Chiaki Tanaka and Shigeho Tanaka
Chiaki Tanaka and Shigeho Tanaka
Chiaki Tanaka and Shigeho Tanaka
Abstract The purpose of the present study was to evaluate moderate-to-vigorous physical activity using triaxial accelerometry in Japanese preschool children. The relationship between daily step counts as a convenient measure of physical activity and minutes of engagement in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity was also examined. Physical activity was assessed using a triaxial accelerometer (ActivTracer, GMS) and daily steps using a uniaxial accelerometer for 6 consecutive days, including weekdays and weekend days, in 157 four- to six-year-old Japanese children attending kindergarten or nursery school. Using triaxial and uniaxial accelerometers, nonlocomotive activities and step counts for young children can be evaluated, respectively. Average daily moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (physical activity ratio 3) and step counts were 102 ( 32) min/day and 13,037 ( 2,846) steps/day, respectively. A strong and signicant correlation was observed between minutes of moderate-tovigorous physical activity and step counts (r 0.832, p 0.001). The daily step counts corresponding to 60 min, 100 min, and 120 min of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity were 9,934, 12,893, and 14,373 steps/day, respectively. The correlation coefcient between minutes of higher intensity activities (physical activity ratio 4) and step counts was slightly lower (r 0.604, p 0.001). The daily step count corresponding to 30 min of the higher intensity activities was 14,768 steps/day. These results suggest that approximately 13,000 steps/day are required for preschool children to engage in more than 100 min of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity. J Physiol Anthropol 28(6): 283288, 2009 http:// [DOI: 10.2114/jpa2.28.283] Keywords: physical activity, children, pedometer, total steps accelerometry, preschool
Physical activity (PA) guidelines for young people have been available since the 1980s. Currently, most of the PA guidelines recommend at least 60 min per day of at least moderateintensity PA (Biddle et al., 1998; National Association for Sport and Physical Education, 2002, 2004; Strong et al., 2005). Therefore, an accurate evaluation of daily PA in young children is important. The questionnaire (e.g., activity diary) and accelerometer methods are relatively noninvasive. Recently, Wareham et al. (2005) and Blair and Haskell (2006) have argued that objective measurements are necessary to accurately evaluate PA. Self-reported measures for PA are particularly difcult in young children, because the questionnaire is subjective and the measures for PA depend on the observer. An objective measurement approach using an accelerometer avoids these limitations, and an accelerometer can be used to predict energy expenditure and to classify levels of PA (Chen and Bassett, 2005; Freedson et al., 2005; Matthews, 2005; Treuth et al., 2004). Accelerometers may be particularly useful for measuring physical activity in preschool-aged children, because they are not usually engaged in prolonged exercise. Validation studies of accelerometers have been performed in preschool children (Pate et al., 2006; Pfeiffer et al., 2006; Reilly et al., 2003; Sirard et al., 2005; Tanaka et al., 2007a, b). Moreover, Eston et al. (1998) showed that three-dimensional accelerometers may provide a better evaluation of childrens free-play activities than uniaxial accelerometers. One of the reasons is that movement within the anteroposterior plane as measured with triaxial accelerometry is the main component of physical activity of typical children (mean age 9.2 / 0.8 yr). Moreover, Oliver et al. (2007) pointed out that preschoolers participate in activities that require less vertical movement and more omnidirectional movement. Thus, triaxial accelerometers may capture total body movement better than uniaxial devices
(Chen and Bassett, 2005; Matthews, 2005). However, little data on PA intensity, especially in preschool-aged children in freeliving conditions, has been obtained using triaxial accelerometers (see reviews by Oliver et al. (2007) and Hinkley et al. (2008)). In addition, a recent study of ours has shown that discrimination between ambulation and play in preschool children (e.g., ball tossing) using a triaxial accelerometer (ActivTracer, GMS) contributes to better evaluation of PA intensity (Tanaka et al., 2007a). Similar results were reported in adults (Midorikawa et al., 2007). These studies suggest that relationships between PA intensity and acceleration counts are different between locomotion and the other types of PA, and that previous studies (even with a triaxial accelerometer) did not