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Prevalence of Electronegative Electroretinograms in A Healthy Adult Cohort

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BMJ Open Ophth: first published as 10.1136/bmjophth-2021-000751 on 19 July 2021. Downloaded from http://bmjophth.bmj.com/ on March 21, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Prevalence of electronegative
electroretinograms in a healthy
adult cohort
Xiaofan Jiang,1,2,3,4 Taha Bhatti,2,3 Ambreen Tariq,2,3 Katie M Williams  ‍ ‍,2,3,4
Isabelle Chow,2,3 Talib Dar,2,3 Andrew R Webster,1,4 Pirro G Hysi,2,3
Christopher J Hammond  ‍ ‍,2,3 Omar A Mahroo  ‍ ‍1,2,3,4,5

To cite: Jiang X, Bhatti T, ABSTRACT

Tariq A, et al. Prevalence Objective  An electronegative electroretinogram (ERG) Key messages
of electronegative can indicate important ocular or systemic disease.
electroretinograms in a
This study explored the prevalence of electronegative What is already known about this subject?
healthy adult cohort. BMJ ►► Electronegative electroretinogram (ERG) responses
responses to dark-­adapted stimuli in a largely healthy
Open Ophthalmology to standard dark-­adapted stimuli are associated with
2021;6:e000751. doi:10.1136/ cohort.
Methods and Analysis  211 participants recruited a number of congenital and acquired conditions, the
from the TwinsUK cohort underwent ERG testing latter including paraneoplastic retinopathies.
incorporating international standard (International Society What are the new findings?
Received 25 February 2021 for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision (ISCEV)) protocols ►► This study investigated whether electronegative
Accepted 12 July 2021 and additional stimuli. Responses were recorded using ERGs might be observed in some healthy subjects:
conductive fibre electrodes, following pupil dilation and in a large healthy adult cohort, no participant exhib-
20 min dark adaptation. Responses analysed were to the ited an electronegative ERG in response to standard
ISCEV standard and strong flashes (3.0 and 10 cd/m2 s), stimuli.
and to additional white flashes (0.67–67 cd/m2 s). A-­wave
and b-­wave amplitudes were extracted; b:a ratios were How might these results change the focus of
calculated and proportions of eyes with ratios<1 were research or clinical practice?
noted. ►► These findings support the notion that electroneg-
Results  Mean (SD) age was 62.4 (11.4) years (median, ative ERGs to standard dark-­adapted stimuli are an
64.3; range 23–86 years). 93% were female. Mean (SD) unusual finding and should prompt further clinical
b:a ratios for right and left eyes, respectively, were 1.86 history and/or investigation.
(0.33) and 1.81 (0.29) for the standard flash, and 1.62
(0.25) and 1.58 (0.23) for the stronger flash; average b:a
ratio was lower for the stronger flash (p<0.0001). No from phototransduction, which shuts off a
© Author(s) (or their waveforms were electronegative. For additional flashes,
employer(s)) 2021. Re-­use depolarising current flowing into the photo-
b:a ratio decreased with increasing flash strength. No
permitted under CC BY.
electronegative waveforms were seen except in three eyes
receptor outer segment) and the b-­wave from
Published by BMJ. rod-­driven ON bipolar cells, although the
(0.7%) for the strongest flash; in some cases, drift in the
Institute of Ophthalmology, waveform may have artefactually reduced the b:a ratio. cone system also contributes to both compo-
University College London, nents. A-­wave amplitudes are measured from
Conclusion  For standard dark-­adapted stimuli, no
London, UK
2 participants had electronegative waveforms. The findings baseline to a-­wave trough, and b-­wave ampli-
Section of Academic
Ophthalmology, School of Life support the notion that electronegative waveforms (in tudes from a-­wave trough to b-­wave peak. If
Course Sciences, FoLSM, Kings response to standard flash strengths) are unusual, and the b-­wave amplitude is less than that of the
College London, London, UK should prompt further investigation. a-­wave (b:a ratio less than 1), the waveform
Department of Twin Research is termed electronegative (figure 1), with the
and Genetic Epidemiology,
term usually being applied when the a-­wave is
King’s College London, London,
UK INTRODUCTION of normal (or near-­normal) amplitude.1
NIHR Biomedical Research The electroretinogram (ERG) response to a In response to standard dark-­ adapted
Centre, Moorfields Eye Hospital full-­field flash stimulus is biphasic, consisting flashes (as defined by the International
NHS Foundation Trust and the of an initial, negative-­ going waveform (the Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of
UCL Institute of Ophthalmology,
a-­wave, arising from hyperpolarising currents Vision (ISCEV)),1 2 an electronegative ERG
London, UK
Physiology, University of in photoreceptors and OFF bipolar cells), usually indicates dysfunction occurring after
Cambridge, Cambridge, UK followed by a positive-­going waveform (the phototransduction (eg, at the level of the
b-­wave, shaped largely by currents in ON photoreceptor synapse or bipolar cell). The
Correspondence to
and OFF bipolar cells.) In the dark-­adapted finding of an electronegative ERG, partic-
Dr Omar A Mahroo; ​o.​mahroo@​ state, the a-­wave arises largely from rod photo- ularly a normal-­ sized a-­
wave and reduced
ucl.a​ c.​uk receptors (the hyperpolarisation results b-­wave, is of clinical significance,3–5 and can

