Dec 2022 Complete FMR Islamic 4
Dec 2022 Complete FMR Islamic 4
Dec 2022 Complete FMR Islamic 4
Islamic Savings
Rated by PACRA
Funds Performance
Note: Detailed monthly reports of NBP Funds are also available on our website
Table of Contents
NBP Fund Management Limited
NBP Islamic Daily
Dividend Fund 05 NBP Riba Free Savings Fund
Table of Contents
Amdani Fund
NBP Islamic Savings Fund
NBP Islamic Stock Fund
NISF NBP Islamic Energy Fund
NAFA Islamic Pension Fund 15 NAFA Islamic Active Allocation
During CY22, Pakistan stock market has declined by 9.4% due to political turbulence, heightened economic risks arising
from devastating floods, elevated inflation, slowing economic growth, PKR devaluation, and declining foreign exchange
reserves. Given very little room to maneuver in the backdrop of abysmally low reserves position, we believe that the coun-
try has no other option than to go back to IMF. It is only a matter of time that the government will be forced to continue to
take the harsh but necessary measures and reforms required by the IMF. Inflows from the friendly countries, particularly
KSA and China are also critical and contingent upon the IMF program resumption, which should buttress our reserves.
Therefore, we expect the stock market to provide double digit return in excess of 20% for CY23 based on record low valua-
tions. The IMF's scheduled visit to Pakistan is now overdue by almost three months and despite holding virtual talks, the
IMF and Pakistan have yet to reach an agreement on tax collection targets, exchange rate policy, and overdue energy
reforms including resolution of the circular debt. The IMF has also expressed concern over Pakistan's recently announced
package of PKR 1,800 billion for the agriculture sector and unfunded PKR 110 billion subsidies for concessional electricity
to export-oriented sectors. We believe that the implementation of the economic reforms under the IMF program will deter-
mine the direction of economy and its capital markets.
Though the administrative policies pursued by the government and the central bank have achieved desired results in
containing the ballooning Current Account Deficit (CAD), the same has resulted in considerable slowdown in economic
activity, and falling business confidence. Inflation and interest rates are also expected to remain elevated in the first half of
CY23, though in the second half we expect an ease off due to high base effect. Importantly, CY23 will also be an election
year which should keep the political noise high, amidst heightened security risks from the Afghan border.
Despite these challenging times, we believe that the current stock market valuations compensate for the heightened
political, economic, and security risks highlighted above. Due to lackluster market performance over the last few years,
Price-to-Earnings Ratio (P/E) has come down to a multi-year low of around 3.8 times. The Market Capitalization to GDP
ratio, has also touched historic low level of 7.8% against the long-term average of 22.3%. While inflation and interest rates
remain high, we highlight that the difference between earnings and bond yield is also at historic highs (earnings yield of
around 26.3% vs 10-yr PIB yield of 13.7%), which further strengthens the case for equities.
Disclaimer: This publication is for informational purposes only and nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation, recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any fund. All investments in mutual funds and
pension funds are subject to market risks. The price of units may go up as well as down. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Please read the Offering Documents to understand the
investment policies and the risks involved. NBP Funds or any of its sales representative cannot guarantee preservation / protection of capital and / or expected returns / profit on investments. The use of the name
and logo of National Bank of Pakistan does not mean that it is responsible for the liabilities/ obligations of the Company (NBP Fund Management Limited) or any investment scheme managed by it.
Page 01
NBP Fund Management Limited
Foreign selling, which has been a key reason for market underperformance, has also slowed down significantly, as foreign
holdings are now a very small proportion of the total free float. From FY17 where the stock market hit its peak, annual
foreign selling each year has averaged USD 378mn with highest outflow of USD 652mn witnessed in FY17. For FY23, we
expect a significant decline in foreign selling. During the first six months of FY23, foreign outflow stands at USD 0.9
million. This slowdown in foreign selling should help stock market generate better returns in CY23.
Well managed equity mutual funds have provided better returns to their investors than the stock market and other asset
classes including real estate and gold over the last twelve (12) year period. For performance comparison, we have used the
index provided by for the performance of real estate sector. As a case in point, our flagship equity fund, NBP
Stock Fund (NSF) has out-performed the stock market by 118% over the last 12 years (from January 2011 till November
2022) by earning a return of 370% versus 252% rise in the stock market. It is also pertinent to mention here that during the
same period, NSF has outperformed gold by 144%. An investment of Rs.100 in NBP Stock Fund 12 years ago would have
grown to Rs.470 today, whereas an investment of Rs.100 in the stock market (KSE-100 Index) and gold 12 years ago would
be worth Rs.352 and Rs.326 today, respectively. This out-performance of the NBP Stock Fund is net of management fee, and
all other expenses.
We highlight that current valuations are more attractive than what we had seen at the bottom of the 2008 financial crisis,
when the market touched 4,815 points. Given a strong case for equities, we advise investors to gradually build position in
the stock market via NBP Stock Funds, keeping their long-term investment objectives in mind.
