First, Innovators helps companies grow as mentioned above, if you want to grow your
business in order to become more successful and profitable, there are few ways that
you can go about achieving that goal. You must choose to grow your business by
merging or acquiring others which is faster, but also typically a much more expensive
avenue for growth. You can also choose to evolve by rethinking your product or
business model with a process that can lead to a rapid expansion and allow you to
scale your business. Second, Innovation keeps organization relevant the world around
us is constantly changing, and in order for your business to remain relevant and
profitable if well eventually need to adopt in order to meet these new realities,
technology, continually proves to be a driving factor in the need for change. To quantify
the recent impact. These changes have led to a new age of innovation across business
models and industries, allowing new business to enter the market and disrupt
incumbents in serious ways. And lastly, innovation helps organization differentiate
themselves at the core, innovation is about doing something differently from everyone
else operating in your space. if your organization is using innovation on its products, for
example, then the goal is to develop or update the product until there is nothing else on
the market like it. Innovation helps an organization differentiate itself and its products
from the competition w/c can be particularly powerful in an oversaturated industry or