assess types of PA other than locomotion. However, the ActivTracer is expensive (about $2,000 (USD)) and does not have specic software to calculate energy expenditure for evaluating PA. Thus, for research studies with large sample sizes, more convenient devices such as pedometers are more useful than the triaxial accelerometer, although pedometers cannot evaluate levels of PA. Two recommendations for the average daily number of steps have been suggested for elementary school-aged children (Tudor-Locke et al., 2004; Vincent and Pangrazi, 2002). Vincent and Pangrazi (2002) recommended 13,000 steps/day for boys and 11,000 steps/day for girls. Tudor-Locke et al. (2004, 2008) recommended 15,000 and 12,000 steps/day, respectively. Eisenmann et al. (2007) examined the utility of these recommendations in predicting childhood adiposity. They found that the likelihood of being classied as overweight was greater for subjects who did not meet the recommendation for steps per day than for those who did meet it. Locomotion is one of the important parts of PA in freeliving conditions and daily step counts have been used as an index of PA in many studies. However, data on daily PA and total steps in representative samples of preschool-aged children using the accelerometer remain insufcient, particularly for Japanese (Cardon and De Bourdeaudhuij, 2007; Fisher et al., 2005; Jackson et al., 2003; Montgomery et al., 2004; Pate et al., 2004), and data on the relationship between total steps and minutes of engagement in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA), except for data reported by Cardon and De Bourdeaudhuij (2007), are lacking. Cardon and De Bourdeaudhuij (2007) found a relatively strong correlation (r 0.73) between daily step counts and minutes of engagement in MVPA using a uniaxial accelerometer (MTI Actigraph) in 4- and 5-year-old children. However, accelerometers with a single regression equation based on locomotive activity underestimate the energy expenditure of nonlocomotive activities in adults (Matthews, 2005) and young children (Tanaka et al., 2007a). Unlike adults, children engage in types of PA other than locomotion (Oliver et al., 2007). Therefore, the present study used a vertical/horizontal counts ratio as a classication criterion and to discriminate between different types of medium-intensity activities including walking and nonlocomotive activities (Tanaka et al., 2007a).
The purposes of this study were 1) to describe the patterns of PA classied according to intensity using a triaxial accelerometer (ActivTracer, GMS), which can discriminate locomotive from nonlocomotive activities, and 2) to measure total daily number of steps using uniaxial accelerometry (Lifecorder EX, Suzuken) in Japanese preschool children. We also examined the relationship of daily step counts (a simple method for measuring PA) to minutes of engagement in MVPA.
Methods Subjects
The subjects were 212 four- to six-year-old Japanese preschool children (85 girls and 127 boys; mean age 5.8 0.6 years, range 4.56.8 years), living in the Tokyo metropolitan area and attending kindergarten or nursery school. All of the subjects reported being in good health, without any anamnesis of conditions affecting energy expenditure, such as abnormal thyroid gland function. Informed consent was obtained from a parent, and the Ethical Committee of J. F. Oberlin University approved the study protocol.
(between 130 and 600 mG), classication criteria using the vertical/horizontal counts ratio (as previously described) were used to discriminate different types of medium-intensity activities, because the PAR for some medium-intensity activities (i.e., non-locomotive activities) are underestimated (Tanaka et al., 2007a): The vertical/horizontal ratio for 1) walking is 1.19 and for 2) nonlocomotive activities, 1.19. Furthermore, daily step counts were evaluated using a Lifecorder EX. With this device, if the second step is not recognized within 1.5 seconds, the rst step is not counted.
Average number of weekday and weekend minutes spent in MVPA (PAR 3), PAR 4, and medium-intensity activities, number of steps, and physical activity level (PAL; total energy expenditure/basal metabolic rate) were calculated for each individual, and then the average weekly values were calculated by weighting for 5 weekdays and 2 weekend days. The relationship between the two variables was evaluated by Pearsons correlation and a linear regression model. A Students t-test was carried out to assess the inuence of gender. All results are shown as the mean standard deviation (SD). Statistical analyses were performed with SPSS version 15.0J for Windows (SPSS Inc, Japan, Tokyo). All statistical tests were regarded as signicant when the p-values were less than 0.05.
