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In industrial arena, if any industry to be successful, it has to be safe, reliable, and sustainable
in its operations. The industry has to identify the hazards and assess the associated risks and
to bring the risks to tolerable level.
Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA) is carried for identification of undesirable
events that can lead to a hazard, the analysis of hazard of this undesirable event, that could
occur and usually the estimation of its extent, magnitude and likelihood of harmful effects. It
is widely accepted within industry in general that the various techniques of risk assessment
contribute greatly toward improvements in the safety of complex operations and equipment.
The objective of this work of hazards and risk analysis is to identify and analyze hazards, the
event sequences leading to hazards and the risk associated with hazardous events. Many
techniques ranging from the simple qualitative methods to the advanced quantitative
methods are available to help identify and analyze hazards. The use of multiple hazard
analysis techniques is recommended because each has its own purpose, strengths, and
Keywords: Hazard Operability Studies (HAZOP), Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA), Process
Hazard Analysis (PHA), Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA).

Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 1|Page

For any industry to be successful, it has to be safe, reliable and sustainable in its
operations. the industry has to identify the hazards and assess the associated risks and to
bring the risks to tolerable level.
Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA) is carried for identification of undesirable
events that can lead to a hazard, the analysis of hazard of this undesirable event, that could
occur and usually the estimation of its extent, magnitude and likelihood of harmful effects. It
is widely accepted within industry in general that the various techniques of risk assessment
contribute greatly toward improvements in the safety of complex operations and equipment.
The objective of this work of hazards and risk analysis is to identify and analyze hazards, the
event sequences leading to hazards and the risk associated with hazardous events. Many
techniques ranging from the simple qualitative methods to the advanced quantitative
methods are available to help identify and analyze hazards. The use of multiple hazard
analysis techniques is recommended because each has its own purpose, strengths, and
As the part of the work. Hazard identification and risk analysis was carried out for
construction activities and the hazards were identified and risk analysis was carried out. The
different segments of activities were divided in to high, medium and low depending upon
their consequences and likelihood. The high risks activities have been marked in red color are
un-accepted and must be reduced. The risks which are marked in yellow color are tolerable
but efforts must be made to reduce risk without expenditure that is grossly disproportionate
to the benefit gained. The risks which are marked in green have the risk level so low that it is
not required for taking actions to reduce its magnitude any further.
Hazard identification and risk analysis (HIRA) is a collective term that encompasses all
activities involved in identifying hazards and evaluating risk at facilities, throughout their
life cycle, to make certain that risks to employees, the public or the environment are
consistently controlled within the organizations risk tolerance level. These studies typically
address three main risk questions to a level of detail commensurate with analysis,
objective, life cycle stage, available information, and resources.
Tools for simple hazard identification or qualitative risk analysis include hazard and
operability analysis (HAZOP), what –if/checklist analysis, and failure modes and effect
analysis (FMEA)
Tools for simple risk analysis include failure modes, effects and critically analysis (FMECA)
and layer of protection analysis (LOPA), and
Tools for detailed quantitative risk analysis include fault trees and event trees. For example
some companies may judge the mere existence of an explosion hazard to be an
unacceptable risk, regardless of its likelihood. Others may be willing to tolerate an
explosion risk if proper codes and standards are followed. Still there could be some those
may be unwilling to accept an explosion risk unless it can be shown that the expected
frequency of explosion is less than 10-6/yr. HIRA encompasses the entire spectrum of risk
analysis, from qualitative to quantitative. A process hazard analysis (PHA) is a HIRA that
meets specific regulatory requirements
Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 2|Page
Construction is the process of constructing a building or infrastructure. Construction differs
from manufacturing typically involves mass production of similar items without a
designated purchaser, while construction typically takes place on location for a known
client. Construction as an industry comprises 6 to 9 percentage of the Gross Domestic
Product (GDP) of developed countries. Construction starts with planning, design and
financing and continues until the work is built and ready for use.
To manage risk, hazards must first be identified, and then the risk should be evaluated and
determined to be tolerate or not. The earlier in the life cycle that effective risk analysis is
performed, the more cost effective the future safe operation of the process or activity is likely
to be. The risk understanding developed from these studies forms the basis for establishing
most of the other process safety management activities undertaken by the facility. An
incorrect perception of risk at any point could lead to either inefficient use of limited
resources or unknowing acceptance of risks exceeding the true tolerance of the company or
the community.

HIRA Operation:
HIRA reviews may be performed at any stage in a works life cycle-conceptual design, detailed
design, construction, Commissioning, on-going operation, decommissioning or demolition. In
general, the earlier that a hazard is identified (eg during conceptual design). The more cost-
effectively it can be eliminated or managed. studies performed during the early design stages
are typically done at corporate or engineering offices. Studies performed once a process is
near start-up, during operation or before decommissioning are typically done in a plant
A HIRA study is typically performed by a team of qualified experts on the process, the
materials , and the work activities- personnel who have formal training on risk analysis
methods usually lead these teams, applying the selected analysis technique with subject
matter experts from engineering
,operations, maintenance and disciplines as needed. A simple early-in-life hazard
identification study may be performed by a single experts: However, a multidiscipline team
typically conducts more hazardous or complex process risk studies, especially during later life
cycle stages involving operating and maintenance personnel early in the review process will
help to identify hazards when they can be eliminated or controlled most cost- effectively.
When the study is complete, management must then decide whether to implement any
recommended risk reduction measures to achieve its risk goals.

Procedure for HIRA:

At each stage in the work life cycle, a review team questions process expert about possible
hazards and judges the risk of any hazards that are identified. Several common methods exist
for questioning a design, ranging from simple qualitative checklists to complex quantitative
fault tree analysis. The result of the review process are typically documented in a worksheet
form, which varies detail, depending on the stage of the work and the evaluation method
used. Risk studies on operating processes are typically updated or revalidated on a regular
The purpose of this work is to identify the hazards and risk by analyzing each steps involved in
various activity in the construction, and to give suggestion in order to eliminate or reduce
Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 3|Page
the risk assessment (HIRA). Industry becomes successful by not only meeting the production
requirements but also should have high employee satisfaction by providing the safety
requirements in the workplace. The Hazards and risk assessment should be done and actions
to be taken to convert the risk to a tolerable level on regular basis.

HIRA Process:
HIRA Process it consist of four steps as follows:
I. Hazard identification
II. Risk assessment
III. Risk analysis
IV. Monitor and review

Hazard identification-

Workplace hazards can be identified in a number of ways. Inspections provide a system of

recognizing hazardous conditions so that those conditions can be corrected. The data
collected while performing inspections will be used to identify hazards and barriers to
working safely and in an environmentally protective manner so that they can be addressed
such as procedure changes or purchasing different PPE. The data also will be tracked as a
protective measure of acceptable HSE behavior on the site. reports and safe work
observation information will be shared with employees at toolbox safety meetings.

Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 4|Page

Assessment –

Once the hazard have been identified, it is necessary to assess what risk they pose to
employees in the workplace. In this way we can establish a measure of the risk and determine
what priority they should have for corrective actions. The risk assessment step is that part of
the process that assesses the probability (likelihood) and consequences (severity) of hazard
that have been identified. Once we have estimated the probability and consequences for each
hazard then we can allocate it a priority for corrective action. Generally, risk assessment is
estimating: what are the chances (probability) of an accident happening, and if it does happen,
what are the chances that someone will be hurt? What will be the extent of equipment or
environmental damage, and how bad will it be (severity)? The level of risk is dependent on the
exposure to the hazard and the probability and consequences of an event occurring.

Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 5|Page

Risk analysis-
The risk analysis determined the frequency and potential impact of hazards on business
operations, community, associated stakeholders, related infrastructure, and the
environment. Historical occurrences, changing circumstances, outside influences and similar
occurrences happening elsewhere are examined when analyzing risks.