Jiang X, et al. BMJ Open Ophth 2021;6:e000751. doi:10.1136/bmjophth-2021-000751 1

Open access

BMJ Open Ophth: first published as 10.1136/bmjophth-2021-000751 on 19 July 2021. Downloaded from http://bmjophth.bmj.com/ on March 21, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
In the authors’ experience, electronegative ERGs
can sometimes be unexpected, and do not appear to
fit initially with the clinical picture, raising the question
whether a minority of healthy subjects might display an
electronegative waveform that does not indicate clinical
pathology. Reference datasets do not include electroneg-
ative waveforms, but this could be confounded by the fact
that such waveforms might be retrospectively excluded,
as it cannot be certain that the individual did not have
undiagnosed retinal pathology. Prospective recordings
from a large cohort of healthy subjects are helpful to
explore this question.
In this study, we investigated whether electronegative
waveforms might be observed in some healthy subjects.
We analysed ERG waveforms from a largely healthy
Figure 1  Normal (left panel) and electronegative (right sample of over 200 adults (aged between 23 and 86 years)
panel) dark-­adapted electroretinograms (ERGs) to a standard in response to ISCEV standard protocols, and additional
10 cd/m2 s white flash. (A) Response from healthy adult. The stimuli. These responses had been recorded prospectively
a-­wave amplitude is measured from baseline to the trough in the TwinsUK cohort for an investigation of heritability
of the a-­wave (depicted by dashed vertical line labelled “a”), of retinal response parameters,12 and no recordings were
and the b-­wave amplitude is measured from the trough of excluded on the basis of electronegativity. In the present
the a-­wave to the peak of the b-­wave (dashed vertical line study, we looked at the distribution of b:a ratios, looking
labelled “b”). (B) Response from the symptomatic eye of a
specifically for the presence of electronegative ERGs in
patient with acquired unilateral nyctalopia, thought to be
the dark-­adapted responses.
of autoimmune aetiology. In the patient’s recording, the b-­
wave amplitude is smaller than that of the a-­wave, and the
waveform is termed electronegative. MATERIALS AND METHODS
Adult participants were recruited from the TwinsUK
narrow the differential diagnosis considerably (table 1). cohort,12 which is a registry of largely healthy adult twins,
In clinical patient cohorts undergoing electroretinog- who have volunteered to participate in research studies at
raphy, proportions with electronegative ERGs range St Thomas’ Hospital, London.13 Participants underwent
between approximately 2.9% and 6.6%.6–9 In the context full-­field ERG testing which incorporated the ISCEV stan-
of acquired disease, an electronegative ERG can indicate dard protocol.1 2 Participants gave informed consent; the
an inflammatory or paraneoplastic process, with a partic- study had local research ethics committee approval, and
ular pattern found in melanoma-­associated retinopathy, complied with the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki.
explicable by the presence of circulating autoantibodies TwinsUK takes account of feedback from participants;
to the TRPM1 channel expressed by retinal ON bipolar patients and public were not involved specifically in the
cells.10 11 If the a-­wave is additionally reduced, this indi- design of the present study.
cates impairment at the level of photoreceptor outer Pupils were pharmacologically dilated and participants
segments; in such cases, an electronegative waveform underwent 20 min dark adaptation prior to commencement
might not always indicate inner retinal pathology. of stimuli. The stimuli delivered were the standard ISCEV

