3rd Quarterly Exam
3rd Quarterly Exam
3rd Quarterly Exam
“When there is love, there is no pain; when there is pain, it is pain that is loved.”
_- St. Augustine of Hippo
3rd Quarterly Test
Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction
Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer and write it on the space provided before the number.
_____1. Which of the following is a sudden, calamitous event, bringing great damage, loss, destruction, and
devastation to life and property?
a. disaster c. phenomenon
b. hazard d. risk
_____2. A natural disaster can be a _____________ .
a. phenomenon c. technological/industrial issues
b. terrorism/Violence d. complex humanitarian emergencies
_____3. All of the following are the effects of disasters EXCEPT ___________
a. can destroy health infrastructure c. can have adverse effects on the environment
b. can cause an unexpected number of deaths d. can cause the ability of every specie to reproduce
_____4. Which of the following is the process or condition, often development-related, that influence the
level of disaster risk by increasing levels of exposure and vulnerability or reducing capacity?
a. risk factor c. natural hazard
b. disaster risk d. man-made hazard
_____5. Which of the following is NOT an element which causes disaster?
a. exposure c. risk
b. hazard d. vulnerability
_____6. Which of the following BEST describes hazard?
a. loss of life or injury naturally c. potentially damaging physical event
b. a phenomenon or human activity d. reduction of vulnerability and exposure
_____7. Which of the following risk factors BEST describes the cause of COVID-19 pandemic?
a. climate change c. globalized economic development
b. weak governance d. poorly- planned and managed urban development
_____8. It refers to the changes that can be attributed “directly or indirectly to human activity altering the
composition of the global atmosphere and additionally to the natural climate variability observed over
comparable periods of time”?
a. deforestation c. global warming
b. climate change d. carbon footprint
_____9. A community with high level of vulnerability and high hazard has ___.
a. high disaster risk c. medium disaster risk
b. low disaster risk d. none of the above
_____11. Which of the following factors does not help lessen the vulnerability of a community?
a. preparedness of the community
b. presence of Disaster Risk Reduction Management Team
c. availability of health services and facilities in times of calamity
d. provisions of housing on areas that have fault lines in the vicinity
_____17. Why is it that Japan is less vulnerable to COVID-19 pandemic than other Asian countries?
a. they have more population c. they have the capacity to do mass testing
b. they have less population density d. they can provide sufficient numbers of PPE
_____18. NCR has very high population density making it more vulnerable to any hazard like what
happened during the lockdown where all members of the family have no choice but to stay in a very small
living space. To lessen the population density of NCR, the government proposed the __________.
a. Libreng Hatid Probinsya c. Balik Probinsya, Bagong Pag-asa Program
b. Gulayan sa Bakuran Program d. Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act
“When there is love, there is no pain; when there is pain, it is pain that is loved.”
_- St. Augustine of Hippo
3rd Quarterly Test
Discipline and Ideas in Social Science
Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer and write it on the space provided before the number.
___1. One of the branches of humanities that focuses on studying the past and records of events.
A. Geography B. Sociology C. History
___2. This social science discipline entails to study groups – how they are formed, how they change
and how the group impacts individual behavior.
A. Sociology B. Anthropology C. Psychology
___3. This particular branch of science is concerned with the phenomena and objects of nature and
the physical world.
A. Social Science B. Life Science C. Natural Science
___4. Which of the following is NOT a major branch of Earth Science?
A. Demography B. Geology C. Astronomy
___5. In this period, Karl Popper and Talcott Parsons influenced the furtherance of the social sciences.
A. 19th Century B. Modern period C. Contemporary period
___6. The modern period saw social science as a distinct conceptual field and was influenced by
positivism. Which among the thinkers below support such field?
A. Max Weber B. Jean-Jacques Rousseau C. Auguste Comte
___7. When did social science begin?
A. Age of Enlightenment B. Age of Revolution C. French Revolution
___8. Who initiated the studying of social facts?
A. Charles Fourier B. Emile Durkheim C. Vilfredo Pareto
___9. In the first half of the 20th century, which discipline became free-standing discipline of applied
A. Geometry B. Statistics C. Algebra
___10. Which approach sees society as a complex system where parts work together to promote
solidarity and stability?
