costs, but is
adjusted for any transport costs.
• Hierarchy of fair value inputs:
(a) Level 1 inputs - quoted prices in active input “most reliable”
(b) Level 2 inputs - prices derived from observable data
(c) Level 3 inputs - unobservable inputs
Cash xx
Cash surrender value xx
Insurance expense / Prepaid insurance xx
Gain on life insurance (squeeze) xx