The HIRA is not intended to be a scientific assessment of the frequency of the different
hazards, but is a risk assessment which must consider how likely it is that a hazard will occur
with enough strength to result in an emergency situation. Some hazards do not have a long
historical record and their frequencies can be only estimated based on the best sources
available. Ideally, the frequency would be calculated based on the number of times that the
event has occurred, rather than in years. Impact Different hazards have different potential
impacts. The information from this research was gathered and analyzed. Past impacts and
current mitigation measures were considered to determine to the extent possible whether
comparable damages could be expected in the future if similar events were to occur.
Impact was split into five groups:
Human Impacts - The direct negative effects of an incident on the health of people including;
fatalities, injuries or evacuations.
Property Impact - The direct negative effects of an incident on buildings, structures and other
forms of property.
Business Impact - The negative economic or social losses due to an incident.
Critical Infrastructure Service Disruptions/Impact - The negative effects of an incident on
the networks of institutions, services, systems and processes that meet vital human needs,
sustain the economy, protect public safety and security, and maintain continuity of and
confidence in government. This category is divided into two; Damage to Critical Facilities
and Damage to Lifelines.
Environmental Damage - The negative effects of an incident on the environment, including
the soil, water, air and/or plants and animals.
Review and monitor – A HIRA is part of the emergency management process. The risk
assessment will be used to prioritize which risks require further development of treatments
to prevent, mitigate, accept, or transfer the risks associated with hazards or threats.
Control- this stage is the process of determining and implementing appropriate measures
to control risk. practicable means considering Severity of the hazard in question State of
knowledge about the hazard or risk and ways of removing or mitigating it. Availability and
suitability of ways to remove or mitigate that hazard or risk
Cost of removing or mitigating the hazard.

Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 6|Page

Hierarchy of controls-

Having identified the potential hazards, the team is further responsible for identifying
solutions to those hazards, the preferred hierarchy for developing solutions/controls is
provided below.
Elimination-eliminating toxic substances, hazardous equipment or processes that are not
necessary for a system of work.
Substitution-where hazardous materials /chemicals have been identified as a hazard, the
preferred option is to replace the material with a less hazardous one.
Engineering-the removal of potential hazards by reengineering the job is a preferred option.
This includes design modification, guards, permanently fixed physical barriers, interlocked
physical barriers, physical barriers, presence sensing systems, enclosures, ventilation,
automation and isolation.
Administrative controls-the application of administrative controls to hazards may include
such actions as limiting the time of exposure, rotating employees, and training of employees.
PPE-the provision of PPE does not eliminate the hazard, but only shields the individuals from
it. Such action may have to couple with training in the correct use of the equipment
Evaluation-this steps means checking to see whether the introduced changes reduce the risk
previously assessed. it may involve repeating the process of hazard identification, risk
assessment, and risk control to verify that all risks to health.

Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 7|Page

Need for risk assessment:
Risk assessments will help the mine operators to identify high, medium and low risk levels.
Risk assessments will help to priorities risks and provide information on the probability of
harm arising and severity of harm by understanding the hazard, combine assessments of
probability and severity to produce an assessment of risk and it is used in the assessment of
risk as an aid to decision making. In this way, mine owners and operators will be able to
implement safety improvements. Different types of approaches for the safety in mines
various tools and appropriate steps have to be taken to make mining workplace better and
A Hazard Identification and Risk (HIRA) analysis is a systematic way to identify and analyses
hazards to determine their scope, impact and the vulnerability of the built environment to
such hazards and its purpose is to ensure that there is a formal process for hazard
identification, risk assessment and control to effectively manage hazards that may occur
within the workplaces.

Hazards in Construction and their analysis

Construction sites are dangerous places where injury or death or illness can cause to
workers. These can happen due to electrocution, falling from height, injuries from tools,
equipment and machines; being hit by moving construction vehicles, injuries from manual
handling operations, illness due to hazardous substance such as dust, chemicals, .etc. Even
a nail standing up from a discarded piece of wood can cause serious injury if trodden on in
unsuitable shoes.

In context to Indian scenario:

The construction is the second largest economic activity in India after agriculture which is
maintained at the first level. It has accounted for around 40% of the development
investment, during the past 50 years. Around 16% of India’s working population depends
on construction for its livelihood.
The Indian construction industry employs over 35 million people and creates assets worth
over Rs.200 billion. Construction accounts for nearly 65% of the total investment in
infrastructure. Investment in construction accounts for nearly 11% of India’s GDP. The market
size of the construction industry for the 12th Five Year Plan period indicate that the
aggregate output of the industry during the period 2012-13 to 2014-17 is likely to be 52.31
lakh crores.
There are a number of Indian regulations dealing with the working conditions of construction
workers. The main Indian regulations are:
Building & Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of
Services) Act, 1996.
Building & Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of
Services) Central Rules, 1998.
Building & Other Construction Workers Welfare Cess Act, 1996.

Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 8|Page

These rules came into force on 19-11-1998. These rules apply to all buildings and other
construction work relating to any establishment in which appropriate government is the
Central Government. Some of the other statutory provisions/codes in force to take care of
the working conditions of the construction workers are:
The Fatal Accidents Act, 1885, The Factories Act, 1948,
The Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923, The Employees State Insurance Act, 1948,
The Central Labor (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970, The National Building Code of
India, 2005

SITE PREPARATIONS : Preparation of a construction site is an important aspect which

should focus on a good site layout, easy access to the site and easy movement of vehicles in
the site.
Site Layout: A badly planned and untidy construction site can lead to many accidents at
construction sites, which may arise from:
(i) fall of materials,
(ii) collision between the workers,
(iii) plant or equipment.
To avoid the above causes of accidents, a good layout of the site is a must. While preparing
the site layout, at-most care should be taken to avoid overcrowding the site. Also enough
space should be provided for the movement of men, material and construction equipment
within the site.
Movement of Vehicles: It is a common sight on the construction site that many vehicles
(trucks, cranes, fork lifts, etc.) carrying construction materials move criss-cross on the
construction site, which results in a number of accidents and mishaps. Construction sites
often operates on ground, which is muddy and uneven, and where driver visibility is poor.
People walking on the site are injured or killed by moving vehicles especially reversing ones.
Many workers, particularly drivers and operators are killed by overturning vehicles. Hence, at-
most care should be taken for the movement of vehicles on the construction sites. The
following points should be taken into consideration, while moving the vehicles on the
construction site:
Vehicles and pedestrians should be kept apart on site, i.e. separate them as much as
possible using barriers.
Adequate clearance should be provided around vehicles.
As far as possible, avoid reversing the vehicles. It is better to use one-way system.
Vehicles used on the sites must have reversing alarms/sirens.

SITE OPERATIONS: The type of operations/activities carried out in a construction site are
many (See Fig.01) and they vary from site to site. However, all of them should be carried
out only with due regard to safe operations. Some of the routine work/operations carried
out in construction sites are listed below:

Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 9|Page

Excavation Work Scaffolding Work Crane Operations
Hoisting Operations Forklift Operations Ladder Safety
Electrical Safety

Figure 1. A typical view of a construction site

Excavation Work: Excavation work is an important activity in the construction sites.

However, many fatal accidents do occur in excavation work, if proper precautions are not
taken. Many lives are lost being buried alive in the trenches. It should be remembered
here that there is no safe ground that will not collapse and therefore, any trench sites can
collapse without any warning.
All excavation work deeper than 1.25 meters must be shored or battered.
Excavation deeper than 2 meters must be guarded by rails or barriers.
Vehicles working, too close to the side of the trench or rubble piled on the sides may cause
collapse and therefore at most care should be taken.
Vehicles tipping into the excavation work must use stop blocks, so as to avoid the collapse of
the trench.
Make sure that the excavation work is inspected daily.
Make sure that you know where the position of underground pipes and electric cables are
laid in the site, so that you will not hit them during the excavation work.