A. Marxism B. Symbolic Interactionism C. Structural Functionism
___11. Which theory examines society by concerning on the subjective meaning that people impose
on things, incidents and actions?
A. Marxism B. Symbolic Interactionism C. Structural Functionism
___12. Which social science approach aims to expose the conflict caused by the existence of different
social classes with different interests and encourages people to challenge the status quo and abolish
social inequality?
A. Marxism B. Symbolic Interactionism C. Structural Functionism
___13. Which from the thinkers listed below considered as the “Father of Positivism”?
A. Karl Marx B. Max Weber C. August Comte
___14. Which approach claims that parts of society all contribute to the “functional” operation of the
A. Positivist Social Science B. Interpretive Social Science C. Critical Social
___15. Which of the following linguistic signal emphasized on the study of meaning?
A. Morphology B. Semantics C. Syntax
___16. He is an advocate for Hermeneutic Phenomenology.
a. Thomas Hobbes b. David Hume c. Edmund Husserl
____18. It is a phenomenological method that has relation of the noema of experience (the'what') and
the noesis (the'how it is experienced').
a. Descriptive phenomenology b. Interpretive phenomenology c. Epistemology
____19. This word was coined by Heidegger to describe the idea that "individuals' realities are
inextricably shaped by the surrounding world and express the interpretation of lived experiences either
textually or symbolically.
a. Crisis of value b. Lifeworld c. Pure phenomenology
____20. It is the study of lived experience or the life world(van Manen, 1997). Its focus is on a person's
experience of the world, rather than the world or reality as anything independent from the individual
(Valle et al., 1989). This inquiry aims to unravel meanings as they are lived in everyday life by asking,
"What is this experience like?"
a. Epistemology b. Phenomenology c. Ontology
____21. This shows how we prioritize human needs above non-human needs, how some human
populations gain more than others from industrial growth, and what are the ecological implications of
human-driven environmental change.
a. Sustainability b. Ethics c. Governance
____22. They are natural occurrences that cause disruption to human operations.
a. Environment b. Social c. Natural hazards
____23. It is altering the surroundings to suit a person’s needs.
a. Modification b. Adaptation c. Negative effects
____24. It is a notion that aims to explain how human activities may coexist with natural ecosystems'
ability to function.
a. Ethical b. Governance c. sustainability
____25. It is an integrated scientific framework for studying the interface and reciprocal interactions
that link human (e.g., economic, social) to natural (e.g., biological, hydrologic) sub-systems of the
a. Epistemology b. Phenomenology c. Human-Environment Systems
“When there is love, there is no pain; when there is pain, it is pain that is loved.”
_- St. Augustine of Hippo
3rd Quarterly Test
Discipline and Ideas in Applied Social Science
Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer and write it on the space provided before the number.
____1. Which of the following is NOT a field of the social sciences?
a. Counseling c. Political Science
b. Demography d. Sociology
____2. Field of study that is focused on the use and application of the different concepts, theoretical models,
and theories of the social science disciplines to help understand society and the different problems and issues
it faces.
a. Social Sciences c. Applied Social Sciences
b. Natural Sciences d. Behavioral Sciences
____3. Which career opportunity will mostly need an applied social science practitioner?
a. Guidance Counseling c. Computer science
b. Engineering d. Architecture
____4. The following are the goals of counseling EXCEPT ONE.
a. involves acquiring the basic foundation of learning and cognitive skills
b. enhances special skills and abilities
c. rejects options, pointing skills, trying only different old activities, etc.
d. helps client in recognizing that what they are doing, thinking, and feeling is fine.
____5. Trusting a counselor and committing to follow the advices fall in what principle?
a. principle of autonomy of individuals c. principle of non-maleficence
b. principle of justice d. principle of fidelity
____6. What specific function of professional counselors that prepare lessons and implement guidance instructions to
students. They deliver talks, seminars, workshop, and other interesting activities?
A. Developmental classroom guidance specialists
B. Leaders and advocates of academic success
C. Providers of individual and group services
D. Career development specialists
____7. Which of the following function of professional counselors that provides activities preparing students for the
demand and requirements of their chosen profession?
