JNTUA B.Tech - R20 Academic Regulations Final
JNTUA B.Tech - R20 Academic Regulations Final
JNTUA B.Tech - R20 Academic Regulations Final
University Anantapur
(Established by Govt. of A.P., Act. No. 30 of 2008)
(As per AICTE guidelines)
2. Students, who fail to fulfil all the academic requirements for the award of the degree
within eight academic years from the year of their admission, shall forfeit their seat in
B.Tech. course and their admission stands cancelled. This clause shall be read along with
clause 1 a) i).
3. Courses of study:
The following courses are offered at present as specializations for the B. Tech. program
for non-autonomous, constituent& affiliated colleges from 2020-21
and any other course as approved by the authorities of the University from time to time.
4. Admissions:
Admission to the B. Tech Program shall be made subject to the eligibility,
qualifications and specialization prescribed by the A.P. State Government/University
from time to time. Admissions shall be made either based on the merit rank obtained
by the student in the common entrance examination conducted by the A.P.
Government/University or any other order of merit approved by the A.P.
Government/University, subject to reservations as prescribed by the
Government/University from time to time.
7. Course Classification:
All subjects/ courses offered for the undergraduate programme in E&T (B.Tech.
degree programmes) are broadly classified as follows. The University has followed
the guidelines issued by AICTE/UGC.
S.No. Broad Course Course Category Description
Includes mathematics, physics and chemistry
1. Foundation Foundation courses Courses; fundamental engineering courses; humanities,
Core Courses socialsciences and management courses
2. Professional Core Includes subjects related to the parent
Core Courses Courses (PC) discipline/department/branch of Engineering
8. Programme Pattern
i. Total duration of the of B. Tech (Regular) Programme is four academic years
ii. Each academic year of study is divided into two semesters.
iii. Minimum number of instruction days in each semester is 90.
iv. There shall be mandatory student induction program for freshers, with a three-
week duration before the commencement of first semester. Physical activity,
Creative Arts, Universal Human Values, Literary, Proficiency Modules,
Lectures by Eminent People, Visits to local Areas, Familiarization to
Dept./Branch & Innovations etc., are included as per the guidelines issued by
v. All undergraduate students shall register for NCC/NSS/ activities. A student
will be required to participate in an activity for two hours in a week either
inthird or fourth semester. Grade shall be awarded as Satisfactory or
Unsatisfactory in the mark sheet based on participation, attendance,
performance, and behaviour. If a student gets an unsatisfactory grade, he/she
shall repeat the above activity in the subsequent years, to complete the degree
vi. Courses like Environmental Sciences, Universal Human Values,Indian
Constitution, Design Thinking for Innovation and Employability Skills is
offered as non-credit mandatory courses for all branches.
vii. Increased flexibility for students through an increase in the elective component
of the curriculum, with 05 Professional Elective courses and 04 Open Elective
viii. Professional Elective Courses, include the elective courses relevant to
thechosen specialization/branch. Proper choice of professional elective courses
can lead to students specializing in an emerging area within the chosen field of
ix. Student can opt for any open elective other than open elective offered by
his/her own department. While choosing the electives, students shall ensure
that they do not opt for the courses with syllabus contents similar to that of
their departmental core/elective courses.
x. A pool of interdisciplinary/job-oriented/domain skill courses which are
relevant to the industry are integrated into the curriculum of all
disciplines.There shall be 05 skill-oriented courses offered during III to VII
semesters. Among the five skill courses, four courses shall focus on the basic
and advanced skills related to the domain/interdisciplinary courses and the
other shall be a soft skills course.
xi. Students shall undergo mandatory summer internships, for a minimum of six
weeks duration at the end of second and third year of the programme. There
shall also be mandatory full internship in the final semester of the programme
along with the project work.
xii. Undergraduate degree either with Honours or a Minor is introduced by the
University for the students having good academic record
xiii. Each college shall take measures to implement Virtual Labs
(https://www.vlab.co.in) which provide remote access to labs in various
disciplines of Engineering and will help student in learning basic and
advanced concept through remote experimentation. Student shall be made to
work on virtual lab experiments during the regular labs.
xiv. Each college shall assign a faculty advisor/mentor after admission to a group
of students from same department to provide guidance in courses
registration/careergrowth/placements/opportunities for higher
studies/GATE/other competitive exams etc.
xv. Preferably 25% course work for the theory courses in every semester shall
be conducted in the blended mode of learning.