respectively. One girl was obese. Morphological variables did not show a gender difference. Times in MVPA and PAR 4, step counts, and PAL are shown in Table 2. All values for boys were signicantly higher than those for girls. The daily step counts of subjects in the present study were normal based on the step count cutoff values suggested by Tudor-Locke et al. (2008). Figures 1 and 2 show the relationship between MVPA minutes or minutes of PAR 4 and step counts. Strong signicant correlations were observed between MVPA minutes and step counts (r 0.833, p 0.001). The daily step counts corresponding to 60 min, 100 min, and 120 min of MVPA were 9,934, 12,893, and 14,373 steps, respectively, and 92.4%,
The physical characteristics of the subjects are shown in Table 1. Most of the subjects in the present study were of normal weight. The numbers of overweight girls and boys based on body mass index (Cole et al., 2000) were 2 and 5,
Table 1 Physical characteristics of subjects All subjects (n 157) Mean SD 5.9 0.5 112.0 5.6 19.0 2.8 15.1 1.3 Girls (n 69) Mean SD 5.9 0.5 112.3 4.7 18.9 2.6 15.0 1.4 Boys (n 88) Mean SD 5.9 0.5 111.8 6.2 19.0 3.0 15.1 1.2
Fig. 1 Relationship between minutes engaged in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (PAR 3) and daily step counts.
Age (yr) Height (cm) Weight (kg) Body mass index (kg/m2)
4 activity and
Table 2
Characteristics of daily physical activity All subjects (n 157) Mean SD 102.0 19.9 13037 1.54 32.0 10.1 2846 0.08 Girls (n 69) Mean SD 88.8 16.4 12255 1.51 28.9 9.0 2823 0.07 Boys (n 88) Mean SD 112.3 22.6 13650 1.55 30.7* 10.1* 2726* 0.08*
Activity Time in MVPA (min/day) Time in PAR 4 (min/day) Step counts (counts/day) PAL
MVPA: moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, PAR: physical activity ratio, PAL: physical activity level, *: girls vs boys p 0.05.
51.6%, and 27.4% of the children attained these levels of MVPA, respectively. Furthermore, a signicant correlation was also observed between minutes of PAR 4 and step counts (r 0.604, p 0.001). The daily step count corresponding to 30 min of PAR 4 activity (engaged in by 12.7% of the children) was 14,768 steps. When synthetic activity counts corresponding to medium-intensity activity (between 130 and 600 mG) were obtained, the amount of time spent in walkingtype and nonlocomotive-type activities was 74 41 min/day and 167 47 min/day, respectively.
sensitive enough to pick up short bursts of vigorous activity (Nilsson et al., 2002). As Freedson et al. (2005) pointed out, a major and as yet unresolved problem of comparing studies is the lack of a consensus on how the activity intensity cutoff points are dened. Our previous study showed that linear and nonlinear regression equations using vertical acceleration counts overestimated PAR for very low-intensity activities and underestimated PAR for nonlocomotive activities (such as ball tossing and stair climbing) more than the other models for preschool-aged children (Tanaka et al., 2007a). However, all models underestimated PAR while ball tossing and stair climbing to the same degree. Therefore, an additional analysis was applied in the present study to distinguish these activities from walking. The results show that the present subjects were engaged in walking-type activities for 74 41 min/day and in nonlocomotive-type activities for 167 47 min/day. Thus, adjustment of the values predicted by the regression equations using the vertical/horizontal counts ratio improved the underestimation of PAR for nonlocomotive activities such as ball tossing. The obtained average percentage difference was improved from 32.1 18.9% to 4.7 15.5%. The results also suggest that the previous algorithms for evaluation of PA intensity using accelerometers may lead to erroneous estimations of PA intensities. In addition, some of the previous studies (Montgomery et al., 2004, Reilly et al., 2004) were based on cutoff values applied to accelerometer output that was validated against direct observation in 3- to 5-year-olds (Reilly et al., 2003; Sirard et al., 2005). Therefore, the difference in daily time spent in MVPA between our data and previous studies might be explained by different cutoff points and algorithms.
