The Water and Uid-Mobile Element Cycles During Serpentinite Subduction. A Review
The Water and Uid-Mobile Element Cycles During Serpentinite Subduction. A Review
The Water and Uid-Mobile Element Cycles During Serpentinite Subduction. A Review
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Ambiente e Vita, Università di Genova, Europa 26, 16132 Genova, Italy
*Corresponding author, e-mail:
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra “A. Desio”, Università di Milano, Via S. Botticelli 23, 20133 Milano, Italy
Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse, CNR, Via G. Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa, Italy
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e dell’Ambiente, Università di Pavia, Via A. Ferrata 1, 27100 Pavia, Italy
Abstract: The key role of serpentinites in the global cycles of volatiles, halogens and fluid-mobile elements in oceans and in
subduction zones is now ascertained by many studies quantifying their element budgets and the composition of fluids they release
during subduction. Geochemical tracers (e.g. B, As, Sb; stable B and radiogenic Sr and Pb isotopes) have also been employed to
trace the provenance of serpentinites (slab or forearc mantle?) accreted to the plate interface of fossil subduction zones. In turn, this
helps defining the tectonic processes, seismicity and mass transfer attending rock burial and exhumation within subduction zones.
The results suggest that the sole use of geochemical data is insufficient to track the origin of subduction-zone serpentinites and the
timing of serpentinization, whether oceanic or subduction-related. Integrated multidisciplinary studies of ophiolitic serpentinites
show that pristine, oceanic, geochemical imprints (e.g. high 11B, marine Sr isotopes, low As + Sb) become reset towards more
radiogenic Sr, lower 11B, and higher As + Sb via metasomatic exchange with crust-derived fluids during subduction accretion to the
plate interface.The dehydration fluids released by serpentinite dehydration at various subduction stages and still preserved in these
rocks as inclusions, carry significant amounts of halogens and fluid-mobile elements. The key compositional similarities of
antigorite-breakdown fluids from different localities (Betic Cordillera, Spain; Central Alps, Switzerland) indicate that rocks record
comparable subduction processes. We individuate the fluid-mediated exchange with sedimentary and/or crustal reservoirs during
subduction as the key mechanism for geochemical hybridization of serpentinite. The antigorite dehydration fluids produced by
hybrid serpentinites have high Cs, Rb, Ba, B, Pb, As, Sb and Li overlapping those of the arc lavas and representing the mixed
serpentinite–sediment (crustal) component released to arcs. This helps discriminating the mass transfer processes responsible for
supra-subduction mantle metasomatism and arc magmatism. The studied plate-interface hybrid serpentinites are also proxies of
forearc mantle metasomatized by slab fluids. Based on the above observations, we propose that the mass transfer from slabs to plate
interface and/or forearc mantle and the subsequent down-drag of this altered mantle to subarc depths potentially is a major process
operating in subduction zones.The nominally anhydrous olivine, orhopyroxene, clinopyroxene and garnet produced by serpentinite
dehydration host appreciable amounts of halogens and fluid-mobile elements that can be recycled in the deep mantle beyond arcs.
Involvement of de-serpentinized residues in lower mantle metasomatism begins to be increasingly recognized by studies of ocean
island basalts (OIB) and of B-bearing blue diamonds and by the isotopic serpentinite compositions presented here.
Key-words: serpentinite; dehydration; geochemistry; subduction; water-rock interaction; water cycle; boron; halogen; fluid-mobile
Ménez et al., 2012; McCollom & Seewald, 2013). Reason- exhumation tectonics and to geochemical recycling of
ably, the chemical reactions enabling serpentinization and volatile and fluid-mobile elements (FME; e.g. B, As, Sb,
de-serpentinization processes are the most important ones Pb) (Hermann et al., 2000; Schwartz et al., 2001; Gerya
in solid Earth. et al., 2002; Rüpke et al., 2004; Scambelluri et al., 2004a,
Serpentinite attracted the attention of early 20th century b; Marschall et al., 2006; Bonifacie et al., 2008; Faccenda
geologists (Staub, 1922; Hess, 1955; De Roever, 1957; et al., 2008, 2012; Healy et al., 2009; Barnes & Straub,
Bernoulli et al., 2003; Moores, 2011) and of pioneering 2010; John et al., 2011; Kendrick et al., 2011; Scambelluri
experimental petrologists, who investigated their role in oro- & Tonarini, 2012; Marschall & Schumacher, 2012;
genesis (Bowen & Tuttle, 1949; Raleigh & Paterson, 1965; Deschamps et al., 2013; Reynard, 2013).
Scarfe & Wyllie, 1967). Intensive research on serpentinite In the petrologic and geochemical perspective, serpen-
began in the mid-90s, when its abundance in oceans and its tinites are major repositories of water, halogens, FMEs
ability to trap and transfer volatiles to arcs was established and noble gases acquired during oceanic alteration and by
by ocean drilling, experimental and field-based studies interaction with subduction fluids (Straub & Layne, 2003;
(Cannat et al., 1995; Ulmer & Trommsdorff, 1995; Scambelluri et al., 2004a, b; Barnes & Straub, 2010;
Scambelluri et al., 1995). Before these studies, serpentinites Kodolányi et al., 2012; Kendrick et al., 2013; Cannaò
were poorly considered and much work was addressed on et al., 2016; Barnes et al., 2018). Once stored in serpentinite,
fresh mantle rocks and on deeply subducted coesite- and dia- these elements are released by prograde dehydration reac-
mond-bearing ultrahigh-pressure rocks (Chopin, 2003). Nev- tions (Hattori & Guillot, 2003; Kendrick et al., 2011;
ertheless, earlier seminal research pointed out the importance Kodolányi & Pettke, 2011; John et al., 2011; Deschamps
of serpentinite by documenting: (i) its widespread occurrence et al., 2013; Scambelluri et al., 2015a). In this respect, the
in oceans (Bonatti, 1976); (ii) the genesis of eclogite-facies role of serpentinite in recycling FME during subduction is
meta-peridotites by serpentinite dehydration (Evans & debated. Sediments and altered oceanic crust are identified
Trommsdorff, 1978); (iii) the potential role of serpentinized as prime reservoirs for incompatible element delivery to arcs
forearc mantle in transferring to subarc water and fluid- (Plank & Langmuir, 1993; Plank, 2014; Staudigel, 2014):
mobile elements found in arc lavas (Tatsumi, 1986). The it was also proposed that de-serpentinization fluids boost
Evans & Trommsdorff (1978) study is relevant to the present the wet melting of metasediments and the release of incom-
review, as it was the first to address the key role of serpen- patible element by such rocks (Hermann et al., 2006;
tinite dehydration in the subduction-zone water cycle. Spandler & Pirard, 2013). Alternatively, shallow slab dehy-
In the last two decades, ocean-drilling programs increas- dration and sediment compaction can be accompanied by
ingly documented ultramafic exposures in (i) slow- and infiltration of crust-derived FME-rich fluids into the forearc
ultraslow-spreading oceans (Fig. 1a) (Dick et al., 2003; mantle or in plate interface domains, facilitating peridotite
Ildefonse et al., 2007), in (ii) faults cutting the bending sub- hydration and metasomatism. Down-drag of this hydrated-
ducting plates at outer rises (Fig. 1b) and in (iii) the shallow metasomatized forearc mantle with the subducted litho-
forearc mantle (Ranero et al., 2003; Alt & Shanks, 2006; sphere, or the diapiric ascent of buoyant inter-plate mél-
Faccenda et al., 2008). Deeper down in subduction zones, anges, transport the FME-enriched reservoirs into the
variations in P and S wave velocities and low VP/VS ratios sources of arc-magmas (e.g. Tatsumi, 1986; Hyndman &
of km-thick low-velocity zones located in-between the con- Peacock, 2003; Savov et al., 2005a, 2007; Gerya et al.,
verging plates have suggested the extensive serpentinization 2006; Marschall & Schumacher, 2012; Ryan & Chauvel,
of the subducting plate and of deep levels of the forearc 2014; Nielsen & Marschall, 2017; Ribeiro & Lee, 2017).
