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Module 3

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Module 3- Discussion 1 : UN and a single world government.

GlobalWhen scholars refer to groups like UN or like

governance refers to the various intersectingIMF, and World Bank, they usually
Contemporary Global Governance processes that create order. call them International organization. Although
international NGO's are sometimes considered,
Learning Outcomes: There are many sources of global governance.
the term commonly refers to international
States sign treaties to form organizations, in
intergovernmental organizations or groups that
1. define global governance; the process legislating public international law
are primarily made up of member states. One
( International rules that govern
2.identify the rules and functions of the Major fallacy: that they are merely
interactions of the states as opposed
United Nations; and combinations of various state interests. In
1960's-1970's- many scholars believed that
3. determine the challenges of global IO's where just venues where contradicting and
governance in the 21st Century. to, private companies). International non-sometimes intersecting agenda of countries
Internationalists like Bentham and Kant- governmental organizations (NGO), thoughwere discussed, no more than talk shops. What
imagined the possibility of global not having formal state power, canhas become more evident lately, IOs can take
governance, nothing of the sort exists lobby individual states to behave in a certain on lives of their own. Ex. IMF was able to
today. That no organization can militarily way. (Ex. International animal protection, NGO promote a certain economic orthodoxy
compel a state to obey predetermined global can pressure governments to pass animalthat stemmed mainly from the beliefs of
rules. There is, however, a regularity of cruelty laws). Powerfulprofessional economists (like
general behavior of states. They more or transnationalcorporations can also haveKeynesianism). Michael N. Barnett and Martha
less follow the global navigational routes, tremendous effects on global labor laws, Finnemore--International relations
and more often than not, respect each environmental legislation. trade policy, etc.scholars ,listed the following powers of IOs:
others territorial boundaries. Even ideas such as need for "global
democracy" or clamor for "good
They do not like when Russia invaded Crimea governance" can influence the ways
in 2014- it becomes a cause for global 1. the power of classification---because IOs can
international actors behave.
concern and debate. The fact that states in invent and apply categories. They can create
an international order continue to adhere to WHAT IS INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION? powerful global standards. Ex. It is the UN
certain global norms means that there is a High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) that
semblance of world order despite the lack of defines what a refugee is. And since states
are required to accept refugees entering regarded as experts in development and thusthe League of Nations at the end of WW2,countries
their boundaries, This power to carry some form of authority. Therefore, theythat were worried of another global war, countries
establish identity has concrete facts. can create norms regarding thepushed for another lasting international league.
2. The power to fix meanings- is a broader implementation and conceptualization of
function related to the first. Various terms development projects.
like "scrutiny" or "development" need to be Thus, the UN was created. Although it was far from
well defined. States, organizations, and Module 3-discussion 2- The United perfect, it was to be emphasized that it has so far
individuals view IOs as legitimate sources Nations achieved its primary goal: of averting another global
of information. As such, the meanings they war. so it was considered a success.
create have have effects on various Because of immense power, IOs can be sources
policies. Ex. Recently, UN has started to of great good and great harm. They can promoteThe Five active organs of the UN
define security as not just safety from relevant norms like environmental protection and 1. The General Assembly (GA)-main deliberative
military violence ,but also safety from human rights. But like otherpolicymaking and representative organ. According yo
environmental harm. entrenched bureaucracies, they can becomeUN charter, decisions on important questions, such as:
sealed off communities that fail to challenge theirpeace and security; admission of new members; and
3. The power to diffuse norms. Norms are
beliefs . budgetary matters--require 2/3rds majority of the
accepted codes of conduct that may be
General Assembly. Decision on other questions are
strict law, but nevertheless ,produce Ex. The Nobel Prize winning economist Josephdone by simple majority.
regularity in behavior. IOs do not only Stiglitz, famously criticized the IMF for using a "one
clarify and fix meanings; they also spread The GA elects GA President to serve one year term of
size fits all" approach when its economists made
their ideas across the world, thereby office. Annually, the GA elects a President. Currently,
recommendations to developing nations.
establishing global standards. Their there are 193 members states. Phil. played a prominent
members are the "missionaries" of the time. role in the GA. when Filipino Diplomat, Carlos P.
UNITED NATIONS Romulo was elected President in 1949-1950.
Their power to diffuse norms stems from
the fact that IOs are staffed with Having essential powers, limitations and2. Security Council- Although the GA has the most
independent bureaucracies , who are weaknesses of IOs, we will now focus to therepresentation in the UN, many commentators
considered experts in various fields. Ex. most prominent IO of the contemporary world, theconsider the (SC) as the most powerful. According to
World Bank economists come to be United Nations (UN). After the collapse of
UN, this body consists of 15 member states to In this sense, SC is heir to the tradition of "great
of the ICJ, but this remains subject to the P5 veto
two years term. power" diplomacy . power.
The (GA) elects the ten members in two year 3. Economic and Social Council(ECOSOC) LOCALIZING MATERIALS
term of office the other five- sometimes called the
the principal body for coordination, policy review,Fil. played significant role in the creation of human
permanent members. They are: China, France, policy dialogue and recommendations on socialrights arbitration in UN.
Russia, US and UK. This five states have been and environmental issues, as well as the
permanent members since the founding of implementation
UN, and can not be replaced through election.
of internationally agreed development goals. It has#in late 1960's the diplomat Salvador P. Laurel
The SC takes the lead in determining the 54 members elected for three year terms.violations in a country was chairman of UN
existence of a threat of peace or act of Currently, it is the UN's central platform forCommissionon Human Rights.
aggression. It calls upon the parties to a dispute discussions and sustainable development. #Lopez and some other Filipinos helped design the
to settle the act by peaceful means and system whereby any citizen of any state may petition