Scaffolding Work: Scaffolds are temporary structures of steel work, timber or bamboo. The
criteria for their erection are the same as those for permanent structures. The strength of the
scaffolding depends upon the combined strength of individual members. Failure of one or
two of them can result in the collapse of the entire structure. Modern scaffolds are invariably
made of steel tubes, pre-fabricated in convenient units.

They are safer and turn out good quality work. Of course, the steel scaffolds are too costly,
Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 10 | P a g e
but, it would be cheaper in the long run. In spite of the fact that the steel scaffolds are much
safer, many of the smaller and medium size builders in India, neglect the safety aspects and
prefer to use timber or bamboo scaffolds (See Fig.02) in order to cut the cost. In any case,
while erecting the scaffolds, the workers should be forced to wear necessary safety belts with
fall arrestors and helmets, so that the fall accidents can be avoided.

Figure 2. A typical view of bamboo scaffolding

Crane Operations: Various type of cranes are used in construction sites, which includes (i)
Portable Cranes (See Fig.03) (ii) Tower Cranes (Sig Fig.04). A number of accidents are reported
in the use of cranes, and many of them could be averted by adopting safe methods of
operations. Some of the methods to be adopted for safe crane operations are given
The weight of the load intended to be lifted by the crane must be carefully estimated.
The crane must be fitted with an automatic safe load indicator. The crane must always work
on a hard, level base.
The load must be properly fixed and secured.
The signal man must be trained to give clear signals.
The ropes, hooks, chains, slings, etc. used in the lifting operations, must be inspected
regularly for their worn out.
When mobile cranes are used, care must be taken to prevent overturning of cranes.
Wear appropriate personal protective equipment.

Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 11 | P a g e

Figure 3. Demonstration of a typical mobile crane in operation

Figure 4. A typical view of tower cranes – Courtesy: cwmag.com

Hoisting Operations: Hoists are used to move heavy objects and equipment. The Fig. 05
shows various parts of hoists. As the hoists consists of various components, failure of any
one component can lead to disastrous accidents. Therefore these components should be
inspected daily.

Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 12 | P a g e

Figure 5. Parts of a hoist – Courtesy: disability work tools

Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 13 | P a g e

The thumb rule is: if there is any doubt about the working conditions of a hoist, do not use it.
The hoist inspections should cover the following aspects: (i) The hooks on all blocks, including
snatch blocks, must have properly working safety latches, (ii) All hooks on hoisting equipment
should be free of cracks and damage, (iii) The maximum load capacity for the hoist must be
noted on the equipment, (iv) Electric cables and wiring should be intact and free of damages.
When using hoists, some basic safety rules should be observed, which are given below:
Never walk, stand or work beneath a hoist.
Isolate hoisting area with barriers, guards and signs as appropriate.
Never exceed the capacity limits of your hoist.
Wear gloves, helmets and other personal protective equipment as appropriate, when
working with hoists and cables.
Ensure that hoists are inspected regularly.
When the work is completed, always rig the hoist down and secure it.
When the load block or hoist is at floor level or its lowest point of travel, ensure that at
least two turns of rope remain on the drum.
Be prepared to stop operations immediately of signalled by the safety watch or another
Ensure that the hoist is directly above a load before picking up. This keeps hoist from
becoming stressed.
Picking up loads at odd angles may result in injury to people or damage to the hoist.
Do not pick up loads by running the cable through, over or around obstructions. These
obstructions can find the cable or catch on the load and cause an accident.
Do not hoist load when any portions of the hoisting equipment within 6 feet of high-voltage
electrical lines or equipment.
If you need to hoist near – voltage electrical lines or equipment, obtain clearance from your
electrical supervisor first.

Fork Lift Operations: Fork Lifts are very commonly used in construction sites for movement
of many construction materials and stacking them at heights. The Fig.06 shows a line
diagram of a Fork Lift with various parts. While operating the Fork Lifts, the following
general safety guidelines should be observed:

Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 14 | P a g e

Figure 6. Parts of a fork lift truck

Do not walks, stand or work under the elevated portion of a fork lift even if it is not loaded?
Ensure that the fork lift has an overhead barriers to protect the operator from falling objects.
Do not allow riders on the fork lift. Do not raise people on a fork lift.
Always work within the capacity limits of your fork lift.
Before modifying the operation or capacity limits of a fork lift, consult with the
Do not operate a fork lift in an area with hazardous concentrations of acetylene, butadiene,
hydrogen, ethylene or diethyl ether, or other explosive environment.
Never lift a load while moving a fork lift. Wait until you are completely stopped before raising
the mast.
Be sure, the top load sits squarely on the stack. Remember uneven load could topple the fork
When you want to travel with loads, slightly lift the loads back to provide stability.
Make sure that you travel with loads at the proper height. A stable clearance height is usually
4 to 6 inches at the tips and 2 inches at the heels of the fork blades.

When preparing to leave the fork lift unattended, lower the mast, neutralize the controls,
shut the power off, and set the brakes.
If you cannot see over the load, drive in reverse. Do not try to look around a load and drive

Ladder Safety: Ladders are one of the most popular item used in the construction sites for
working at heights. However, if not used safely, it can kill a lot of people. The Fig.07 &
Fig.08 will depict the wrong and right way of using the ladders. The following safe methods
should be adopted while operating ladders:
Always have a firm grip on the ladder and keep a good balance.
Never allow more than one person on a ladder.
Use tool belts or hand line to carry objects when you are climbing the ladder.
Do not lean out from the ladder in any direction.
If you have a fear of heights – don’t climb a ladder. Do not allow others to work
under a ladder in use. Do not use a defective ladder.

Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 15 | P a g e

Figure 7. Wrong way of using a ladder

Figure 8. Right way of using a ladder

Electrical Safety: Electricity can cause great damage to both people working in the
construction sites and property. Contact with the electric current can trigger other accidents,
like falls from ladders or scaffolding. Electrical shocks or flashes can cause serious injuries
such as burns. Electric shock may also cause the victim to stop breathing and nerve centers
may be temporarily paralyzed.
The heart beat may fluctuate or the heat rhythm may actually be interrupted, thus causing a
stop in the circulation of blood throughout the body. Apart from human injuries like shock,
burns or falls, another major hazard is the situation in which an electrical fire or explosion
may occur. Fires and explosions generally cause extensive property & equipment damage.
Electrical Fires often start when an overloaded circuit becomes overheated – igniting the
insulation around the wires. If cords and cables are frayed or worn out, bare wires might
touch each other, thus causing a short circuit that could spark a fire.
Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 16 | P a g e
If the workers find a fault or malfunctioning piece of equipment, they should take it out of
operation, and make the necessary arrangements to have the equipment repaired. Make
sure that the workers at the construction site understand the importance of electrical
safety and recognize, that abusing or misusing electrical equipment is an invitation to an
accident. The workers should also make sure that the work area is safe and free from all
electrical hazards. Provide necessary personal protective equipment in particular,
electrical gloves & breathing apparatus


Slips and trips
Equipment, machinery, tools and transport

Manual handling Noise
Chemical substance Dust

Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 17 | P a g e

Risk Assessment Steps :

There are no fixed rules about how the risk assessment should be under taken. The
following steps could be used as guidance.
Initiating the HIRA

Identify the hazard

Identify all parties affected by the hazard and determine how they can be affected
Evaluate or assess the risk