mantle (Peacock, 1993; Bostock et al., 2002; Van Keken The serpentinite capability of recording multiple interaction
et al., 2002; Van Keken, 2003; Savov et al., 2005b). An events with external fluids, as evidenced by increasing FME
overview of serpentinite occurrence is reported in Fig. 1. budgets and partial to complete reset of their isotopic
Great relevance is now given to the subduction plate inter- signatures (Sr, Pb, O, Cl, B) makes this rock-type helpful
face (Fig. 1c) where deformation, fluid and mass flow are to trace element recycling into the mantle and to unravel
channelized, and the buoyant uplift of high- (HP) and ultra- the evolution of exhumed HP–UHP terrains (Deschamps
high-pressure (UHP) rocks occurs (Hermann et al., 2000; et al., 2010; Barnes et al., 2014; Cannaò et al., 2015,
Schwartz et al., 2001; Gerya et al., 2002; Hyndman & 2016; Scambelluri et al., 2015b).
Peacock, 2003; Bebout, 2007; Angiboust et al., 2012; To test serpentinites as tracers of fluid activity in subduc-
Cannaò et al., 2016; Bebout & Penniston-Dorland, 2016; tion zones and to define their role in subduction interface
Sievers et al., 2017). In such environments serpentinite settings, here we review the occurrence, phase relations
can: (i) be part of tectonic mélanges atop the slab (Bebout, and composition of serpentinites from key geodynamic set-
2007); (ii) be the main lithology in kilometric slices of ocea- tings, completing this view with FME and B, Sr, Pb isotope
nic lithosphere detached from subducting slabs (Garrido analyses of Alpine HP–UHP serpentinites and of their dehy-
et al., 2005; Angiboust et al., 2012); (iii) derive from hydra- dration products (meta-peridotite). We focus on the role of
tion of forearc mantle (Fig. 1c) (Bostock et al., 2002). Along these rocks and of related serpentine breakdown fluids to
with these discoveries, several works documented and envisage their contribution to metasomatic refertilization of
modelled the serpentinite contribution to subduction and the Earth’s mantle.
Water and fluid-mobile elements in subducting serpentinite 407
Fig. 1. General sketch showing the three main environments for serpentinite occurrence: (a) mid-ocean spreading ridges having different
lithospheric structure depending on the fast (left column) versus slow-ultraslow (right column) spreading rate (after Dick et al., 2006);
(b) bend faults and forearc mantle (modified after Deschamps et al., 2011); (c) subduction plate interface (modified after Guillot et al., 2015).
2. Serpentinite occurrence in modern and the gabbroic crust can be limited to kilometre-sized
geodynamic settings bodies intruding the mantle. In ridge and off-ridge domains
of slow-spreading oceans, seafloor exposure of serpentinized
Serpentinites occur at all plate margins: passive, divergent, mantle can be as high as 25% of the surface area (Cannat
convergent and transform (Guillot et al., 2015). Extensional et al., 1995). Seawater-peridotite interaction in such settings
tectonics drives the near-surface exposure of the lithospheric leads also to carbonation, especially along detachment
mantle and enables low-temperature hydration of mantle faults exhuming the deep oceanic crust to seafloorlevel
peridotites by infiltrating ocean water. In subduction zones, (Früh-Green et al., 2003; Kelley et al., 2005).
large slices of serpentinized oceanic mantle can accrete to The thick, fast-spreading oceanic crust prevents deep sea-
the boundaries between converging plates (Angiboust water infiltration and mantle serpentinization. Consequently,
et al., 2012; Cannaò et al., 2016): this, together with forearc the presently subducted oceanic mantle is a preserved one,
mantle hydration by uprising slab fluids, makes serpentinite largely geochemically unaltered during drifting. Nonethe-
a main lithology affecting behaviour of the subduction inter- less, bending of subducting plates at trenches causes perva-
face (Reynard, 2013). Therefore, the interplay between flu- sive fracturing of the lithosphere (Fig. 1b), with faults
ids and tectonics enhances mantle serpentinization in key cutting the bending plate down to the Moho (Ranero et al.,
geodynamic environments, weakens the intra-plate bound- 2003). Seismic imaging suggests deep seawater infiltration
ary structures and significantly impacts global tectonics. along the bend faults, enhancing serpentinization of the litho-
At passive margins and in slow-ultraslow spreading spheric mantle. The extent and geometry of serpentinized
oceans, the lithospheric mantle is uplifted near the seafloor bend faults, their composition and their role in enhancing
along detachment faults. At both sides of the Atlantic and subduction-zone seismicity is debated (Peacock, 2001;
in the Red Sea, extensional faults accomplish rifting, Faccenda et al., 2008, 2012). Though present-day subduc-
exhumation and hydration of the subcontinental lithospheric tion involves the fast-spreading Pacific lithosphere, past sub-
mantle aside of extended continental margins (less than duction led to consumption of slow-spreading oceans, as in
10 km thick; Guillot et al., 2015). In these settings, low the case of the Jurassic Tethys (e.g. Rampone & Hofmann,
P-wave velocities (5–8 km/s; Fig. 2a) suggest mantle serpen- 2012), involved in the Alpine-Himalayan subduction and
tinization by seawater infiltration along the faults. Based on continental plate collision, and now exposed in Alpine-
P-wave velocities, Guillot et al. (2015) estimated 15–100% type HP and UHP ophiolites (Agard et al., 2009; Manatschal
serpentinization of a mantle layer up to 5 km-thick. The litho- & Müntener, 2009).
spheric structure of slow to ultraslow spreading ridges is very The supra-subduction forearc mantle is another key
different from fast spreading ones, where a larger extent of domain for serpentinization. The presence of mud volcanoes
asthenosphere upwelling produces a several kilometres-thick and conical seamounts offshore Japan indicates the buoyant
gabbroic and basaltic crust covering the mantle (Figs. 1a and uprise of serpentinite diapirs in the forearc mantle (Fryer
2b). In slow and ultraslow ridges, magmatism takes place on et al., 1999; Savov et al., 2005b). Pebbles of mafic
a lesser extent: the crustal layer is thinner and discontinuous, blueschists and of serpentinite with metamorphic olivine
408 M. Scambelluri et al.
Fig. 2. (a) Seismic wave velocities in peridotite (Perid) and serpentinite (Serp; Atg, antigorite; Liz, lizardite; Chr, chrysotile) after Reynard
(2013). The diagram also reports ultrasonic measurements of “end-member” rocks (large circles) and crystallographic measurements (empty
squares, equation of state measurements; filled square, Brillouin spectroscopy on antigorite). In partially to fully serpentinized peridotites,
data (blue points) lie between linear Per-Atg (blue line) and non-linear Per-Chr-Liz (green dashed curve) velocity–density relationships. The
lowest velocities are attributed to the structure of chrysotile that also results in high porosities and low densities. P-wave velocity in
subduction-zone serpentinized mantle (where antigorite is stable) is well described by the blue solid line between peridotite and antigorite
serpentinite. Complex variations can occur in shallow contexts of oceanic, trench-faulting, and mantle wedge of intra-oceanic subduction
where chrysotile may form. (b) thickness of the oceanic crust as a function of spreading rates (after Dick et al., 2003).