9. Evaluation Process
The performance of a student in each semester shall be evaluated subject wise with a
maximum of 100 marks for theory and 100 marks for practical subject. Summer
Internships shall be evaluated for 50 marks,Full Internship &Project workin final
semester shall be evaluated for 200 marks, mandatory courses with no credits shall be
evaluated for 30 mid semester marks.
i) For theory subject, the distribution shall be 30 marks for Internal Evaluation and
70 marks for the End-Examination.
ii) For practical subject, the distribution shall be 30 marks for Internal Evaluation and
70 marks for the End- Examination.
iii) If any course contains two different branch subjects, the syllabus shall be written
in two parts with 3 units each (Part-A and Part-B)
iv) If any subject is having both theory and practical components, they will be
evaluated separately as theory subject and practical subject. However, they will be
given same subject code with an extension of ‘T’ for theory subject and ‘P’ for
practical subject.
a) Continuous Internal Evaluation
i) For theory subjects, during the semester, there shall be two midterm examinations.
Each midterm examination shall be evaluated for 30 marks of which 10 marks for
objective paper with 20 objective type questions (20 minutes duration), 15 marks
for subjective paper (90 minutes duration) and 5 marks for assignment.
ii) Objective paper shall be set for maximum of 20 bits for 10 marks. Subjective
paper shall contain 3 either or type questions (totally six questions from 1 to 6) of
which student has to answer one from each either-or type question. Each question
carries 5 marks.
The objective paper with 20 objective type questions shall be prepared in line with
the quality of competitive examinations questions.
The subjective paper shall contain 3 either or type questions of equal weightage of 5
marks. Any fraction shall be rounded off to the next higher mark.
The objective paper shall be conducted either online or offline by the respective
institution on the day of subjective paper test.
If conducted offline, the midterm examination shall be conducted first by distribution
of the Objective paper, simultaneously marking the attendance, after 20 minutes the
answered objective paper shall be collected back. The student is not allowed to leave
the examination hall.
Then the descriptive question paper and the answer booklet shall be distributed. After
90minutes the answered booklets are collected back.
The assignment shall contain numerical problems/software development. If subject is
purely descriptive and does not have any numerical problems, then essay type
question/term paper shall be given. It should be continuous assessment throughout the
semester. There shall be five assignments one for each unit and the average marks
shall be considered.
iii) If the student is absent for the mid semester examination, no re-exam shall be
conducted and mid semester marks for that examination shall be considered as
iv) First midterm examination shall be conducted for I, II units of syllabus with one
either or type question from each unit and third either or type question from both
the units. The second midterm examination shall be conducted for III, IV and V
units with one either or type question from each unit.
v) Final mid semester marks shall be arrived at by considering the marks secured
by the student in both the mid examinations with 80% weightage given to the better
mid exam and 20% to the other.For Example:
Marks obtained in first mid: 25
Marks obtained in second mid: 20
Final mid semester Marks: (25x0.8) + (20x0.2) = 24
If the student is absent for any one midterm examination, the final mid semester
marks shall be arrived at by considering 80% weightage to the marks secured by
the student in the appeared examination and zero to the other. For Example:
Marks obtained in first mid: Absent
Marks obtained in second mid: 25
Final mid semester Marks: (25x0.8) + (0x0.2) =20
b) End Examination Evaluation:
End examination of theory subjects shall have the following pattern:
i) There shall be 6 questions and all questions are compulsory.
ii) Question I shall contain 10 compulsory short answer questions for a total of
20marks such that each question carries 2 marks.
iii) There shall be 2 short answer questions from each unit.
a) In each of the questions from 2 to 6, there shall be either/or type questions of 10
marks each. Student shall answer any one of them.