Disclaimer: This publication is for informational purposes only and nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation, recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any fund. All investments in mutual funds and
pension funds are subject to market risks. The price of units may go up as well as down. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Please read the Offering Documents to understand the
investment policies and the risks involved. NBP Funds or any of its sales representative cannot guarantee preservation / protection of capital and / or expected returns / profit on investments. The use of the name
and logo of National Bank of Pakistan does not mean that it is responsible for the liabilities/ obligations of the Company (NBP Fund Management Limited) or any investment scheme managed by it.
Page 02
Capital Market Review
NBP Fund Management Limited
December 2022
Stock Market Review
The outgoing month of December remained punitive for the stock market, as the benchmark KMI-30 Index fell sharply by
around 3,491 points (down by 4.9%) on a monthly basis. With this, calendar year 2022 comes to an end during which the
index declined by 4.8% on a yearly basis.
The equities started off on a frail note and it remained under the grips of bear throughout the month, as a combination of
economic and political factors dented the sentiments. The surprise 100 basis points increase in Policy Rate towards end of
November rattled investors, as it quashed hopes that monetary tightening cycle has peaked. In fact, it led many to believe
that there is further room for rates to increase by another 100-200 basis points. The news-flow on resumption of IMF
program was also deterring, as major differences on various policy matters & economic targets could not be ironed out
between authorities and IMF. Reportedly, the areas of contention were exchange rate regime, where there was wide gap in
interbank & open market rates, burgeoning circular debt (on both gas and electricity), unfunded subsidies to exporters &
farmers and higher than envisaged fiscal deficit for the ongoing year. This comes at a time, when foreign exchange reserves
are at a precarious level and on a continuous decline. Due to scheduled external debt repayments, FX reserves held by
central bank fell by another USD 1.9 billion, till 23rd Dec, clocking is at USD 5.8 billon (lowest level since April 2014),
despite benign current account deficit (CAD) of USD 276 million as goods and services deficit further improved by USD
364 million on a MoM basis. Manufacturing data of large industries was released for Oct-22, which reflected 7.75% YoY
drop in LSM activity with 2.9% contraction in LSM output during 4MFY23. Workers’ remittance remained another area of
concern, which stood at USD 2.1 (YoY decline of 14%) for Nov-22, taking 5MFY23 overall inflows to USD 12 billion (down
by 10% YoY). The unending political uncertainty also weighed on sentiments as PTI chairman threatened to dissolve Punjab
and KPK assemblies, while the opposition in Punjab submitted a no-confidence motion against the chief minister in a bid
to forestall the dissolution of assembly. However, towards the end of month, there was some recovery led by Oil & Gas
sector, as government formed a committee to undertake a detailed mapping of gas sector circular debt stock & to work out
a comprehensive settlement plan through cash/non-cash adjustments.
During December, Fertilizer, Food & personal Care, Insurance, Oil & Gas Exploration, Sugar & Allied Industries, Textile
Composite, Tobacco, and REIT sectors outperformed the market. On the other hand, Auto Assemblers, Auto Parts & Access.,
Cable & Elec. Goods, Cements, Chemicals, Engineering, Glass & Ceramics, Oil & Gas Marketing, Paper & Board,
Pharmaceutical, Refinery, Transport & Technology sectors lagged the market. On participant-wise activity, Banks/DFIs
emerged the largest buyers, with net inflow of USD 44 million. Alongside, Companies and Other Org. also increased their
equity holdings by USD 13 million & USD 5 million, respectively. On the contrary, Foreigner & Mutual Funds sold stocks
worth USD 34 million and USD 14 million, respectively.
Looking ahead, we believe the state of macro-economic affairs, particularly any tangible development on IMF program will
shape market outlook. The precarious level of FX reserves and its decline have unhinged investors and only the resumption
of IMF program will lead to gradual build-up in reserves, and will restore confidence of the market. So far, there has been
an impasse, but we believe that necessary policy actions for continuation of IMF program are inevitable. It entails higher
revenue collection, further rationalization of utility especially gas tariffs, and flexible exchange rate regime. We reckon that
with the positive nod of the IMF, inflows from friendly countries will also crystalize, particularly from KSA and China. It is
also interesting to note that inflows from the multilaterals have not dried up so far, as the country signed multiple loan
agreements in December with ADB and WB to the tune of USD 775 million and USD 1.7 billion respectively for various
flood rehabilitation activities & reconstruction efforts and for other project & program loans. This pipeline is expected to
improve further when the country will be under the umbrella of IMF.
Looking at the fundamentals, Price-to-Earnings Ratio (P/E) of the market is at multi-year low of around 3.8 times (earnings
yield of around 26.3%). In addition, it offers healthy dividends yield in excess of 8%. Therefore, we advise investors with
medium to long-term horizon to build position in stock market through our NBP stock funds.
