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Professor of TESOL
Department of English Language Education
Sebelas Maret University
Jalan Ir. Sutami No 36 A Kentingan, Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia
Mobile Phone: 62-8121502914
Email Address: jokonurkamto@gmail.com

1. Doctor of Language Education, Jakarta State University, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2000.
2. Master of Language Education, State Institute of Teacher Training and Education,
Jakarta, Indonesia, 1995.
3. Bachelor of English Language Education, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta,
Central Java, Indonesia, 1985.

1. Classroom Action Research, Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry
of Education and Culture, Bogor, Indonesia, 1998.
2. Educational Research and Development, State University of Malang, Indonesia,
February 23 – 25, 2001.
3. Reflective Practice in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
and English Language Teaching Using Multi-Media, School for International
Training (SIT), USA, June 25 – August 11, 2001.
4. Specialist Certificate in Language Curriculum and Materials Development,
SEAMEO-RELC Singapura, October 8-27, 2001.
5. Quality Assurance in Higher Education, Gajah Mada University, Indonesia, May
6 and 7, 2004.
6. Institution Accreditation for Higher Education, National Board of Accreditation
for Higher Education, August 10 – 11, 2004; October 23 – 25 Oktober, 2009.
7. TOEFL Next Generation, Indonesia International Education Foundation (IIEF)
Jakarta, Indonesia, March 2005.
8. Management of Accredited National Journal, State University of Malang,
Indonesia, 11 – 14 July 2012.
9. Management of Learning and University, The Temasek Foundation Program on
Innovations in Teaching and Learning -- Leaders Program, Nanyang
Polytechic/NYP, Singapore, 11 - 15 January 2016.


1. Language Curriculum Development
2. Teacher Professional Development


1. Secretary of the Doctorate Program, Linguistic Study Program, Postgraduate
Program at Sebelas Maret University, 2002 – 2003

2. Expert staff to the Director of the Postgraduate Program at Sebelas Maret
University, 2004
3. Head of Language Centre, Sebelas Maret University, 2004 – 2008 and 2008 – 2011
4. Head of the Education Development Institute, Sebelas Maret University, 2011 –
5. Head of Education Commission of the University Senate, Sebelas Maret
University, 2011 – 2015.
6. Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University,
2015 – 2019.
7. Head of Department of English Language Education, Post Graduate, Sebelas
Maret University, 2019 – present.


1. Facilitator for the Immersion Class Program in Junior and Senior High Schools in
Central Java, Indonesia, 2005 – 2010.
2. Facilitator for the Development of the Pilot Program for International Standard
Schools for the Central Java Region, Indonesia, 2005 – 2010.
3. Assessor for the National Board of Accreditation for Higher Education, 2005 –
4. Assessor for Lecturers’ Certification, 2008 – present.
5. President of TEFLIN (The Association for the Teaching of English as a Foreign
Language in Indonesia), 2014 - present.
6. Commissioner of the Indonesian Test Service Centre Company, 2015 – present.
7. Member of Supervisor Board, Indonesian Accreditation Board for Higher
Education, 2019 – present
8. ASIA TEFL Representative of Indonesia, 2021 - present

1. Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices of Designing Negotiated English Lesson Plans,
(623/UNS27.21/PP/2017), 2017.
2. The Development of Reading Comprehension Text using Sociocognitive
Perspective: Design-Based Research (1073 /UN27.21/PP/2017; No. 1074
/UN27.21/PM/2017; No. 1075 /UN27.21/PP/ 2017; No. 1076 /UN27.21/PM/
2017), 2017.
3. Blended Learning Model for Academic Writing (27.21/PP/2017; No. 642/
UN27.21/PM20171073 /UN27.21/PP/2017; No. 1074 /UN27.21/PM/2017
tanggal 10 April 2017), 2017.
4. The Development of Teaching Reading Model in Islamic Senior High Schools
using Sociocognitive Perspective: Design-Based Research, Batch 1,
(474/UN27.21/ PP/2018), 2018.
5. Model of English Language Teaching in Senio High Schools: TPACK Framework
(474/UN27.21/PP/2018), 2018.
6. The Development of Teaching Reading Model in Islamic Senior High Schools
using Sociocognitive Perspective: Design-Based Research, Batch 2,
(719/UN27.21/ PN/2019), 2019.

