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Postgraduate - 21 March 2023

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An eventful launch event

MANAGEMENT and Science
University (MSU) presented three
research grants and two awards at
the launch of MSU IDEA 2023 and
These were presented by MSU (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) Extract Sciences, Information Technology,
president Prof Tan Sri Datuk Wira against Hydrogen Peroxide Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmacy,
Dr Mohd Shukri Ab Yajid. The Induced Oxidative Stress in 3T3 Design, Medical Physiology, Public
grants include the MSU Cells and Synergistic Anti-Cancer Health and Anatomy.
Translational Research Grant Properties in Breast Cancer Cell Through these programmes,
(MTRG), the MSU International Lines. She also received an MPCG MSU integrates the global best in
Research Network Grant (MIRG) for her Critical Review of educational innovation with the
and the MSU Publication and Polymethoxyflavones – a adoption of real-world scenarios
Conference Grant (MPCG) while the prominent flavonoids subclass of into the learning experience.
awards include the Research Kaempferia parviflora Strategic thinking and thought-
Sustainability and the Exhibition transcending expectations. provoking case study expose and
and Competition Accolade awards. The four other recipients of the equip students with a higher level
The MTRG went to Saeid Mezail MPCG include Dr Nik Nasihah Nik of practical problem-solving
Mawazi of the School of Pharmacy Ramli of SGS, Dr Ng Chean Hui and abilities. All modules are rigorously
(SPH) and Muhammad Danial Che Dr Tan Suk Fei of SPH and Dr designed with strategic industrial
Ramli of the Faculty of Health and Nurul Akmal Jamaludin of the and corporate input, an opening
Life Sciences (FHLS) for Avena S International Medical School (IMS). vignette to major events and real-
Cream (good for eczematous and Receiving the Exhibition and world issues around the globe.
dry skin) and for The Potential Competition Accolade Award was MSU presented research grants and awards at its launch event. In all, as an applied, enterprise,
Effect of Cordyceps Militaris in the Dr Santhra Segaran Balan of FHLS holistic and international
Retina of Rats Induced with for his 3D Printing of a Rat Model ecosystems are strengthened with Master programmes that university, MSU offers foundation,
Diabetic Retinopathy respectively. with Augmented Reality and the establishment of the MSU emphasise and recognise undergraduate, postgraduate and
They each also received the Musculoskeletal System as Centre of Excellence, which innovative research, scientific flexible programmes through an
Research Sustainability Award Teaching and Learning Tools. includes the Leadership and knowledge and industrial entry system that facilitates
from the Exhibition and MSU IDEA and MSU REACT are Entrepreneurship Advancement application at both domestic and admission of students from all
Competition category for the Halah programmes by the MSU Research Institute, International Centre for international platforms. walks of life, where it aims at
Lipstick and The Neuroprotective Management Centre. Halal Studies, Centre of Cyber SGS offers advanced degrees at transforming lives and enriching
Value of Butterfly Pea (Clitoria The postgraduate studies at MSU Security and Big Data, MSU Clinical MSc and PhD levels covering wide futures.
ternatae) on Parkinson’s and are carefully crafted to cultivate Centre of Excellence, MSU Centre areas including Computer Science,
Alzheimer’s Diseases respectively. leadership and real research for Complementary and Information and Communication n For more information on
The MIRG went to Dr Maisarah contribution that addresses hands- Alternative Medicine and MSU Eye Technology, Food Service postgraduate programmes offered
Abdul Mutalib of the School of on industrial challenges at the Centre. Technology, Biomedicine, at MSU, call 03-5521 6868, email
Graduate Studies (SGS), for the highest management level. MSU is proud to recommend Engineering, Applied Science, enquiry@msu.edu.my or visit
Protective Effects of Roselle The university research Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Health Sciences, Biomedical www.msu.edu.my.
2 Postgraduate THE STAR, TUESDAY 21 MARCH 2023

Mitigating climate change in time

THE year 2022 was marked by widespread are gradually adopting ‘green’ reporting objective is to construct buildings that are can venture into M.Sc. (Energy Systems).
climatic catastrophes. Many parts of the through environmental management tools green, efficient and low-maintenance in Graduates are equipped with an in-depth
world were affected by unusual weather such as environmental risk assessment (ERA) terms of design, construction and upkeep. understanding of clean energy technology
patterns which caused abnormal in tackling climate change. Existing sustainable building assessments and innovation management. Additionally,
temperatures, floods and droughts. ERA assesses the potential harm caused by and rating tools such as the Green Building students will gain expertise in using
Climate change poses the greatest health substances or activities to the environment. Index (GBI) help to increase the quantitative and qualitative tools to make
risk humanity has ever faced. According to This is critical in managing the effectiveness performance ratings of new developments. educated choices about where to invest in
the World Health Organization (WHO), of production wastes that contribute to Sustainable site planning and management, and implement green solutions.
climate change will cause the rise of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Reducing energy efficiency and indoor environment M.Sc. (Building Performance and
malnutrition, malaria, diarrhoea and heat the emissions of GHG is essential in slowing quality are some of the credentials that Sustainability) provides an opportunity to
stress cases. These are anticipated to account global warming. developers and building owners must acquire knowledge and expertise in bringing
for over 250,000 annual excess fatalities The shift to clean energy such as solar pursue to be seen as relevant and sustainable design elements and concepts to
between 2030 and 2050. and wind power also helps alleviate responsible. the forefront.
Due to the serious threat this issue poses, environmental concerns raised by GHG. In addition, students will learn about
there is now an urgent demand for increased However, as the world moves away from Energy Efficient Technology and develop an
climate action. relying on fossil fuels, further research and
Developing green skills through understanding of how to analyse and fully
development are required to support the education optimise its potential. A paradigm shift
efficient usage of clean energy. towards the design of greener buildings that
Adapting green initiatives Besides these, green strategies are now The widespread adoption of such green are not only sustainable but also healthy for
Understanding their influence and possible integrated into the planning of building practices in the business environment their occupants calls for the development of
footprint in various industries, corporations design and urban settlements. The ultimate results in new jobs and the need for these skills.
industry specialists. As such, green The education sector plays an important
education is no longer a futuristic concept role in ensuring green skills and relevant
but a current necessity. career pathways are embedded within new
At the National University of Singapore programmes. It is only with such change can
(NUS), individuals who wish to advance the world expect to see the rise of an
their expertise or career opportunities in influential generation of industry specialists,
green and sustainable sectors have several dedicated to overcoming climate change.
options in master’s programmes. These Graduates of NUS’s internationally
include: recognised master’s programmes are well
l Master of Science (Environmental positioned to pursue careers in various
Management) industries. This is because NUS students are
l Master of Science (Energy Systems) taught transdisciplinary critical thinking
l Master of Science (Building skills by academics who are experts in their
Performance and Sustainability) fields, as well as professionals from well-
known local and global environmental
The M.Sc. (Environmental Management) agencies and organisations.
taps into the expertise of theoretical and NUS’s extensive collaborations with
applied aspects of environmental external partners and international bodies
management and its tools. Students are for sustainable development further
equipped with a firm understanding of the emphasis its excellence in teaching, research
relationship between science, management and innovation to reach collective green
and the latest policies. Thus, the programme goals.
prepares them to tackle ecological
challenges through diverse perspectives and n For more information on the programmes
approaches. offered at NUS, visit https://scale.nus.edu.sg/
Those interested in enhancing the programmes/graduate or email Asean.pgc@
development and research of clean energy nus.edu.sg