Step 1: Initiating the HIRA and selecting the approach

Two principles should be taken in consideration before an assessment is carried out:
Structure the assessment to ensure that all relevant hazards and risks are addressed. This
should be done to ensure that tasks like night security that might take place ‘‘out’’ of
working hours, is not overlooked. When a hazard is identified, the first option should
always be to eliminate it first.
A number of approaches (and combinations thereof) to risk assessment can be adopted
to perform the HIRA.
The approaches to risk assessment at work which are used are normally based upon:
Observation of the workplace environment (e.g. means of access, conditions of floors;
machinery safety; dust and fumes, temperature, lighting; noise; etc.)
Identification of tasks carried out at the workplace (to identify all tasks so that they are all
included in risk assessment).
Consideration of tasks carried out at the workplace (evaluation of risks from the different
Observation of work in progress (check that procedures are as laid down or predicted, and
that there are no other risks arising).
Consideration of patterns of work (to access exposure to hazards).
Consideration of external factors that could affect the workplace (e.g. weather consideration
for outdoor workers).
Review of psychological, social and physical factors which might contribute to stress at work,
how they interact together and with other factors in the workplace organization and
Consideration of organization to maintain conditions, including safeguards (e.g. that systems
are in place to assess risks from new plant, materials and so on to update information on
After the selection of the desired HIRA approach, the following information should be
completed by the above mentioned assessor(s).
Date: Insert date that assessment form is completed The assessment must be valid on that
day, and subsequent days, unless circumstances change and amendments are necessary.
Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 18 | P a g e
Assessed by: Insert the name, designation and signature of the assessor or in the case of a
team the names, designations and signatures of all the team members.
Checked by: Insert the name and signature of someone in a position to check that the
assessment has been carried out by a competent person who can identify hazards and assess
risk, and that the control measures are reasonable and in place. The checker will normally be
a line manager, supervisor, principal investigator, etc. Checking will be appropriate for most
risk assessments.
Validated by: Use this for higher risk scenarios, e.g.- where complex calculations have to be
validated by another “independent” person who is competent to do so, or where the control
measure is a strict permit-to-work procedure requiring thorough preparation of a workplace.
The valuator should also be a competent engineer or professional with expertise in the task
being considered. Examples of where validation is required include designs for pressure
vessels, load-bearing equipment, lifting equipment carrying personnel or items over
populated areas, and similar situations.
Location: Insert details of the exact location, e.g. building, floor, room or laboratory etc.
Task / premises: Insert a brief summary of the task, e.g. typical office activities such as filing,
DSE work, lifting and moving small objects, use of misc electrical equipment. Or, research
work [title] involving the use of typical laboratory hardware, including fume cupboards, hot
plates, ovens, analysis equipment, flammable solvents, etc.
Activity: use the column to describe each separate activity covered by the assessment. The
number of rows is unlimited, although how many are used for one assessment will depend on
how the task / premises is sub-divided. For laboratory work, activities in one particular lab or
for one particular work might include; use of gas cylinders, use of fume cupboard, use of
computer or other electrical equipment, use of lab ovens, hot plates or heaters, use of
substances hazardous to health, etc
Hazard: for each activity, list the hazards.

Step 2: Identify the hazards

The importance of this element cannot be over emphasized. It is by far the most important
element of the risk assessment process and should be performed in a systematic manner.
Gathering and analysis of information before the assessment
The gathering and analysis of information is an essential task before the risk assessment
can start. This would normally be conducted by the safety practitioner or person
responsible for health and safety and it is one of his more important duties. The person
should access the databases on the business to assess the types and major underlying
causes of past accidents and incidents. It is advisable to also review accident reports and
investigations together with other records such as those maintained by engineering staff,
log books and audit reports
.Externally, he or she may be able to gather information from government and industry
organizations or from publications and databases.
During the physical assessment or after the assessment
The adoption of some systematic way of allowing relevant persons to ‘'see'’ or ‘‘spot’’ the
hazards present in the workplace. If the hazard identification is not carried out carefully,
the subsequent analysis of risk and the development of risk control measures become
Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 19 | P a g e
pointless. The identification of hazards is not only an essential part of the risk assessment
process, but also acts very effectively to change the way people think, causing them to act
more safely and so become more proactive in hazard awareness. When you work in a place
every day it is easy to overlook some hazards. There are many techniques and tools that
can be used as part of the hazard identification process, here are some tips to help you
identify the ones that matter:
Observation - walk around your workplace and look at what could reasonably be expected
to cause harm.
Communication - ask your employees what they think. They may have noticed things that
are not immediately obvious to you.
Information - check ‘‘manufacturers’’ instructions or MSDS for chemicals and equipment as
they can be very helpful in spelling out the hazards and putting them in their true
Records - Have a look at your incident and sickness records – these often help to identify
the less obvious hazards.
Visit relevant Websites to gain information. Increasingly, the internet is a valuable means of
gathering international data. All this data needs to be assimilated and converted into a useful
format to prepare the team who undertakes risk assessment.Calling legal your labor
inspector at the labor centre. Consultation with the workplace health and safety committee
and representatives. Brainstorm ideas and group under appropriate risk headings. Consider
the effects on people (staff, students and other people), information, physical assets and
finances, reputation. Write the final list onto the table (risk assessment summary). Data from
health surveillance program. Consulting with subject matter experts or consultants. SABS
codes and standards.

Minimum standard legislation.

Analyze specific scenarios, this is mostly a preventative method used for the identification of
hazards and is performed by stating or picturing certain possibilities or scenarios and then
breaking it down, examining and studying the possibly outcome of the event or activity.
Remember to think about long-term hazards to health (e.g. high levels of noise or exposure
to harmful substances) as well as safety hazards.

Step 3: Identify all parties affected by the hazard and determine how they can be affected
Next you need to identify who might be harmed; it will help you identify the best way of
managing the risk. That doesn’t mean listing everyone by name, but rather identifying groups
of people (e.g. people working in the storeroom or kitchen). In each case, identify how they
might be harmed, e.g. what type of injury or ill health might occur.

Some workers might be more vulnerable like new and young workers, new or expectant
mothers and people with disabilities, lone workers.
Cleaners, visitors, contractors, maintenance workers etc, who may not be in the workplace all
the time.
Members of the public, if they could be hurt by your activities.
Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 20 | P a g e
If you share your workplace, you will need to think about how your work affects others
As well as how their work affects your staff – talk to them; and ask your staff if they can
think of anyone you may have missed.

Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 21 | P a g e

Identify groups or people who may be affected.

Examples of people at risk

Employees Cleaners
Temporary workers Security personal
Shift workers Children
Contactors Volunteers
Visitors Students
Customers Tenants
Members of the public Relief workers

Examples of vulnerable people:

New or expectant mothers Lone workers
Employees, customers or visitors Students
Young people Non-English
Inexperienced workers

If the risk assessment is job-specific, use the individual's job title, not their name.

Step 4: Evaluate or assess the risk

Having identified the hazards, you then have to decide what to do about them. Legislation
requires you to do everything ‘‘reasonably practicable’’ to protect people from harm.

Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 22 | P a g e

One of the most simplistic forms of risk assessment is to rate the remaining risk as high,
medium or low, depending on how likely the activity is to cause harm and how serious that
harm might be. This is called ‘‘Risk rating’’.
Low risk items-Need to be considered, but there is a smaller chance that they will cause
the entire work to go off the rails. It is most unlikely that harm would arise under the
controlled conditions listed, and even if exposure occurred, the injury would be relatively
Medium risk items-These types of risks are ones that could cause issues, but that there is
still a lower chance that they will cause your work to fail. It is more likely that harm might
actually occur and the outcome could be more serious (e.g. some time off work, or a minor
physical injury).
High risk items-These are the risks that take the highest priority. They can cause your work
to fail, and you need to plan for these risks ahead of time. If injury is likely to arise (e.g.
there have been previous incidents, the situation looks like an accident waiting to happen)
and that injury might be serious (broken bones, trip to the hospital, loss of
consciousness), or even a fatality.

In order to do a ‘‘risk rating’’, we normally make use of a matrix scoring system. Numerical
scores are given to the different elements (e.g. consequence, exposure, likelihood) of risks and
these scores are added or multiplied to get a rating for the risk. For the initial risk evaluation,
consider the risks identified in the worst case scenario before any controls are applied.

Example: Electricity is a hazard, it can kill but the risk of it doing so in an office environment is

Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 23 | P a g e

low providing the components are insulated, the metal casing is properly earthed and
appliances are used correctly and tested regularly.