Relationship between period of engagement in moderate-tovigorous physical activity and daily step counts
The average daily step count in the present study was 13,037 2,846 steps/day in 4- to 6-year-old children. On the other hand, Cardon and De Bourdeaudhuij (2007) reported that the average daily step count in 4- to 5-year-olds was 9,980 2,605 steps/day, and concluded that daily step counts in preschool-aged children were low. There are two recommendations regarding the number of steps per day for elementary school children (Tudor-Locke et al., 2004; Vincent and Pangrazi, 2002). Vincent and Pangrazi (2002) recommended 11,000 steps/day for girls and 13,000 steps/day for boys. Tudor-Locke et al. (2004) recommended 12,000 and 15,000 steps/day, respectively. The average values of the present study were similar to all recommended values, except the value for boys recommended by Tudor-Locke. Nakae et al. (2008) recently reported that a spring-levered pedometer underestimates step counts at the slow and normal paces of young children by more than 20%, whereas piezo-electric pedometers are much more accurate. Cardon and De Bourdeaudhuij (2007) used a spring-levered pedometer (Yamax Digiwalker) while we used a piezo-electric pedometer
(Lifecorder EX), which may be the main reason for the considerably different average step counts. Thus, the average step counts for preschool-aged children might be higher than that measured by the previous study (Cardon and De Bourdeaudhuij, 2007). Locomotion comprises one of the important parts of physical activity in free-living conditions, and daily step counts have been used as an index of physical activity in many studies. However, the relationship between daily step counts and MVPA engagement time has not been examined except by Cardon and De Bourdeaudhuij (2007). In the present study, a strong and signicant correlation was observed between minutes of MVPA and step counts (r 0.833, p 0.001). The daily step counts in 60 min, 100 min, and 120 min of moderateto-vigorous physical activity were 9,934, 12,893, and 14,373 steps, respectively, and 92.4%, 51.6%, and 27.4% of the children attained these step count levels, respectively. The relationship between minutes of MVPA and step counts was in agreement with the results reported by Cardon and De Bourdeaudhuij (2007) (r 0.73, p 0.001). However, only 8% of their subjects reached the daily step count level corresponding to 60 min of MVPA per day. Thus, the percentage of children achieving this level was higher in the present study than in their study. Though differences in categorization of moderate-intensity activities might inuence the results, both studies categorized, as similar, activities with the same intensity level; namely, they also categorized brisk walking as a moderate-intensity activity. The present study categorized brisk walking as a moderate-intensity activity because our previous study revealed that the PAR for normalspeed walking in 6-year-olds was 2.60 0.49 (Tanaka et al., 2007a). However, other differences in cutoff points might help explain the disparate results. A signicant correlation was also observed between minutes of PAR 4 and step counts (r 0.604, p 0.001), and 12.7% of the children engaged in 30 min or more of PAR 4 activity. The correlation coefcient was slightly lower than that for PAR 3. Because the PAR for normal walking is 2.60 0.49 (Tanaka et al., 2007a), it is estimated that PAR 4 activities such as very brisk walking and running comprised a small percentage of overall locomotion, which may be the main reason for the weaker correlation. Thus, total number of steps may be a good index for moderate-intensity PA, though not for relatively high-intensity PA. The estimated average time engaged in locomotion was 106 min, as calculated by average daily step counts in the present study (13,037 steps) and by the average step rate (122.7 steps/min) in our calibration study (Tanaka et al., 2007b). However, the percentage of time in nonlocomotive type activities was much larger than that spent in walking type activities, in the range of synthetic activity counts corresponding to medium-intensity activity. In addition, only brisk (but not normal) walking and running are included in MVPA, judging from the average PAR for normal walking in the calibration study (Tanaka et al., 2007a). Therefore, it
should be noted that less than half of the 106 min was spent in MVPA in the present study. Nevertheless, the average amount of time engaged in MVPA as measured by triaxial accelerometry was almost 100 min and was strongly correlated with total daily number of steps. These results indicate that young children who engage in a substantial amount of MVPA have high daily step counts, even though prolonged locomotion does not comprise a large part of total MVPA. In conclusion, this study suggests that daily step counts give valid information on daily physical activity for preschool-aged children. These children need to take 12,893 steps/day to attain the recommended 100 min/day of MVPA or 14,758 steps/day to attain 30 min/day of PAR 4 activity. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the subjects, their parents, and the staff of the participating kindergartens and nursery schools for their cooperation in this study. We also wish to thank Mr. Sho Izumida for his help with the experiments. This work was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (to C. Tanaka) and by a Sports Medicine and Science Research grant from the Japan Sports Association (to S. Tanaka).
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