1 s2.0 S0921344919303684 Main
1 s2.0 S0921344919303684 Main
1 s2.0 S0921344919303684 Main
Keywords: The issue of plastic pollution is now recognised as a catastrophic global crisis. Single-use plastics have attracted
Single-use plastics much attention in terms of elimination and mitigation measures. The concept of circular economy aims to attain
Food packaging a state where waste no longer exists. Pathways to eliminate or adapt stages of the life cycle, long before the end-
Sustainable healthcare of-life phase, are necessary to address single-use plastics.
Waste management
This paper examines single-use food packaging plastic waste in Irish maternity hospital settings through a
Environmental management
case study of ready-to-use infant formula bottles. A quantitative and qualitative assessment of single-use plastics
Infant feeding
arising from infant feeding bottles is presented. Quantitative examination reveals a high variability in materials
used for bottles, teats and associated packaging, thus creating difficulties in standardising labelling and iden-
tifying appropriate waste treatment options. Quantitative calculations reveal the extent of plastic waste gen-
erated by this single use product.
Possible mitigation options include: demand reduction for single-use bottles in the first place, alternative
solutions to eliminate single-use bottles, opportunities for manufacturers to address product design, impetus for
policy makers to act on coherent labelling systems for materials and improved overall waste management.
Considering the level of confusion at hospital and household levels as to best practice in recycling, this research
highlights the need for targeted collaborative research utilising sectoral best practice, waste hierarchy and
circular economy principles.
1. Introduction the medical sector has focussed on comparing single-use with available
reusable products in terms of quality of performance and lifecycle
Plastic pollution is one of the biggest environmental problems to be analysis (Buléon et al., 2013; Campion et al., 2015; Marfin et al., 2003;
tackled on a global level, with the durability of plastics presenting many McGain et al., 2012, 2009). With an ever-increasing amount of single-
challenges including being a significant threat to human health use plastics employed in healthcare and medical settings, this paper
(Landrigan et al., 2018; The Lancet Planetary Health, 2018). Single-use aims to analyse the management of plastic waste arising from ready-to-
plastics constitute one of the most concerning parts of the plastic pro- use (RTU) infant formula bottles and teats in maternity hospitals in
blem as they are primarily derived from oil, and, if not recycled end up Ireland.
in landfills, or worse in the marine ecosystem. The EU have made strong
declarations of intent to tackle marine litter by banning single-use 1.1. Challenges in plastic waste management: from global to Irish levels
plastics where alternatives are readily available and affordable. For
products without alternatives, limiting their use will be achieved The challenges of plastic waste management are brought to public
through “reduction in consumption; design and labelling requirements attention through mainstream and social media e.g. by 2050, there will
and waste management/clean-up obligations for producers” (European be more plastic in the ocean than fish (Wearden, 2016). With the global
Commission, 2018). Emergent research on single-use plastics waste in plastics demand and production rising every year, the Ellen McArthur
Abbreviations: ALU, aluminium; BBP, benzyl-butyl phthalate; DBP, Di-n-butyl phthalate; DEHP, Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate; DiBP, Diisobutyl phthalate; HDPE, high
density polyethylene; LDPE, low density polyethylene; PET, polyethylene terephthalate; PP, polypropylene; PS, polystyrene; PVC, polyvinyl chloride; RIC, resin
identification code; RTU, ready-to-use; WEEE, waste electrical and electronic equipment; WFD, waste framework directive
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: yvonne.ryan@ul.ie (Y. Ryan-Fogarty).
Received 5 March 2019; Received in revised form 13 July 2019; Accepted 23 August 2019
Available online 02 September 2019
0921-3449/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Leissner and Y. Ryan-Fogarty Resources, Conservation & Recycling 151 (2019) 104462
S. Leissner and Y. Ryan-Fogarty Resources, Conservation & Recycling 151 (2019) 104462
S. Leissner and Y. Ryan-Fogarty Resources, Conservation & Recycling 151 (2019) 104462
2.2. Quantification of plastics from ready-to-use infant formula milk bottles above.
and teats The difficulties that arise with lack of proper signage appear to be
common especially in imported, low cost products (Malcolm Richard
The dismantled and cleaned parts of all three sample bottles as et al., 2011), and are widely acknowledged as one of the initial barriers
described in section 2.1 were weighed to determine the average weight to correct separation at the post-consumer level (Circle Economy, 2015;
of each part. As mentioned above, the sealing that is wrapped around Hunt et al., 2015): Without distinctive labels or symbols showing ex-
the bottle itself as well as the lid ring left on the bottle’s neck after actly which waste treatment path to use, the consumer could be left
unscrewing the lid were impossible to remove by hand. As they were without information or guidance and hence cannot act appropriately.
