Lab3dbms Elc20010
Lab3dbms Elc20010
Lab3dbms Elc20010
Roll - AM.EN.U4ELC20010
ID character 5
DeptID numeric 2
Name character 15
Desig character 15
Basic numeric 10, 2
Gender character 1
3. Display the ID, name, designation and basic salary of all the employees.
4. Display ID and name of all the employees from department no. 2
5. Display ID, name, desig, deptID, and basic, DA, HRA and net salary of all
employees with suitable headings as DA, HRA, and NET_SAL respectively.
(DA is 7.5% of basic, HRA is 9% of basic, and NET_SAL is Basic + DA +
6. Display ID, name, desig, deptID, and basic salary in the descending order of
basic pay.
7. Display the employees whose designation is TYPIST.
10. Display the ID, name, department and basic of all the employees who are
either MANAGER or CLERK and the basic salary is in the range of 1400 and
14. Update values of manager id of employees as null for 101, 101 for 102, 121,
156. 102 for 123,114, 115. 121 for 127.