Elements of risk:
Consequence/ severity (How serious)
Consequences are the expected severity. The severity is expressed in terms of the effect on
the person, whether injury or ill health, and ranging from minor injury to death. Think about
how serious the likely outcomes would be if harm from a hazard was realized. The risks are
clearly higher if an accident is likely to result in serious injury or death, for example, than a
bruise or a scratch.

Probability/ Likelihood (How likely)

By evaluating the risks associated with each hazard you have identified, you're deciding
how likely it is that harm will occur from the hazard. The likelihood is the probability of loss
when a sub-standard act occurs or sub-standard condition exists.
The likelihood should be based on the worst case scenario, ranging from a remote
possibility to the inevitable. Factors affecting the likelihood include:
Number of times the situation occurs Location of the hazard
Duration of the exposure Environmental conditions
Competence of the people involved and The condition of equipment
Frequency (How often)
How often is the activity involving the hazard taking place? How many people come into
contact with it? Risks are higher when frequency of contact is higher.

Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 24 | P a g e

Risk assessment sheet –In an Indian Industry:

Sub Activity Hazard / Risk Initial Risk Actual Risk Priority Responsibility
Task Factor Existing Control Measures Factor
E S P R E S P R By By When
Shifting of structural 1.Unathorized 1. Area
Survey to be done
1. materials from yard Operation of Vehicle. before moving the crane
to blasting / painting 2.Carrying
area and back to Unauthorized 2.Designated persons are Execution Before / During
6 4 3 72 6 4 0.5 12 4
fabrication yard (By Passengers only allowed to travel in the Team Job
using of hydra, crane 3.Intoxicated Driving cabin of trailer / truck.
& trailer)
Manual Material 1. Hazards during 1. Don’tallow the person to lift
2. Handling / Material` manual materials more than 30 kg for materials
handing. 6 4 3 72 shifting from one place to
2. Pinching of other. Provide Trolley for Execution Before / During
6 4 0.5 12 4
leg/hands while materials shifting. Person Team Job
handing of materials. handing the material should
3. Improper stacking be physically fit to do work.
of Material.
2. Use
hand gloves during
material handing. All
mandatory PPE’s shall be use
at site..
3. 1.Unauthorized 1. medical Fitness of Crane
Operation of crane. 6 7 3 126 operators shall be check
2.Inadequate space for .
2. The space for access Execution Before / During
access/ egress.
&egress should be proper, 6 7 0.5 21 3
3.Improper Team Job
Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 25 | P a g e
illumination. clear & adequate.
4. Gas cutting Activity 1. Improper unloading 1. Cylinders should keeping at
Storage, Handing & process- damage of 6 7 3 126 upright direction only.
use of Gas Cylinders cylinder resulting fire
at site. & explosion, injury 2. Providing Flash back Execution Before / During
6 7 0.5 21 3
while handling. arrestor each side of gas Team Job
2. Improper Storage – cutting set.
Un tied cylinders.
3. Fire, burn injury
while using at site.
5. Grinding Work 1. Struck by grinding 1. All
the grinding m /c’s shall
wheel. be used with wheel guard.
2. breaking of wheel. 6 7 3 126
3.Poor electrical 2. Checkexpire date of Execution Before / During
6 7 0.5 21 3
connection. grinding wheel and use Team Job
approved product of wheel.
6. Welding Work 1. Electricutiondue to
improper electric 1. Welding
goggles shall be
connection. 6 7 3 126 provided to welder’s helper
2. Welding fumes / for eye protection. Execution Before / During
6 7 0.5 21 3
Health hazard. Team Job
3. Fire hazard due to 2. Area
shall be cleared of
welding spark. Flammables and
combustibles before
commencing welding.

The frequency of exposure indicates how often a dangerous situation can arise. It could be an exposure to a toxic chemical or working and handing
of a dangerous machine.
Factor Description
0.5 Very Rarely (less than one per year)

Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 26 | P a g e

1 Rarely (few times per year)
2 Sometimes (12 times per year)
3 Now and then (one per week)
6 Frequently (daily)
10 Continuous (more than two times per day)
Severity Rating
The apparent effect indicates the seriousness of the arising situation
Factor Description
1 Minor (injury without time / work restriction FAC)
4 Major (injury with time /work restriction MTC/RWC)
7 Serious (irreversible effect handicap LWC)
15 Critical (single fatality immediately or afterwards)
40 Disaster (multiple fatality immediately or afterwards)
Probability Rating
Factor Description
0.2 Virtually impossible (>20 years, one in a life time, only theoretical case)
0.5 Conceivable but improbable (once in a career (1/20 years)
1 Improbable / borderline case, (1/10 years)
3 Unusual (one can think of a (unusual ) scenario (1/3 years)

6 Possible (once every 6 months)

10 To be expected (one per week)
Risk Rating
Risk = Exposure x Severity x Probability


Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 27 | P a g e

>20 4 Very limited risk – acceptable
20-69 3 Take additional measure to mitigate the risk level close to priority 4
70-199 2 Immediate measures required
>=200 1 Stop work until measures are taken

Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 28 | P a g e

The purpose of this guideline is to provide a systematic and objective approach to assessing
hazards and their associated risks that will provide an objective measure of an identified
hazard as well as provide a method to control the risk. It is one of the general duties as
prescribed under the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (Act 514) for the employer to
provide a safe workplace to their employees and other related person.
Hazard-means a source or a situation with a potential for harm in terms of human injury or
ill health, damage to property, damage to the environment or a combination of these.
Hazard control means the process of implementing measures to reduce the risk associate
with a hazard.
Hierarchy of control means the established priority order for the types of measures to be
used to control risks.
Hazard identification means the identification of undesired events that lead to the
materialization of the hazard and the mechanism by which those undesired events could
Risk means a combination of the likelihood of an occurrence of a hazardous event with
specified period or in specified circumstances and the severity of injury or damage to the
health of people, property, environment or any combination of these caused by the event.
Risk assessment means the process of evaluating the risks to safety and health arising from
hazards at work.
Risk management means the total procedure associated with identifying a hazard,
assessing the risk, putting in place control measures, and reviewing the outcomes.

Risk is something that we as individuals live with on a day-to- day basis. People are constantly
making decisions based on risk. Simple decision in daily life such as driving, crossing the road
and money investment all imply an acceptance risk. Risk is the combination of the likelihood
and severity of a specified hazardous event occurring.
In mathematical term, risk can be calculated by the equation - Risk = Likelihood x Severity
Likelihood is an event likely to occur within the specific period or in specified circumstances
and, Severity is outcome from an event such as severity of injury or health of people, or
damage to property, or insult to environment, or any combination of those caused by the


The purpose of this guideline is to provide a systematic and objective approach to assessing
hazards and their associated risks that will provide an objective measure of an identified
hazard as well as provide a method to control the risk. It is one of the general duties as
prescribed under the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (Act 514) for the employer to
Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 29 | P a g e
provide a safe workplaces to their employees and other related person.


The purpose of HIRA are as follows:-
To identify all the factors that may cause harm to employees and others (the hazards);
To consider what the chances are of that harm actually be falling anyone in the
circumstances of a particular case and the possible severity that could come from it (the
risks); and
To enable employers to plan, introduce and monitor preventive measures to ensure that
the risks are adequately controlled at all times.
HIRA activities shall be plan and conducted. Process of HIRA requires 4 simple seps:
Classify work activities; Identify hazard;
Conduct risk assessment (analyze and estimate risk from each hazard), by calculating or
estimating -
Likelihood of occurrence, and Severity of hazard;
Decide if risk is tolerable and apply control measures (if necessary).
Flow chart for HIRA process

Classify work activities:

Classify work activities in accordance with their similarity, such as :
Geographical or physical areas within/outside premises; Stages in production/service process;
Not too big e.g. building a car; Not too small e.g. fixing a nut; or

Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 30 | P a g e

Defined task e.g. loading, packing, mixing, fixing the door.

Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 31 | P a g e

The purpose of hazard identification is to highlight the critical operations of tasks, that is,
those tasks posing significant risks to the health and safety of employees as well as
highlighting those hazards pertaining to certain equipment due to energy sources, working
conditions or activities performed. Hazards can be divided into three main groups, health
hazards, safety hazards, and environmental hazards.
Health hazards:

An occupational health hazard is any agent that can cause illness to an individual. A health
hazard may produce serious and immediate (acute) affects, or may cause long-term
(chronic) problems. All or part of the body may be affected. Someone with an occupational
illness may not recognize the symptoms immediately. For example, noise-induced hearing
loss is often difficult for the affected individual to detect until it is well advanced. Health
hazards include chemicals (such as battery acid and solvents), biological hazards (such as
bacteria, viruses, dusts and molds), physical agents (energy sources strong enough to harm
the body, such as electric currents, heat, light, vibration, noise and radiation) and work design
(ergonomic) hazards.

Safety hazards:

Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 32 | P a g e

A safety hazard is any force strong enough to cause injury, or damage to property. An injury
caused by a safety hazard is usually obvious. For example, a worker may be badly cut. Safety
hazards cause harm when workplace controls are not adequate.
Some examples of safety hazards include, but are not limited to:
Slipping/tripping hazards (such as wires run across floors); Fire hazards (from flammable
Moving parts of machinery, tools and equipment (such as pinch and nip points);
Work at height (such as work done on scaffolds); Ejection of material (such as from molding);
Pressure systems (such as steam boilers and pipes); Vehicles (such as forklifts and trucks);
Lifting and other manual handling operations; and Working alone.
Environmental hazards:

Figure - Environmental Hazard

An environmental hazard is a release to the environment that may cause harm or deleterious
effects. An environmental release may not be obvious. For example, a worker who drains a
glycol system and releases the liquid to a storm sewer may not be aware, of the effect on the
environment. Environmental hazards cause harm when controls and work procedures are not


The employer shall develop a hazard identification and assessment methodology taking into
account the following documents and information:
Any hazardous occurrence investigation reports; First aid records and minor
injury records; Work place health protection programs;
Any results of work place inspections; Any employee complaints and comments;
Any government or employer reports, studies and tests concerning the health and safety of
Any reports made under the regulation of Occupational Safety and Health Act,1994

Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 33 | P a g e

The record of hazardous substances; and Any other relevant information.
The hazard identification and assessment methodology shall include:
Steps and time frame for identifying and assessing the hazards. One must define the steps
for the identification of hazards and a time frame for this identification. The following
information should be included:
Who will be responsible for the identification: for example, it may be the work place health
and safety committee, or an individual or individuals appointed.by the committee;
The way in which the identification reports are processed: for example, they may be
compiled and processed by the committee, or by individuals appointed by the committee:
The identification time frame.
The keeping of a record of the hazards.
After having identified the hazards, one must establish and maintain an identification
record, either in print or electronic format.
A time frame for reviewing and, if necessary, revising the methodology The date for the
review of the identification: for example, the review of the identification method will be
carried out every three years. To complete hazard identification, one can use techniques to
identify hazards. Some examples of techniques include, but are not limited to:
Work place inspections; ii. Task safety analysis or job hazard analysis; Preliminary
Investigations; Potential accident factors; Failure analysis;
Accident and incident investigations.
It is in your interest to adopt your own process and your own identification techniques so
that they match one management procedures and the size of business. In fact, the
identification method may vary depending on the size of the work place.

Analyze and estimate risk:

Risk is the determination of likelihood and severity of the credible accident/event
sequences in order to determine magnitude and to priorities identified hazards. It can be
done by qualitative, quantitative or semi quantitative method.

Methodologies of risk analysis-

A qualitative analysis uses words to describe the magnitude of potential severity and the
likelihood that those severity will occur. These scales can be adapted or adjusted to suit the
circumstances and different descriptions may be used for different risks. This method uses
expert knowledge and experience to determine likelihood and severity category.
In semi-quantitative analysis, qualitative scales such as those described above are given
values. The objective is to produce a more expanded ranking scale than is usually achieve
in qualitative analysis, not to suggest realistic values for risk such as is attempted in
quantitative analysis.
Quantitative analysis uses numerical values (rather than the descriptive scales used in
qualitative and semi-quantitative analysis) for both severity and likelihood using data from
a variety of sources such as past accident experience and from scientific research. Severity
Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 34 | P a g e
may be determined by modeling the outcomes of an event or set of events, or by

Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 35 | P a g e

from experimental studies or past data. Severity may be expressed in terms of monetary,
technical or human impact criteria, or any of the other criteria. The way in which severity and
likelihood are expressed and the ways in which they are combined to provide a level of risk
will vary according to the type of risk and the purpose for which the risk assessment output is
to be used. In this guidelines qualitative and semi quantitative method uses as an example.
Likelihood of an occurrence:
This value is based on the likelihood of an event occurring. You may ask the question “How
many times has this event happened in the past?” Assessing likelihood is based worker
experience, analysis or measurement. Likelihood levels range from “most likely” to
“inconceivable.” For example, a small spill of bleach from a container when filling a spray
bottle is most likely to occur during every shift. Alternatively, a leak of diesel fuel from a
secure holding tank may be less probable.

Table A indicates likelihood using the following values:

Severity of hazard:
Severity can be divided into five categories. Severity are based upon an increasing level of
severity to an individual’s health, the environment, or to property. Table B indicates severity
by using the following table:

Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 36 | P a g e

Risk can be presented in variety of ways to communicate the results of analysis to make
decision on risk control. For risk analysis that uses likelihood and severity in qualitative
method, presenting result in a risk matrix is a very effective way of communicating the
distribution of the risk throughout a plant and area in a workplace.
Risk can be calculated using the following formula:
L x S = Relative Risk
L = Likelihood
S = Severity

An example of risk matrix (Table C) is shown below:

To use this matrix, first find the severity column that best describes the outcome of risk. Then
follow the likelihood row to find the description that best suits the likelihood that the severity
will occur. The risk level is given in the box where the row and column meet.
The relative risk value can be used to prioritize necessary actions to effectively manage
work place hazards. Table D determines priority based on the following ranges:

Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 37 | P a g e

Hazards assessed, as “High Risk” must have immediate actions, to resolve risk to life safety
and or the environment. Individuals responsible for required action, including follow up must
be clearly identified. A further detail risk assessment method may require such as
quantitative risk assessment as means of determine suitable controls measures.

Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 38 | P a g e

Definition: Control is the elimination or inactivation of a hazard in a manner such that the
hazard does not pose a risk to workers who have to enter into an area or work on
equipment in the course of scheduled work.
Hazards should be controlled at their source (where the problem is created). The closer a
control to the source of the hazard is the better. This method is often referred to as
applying engineering controls. If this does not work, hazards can often be controlled along
the path to the worker, between the source and the worker. This method can be referred
to as applying administrative controls. If this is not possible, hazards must be controlled at
the level of the worker through the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), although
this is the least desirable control.

Selecting a suitable control:

Selecting a control often involves:
Evaluating and selecting short- and long-term controls;
Implementing short-term measures to protect workers until permanent controls can be put
in place; and Implementing long term controls when reasonably practicable.
For example, suppose a noise hazard is identified. Short-term controls might require workers
to use hearing protection. Long term, permanent controls might remove or isolate the noise

Types of Control:
At the source of the hazard
Elimination - Getting rid of a hazardous job, tool, process, machine or substance is perhaps
the best way of protecting workers. For example, a salvage firm might decide to stop buying
and cutting up scrapped bulk fuel tanks due to explosion hazards.
Substitution - Sometimes doing the same work in a less hazardous way is possible. For
example, a hazardous chemical can be replaced with a less hazardous one. Controls must
protect workers from any new hazards that are created.