Money Market Review
The Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) in November 2022, raised the policy rate by 100 basis points to 16%, to ensure
inflation and risks to financial stability are contained. According to the SBP, inflation being driven by global & domestic
supply shocks, could de-anchor inflation expectations and undermine (short term-medium) growth. To counter these risk,
administrative measures to resolve supply-chain bottlenecks and any necessary imports remain a high priority. The net
liquid foreign exchange reserves with SBP stands at USD 5.8 billion (as at 23-Dec-22), posing challenges and persistent
risks to the financial stability and fiscal consolidation.
SBP held two T-Bill auctions with a target of Rs. 2,000 billion against the maturity of Rs. 2,077 billion. In the first T-Bill
auction, an amount of Rs. 1,599 billion was accepted at a cut-off yield of 16.99%, 16.89% and 16.80% for 3-month,
6-month and 12-month tenures. In the second T-Bill auction, an amount of Rs. 343 billion was accepted at a cut-off yield
of 16.99%, 16.83% and 16.85% for 3-month, 6-month and 12-month tenures. In the PIB auction, bids for 3-years, 5-years
and 10-years tenure were rejected, whereas no bids for 15-years, 20-years and 30-years were received.
We have calibrated the portfolio of our money market and income funds based on our interest rate outlook and will remain
alert to any developments that may influence our investment strategy.
Disclaimer: This publication is for informational purposes only and nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation, recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any fund. All investments in mutual funds are subject
to market risks. The price of units may go up as well as down. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Please read the Offering Documents to understand the investment policies and the
risks involved. NBP Funds or any of its sales representative cannot guarantee preservation / protection of capital and / or expected returns / profit on investments. The use of the name and logo of National Bank
of Pakistan does not mean that it is responsible for the liabilities/ obligations of the Company (NBP Fund Management Limited) or any investment scheme managed by it.
Page 02
* Annualized Return Based on Morning Star Methodology. All other returns are Annualized Simple Return.
The performance reported is net of management fee & all other expenses and based on dividend reinvestment gross of with-holding tax where applicable.
Management Fee: 0.5% of Net Income (min 0.1% p.a, max 1.0% p.a) We will rebalance the allocation of the Fund proactively based on the capital market
0.12% p.a. of average net assets during the month outlook.
(w.e.f July 01, 2022)
Credit Quality of the Portfolio as of December 31 , 2022 (% of Total Assets)
Total Expense Ratio: YTD 0.67% p.a (including 0.07% government
levies) AAA 54.6%
MTD 0.79% p.a (including 0.05% government AA+ 23.4%
levies) AA 20.9%
Selling & Marketing Expenses: 0.40% p.a. (w.e.f Dec 15, 2022) Others including Receivables 1.1%
Risk Profile / Risk of principal Low / Principal at low risk
Total 100%
Fund Stability Rating: "AA+(f)" by PACRA
Listing: Pakistan Stock Exchange
Custodian & Trustee: Central Depository Company (CDC)
Auditors: A.F. Ferguson & Co, Chartered Accountants Name of the Members of Investment Committee
Benchmark: Three months average deposit rates of three (3) AA Dr. Amjad Waheed, CFA
rated Islamic Banks or Islamic windows of Asim Wahab Khan, CFA
Conventional Banks as selected by MUFAP.
Hassan Raza, CFA
Fund Manager: Salman Ahmed, CFA Salman Ahmed, CFA
Minimum Subscription: Growth Unit: Rs. 10,000/- Usama Bin Razi
Asset Manager Rating: AM1 by PACRA (Very High Quality) Dispute Resolution / Complaint Handling
Asset Allocation (% of Total Assets) 31-Dec-22 30-Nov-22 Complaint Service :
Short Term Sukuk 15.6% 11.0% SECP’s Service Desk Management System:
Placements with Banks and DFIs 20.8% 14.7%
Bank Deposits 47.6% 72.7%
Others including Receivables 2.0% 1.6%
Certificate of Investments (COI) 14.0% 0.0%
Total 100.0% 100.0%
Leverage Nil Nil
Note: Amount invested by fund of funds is Rs. 153 million.
Notes: 1) The calculation of performance does not include cost of front end load.
2) Taxes apply.
Disclaimer: This publication is for informational purposes only and nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation, recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any fund. All investments in mutual
funds are subject to market risks. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Please read the offering Document to understand investment policies and the risks involved. NBP Fund
Management Limited or any of its sales representative cannot guarantee preservation / protection of capital and / or expected returns / profit on investments. The use of the name and logo of National
Bank of Pakistan does not mean that it is responsible for the liabilities/ obligations of the Company (NBP Fund Management Limited) or any investment scheme managed by it.