in mud volcanoes suggest this material was hydro-dynami- 2013; Schmidt & Poli, 2014), fluid release and element recy-
cally driven from the plate interface up to the surface cling (Scambelluri et al., 1997, 2001a, b, 2004a, b, 2016;
(Maekawa et al., 1992; Murata et al., 2009; Pabst et al., Padrón-Navarta et al., 2010; Lafay et al., 2013; Debret
2012). This evidence and the low VP/VS anomalies et al., 2013b, 2014a; Debret & Sverjensky, 2017), carbona-
(Fig. 2a) point out serpentinization of the plate interface tion, decarbonation and redox state (Kerrick & Connolly,
and the forearc mantle of the Japan subduction zone (Van 1998; Andreani et al., 2009; Debret et al., 2014b; Collins
Keken, 2003). In the Cascadia subduction zone, Bostock et al., 2015; Evans & Powell, 2015; Piccoli et al., 2016;
et al. (2002) firstly documented the occurrence of low VP/ Scambelluri et al., 2016; Debret & Sverjensky, 2017; Evans
Vs, indicating intensive serpentinization of the forearc man- et al., 2017). The subduction-zone evolution of serpentinite
tle due to infiltration of slab fluids. In comparable settings, is bound to a sequence of temperature-dependent dehydra-
geophysical studies have documented the occurrence of free, tion reactions with steep P–T slopes (Fig. 3). The same reac-
pressurized pore fluids likely released from the downgoing tion sequence (Fig. 3a) affects serpentinites metamorphosed
slab (Audet et al., 2009). Serpentinization of the supra-sub- along low P/high T, as well as high P/low T gradients: the
duction mantle by slab-derived saline fluids is also indicated association with blueschist- and eclogite-facies mafic rocks
by electric anomalies in the supra-subduction mantle (Rey- is therefore diagnostic for subduction-zone metamorphism
nard et al., 2011; Reynard, 2016). As such, the forearc man- of a given serpentinite (e.g. Scambelluri et al., 1995; Rebay
tle represents a large water and FME reservoir: if dragged et al., 2012; Debret et al., 2013a). A recent thermodynamic
down to sub-arc depths it may recycle its water into the calibration of the Al content of antigorite as a function of
sources of arc magmas (Hattori & Guillot, 2003; Savov P and T in buffered assemblages has provided a first attempt
et al., 2005b; Scambelluri & Tonarini, 2012; Ryan & Chau- at retrieving recrystallization conditions of serpentinites dur-
vel, 2014; Ribeiro & Lee, 2017). This view is contradicted ing prograde metamorphism (Padrón-Navarta et al., 2013).
by recent analysis of global seismic data and thermal mod- Experimental data and petrology of natural samples indi-
els, suggesting that most mantle forearcs are dry due to slow cate that lizardite and chrysotile are the stable serpentine
dehydration kinetics of subducting plates (Abers et al., minerals below 300 °C (Evans, 2004; Schwartz et al.,
2017). Hot subduction zones, where slabs dehydration is 2013). Earlier data suggesting antigorite crystallization at
faster, should be an exception (Abers et al., 2017). 250 °C (O’Hanley, 1996) have been contradicted by
Schwartz et al. (2013), who concluded that antigorite forms
3. Petrology and phase relations above 300 °C. According to Schwartz et al. (2013), antig-
orite and lizardite may coexist up to 380 °C above
of subducting serpentinite 0.9 GPa. Transition from chrysotile/lizardite to antigorite
is the first transformation in serpentinite systems with
The fate of serpentinite during subduction has been the sub-
increasing T. It can be driven by the water-conserving
ject of numerous articles dealing with specific aspects of
serpentinite systems, such as petrology and phase rela-
tions (Evans & Trommsdorff, 1978, 1983; Scambelluri
et al., 1995; Ulmer & Trommsdorff, 1995, 1999; Wunder 17 chrysotile=lizardite ¼ antigorite þ 3 brucite ð1Þ
& Schreyer, 1997; Evans, 2004; Li et al., 2004; Fumagalli
& Poli, 2005; López Sánchez-Vizcaíno et al., 2009; Rebay occurring at 300 °C (Evans, 2004; Schwartz et al., 2013),
et al., 2012; Debret et al., 2013a; Padrón-Navarta et al., or by reactions involving a fluid phase, such as
Water and fluid-mobile elements in subducting serpentinite 409
Fig. 3. (a) P–T phase relations in serpentinite and in de-serpentinized peridotite. The numbers on each curve refer to the mineral reactions
listed in text. The stars refer to different sample sets from various localities: they disclose the dehydration sequence recorded by subduction-
zone serpentinites. The bold grey arrow represents a geothermal gradient estimated by Syracuse et al. (2010). (b) P–T phase relations for Ti-
bearing humite phases by Shen et al. (2015).
20 chrysotile=lizardite ¼ antigorite þ 6 forsterite þ 9 H2 O 2017) that was firstly reproduced during high-pressure
experiments (Perrillat et al., 2005). This intermediate
phase constitutes a highly porous medium that drains the
occurring up to 380 °C (Evans, 2004), or via fluid released by reaction (4), thus decreasing the local
pore-fluid overpressure. In this new reaction frame, olivine
16 chrysotile=lizardite þ 2 SiO2ðaqÞ ¼ antigorite þ H2 O: is a late-stage product of reaction (4): it starts crystallizing
as nanocrystalline olivine (500 nm) to evolve into vein-
ð3Þ forming, eclogite-facies, coarse olivine crystals (Plümper
et al., 2017). The antigorite + olivine serpentinites form
Development of reaction (3) is suggested by the silica great part of the HP and UHP eclogitic materials exhumed
enrichment shown by many antigorite serpentinites with into the Alpine belt and elsewhere. This is due to buoy-
respect to chrysotile/lizardite ones, that likely results from ancy and instability of antigorite + olivine-bearing
exchange with sediment-derived subduction fluids (Lafay serpentinites formed via reaction (4), which still host up to
et al., 2013; Schwartz et al., 2013; Malvoisin, 2015). Over- 10–11 wt% water. Full dehydration of HP antigorite
all, transition from chrysotile/lizardite to antigorite is also serpentinites occurs via reaction
accompanied by water and fluid-mobile element loss from
serpentinite (Kodolányi & Pettke, 2011). In general, chryso- antigorite ¼ olivine þ orthopyroxene þ H2 O ð5Þ
tile/lizardite together with subordinate magnetite, chlorite
and minor brucite are related to low-T hydration at shallow releasing up to 10% water by weight and transforming ser-
depth of oceanic and supra-subduction mantle. With pentinite back into a metaperidotite. This greatly affects
increasing P–T conditions, antigorite forms after chrysotile the behaviour of ultramafic sections of the slab, of the
and lizardite, as shown by transmission electron microscopy plate interface and of the supra-subduction wedge, which
(Mellini et al., 1987) and by the occurrence of antigorite sink into the mantle without much chance of exhumation.
