Contemporary World - Midterms
Contemporary World - Midterms
Contemporary World - Midterms
All member states (currently at 193) have seats in the GA. The
WHAT IS INTERNATIONAL Philippines played a prominent role in the GA's early years when
Filipino diplomat Carlos P. Romulo was elected GA president from
ORGANIZATION? 1949-1950.
Finally, IOs have the power to diffuse norms. Norms are accepted codes
of conduct that may not be strict law, but nevertheless produce regularity
in behavior.
IOs do not only classify and fix meanings; they also spread their ideas
across the world, thereby establishing global standards. NATIONS
Their members are, as Barnett and Finnemore emphasized, the
"missionaries" of our time. Because of these immense powers, IOs can The UN is not a world government, and it functions primarily because of
be sources of great good and great harm. voluntary cooperation from states. If states refuse to cooperate, the
influence of the UN can be severely circumscribed.
They can promote relevant norms like environmental protection and
human rights. But, like other entrenched bureaucracies, they can become The UN Security Council is tasked with authorizing international acts of
sealed-off communities that fail to challenge their beliefs. military intervention. Because of the P5's veto power, it is tough for the
council to release a formal resolution, much more implement it.
For example, the Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz
famously criticized the IMF for using a "one-size-fits-all" approach Today, a similar dynamic is evident in Syria, which is undergoing a civil
when its economists made recommendations to developing countries. war.
Russia has threatened to veto any SC resolution against Syria; thus, the Regions are a group of countries located in the same geographic
UN has done very little to stop state-sanctioned violence against location. Regionalization refers to the regional concentration of
opponents of the government. economic flows, while Regionalism is a political process characterized
by economic policy cooperation & coordination among countries.
Since Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is an ally of Russian dictator
Vladimir Putin, the latter has shied away from any policy that could Countries respond economically and politically to globalization in
weaken the legitimacy of the former. various ways. Some are large enough and have a lot of resources to
dictate how they participate in processes of global integration.
As a result, the UN is again ineffectual amid a conflict that has led to
over 220.000 people dead and 11 million displaced. China, for example, offers its cheap and huge workforce to attract
foreign businesses and expand trade with other countries.
The UN Security Council has been wrong on issues of intervention, but
it has also made right decisions. When the United States sought to Other countries make up for their small size by taking advantage of their
invade Iraq in 2001, it claimed that Iraq's Saddam Hussein had weapons strategic location. Singapore and Switzerland compensate for their lack
of mass destruction (WMD) that threatened the world. of resources by turning themselves into financial and banking hubs.
However, UN members Russia, China, and France were unconvinced Countries form regional associations for several reasons. One is for
and vetoed the UN resolution for intervention, forcing the United States military defense. The most widely known defense grouping is the North
to lead a small "coalition of the willing" with its allies. It has since been Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) formed during the Cold War
discovered that there were no weapons of mass destruction, and the when several Western European countries plus the United States agreed
invasion of Iraq has caused problems for the country and the region that to protect Europe against the threat of the Soviet Union.
last until today.
The Soviet Union responded by creating its regional alliance, the
Warsaw Pact, consisting of the Eastern European countries under Soviet
domination. The Soviet Union imploded in December 1991, but NATO
integration, it will also be hard for them to turn their backs on their
REGIONALISM Even if the UK leaves the EU it must continue to trade with its
immediate neighbors and will therefore, be forced to implement many
EU rules. None of this is to say that regional organizations will remain
The ASEAN issued its Human Rights Declaration in 2009, but the
regional body left it to member countries to apply the declaration's
principles as they see fit. The history of regionalism shows that regional associations emerge as
new global concerns arise. The future of regionalism will be contingent
Democratic rights are limited in many ASEAN countries, "new
on the immense changes in global politics that will emerge in the 21"
regionalism" organizations used this official declaration to pressure
these governments to pass laws & regulations that protect & promote
human rights.
Today, regionalism faces multiple challenges, the most serious of which
is the resurgence of militant nationalism & populism. The refusal to
dismantle NATO after the collapse of the anti-NATO rhetoric of
Vladimir Putin in Russia.
Official regional associations now cover vast swaths of the world. The
population of the countries that joined the Asia Pacific Economic
Council (APEC) alone comprised 37 the world's population in 2007.
These countries are also part of "smaller organizations that include the
Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the Shanghai Cooperation
Organization, the North American Free Trade Agreement, the Caribbean
and Pacific Group of States, and the Union of South American Nations.