iv) The questions from 2 to 6 shall be set by covering one unit of the syllabus for each
End examination of theory subjects consisting of two parts of different subjects, for
Example: Basic Electrical &Electronics Engineering shall have the following pattern:
i) Question paper shall be in two parts viz., Part A and Part B with equal weightage of
35 marks each.
ii) In each part, question 1 shall contain 5 compulsory short answer questions for a total
of 5 marks such that each question carries 1mark.
iii) In each part, questions from 2 to 4, there shall be either/or type questions of 10 marks
each. Student shall answer any one of them.
iv) The questions from 2 to 4 shall be set by covering one unit of the syllabus for each
b) For practical courses, there shall be a continuous evaluation during the semester
for 30 sessional marks and end examination shall be for 70 marks. Day-to-day
work in the laboratory shall be evaluated for 15 marks by the concerned
laboratory teacher based on the regularity/record/viva and 15 marks for the
internal test. The end examination shall be conducted by the concerned laboratory
teacher and a senior expert in the subject from the same department.
In a practical subject consisting of two parts (Eg: Basic Electrical &Electronics
Engineering Lab), the end examination shall be conducted for 35 marks in each
part. Mid semester examination shall be evaluated as above for 30 marks in each
part and final mid semester marks shall be arrived by considering the average of
marks obtained in two parts.
c) For the subject having design and/or drawing, such as Engineering Drawing, the
distribution of marks shall be 30 for mid semester evaluation and 70 for end
Day-to-day work shall be evaluated for 15 marks by the concerned subject
teacher based on the reports/submissions prepared in the class. And there shall be
two midterm examinations in a semester for duration of 2 hours each for 15
marks with weightage of 80% to better mid marks and 20% for the other. The
subjective paper shall contain 3 either or type questions of equal weightage of 5
marks. There shall be no objective paper in mid semester examination. The sum
of day-to-day evaluation and the mid semester marks will be the final sessional
marks for the subject.
The end examination pattern for Engineering Graphics, shall consists of 5
questions, either/or type, of 14 marks each. There shall be no objective type
questions in the end examination. However, the end examination pattern for other
subjects related to design/drawing is mentioned along with the syllabus.
d) There shall be no external examination for mandatory courses with zero credits.
However, attendance shall be considered while calculating aggregate attendance
and student shall be declared to have passed the mandatory course only when
he/she secures 40% or more in the internal examinations. In case, the student
fails, a re-examination shall be conducted for failed candidates for 30 marks
satisfying the conditions mentioned in item 1 & 2 of the regulations.
e) The laboratory records and mid semester test papers shall be preserved for a
minimum of 3 years in the respective institutions as per the University norms and
shall be produced to the Committees of the University as and when the same are
asked for.
10. Skill oriented Courses
i) There shall be five skill-oriented courses offered during III to VII semesters.
ii) Out of the five skill courses two shall be skill-oriented courses from the same
domain. Of the remaining three skill courses, one shall be a soft skill course and
the remaining two shall be skill-advanced courses from the same
domain/Interdisciplinary/Job oriented.
f) The course shall carry 100 marks and shall be evaluated through continuous
assessments during the semester for 30 sessional marks and end examination
shall be for 70 marks. Day-to-day work in the class / laboratory shall be
evaluated for 30 marks by the concerned teacher based on the
regularity/assignments/viva/mid semester test. The end examination similar to
practical examination pattern shall be conducted by the concerned teacher and an
expert in the subject nominated by the principal.
iii) The Head of the Department shall identify a faculty member as coordinator for the
course. A committee consisting of the Head of the Department, coordinator and a
senior Faculty member nominated by the Head of the Department shall monitor
the evaluation process. The marks/grades shall be assigned to the students by the
above committee based on their performance.
iv) The student shall be given an option to choose either the skill courses being
offered by the college or to choose a certificate course being offered by
industries/Professional bodies or any other accredited bodies. If a student chooses
to take a Certificate Course offered by external agencies, the credits shall be
awarded to the student upon producing the Course Completion Certificate from
the agency. A committee shall be formed at the level of the college to evaluate the
grades/marks given for a course by external agencies and convert to the equivalent
v) The recommended courses offered by external agencies, conversions and
appropriate grades/marks are to be approved by the University at the beginning of
the semester. The principal of the respective college shall forward such proposals
to the University for approval.
vi) If a student prefers to take a certificate course offered by external agency, the
department shall mark attendance of the student for the remaining courses in that
semester excluding the skill course in all the calculations of mandatory attendance
requirements upon producing a valid certificate as approved by the University.
