2020 ICIT Edgar Maqueda
2020 ICIT Edgar Maqueda
2020 ICIT Edgar Maqueda
P. Wheeler
Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
University of Nottingham
Nottingham, UK
Abstract—Renewable energy generation systems under dis- phases, allowing the per-phase inverter power rating reduction
tributed generation frame emerges as a plausible solution for is the main reason of selecting multiphase topologies for
nowadays growing world energy demands. In this context multi- WT [5], [7], [8]. Moreover, this configuration guarantees WT
phase wind generation systems are a feasible option that consist
of renewable AC source that need efficient and totally controlled working continuity, even in presence of phase and/or inverter
power conversion stages. In this work a novel active and reactive faults. Hence, the use of multiphase electrical drives in WT
power control strategy based on two cascade control loops using should enable an increase of availability, the working time,
a combination of classical PR controller and Model Based Predic- and consequently, the annual energy yield, determining a
tive Voltage Control is proposed. Furthermore, the generator is a reduction in the maintenance cost. In MWEG, the six-phase
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator and the power stage
is based on a multi-modular direct matrix converter topology wind energy generator (SpWEG) with two sets of three-
providing interesting features to the scheme. The performance of phase stator windings spatially shifted by 30 and 60 electrical
the whole system is analysed regarding tracking of reference and degrees and isolated neutral points is probably one of the
THD with satisfying transient results and THD lower than 1.52 % most widely discussed topology with fully rated back-to-
in the injected current widely accomplishing with international back converter system to interconnect the energy source to
Index Terms—Distributed Generation System, Multi-modular the electrical network (grid), focused on distributed genera-
Matrix Converter, Multi-phase Machines, Predictive Control, tion (DG) [9]–[11]. Furthermore, on DG systems the most
Predictive Voltage Control. widely used power electronic grid-connected converter (GCC)
are the active front-end (AFE) [12], [13], cascaded multi-
I. INTRODUCTION level converters [14], [15] and neutral-point-clamped (NPC)
The new energy paradigm known as Distributed Generation topologies [16], [17]. GCC topologies must ensure an effi-
Systems (DGS) is focused on the interaction between several cient active and reactive flux control with minimum current
energy sources, mainly using renewable energies (RES), in- and voltage harmonic distortions besides ensuring proper
teracting in a synergistic manner based on small-scale, decen- synchronisation with the grid. Several control methods have
tralised, local on-side generation [1]. Wind energy harvesting been addressed to accomplish this, such as: pulse width
emerges as one of the most promising sources under DGS modulation (PWM), space vector modulation (SVM), fuzzy
scheme [2]–[4] and a very active research area is focused control, model based predictive control (MPC), etc. [18]–[21].
in multiphase wind energy generator (MWEG) systems [5]. However, most converters used to interconnect the energy
Multiple three-phase windings in MWEG are very convenient sources to the grid used storage energy elements (i.e. capacitor
for wind turbines (WT) and several studies employing these banks) which provide weight, volume and failure possibilities
topologies have been conducted recently [6]. The possibility to the GCC topologies. Latest research efforts have been
to split the power and the current between a higher numbers of focused in the development of a flexible power interface
based on a modular architecture capable of interconnecting where φs is the stator mechanical angle (winding), ωs is the
different RES under the DGS frame. In the past two proposal mechanical synchronous speed, φf m is the mutual flow of the
combining multi-phase machines and multi-modular direct rotor field, D is the inside diameter of the stator, l is the
matrix converters (MMC) have been proposed for induction depth of the set of stator laminations, p is the pole pairs of
machines, showing good performance in about mentioned the machine and ω is the electrical speed. The induced voltage
applications [22], [23]. The main feature of this topologies in the windings can be obtained by applying Faraday laws and
consist of the ability to provide a three-phase sinusoidal Lenz:
voltages with variable amplitude and frequency using fully dφf m
ea = −Nef f = Nef f ωΦm cos[ωt] (7)
controlled bi-directional switches without the use of storage dt
energies elements. These characteristics make plausible the where Nef f is the winding by phase. The effective value of
use of MMC in applications where a high power density and the voltage is determined on the basis of the phase sizing as
compact converters are required, such as SpWEG systems, follows:
constituting an attractive alternative compared to conventional E a = 4.44Nef f f Φm (8)
converter topologies [24]. The main contribution of this paper where E a is the effective value of the phase voltage a y f is
is the proposal of a novel power conversion control scheme the electric frequency of the stator currents.