Engineering control:
Redesign - Jobs and processes can be reworked to make them safer. For example, containers
can be made easier to hold and lift.
Isolation - If a hazard cannot be eliminated or replaced, it can sometimes be isolated,
contained or otherwise kept away from workers. For example, an insulated and air-
conditioned control room can protect operators from a toxic chemical.
Automation - Dangerous processes can be automated or mechanized. For example,
computer- controlled robots can handle spot welding operations in car plants. Care must be
taken to protect workers from robotic hazards.
Barriers - A hazard can be blocked before it reaches workers. For example, special curtains
can prevent eye injuries from welding arc radiation. Proper equipment guarding will protect
workers from con tacking moving parts.
Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 39 | P a g e
Absorption - Baffles can block or absorb noise. Lockout systems can isolate energy sources
during repair and maintenance. Usually, the further a control keeps a hazard away from
workers, the more effective it is.
Dilution - Some hazards can be diluted or dissipated. For example, ventilation systems can
dilute toxic gasses before they reach operators.

Administrative controls:
Safe work procedures - Workers can be required to use standardized safety practices. The
employer is expected to ensure that workers follow these practices. Work procedures must
be periodically reviewed with workers and updated.
Supervision and training – Initial training on safe work procedures and refresher training
should be offered. Appropriate supervision to assist workers in identifying possible
hazards and evaluating work procedures.
Job rotations and other procedures can reduce the time that workers are exposed to a
hazard. For example, workers can be rotated through jobs requiring repetitive tendon and
muscle movements to prevent cumulative trauma injuries. Noisy processes can be
scheduled when no one is in the workplace.
Housekeeping, repair and maintenance programs - Housekeeping includes cleaning, waste
disposal and spill cleanup. Tools, equipment and machinery are less likely to cause injury if
they are kept clean and well maintained.
Hygiene - Hygiene practices can reduce the risk of toxic materials being absorbed by
workers or carried home to their families. Street clothing should be kept in separate lockers
to avoid being contaminated by work clothing. Eating areas must be segregated from toxic
hazards. Eating should be forbidden in toxic work areas. Where applicable, workers should
be required to shower and change clothes at the end of the shift.

Personal Protective Equipment:

Personal protective equipment (PPE):
Personal protective equipment means any equipment which is intended to be worn or held
by a person at work and which protects him against one or more risks to his health or
safety and any additional accessory designed to meet that objective;
PPE is usually chosen to provide protection appropriate to each of type of hazard present.
There are specifications for the types of PPE used for protecting an individual’s head, eyes,
footwear, limb and body, fire retardant clothing, respiratory, hearing, and personal
flotation devices.
It may also include required apparel for example when traffic hazards are present high
visible and distinguishable “vests must be worn”
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and clothing is used when other controls measures
are not feasible and where additional protection is needed. Workers must be trained to
use and maintain equipment properly. The employer and workers must understand the
limitations of the personal protective equipment. The employer is expected to require
workers to use their equipment whenever it is needed. Care must be taken to ensure that

Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 40 | P a g e

equipment is working properly. Otherwise, PPE may endanger a workers health by
providing an illusion of protection.


Through the completion of a Job Hazard Analysis, sometimes hazards are identified and
cannot be eliminated or engineered out of a particular task. Safe Work Procedures are step
by step instructions that allow workers to conduct their work safety when hazards are
present. A Safe Work Procedure identifies the materials and equipment needed, and how and
when to use them safety.

Safe Work Procedures are generally prepared for –

Critical high risk jobs where accidents have or could result in severe injuries; Hazardous work
where accidents occur frequently. New or altered tasks have been introduced. New
equipment has been added to a process; A job that requires many detailed tasks; Where two
or more workers required for a job, and each must perform specific tasks simultaneously; and
Specific tasks are done infrequently; Safe Work Procedures must include: Regulatory
requirements; Necessary personal protective equipment; Required training; Worker
responsibilities; Specific sequence of steps to follow to complete the work safely; Required
permits; and Emergency procedures.
An example of a task that requires the development of a safe work procedure is confined
space entry. Individuals who must work within confined spaces must ensure that safe work
procedures are developed and followed to maximize life safety.

Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 41 | P a g e

Responsibility and accountability
Proper management of hazards sporadically identified in the workplace can be done through
effective process. Ultimately, the individual or team who identified the hazard must ensure
proper communication of the hazard to the appropriate workplace authority (manager,
department head, or designated person). Each HIRA must be fully documented. The HIRA
form must be completed by the HIRA team and signed by the in charge personnel of the area.
Departments responsible for the hazards and their control are required to maintain all
records of assessments for at least 3 years. (In some cases, legislative requirements will
determine the minimum time to retain records).
The appropriate authority is responsible for ensuring that effective and timely controls are
applied to the hazard and communicating the results back to the originator. Management or
employer must endorse and approve the HIRA results. Employer must communicate all HIRA
to employees, monitor the follow up action and keep the records. The HIRA Form (Link below
the page) is an example to document the HIRA process.

Documenting process:
Instructions to team leader and persons conducting HIRA:
Complete HIRA Form. It is recommended to use a single form for each work process;
Record the names and designation of HIRAC team members;
Outline the process workflow and indicate in the form under ‘process/ location column;
List all activities (routine and non-routine) for each work process under the “Work Activity”
Identify the hazards associated with each activity and record in “Hazard” column;
Determine the effect of each hazard identified and record in “Effect” column;
Record any existing hazard control measures;
Determine likelihood (L) from Table A and severity (S) from Table B for each hazard. Assign
P and C rating in respectively column. The existing control measures should be take into
consideration while determine (L) and (S);
By using Risk Matrix (Table C and D) assign one risk and record in “Risk” column;
Based on the risk assigned, recommend appropriate risk control measures (see Table D);
Assign a suitable person to implement the recommended risk control and indicate the
follow up action date and status;
Repeat the HIRA for other activities and process;
Conduct another round of HIRA after control measures have been implemented; and
Review HIRA for every three years or whenever there are changes in process or
Examples of Workplace Hazards:

Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 42 | P a g e

The Hazard Identification listed is to assist in the identification of hazards in the work
place. This table provides some additional explanation of the meaning of the hazard

Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 43 | P a g e

Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 44 | P a g e
Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 45 | P a g e
Hazard and Operability Analysis (HAZOP)
A HAZOP is an organized examination of all possibilities to identify and processes that can
malfunction or be improperly operated.
HAZOP analyses are planned to identify potential process hazards resulting from system
interactions or exceptional operating conditions.
Features of HAZOP study are:
It gives an idea of priorities basis for thorough risk analysis,
It provides main information on the potential hazards, their causes and consequences,
It indicates some ways to mitigate the hazards,
It can be executed at the design stage as well as the operational stage,
It provides a foundation for subsequent steps in the total risk management program.

Offers a creative approach for identifying hazards, predominantly those involving
reactive chemicals.
Thoroughly evaluates potential consequences of process failure to follow procedures.
Recognizes engineering and administrative controls, and consequences of their failures.
Provides a decent understanding of the system to team members.
Requires a distinct system of engineering documentation and procedures.
HAZOP is time consuming.
Requires trained engineers to conduct the study.
HAZOP emphases on one event causes of deviations or failures.

List possible causes of deviation Select a process or operating step

Repeat for all guide words
Apply guide word to process variable or task to develop meaningful deviation
Repeat for all process variables or tasks
Repeat for all process sections or operating steps Select a process variable or task
Examine consequences associated with deviation
Explain design intention of the process section or operating step
Develop action items
Identify existing safeguards to prevent deviation
Access acceptability of risk based on consequences, cause and protection
Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 46 | P a g e
Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA)
An FMEA is a systematic method for examining the impacts of component failures on system
performance. Basically FMEA focuses on failures of systems and individual components and
examines how those failures can impact facility and processes. FMEA is most effective when a
system is well defined and includes the followings key steps:

Listing of all system components;

Identification of failure modes (and mechanisms) of these components;
Description of the effects of each component failure mode;
Identification of controls (i.e., safeguards, preventive) to protect against the causes and/or
consequence of each component failure mode;
If the risks are high or the single failure criterion is not met.

Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)

A fault tree is a detailed analysis using a deductive logic model in describing the
combinations of failures that can produce a specific system failure or an undesirable event.
An FTA can model the failure of a single event or multiple failures that lead to a single system
FTA is often used to generate:
Qualitative description of potential problems
Quantitative estimates of failure frequencies/ likelihoods and relative importance of various
failure sequences/contributing events
Suggested actions to reduce risks
Quantitative evaluations of recommendation effectiveness
The FTA is a top-down analysis versus the bottom-up approach for the event tree analysis.
The method identifies an undesirable event and the contributing elements
(faults/conditions) that would initiate it.
The following basic steps are used to conduct a fault tree analysis:
Define the system of interest.
Define the top event/system failure of interest. Define the physical and
analytical boundaries. Define the tree-top structure.
Develop the path of failures for every branch to the logical initiating failure.
Perform quantitative analysis.
Use the results in decision making.

Once the fault tree has been developed to the desired degree of detail, the various paths
can be evaluated to arrive at a probability of occurrence.

Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 47 | P a g e

It directs the analyst to ferret out failures deductively;
It points out the aspects of the system which is appropriate for an understanding of the
mechanism of likely failure; define the system or operation identify the initiating events
identify controls and physical phenomena define accident scenarios analyze accident
sequence outcome summarize results use result in decision making
It provides a graphical assistance enabling those responsible for system management to
visualize the hazard; such persons are otherwise not associated with system design
Providing a line of approach for system reliability analysis (qualitative, quantitative);
Allowing the analyst to give attention to one particular system failure at a time;
Providing the analyst with genuine understandings into system behavior.
Requires a skilled analyst. It is an art and also a science
Focuses only on one particular type of problem in a system, and multiple fault trees are
required to address the multiple modes of failure
Graphical model can get complex in multiple failures

Event Tree Analysis (ETA)

An ETA is an inductive analysis that graphically models, with the help of decision trees, the
possible outcomes of an initiating event capable of producing a consequence.
Procedure of Event Tree Analysis
An analyst can develop the event tree by inductively reasoning chronologically forward from
an initiating event through intermediate controls and conditions to the ultimate
An ETA can identify range of potential outcomes for specific initiating event and allows an
analyst to account for timing, dependence, and domino effects that are cumbersome to
model in fault trees. 49
An ETA is applicable for almost any type of analysis application but most effectively is used to
address possible outcomes of initiating events for which multiple controls are in place as
protective features.
Accounts for timing of events
Models domino effects that are cumbersome to model in fault trees analysis
Events can be quantified in terms of consequences (success and failure)
Initiating event, line of assurance, branch point, and accident sequence can be graphically
Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 48 | P a g e

Limited to one initiating event
Requires special treatment to account for system dependencies

Quality of the evaluation depends on good documentations

Requires a skilled and experienced analyst

The above techniques provide appropriate methods for performing analyses of a wide range
of hazards during the design phase of the process and during routine operation. A
combination of two or three methods is more useful than individual methods as each method
has some advantages and disadvantages.
Failure Mode Effect and Critical Analysis (FMECA)
The FMECA is composed of two separate investigations, the FMEA and the Criticality Analysis
(CA). The FMEA must be completed prior to performing the CA. It will provide the added
benefit of showing the analysts a quantitative ranking of system and/or subsystem failure
modes. The Criticality Analysis allows the analysts to identify reliability and severity related
concerns with particular components or systems.

Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 49 | P a g e

Construction is a high hazard industry that comprises a wide range of activities involving
construction, alteration or repair. Examples include residential construction, bridge
erection, excavations, demolitions and large scale painting jobs. Hazard identification and
risk analysis is carried for identification of undesirable events that can leads to a hazard.
The analysis of hazard mechanism by which this undesirable event could occur and usually
the estimation of extent, magnitude and likelihood of harmful effects.
As the part of the work work, hazard identification and risk analysis was carried out for
construction and the hazards were identified and risk analysis was carried out. The different
activities were divided into high, medium, and low depending upon their likelihood and
consequences. The high risk activities have been marked in red color are un-acceptance
and must be reduced. The risk which are marked in yellow color are tolerable but efforts
must be made to reduce risk without expenditure that is grossly disproportionate to the
benefit gained. The risk which are marked in green color have the risk level so low that it is
not required for taking actions to reduce its magnitude any further. The risk rating
calculations were carried out by a qualitative, semi-qualitative, quantitative method.
In Indian Industry construction industry the high risk activities which were related to falling
from rooftops, unguarded machinery, being struck by heavy construction equipment,
electrocutions, silica dust, asbestos. Falls from height have been viewed as the one of the
most frequent killers of the workers on construction site. Common construction site falls
include roof related falls, crane falls, scaffolding falls, elevator shaft falls, falling objects.
These may occur as a result of inadequate edge protection. This type of condition turn out
because improper use of PPE and improper supervision. In this construction industry it was
observed that the use of PPE was proper and proper arrangements were there to check
the person is wearing a PPE or not. The PPE includes helmet, non-skid safety boots, safety
glasses, ear- muffs etc. The required PPE should be provided and used in a manner that
protects the individuals from injury. Few minor injury which can be prevented are slips,
trip, collapse of unstable rocks, atmosphere containing toxic or combustible gases, protects
from chemical and hazardous material etc.

Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 50 | P a g e

The first step for emergency preparedness and maintaining a safe workplace is defining and
analyzing hazards. Although all hazards should be addressed, resource limitations usually
do not allow this to happen at one time.
Hazard identification and risk assessment can be used to establish priorities so that the
most dangerous situations are addressed first and those least likely to occur and least likely
to cause major problems can be considered later.
The study also revealed that systematic methods were used and risk was assessed by
brainstorming, checklist and health and safety regulations. Working at height, and manual
handling observed to be most critical hazards in indian Industry construction site.
Based on methods used to communicate risk at construction sites, it was revealed that
toolbox meetings, site meetings, posters and informal verbal communication are used to
communicate risk. It was also revealed that safety committees and gang supervisors play a
major role in communicating health and safety risks. However the issue of power relations
and conflicts was observed when there is a clear separation between health and safety
communication and quality and productivity. The study also reveals that PPE is the main item
used for risk control. However, there was enough PPE on the sites. Based on factors
influencing risk management, the study reveals that legal system plays a major role in risk
assessment, communication and control. The regulations provide for some hazards such as
falling from a height and control mechanisms. They also require that health and safety risk to
be communicated to workers and that PPE be provided for worker.
Regular inspections, penalties and compliance certificates issued by regulatory institutions
influence risk management more. Furthermore, the organizational culture of safety is
another factor influencing risk management. It is observed that construction firms with a
safety culture considered health and safety when employing the site manager, the safety
coordinator and safety officer. Knowledge of health and safety is a criterion for employment.
Meanwhile firms with a safety culture provide resources for site workers, such as PPE and
training. Additionally, individual characteristics such as experience of those working on
construction sites, their educational background and knowledge of health and safety matters
also influence health and safety risk management. It was observed that risks were assessed
based on experience and educational background. Furthermore, the study revealed that the
work environment such as site layout and location, the nature and the size of the work,
working methods and working team influence health and safety risk management.
The study also provides factors hindering health and safety risk management in construction
sites. The factors include the low level of public awareness of regulations, lack of resources
such as personnel and funds, coverage of the regulations, complexity of design, the
Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in Construction Industries 51 | P a g e
procurement system, and the low level of education, site configuration, and location. Thus
the main ‘mantra’ is that every job on the construction site must be carried out with at-most

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