Table 1  Some causes of electronegative electroretinogram waveforms

Inherited X-­linked retinoschisis
Congenital stationary night blindness
Batten disease
Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Other genetic conditions
Acquired Vascular Central retinal artery/vein occlusion
Toxic Vigabatrin
Inflammatory or autoimmune Paraneoplastic Melanoma-­associated retinopathy
Carcinoma-­associated retinopathy
Non-­paraneoplastic Birdshot uveitis
Other inflammatory/autoimmune

2 Jiang X, et al. BMJ Open Ophth 2021;6:e000751. doi:10.1136/bmjophth-2021-000751

Open access

BMJ Open Ophth: first published as 10.1136/bmjophth-2021-000751 on 19 July 2021. Downloaded from http://bmjophth.bmj.com/ on March 21, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
dark-­adapted stimuli (flashes delivering 0.01, 3.0 and 10 from up to 20 flash presentations for the lowest strength
photopic cd/m2 s, conventionally termed the DA 0.01, DA 3 xenon flash). Where the averaged response showed some
and DA 10), followed by additional white flashes (delivering shallow baseline drift, the Espion postacquisition ‘trend
0.67, 4.0, 13 and 67 photopic cd/m2 s). The ISCEV stan- removal’ function was used. Importantly, the presence of
dard stimuli were from LEDs, while the additional flashes an electronegative waveform was not used as a criterion
were from a xenon flash gun. The additional stimuli were for trace rejection. B-­wave and a-­wave amplitudes were
delivered as part of an ongoing study aiming to explore extracted for each subject and b:a amplitude ratios calcu-
application of mathematical models to a-­wave kinetics, and lated. A test of normality (Shapiro-­Wilk) was applied, and
in order to minimise flash duration, xenon flash, rather parametric or non-­parametric tests chosen for subsequent
than LED, stimuli were used. The corresponding flash comparisons based on whether the data were consistent
strengths in scotopic units were 0.03, 7.5 and 25 scotopic or inconsistent with a normal distribution.
cd/m2 s for the ISCEV stimuli (DA 0.01, 3 and 10 flashes,
respectively), and were 1.0, 6.2, 21 and 104 scotopic cd/m2 s RESULTS
for the additional xenon flashes. The interstimulus interval Cohort demographics
ranged from 5 s for the weaker stimuli to 20 s for the stronger Dark-­adapted ERGs were analysed from 211 participants
flashes. The flash strengths given above in photopic units (422 eyes). For one participant, the stronger flash was
were as measured independently using a photometer with not delivered. Mean (SD) age was 62.4 (11.4) years. The
photopic filter (and confirmed by a subsequent calibration median age was 64.3 years (range 23–86). The majority
by the manufacturer). The strengths in scotopic units were (93%) were female, and 97% were of white European
as given by the Espion software for each stimulus. ancestry, reflecting the demographics of the TwinsUK
ERGs were recorded using a conductive fibre elec- cohort. The majority (>90%) did not report any eye
trode placed in the inferior conjunctival fornix (with condition expected to affect the full-­ field ERG. Eigh-
consistency of position checked during and after record- teen individuals were noted to have the following retinal
ings as this can affect amplitudes).14 Recordings were conditions: age-­ related macular degeneration (four
made simultaneously from both eyes. Indifferent skin participants), diabetes (five participants), previous retinal
electrodes were placed on the temples, and a ground detachment (two participants), unspecified retinal prob-
electrode on the forehead. Stimuli were delivered using lems (two participants), glaucoma (three participants)
the Diagnosys ColorDome running Espion software and glaucoma suspect (two participants). Axial lengths
(Diagnosys, Lowell, Massachusetts, USA). Filter settings obtained by optical biometry (and averaged for the
for recordings were as set by the manufacturer (high two eyes) were available for 76% of participants. Mean
pass 0.312 Hz, low pass 300 Hz). For the standard ISCEV (SD) axial length was 23.36 (1.18) mm. The median was
stimuli analysed in this study, the Espion ‘auto-­reject’ 23.28 mm (range from 20.06 to 27.12 mm). No partici-
function and the prespecified ‘drift removal’ functions pants were excluded on the basis of axial length.
were not enabled, but the operator had the opportunity
to manually reject a response (using criteria specified ISCEV standard dark-adapted flashes (DA 3 and DA 10)
below) prior to conclusion of recordings. For the xenon Table 2 summarises the mean, SD, minimum and
flash stimuli, the ‘auto-­reject’ and manual rejection func- maximum values for each parameter. For the DA 3
tions and ‘drift removal’ were not enabled; exclusion flash, mean (median, SD) a-­wave and b-­wave amplitudes
of artefactual traces was performed after conclusion of were, respectively, 145.2 (140.7, 37.9) and 264.0 (253.0,
recordings. 62.8) microvolts for right eyes, and 147.3 (145.1, 32.8)
Responses elicited by the dark-­ adapted ISCEV stan- and 263.9 (256.6, 58.9) microvolts for left eyes. For the
dard flash (3.0 photopic cd/m2 s) and strong flash (10.0 stronger (DA 10) flash, respective values were 171.6
photopic cd/m2 s) stimuli were analysed, as well as (167.3, 42.0) and 273.8 (262.6, 62.0) microvolts for right
those elicited by the additional white flashes. Very noisy eyes, and 174.6 (170.9, 36.0) and 274.4 (268.3, 58.7)
responses can distort the average, and so were excluded microvolts for left eyes.
using criteria similar to those previously described.12 15 ERG amplitudes and b:a ratios deviated from a normal
The response was viewed over the full acquisition time distribution, and so non-­ parametric testing (paired-­
window (ranging from 20 ms prior to flash delivery sample Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test) was employed for
to 100 ms post flash). Those responses in which there statistical comparisons. Although median b:a ratio for
was significant blink artefact (defined as a sharp, large right and left eyes were very similar (as detailed below),
amplitude deflection in the trace not consistent with there was a statistically significant difference with the
a retinal response) or clear drift (sustained upward or ratio being slightly lower in left eyes (p<0.001). For all
downward deflection of more than 20 microvolts over the subsequent analyses, right eyes and left eyes were anal-
prestimulus window) were excluded, as well as those in ysed separately.
which there was significant mains electrical interference Figure 2 depicts the results: b-­ wave amplitudes are
(50 Hz). Typically, fewer than 10% of the responses were plotted against a-­wave amplitudes in the left-­hand panels
removed (in many cases, none were removed). Responses and the distribution of b:a ratios are shown in the right-­
were averaged, typically from 4 to 6 flash presentations (or hand panels. The distributions suggest that on average