A. School and Community collaboration specialists
B. Leaders and advocates of academic success
C. Career development specialists
D. Advocates of students with special needs and students-at-risk.
____8. Which of the following does follow “School and Community Collaboration”?
A. Allowing yourself to be counselled means that you have a problem only in the school and have issues in
academic success, that is only concern with the school
B. Counselors’ ensures learner’s holistic development and success through barangay, teacher and parent
C. A counselor’s job is in only to see counseling as its objective and final approach to student improvement
D. The school is an independent institution, it does not need help from other schools in improving learner-
community engagement.
____9. Career development specialist is a function or counselor in the setting of ___.
A. Clinical B. Educational C. Industrial D. none of the above
____10. Which is NOT true about counseling?
A. It caters mostly people with mental disabilities C. It most given to groups of people
B. It is most provided in the clinical setting D. It is a helping profession
____11. Which of the following does not belong to the clients of counseling?
a. demoralized c. in negative state of mind
b. financially-challenged d. victims of domestic violence
____12. This refers to the type of clientele that may be counseled when people experience something collective that
affects their capacity to move on.
a. individual b. group c. organization d. community
____13. When interventions are designed, what comes next in the counseling process?
a. monitoring b. evaluation c. implementation d. needs assessment
____14. Which of the following counseling process is used as the basis to continue or to phase out a counseling
a. monitoring b. evaluation c. implementation d. needs assessment
____15. Which is the correct process in counseling?
I. The counselor evaluates the effectiveness of the counseling session.
II. The client articulates where they want their counseling journey to take them.
III. The counselor and the client craft a treatment plan.
IV. Both the counselor and the client create closure and plan for future.
V. The counselor develops trust using attending and listening skills, empathy, and unconditional positive
VI. The counselor conducts activities and employs strategies based from the clearly articulated problem
leading to client’s progress.
a. V, III, I, II, IV, VI c. V, III, II, VI, IV, I
b. V, II, III, VI, IV, I d. V, II, VI, III, IV, I
____16. This aims to provide information for use in decision making, but aren't necessarily advocating a course of
a. communication b. sender c. receiver d. channel
____17. This function of communication includes all reports, news and happenings concerning the daily life. It does
not include any information involving or concerning the pursuit of leisure. But it does cover all news regarding
government politics, foreign affairs, weather, accident, business, labor, education.
a. information b. entertainment c. education d. advertising
____18. This communication goal aims to – to reinforce or change a receiver's belief about a topic and, possibly, act
on the belief
a. to persuade b. to inform c. to inform d. to assess
____19. This element of communication refers to the person who intends to convey the message with the intention of
passing information and ideas to others is known as sender or communicator.
a. sender b. receiver c. channel d. encoding
____20. This principle of communication tells that the idea to be transmitted should always be in easily
understandable language so that the receiver may understand the idea in the same spirit and sense, in which it is
communicated. For this purpose the idea to be conveyed must be clear in the minds of communicator
a. clarity b. attention c. integration d. timeliness
____21. Which of the following is considered as the accountability of a communicator and journalist?
A. Provide information for the public
B. Provide guarantees against censorship and protection of freedom of expression
C. Journalism ethics
D. Respect rights of others
____22. A way of finding, reporting, and presenting news which other people try to hide.
A. Photojournalism C. Investigative journalism
B. Sports journalism D. Broadcast journalism
____23. Telling stories with photographs.
A. Investigative journalism C. Broadcast journalism
B. Sports journalism D. Photojournalism
____24. Based on the Code of Ethics of Communicators and Journalists, is it okay for them to strive to ensure
that information disseminated is honestly conveyed, accurate, and fair?
A. Yes B. No C. Maybe D. Not sure
____25. Which of the following is an ethical behavior for communicators and journalists?
A. Protect the identity of sources who supply information in confidence and material gathered in the
course of his/her work
B. Produces no material likely to lead to hatred or discrimination in the grounds of a person’s age,
gender, race, color, creed, legal status, disability, marital status, or sexual orientation
C. Shall normally seek the consent of an appropriate adult when interviewing or photographing a child
for a story about his/her welfare
D. All the above.
“When there is love, there is no pain; when there is pain, it is pain that is loved.”
_- St. Augustine of Hippo