Violence Assessment Tool
Violence Assessment Tool
Violence Assessment Tool
Key Factors High Risk - 2 POINTS Moderate Risk - 1 POINT No Precautions - 0 POINTS
Any single episode of violence with Destruction of property without injury Violence only when using drugs or
HISTORY injury to others while hospitalized -OR- to others while hospitalized -OR- A alcohol -OR- Destruction of property
OF Multiple assaults with injury while single assault outside the hospital outside the hospital -OR- No history of
VIOLENCE outside hospital resulting in injury -OR- Multiple assaults violence.
2 1 rehabilitation 0
Paranoia or hostility generalized Paranoia or hostility generalized No apparent paranoia
to people in the immediate toward inaccessible people No apparent hostility
environment 2 Verbally impulsive
1 0
IMPULSITIVITY Physically impulsive -OR- No apparent impulsivity
2 1 0
TOTAL SCORE 9 or more = High-risk precautions 3 to 8 = Moderate-risk precautions 0 to 2 = No precautions
Total Score: ___________ Assessed by (RN): ____________________________________ Date: ___________ Time: ___________
ASSAULT and VIOLENCE ASSESSMENT TOOL (Courtesy of Psychiatric Nursing, Institute of Psychiatry, Medical University of South Carolina).