Page 04
NBP RIBA FREE SAVINGS FUND 13.0% 12.7% 11.2% 8.7% 6.2% 11.0% 8.8% 5.2% 8.7% 8.8% 7.7% 8.2%
BENCHMARK 6.6% 5.4% 4.5% 3.3% 3.6% 6.3% 3.7% 2.4% 4.3% 4.2% 4.7% 5.3%
* Annualized Return Based on Morning Star Methodology. All other returns are Annualized Simple Return.
The performance reported is net of management fee & all other expenses and based on dividend reinvestment gross of with-holding tax where applicable.
Notes: 1) The calculation of performance does not include cost of front end load.
2) Taxes apply.
Disclaimer: This publication is for informational purposes only and nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation, recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any fund. All investments in mutual
funds are subject to market risks. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Please read the offering Document to understand investment policies and the risks involved. NBP Fund
Management Limited or any of its sales representative cannot guarantee preservation / protection of capital and / or expected returns / profit on investments. The use of the name and logo of National
Bank of Pakistan does not mean that it is responsible for the liabilities/ obligations of the Company (NBP Fund Management Limited) or any investment scheme managed by it.
Page 05
NBP ISLAMIC MAHANA AMDANI FUND 15.2% 13.7% 12.0% 8.9% 6.5% 11.3% 9.1% 9.7%
* Annualized Return Based on Morning Star Methodology. All other returns are Annualized Simple Return.
The performance reported is net of management fee & all other expenses and based on dividend reinvestment gross of with-holding tax where applicable.
Selling & Marketing Expenses: 1.05% p.a ( w.e.f May 09, 2022) Government Securities (AAA rated) 15.6%
Risk Profile / Risk of principal Medium / Principal at medium risk AAA 12.3%
erosion: AA+ 25.1%
Fund Stability Rating: "A+(f)" by PACRA AA 3.3%
Listing: Pakistan Stock Exchange AA- 0.1%
Custodian & Trustee: Central Depository Company (CDC)
A+ 41.6%
Auditors: A. F. Ferguson & Co. Chartered Accountants
Others including Receivables 2.0%
Benchmark: 6-month average deposit rates of three A rated
Islamic Banks/Islamic windows of conventional Total 100%
banks as selected by MUFAP
Notes: 1) The calculation of performance does not include cost of front end load.
2) Taxes apply.
Disclaimer: This publication is for informational purposes only and nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation, recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any fund. All investments in mutual
funds are subject to market risks. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Please read the offering Document to understand investment policies and the risks involved. NBP Fund
Management Limited or any of its sales representative cannot guarantee preservation / protection of capital and / or expected returns / profit on investments. The use of the name and logo of National
Bank of Pakistan does not mean that it is responsible for the liabilities/ obligations of the Company (NBP Fund Management Limited) or any investment scheme managed by it.
Page 06
NBP ISLAMIC SAVINGS FUND 13.3% 12.8% 11.6% 9.2% 5.7% 10.9% 8.5% 5.1% 8.8% 8.7% 8.7% 7.3%
BENCHMARK 6.6% 5.4% 4.5% 3.3% 3.6% 6.3% 3.7% 2.4% 4.3% 4.2% 4.7% 5.4%
* Annualized Return Based on Morning Star Methodology. All other returns are Annualized Simple Return.
The performance reported is net of management fee & all other expenses and based on dividend reinvestment gross of with-holding tax where applicable.
Notes: 1) The calculation of performance does not include cost of front end load.
2) Taxes apply.
Disclaimer: This publication is for informational purposes only and nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation, recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any fund. All investments in mutual
funds are subject to market risks. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Please read the Offering Documents to understand the investment policies and the risks involved. The
scheme holds certain non-compliant investments. Before making any investment decision, investors should review the latest monthly Fund Manager Report and Financial statements. The reported
return may include provisions and reversal of provisions. NBP Fund Management Limited or any of its sales representative cannot guarantee preservation / protection of capital and / or expected returns
/ profit on investments. The use of the name and logo of National Bank of Pakistan does not mean that it is responsible for the liabilities/ obligations of the Company (NBP Fund Management Limited) or
any investment scheme managed by it.
Page 07
Performance Period Dec-2022 FYTD - 2023 Rolling 12 Months FY - 2022 Since Launch August 13, 2020*
* Annualized Return Based on Morning Star Methodology. All other returns are Annualized Simple Return.
The performance reported is net of management fee & all other expenses and based on dividend reinvestment gross of with-holding tax where applicable.
Disclaimer: This publication is for informational purposes only and nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation, recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any fund. All investments in mutual
funds are subject to market risks. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Please read the offering Document to understand investment policies and the risks involved. NBP Fund
Management Limited or any of its sales representative cannot guarantee preservation / protection of capital and / or expected returns / profit on investments. The use of the name and logo of National
Bank of Pakistan does not mean it is responsible for the liabilities/ obligations of the Company (NBP Fund Management Limited) or any investment scheme managed by it.
