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Acoustic Performance of The External Thermal Composite Insulation Systems Influence in Slovakia

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DAGA 2016 Aachen

Acoustic Performance of the External Thermal Composite Insulation Systems

Influence in Slovakia
Peter Zaťko1, Daniel Urbán1, Peter Tomašovič2, Monika Rychtáriková2,3
A&Z Acoustics s.r.o., Repašského 2, 84102 Bratislava, Slovakia, E-Mail: akustika@akustika.sk
Department of Building Structures, STU Svf Bratislava, Radlinského 11, Bratislava, Slovakia,
KU Leuven, Physics and Astronomy, Soft Matter and Biophysics, Lab. of Acoustics, Celestijnenlaan 200 D, 3001,
Heverlee, Belgium, E-Mail: Monika.Rychtarikova@kuleuven.be

ETICS increases the sound insulation of walls in mass

Introduction dependence frequency range (about 12dB/oct). However,
Thermal insulation systems are an essential part of new ETICS resonances decrease sound insulation in low
as well as reconstructed buildings in the aim to reduce their frequencies, which become very prominent in traffic noise
heat use to achieve the criteria of EU energy policy to 2020 situation. Mentioned resonance can be changed by "tuning"
[1]. of external plaster or ETICS mass [18]. It has been shown,
The systematic integration of the additional thermal that the same insulation system may change the sound
insulation systems in the building envelopes in Slovakia insulating properties in different ways, depending on the
began in year 1992. Nowadays architects commonly design character of the “main” wall, related to mass of the “main
thermal insulation with thickness about 120 mm. Predictions wall" and its resonance and coincidence frequencies.
of EAE (European Association for External Thermal Recommendations for single number evaluation of
Insulation Composite Systems) for year 2021 shows, that, improvement of sound insulation due to ETICS have been
the requirements for thickness of thermal insulation of wall also developed.
claddings will exceed 210 mm. Recent trend on Currently, we also face the problem of subjective
requirements on building envelope may lead to additional assessment of sound insulation of separating structures. The
insulating of already insulated walls. In Slovakia, around main problem to this respect is that the type of the sound
52% of flats in dwelling houses and 33% of family houses source (traffic, railway, shipping or aviation noise) is not
were thermally insulated before year 2011. The most of completely taken into account. If the ETICS resonances are
buildings in Slovakia were insulated by all kinds of External above f>200 Hz, weighted sound reduction index Rw will be
Thermal Composite Systems (ETICS). In European Union always lower. Acoustic bridges in ETICS and its impact on
(EU), towards the end of year 2011, there were about 358 flanking sound insulation has been examined just partially.
valid European technical approvals (ETA) for ETICS Recommendations have been introduced, that should help in
producers, from which about 45 ETA were and 22 Technical correction factors for improvement of single number
certificate (TO) were registered in Slovakia. Majority of the quantities. (the specific flow resistance correction factor Csft,
systems here are based on EPS (expanded polystyrene) [2], the supporting wall correction factor Csw, the adhesive
which have a strong impact on the sound insulation of the mortar correction factor Cam, the effect of the plug anchors
wall claddings. In some cases, even decreasing of the facade Cwpa) [19, 20].
sound insulation properties is very evident.
Case study
State of the art of acoustics performance of
ETICS The evaluation of sound insulation of walls and floors
against excessive noise can play a role also thermal
ETAG004 document [3] does not provide criteria for insulation in ceilings above unheated garages [21].
ETICS in terms of acoustics. It refers to the current technical The case study presented in this paper deals with a case
standards, which provide only a ways of measuring the in which a usage of a wrong ETICS applied on ceilings in
acoustic properties of separating structures [4-7]. There are garage in the basement of the apartment house. A case study
different approaches in assessment of the acoustic properties shows results of measurements, the measurement
of external wall claddings in different EU countries. It methodology, the way the defect was found and the design
reopens discussion on the assessment of separating of acoustic improvement and its validation by acoustic
structures in terms of the type of noise source again [8, 9]. measurements.
The impact of ETICS on acoustic properties of external
walls has been already examined. Probably the most Description of measured construction
fundamental research was carried out in Germany (Weber)
[10-15]. The effect of thickness and dynamic stiffness of The construction of interest (ceiling above the garage) is
ETICS, as well as mass of external plaster, on decreasing of located in the new apartment building. Garage contains 26
wall sound insulation was demonstrated [16, 17]. Here the parking places, and its floor area is 262 m2. The acoustic
mass spring mass resonances (m-s-m) were manifested, in problem was discovered during the building inspection and it
case of massive external wall with ETICS. Realization of