Jiang X, et al. BMJ Open Ophth 2021;6:e000751. doi:10.1136/bmjophth-2021-000751 3

Open access

Table 2  Average, SD and range of parameter values to standard and additional stimuli (b:a ratios given in italics)
Right eye Left eye
strength 2.5th 97.5th 2.5th 97.5th
Stimulus type (cd/m2 s) Parameter Mean SD Median Min Max percentile percentile Mean SD Median Min Max percentile percentile

Standard 3.0 a-­wave (µV) 145.23 37.91 140.70 66.81 274.70 81.75 229.90 147.28 32.84 145.10 74.44 239.30 96.08 221.40
dark-­ b-­wave (µV) 264.03 62.81 253.00 150.90 490.60 165.10 404.10 263.89 58.89 256.60 141.90 478.60 172.00 397.90
flashes b:a ratio 1.86 0.33 1.81 1.12 3.25 1.33 2.64 1.81 0.29 1.79 1.13 2.81 1.30 2.52
(LED) 10 a-­wave (µV) 171.58 41.96 167.25 88.46 318.70 100.80 263.90 174.61 36.02 170.85 93.32 278.30 117.20 258.40
b-­wave (µV) 273.82 61.98 262.60 149.90 489.60 178.90 405.60 274.44 58.68 268.25 149.70 498.80 182.30 404.70
b:a ratio 1.62 0.25 1.60 1.15 2.66 1.20 2.30 1.58 0.23 1.57 1.04 2.36 1.19 2.10
Additional 0.67 a-­wave (µV) 48.06 19.43 44.37 13.36 118.39 19.42 90.05 48.87 17.87 45.51 15.36 112.20 22.33 94.47
b-­wave (µV) 202.71 50.12 198.68 106.41 401.41 120.61 316.70 203.56 48.64 201.60 99.66 364.72 122.06 307.47
b:a ratio 4.66 1.61 4.26 2.21 13.15 2.72 8.85 4.50 1.37 4.24 2.37 11.69 2.54 7.47
4.0 a-­wave (µV) 129.04 36.87 124.85 32.96 234.10 71.86 214.21 130.48 33.41 126.81 29.89 227.00 76.66 199.87
b-­wave (µV) 251.40 59.04 245.63 122.87 465.41 157.74 363.89 250.55 55.39 248.36 127.96 409.48 158.96 373.67
b:a ratio 2.03 0.50 1.96 1.22 6.25 1.32 3.20 1.98 0.50 1.95 1.16 6.93 1.40 3.01
13 a-­wave (µV) 161.41 41.25 155.52 84.71 286.80 98.58 251.68 163.29 36.96 158.31 77.96 270.32 104.09 243.15
b-­wave (µV) 267.13 60.14 264.01 155.42 489.81 173.35 387.96 264.59 56.49 261.46 151.83 436.33 169.30 380.20
b:a ratio 1.69 0.27 1.66 1.15 2.76 1.23 2.32 1.64 0.26 1.63 1.10 2.68 1.18 2.28
67 a-­wave (µV) 188.56 43.77 180.65 101.88 327.04 126.25 294.08 190.24 37.47 185.77 120.58 301.72 131.09 274.69
b-­wave (µV) 276.16 62.71 269.95 151.48 504.27 176.69 391.41 276.16 57.50 272.46 150.38 451.70 172.95 405.85
b:a ratio 1.48 0.22 1.47 0.90 2.32 1.09 2.00 1.46 0.21 1.46 0.86 2.17 1.08 1.92