11. MOOCs through SWAYAM Platform:
There shall be five professional elective courses and four open elective courses, which
are Choice Based Credit Courses (CBCC), offered from V semester onwards. Among
them, one elective course shall be pursued through MOOCs. The student shall register
for the course (Minimum of 12 weeks) offered by SWAYAM with the approval of
Head of the Department. The Head of the Department shall appoint one mentor to
monitor the student’s assignment submissions given by SWAYAM. The student
needs to earn a certificate by passing the exam. The student shall be awarded the
credits assigned in the curriculum only by submission of the certificate. Examination
fee, if any, will be borne by the student.
A Student must complete the SWAYAM MOOC course in all respects on or before 5 /
6 / 7 semester. Students' MOOC course score in terms of marks/grade/credits will be
counted in their 5/6/7 semester marks sheet as the case may be. Students who have
qualified in the proctored examinations conducted by the SWAYAM and apply for
credit transfer as specified are exempted from appearing internal as well as external
examination (for the specified equivalent credit course only) conducted by the
Necessary amendments in rules and regulations regarding adoption of SWAYAM
MOOCS courses would be proposed from time to time.
Credit Equivalence for SWAYAM MOOCs Courses:
Courses of 04 weeks duration: 01 Credit
Courses of 08 weeks duration: 02 Credits
Courses of 12 weeks duration: 03 Credits
Courses of 16 weeks duration: 04 Credits
12. Credit Transfer Policy
Adoption of MOOCs is mandatory for all students, to enable Blended model of
teaching-learning as also envisaged in the NEP 2020. As per University Grants
Commission (Credit Framework for Online Learning Courses through SWAYAM)
Regulation, 2016, the University shall allow up to a maximum of 40% of the total
courses being offered in a particular Programme in a semester through the Online
Learning courses through SWAYAM platform (www.swayam.gov.in).
i) The University shall offer credit mobility for MOOCs and give the equivalent
credit weightage to the students for the credits earned through online learning
courses through SWAYAM platform.
ii) The online learning courses available on the SWAYAM platform will be
considered for credit transfer. SWAYAM course credits are as specified in the
iii) Student registration for the MOOCs shall be only through the institution, it is
mandatory for the student to share necessary information with the institution
iv) Credit transfer policy will be applicable to the Professional & Open Elective
courses offered by the university under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS).
v) The institution shall select the courses to be permitted for credit transfer
through SWAYAM. However, while selecting courses in the online platform
institution would essentially avoid the courses offered through the
curriculumas it may otherwise lead to duplication and repetition of the same
vi) The University/institution shall notify at the beginning of semester the list of
the online learning courses eligible for credit transfer in the forthcoming
vii) The institution shall also ensure that the student has to complete the course
and produce the course completion certificate as per the academic schedule
given for the regular courses in that semester
viii) The institution shall designate a faculty member as a Mentor for each course
to guide the students from registration till completion of the credit course.
ix) The university shall ensure no overlap of SWAYAM MOOC exams with that
of the university examination schedule. In case of delay in SWAYAM results,
the university will re-issue the marks sheet for such students.
x) Student pursuing courses under MOOCs shall acquire the required credits only
after successful completion of the course and submitting a certificate issued by
the competent authority along with the percentage of marks and grades.
xi) The institution shall submit the following to the examination section of the
a) List of students who have passed MOOC courses in the current
semester along with the certificates of completion.
b) Undertaking form filled by the students for credit transfer.
xii) The university shall resolve any issues that may arise in the implementation of
this policy from time to time and shall review its credit transfer policy in the
light of periodic changes brought by UGC, SWAYAM, NPTEL and state
Note: Students shall also be permitted to register for MOOCs offered through online
platforms other than SWAYAM / NPTEL. In such cases, credit transfer shall be
permitted only after seeking approval of the University at least three months prior to
the commencement of the semester.
iv) When a student is detained due to lack of credits/shortage of attendance he/she may
be re-admitted when the semester is offered after fulfilment of academic regulations.