veins cutting through chrysotile/lizardite serpentine rocks Just a few occurrences of meta-peridotites deriving from
(Fig. 3a; see also Schwartz et al., 2013). The brucite-con- serpentinite dehydration were tectonically exhumed to
suming reaction the surface: these correspond to the Cerro del Almirez
(Betic Cordillera, SE Spain; Trommsdorff et al., 1998)
antigorite þ brucite ¼ 2 olivine þ 3H2 O ð4Þ and the Cima di Gagnone (Central Alps; Evans &
Trommsdorff, 1978; Scambelluri et al., 2014) localities.
produces the first metamorphic olivine stable with antig- In such settings chlorite harzburgite and garnet peridotite
orite and a free fluid phase above 450 °C. Reaction (4) are associated with crustal rocks that acted as the buoyant
is recorded by many eclogite-facies Alpine serpentinites, carriers of meta-peridotite to the surface (Hermann et al.,
which host additional high-pressure chlorite, diopside 2000).
and titanian clinohumite (“Ti-clinohumite”) that crystallize Chlorite and Ti-clinohumite are other hydrous phases fre-
as rock- and as vein-forming assemblages (Scambelluri quently coexisting with antigorite, olivine, diopside or
et al., 1997; Li et al., 2004; Rebay et al., 2012; Debret tremolite and magnetite in HP and UHP assemblages. In
et al., 2013a; Cannaò et al., 2016). Recent work shows that natural rocks, both minerals survive the antigorite break-
this first olivine-in reaction occurs via formation of a porous, down. In metamorphic chlorite harzburgite derived from
talc-like intermediate reaction product (Plümper et al., dehydration of former serpentinite (Trommsdorff et al.,
410 M. Scambelluri et al.
1998; Fumagalli & Poli, 2005; Padrón-Navarta et al., 2011; tectonically close to the coesite- and diamond-bearing Cig-
Scambelluri et al., 2014), chlorite hosts the excess alu- nana UHP ophiolite (Western Alps).
minium and enables further H2O storage in ultramafic sys-
tems. Its breakdown to garnet occurs above 800 °C via
4. Serpentinite compositions
Several review and research papers recently dealt with the
chlorite þ clinopyroxene ¼ olivine þ garnetðþ orthopyroxeneÞ role of serpentinite in volatile and FME cycling in oceans
þ H2 O ð6Þ and subduction zones (Deschamps et al., 2013; Kendrick
et al., 2013, 2017; Ryan & Chauvel, 2014; Peters et al.,
as suggested by experimental work (Fumagalli & Poli, 2017). Given the widespread occurrence of serpentinite in
2005) and modelling of natural de-serpentinized peridotite slabs, plate interface and forearcs, some of these studies
(Scambelluri et al., 2014). Several experimental works dis- have tried to identify geochemical tracers to relocate the
cussed the relevance of chlorite breakdown to garnet for exhumed HP–UHP serpentinites into the original subduction
fluid release at sub-arc depths (Fumagalli & Poli, 2005; setting and to define timing of their accretion to the subduc-
Grove et al., 2006; Till et al., 2012). Besides releasing tion plate interface (Hattori & Guillot, 2003; Deschamps
additional water, the chlorite dehydration reaction et al., 2012; Scambelluri & Tonarini, 2012; Lafay et al.,
(Fig. 3a, reaction 6G) may intersect the water-saturated 2013; Scambelluri et al., 2014; Cannaò et al, 2016).
peridotite solidus (red curve in Fig. 3a) between 2 and Notwithstanding the efforts, the overlap of the trace-element
3.6 GPa, triggering dehydration melting of peridotite at compositions of oceanic (abyssal), forearc and subduction-
sub-arc conditions (Grove et al., 2006; Till et al., 2012). zone serpentinites hampered recognition of the tracer
This process was not observed in all experiments elements enabling to identify unequivocally the original
(Fumagalli & Poli, 2005) and was not yet detected in nat- formation setting of a given serpentinite (Peters et al.,
ural rocks (Scambelluri et al., 2014). 2017). A pure geochemical approach can work in specific
Titanian clinohumite and titanian chondrodite (“Ti-chon- cases; more generally, integration of geochemistry with
drodite”) are humite-group minerals frequently present in field, textural and petrologic data is required. The approach
ultramafic rocks. The humite-group minerals have general is underway and later in this review we are going to examine
formula n(M2SiO4)M1–xTix(OH,F)2–2xO2x, where M corre- some cases. The review on serpentinite geochemistry by
sponds to (Mg,Fe,Mn,Ni), n is 1 for norbergite, 2 for chon- Deschamps et al. (2013) offers a compilation of about 900
drodite, 3 for humite and 4 for clinohumite, and x 0.5 bulk-rock major and trace element analyses of serpentinite
(Thompson, 1978; Veblen, 1991). They form a polysomatic from various oceanic and subduction settings and provide
series between norbergite and olivine, with different stack- some guidelines to interpret serpentinite compositions in
ing sequences of olivine and norbergite (chondrodite has terms of protolith rocks and formation environments. We
one olivine and one norbergite layer; clinohumite has three anticipate here that Deschamps et al. (2013) point out that
olivine and one norbergite layer; Thompson, 1978; Ehlers & the fluid-mobile element enrichment in subducted serpen-
Hoinkes, 1987). Ti-clinohumite and Ti-chondrodite have tinites can reflect the influence of sediment derived fluids
been found in antigorite + olivine bearing high-pressure ser- as the result of chemical interactions, probably within the
pentinites and in the associated metasomatized metagabbros subduction channel, and that “serpentinites are considered
(Scambelluri et al., 1991; Scambelluri & Rampone, 1999; Li as a reservoir of the FME in subduction zones and their
et al., 2004; Rebay et al., 2012; Shen et al., 2014, 2015; role, notably on arc magma composition, is underestimated
Gilio, 2017; González-Jiménez et al., 2017). In antigorite- presently in the global geochemical cycle”.
bearing rocks Ti-clinohumite is an OH-bearing phase,
whereas in rocks that experienced antigorite breakdown
4.1. Oceanic serpentinite
Ti-clinohumite uptakes substantial amounts of fluorine
which expand its stability field by several hundreds of In general, abyssal serpentinites do not record much varia-
degrees (Engi & Lindsley, 1980; Trommsdorff & Evans, tion in major-element composition with respect to their man-
1980; Evans & Trommsdorff, 1983; Ulmer & Trommsdorff, tle protoliths. Their constant SiO2/(sum of oxides) suggests
1999). Shen et al. (2015) provided a new grid for the stabil- that on a broad range of serpentinization conditions major
ity of Ti-clinohumite and Ti-chondrodite based on field elements remain largely unchanged (Deschamps et al.,
observations and on a set of 11 experiments run at 2.5– 2013, their Fig. 3a). Variations in CaO can be attributed
5.5 GPa and 600–750 °C in a F-free natural system to clinopyroxene serpentinization (Coleman & Keith,
(Fig. 3b). The formation of Ti-chondrodite in serpentinite 1971; Janecky & Seyfried, 1986; Iyer et al., 2008), though
requires minimum pressures of about 2.6 GPa, whereas in calcium loss from clinopyroxene may be counterbalanced
Ti-rich systems it can form at considerably lower pressures. by serpentinite carbonation (Bideau et al., 1991). Other
This experimental work very well matches the peak parage- changes are related to SiO2 increase in talc-bearing samples
nesis in serpentinite from the UHP terrain of southwestern (Paulick et al., 2006) and MgO loss due to seafloor weath-
Tianshan (China; Shen et al., 2014, 2015). Interestingly, ering (Snow & Dick, 1995). As claimed by Deschamps
Luoni et al. (2018) document the occurrence of peak UHP et al. (2013), major elements are thus poor tracers of serpen-
Ti-chondrodite veins in antigorite + olivine serpentinite tinization environments and processes.