The 2.5th and 97.5th percentile are also given to provide a possible reference range, encompassing the central 95% of the data.

Jiang X, et al. BMJ Open Ophth 2021;6:e000751. doi:10.1136/bmjophth-2021-000751

BMJ Open Ophth: first published as 10.1136/bmjophth-2021-000751 on 19 July 2021. Downloaded from http://bmjophth.bmj.com/ on March 21, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Open access

BMJ Open Ophth: first published as 10.1136/bmjophth-2021-000751 on 19 July 2021. Downloaded from http://bmjophth.bmj.com/ on March 21, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Figure 2  Dark-­adapted flash electroretinogram (ERG) amplitudes and b:a ratios for International Society for Clinical
Electrophysiology of Vision (ISCEV) standard flashes. Upper panels (A–C) show data for the standard 3.0 cd/m2 s flash (termed
DA 3 in the ISCEV standard protocol). Lower panels show data for the stronger 10.0 cd/m2 s flash of (termed DA 10.0 in the
ISCEV standard protocol). Left-­hand panels (A,D) plot b-­wave amplitudes against a-­wave amplitudes for right and left eyes.
Electronegative ERGs would be indicated by points falling below the 45° dashed line; no points fall below this line. Right-­
hand panels (B,C,E,F) are histograms showing the distribution of b:a ratios for right eyes (B,E) and left eyes (C,F). All ratios are
greater than 1.

b:a ratios were lower for the stronger flash, and this above the 45° line except for the strongest flash: here,
was statistically significant (p<0.0001) though there was 3 points (both eyes of one individual, and the left eye
considerable overlap. For the standard (DA 3) flash, of a second individual) fall below the 45° line. Further
mean (SD) b:a ratios were 1.86 (0.33) and 1.81 (0.29) inspection of recordings from these participants showed
for right and left eyes respectively; median (minimum, a gradual down-­ going drift detectable in some traces
maximum) values were 1.81 (1.12, 3.25) and 1.79 (1.13, even prior to flash delivery, suggesting that the b:a ratio
2.81), respectively. For the stronger (DA 10) flash, mean was artefactually low. The traces did not however meet
(SD) b:a ratios were 1.62 (0.25) and 1.58 (0.23) for right the objective criteria for trace rejection.
and left eyes respectively; median (minimum, maximum) The lowest panels in figure 3 plot mean (±SD) a-­wave
values were 1.60 (1.15, 2.66) and 1.79 (1.05, 2.36), and b-­wave amplitudes (lower left panels) and b:a ratio
respectively. No recordings from any of the 422 eyes were (lower right panels) against flash strength for the cohort.
electronegative. The majority of the participants (99%) In panels E and F, the X-­axis represents photopic flash
were twin pairs. When only one twin from each pair was strengths (stimuli are conventionally given in photopic
included (107 unrelated individuals), the same statisti- units). However, as the responses are largely from the
cally significant relationships were found.
rod system, the scotopic strength may be more rele-
Additional flash stimuli vant. In panels G and H, the X-­axis represents scotopic
Figure 3A–D plots b-­ wave amplitudes against a-­ wave strengths (as given by the Espion system for the stimuli
amplitudes for the additional flash stimuli (all plots are used). The grey symbols represent the ISCEV stan-
to the same scale). As flash strength increases, the points dard (DA 3 and DA 10) stimuli. The scotopic strength
appear to lie nearer the 45° line, indicating a falling b:a of a given white LED stimulus is higher than that of a
ratio with increasing flash strength, similar to the rela- photopically matched xenon flash (reflecting a greater
tionship seen for the ISCEV standard flashes. Again, the contribution of shorter (bluer) wavelengths in the LED
difference in b:a ratios between flash strengths was statis- spectrum). As the dark-­adapted responses are largely
tically significant, with successively stronger flashes giving rod driven, this is likely to explain why the grey symbols
significantly lower b:a ratios (p<0.0001). All points are appear to be more consistent with the black symbols