highly unlikely to be removed by health care staff or parents to recycle Another component that could not be determined by simple ex-
the different parts separately, these three parts are weighed and amination due to missing labelling, was whether the product was free of
counted as one ‘plastic bottle’. any phthalates commonly used to soften plastics, such as hazardous
There are 5 maternity hospitals and a further 14 general hospitals BBP, DBP, DiBP, or DEHP. With toxic health effects on liver, re-
that have maternity units or wards in Ireland, sperate to infants in productive organs and kidneys, these four phthalates must be author-
paediatric hospitals and wards. The method to calculate the overall ised if used in percentages higher than 0.1%. However, as Lee et al.
amount of the different parts of the RTU infant formula bottles used in (2014) point out, as part of a circular economy there is a chance that
these healthcare facilities is based on the low use scenario as developed these toxins may re-enter the product life cycle of, for example, food
by Ryan-Fogarty et al. (2017): packaging in higher proportions. Recycled materials can be excluded
from registration obligations if they meet a minimum of 80% of the
• “Neonatal and perinatal deaths are not subtracted from live births main constituent being of the same material as previously registered
for 2013, the number of infants feeding is reported as 68,830. hence leaving a full 20% simply considered as impure material to be
• Infants that are artificially fed or partially breastfed receive one of recycled again without registration.
the three main brands of infant formula purchased by the maternity Absent from Table 1 above is the thin lid used for the teat packa-
services. Brand use is assumed to be evenly split and so the average ging, which was the only piece together with the thin layer of cover
volume per bottle is taken to be 80 ml. Specialist or other milks and around the main bottle that was lacking any code at all. It was assumed
fortifiers are not included in these calculations. that this lid was most likely made of a similar material to Tyvek,
• Only the 8 bottles allocated per infant are considered. Spilled, out of commonly used in healthcare packaging as it is an effective sterile
date and opened but unconsumed bottles (outside of the allocated 8) barrier (DuPont, 2017). Tyvek as a waste product could be assigned to
are not included as there is no available data on which to base a the group of plastics recyclables under the second group of RIC plastics,
calculation. HDPE.
• The low use scenario assumes that infants who received breast-milk In both hospitals, used bottles were collected by healthcare assis-
but are not exclusively breastfed each received only 1 bottle on day tants and brought to “sluice rooms” where waste infant formula was
1 of life.” poured out and the bottles were rinsed. In one hospital, waste milk was
washed down the sink while rinsing the bottles for recycling. In the
The total number of bottles and teats required in the low use sce- other hospital, to lower the biological oxygen demand of wastewater,
nario is 787,057. waste infant formula was collected in compostable receptacles and re-
moved to the food waste collection on site.
3. Findings and discussion In both hospitals the rinsing of recyclable plastics and glass bottles,
as advised by the national compliance scheme and regional waste
3.1. Categorisation and analysis of single-use plastics in ready-to-use infant management authorities (Government of Ireland, 2019; Repak, 2019),
formula milk bottles and teats created additional environmental impacts: water use and wastewater
generation. Nevertheless, rising of plastics was a clear instruction
Examination reveals the main six parts of the bottle to most likely be communicated to the public regarding best practice for recycling
built of the following plastic materials as shown in Table 1 and Fig. 3. (Government of Ireland, 2019). There was confusion surrounding dis-
The identification of materials used in the RTU infant formula posal of teats. The first hospital placed both bottles and teats in the
bottles was more difficult task than anticipated. It should not be this recycling collection whilst the other only the bottle was placed in the
problematic considering that an everyday user of these bottles should recycling collection. Soft plastics are not deemed recyclable in Ireland,
be able to identify the materials easily to see if they are to be segregated and, in both cases, the plastic bottle sealing containing the product
for recycling or if the whole product is recyclable as one. Identification information was not removed prior to bottle placement in the recycling
was found to be challenging mostly due to labelling issues. Even though receptacles.
it was assumed that the commonly used RIC system would be used, half Even though the bottle foil cap, made of aluminium, comprises the
of the parts were labelled using an entirely different system, making it smallest part of the bottle, aluminium may have a greater recycling
hard for the European customer to find out which recycling group the value than the rest of the plastic components. In European countries
parts should be assigned to. As outlined in Table 1, it was assumed that with appropriate national requirements and successful collection
the parts not coded in the RIC system were coded using the Chinese schemes, recycling rates for aluminium packaging reach up to 80%. The
codes for plastic products and hence signify the plastic materials listed costs for the recycling processes is covered by the value of the collected
Table 1
Bottle parts with correlating codes and materials.