Page 08
NBP ISLAMIC MONEY MARKET FUND 14.8% 14.1% 12.7% 9.2% 6.2% 11.8% 8.1% 9.3% 9.1%
BENCHMARK 6.4% 5.9% 5.0% 3.7% 3.4% 5.4% 3.4% 4.2% 4.1%
* Annualized Return Based on Morning Star Methodology. All other returns are Annualized Simple Return.
The performance reported is net of management fee & all other expenses and based on dividend reinvestment gross of with-holding tax where applicable.
Management Fee: 1% of Net Income (Min 0.1% p.a., Max 1.0% p.a.). We will rebalance the allocation of the Fund proactively based on the capital market
0.15% p.a. of average net assets during the month outlook.
Notes: 1) The calculation of performance does not include cost of front end load.
2) Taxes apply.
Disclaimer: This publication is for informational purposes only and nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation, recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any fund. All investments in mutual
funds are subject to market risks. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Please read the offering Document to understand investment policies and the risks involved. NBP Fund
Management Limited or any of its sales representative cannot guarantee preservation / protection of capital and / or expected returns / profit on investments. The use of the name and logo of National
Bank of Pakistan does not mean that it is responsible for the liabilities/ obligations of the Company (NBP Fund Management Limited) or any investment scheme managed by it.
Page 09
BENCHMARK (3.9)% (0.03)% (2.6)% (7.4)% 21.7% 9.2% (10.5)% (3.6)% 1.3% 2.6% 6.9% 7.5%
Notes: 1) The calculation of performance does not include cost of front end load.
2) Taxes apply.
Disclaimer: This publication is for informational purposes only and nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation, recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any fund. All investments in mutual
funds are subject to market risks. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Please read the Offering Documents to understand the investment policies and the risks involved. The
scheme holds certain non-compliant investments. Before making any investment decision, investors should review the latest monthly Fund Manager Report and Financial statements. The reported
return may include provisions and reversal of provisions. NBP Fund Management Limited or any of its sales representative cannot guarantee preservation / protection of capital and / or expected returns
/ profit on investments. The use of the name and logo of National Bank of Pakistan does not mean that it is responsible for the liabilities/ obligations of the Company (NBP Fund Management Limited) or
any investment scheme managed by it.
Page 10
BENCHMARK (4.9)% (0.7)% (4.8)% (10.3)% 39.3% 1.6% (23.8)% (9.6)% 1.1% (0.1)% 3.9%
Notes: 1) The calculation of performance does not include cost of front end load.
2) Taxes apply.
Disclaimer: This publication is for informational purposes only and nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation, recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any fund. All investments in mutual
funds are subject to market risks. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Please read the offering Document to understand investment policies and the risks involved. NBP Fund
Management Limited or any of its sales representative cannot guarantee preservation / protection of capital and / or expected returns / profit on investments. The use of the name and logo of National
Bank of Pakistan does not mean that it is responsible for the liabilities/ obligations of the Company (NBP Fund Management Limited) or any investment scheme managed by it.
Page 11
NBP ISLAMIC STOCK FUND (4.5)% (2.0)% (14.5)% (16.7)% 36.2% 3.9% (20.1)% (12.8)% (1.4)% (1.2)% 3.8%
BENCHMARK (4.9)% (0.7)% (4.8)% (10.3)% 39.3% 1.6% (23.8)% (9.6)% 1.1% (0.1)% 3.4%
Notes: 1) The calculation of performance does not include cost of front end load.
2) Taxes apply.
Disclaimer: This publication is for informational purposes only and nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation, recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any fund. All investments in mutual
funds are subject to market risks. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Please read the offering Document to understand investment policies and the risks involved. NBP Fund
Management Limited or any of its sales representative cannot guarantee preservation / protection of capital and / or expected returns / profit on investments. The use of the name and logo of National
Bank of Pakistan does not mean that it is responsible for the liabilities/ obligations of the Company (NBP Fund Management Limited) or any investment scheme managed by it.
Page 12
NBP ISLAMIC ENERGY FUND 1.2% 2.6% 1.6% (7.0)% 14.6% (7.2)% (27.8)% (3.2)% (4.3)% (5.2)% 0.4%
BENCHMARK (4.9)% (0.7)% (4.8)% (10.3)% 39.3% 1.6% (23.8)% (9.6)% 1.1% (0.1)% 2.2%
Notes: 1) The calculation of performance does not include cost of front end load.
2) Taxes apply.
Disclaimer: This publication is for informational purposes only and nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation, recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any fund. All investments in mutual
funds are subject to market risks. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Please read the offering Document to understand investment policies and the risks involved. NBP Fund
Management Limited or any of its sales representative cannot guarantee preservation / protection of capital and / or expected returns / profit on investments. The use of the name and logo of National
Bank of Pakistan does not mean that it is responsible for the liabilities/ obligations of the Company (NBP Fund Management Limited) or any investment scheme managed by it.
