Guide To Make For ARM Cross-Development
Guide To Make For ARM Cross-Development
Guide To Make For ARM Cross-Development
Make is a tool that automates building executable programs; a make le is a le that tells make what to do in order
to build the programs you want. As you will see soon enough, they make life as a computer science student a
whole lot smoother!
In this guide, we’ll learn about using make les for cross-development on the ARM architecture. We will brie y
review make le syntax and usage. For more information about make les, check out the CS107 Guide to Make les
( and other resources on the bottom of the page.
Below is a simple make le used to build a binary for the ARM processor.
NAME = blink
all: $(NAME).bin
%.bin: %.o
$(ARM)-objcopy $< -O binary $@
%.o: %.c
$(ARM)-gcc $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
%.o: %.s
$(ARM)-as $(CFLAGS) -o $< $@
%.list: %.o
$(ARM)-objdump -d $< > $@
install: $(NAME).bin $<
rm -f *.o *.bin *.list
Now, this Make le may look a bit cryptic at rst! Let’s try breaking it down and see if this makes sense.
all: button.bin
button.bin: button.c
arm-none-eabi-gcc -Og -g -Wall -std=c99 -ffreestanding -c button.c -o button.o
arm-none-eabi-objcopy button.o -O binary button.bin
arm-none-eabi-objdump button.o -d > button.list
rm -f *.list *.bin *.o
Rules are written in terms of “you require dependencies on the right-hand-side to satisfy the need for our target
on the left-hand-side.” Here, we indicate: by default, make all; to do that, make button.bin . 1/3
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all: button.bin
This brings us to the next rule, which tells us how to make button.bin . You may interpret this as requiring certain
ingredients (dependencies on the right-hand-side) to create the thing you want (target on the left-hand-side).
button.bin: button.c
The text which immediately follow the rule, or recipe for the rule, are commands necessary to turn the ingredients
( button.c in this case) into the nal product ( button.bin in this case). We also throw in a comment to explain the
additional ags included with our call to arm-none-eabi-gcc .
button.bin: button.c
arm-none-eabi-gcc -Og -g -Wall -std=c99 -ffreestanding -c button.c -o button.o
arm-none-eabi-objcopy button.o -O binary button.bin
arm-none-eabi-objdump button.o -d > button.list
The line below indicates what should happen when we make clean ; the keyword clean tells Make to run the
command below.
rm -f *.list *.bin *.o
NAME = blink
ARM = arm-none-eabi
all: $(NAME).bin
$(NAME).bin: $(NAME).c
$(ARM)-gcc $(CFLAGS) -c $(NAME).c -o $(NAME).o
$(ARM)-objcopy $(NAME).o -O binary $(NAME).bin
$(ARM)-objdump $(NAME).o -d > $(NAME).list
rm -f *.list *.bin *.o
So we’ve just added three macros up top. They’re similar to variables in that they put text in where you expect
them to go. Be sure to use the $(<macro_name>) syntax to access the value of the macro and allow string
concatenation. (Did you see what we did there with the ARM macro?) Phew, this saves us a lot of visual space!
Now, let’s introduce a few special rules here to replace our one rule for blink.bin . 2/3
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% is a wildcard symbol when used in a rule; %.o for example matches any le that ends with .o
$@ refers to the left part of the rule, before the :
$< refers to the rst element in the right part of the rule, after the :
So, really, you can think of the make le as a big cookbook that culminates in the program you ultimately wish to
For convenience, we can also throw in another rule so we don’t have to type in blink.bin every time
we want to run our program on the Pi.
# The install target uploads freshly made binary image to rpi bootloader
install: $(NAME).bin $<
If you’d like to learn more, check out a Make le tutorial ( le.htm),
another Make le tutorial ( les.html), the CS107 Guide to
Make les (, and the GNU Documentation about Compiler Options
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