Bottle part Classification within Recycling codes Identification as plastic material
Teat packaging Most likely Nr 8 in Chinese codes for plastic products, partly Tyvek-like material (recyclable with RIC #2) acrylonitrile-butadiene-acrylate plastic
Teat Most likely Nr 22 in Chinese codes for plastic products cellulose proprionate
Collar Most likely Nr 7 in Chinese codes for plastic products acrylonitrile-butadiene plastic
Bottle lid RIC #2 HDPE high density polyethylene
Foil cap RIC #41 ALU aluminium
Plastic bottle RIC #5 PP polypropylene
S. Leissner and Y. Ryan-Fogarty Resources, Conservation & Recycling 151 (2019) 104462
The tonnes of waste generated for each part of the bottles are cal-
culated and presented in Table 2, the results in percentages are shown
in Fig. 4; values in Fig. 4 are shown for the whole of Ireland per one Fig. 4. Bottle parts and percentage composition by weight.
Table 2 year given in relative percentages for the low use scenario.
Weight of waste generated from each bottle part per annum in Ireland under the The amount of waste created with the main part of the plastic bottle
low use scenario. made up of PP alone sums up to eight tonnes. The second highest
Material Name Average mass Total waste generated in one year of the ranking, the collar and teat of the bottle are both made of materials
[g] low use scenario [t] lacking any European or Northern-American signing. Hence Fig. 3
shows the importance of proper labelling. Together with the packaging,
Teat in packaging 8.41 6.62
Packaging 1.61 1.27
40% of the waste generated through these small bottles alone is made
Teat 3.03 2.38 up of materials that do not bear any recycling codes rendering it dif-
Collar 3.77 2.97 ficult for the everyday user to manage them properly.
Bottle lid 1.99 1.56 The results of this research on one niche product alone show that if
Foil cap 0.30 0.23
materials were labelled coherently and recycling practices more widely
Plastic bottle 10.62 8.36
adopted, even a product as small as an RTU infant formula bottle could
S. Leissner and Y. Ryan-Fogarty Resources, Conservation & Recycling 151 (2019) 104462
possibly improve the recycling rate of a highly demanded material such loop, e.g. exchange of experiences and training of staff and subse-
as aluminium. This could provide future opportunities in improving quently parents on how to dismantle and dispose of single-use plastics
material and energy flows for these products. Instead of relying on re- correctly. Procurement policies need to accurately reflect healthcare
sourcing and creating new virgin plastics and all associated environ- priorities and seek ways to eliminate, reduce and mitigate waste
mental impacts along with it, the previous waste materials could be wherever possible.
used as new resources instead. Increased consumers demand for standardised and organic infant
Even though the foil cap has the lowest numerical mass value, formula may be pre-emptive of a trend, concern regarding the impacts
aluminium is more valuable than plastic and is known to be recycled of single-use plastics may lead to demands for alternative approaches.
easier by the public if consumers are aware and educated on the matter.
Because the foil cap is so small and light, it can be left behind on food 4.2. Implications for policy makers
trays, thrown into the general waste or seldomly be screwed back onto
the empty bottle with the plastic lid after consumption. This exemplifies Taking the results of this research and the current literature into
the difficulties of waste management. account, a standardised labelling system for all plastics should be made
The numbers shown in Table 2 and Fig. 4 are for the maternity mandatory through legislation. Even though consumers in Ireland are
services in Ireland and represent conservative calculations of use. These advised to put “all rigid plastics regardless of the colour, number or
bottles are also used in paediatric care in hospitals throughout Ireland symbol” (Government of Ireland, 2019) into the recycling collection,
where infants may remain as patients for considerably longer periods of there is still confusion left as to how far “rigid” goes. Taking the ex-
time. The same bottles can also be purchased by the public in super- ample of this bottle, one does wonder if the teat packaging, its lid, the
markets and on-line. As effective recycling is evidenced to only be teat itself or the bottle sealing still fall under this category or if the
feasible on a large scale (Hunt et al., 2015; Lazarevic et al., 2010; bottle would have to be disassembled into recyclable and non-recycl-
Malcolm Richard et al., 2011), it is necessary that all recyclable plastics able parts. Perfect labelling of each polymer type may not be needed at
are correctly managed and are collected in systems that permit effective a customer level, but what is needed is a standardised labelling system
recycling with minimal contamination. This is particularly challenging indicating if a product is entirely recyclable or if it only has some re-
in a healthcare environment, where patient safety takes priority. In cyclable parts and therefore needs to be disassembled before recycling.