Jiang X, et al. BMJ Open Ophth 2021;6:e000751. doi:10.1136/bmjophth-2021-000751 5

Open access

BMJ Open Ophth: first published as 10.1136/bmjophth-2021-000751 on 19 July 2021. Downloaded from http://bmjophth.bmj.com/ on March 21, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Figure 3  Dark-­adapted flash electroretinogram amplitudes and b:a ratios for additional xenon flashes. (A–D) Panels plot
b-­wave against a-­wave amplitudes for the additional xenon flashes (flash strengths shown in photopic units). The scales are
consistent to aid comparison. The 45° dashed line indicates a b:a ratio of 1. (E) Points plot mean (±SD) a-­wave and b-­wave
amplitudes for the cohort against flash strength in photopic units. The grey symbols are for the standard LED-­derived stimuli
(DA 3 and DA 10). (F) Points plot mean (±SD) b:a ratio for the cohort against flash strength. The dashed horizontal line denotes
a ratio of unity. (G,H) Plots corresponding to E and F, but where the X-­axis represents scotopic flash strength. The photopic
flash strengths were measured directly using a photometer with a photopic filter. The scotopic flash strengths are those given
by the Espion system for the particular stimuli used.

when flash strength is plotted in scotopic, rather than underwent ISCEV standard recording of ERGs. The
photopic, units. primary aim at the time of the recordings had been to
investigate heritability of response parameters and inves-
DISCUSSION tigate factors such as correlation with age12; no recordings
In this study, we investigated recordings obtained previ- were excluded on the basis of waveform shape or relative
ously from 211 adult participants from the TwinsUK amplitudes of waveform components. We found that, in
cohort (with ages ranging from 23 to 86 years) who response to international standard stimuli, no participant