NUS is
improving its
research and
education in
response to
climate change

NUS aims to achieve a carbon-neutral campus by 2030 and has embraced a combination of
sustainable design and construction strategies for its buildings.
THE STAR, TUESDAY 21 MARCH 2023 Postgraduate 3

Upskilling as a diabetes educator

DIABETES is a serious problem education can give healthcare address the psychosocial needs
that affects one in every six providers that niche for a more of her patients who live with
Malaysian adults. With a steady successful healthcare practice. diabetes.
increase in the number of people As a diabetes educator and nurse Nadhirah Mohd Khir who is a
diagnosed with diabetes, this working for the Malaysian dietitian and diabetes educator
complex lifestyle disease is here to government, Grace Toh believes in with a private hospital also took
stay. “I have had diabetes for a the value of upskilling in this area the same postgraduate
long-time. I want to optimise my with a postgraduate qualification. qualification as Toh. “I took this
condition. Sometimes though, my She says, “Some healthcare qualification to upgrade my career.
health takes a back seat when the providers may already have Now, my understanding of the
pressure of life builds up,” says a certificate-level training in diabetes management of diabetes is deeper.
55-year-old woman who has been management. Taking a Most importantly, I have the
living with diabetes for 15 years. postgraduate qualification in this practical knowledge to help my
To manage their health, people area is a good top-up for the patients manage diabetes
living with diabetes must navigate specialised care needed in diabetes effectively,” Nadhirah reflects.
daily self-management decisions management. You never know Wong Soh San, who is a diabetes
and activities. Today, more your capabilities until you test educator with a private chain of
patients are looking for support them. Continuing your education hospitals further adds that
from healthcare providers who supports the ‘testing and retesting’ obtaining her postgraduate
are trained in this area. Diabetes needed to improve the care we qualification in this area has given Nadhirah Binti Mohd Khir. Wong Soh San.
educators are specialists who have provide.” her the skills to become a reflective
completed further studies to focus By taking a postgraduate degree practitioner. “I can recognise my resource in this specialised area. the university campus or the 100%
their efforts on helping people in Diabetes Management and gaps and strengths as a practitioner “Recently, I received an online learning experience via
with diabetes to self-manage Education at the International and engage in a process of invitation to speak on diabetes care Open Distance Learning. Designed
effectively and prevent Medical University (IMU), Toh has continuous learning to improve my at a nursing school to nursing to suit working adults, this
complications. Upskilling in learnt to integrate input from clinical skills,” says Wong. students at a workshop,” she programme incorporates a multi-
diabetes management and different disciplines to better Nah Ying Wa, a retail enthuses. When asked if getting a disciplinary approach to diabetes
pharmacist, continued her training postgraduate degree in diabetes care in a blended learning model
Competent as a diabetes educator to improve care is worthwhile, Nadhirah that includes both online and
diabetes educators the quality of care that her replies, “Specialising in this area is in-person learning. This delivery
help patients better customers receive. Diverse people worth the investment of my time allows the student to make
manage their go to their local pharmacies for and money as I can develop my meaningful connections with the
diabetes. their health needs. “Before career to the next level as a different healthcare disciplines
qualifying as a diabetes educator, dietitian who specialises in involved in diabetes care.
I would mainly provide care managing diabetes.” The next commencement of this
concerning medication issues programme is in May 2023. If you
when customers come to me. Now, are interested to join this
I can provide a comprehensive
Progression path programme, make an online
care plan that addresses my Working adults in healthcare application today.
customer’s individual needs,” she sectors or fresh graduates with a
remarks. keen interest in diabetes education n For more information on this or
For Wong, improving her patient have the opportunity to upskill our other postgraduate
care skills in diabetes management with a postgraduate degree at IMU programmes, call 03-2731 7272,
has increased her referrals from by either taking the conventional email postgraduate@imu.edu.my
doctors and her visibility as a go-to learning pathway with classes at or visit www.imu.edu.my.

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