addition, hazardous wastes such as sharps and hazardous materials tend Recently, the EU set stronger labelling requirements and targets for
to be the focal point of staff training and awareness. This highlights the “sanitary towels, wet wipes and balloons” (European Commission,
need to return to focus efforts to prevent these wastes from arising in 2018), but as this research has demonstrated, labelling is required for
the first instance as per the waste hierarchy. many more products. In general, increased campaigns for correct re-
cycling chains, alternative reusable products and negative impacts of
4. Implications of research single-use plastics to further empower the public are needed to improve
the situation. There is no binding policy as to which product groups the
4.1. Alternatives to SUPs in the hospital setting EU would like to focus such campaigns on, but it is rather left up to each
member state to execute its own campaigns (European Commission,
As per the waste management hierarchy the most desirable outcome 2018). Furthermore, governmental bodies could reach out to and link
is an avoidance of such plastic waste generation in the first instance. To up with other sectors (local authorities, education, housing etc.) in their
avoid use of single-use RTU infant formula bottles and teats, dedicated reach. If the same recycling/waste collection system is set up nation-
support systems for healthcare professionals and parents highlighting wide or better still European/worldwide, people would get accustomed
the importance of breastfeeding thereby avoiding waste through in- to and are more likely to take waste management knowledge and ac-
creasing exclusive breastfeeding rates. Ireland has one of the lowest tions home. Outside of state institutions, packaging producers can be
exclusive breastfeeding rates in the world (Purdy et al., 2017). In- legally obliged to be part of the same circular economy and waste
creased exclusive breastfeeding rates, which is also a national public management system preventing products ending up as waste in the first
health priority (Ireland, Health Service Executive, 2012), should reduce place. An already very successful example for this is the German Pfand
overall demand for these products. Controlled practices regarding deposit refund scheme for both single-use drink packaging (Einwegp-
bottle distribution and research to optimise stand time guidance are fandflaschen = One way deposit bottles) and multiple use drink
additional options, as, currently bottles are disposed of after one hour packaging (Mehrwegpfandflaschen und dosen = More way deposit
after opening regardless of whether the contents have been consumed bottles and cans). The single-use containers such as soft plastic bottles
or not. or metal cans have a higher deposit of 25cts, more solid multiple use
Alternatives to single-use RTU infant formula bottles are the use of containers such as hard plastic or glass bottles or glass beer bottles with
glass bottles and standard teats that are reusable after sterilisation; the a swing-top have a deposit of 15cts and the simple (beer) glass bottles
preparation of powdered infant formula or decanting of bulk liquid RTU have a deposit of 8cts (AK Mehrweg GbR, 2019).
formula and use of human donor milk instead of the single-use plastic The focus should be placed on recycling parts that are valuable (i.e.
bottle infant formulas. There would be additional environmental and the foil cap) and parts that have value i.e. the plastic collar and bottle.
health benefits to these approaches such as a reduction in food waste Less focus should be placed on recycling relatively low weight con-
and parents becoming educated on correct bottle preparation before stituent parts that lack recycling codes (i.e. packaging for teats).
they leave hospital. As with all possible alternatives, this group of re- The birth of a child is a key life event, resulting in new consumption
commendations requires consideration and planning to incorporate patterns and opportunities for change. Opportunities exist to educate
infection control measures. new parents on waste avoidance, correct recycling and disposal
Overall improved waste management systems in a hospital setting is methods. Increased sensitivity and knowledge about single-use plastics
a subject for further research. It will need the creation of an easy-to- recycling may positively spill over into other recycling behaviours e.g.
understand and easy-to-use recycling system. This includes involvement food waste and WEEE (waste electronic and electrical equipment) that
of all stakeholders along the life cycle such as hospital staff and waste could last for much longer periods of time than the time surrounding
contractors. A closed loop system with the manufacturers responsible infant feeding.
for collecting waste packaging associated with their product could de-
crease need for new virgin materials and resources and would cut out 4.3. Implications for manufacturers
transportation between a middle agent such as the waste contractor. In
any case the current recycling system should encompass a feedback Implications for manufacturers include the re-design of products,
S. Leissner and Y. Ryan-Fogarty Resources, Conservation & Recycling 151 (2019) 104462
where single-use plastic RTU bottles are necessary, singular polymer Declaration of Competing Interest
types minimising other materials should be prioritised. If multiple
materials need to be used, manufacturers could make sure to combine The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
chemically compatible sources for combined recycling purposes. If interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
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