Your Health - 17 May 2023
Your Health - 17 May 2023
Your Health - 17 May 2023
For stronger
ON a daily basis, we are constantly Biogrow Immuno-3 for triple
exposed to potentially harmful pathogens
such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, and protection
fungi from the environment. A healthy Biogrow Immuno-3 contains three main
immune system protects our body ingredients – yeast beta-glucan, vitamin C
against infections. However, if our and vitamin D3. Yeast beta-glucan helps to
immune system is weakened, we are support the immune system associated
vulnerable to all types of infections that with colds(1) by enhancing the
can make us sick and sometimes lead to responsiveness of immune cells. On the
major health risks. other hand, vitamin C helps to stimulate
Our immune system can be weakened white blood cell activity and reduce
by multiple factors including ageing, a inflammation by neutralising free
poor diet, stress, the lack of sleep, radicals(2) whereas vitamin D3 enhances
smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, the function of immune cells and
obesity or other underlying health modulates the immune response from
conditions. Some of the common being overreacted(3). While each
symptoms that indicate a weakened ingredient has its significant functions in
immune system include: immune health, when combined, Biogrow
l Common colds including cough, sore Immuno-3 provides a triple action that
throat, runny nose, headache, and mild works synergistically to strengthen the
fever immune system, making it stronger and
l Stomach issues such as diarrhoea, better.
bloating and constipation Biogrow Immuno-3 is available in
l Fatigue natural, great-tasting orange-flavoured
l Delayed wound healing chewable tablet form and with no added
l Frequent or repeated infections such sugar, making it suitable for kids, adults
as skin, sinus, and urinary tract and the elderly. Each chewable tablet
infections provides 50mg of yeast beta-glucan, 60mg
All in all, a healthy body is dependent of vitamin C and 5µg of vitamin D3 which
on a strong immune system. Fortunately, helps:
there are many natural ways to l Support the immune system
strengthen our immune system. associated with colds
l Enhance immune response to act
Benefitting from yeast beta-glucan faster and better against pathogens
l Reduce inflammation in the body
Proper nutrition accompanied by a l Speed up recovery time
healthy lifestyle is one of the best natural
ways to strengthen our immune system. Who should take Biogrow Immuno-3?
For many years, vitamin C has been a l Individuals with symptoms related to
popular household remedy for immune colds such as cough, runny nose, sore
support. However, yeast beta-glucan is throat, headache and mild fever
another type of emerging immune health l Individuals who get sick easily
ingredient that works differently and l Individuals with high-stress levels
acts synergistically with vitamin C to l Individuals aiming to strengthen and
improve immune health. maintain a strong immunity
Beta-glucan is a type of soluble fibre l Individuals practising an unhealthy
that can be found in certain foods such lifestyle or diet
as yeast, oat and mushroom. Different
types of beta-glucans provide different Children are recommended to take one
health benefits due to the distinctive to two Biogrow Immuno-3 chewable
molecular structure of each source. tablets daily and adults to take 3 to 4
Among the many types of beta-glucans, chewable tablets daily. Start gearing up
yeast beta-glucan is better known for its your way to a stronger and better immune
ability to enhance the immune system by system today.
improving the responsiveness of our Biogrow Immuno-3 is available in major
immune cells to strengthen our ability to leading pharmacies nationwide and the
defend against pathogens. Biogrow Official Store at Shopee Mall.
Yeast beta-glucan acts as a training This article is provided by Legosan
agent by binding to the surface of (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd.
immune cells and activating them to
respond more readily to fight off n For more information, call 03-7956 2220
infections, resulting in trained immune (Mondays to Fridays 9am to 5pm) or email
cells with an enhanced immune response
that can act better and faster against
pathogens. In addition, yeast beta-glucan References
has been shown through emerging
studies to have well-substantiated (1)
Food Amendment (No.4) Regulations,
immune-supporting properties by 2020.
reducing the incidence, severity, and (2)
Harvard, The Nutrition Source, 2020
duration of common colds. (3)
EFSA Journal 2015;13(7):4182
Biogrow Immuno-3 contains yeast beta-glucan which helps fight off infections.