for a SpWEG with a PMSG. The proposed control scheme is At the same time, the balanced synchronous generator has
based on two control loops, one using a classical PR controller an identical number of windings per phase (Nef f ) at the stator
and anther based on Predictive Voltage Control applied to a and identical leakage inductance values (Lsf ), self inductance
multi-modular direct matrix converters in the power stage. (Lss ) and mutual inductance (Ms ). Any inductance or reac-
II. SIX-PHASE PERMANENT MAGNET tance only needs to be determined by one of the windings
SYNCHRONOUS GENERATOR per phase. It is assumed that the ferromagnetic structure is
infinitely permeable and allows the direct addition of the flows,
The six-phase PMSG operates at an identical value of which has the following equation:
average speed of the magnetic field established by the phase
coils driving alternating currents. The equivalent circuit of Nef f (φsf + φaM )
Lss = = Lsf + LsM (9)
the PMSG is similar to a DC machine, however, the elec- ia
tromagnetic analysis is more similar to induction machines, if ib = ic = 0, where ia is the phase current a. To determine
with the difference that rotor does not present connected bars, Ms the magnetic flux of the phase a must be determined first
but permanent magnets which establish a fixed magnetic field on the direction of the other phases (b y c):
that interacts with the rotating magnetic field generated by −φaM
the alternating currents in the stator. On the other hand, from φM = φaM cos(−120) = φaM cos(−240) = (10)
the point of view of physical construction, PMSG classify on
salient poles and cylindrical rotor (uniform reluctance), the Nef f φM Nef f ( −φ2aM ) −LsM
Ms = = = . (11)
latter closely resembles to the induction machines from the ia ia 2
electromagnetic point of view, since it has an uniform reluc- For the particular case of equilibrium in the phases with the
tance in its air gap, which greatly simplifies the mathematical field excited by the permanent magnets and the rotor rotating
analysis. It is also the most used type as a generator. at synchronous (nominal) speed, the flow trigger is given by:
A. Generated Voltages and Equivalent Circuit λa = Lss ia + Ms ib + Ms ic = Lss ia − Ms ia = ia (Lss − Ms )
Based on circuit theory, an accurate behaviour analysis can (12)
be performed dynamic of the permanent magnet generator with
the following equations: LsM 3LsM
λa = ia (Lsf +LsM + ) = ia (Lsf + ) = ia Ls (13)
2 2
Bsa = Bmm sin[p(φs − ωs t)] (1) where Ls is the synchronous inductance per phase. Fig. 1
Z shows the equivalent circuit of a phase of the PMSG. As
φf m = Bsa dA (2) can be seen in comparison with the particular case of the
induction generator, it can be stated that the modeling of
Z 2p D the PMSG is much simpler and from the practical point of
φf m = Bmm sin[p(φs − ωs t)]( ldφs ) (3) view it does not require additional procedures to achieve
− 2p 2
the magnetization of its coils, characteristic which makes it
ω interesting for use in WECS applications. Particularly, this
ωs = (4)
p PSMG is designed with concentrated coils that produces an
2D AC voltage with trapezoidal form which is considered a more
φf m = − lBmm sin[ωt] (5) efficient waveform to connect to power electronics. Fig. 2
presents the trapezoidal waveform of two generated voltage
φf m = −Φm sin[ωt] (6) phases of the six-phase PMSG.
predict the future behaviour of it for every feasible input and
chose the one that better fulfils some desired output defined
by a cost function that is evaluated during every sampling
time. The input that minimise the cost function is the one to
be applied in the beginning of the next sampling time [25].