Page 13
NIPF-Equity Sub-fund 1,075 316.2598 (4.7%)* (1.5%)* (13.1%)* (14.1%)* 43.7%* 7.7%* (18.2%)* (10.5%)* 2.1% 2.2% 12.8%
NIPF-Debt Sub-fund 848 182.6295 13.3% 13.9% 12.5% 9.2% 5.3% 9.4% 6.1% 2.8% 8.4% 7.7% 6.4%
NIPF-Money Market Sub-fund 1,852 185.9045 14.5% 14.1% 12.7% 8.9% 4.8% 9.8% 7.5% 3.6% 8.3% 8.0% 6.6%
*Cumulative Returns All Other returns are annualized
The performance reported is net of management fee & all other expenses and based on dividend reinvestment gross of with-holding tax where applicable.
Notes: 1) The calculation of performance does not include cost of front end load.
2) Taxes apply. Further, tax credit also available as per section 63 of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001.
Disclaimer: This publication is for informational purposes only and nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation, recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any fund. All investments in pension
funds are subject to market risks. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Please read the offering Document to understand investment policies and the risks involved. NBP Funds
or any of its sales representative cannot guarantee preservation / protection of capital and / or expected returns / profit on investments. The use of the name and logo of National Bank of Pakistan does
not mean that it is responsible for the liabilities/ obligations of the Company (NBP Fund Management Limited) or any investment scheme managed by it.
Page 14
BENCHMARK (2.3)% 1.5% (0.8)% (6.5)% 29.9% 12.2% (11.0)% (8.5)% 4.7% 4.5% 6.2%
Notes: 1) The calculation of performance does not include cost of front end load.
2) Taxes apply.
Disclaimer: This publication is for informational purposes only and nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation, recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any fund. All investments in mutual
funds are subject to market risks. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Please read the offering Document to understand investment policies and the risks involved. NBP Fund
Management Limited or any of its sales representative cannot guarantee preservation / protection of capital and / or expected returns / profit on investments. The use of the name and logo of National
Bank of Pakistan does not mean that it is responsible for the liabilities/ obligations of the Company (NBP Fund Management Limited) or any investment scheme managed by it.
Page 15
BENCHMARK (2.3)% 1.7% (0.8)% (6.6)% 29.5% (1.7)% (6.0)% (8.1)% 4.9% 2.9% 4.3%
Fund Manager: Asim Wahab Khan, CFA Dispute Resolution / Complaint Handling
Asset Manager Rating: AM1 by PACRA (Very High Quality) Complaint Service :
SECP’s Service Desk Management System:
Asset Allocation (% of Total Assets) 31-Dec-22 30-Nov-22
Shari'ah Compliant Funds 91.3% 91.5%
Cash Equivalents 8.1% 8.1%
Others including Receivables 0.6% 0.4%
Total 100.0% 100.0%
Leverage Nil Nil
Notes: 1) The calculation of performance does not include cost of front end load.
2) Taxes apply.
Disclaimer: This publication is for informational purposes only and nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation, recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any fund. All investments in mutual
funds are subject to market risks. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Please read the offering Document to understand investment policies and the risks involved. NBP Fund
Management Limited or any of its sales representative cannot guarantee preservation / protection of capital and / or expected returns / profit on investments. The use of the name and logo of National
Bank of Pakistan does not mean that it is responsible for the liabilities/ obligations of the Company (NBP Fund Management Limited) or any investment scheme managed by it.
Page 16
BENCHMARK (2.3)% 1.5% (0.9)% (6.5)% 29.5% 12.6% (9.5)% (5.0)% 4.9% 5.4% 4.8%
Notes: 1) The calculation of performance does not include cost of front end load.
2) Taxes apply.
Disclaimer: This publication is for informational purposes only and nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation, recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any fund. All investments in mutual
funds are subject to market risks. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Please read the offering Document to understand investment policies and the risks involved. NBP Fund
Management Limited or any of its sales representative cannot guarantee preservation / protection of capital and / or expected returns / profit on investments. The use of the name and logo of National
Bank of Pakistan does not mean that it is responsible for the liabilities/ obligations of the Company (NBP Fund Management Limited) or any investment scheme managed by it.
Page 17
BENCHMARK (2.1)% 1.8% (0.6)% (6.6)% 29.3% 12.8% (10.3)% (5.9)% 4.8% 5.0% 4.2%
Notes: 1) The calculation of performance does not include cost of front end load.
2) Taxes apply.
Disclaimer: This publication is for informational purposes only and nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation, recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any fund. All investments in mutual
funds are subject to market risks. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Please read the offering Document to understand investment policies and the risks involved. NBP Fund
Management Limited or any of its sales representative cannot guarantee preservation / protection of capital and / or expected returns / profit on investments. The use of the name and logo of National
Bank of Pakistan does not mean that it is responsible for the liabilities/ obligations of the Company (NBP Fund Management Limited) or any investment scheme managed by it.
