Math 4 Week 6
Math 4 Week 6
Math 4 Week 6
B. Performance Is able to apply the concepts Is able to apply the concepts Is able to apply the concepts of Is able to apply the concepts Is able to apply the concepts
Standards of time, perimeter, area, and of time, perimeter, area, and time, perimeter, area, and of time, perimeter, area, and of time, perimeter, area, and
volume to mathematical volume to mathematical volume to mathematical volume to mathematical volume to mathematical
problems and real-life problems and real-life problems and real-life problems and real-life problems and real-life
situations. situations. situations. situations. situations.
C. Learning Finds the elapsed time in Finds the elapsed time in Finds the elapsed time in Finds the elapsed time in Finds the elapsed time in
Competencies/ minutes and seconds. minutes and seconds. minutes and seconds. minutes and seconds. minutes and seconds.
Objectives M4ME-IIIf-11 M4ME-IIIf-11 M4ME-IIIf-11 M4ME-IIIf-11 M4ME-IIIf-11
( Write the Lode for Estimates the duration of time Estimates the duration of Estimates the duration of time Estimates the duration of Estimates the duration of time
each) in minutes. time in minutes. in minutes. time in minutes. in minutes.
M4ME-IIIf-12 M4ME-IIIf-12 M4ME-IIIf-12 M4ME-IIIf-12 M4ME-IIIf-12
Solves problems involving Solves problems involving Solves problems involving Solves problems involving Solves problems involving
elapsed time. elapsed time. elapsed time. elapsed time. elapsed time.
M4ME-IIIg-13 M4ME-IIIg-13 M4ME-IIIg-13 M4ME-IIIg-13 M4ME-IIIg-13
II.CONTENT Finding Elapsed Time Estimating Elapsed Time Estimating Elapsed Time Solving Problems Involving
( Subject Matter) Elapsed Time
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials Modules Modules Modules Modules
from Learning
Resource LR portal
B. Other Learning Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations,
Resources pictures pictures pictures pictures
A. Reviewing previous Choose the letter of the The following items show the Round the given time in tens of Solve each problem. Write Summative Test
Lesson or presenting correct answer and write your start and end times for minutes and estimate the the number sentence and
new lesson answer in a separate sheet. particular events. Determine elapsed state the
1. The movie starts at 8:20 the elapsed time in each time. complete answer.
p.m. and is over at 10:15 p.m. item. 1. The EPP class of Mrs.
How long did it last? Fara-on started gardening at
a. 1 hour 55 minutes c. 3 hour 3:45 p.m.
45 minutes and finished at 4:20 p.m.
b. 2 hours 40 minutes d. 4 How long did they spend for
hours 30 minutes gardening?
2. I scheduled to work from 2. Teacher Elsie started
5:30 p.m. until 8:45 p.m. How telling a story to her kinder
long is my shift? pupils at
a. 3 hours 10 minutes c. 3 10:15 a.m. and finished it at
hours 55 minutes 10:35 a.m. How long is the
b. 3 hours 15minutes d. 4 story time?
hours 5 minutes 3. At 6:42 p.m., Jhonabel
3. Our flights leave at 7:30 starts answering her
a.m. and arrives in Subic assignments.
Clark at 9:40 a.m. How long She finished it at 7:10 p.m.
is our flight? How long did she answer
a. 2 hours 5 minutes c. 3 her
hours 50 minutes Assignments?
b. 2 hours 10 minutes d. 4
hours 30 minutes
4. Father started mowing the
lawn at 11:30 a.m. He was
finished at 1:20 p.m. How
long did it take to
mow the lawn?
a. 1 hour 20 minutes c. 1 hour
50 minutes
b. 1 hours 40 minutes d. 2
hour 10 minutes
5. Jim goes fishing at 8:30
a.m. He comes back at 1:05
p.m. How long was he
a. 2 hours 15minutes c. 3
hours 55 minutes
b. 3 hours 30 minutes d. 4
hours 35 minutes
B. Establishing a purpose Have you ever wondered how Do you know how to read In your previous lesson, you In your previous lesson, you
for the lesson much time you have spend in time in minutes or seconds? have learned that elapsed time have learned the different
a Reading time is necessary is the steps in solving word
certain activity? Were you for you to be able to find the duration or the length of time an problem. These are finding
able to solve for it? length of time that an event event happened. We can find what is being asked, what
Sometime we want to find out occurred. This is called elapsed time by subtracting the are given and what
the duration of an activity. We elapsed time. Elapsed time time started to the time ended. operation/s to be used to
can find the elapsed time if identifies how long you had In this lesson you will learn how solve the problem. This time,
we know the starting time and been doing an activity like to estimate the amount of time you
finishing time. In this lesson, reading, cooking, browsing spent in an event or activity. are going to use these steps
you will learn different ways the internet, cleaning, etc. to solve problems involving
on how to find the elapsed You will also learn to elapsed time.
time. estimate elapsed time in
minutes and seconds which
is an essential skill in telling
time. Real-life problems are
also presented for you to
know how important elapsed
time is.