Before to intent to control a system based on MPC techniques,
a precise model of the system is required. In this case it is
needed to model first the direct matrix converter (DMC) and
Fig. 1. Equivalent Circuit of one Phase of PMSG. then the output filter. In the next section the DMC is modelled
and analysed.
DSPYC 22 Aug 2019 11:06:37
A. Direct Matrix Converter. Basic Principles
In this proposal, two modules of DMC are used to extract
and adequate the energy from a SpWEG based on a PMSM.
The scheme for every conversion module is shown in Fig. 4
where the subscript x indicates the corresponding module.
The commutation function for a simple switch is defined
as: (
0, switch Sij off
Sij = , (14)
1, switch Sij on
When using cascade control loops, it is important to design Then, effective phase voltage is given by:
a fast inner-control loop to achieve a correct behaviour. Given
vanx = vaN x − vnN x
that a known characteristic of MPC consist of fast transient
response, it is particularly interesting to propose it as inner vbnx = vbN x − vnN x
control loop strategy. MPC uses the model of the system to vcnx = vcN x − vnN x (19)
AC Grid
MC Module 1
Input Filter Output Filter
Bypass 1
Filter Filter
Bypass 2
MC Module 2
PR Controller 1
Predictive Voltage
PR Controller 2
Injected Current
Reference Voltage Reference
Generator Generator
DMC and a capacitor Cf o . The inductor current iLx and the capacitor
voltage vox can be taken as state variables and assuming all
the parameters are the same in every leg, the system dynamic
at the α − β reference plane is given by:
Lf o = vxαβ − voxαβ − Rf o iLxαβ , (20)
where vxαβ corresponds the output voltage that results by
applying one of the 27 valid vectors of the DMC. In the
other hand, the dynamic behaviour of the voltage through the
capacitor of the filter is defined as follows:
PCC Cf o = iLxαβ − igxαβ , (21)
In this way, the system’s state-space representation is given
= Ax + Bu, (22)
Fig. 4. Power Stage Topology. " #
− Lff oo − L1f o
x= , A= 1 ,
voxαβ Cf o 0
B. Output Filter Model "
vxαβ Lf
Regarding the topology depicted on Fig. 4 a LC output u= and B = , (23)
igαβ 0 − C1f
filter is connected among the generation system and the PCC
through a bypass switch. Every leg of the converter have an The about mentioned equations define the continuous model
inductor Lf o with the corresponding leakage resistance Rf o of the LC filter considering the output voltage of the DMC
vαβ and the output current injected to the grid igαβ as state considering [26]. This strategy is based on the evaluation, at
variables. every sampling instant, of the cost function g for all the valid
vectors and to apply the vector which minimises the CF in the
C. Discrete Time Model for the LC Filter
next sampling instant achieving a desired voltage tracking.
The discrete model of the system is given by:
x(k + 1) = Ad x(k) + Bd u(k), (24)
T The proposed scheme is based on the implementation of
being Ad = eATs , Bd = 0 s eA(Ts −τ ) Bdτ , A and B are
two control loops for each converter, an internal loop cor-
given by eq. (23) and Ts is the sampling time. Applying the responding to the predictive voltage control and the external
about mentioned discrete model it is possible to predict the loop that generates the voltage reference to inject a controlled
states of voxαβ and iLxαβ (subscript αβ has been omitted in current into the grid based on the desired power. In Fig. 3 the
the terms of the equation) as follows: external control loop is shown, where the difference between
the injected current per module igx and the desired current i∗gx
iLx (k + 1) = a11 iLx (k) + a12 vox (k) + b11 vx (k) + b12 igx (k), (25) is calculated and applied as the input of a PR controller [28]
which output is added to a feed-forward control signal vref
which is used at system start-up to synchronise the output
vox (k + 1) = a21 iLx (k) + a22 vox (k) + b21 vx(k) + b22 ig (k), (26) voltage of each conversion stage vox with the grid voltage
vg so as to be connected through a bypass. This calculated
being reference voltage is the input to the predictive voltage control
a11 a12 b11 b12 block to calculate the optimum vector to be applied per
Ad = , Bd = ,
a21 a22 b21 b22 module. The voltage vref is generated from the measurement
of the phase of the grid θg obtained from the PLL and the
where k denotes the present sampling time and k + 1 indicates
amplitude of the signal of the grid. The desired current per
the next. As from the preceding equations it is possible to
module i∗gx is a half of the necessary current i∗g to inject the
predict the values of the current at the inductor and the output
desired active and reactive power that is calculated as follows
voltage in each module. Once the converter model is defined,
the next step consist of design the control technique.