Page 18
BENCHMARK (2.3)% 1.7% (0.6)% (6.6)% 29.3% 12.2% (10.9)% (4.9)% 4.7% 4.9% 1.8%
Notes: 1) The calculation of performance does not include cost of front end load.
2) Taxes apply.
Disclaimer: This publication is for informational purposes only and nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation, recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any fund. All investments in mutual
funds are subject to market risks. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Please read the offering Document to understand investment policies and the risks involved. NBP Fund
Management Limited or any of its sales representative cannot guarantee preservation / protection of capital and / or expected returns / profit on investments. The use of the name and logo of National
Bank of Pakistan does not mean that it is responsible for the liabilities/ obligations of the Company (NBP Fund Management Limited) or any investment scheme managed by it.
Page 19
BENCHMARK (2.3)% 1.6% (1.7)% (7.7)% 29.4% 11.5% (10.7)% (3.8)% 4.1% 4.6% 1.3%
Notes: 1) The calculation of performance does not include cost of front end load.
2) Taxes apply.
Disclaimer: This publication is for informational purposes only and nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation, recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any fund. All investments in mutual
funds are subject to market risks. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Please read the offering Document to understand investment policies and the risks involved. NBP Fund
Management Limited or any of its sales representative cannot guarantee preservation / protection of capital and / or expected returns / profit on investments. The use of the name and logo of National
Bank of Pakistan does not mean that it is responsible for the liabilities/ obligations of the Company (NBP Fund Management Limited) or any investment scheme managed by it.
Page 20
BENCHMARK (2.3)% 1.6% (0.8)% (6.6)% 29.0% 5.8% (10.8)% (3.0)% 4.6% 3.6% 2.0%
Notes: 1) The calculation of performance does not include cost of front end load.
2) Taxes apply.
Disclaimer: This publication is for informational purposes only and nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation, recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any fund. All investments in mutual
funds are subject to market risks. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Please read the offering Document to understand investment policies and the risks involved. NBP Fund
Management Limited or any of its sales representative cannot guarantee preservation / protection of capital and / or expected returns / profit on investments. The use of the name and logo of National
Bank of Pakistan does not mean that it is responsible for the liabilities/ obligations of the Company (NBP Fund Management Limited) or any investment scheme managed by it.
Page 21
BENCHMARK (2.3)% 1.7% (0.7)% (6.7)% 29.0% 4.7% (5.2)% 4.7% 4.3% 4.2%
Notes: 1) The calculation of performance does not include cost of front end load.
2) Taxes apply.
Disclaimer: This publication is for informational purposes only and nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation, recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any fund. All investments in mutual
funds are subject to market risks. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Please read the offering Document to understand investment policies and the risks involved. NBP Fund
Management Limited or any of its sales representative cannot guarantee preservation / protection of capital and / or expected returns / profit on investments. The use of the name and logo of National
Bank of Pakistan does not mean that it is responsible for the liabilities/ obligations of the Company (NBP Fund Management Limited) or any investment scheme managed by it.
Page 22
BENCHMARK (0.8)% 2.4% 2.1% (2.6)% 17.9% 5.0% (0.9)% 3.4% 4.3%
Total Expense Ratio: YTD: 0.72% p.a (including 0.04% government Since inception, unit price of NICPP-I has increased by 6.6% p.a versus the
levies), Benchmark return of 4.3% p.a. The current exposure in Money Market Fund and
MTD: 0.83% (including 0.04% government levies) Equity Fund stands at 68.5% & 19.4%, respectively. During the month, maximum
multiplier stood at 1.1 whereas minimum multiplier was 0.8.
Risk Profile / Risk of principal Medium / Principal at medium risk
Listing: Pakistan Stock Exchange
Custodian & Trustee: Central Depository Company (CDC)
Top Holdings (as on December 31 , 2022)
Auditors: Grant Thornton Anjum Rahman & Co., Chartered
Accountants Name % of Total Assets
Benchmark: Daily Weighted Return of KMI-30 Index and 3- NBP Islamic Daily Dividend Fund 45.6%
months average deposit rate of three AA rated
Islamic Banks or Islamic windows of Conventional NBP Islamic Money Market Fund 22.9%
Banks as selected by MUFAP, on the basis of NBP Islamic Active Allocation Equity Fund 19.4%
actual investment by the Plan in equity and money
market schemes.