DAGA 2016 Aachen

has been decided, that the additional of system layers will be m'2 mass of ETICS [kg/m2]
s' dynamic stiffness of ETICS [MN/m3]
The theoretical resonance frequency of the original
structure is f0,theor.1 = 507 Hz (Fig. 4). This is a consequence
of the low mass of ETICS. The ceiling construction showed
relatively low sound insulation properties itself, resulting in
unacceptable acoustic properties of whole construction.
In order to increase the mass of ETICS and so to achieve
suitable ETICS resonances, additional thermal insulation
Figure 1: Composition of the ceiling structure before the based on mineral wool with a thickness of 50 mm has been
acoustic measure. 1) wear layer; 2) floor layers with a total proposed. This sollution helped to increase the mass of
thickness 100 [mm]; 3) Reinforced concrete slab thickness insulation system to m'2 = 10 kg/m2 with a result of shifting
of 250 mm (650 [kg/m2]); 4) Polystyrene EPS 140+ light the resonance frequency to 300 Hz (f0,theor.2 = 322 Hz).
mortar; 5) light mortar with reinforcement mesh+ finish
plaster (m'2 = 4 [kg/m2], s'=40 [MN/m3]);
Resulting weighted sound reduction index of ceiling with
acoustic measures of R’w = 57 (-3;-6) dB has been reached
(Fig. 5).
Measurement description

The acoustic measurements were carried out in

accordance with the standard ISO 16283-1:2014 [22].
Source signal was pink noise generated from
omnidirectional loudspeaker. In accordance to STN EN
61672 [23], the measurements were carried out by sound
analyzers of class 1 (Fig. 2) and the measuring system was
calibrated before and after the measurements.

Figure 3: Solution of ETICS mass increasing ETICS.

Shift of resonance frequency was achieved from 500 Hz

to 300 Hz (f0,theor.2 = 322 Hz). Resulting weighted sound
reduction index of ceiling with acoustic measures was R’w =
57 (-3;-6) dB (Fig. 5).
Given example has shown in which manner it is possible
to use ETICS to reduce or to increase the final single number
rating according to the STN EN ISO 717-1 [25].
In Slovakia, the assessing frequency range for sound
Figure 2: The airborne sound insulation measurement of insulation is between 100 and 3150 Hz. As well known, this
ceiling structure above the garage. doesn’t cover all sounds, that might be transmitted to the
apartments form exterior noise or neighbor’s noise.
Measurements results and data analysis In case of ceiling above the garage, the habitants usually
The measurement of the airborne sound insulation of the complain about the disturbance by noise cause by the closing
original ceiling (R’w = 54 (-2;-4) dB) shows, that the of the car doors, producing broad band noise with
measured building structure does not meet the requirements frequencies below the 100 Hz. Furthermore, the low
of standard STN EN 73 0532:2013 (required value R’w = 57 frequency noise in case of the garage is also amplified by
dB) [24]. Results shows a decrease of sound insulation longer reverberation time of the space at low frequencies
around 500Hz. Theoretical calculation confirms the [26].
measured values (1) [10]

§ 1 1 · (Hz) (1)
f0 160 ˜ s c ˜ ¨¨  ¸¸
© m1c m 2c ¹
m'1 mass of based wall [kg/m2]

DAGA 2016 Aachen

range is still not completely clear. Many questions about the

80 impact of ETICS on flanking sound transmission must be
R,w (C; Ctr )= 54(-2; -4) [dB] answered. Another issue is, that ETICS acoustic properties
Shifted curve of reference values (ISO 717-1) must be taken into account in building classification system.
70 [28]. The impact of noise from road, rail and air traffic need
to be included in the assessment of acoustic quality of walls
in terms of revision of adaptation coefficients C and Ctr or by
60 proposal of new single number quantity method, validated
through listening tests [29].
Improvements in ETICS anchoring in detail, will require
R [dB]

50 progressive measuring methods such as acoustic camera

and/or laser vibrometry scanning[30, 31].

0 Acknowledgements
We acknowledge the VEGA no.1/0286/15 and
H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 No. 690970 „papabuild”.
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80 Approval of external thermal insulation
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