Fast urban population expansion may By decreasing the need for lengthy
strain already-existing infrastructure, journeys, encouraging mixed-use
Rapid urban population including transportation networks, development, where residential,
growth water supply and sanitation networks, commercial, and industrial areas are
and waste management facilities. If combined, can help alleviate traffic
the population increases, these congestion. Also, it can lessen urban
systems could not handle the sprawl and offer more inexpensive
resulting demand, which would result housing options.
in overcrowding, traffic, and a general
decrease in the standard of living for
Basic services that are not up to par The issue of insufficient basic services
can reduce economic prospects and necessitates a multifaceted strategy
Inadequate basic services cause poverty. For instance, a lack of that includes infrastructure
electricity might restrict access to investment, policy modifications, and
employment prospects and hinder community involvement.
the efficient operation of Governments and other stakeholders
businesses. The answer is to make must also make a commitment to
investments in infrastructure to putting community needs first and
facilitate economic growth, such as ensuring that everyone has access to
transportation and electrical grids. essential services.
Lack of resources is one of the most To help offer resources, one potential
prevalent issues when attempting to answer is to look for collaborations
Strengthening urban improve urban management with other groups, such as non-
management capacity capabilities. This can apply to governmental organizations (NGOs)
resources including money, people, or private sector businesses.
tools, and infrastructure. Prioritizing and allocating resources
more wisely, for example, by
concentrating on high-priority
projects or areas, is another option.