C. Presenting examples/ Analyze the problem below. Do you make your school James walks everyday around Edith started reading her
instances of the new Kyler started answering his projects yourself with the park. This morning, he favorite book at 6:30 in the
lesson. Mathematics module at 8:30 minimal to no help from started walking at 7:12 a.m. and evening. She finished
in the morning. If he finished others? What do you do if ended at 7:48 a.m. About how reading at 7:25 in the
answering at 9:25 in the your project is difficult? Do long did he evening. How long did she
morning, how long did Kyler you submit them on time? At walk this morning? read?
answer the module? an average, how much time
How will you solve this do you spend per project.
problem? Read the problem below and
figure out how you can
estimate the answer and
determine the exact answer.
What time did James start
Steve helps his sister in walking?
making a project out of What time did he finish
walking? What time did Edith start
recycled plastic
What is being asked in the reading?
bottles. They started making
problem? What time did she finish
As shown in the number line the project at 5:32 p.m. If
Are you going to solve for the reading?
above, you will notice that they finished the project at
exact time James spent in How will you solve the
from 8:30 to 9:25 it takes 55 6:25 p.m., how long did they
walking problem?
minutes. make the project? About
how long did they make the around the park?
You can also subtract to find project? What word clue in the problem
the answer. helps you realize that your
Rename 1 hour as 60 going to look for the estimated
minutes elapsed time?
since 1 hour = 60 minutes.
Add 60 and 25 minutes.
Then, subtract.
Therefore, Kyler answered
his module for 55 minutes.
duration or length of time that
Kyler spent in answering his
modules is called elapsed
D. Discussing new • Elapsed time is the length of You can solve the problem To solve for the estimated Steps in Solving Word
concepts and practicing time when an event about the time spent by elapsed time, study the solution Problem
new skills. #1 happened i.e. from the start Steve in completing the below.
to the end. project by estimating the Understand:
• To find the elapsed time, elapsed time and finding the 1. What is asked in the
you can do the following exact elapsed time. problem?
1. Subtract the time when the Let us see if we have the 2. What are the given?
event started from the time same answer. Read and Therefore, James walked for The time Edith spent in
the event ended. follow the about 40 minutes. reading
2. Use a number line or clock presentation then let us time ended—7:25 p.m.
3. Count the number of check if you got the elapsed time started—6:30 p.m.
seconds or minutes from the time and the estimated
time the event started to the elapsed time correctly. Plan:
time the event ended. There are two questions that 3. What operation will you
we are going to answer: use?
Example 1 Question a): How long did 4. What is the number
they make the project? sentence?
We Calculate the duration or Question b): About how long Subtraction
time elapsed if we know the did they make the project? 7:25—6:30 = N
starting and finishing time. In Question 1, we need to
For example, if the bus starts find the exact elapsed time,
at 10:10 a.m. and reaches the while
school at 10:40 a.m. the time in Question 2 we will find the
taken by the bus to reach estimated elapsed time.
school is 10:10 a.m. to 10:40
a.m. which is equal to 30 Let us solve the problem by
minutes. So, the school bus answering the following
takes 30 minutes questions:
to reach the school. 1. What are asked in the
2. What are given?
3. What operation will you
Solution: use?
Subtract 10:10 a.m. from 4. What is the number
10:40 a.m. sentence?
5. How are the solutions
6. What are the answers to
the problem?
NOTE: The six questions
follow the 4-Step Plan in
Problem Solvingintroduced
in the previous modules
(Understand, Plan, Solve,
Check and Look Back).
1. What are asked in the
a. The time Steve and his
sister spent in making the
b. The estimated time Steve
and his sister spent in
the project.
2. What are given in the
ANSWERS: 5:32 p.m. –
time started
6:25 p.m. – time ended
3. What operation will you
4. What is the number
ANSWER: 6:25 – 5:32 = N
5. How are the solutions
QUESTION 1: How long did
they make the
E. Discussing new Example 2 Let me present to you two Example: Solve:
concepts and practicing Mr. Castro Left Olongapo at methods on how to find the Mariberth arrived home at 5:19 5. How is the solution done?
new skills #2. 11:10 a.m. And reached elapsed time. p.m. If she left her office at 4:40
Baguio at 12:20 p.m. How Method 1: Using Number p.m., about how many minutes
long was the trip? Line did it take her to reach home?
A. No. of learners earned
80%in the evaluation.
Prepared by:
Checked by:
Teacher III School Principal I