Water and fluid-mobile elements in subducting serpentinite 411
Fig. 4. Trace element composition of oceanic serpentinites. Data have been normalized to the Primitive Mantle (PM; McDonough & Sun,
1995). Serpentinite data are from the dataset by Deschamps et al. (2013) and Peters et al. (2017), which include data by Paulick et al.
(2006), Delacour et al. (2008), Jöns et al. (2010), Augustin et al. (2012), Kodolányi et al. (2012), Boschi et al. (2013). The bold red pattern
represents the depleted mantle by Salters & Stracke (2004) and the bold black lines represent the refertilized plagioclase-rich oceanic
peridotite from Lanzo (data by Guarnieri et al., 2012).
Oceanic serpentinites also inherit the REE compositions et al., 2013). The REE budgets and patterns of most oceanic
of their mantle protoliths. Figure 4 reports the trace-element serpentinites still reflect inheritance of the protolith compo-
compositions of numerous abyssal serpentinites from the sitions: these are below PM and DM in depleted harzburgite
large datasets by Deschamps et al. (2013) and Peters et al. and dunite protoliths and above PM and DM in refertilized
(2017) normalized to the Primitive Mantle (PM, rocks. In Fig. 4 the poorly serpentinized and refertilized
McDonough & Sun, 1995) (the dataset, in Table S1, Lanzo peridotite (Guarnieri et al., 2012) shows enrichment
includes analyses by Lagabrielle et al., 1992; Parkinson & (1–30 times PM) in B, W, Be, Pb, Sb, Mo and Li, which
Pearce, 1998; Viti & Mellini, 1998; Anselmi et al., 2000; can be attributed to a combination of melt–peridotite reac-
Pearce et al., 2000; Guillot et al., 2001; Scambelluri et al., tion and incipient serpentinization. Compared to the scarcely
2001b; Chalot-Prat et al., 2003; Garrido et al., 2005; Savov serpentinized peridotite from Lanzo, all oceanic serpen-
et al., 2005a, b, 2007; Aldanmaz & Koprubasi, 2006; tinites (especially the refertilized ones) display prominent
Marchesi et al., 2006, 2009; Paulick et al., 2006; Hattori spikes (10 to hundreds of times PM) in U, B, Pb, As, Sb,
& Guillot, 2007; Delacour et al., 2008; Pereira et al., Mo, Sr, Li, and up to 10 PM enrichments in Cs, Rb, Ba,
2008; De Hoog et al., 2009; Deschamps et al., 2010, Th, Be, La, Ce (Fig. 4). Such FME anomalies can be largely
2012; Jöns et al., 2010; Saumur et al., 2010; Ulrich et al., attributed to serpentinization, as suggested by in situ trace-
2010; Aziz et al., 2011; Blanco-Quintero et al., 2011; element analyses of serpentine in variably altered oceanic
Augustin et al., 2012; Kodolányi et al., 2012; Boschi samples (Kodolányi et al., 2012; Deschamps et al., 2013).
et al., 2013; Lafay et al., 2013; Andreani et al., 2014; Serpentinites are also halogen reservoirs, hosting up to
Cannaò et al., 2015, 2016; Table S1 is freely available in 2000 ppm Cl (Anselmi et al., 2000; Sharp & Barnes,
the Supplementary Material linked to this article on the 2004; Barnes & Sharp, 2006; Kodolányi & Pettke, 2011;
GSW website of the journal: https://pubs.geoscienceworld. Kendrick et al., 2013), 204 ppm F (Stüber et al., 1968;
org/eurjmin). The compositions of unaltered, refertilized Mével, 2003), 1.3–24 ppm Br and 0.02–45 ppm I (Kendrick
oceanic-type plagioclase peridotite (Lanzo, Western Alps; et al., 2011, 2013). Figure 5 shows the Br/Cl and I/Cl ratios
Guarnieri et al., 2012), the depleted mantle (DM, Salters of serpentinites from present-day mid-ocean ridges, passive
& Stracke, 2004). In Fig. 4 serpentinites are grouped accord- margins and forearcs, along with non-subducted ophiolitic
ing to (i) the degree of depletion of their mantle protoliths serpentinites (Northern Apennine and Alps; data after John
due to partial melting and (ii) subsequent enrichment by et al., 2011; Kendrick et al., 2013). While abyssal and
interaction with percolating MORB melts (Deschamps passive-margin serpentinites display I/Cl and Br/Cl ratios
412 M. Scambelluri et al.
Fig. 8. (a) B vs. Cl composition of mantle olivine, early shallow serpentine and subduction-zone assemblages in high-pressure serpentinite
formed by reaction (4) and in de-serpentinized peridotite formed by reaction (5). Data after Scambelluri et al., 2004a. (b) Inset of halogen
compositions of high-pressure antigorite and saline fluid inclusions from Erro-Tobbio (released from reaction (4) in Fig. 3) together with the
compositions of the de-serpentinized peridotite and associated fluid inclusions (released from reaction (5) in Fig. 3). The field of sedimentary
pore fluids is also reported. Drawn after Kendrick et al. (2011).
Fig. 10. Isotopic d11B vs. 87Sr/86Sr plus As + Sb content (ppm) of the Voltri undeformed and mylonitic serpentinites (dots; Cannaò et al.,
2016), compared to the DM (Marschall et al., 2017; Salters and Stracke, 2004), the Jurassic seawater (Smith et al., 1995; Jones & Jenkyns,
2001) and the Cima di Gagnone metaperidotites (Cannaò et al., 2015). Interaction of the Voltri rocks with seawater during oceanic
serpentinization shifted the d11B and 87Sr/86Sr isotopic composition towards seawater values, and caused slight enrichment in As and Sb.
Interaction with sediment-derived fluid during subduction-zone deformation increased the 87Sr/86Sr and As + Sb budget of serpentinites and
partially reset their d11B.
eclogite-facies minerals contain significant amounts of the and within oceanic sedimentary sequences (Cannaò et al.,
above FME, the exchange with sediments must have pre- 2016).
dated eclogitization and antigorite dehydration in ultrabasic
rocks (Scambelluri et al., 2014; Cannaò et al., 2015).
