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1 Abstract 1
2 Introduction 2
Interacting, understanding and then responding to the situation are some of the
greatest features of humans and those are the things which make us what we are. We are born
to live in a social society and we have always known about us that we are the most
well-mannered social creature known since the creation of this planet.
The social culture and interaction with each other to help for a common goal is not
only found in humans but also in other species of this planet like a flock of birds or fishes or
bee's, all they have a one thing in common that they are having a collective behavior. When
the birds migrate its often seen they are in a group which is led by the lead member of their
group and all are following them and their group are designed in a particular geometrical
shapes despite being the birds have no sense of the shapes and figures and also the group is
made such that the senior members of the group are on the boundaries while the young ones
or the newborns are in the center.
The same characteristics are found in fire ants, these ants are a bit different from
other species of the ants and are especially known for their group behavior, they build
together, they eat together and they defend their colonies from the preys together, basically
they know they can achieve more when they are in a group. A recent study was being
conducted on the group behavior of these ants in which it was found that they were capable of
making strong structures whenever needed, such as when needed to create a small bridge to
crossover.The collective behavior of these social animals and insect’s help's them to achieve
more despite all their constraints. Researchers have demonstrated that individuals of these
groups do not need any representation or sophisticated knowledge to produce such complex
behaviors. In social insects, animals and birds individuals are not informed about the global
status of the colony. The knowledge of the swarm is distributed throughout all the
agents, where an individual is not able to accomplish its task without the rest of the
swarm. What if this collective sensing can be brought into a group of Robots? This is
what swarm robotics is and we will learn about this in detail in this article.
So to solve the complex tasks where human intervention is difficult and has higher
complexity of what needs to be more than just an average robot like certain uses cases where
a building is collapsed due to an earthquake and people are depressed under the
concrete, certainly this problem requires some kind of robot which can run multiple tasks at
once and small enough to make it through the concrete and helps to get the
information of human existence at the first place, so what comes to your mind, a group of
small robots that are small enough and autonomously create their own way and get the
information and it certainly mimics the some kinda swarm of insects or flies and hence
where the swarm robotics comes into first place and here's the more formal one. Swarm
robotics is a field of multi-robotics in which a large number of robots are coordinated in
a distributed and a decentralized way. it's based upon the use of local rules, small simple
robots inspired by the collective behavior of social insects so that a large number
of simple robots can outperform a complex task in a more efficient way than a single
robot, giving robustness and flexibility to the group.
Collective size: Collective size is the SIZE-INF which is N>>1 which is opposite to
the SIZE-LIM, where the number of robot’s N is smaller than their respective environment
size they are put in.
Communication range: Communication range is COM-NEAR, so that the robots can only
communicate with the robots which are close enough.
Communication topology: Communication topology for the robots in the swarm would be
generally TOP-GRAPH, robots are linked in a general graph topology.
Process ability: Process ability is PROC-TME, where the computational model is a tuning
machine equivalent.
1.The swarm of robots must be autonomous, and able to sense and act in real environment.
2.The number of robots in a swarm must be large enough so as to back their every single task as
a group which they are required to perform.
3.There should be homogeneity in the swarm, there can be different groups in the swarm but
they should not be too many.
4.A single robot of the swarm must be incapable and inefficient with respect to their main
objective, that is, they need to collaborate in order to succeed and improve the performance.
5.All the robots are necessitated to have only local sensing and communication capabilities with
neighboring partner of the swarm, this ensures the coordination of the swarm is
distributed and scalability becomes one of the properties of the system.
∙Task Parallelism: We all know the tasks could be decomposable, and we all are
aware of the agile development method, so by using parallelism, groups can make to perform
the task more efficiently.
∙Task Enablement: A group is more powerful than a single one and the same applies
for the swarm robotics, where a group of robots can make task do certain task that is
impossible for a single robot
∙Distribution in Sensing: As the swarm has a collective sensing so it has wider range of
sensing than the range of a single robot.
∙Distribution in Action: A group of robots can actuate different actions at different places at
the same time.
∙Fault Tolerance: The failure of a single robot within a swarm of robots within a
group does not imply that the task is going to fail or cannot be accomplished.
1. Robotic Platforms
(i) Swarmbot
Sensors used: it has various sensors to help the bot out which includes range sensors
and camera.
(ii) Kobot
Sensors used: It involves the use of the distance sensor, vision sensors and compass.
Developed by: It's developed in the KOVAN Research Lab at Middle East Technical
University, Turkey.