In such case, he/she shall be in the academic regulations into which he/she is
18. Grading:
As a measure of the student’s performance, a 10-point Absolute Grading System using
the following Letter Grades and corresponding percentage of marks shall be followed:
After each course is evaluated for 100 marks, the marks obtained in each course will be
converted to a corresponding letter grade as given below, depending on the range in
which the marks obtained by the student fall.
Grade Point: It is a numerical weight allotted to each letter grade on a 10-point scale.
Letter Grade: It is an index of the performance of students in a said course. Grades are
denoted by letters S, A, B, C, D and F.
A student shall be permitted to exit with a B.S. degree (in the field of learning discipline)
based on his/her request to the university through the respective institution subject to
passing all the courses offered in first, second and third years.
The University shall resolve any issues that may arise in the implementation of this
policy from time to time and shall review the policy in the light of periodic changes
brought by UGC, AICTE and State government.
2. Students, who fail to fulfil the requirement for the award of the degree within six
consecutive academic years from the year of admission, shall forfeit their seat.
4. Course Pattern
4.1. The entire course of study is three academic years on semester pattern.
4.2. A student eligible to appear for the end examination in a subject but absent at it
or has failed in the end examination may appear for that subject at the next
supplementary examination offered.
4.3. When a student is detained due to lack of credits/shortage of attendance the
student may be re-admitted when the semester is offered after fulfilment of
academic regulations, the student shall be in the academic regulations into which
he/she is readmitted.
5. All other regulations asapplicable for B. Tech. Four-year degree course (Regular) will
hold good for B. Tech. (Lateral Entry Scheme).
6. There shall be a bridge course in Mathematics with zero credits in III semester for all
disciplines. The course work is conducted for 20 Hrs in the semester and there shall be
no examination conducted for the course.
If the candidate:
1.(a) Possesses or keeps accessible in examination hall, any Expulsion from the examination hall and cancellation
paper, note book, programmable calculators, Cell of the performance in that subject only.
phones, pager, palm computers or any other form of
material concerned with or related to the subject of the
examination (theory or practical) in which he is
appearing but has not made use of (material shall
include any marks on the body of the candidate which
can be used as an aid in the subject of the
(b) Gives assistance or guidance or receives it from any Expulsion from the examination hall and cancellation
other candidate orally or by any other body language of the performance in that subject only of all the
methods or communicates through cell phones with candidates involved. In case of an outsider, he will be
any candidate or persons in or outside the exam hall in handed over to the police and a case is registered
respect of any matter. against him.
2. Has copied in the examination hall from any paper, Expulsion from the examination hall and cancellation
book, programmable calculators, palm computers or of the performance in that subject and all other
any other form of material relevant to the subject of subjects the candidate has already appeared
the examination (theory or practical) in which the including practical examinations and project work and
candidate is appearing. shall not be permitted to appear for the remaining
examinations of the subjects of that semester/year. The
Hall Ticket of the candidate is to be cancelled and sent
to the University.
3. Impersonates any other candidate in connection with The candidate who has impersonated shall be expelled
the examination. from examination hall. The candidate is also debarred
for four consecutive semesters from class work and all
University examinations. The continuation of the
course by the candidate is subject to the academic
regulations in connection with forfeiture of seat. The
performance of the original candidate who has been
impersonated, shall be cancelled in all the subjects
of the examination (including practicals and project
work) already appeared and shall not be allowed to
appear for examinations of the remaining subjects of
that semester/year. The candidate is also debarred for
four consecutive semesters from class work and all
University examinations, if his involvement is
established. Otherwise, the candidate is debarred for
two consecutive semesters from class work and all
University examinations. The continuation of the
course by the candidate is subject to the academic
regulations in connection with forfeiture of seat. If
the imposter is an outsider, he will be handed over to
the police and a case is registered against him.