The work on Gagnone and Queyras provided the geo- 5. Serpentinite and element recycling
chemical background to unravel the fluid–rock interactions
experienced by other Alpine serpentinites. The eclogite- Having ascertained the capacity of serpentinite to uptake
facies serpentinite of the Voltri Massif consists of antig- volatile and fluid-mobile elements during several hydration
orite + chlorite + olivine + Ti-clinohumite + diopside + episodes, it is now of interest to examine how these ele-
magnetite crystallized at 450–500 °C and 1.3–2.0 GPa (Can- ments behave during serpentinite dehydration and back-
naò et al., 2016). In Voltri, two different HP serpentinite transformation into meta-peridotite at mantle depths. The
domains were detected: undeformed and mylonitic. High- above issues help constraining (i) element loss to subduction
pressure mylonites wrap around undeformed HP serpentinite, fluids linked to the genesis of arc crust and (ii) the deep
eclogite and HP metarodingite bodies (Scambelluri & recycling into the sources of ocean island basalts. If numer-
Rampone, 1999). The undeformed serpentinite (Fig. 10, ous papers provide evidence that serpentinite delivers water,
the blue-violet dots in the static domain) shows low As, halogens and FME to arcs (Hattori & Guillot, 2003; Savov
Sb and B, O, Sr isotope composition pointing to serpen- et al., 2007; Barnes & Straub, 2010; Deschamps et al.,
tinization by Jurassic seawater (d11B up to +30%; d18O 2010; Scambelluri & Tonarini, 2012; Ryan & Chauvel,
4.5%; 87Sr/86Sr up to 0.70693; Cannaò et al., 2016). The 2014; Ribeiro & Lee, 2017; Barnes et al., 2018), a few
mylonitic serpentinite (Fig. 10, the five large dots within papers deal with the composition of fluids produced by
the mylonitic domain) is slightly depleted in 11B, and is subduction breakdown of serpentinite (Scambelluri et al.,
enriched in As, Sb and radiogenic Sr and Pb well matching 2001a, 2004a, b, 2014; Spandler et al., 2014) and only
the sediment-hosted Gagnone and Queyras ultramafic one paper deals with their recycling in the sources of ocean
rocks. This points out that channelling of sediment-derived island basalt (OIB) (Kendrick et al., 2017).
fluids along the mylonitic foliation caused partial resetting In the following section we conclude the serpentine sub-
of the isotopic and trace-element oceanic signature of the duction cycle, (i) by discussing the fluid released at subarc
mylonitic Voltri serpentinite. This process likely occurred depths and retained by de-serpentinized meta-peridotite
when this serpentinite accreted to the plate-interface, above now exposed in orogenic belts, and (ii) by comparing the
416 M. Scambelluri et al.
compositions of such rocks with those of ocean island mimic the composition of sedimentary reservoirs (Fig. 11).
basalts, to provide hints on OIB sources. Exchange of such hybrid fluids with subarc mantle might
generate arc lavas like the Andes, El Salvador and Kurile,
5.1. Fluid-mediated recycling to arcs where abundant sediments are subducted (line 3 in
Fig. 11; Cannaò et al., 2015).
The rock sources of subduction components transferred to Complementary information on de-serpentinization fluids
arc magmas have long been debated. Though mafic crust relies on studies of inclusions entrapping the antigorite-
and sediments are historically identified as major arc feeders breakdown fluid released by natural rocks at eclogite-facies
since long (Plank & Langmuir, 1993; Elliott et al., 1997; conditions. These inclusions were firstly discovered in chlo-
Plank, 2014), the hypothesis of water, halogen and FMEs rite harzburgites from Cerro del Almirez (Betic Cordillera;
delivery by serpentinite has gained ground (Hattori & Trommsdorff et al., 1998; Scambelluri et al., 2001a) and,
Guillot, 2003; Scambelluri et al., 2004a, b; Savov et al., more recently, in chlorite harzburgite and garnet peridotite
2005a, b; Barnes & Straub, 2010; Scambelluri & Tonarini, from Cima di Gagnone (Central Alps; Scambelluri et al.,
2012; Ryan & Chauvel, 2014; Barnes & Sharp, 2017; Barnes 2015a). As discussed previously, before dehydration the
et al., 2018). Moreover, since forearc and plate-interface serpentinized precursors of the Gagnone meta-peridotites
serpentinites accept crust-derived elements, they can deliver experienced interaction with ocean waters and with crust-
fluids with mixed crust–serpentinite component (Scambelluri derived subduction fluids (Scambelluri et al., 2014). Primary
et al., 2015a; Ribeiro & Lee, 2017). Central to this idea are fluid-related inclusions derived from antigorite and chlorite
geochemical studies of modern forearc serpentinites (Benton breakdown, hosted in eclogitic rock-forming olivine and
et al., 2001; Savov et al., 2005a, b, 2007; Alt & Shanks, garnet, contain daughter microcrystals of silicates, Cl-bear-
2006) and of their high-pressure equivalents (Hattori & ing phases, sulphides and carbonates (Scambelluri et al.,
Guillot, 2003; Deschamps et al., 2013; Harvey et al., 2015a). Their in situ LA-ICP-MS trace element analysis
2014; Scambelluri et al., 2014, 2015a; Peters et al., 2017), reveals two different inclusion types: type (A), hosted in
together with geophysical studies of present-day subduction olivine and strongly enriched in Cl, Cs, Pb, As, Sb (up to
zones (Bostock et al., 2002; Bostock, 2013). Debated key 103 times the PM), in Tl and Ba (102 times PM), while
issues on mass transfer from subducting plates to arc magmas Rb, B, Sr, Li, U are of the order of 10 times the PM; type
thus concern: (1) the volatile sources and (2) the transfer (B) hosted in garnet, with lower FME contents and with
mechanism, whether by slab dehydration/melting beneath enrichment patterns comparable to fluid type (A). Combined
arc fronts, or by tectonic down-drag of metasomatized with bulk-rock and mineral trace element data, the inclu-
forearc mantle to subarc depths. sion compositions indicate that the trace element-enriched
Regarding the first issue, though serpentinites carry water, type (A) fluid derives from serpentine dehydration,
halogens and FME (Ulmer & Trommsdorff, 1995; whereas type (B) fluid with lower trace element budgets
Scambelluri et al., 2004a; John et al., 2011; Kendrick can relate with chlorite breakdown at higher P–T conditions
et al., 2011), direct evidence for their implication in hydra- (Scambelluri et al., 2015a).