6 Jiang X, et al. BMJ Open Ophth 2021;6:e000751. doi:10.1136/bmjophth-2021-000751

Open access

BMJ Open Ophth: first published as 10.1136/bmjophth-2021-000751 on 19 July 2021. Downloaded from http://bmjophth.bmj.com/ on March 21, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
had an electronegative waveform. For additional stimuli, standards). Electronegative waveforms can be a normal
we found the b:a ratio became smaller as flash strength finding in some stimulus conditions, and the b:a ratio
increased, but was still greater than 1. For the strongest can be lower with stronger flashes (as confirmed by
flash (67 photopic cd/m2 s), b:a ratios less than 1 were our study). Some experimental testing protocols might
only observed in three eyes, and this was equivocal (with employ significantly stronger flashes than the those anal-
the possibility that the ratio was artefactually low in these ysed here, and our findings would not apply to these flash
recordings). strengths.
There was a small, but statistically significant, differ- Also, manual rejection of artefactual traces can be
ence in b:a ratio between right and left eyes. It is unclear subjective, but we adhered to the criteria described in the
whether this reflects a true interocular difference or Materials and methods. It is possible that different strate-
might simply arise from differences in relative electrode gies for rejection of traces (eg, varying levels of tolerance
position, for example, resulting in opposite directions of to drift in the recording) might affect the prevalence
mild drift in the signal that might be minimally discern- of electronegative waveforms in some populations.
ible, but could lead to a statistically significant difference However, in our study, the appearance of an electronega-
in a large sample. The median values for right and left tive response was not a criterion for trace rejection. The
eyes were close to each other. few electronegative ERGs seen in response to our stron-
The reduction in b:a ratio with increasing flash strength gest stimulus were felt to be possibly related to drift in
is well established,16 17 and confirmed in our study, the recording that did not exceed our threshold for trace
suggesting an earlier saturation of b-­ wave amplitudes rejection. It is possible that recording over a larger time
relative to a-­wave amplitudes. The particular stimulus window would have enabled more robust identification
strength at which response amplitudes are deemed to be of sustained drift in the recordings.
maximal can depend on the model used to fit the relation- adapted electronegative waveforms can be an
ship.18 A recently published ISCEV extended protocol for important diagnostic finding, which can guide genetic
the stimulus–response series for the dark-­adapted ERG testing, or be indicative of significant systemic pathology
b-­wave summarises previous approaches.19 With hyper- (potentially life-­threatening, as in cases of paraneo-
bolic saturation functions commonly used, the maximal plastic retinopathy).21 Our findings support the notion
amplitude is often fitted to a plateau that is reached with that, when observed, electronegative ERGs should be
weaker flash strengths than those used here. The flash
regarded as clinically significant, and, when unexpected,
strengths of the current study probably correspond to
should prompt further exploration, by medical history,
the ‘second limb’ of the stimulus–response relation, in
and/or ocular or systemic investigations as appropriate.
which b-­wave amplitudes continue to increase following
that plateau.19 Acknowledgements  The authors gratefully acknowledge the participation
There is significant amplification at the rod to rod-­ of the volunteers from the TwinsUK cohort, and the support of the funding
bipolar cell synapse, with bipolar cells integrating input organisations.
from multiple rod photoreceptors, and this might lead Contributors  Data collection/analysis/interpretation: all authors. Drafting of
to saturation in bipolar cell response amplitude at manuscript: OAM. Revision of manuscript and approval of final version: all authors.
Supervision: ARW, PGH, CJH, OAM.
lower stimulus strengths than for the rod photorecep-
tors themselves. Additionally, it has been shown that the Funding  The authors acknowledge funding from the Wellcome Trust (Grant
206619/Z/17/Z), Fight for Sight UK, Birdshot Uveitis Society, Thomas Pocklington
a-­wave trough in response to strong flashes is likely to be Trust, Moorfields Eye Charity and the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)
shaped not just by the outer segment photocurrent, but Biomedical Research Centre at Moorfields Eye Hospital and the University College
by current flows elsewhere including the outer nuclear London Institute of Ophthalmology. TwinsUK receives funding from the Wellcome
layer,20 and this additional component might continue Trust and the NIHR BioResource Clinical Research Facility and Biomedical Research
Centre based at Guy’s and St. Thomas' National Health Service Foundation Trust
to increase with flash strength. Although dominated by and King’s College London, United Kingdom.
the rod system, the dark-­adapted ERG elicited by a strong
Disclaimer  The views expressed are those of the authors and not the funding
flash additionally contains signals from the cone system organisations.
(cone photoreceptors, ON and OFF bipolar cells), which Competing interests  None declared.
could also affect the b:a ratio.
Patient and public involvement  Patients and/or the public were not involved in
Although our sample is large, and covers a substantial the design, or conduct, or reporting, or dissemination plans of this research.
age range, we cannot exclude that an electronegative
Patient consent for publication  Not required.
waveform might still occur in a very small proportion
Ethics approval The study received research ethics committee approval (NHS
(less than 1%) of healthy subjects. Our cohort has specific Health Research Authority, NRES Committee London—Harrow, reference number
demographics, and we cannot be certain of how our 11/LO/2029).
findings would generalise to other populations. The Provenance and peer review  Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
predominance of females is partly explained by the
Data availability statement  Data are available upon request.
original founding aim of the twin registry, which was to
Open access  This is an open access article distributed in accordance with the
investigate osteoporosis and osteoarthritis, conditions Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported (CC BY 4.0) license, which permits
more prevalent in women.13 Our findings only apply others to copy, redistribute, remix, transform and build upon this work for any
to the strengths analysed (which include the ISCEV purpose, provided the original work is properly cited, a link to the licence is given,

Jiang X, et al. BMJ Open Ophth 2021;6:e000751. doi:10.1136/bmjophth-2021-000751 7

Open access

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