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Your Health - 17 May 2023

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The ideal gift for parents

AS Parents’ Day approaches, we’re model of the SuperChAiR series. It technology that warms areas of helps increase joint flexibility selected products while stocks
reminded of the irreplaceable role is the first massage chair on the your back, waist and calves and range of motion, relaxes the last.
parents play in shaping the lives market that emphasises wellness. through the chair’s airbags. In muscles and joints and relieves
of their children and society. It features a body scanning addition, the chair includes cloak- pain and muscle spasms n For further enquiry, call 012-
Parents often sacrifice their system that allows the chair to like straps made of graphene throughout the body. 661 2148, visit www.gintell.com
dreams, aspirations and desires to scan and measure your physique which is an excellent heat Gintell is currently running a or visit your nearest Gintell
give their children a better life. before starting the programme. conductor. This strap crosses over buy 1 free 3 massage chair showroom.
They dedicate their time, energy The Gintell S6 offers a the abdomen to provide 360° combo from as low as RM4,988
and resources to ensure their combination of six unique full-body heat therapy which and up to 55% discounts for
children receive the best possible humanised massage techniques relieves overall muscle tension
education, healthcare and and 20 automatic wellness and relaxes abdominal muscles to The Gintell S6
opportunities for growth and programmes. alleviate pain caused by muscle SuperChAiR provides
success. The Gintell S6 is the first spasms or menstrual cramps. the ultimate massage
Parents’ Day is a reminder of massage chair on the market with Renowned tit-tar master (bone experience.
the importance of parental love, AI Fatigue Bio-Scan technology. setting specialist) Datuk Seri
sacrifice and devotion. It’s time to With just a 30-second touch of the master Chris Leong fully endorses
thank and appreciate the selfless ‘thumb panel’, the Bio-Senses the Stretch 230° programme,
love parents have for their system scans and evaluates your which is also included in the
children. That is why the Gintell heart rate, blood oxygen Gintell S6. This programme
S6 Wellness SuperChAiR is the saturation and fatigue index to resembles a light stretching
best gift for your parents on this provide a massage programme exercise to loosen up joint
special occasion. This massage tailored to your current index. Its stiffness, improve body alignment
chair provides a relaxing and new AiR-3D roller balls can now and flexibility.
rejuvenating experience to help protrude up to 13cm, allowing for Knee massage is now possible
your parents unwind and a smarter, humanised and with Gintell S6’s new and
de-stress from their daily routines. focused massage. improved heat and calf therapy.
The newly released Gintell S6 The massage chair also comes This therapy is highly beneficial
Wellness SuperChAiR is the latest with 360° Heat Spa Therapy for the elderly and athletes as it
2 Your Health THE STAR, WEDNESDAY 17 MAY 2023