D. Predictive Voltage Control 2 vgα 2 vgβ
i∗gα = 2 + v2
P∗ + 2 + v2
Q∗ (29)
3 vgα gβ 3 v gα gβ
The basic operating principle of the algorithm is the fol-
lowing: first, at the beginning of the sampling instant, new and
measurements of vox , iLx and igx are obtained for each 2 vgβ 2 vgα
i∗gβ = 2 2 P∗ − 2 2 Q
module (remember that subscript x denote the corresponding 3 vgα + vgβ 3 vgα + vgβ
module). These measurements define the starter point from
which the algorithm predicts the future trajectory of the state where P ∗ and Q∗ denote the active and reactive power refer-
space variables by considering equations (25) and (26), for ences, respectively, while vgsα and vgβ are the grid voltages
each feasible voltage vector. Every predicted value is evaluated in stationary reference frame (α − β).
with a pre-designed cost function (CF), and the vector with
the lowest CF is applied to the DMC switches. The presented
technique is based on the proposed control in [26], [27]. In In order to perform the grid connection, the steps described
this case, the selected cost function is the following: below must to be followed.
1) The predictive voltage control is used to generate an
g = (voxα ∗
− voxα )2 + (voxβ − voxβ )2 + λd gder , (27) output voltage (vox ) synchronised with the grid voltage
(vg ) in each module. This part of the procedure is shown
∗ ∗
being voxα and voxβ the desired voltages on the α − β plane in Fig.5.
and defining: 2) Once the voltages are synchronised, the systems are
∗ 2 connected using the bypass, setting the power references
gder = Cf o ωref voxβ − iLxα + igxα
∗ 2
P and Q to zero, making the injected current ig ∗ to be
+ (Cf o ωref voxα − iLxβ + igxβ ) . (28) zero.
3) Finally, the feed-forward signal can be set to zero and
The term gder is introduced to improve the behavior saving all the reference voltage comes from the PR controller
the incapacity of the classic predictive control of tracking the so it is possible to select the desired active and reactive
capacitor voltage derivative resulting in a high total harmonic power to be injected.
distortion (THD), creating a regulator which controls the Based on the above described procedure, it is possible to
voltage and its derivative. The effect of the derivative term evaluate the proposal based on perform some simulations using
is controlled with a weighting factor λd that was chosen MATLAB/Simulink environment.
2 ms
Parameter Symbol Value Unit
Power (W)
Grid Voltage vg 311 Vp
Grid frequency fg 50 Hz
Generator Voltage vs 540 Vp
Generator frequency fs 50 Hz
Input Filter Resistance Rp 100 Ω
Power (VAR)
Leakage Inductor Resistance Rf 10 mΩ
Input Filter Inductance Lf 2.4 mH
Input Filter Capacitance Cf 24 µF
Sampling Time Ts 25 µs
Sampling frequency fs 40 kHz
Derivative weighting λd 0.2 Time (s)
PR proportional constant kp 10
PR integral constant ki 1500 Fig. 6. Active and reactive output power supplied to the power grid.
Output Filter Inductance Lf o 2.4 mH
Output Filter Capacitance Cf o 24 µF
Current (A)
0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2
Voltage (V)
Time (s)
0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2
0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 THD ANALYSIS OF THE OUTPUT CURRENT AT THE FUNDAMENTAL
Fig. 5. Output voltage of conversion system during synchronisation process. THD [%]
Power Phase a Phase b Phase c