tion melting of the subarc mantle has long been elusive and, The enrichment in large ion lithophile and in chalcophile
for this purpose, elemental boron and B isotopes can trace elements of the Gagnone inclusions well reflects a fluid
the process (Leeman, 1996; Tonarini et al., 2011). At subarc equilibrated with sediments, and the presence of the same
depths, oceanic crust and sediments release fluids poor in elements in the inclusions and in coexisting eclogite-facies
B (the heavy B isotope) that cannot explain the 11B enrich- minerals reveals a recycling process. Starting from a serpen-
ment found in several volcanic arcs (Ishikawa & Nakamura, tinized precursor, this process requires preferential partition-
1993, 1994; Peacock & Hervig, 1999). In contrast, the high ing of FMEs in the fluid phase and, to a lesser extent, into
B content of serpentinites makes a viable 11B source for HP minerals forming the solid residues after antigorite and
subduction fluids. Figure 11 shows that numerous arc lavas chlorite dehydration. Estimated fluid/solid partition coeffi-
tend to approach the 87Sr/86Sr and 11B-rich composition of cients are in the order of more than 100 and up to 20 thou-
Alpine serpentinites and of their metamorphic veins, show- sand times the PM for Cs, Rb, Ba and of <10 for Th and U;
ing that serpentinite can supply the heavy B and water found KD(fluid/olivine) = 3–4 have been estimated for Li and B
in arc lavas (Scambelluri & Tonarini, 2012). The B system- (Scambelluri et al., 2015a). The compositions of type (A)
atics suggests, for instance, that fluids with up to 80% inclusions bound to antigorite dehydration compare well
serpentinite component are added to the source of South with those of antigorite-breakdown inclusions in the
Sandwich arc magmas (mixing line 1 in Fig. 11; Tonarini Almirez chlorite harzburgite (Scambelluri et al., 2004a, b;
et al., 2011). The interaction between serpentinites and sed- Bretscher, 2017), and with synthetic inclusions reproduced
iment-derived fluids hybridizes the serpentinite composition. by antigorite dehydration experiments (Spandler et al.,
The dashed line connecting serpentinite and sedimentary 2014). The Almirez and Gagnone inclusions overlap and
end-members (Fig. 11, line 2–20 ) shows a possible range share common anomalies in Cs, Rb, Ba, B, Pb and La, sug-
of serpentinite–sediment mixing. As serpentinite dehydrates gesting that the exchange with sediment-derived subduction
at sub-arc depths, the resulting fluid acquires the serpen- fluids was common to both localities. A sedimentary input
tinite–sediment hybrid component found in arc lavas. in the Almirez ultramafic rocks was also envisaged by trace
Dehydration of Gagnone-like hybrid serpentinite can release element (Marchesi et al., 2013) and isotopic studies
fluids with negative 11B and high radiogenic Sr, which (Harvey et al., 2014). This might explain the enrichment
Water and fluid-mobile elements in subducting serpentinite 417
Fig. 11. d11B vs. 87Sr/86Sr diagram showing the serpentinite contribution to arc lavas. The mixing lines (2) and (20 ) show the range of
isotopic compositions that can be acquired via fluid-mediated exchange between serpentinite and sedimentary reservoirs. Interaction of
depleted mantle (DM) with fluids released by serpentinite poorly affected by sediment-derived fluids (e.g. Erro-Tobbio and Voltri
undeformed) can produce a range of arc lava compositions following the dashed line 1. Interaction of DM with fluids released by
serpentinite that intensively exchanged with sediment-derived fluids (Cima di Gagnone, CdG) can produced arc lava plotting along dashed
line 3.
serpentine minerals (Sect. 2) and the impact of de-serpenti- dehydration pulses, or continuous and due to migration of
nization reactions on subduction-zone seismicity. Recently, fluids from far dehydration fronts.
nano olivine has been shown to form as high-pressure dehy-
dration product of antigorite (Plümper et al., 2017). This can 6.2. Carbon storage and release
induce a decrease in viscosity and lead to localized shear Oceanic and subduction-zone serpentinites are also relevant
instabilities, thus providing insights into the genesis of seis- for storing carbon and releasing carbonic fluids. Carbonation
mic tremors in hydrated, low-velocity plate interface of shallowly exposed oceanic mantle and permanent C stor-
domains (Green et al., 2015; Plümper et al., 2017). For a age in ophicarbonate rocks are common to modern and past
proper discussion of relationships between serpentinite oceans and to continental settings, where they occur via low-
dehydration and seismicity, we refer to Jung et al. (2004), T interaction of aqueous-carbonic fluids with serpentinized
Green et al. (2015), Proctor & Hirth (2015), Gasc et al. peridotites (Kelemen & Matter, 2008; Etiope & Sherwood
(2017) and Ferrand et al. (2017). Here we aim at addressing Lollar, 2012). The behaviour of subduction-zone serpen-
new petrologic-geochemical research trends and major tinite is equally important, yet more complex. On one hand,
topics worth investigation. by releasing aqueous fluids upon dehydration, they enhance
C release from nearby carbonate-rich rocks and formation of
6.1. Rock structures and fluid flow aqueous-carbonic (COH) fluids (e.g. Caciagli & Manning,
2003; Gorman et al., 2006; Ague & Nicolescu, 2014;
Because early oceanic signatures are retained in rock
Piccoli et al., 2016). On the other hand, back-reaction of
domains unaffected by large finite strain, future investiga-
COH fluids with serpentinite and associated mafic rocks
tions should be carried out in deformed versus undeformed
promotes carbonation and long-term C re-storage into newly
serpentinite within key rock units (e.g. Cannaò et al., 2016),
formed carbonates (Piccoli et al., 2016; Scambelluri et al.,
in order to clarify how strain localization promotes fluid
2016; Piccoli & Vitale Brovarone, 2018). Moreover, serpen-
channeling and resetting of initial geochemical signatures
tinites and peridotite serpentinization can promote reducing
of serpentinites. In this regard, the mechanisms of fluid
conditions and C recycling in two alternative ways: by con-
access and of fluid/mineral reaction are yet to be defined
verting carbonate minerals into graphite and thereby leading
and represent aresearch frontier. In general, the fluid path-
to long-term C storage (Malvoisin et al., 2012; Galvez et al.,
ways into serpentinizing rocks are associated to tectonic
2013); or by favouring the genesis of mobile C-bearing spe-
fracturing and shearing of oceanic and supra-subduction
cies such as CH4 (Vitale Brovarone et al., 2017). As future
mantle. Fluid influx has also been linked to volume change
perspective, addressing the interplay of processes controlling
during serpentinization, leading to crack propagation,
C mobility (decarbonation, COH-fluid genesis) or storage
enhanced fluid access, dissolution of unstable minerals and
(carbonation, graphite precipitation) in subduction-zone
serpentine precipitation (Jamtveit et al., 2009; Kelemen &
serpentinite is crucial for quantifying C speciation in
Hirth, 2012; Plümper et al., 2012). However, crak infilling
subduction-zone fluids, the long-term C cycling in subduc-
by serpentine substantially clogs the pores and inhibits fluid
tion zones and, consequently, the CO2 and CH4 emissions
flow. Tutolo et al. (2016) proposed that fluid access into
to atmosphere by arc volcanic fronts (Berner et al., 1983;
these rocks occurs through nano-scale micropores and
Malaspina & Tumiati, 2012; Dasgupta, 2013; Collins
defects inside serpentine minerals, which represent a signif-
et al., 2015; Kelemen & Manning, 2015).