A healthy diet for the colon

THE colon is a crucial part of the cancers cases can be prevented the Western diet to higher colon day. Naturally occurring sugars
digestive system, and many different through lifestyle changes like cancer rates. People who eat in fruit and dairy are acceptable
conditions can cause it to work healthy eating, regular physical high-fibre diets are less likely to and can provide beneficial
improperly. These conditions include activity and maintaining an ideal develop the disease. Limit the vitamins and minerals. Look for
inflammatory bowel diseases such as body weight, according to the Colon amount of meat you eat, sugar-free alternatives like
ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, Cancer Foundation. Good nutrition especially processed meats. sparkling water and
diverticular disease, irritable bowel is thus an important aspect for good A high-fibre diet is a daily unsweetened teas or coffees.
syndrome and colorectal cancer. colon health. intake of approximately 25-30g
Treatment for these conditions According to consultant general of whole, unprocessed, plant- 4. Choose grains wisely
includes diet and lifestyle and colorectal surgeon Dr Mohd based foods such as fruits,
modifications, medications and Zailani Mat Hassan at MSU Medical vegetables and grains that The Dietary Guidelines for
surgery. Centre, “If you care for your colon contain dietary fibre. High Americans recommend all adults
According to the Malaysia National and seek ways to keep it healthy, dietary fibre is good for weight eat at least half of their daily
Cancer Registry Report 2012-2016, consume colon-friendly foods that loss and maintaining an ideal grains as whole grains, about
colorectal cancer is the second most are proven to reduce the chances of body weight, avoiding three to five servings. Some
common form of cancer diagnosed in diseases like diverticulosis, irritable constipation as well as supplying readily available whole grains
both men and women in Malaysia. In bowel syndrome, and colon cancer.” prebiotics (food for good include barley, quinoa, whole
most cases, it arises from small Here is what you should eat to bacteria). Furthermore, dietary wheat flour, wild and brown rice
polyps that become cancerous over Dr Mohd Zailani Mat Hassan. maintain good colon health: fibre can help slow down the and oatmeal. These foods
time. These polyps have few, if any, absorption of sugar in the body, contain more colon-friendly
symptoms especially if they are less the links between diet, body weight, 1. Eat your veggies and helping to better regulate blood vitamins, minerals, fibre,
than 2cm in size. Therefore, doctors exercise and colorectal cancer risk sugar levels. A high-fibre diet essential fatty acids, antioxidants
recommend screening tests to help are some of the strongest among the healthy fats can also help lower both ‘bad’ and phytochemicals (natural
prevent colon cancer. various forms of cancer. An LDL and total cholesterol, reduce compounds that have a
Researchers overseas report that estimated 50% to 75% of colorectal There is research that correlates blood pressure and your risk of beneficial effect on the body)
cardiovascular disease and than their refined grain
stroke. counterparts, such as white flour
A plant-based diet means at and white rice. An easy way to
least half of your plate should be determine if the food is a whole
plant-based foods, which grain is to check the label. If the
provide many beneficial first ingredient on a grain
vitamins, minerals and product says “enriched,” it is not
antioxidants. It is important to a whole grain.
eat a variety of different
coloured fruits and vegetables 5. Diversify your gut
such as raspberries, bananas,
oranges, peas, cooked artichoke, microbiome
broccoli, pears, apples and corn.
Each plant pigment provides A healthy colon contains
different nutrients or billions or even trillions of
phytochemicals that offer a beneficial bacteria per millilitre.
variety of different health A diet containing a variety of
benefits such as strengthened nutrient-dense food types, fibre-
immune systems and reduced containing foods and probiotic
inflammation. food sources helps to shape a
Consume healthy fats found in colon’s microbiota. A plant-based
olive oil, salmon rich in omega-3, or Mediterranean-style eating
avocados and nuts. Omega-3 fats pattern has been shown to
of fish alter the colon function diversify the gut microbiota as
and reduce the risk of colon well as reduce the risk of
cancer. Clinical studies suggest developing colorectal cancer.
that its sufficient intake can Foods containing probiotics can
reduce inflammation in the also help to foster growth of the
colon and improve gut health. gut flora in the colon. Those
looking to increase their intake
2. Limit red meat of probiotics may try foods such
as yoghurt, kimchi, kombucha,
consumption tempeh, kefir, miso and
According to the American
Cancer Society, the risk of colon 6. Limit alcohol and don’t
cancer increases by 15% to 20%
if you consume 100g of red meat smoke
(the equivalent of a small
burger) or 50g of processed If you choose to drink alcohol,
meats like sausage, bacon or hot do so moderately. That means no
dogs per day. Prioritise chicken, more than one drink a day for
turkey and fish over beef, pork women or two drinks a day for
and lamb. men. And if you smoke, quit.
If you choose to eat red meat, Your doctors can offer tips or
consume no more than 350 to refer you to a programme to
500g of red meat per week. help you stop.
Limit cooking red meats at very Dr Zailani explains while
high temperatures that cause eating right can help keep your
charring. This causes the meat to colon happy, the most powerful
form chemicals called way to prevent colon cancer is
heterocyclic amines and through cancer screening. Most
polycyclic aromatic authorities recommend
hydrocarbons, which are linked undergoing cancer screening at
to an increased cancer risk. the age of 50 years for patients of
average risk. However, those in
3. Hold the sugar the high-risk group such as
people with a family history of
Studies have found that colon cancer, Crohn’s disease or
people with ulcerative colitis Ulcerative colitis, a colonoscopy
and Crohn’s disease often have should be done much earlier. A
diets high in sugar and low in colonoscopy is a structural
fibre. While sugar has not been examination of the colon that
directly associated with the allows doctors to both screen for
progression of colon cancer, and prevent colorectal cancer. A
foods high in sugar are often colonoscopy reduces the risk of
high in calories and can lead to developing colon cancer because
weight gain and obesity. Limit precancerous polyps detected
added sugar to less than 25g a during the test can be removed.
THE STAR, WEDNESDAY 17 MAY 2023 Your Health 3