7. The Development of Teaching Reading Model in Islamic Senior High Schools
using Sociocognitive Perspective: Design-Based Research, Batch 3, 2020.


1. Language Teachers as Reflective Practitioners: Reflection as a Gateway to
Classroom Innovation, International Conference, Bandung, Indonesia, 2018.
2. Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices in Teaching Reading at Islamic Secondary
Schools in Indonesia, International Conference, Macau SAR, China, 2018.
3. Localisation of English Teaching: Needs and Challenges (Socio cognitive
Perspective), International Conference, East Lombok West Nusa Tenggara,
Indonesia, 2018.
4. Reconceptualising Teaching Method in the Disruptive Technology Era
International Conference, Banda Aceh, Indonesia, 2018.
5. Reading Course Book as a Mediational Tool to Promote EFL Students’
Competence in Text Comprehension: A Socio-Cognitive Perspective,
International Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, 2019.
6. Integrating Technology into ELT Curriculum, International Conference, Banten,
Indonesia, 2019.
7. ELT in Response to Industrial Revolution 4.0: Innovation, Challenges and
Opportunities, International Seminar, Banten, Indonesia, 2019.
8. Engaging EFL Teachers in Assessment for Learning as a Way to Promote the
Quality of Student Learning, International Conference, New Delhi, India, 2019.
9. Repositioning Methods in English Language Teaching, Online International
Conference, Indonesia, 2020.
10. EFL Teachers’ Continuous Reflective Practice on Teaching, Online International
Conference, British Council, 2020.
11. The Need for Standardization in English Tests in Indonesia, Online International
Conference, British Council, 2020.
12. The Use of CEFR as a Standard in ELT in Indonesia. Online International
Conference, Indonesia, 2020.

1. Pratama, H., Nurkamto, J., Rustono, Marmanto, S. (2017). Second language
learners' comprehension of conversational implicatures in English. 3L: Language,
Linguistics, Literature, 23 (3), 50-66.
2. Chasanatun, F., Sunardi, Nurkamto, J., Asrowi, Rochsantiningsih, D. (2017).
Book sharing: Parents’ read aloud activities in supporting emergent reading and
arts for early literacy (Second edition). Advanced Science Letters, 23 (2), 1064-
3. Sasmoko, Indrianti, Y., Khan, A., Nurkamto, J., Harsoyo, Y., Mimba, N.P.S.H.,
Suryanti, Goni, A.M. (2017). Construct theoretical: Indonesian teacher
engagement index. Man in India, 97 (19), 91-97.
4. Renandya, W.A., Hamied, F.A., Nurkamto, J. (2018). English language
proficiency in Indonesia: Issues and prospects. The Journal of ASIA TEFL, 15
(3), 618-629.

