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Fluides Non Newtoniens1

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The Rheology of 'Elastic' Non-Newtonian Fluids

Author(s): F. H. Garner, A. H. Nissan and G. F. Wood

Source: Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical
Sciences, Vol. 200, No. 1061 (Jan. 6, 1950), pp. 189-191
Published by: Royal Society
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/98479
Accessed: 30-10-2015 16:39 UTC

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A discussion on the physics and chemistry of hydrocarbongels 189
kinetic energy of the jet exceeded a certain function of the surface energy which
tended to stabilize the sheets. With these systems the kinetic energy required to
break up the conical sheets was much greater than this function calculated on the
basis of the surface energy measured statically.
The second series of experiments dealt with the quantitative evaluation of the
free energy on subjecting the systems to stress at different temperatures. A rod
was rotated inside a stationary sleeve, the space between being full of the fluid
under consideration. From the drop in the level of the fluid, it was deduced that
the internal energy and the entropy were both raised by shearing the system. The
increase in internal energy was greater than the rise in entropy, and hence the
free energy, as a whole, increased on shearing. These facts became less noticeable
as the temperature was raised.
Finally, a series of experiments were conducted on the behaviour of these
systems when subjected to different states of shear between disks, cones or cylinders
in each experiment, of which one member was rotated and the other held stationary.
In all experiments secondary spontaneous flow from regions of high shear to regions
of low shear confirmed the hypothesis that the increase in free energy on straining
(or stressing) the system resulted in local instability. Surfaces of uniform shear
acted as if they were semi-permeable membranes with a concentration gradient
across them due to the structural units moving from regions of high to those of low
shear values. Thus a species of osmotic pressure was generated which could be
measured. T'hese peculiar phenomena only occurred when there was a marked
difference in the rate of shear between different points in the system; under uniform
rates of shear they did not arise.



(Summary of contribution)

Characteristics of Newtonian and non-Newtonian rheological systems were sum-

marized and the apparatus used in the present investigation described. The
method consists, essentially, of forcing the fluids through pipes of various lengths
and diameters and measuring the pressure losses corresponding to different rates
of flow.
A detailed study of the pressure expenditure at the entry was made. It was
found that, compared with entry losses of Newtonian systems, the entry losses
with non-Newtonian systems were large and complex.
When the entry losses were completely accounted for, there was still the com-
plication of a 'layer effect'. With the particular system studied, this was in the
form of an apparently retarding layer at the surface, giving rise to a higher rate
of shear strain obtaining in wide tubes than in narrow tubes at the same shearing

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190 E. K. Rideal and others
Finally, the development of a rheological equation was undertaken. It was found
that Eyring's equation best fitted the results. However, certain difficulties in
interpreting the constants of the equation throw doubt on its validity from
a physical-chemistry viewpoint.
In the conclusion, a hypothesis for the cause of the three difficulties of entry
losses, retarding layer effects and the non-applicability of any known equation to
the results was advanced.

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The tides in oceans on a rotating globe. V


(Received23 May 1949-Revised 8 September1949)

A method is presented of solving the dynamical equations of the tides on a rotating globe
with boundaries along meridians. The method makes it possible to write down explicitly in
algebraic form the terms of the double series in which the formula for the tide height is
For the case of the luni-solar tide with a restricted law of depth the coefficients are
worked out and certain critical depths evaluated.


The solution of the problem of the tides in an ocean on a rotating globe bounded by
two meridians has been found in various cases by Goldsbrough (I928), Proudman
(I936) and Doodson (I936, I938, I940).
In all these methods considerable arithmetical work is involved, and numerical
parameters have to be introduced early in the process. Each method also requires
the numerical solution of a set of linear algebraic equations with an infinity of
unknowns, for which, of course, approximations are necessary. It is therefore of
some interest to exhibit a solution which can be found in explicit literal form. The
method could probably be applied to more general cases of tidal motion. But in this
paper it is confined to the motion of the luni-solar tide K2, in an ocean with a special
law of depth. Under these conditions, the equations take a simpler form.
The equations are integrated by the Galerkin method in a double series of
orthogonal functions each of which satisfies the boundary conditions. This process
has been fully justified by Keldych (I942), who shows that the series obtained by

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