Sentinel Event Policy
Sentinel Event Policy
Sentinel Event Policy
Health Authority – Regulatory (DHAR), and to minimize reoccurrence when sentinel events
2- Applicable To:
2.1 This policy is applicable to all Dubai Health Authority (DHA) Licensed Healthcare Operators
and Healthcare Professionals who experience serious patient incidents, including those that
result in an unanticipated death or major permanent loss of limb or function, not related to
3.1 All Healthcare Operators in DHA are required to report Sentinel Events to the Quality
Improvement Department within twenty four (24) hours of the event occurring in accordance to
the procedures described in this policy.
3.2 This policy is established to:
3.2.1 Have a positive impact in improving patient care, treatment and services, and preventing
sentinel events.
3.2.2 Focus the attention of an organization that has experienced a sentinel event on
understanding the causes that underlie the event, and on changing the organization’s systems and
processes to reduce the probability of such an event in the future.
3.2.3 Increase general knowledge about sentinel events, their causes and strategies for
3.2.4 Provide a structured and process-focused framework with which to approach sentinel
events analysis.
3.3 The Healthcare Operator is responsible for reporting the event to the Quality Improvement
Department, and implement any recommendations provided by the Quality Council.
3.4 The Quality Improvement Department is responsible to ensure that sentinel events are reported,
conduct an on-site visit following a sentinel event, and communicate the incident to the Quality
Policy and Procedure – SENTINEL EVENT
prevent or minimize reoccurrence of a sentinel event.
6- Appendices:
7- Reference:
7.1 Joint Commission International Accreditation Standards for Ambulatory Care, 4th Edition
(Effective 1 July 2019)
7.2 Root Cause Analysis in Health Care. Tools and Techniques. Joint Commission on Accreditation of
Healthcare Organizations, Third Edition, 2005.
7.3 What Every Health Care Organization Should Know About Sentinel Events. Joint Commission on
Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, Third Edition, 2005.
7.4 DHCA Governing Regulation No. 1 of 2013.
Policy and Procedure – SENTINEL EVENT
Appendix 1
DHA Outpatient Clinic Sentinel Event Reporting Form
Event Type
☐ An unanticipated death that is unrelated to the natural course of the patient’s illness or underlying
condition (for example, death from a postoperative infection or a health care–associated infection)
☐ Major permanent loss of function unrelated to the patient’s natural course of illness or underlying condition
☐ Wrong-site, wrong-procedure, wrong-patient surgery, wrong side of the body, or wrong organ
☐ Transmission of a chronic or fatal disease or illness as a result of infusing blood or blood products or
transplanting contaminated organs or tissues
☐ Rape, workplace violence such as assault (leading to death or permanent loss of function), or homicide
(Wilful killing) of a patient, staff member, practitioner, medical student, trainee, visitor, or vendor while on
organization property
☐ Medication error resulting in patient death, paralysis, coma, or other major permanent loss of function
☐ Anaesthesia-related event resulting in patient death, paralysis, coma, or other major permanent loss of function
☐ Suicide / Suicide of a patient in a setting where the patient is housed around-the-clock, or suicide
following elopement (unauthorized departure) from such a setting
☐ Patient fall that results in patient death, paralysis, coma or other major permanent loss of function as a direct
result of the injuries sustained in the fall
Policy and Procedure – SENTINEL EVENT
☐ Infection-related event resulting in patient death, paralysis, coma, or other major permanent loss of
☐ Delay in treatment resulting in patient death, paralysis, coma, or other major permanent loss of function
☐ Use of restraints resulting in patient death, paralysis, coma, major permanent loss of function, or injury
☐ Medical equipment / ventilator-related malfunction or misuse resulting in patient death, paralysis, coma,
or other major permanent loss of function
☐ Op/post-op complication resulting in patient death, paralysis, coma, or other major permanent loss of
☐ Utility systems (electricity, water, gas) related event resulting in patient death, paralysis, coma, or other
major permanent loss of function
☐ Other event resulting in unanticipated patient death, paralysis, coma, or other major permanent loss of
function (unrelated to the natural course of the patient’s illness or underlying condition)
Summary of event: (Please describe the event. Do not include the name(s) of staff, patient(s), or other individual(s)
involved in the event)
Policy and Procedure – SENTINEL EVENT
E-mail Address:
Signature (dd/mm/yyyy):
Please deliver this completed, signed DHCC Sentinel Event Reporting Form to the Quality Improvement Department
(QID) at Dubai Healthcare City Authority Regulatory (DHCR) within 24 hours of the event occurrence.
HCO commences thorough review of
the incident to why and how the QID makes onsite visit to HCO facility, provides recommendations
sentinel event occurred and develops for immediate preventive actions if required and generate a
the action to minimize the summary report of the event
reoccurrence in future
QID communicates event to the Department Director who then
communicates to CEO of DHCR