Description: Kobot is specifically designed for the research in swarm robotics. It is made of
several sensors that make it a perfect platform for performing various swarm robotic
situations such as coordinated motion. It has can work autonomously for 10 hours on a single
charge. It also includes a replaceable battery which is to be recharged manually and
It is mostly been used in the implementation of self-organizing scenarios.
(iii) S-bot
Sensors used: It makes the use of various sensor to get the things to work like sensors for
light, IR, position, force, speed, temp, humidity, acceleration, and a mic.
Motion: It makes the use of treels attached to its base for its movements.
Description: S-bot is one of the several competent and substantial swarm robotic platforms
ever built. it has a unique gripper design capable of gripping objects and other s-bots. Also,
they can approximately work out for 1 hour on a single charge.
(v) E-Puck
Sensors used: It uses a variety of sensors like distance, camera, bearing, acceleration, and a
Description: E-puck is primarily designed for educational purposes and is one of the most
successful robots. However, due to its simplicity, it is often employed in swarm robotics
research as well. It has user replaceable batteries with a working time of 2-4 hours.
(vi) Kilobot
Motion: It uses vibrations of the system for the movement of the system's body.
2. Simulators
Robotic simulators solve the problem of the hardware needed for the job of testing
the credibility of the bots in the artificially simulated real environment parameters.
There exist many robotic simulators which can be used for multi-robotic experiments,
and more specifically for the swarm robotic experiments and all of them differ in their
technical aspects but also in the license and the cost. Some of the simulators for the
swarm bots and Multi-robotic platforms are as follows:
Here we are going to explore the various techniques used in swarm robotics for various
simple tasks such as aggregation, dispersion etc. These tasks are the basic initial steps for
all the high end working in swarm robotics.
Aggregation: Aggregation is getting all the bots together and it’s really important and initial
step in other complex steps such as pattern formation, self-assembly, exchange information
and collective movements. A robot uses its sensors such as proximity sensors and
microphone which uses sound exchange mechanisms with the help of the actuator such as
speakers. The sensors helps a single bot to find the nearest robot which also turns out to be
the center of the group, where the bot has to concentrate solely on the other bot which is at
the center of the group and reach towards it and the same process is followed by all the
members of the swarm which let them aggregate all.
Dispersion: When the robots are aggregated at a single place then the next step is to
disperse them in the environment where they work as a single constitute member of the
swarm and this also helps in the exploration of the environment each bot of the swarm work
out as a single sensor when it is left to explore. Various algorithms have been proposed and
used for the dispersion of the robots, one of the approaches includes the potential field
algorithm for the dispersion of the robots in which the robots get repel by the obstacles and
other robots which allow the swarm environment to disperse linearly.
A swarm of robots forms a structure with an internal and external defined shape.
The rules that make the particle/robots to aggregate in the desired formation are
local, but a global shape emerges, without having any global information with
respect to an individual member of the swarm. The algorithm uses virtual springs
between the neighboring particles, taking into consideration how many neighbors
they have.
Collective movement: What's the meaning of a team if they all can't work out
the problem together and that's the best part of a swarm? Collective movement is
a way of letting to coordinate a group of robots and making them move together
as a group in a cohesive way. It’s a basic way of making some collective tasks
done and can be classified into two types formation and flocking.
There are many methods of collective movement but only those allowing
scalability with a growing number of robots are of concern where each robot
recognizes the relative position of its neighbor and react with respective forces
which could be attractive or repulsive to form structures for collective
The other method is the collective transportation of objects where the objects are collected
and stored for later transportation, here the robots have two different tasks - collecting the
objects and placing them in a cart, and collectively move the cart carrying those objects.
Collective Mapping: Collective mapping is used for the exploration and mapping of the big
indoor areas using a large number of robots.
In one method the mapping is carried out by the two group of two robots, which exchange
information to merge the maps. The other method is role based in which the robot can
assume any of the two roles which are moving or landmark that they can exchange for the
movement of the swarm. Also, the robots have a certain estimate of their position so have to
an estimate of the location of the other robots so as to build a collective map.
Though the extensive research on swarm robotics has begun around 2012
till now it has not come out with the commercial real-world application, it is
being used for medical purposes but not at that large scale and still is
under testing. There are various reasons behind that this technology is not
coming out commercially.
Besides these challenges, there are further security challenges for the
individual and the swarm due to their simple design
(ii) Identity of the individual in the swarm, that the robot must know if it is
interacting with a robot of its swarm or another swarm.
The main goal of the swarm robotics is to cover a wide region where the
robots could disperse and perform their respective tasks. They are useful
for detecting hazardous events like leakages, landmines etc and the main
advantage of a distributed and moveable network of sensors is that it can
sense the wide area and even act on it.