Fund Manager: Asim Wahab Khan, CFA Name of the Members of Investment Committee
Asset Manager Rating: AM1 by PACRA (Very High Quality) Dr. Amjad Waheed, CFA
Asset Allocation (% of Total Assets) 31-Dec-22 30-Nov-22 Asim Wahab Khan, CFA
Shari'ah Compliant Funds 87.9% 91.1% Salman Ahmed, CFA
Cash Equivalents 11.5% 8.4% Hassan Raza, CFA
Others including Receivables 0.6% 0.5% Dispute Resolution / Complaint Handling
Total 100.0% 100.0% Complaint Service :
Leverage Nil Nil SECP’s Service Desk Management System:
Notes: 1) The calculation of performance does not include cost of front end load.
2) Taxes apply.
Disclaimer: This publication is for informational purposes only and nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation, recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any fund. All investments in mutual
funds are subject to market risks. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Please read the offering Document to understand investment policies and the risks involved. Capital
preservation only applies to unit holders who hold their investments until initial maturity of two years. NBP Fund Management Limited or any of its sales representative cannot guarantee preservation /
protection of capital and / or expected returns / profit on investments. The use of the name and logo of National Bank of Pakistan does not mean that it is responsible for the liabilities/ obligations of the
Company (NBP Fund Management Limited) or any investment scheme managed by it.
Page 23
BENCHMARK (1.0)% 2.2% 1.9% (2.2)% 12.6% 3.6% (2.5)% 2.0% 2.8%
Notes: 1) The calculation of performance does not include cost of front end load.
2) Taxes apply.
Disclaimer: This publication is for informational purposes only and nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation, recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any fund. All investments in mutual
funds are subject to market risks. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Please read the offering Document to understand investment policies and the risks involved. Capital
preservation only applies to unit holders who hold their investments until initial maturity of two years. NBP Fund Management Limited or any of its sales representative cannot guarantee preservation /
protection of capital and / or expected returns / profit on investments. The use of the name and logo of National Bank of Pakistan does not mean that it is responsible for the liabilities/ obligations of the
Company (NBP Fund Management Limited) or any investment scheme managed by it.
Page 24
BENCHMARK (0.8)% 2.3% 2.1% (2.4)% 7.8% 2.7% (2.5)% 0.3% 1.7%
Notes: 1) The calculation of performance does not include cost of front end load.
2) Taxes apply.
Disclaimer: This publication is for informational purposes only and nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation, recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any fund. All investments in mutual
funds are subject to market risks. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Please read the offering Document to understand investment policies and the risks involved. Capital
preservation only applies to unit holders who hold their investments until initial maturity of two years. NBP Fund Management Limited or any of its sales representative cannot guarantee preservation /
protection of capital and / or expected returns / profit on investments. The use of the name and logo of National Bank of Pakistan does not mean that it is responsible for the liabilities/ obligations of the
Company (NBP Fund Management Limited) or any investment scheme managed by it.
Page 25
Notes: 1) The calculation of performance does not include cost of front end load.
2) Taxes apply.
Disclaimer: This publication is for informational purposes only and nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation, recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any fund. All investments in mutual
funds are subject to market risks. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Please read the offering Document to understand investment policies and the risks involved. Capital
preservation only applies to unit holders who hold their investments until initial maturity of two years. NBP Fund Management Limited or any of its sales representative cannot guarantee preservation /
protection of capital and / or expected returns / profit on investments. The use of the name and logo of National Bank of Pakistan does not mean that it is responsible for the liabilities/ obligations of the
Company (NBP Fund Management Limited) or any investment scheme managed by it.
Page 26
Notes: 1) The calculation of performance does not include cost of front end load.
2) Taxes apply.
Disclaimer: This publication is for informational purposes only and nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation, recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any fund. All investments in mutual
funds are subject to market risks. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Please read the offering Document to understand investment policies and the risks involved. Capital
preservation only applies to unit holders who hold their investments until initial maturity of two years. NBP Fund Management Limited or any of its sales representative cannot guarantee preservation /
protection of capital and / or expected returns / profit on investments. The use of the name and logo of National Bank of Pakistan does not mean that it is responsible for the liabilities/ obligations of the
Company (NBP Fund Management Limited) or any investment scheme managed by it.
Page 27
Performance Period Dec-2022 FYTD - 2023 Rolling 6 Months Since Launch June 28, 2022
Return is cumulative.
The performance reported is net of management fee & all other expenses and based on dividend reinvestment gross of with-holding tax where applicable.
Notes: 1) The calculation of performance does not include cost of front end load.
2) Taxes apply.
Disclaimer: This publication is for informational purposes only and nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation, recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any fund. All investments in mutual
funds are subject to market risks. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Please read the offering Document to understand investment policies and the risks involved. Capital
preservation only applies to unit holders who hold their investments until initial maturity of two years. NBP Fund Management Limited or any of its sales representative cannot guarantee preservation /
protection of capital and / or expected returns / profit on investments. The use of the name and logo of National Bank of Pakistan does not mean that it is responsible for the liabilities/ obligations of the
Company (NBP Fund Management Limited) or any investment scheme managed by it.
Page 28