5. Mashfufah, A., Nurkamto, J., Sajidan, Wiranto (2018). Environmental literacy
among biology pre-service teachers: A pilot study. International Conference on
Science and Applied Science (Proceedings), 2014 (020040). Code 139930.
6. Nurkamto, J. (2018). Kreativitas guru dalam mentransformasikan kurikulum ke
dalam pembelajaran dengan konteks yang beragam. In Slamet Subiyantoro and
Ani Rahmawati (eds.), Kajian pembelajaran dan inovasi pendidikan, (pp. 131-
143). Surakarta: UNS Press. ISBN: 978-602-397-182-4.
7. Nurkamto, J. (2019). Integrating technology into ELT curriculum. In Yan Ardian
Subhan, Abdul Aziz, and Puri Bakthawar (eds.), The 3rd Indonesia international
conference on linguistics, language teaching, literature and culture (proceedings),
1-9. Tangerang Selatan: UNPAM Press.
8. Adnan, Suwandi, S., Nurkamto, J., Setiawan, B. (2019). Teacher competence in
authentic and integrative assessment in Indonesian language learning.
International Journal of Instruction, 12 (1), 701-716.
9. Mukhroji, M., Nurkamto, J., Subroto, H.D.E., Tarjana, S.S. (2019). Pragmatic
forces in the speech acts of EFL speakers at Kampung inggris, Indonesia. Journal
of Social Studies Education Research, 10 (1).
10. Hariyanto, Joyoatmojo, S., Nurkamto, J., Gunarhadi (2019). Developing inquiry-
based learning materials to promote students' academic achievement. International
Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 18 (1), 50-61.
11. Sulistyanto, H., Nurkamto, J., Akhyar, M., Asrowi. (2019). A review of
determining the learning style preferences by using computer-based
questionnaires on undergraduate students. Journal of Physics: Conference Series,
1175 (1). Code 148653.
12. Utama, C., Sajidan, Nurkamto, J., Wiranto (2019). Using TPACK as a
framework to analyze TLC model. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1175
(1), 0121461. Code 148653.
13. Mashfufah, A., Nurkamto, J., Sajidan, Wiranto (2019). A conceptual model of
inquiry laboratory-based ethnosocioecology. Journal of Physics: Conference
Series, 1175 (1), Article number 0121431. Code 148653.
14. Utama, C., Sajidan, Nurkamto, J., Wiranto. (2019). Investigating biology pre-
service teacher perception of general biology and digital literacy. IOP Conference
Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 243 (1), Article number 0120461. Code
15. Utama, C., Sajidan, Nurkamto, J., Wiranto (2019). A conceptual model for
electronic learning cycle on schoology. IOP Conference Series: Earth and
Environmental Science, 243 (1), Article number 0121081. Code 147380.
16. Mashfufah, A., Nurkamto, J., Sajidan, Wiranto, Novenda, I.L (2019).
Conceptual: digital book in the era of digital learning approaches (DLA). IOP
Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 43 (1), Article number
0121071. Code 147380.
17. Nurkamto, J. and Sarosa, T. (2020). Assessment for lerning dalam pembelajaran
bahasa. Teknodika 18(1), pp. 63-70. https://jurnal.uns.ac.id/Teknodika

18. Nurkamto, J. and Sarosa, T. (2020). Engaging EFL teachers in reflective practice
as a way to pursue sustained professional development. International Journal of
Pedagogy and Teaher Education (IJPTE), 4 (1), pp. 45-58.
19. Nurkamto, J. (2020). Kajian teori dalam penelitian kualitatif. In Esti Ismawati,
Indrani Dewi Anggraini, dan Hariratul Jannah (eds.), Bahan Ajar Bahasa dan
Sastra di Era Milenial, (pp. 299-322). Yogyakarta: Gambang Buku Budaya. ISBN:
978-623-7761-01-3. Website: www.penerbitgambang.com
20. Nurkamto, J. (2020). Reflective practice as a means for reframing English
language teaching in the postmethod era. In M. Zaim, Hermawati Syarif, Jufrizal,
and havid Ardi (Eds.), Ikhtiar dalam Bahasa: Pengkajian Bahasa, Sastra, Budaya
& Pengajarannya (pp. 95-103). Padang: UNP Press. ISBN: 978-602-1178-55-3.
21. Nurkamto, J. (2020). Metacognition in the teaching of reading. In D.S. Anshori,
P. Purnawan, W. Gunawan, and Y. Wirya (eds.), Language, Education, and Policy
for the Changing Society: Contemporary Theory and Research, pp. 77-89.
Bandung: UPI Press. ISBN: 978-623-7776-84-0. http://upipress.upi.edu
22. Nurkamto, J., Drajati, N. A., Ngadiso, & Karlina, Y. (2021). Teachers' beliefs and
practices in teaching reading at Islamic secondary schools in Indonesia. Indonesian
Journal of Applied Linguistics, 10(3), 667-676.
23. Nurkamto, J. (2021). What we can learn virtually: The teaching-learning
experience during the covid-19 pandemic. In Nur Hayati, Suharyadi, Sri Andreani,
& Utari Praba Astut (eds.). The Changing Face oF ELT: A Festschrift for Prof.
Ali Saukah and Prof. M. Adnan Latief, pp. 43-53. Malang: Universitas Negeri
24. Nurkamto, J. (in press). Teachers’ roles in fostering EFL learner autonomy: A
literature review. Proceedengs: Taylor and Francis.

Surakarta, March 2021

Joko Nurkamto

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