4. Smuggles in the Answer book or additional sheet or Expulsion from the examination hall and cancellation
takes out or arranges to send out the question paper of performance in that subject and all the other
during the examination or answer book or additional subjects the candidate has already appeared
sheet, during or after the examination. including practical examinations and project work and
shall not be permitted for the remaining examinations
of the subjects of that semester/year. The candidate is
also debarred for two consecutive semesters from class
work and all University examinations. The
continuation of the course by the candidate is
subject to the academic regulations in connection
with forfeiture of seat.
5. Uses objectionable, abusive or offensive language in Cancellation of the performance in that subject only.
the answer paper or in letters to the examiners or
writes to the examiner requesting him to award pass
6. Refuses to obey the orders of the Chief In case of students of the college, they shall be expelled
Superintendent /Assistant - Superintendent /any from examination halls and cancellation of their
officer on duty or misbehaves or creates disturbance of performance in that subject and all other subjects the
any kind in and around the examination hall or candidate(s) has (have) already appeared and shall not
organizes a walk out or instigates others to walk out, or be permitted to appear for the remaining
threatens the officer-in charge or any person on duty in examinations of the subjects of that semester/year. If
or outside the examination hall of any injury to his the candidate physically assaults the invigilator/
person or to any of his relations whether by words, officer-in-charge of the Examinations, then the
either spoken or written or by signs or by visible candidate is also debarred and forfeits his/her seat. In
representation, assaults the officer-in-charge, or any case of outsiders, they will be handed over to the police
person on duty in or outside the examination hall or and a police case is registered against them.
any of his relations, or indulges in any other act of
misconduct or mischief which result in damage to or
destruction of property in the examination hall or any
part of the College campus or engages in any other act
which in the opinion of the officer on duty amounts to
use of unfair means or misconduct or has the tendency
to disrupt the orderly conduct of the examination.
7. Leaves the exam hall taking away answer script or Expulsion from the examination hall and cancellation
intentionally tears of the script or any part thereof of performance in that subject and all the other subjects
inside or outside the examination hall. the candidate has already appeared including
practical examinations and project work and shall not
be permitted for the remaining examinations of the
subjects of that semester/year. The candidate is also
debarred for two consecutive semesters from class
work and all University examinations. The
continuation of the course by the candidate is
subject to the academic regulations in connection
with forfeiture of seat.
8. Possess any lethal weapon or firearm in the Expulsion from the examination hall and cancellation
examination hall. of the performance in that subject and all other subjects
the candidate has already appeared including
practical examinations and project work and shall not
be permitted for the remaining examinations of the
subjects of that semester/year. The candidate is also
debarred and forfeits the seat.
9. If student of the college, who is not a candidate for the Student of the colleges expulsion from the examination
particular examination or any person not connected hall and cancellation of the performance in that subject
with the college indulges in any malpractice or and all other subjects the candidate has already
improper conduct mentioned in clause 6 to 8. appeared including practical examinations and project
work and shall not be permitted for the remaining
examinations of the subjects of that semester/year. The
candidate is also debarred and forfeits the seat. Person
(s) who do not belong to the College will be handed
over to police and, a police case will be registered
against them.
10. Comes in a drunken condition to the examination hall. Expulsion from the examination hall and cancellation
of the performance in that subject and all other subjects
the candidate has already appeared including practical
examinations and project work and shall not be
permitted for the remaining examinations of the
subjects of that semester/year.
11. Copying detected on the basis of internal evidence, Cancellation of the performance in that subject only or
such as, during valuation or during special scrutiny. in that subject and all other subjects the candidate has
appeared including practical examinations and project
work of that semester / year examinations, depending
on the recommendation of the committee.
12. If any malpractice is detected which is not covered in
the above clauses 1 to 11 shall be reported to the
University for further action to award suitable
Whenever the performance of a student is cancelled in any subject/subjects due to Malpractice,
he has to register for End Examinations in that subject/subjects consequently and has to fulfil all
the norms required for the award of Degree.