Protection for your skin

WELL-GROOMED, healthy skin
contributes to our well-being. If it is dry
to very dry, prone to eczema or itchy, we
quickly feel unwell.
The medical skincare products from
Linola make you feel comfortable in
your skin again.
Linoleic acid comes into play as the
main active ingredient. The history of
“Linoleic acid is one
Linola dates back to 1938 when chemist
Dr Kurt Wolff developed the first oil-in-
of the longest, chain
water emulsion containing essential essential fatty acids
linoleic acid for oily skin.
Since then, continuous effort has been available for the skin.
placed to intensify research on this
special ingredient and develop products The longer the chain,
with unique formulations that will
provide a solution for a broad range of
the better it is for
skincare issues. Dermatological studies
regularly confirm the effectiveness and
your skin’s natural
tolerability of Linola products. barrier. Linoleic acid
What makes linoleic acid so
naturally occurs in
special? sunflower, thistle or
Linoleic acid is one of the longest,
chain essential fatty acids available for A damaged skin barrier will lead to dry, flaky and brittle skin that is now even more prone to
wheatgerm oil. It has
the skin. The longer the chain, the better
it is for your skin’s natural barrier.
inflammation. anti-inflammatory
Linoleic acid naturally occurs in be imagined as a brick-and-mortar flaky and brittle skin that is now even properties and is also
sunflower, thistle or wheatgerm oil. It
has anti-inflammatory properties and is
model. It consists of horny cells (bricks)
in the top layer of the skin which are
more prone to inflammation – the
beginning of a downward spiral. an essential component
also an essential component of the skin
barrier. It thus supports the skin’s
surrounded by structural lipids (mortar)
rich in linoleic acid that are bonded to What to do?
of the skin barrier.”
natural regeneration process and each other. The structure ensures the
protects against moisture loss. skin maintains sufficient moisture and Attentive skincare with the regular
pollutants cannot penetrate. use of a suitable cream can help to keep
How does it work? If the structural lipids are damaged or the skin supple and improve the skin Fortunately, Linola offers a broad range
not sufficiently formed, for example in condition. Skincare containing essential of creams, lotions and washes containing
The skin represents a natural barrier the cases of frequent washing, caused by linoleic acid is of particular importance valuable linoleic acid. The unique
to the environment and takes on the pollutants, diseases such as eczema or here. formulations provide relief for different
important tasks of preventing excessive the ageing process, the horny cells detach In order to repair the skin barrier and kinds of skincare needs. Building on 85
moisture loss and the penetration of from each other which leads to defects in protect the skin from fat and moisture years of research, the products are
substances from the environment. the film of structural lipids. loss, a continuous supply of lipids is developed to be specifically gentle to the
However, the skin can only perform The cells are no longer completely essential to stabilise the skin barrier. skin yet have proven themselves effective.
these functions if the protective barrier connected, and the protective barrier While the body cannot produce linoleic Try it now.
of the uppermost skin layer is intact. breaks. The skin increasingly loses acid on its own, topical application has
The structure of the skin barrier can moisture and dries out. The result is dry, proven effective. n For more information, visit www.linola.my.
4 Your Health THE STAR, WEDNESDAY 17 MAY 2023

To shave or not to shave?

A COMMON question among patients with
issues relating to lumps, bumps and pain
at their private area as a result of
frequent shaving, waxing or laser
treatment is: Do I need to shave down
Is it necessary to go through all that
In a study titled Complications related to
pubic hair removal published in the 2014
edition of the American Journal of
Obstetrics and Gynecology, 87% of
respondents admitted to removing at least
some pubic hair at the time of the study,
with the remaining having removed hair
in the past. The majority 60% reported
experiencing at least one health
complication due to the removal of their
pubic hair. Dr Haliza Kamarudin.
Pubic hair is there for a reason. It starts
when both boys and girls reach puberty our genital area. Pubic hair absorbs sweat
at the mean age of 12 to 13 years old. and moisture and as such regulates Should shaving be the desired option, it is best to use a clean shaver at all times.
There is no medical benefit of removing vaginal temperature.
pubic or vaginal area hair. Contrary to There are some cases that require a minor gentle moisturiser at the mons pubis area
public belief, pubic hair is not unhygienic. Problems associated with removing procedure to remove localised abscess at post-procedure. This is to avoid excessive
The pubic area and the vagina are the the mons pubis area or labia mojora or skin irritation and reduce the incidence of
most sensitive areas. It is more prone to pubic hair minora. In the event there is scar ingrown hair. It is important to avoid
infection, redness, swelling, itching, rash 1. Ingrown hair hyperpigmentation or keloid on the mons scratching the area. Seek immediate help
and bumps. 2. Epidermal abrasion pubis or vagina that requires an aesthetic if you experience excessive redness,
3. Severe itching approach, such cases are usually referred burning or irritation post-waxing or laser
4. Post-inflammatory to a plastic surgeon. treatment.
The purposes of pubic hair hyperpigmentation It is not necessary to remove one’s pubic Choosing whether or not to remove
5. Keloid scar at the pubic or vaginal hair. However, this area remains a pubic hair is entirely up to the patient.
1. Reduces friction during intercourse area personal choice of the selected individual. However, if you choose to do so, do it
and causes less skin irritation 6. Folliculitis, valvulitis or contact To prevent the problems above, several safely and use clean shavers. When it
2. Protects against infections such as dermatitis precautionary measures can be taken. If comes to waxing and laser treatment for
yeast and bacterial infection. Pubic hair you choose to shave, do not opt for a clean hair removal, obtain the services of a
follicle produces sebum, which prevents In most cases, patients who present shave at the pubic area or vagina but trim professional and seek help immediately if
bacteria from reproducing. with symptoms and signs of infection such the long hair instead using a clean shaver you develop any issues.
3. Protects the sensitive skin around the as ingrown hair, folliculitis, valvulitis or at all times. – By Dr Haliza Kamarudin, consultant
vagina rash post-waxing, shaving or laser For patients who are used to waxing obstetrician and gynaecologist at KPJ
4. Maintains optimal temperature for treatment would require oral antibiotics. and laser treatment, it is advised to use a Damansara Specialist Hospital 2
THE STAR, WEDNESDAY 17 MAY 2023 Your Health 5