icant fraction of the rock porosity. Permeability changes dur-
ing deformation, metamorphism and fluid-controlled
mineral dissolution play a key control on fluid stagnation 6.3. Redox state
versus fluid channelling and on development of reaction Carbon speciation in rocks and fluids strongly depends on
fronts and element transport into serpentinite and mantle redox conditions. As previously discussed, serpentine
domains being serpentinized (Kelemen & Matter, 2008; strongly contributes to water release from slabs to arc mag-
Malvoisin, 2015; Leclère et al., 2018). The above studies mas (Fig. 11; see also Scambelluri & Tonarini, 2012), which
steer current research towards an understanding of fluid cir- commonly display Fe3+/Fetot higher than MORB and OIB
culation patterns and reaction kinetics and stimulate scien- basalts because of addition to their mantle sources of fluids
tists to refine textural observations from micro- to carrying oxidised species, like H2O, CO2, Fe2O3 and sulfate
nanoscales, so to identify the mechanisms driving to large- (Arculus, 1994; Kelley & Cottrell, 2009; Malaspina et al.,
scale fluid flow in serpentinite. This analysis must be cou- 2009, 2010; Evans & Tomkins, 2011; Evans & Powell,
pled with other fine-scale observations showing the details 2015; Evans et al., 2017). In turn, the speciation of subduc-
of fluid production and how high fluid pressures locally built tion fluids is controlled by the variable oxidation state of the
up in dehydrating rock domains can decrease during chan- source rocks (Tumiati et al., 2015; Debret & Sverjensky,
nelized fluid flow (John et al., 2012; Plümper et al., 2017, 2017; Evans et al., 2017; Cannaò & Malaspina, 2018; Tumi-
Taetz et al., 2017). Defining the above features can improve ati & Malaspina, 2019). Because serpentinite is the rock that
our understanding of the physical mechanism controlling primarily controls the release of slab fluids, efforts have
open-system fluid influx in the oceanic lithosphere and in been recently done to determine the redox state of serpen-
the mantle wedge (e.g. Malvoisin, 2015; Malvoisin et al., tinized rocks and fluids by means of (i) direct measurements
2015), whether punctuated and temporally associated to of the Fe3+ content of bulk rocks and serpentine (Andreani
Water and fluid-mobile elements in subducting serpentinite 421
et al., 2013; Debret et al., 2014b, 2015; Evans et al., 2017) signatures (e.g. high 11B, marine Sr isotopes, low As and
and (ii) theoretical calculations (Debret & Sverjensky, Sb) embedded in subduction-related foliations showing
2017). The results show a range of values for the redox con- resetting of the original oceanic imprint towards more radio-
ditions of subduction-zone rocks (slab, 1 to 4.5 DFMQ; genic Sr, lower 11B, and higher As and Sb. These studies
mantle wedge, 3.5 to 1.5 DFMQ) and for the oxidation thus disclose the geochemical reworking of pristine, ocea-
capability of fluids. This can lead us to much better constrain nic, geochemical imprints via the exchange with crust-
the volatile mass transfer in subduction zones, the bulk oxy- derived fluids along the subduction plate interface.
gen budget and the type of C-bearing minerals in the mantle The de-serpentinization fluids released at various
wedge. These investigations need further support by direct stages, and still preserved in these rocks as inclusions, carry
measurements of the oxidation state of slab fluids, either pre- significant amounts of halogens and fluid-mobile elements.
served as inclusions in rocks (Campione et al., 2017; The antigorite-breakdown fluids produced in different local-
Malaspina et al., 2017), or produced experimentally. Com- ities share compositional similarities suggesting that these
pared to Fe3+ measurement in solids, the study of fluid- rocks record comparable processing. We show that the
related inclusions is more challenging because it requires fluid-mediated exchange with sedimentary and/or crustal
in situ high-resoltion techniques such as transmission reservoirs during subduction leads to hybridization of the
electron microscopy coupled with electron energy loss spec- serpentinite and to release of high Cs, Rb, Ba, B, Pb, As,
troscopy (EELS). Such an approach enabled Malaspina Sb and Li fluids overlapping the arc lavas. These fluids
et al. (2017) to measure the Fe3+ concentration in microme- can represent the mixed serpentinite–sediment component
tre-sized inclusion infillings (spinel = 12% Fe3+ of total iron, released to arcs upon antigorite dehydration. This evidence
amphibole = 30% Fe3+, chlorite and phlogopite = 70% Fe3+) helps discriminating the mass-transfer processes responsible
and to calculate the oxygen mass balance of fluids with for supra-subduction mantle metasomatism and arc magma-
respect to the host rock. The results show that the fluid tism. Fluid and element transfer from slabs to plate interface
precipitates are more oxidised than the host rocks, even after and/or forearc mantle, and the subsequent down-drag of this
possible post-entrapment modifications (Campione et al., altered mantle to subarc depths, should be re-evaluated as
2017) and that this fluid conveys oxidised components into major processes operating in subduction zones.
the mantle. If the role of serpentinites as trace element carriers in
Future development of the above investigations and ana- the upper mantle is now clarified by many studies, their
lytical techniques will enable to address the mechanisms involvement in lower-mantle metasomatism begins to be
driving of fluid and element storage and release by rocks recognized. The nominally anhydrous olivine, ortho-,
which dominate the water cycles in oceans and subduction clino-pyroxene and garnet forming the high-pressure rock
zones. Addressing the above issues will help defining vola- residues after serpentinite dehydration still host appreciable
tile speciation in de-serpentinization fluids, their contribution amounts of halogens and fluid-mobile trace elements. In
to global volatile recycling into the mantle and, importantly, practice, de-serpentinization does not release to fluid its
the mechanism of reactive fluid migration in solid, porous entire elemental budget: de-serpentinized ultramafic rocks
rock media. can transfer halogen and FME anomalies to the deep mantle
beyond arcs. As shown by the water and halogen-rich com-
7. Conclusions position of OIB glasses (Kendrick et al., 2017), by the iso-
topic compositions of serpentinites presented here (Fig. 14),
We have presented evidence of the key role of serpentinites and by the B content of ultradeep blue-diamonds (Smith
in recycling volatiles, halogens and fluid-mobile elements et al., 2018), the presence of de-serpentinized materials
from the Earth’s surface reservoirs into the mantle at sub- can be identified in the lower mantle and might well be
duction zones. Their trace-element budget is either acquired increasingly documented in the near future.
during interaction of the oceanic mantle with seawater-
derived fluids, or during evolution along the subduction Acknowledgements: During the last round of revision of
plate interface. this paper we have sadly known that Professor Bruno Mes-
Numerous works documenting the fluid-mobile element siga, University of Pavia, passed away on January 12,
(e.g. B, As, Sb) and isotopic (e.g. B, Sr) composition of 2019 after long illness. Bruno has been a great teacher, a sin-
oceanic, forearc and subduction-zone serpentinites try to cere friend and a metamorphic petrologist expert with
identify provenance of serpentinites now exposed in oro- microstructures and their use in interpreting the evolution
genic belts. However, a provenance study just based on geo- of eclogite-facies rocks and in understanding glass manufac-
chemical data is not fully reliable: detailed field, textural and turing. We dedicate this work to him. We thank the editors
petrologic information are a necessary complement of the of the European Journal of Mineralogy for inviting us to
geochemical characterization of these rocks. For example, provide this review paper. Careful journal reviews by
the field-based interdisciplinary studies of serpentinite Stephane Guillot and by an anonymous referee and editorial
slices accreted to the fossil Alpine subduction interface help handling by Elisabetta Rampone, Bernardo Cesare and
constraining the fluid-mediated geochemical fluxes in and Christian Chopin greatly improved the initial submission.
out this domain. The Alpine serpentinites can contain We also benefit from discussions with Samuele Agostini,
undeformed relict cores with inherited oceanic geochemical Nadia Malaspina, Stefano Poli, Thomas Pettke, Alberto
422 M. Scambelluri et al.
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