recommends method of adjustment or terms of 4. International Court of Justice (ICJ) the UN to look into Human Rights. That system exists
settlement. In some cases, it can resort to to settle, in accordance with international law, legaluntil today. therefore, human rights are not foreign
imposing sanctions or even utilizing the use of disputes submitted by states and give advisoryimpositions, they are part of our National Heritage.
force to maintain or restore international peace opinions referred to it by authorized UN organs
and security. Because of these powers, stakes and specialized agencies. The major cases of the5. Secretariat
can seek to intervene militarily in another to court consist of disputes between statesconsists of the Secretary-General and tens of
obtain the approval of the SC- as an immense that voluntarily submit themselves to the court forthousands of international UN staff members who
power. arbitration. carry out day- to -day task as mandated by the
Permanent 5 members (P5) because they have The court can not try individuals (internationalGeneral Assembly and the organization's other
permanent seats and because each criminal cases are heard by the Internationalpersonal organs. Members of the secretariat serve in
country holds veto power over the council's Criminal Court, which is independent of thetheir capacity as UN employees and not as state
decisions. It only take one veto vote from 5 UN),and its decision are only binding when statesrepresentatives.
members to stop a SC action dead on the tracks. have explicitly agreed to place themselves beforeCHALLENGES of the UN
the court's authority. The SC may enforce the ruling
1. The limits placed upon various organs or 1945, San Francisco, California, United
programs by the need to respect state StatesLinks to an external
sovereignty. Because UN is not a world
government, and its functions primarily because
of voluntary cooperation from states. If states 1. Global governance encompasses
refuse to cooperate, the influence of UN can be activities that transcend national
severely circumscribed. boundaries at the
EX. UN Council ON Human Rights can send international transnational, and
special rapporteurs to countries where alleged regional levels and is based on rights
human rights violations are occurring. If the
Module 3- Discussion 3: UN- and rules that are enforced through
country does not invite them, or places human
conditions on the activities, this information a combination of economic and moral
Focus on The Security Council
gathering mechanism usually fails to achieve its incentives. In other words, it is the way
goal. in which global affairs are managed as
2. Issue on Security(as the biggest challenge) -- there is no global government, global
The UN Security Council- tasked utilizing The United Nations is an governance typically involves a
international acts of military intervention. intergovernmental organization whose range of actors including states, as
Because of P5 veto power, the security council purpose is to maintain international well as regional and international
has to release formal resolution to implement. peace and security, develop
Ex. Ukraine...VS Russia at present; Iraq War - organizations.
US invade Iraq in 2001 has been mistake in friendly relations among nations,
intervention.(Saddam Hussein). To conclude-- achieve international cooperation, and Global governance brings together
Global governance is a complex issue. The UN be a center for harmonizing diverse actors to coordinate
is closest symbol to Global Governance.They the actions of nations. Wikipedia
are a group of sovereign states with their own collective action at the level of the
rationalities and agenda.
Links to an external site. October 24, planet. The goal of global
governance is roughly to provide global
public goods, particularly peace and peoples, and to take other appropriate  To help nations work together to
security, justice and mediation measures to strengthen universal improve the lives of poor people, to
systems for conflict, peace; conquer hunger, disease and
functioning markets and unified illiteracy, and to
To achieve international co-operation
standards for trade and industry. encourage respect for each other’s
in solving internationalproblems of
rights and freedoms;
2. The main function are as follows; an economic, social, cultural, or
 To be a centre for harmonizing the
humanitarian character, and in
To maintain international peace and actions of nations to achievethese
promoting and encouraging respect
security, and to that end: to take goal.
for human rights and for fundamental
effective collective measures for the
freedoms for all without distinction
prevention and removal of threats to
as to race, sex, language, or
the peace, and for the suppression of
religion; and To be a center for
acts of aggression or other breaches
harmonizing the actions of nations in The function of the united nation is
of the peace, and to bring about by
the attainment of these common
peaceful means, and in conformity  to maintain international peace and
with the principles of justice and security in accordance with the
international law,adjustment or The role of the united nation principles and purposes of the
settlement of international disputes United Nations;
is to :
or situations which might lead to a  to investigate any dispute or
breach of the peace; To develop  To keep peace throughout the situation which might lead
friendly relations among nations world; to international friction;
based on respect for the principle of  To develop friendly relations
equal rights and self-determination of among nations;
 to recommend methods of  to recommend to the General states and other actors in the
adjusting such disputes or the Assembly (Links to an external international system and are entities
terms of settlement; site.) the appointment of established by formal political
 to formulate plans for the the Secretary-General (Links to agreements between their members
establishment of a system to an external site.) and, together
that have the status of international
regulate armaments; with the Assembly,
treaties; their existence is recognized
 to determine the existence of a
3. The term intergovernmental by law in their member countries; they
threat to the peace or act
organization refers to an entity are not treated as resident
of aggression and
created by treaty, involving two or institutional units of the countries in
to recommend what action
more nations, to work in good faith, on which they are located, they are also
should be taken;
issues of common interest. In the referred to network of over 6,000
 to call on Members to apply
absence of a treaty an IGO does not (1999) concrete organizations of
economic sanctions and
exist in the legal sense. The main states (IGOs) and voluntary groups
other measures not involving the
purposes of International Organization (NGOs) who seek to attain common
use of force to prevent or stop
is to create a mechanism for the objectives by cooperating across
world’s inhabitants to work political boundaries
 to take military action against an
more successfully together in the
areas of peace and security, and
 to recommend the admission of
also to deal with economic and social
new Members;
questions International Organization
 to exercise the trusteeship
is a stable set of norms and rules
functions of the United Nations
meant to govern the behavior of
in "strategic areas";

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