For stronger
ON a daily basis, we are constantly Biogrow Immuno-3 for triple
exposed to potentially harmful pathogens
such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, and protection
fungi from the environment. A healthy Biogrow Immuno-3 contains three main
immune system protects our body ingredients – yeast beta-glucan, vitamin C
against infections. However, if our and vitamin D3. Yeast beta-glucan helps to
immune system is weakened, we are support the immune system associated
vulnerable to all types of infections that with colds(1) by enhancing the
can make us sick and sometimes lead to responsiveness of immune cells. On the
major health risks. other hand, vitamin C helps to stimulate
Our immune system can be weakened white blood cell activity and reduce
by multiple factors including ageing, a inflammation by neutralising free
poor diet, stress, the lack of sleep, radicals(2) whereas vitamin D3 enhances
smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, the function of immune cells and
obesity or other underlying health modulates the immune response from
conditions. Some of the common being overreacted(3). While each
symptoms that indicate a weakened ingredient has its significant functions in
immune system include: immune health, when combined, Biogrow
l Common colds including cough, sore Immuno-3 provides a triple action that
throat, runny nose, headache, and mild works synergistically to strengthen the
fever immune system, making it stronger and
l Stomach issues such as diarrhoea, better.
bloating and constipation Biogrow Immuno-3 is available in
l Fatigue natural, great-tasting orange-flavoured
l Delayed wound healing chewable tablet form and with no added
l Frequent or repeated infections such sugar, making it suitable for kids, adults
as skin, sinus, and urinary tract and the elderly. Each chewable tablet
infections provides 50mg of yeast beta-glucan, 60mg
All in all, a healthy body is dependent of vitamin C and 5µg of vitamin D3 which
on a strong immune system. Fortunately, helps:
there are many natural ways to l Support the immune system
strengthen our immune system. associated with colds
l Enhance immune response to act
Benefitting from yeast beta-glucan faster and better against pathogens
l Reduce inflammation in the body
Proper nutrition accompanied by a l Speed up recovery time
healthy lifestyle is one of the best natural
ways to strengthen our immune system. Who should take Biogrow Immuno-3?
For many years, vitamin C has been a l Individuals with symptoms related to
popular household remedy for immune colds such as cough, runny nose, sore
support. However, yeast beta-glucan is throat, headache and mild fever
another type of emerging immune health l Individuals who get sick easily
ingredient that works differently and l Individuals with high-stress levels
acts synergistically with vitamin C to l Individuals aiming to strengthen and
improve immune health. maintain a strong immunity
Beta-glucan is a type of soluble fibre l Individuals practising an unhealthy
that can be found in certain foods such lifestyle or diet
as yeast, oat and mushroom. Different
types of beta-glucans provide different Children are recommended to take one
health benefits due to the distinctive to two Biogrow Immuno-3 chewable
molecular structure of each source. tablets daily and adults to take 3 to 4
Among the many types of beta-glucans, chewable tablets daily. Start gearing up
yeast beta-glucan is better known for its your way to a stronger and better immune
ability to enhance the immune system by system today.
improving the responsiveness of our Biogrow Immuno-3 is available in major
immune cells to strengthen our ability to leading pharmacies nationwide and the
defend against pathogens. Biogrow Official Store at Shopee Mall.
Yeast beta-glucan acts as a training This article is provided by Legosan
agent by binding to the surface of (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd.
immune cells and activating them to
respond more readily to fight off n For more information, call 03-7956 2220
infections, resulting in trained immune (Mondays to Fridays 9am to 5pm) or email
cells with an enhanced immune response info@biogrow.com.my.
that can act better and faster against
pathogens. In addition, yeast beta-glucan References
has been shown through emerging
studies to have well-substantiated (1)
Food Amendment (No.4) Regulations,
immune-supporting properties by 2020.
reducing the incidence, severity, and (2)
Harvard, The Nutrition Source, 2020
duration of common colds. (3)
EFSA Journal 2015;13(7):4182

Biogrow Immuno-3 contains yeast beta-glucan which helps fight off infections.

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