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Topic: 11 Year-Old’s Ballet Video Goes Viral

Warm-up Question:
What viral stories have you heard from the internet or social media lately?

Word Enrichment
Direction: Choose the sentence which uses the underlined words in the correct manner.
Explain how you understand those words afterwards.

1. Viral
A. This coffee recipe went viral in social media during the pandemic.
B. The world is viral.

2. Dedication
A. Her dedication to ballet is admirable.
B. The workers are dedication.

3. Brutal
A. His brutal crimes are forever remembered by the country.
B. Being brutal endears you to a lot of people.

4. Underprivileged
A. There are many underprivileged kids who lived in the orphanage.
B. She is an underprivileged child. She is well-provided by her parents.

5. Propel
A. We need a paddle to propel the boat to move forward.
B. Please propel yourself.

Answer Key:
1. A. 2. A. 3. A. 4. A. 5. A.

Discussion Guide:
1. Have you heard of any viral stories similar to Anthony’s in your country?
2. Anthony’s viral story is an example of how social media can be a force for good. How
about the negative stories that become viral online, what do you think of them? Can you
give an example of this?
3. Do you have any special talents or hobbies that you have shared or you would love to
share on social media? What are they?
4. Ballet is conventionally seen as a dance form for female dancers. In your opinion,
what is the significance of Anthony’s story in challenging gender stereotypes in different
aspects of society?
5. Are there any issues or specific topics that you wish would go viral on the internet/
social media? What are they? How would being viral help these issues or topics?
Topic: ‘Miracle’ Puppy Born With Six Legs

Warm-up Questions: Have you ever personally witnessed a miracle? What makes it a

Word Enrichment:
Direction: Choose the word or phrase which best completes the statements below.

Relentless barrage Defects Hybrid

Unconditional love Upkeep Low-maintenance

1. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, schools have introduced a __________ system of

learning where students attend a mixture of online and offline classes.
2. Annie and Francine rarely keep in touch on a daily basis, but whenever they see each
other, it feels like no time has passed at all. They say that they have a _________
3. The _________ of negative news on social media sites severely affects our mental
health condition.
4. Mr. and Mrs. Smith badly wanted to own a beach-front mansion, but they were so
surprised at the amount of money that they need for its __________.
5. This online store is notorious for selling products with __________.
6. People usually expect ____________ from their family and closest friends.

Answer Key:
1. Hybrid
2. Low-maintenance
3. Relentless barrage
4. Upkeep
5. Defects
6. Unconditional love

Discussion Guide:
1. What do you think of when you hear the word ‘miracle?’
2. Do you believe in them? In your opinion, what occurrences can be considered as
3. What makes the puppy from the article ‘special’ or ‘miraculous?’
4. What do you think are the things that made this puppy survive?
5. Would you consider taking care of an animal born with congenital defects like the
puppy in the article? What do you think should owners of such animals prepare for?
6. What are the pros of having a pet? How about the cons?
7. Do you think having a pet can teach children about responsibility? Why or why not?
Topic: An Animal With Biggest Ears

Warm-up Questions: Do you know which animal has the biggest ears? Can you take a
guess? What could be the advantages of having big ears?

Crossword Puzzle
Direction: Complete the crossword puzzle below.

3. A scientists who studies zoology
4. The round area at the top of the back legs of an animal that has four legs
5. Any animal that gives birth to live young, not eggs, and feeds its young on milk

1. Any small animal that belongs to a group of animals with strong sharp front teeth
2. Active at night

Answer Key:
Discussion Guide:
1. According to the article, what is the animal with the largest ears compared to its
body size?
2. Do you know other animals that also have large ears?
3. What could be the potential advantages of having large ears? How about its
disadvantages? Is it important for an animal’s survival?
4. The long-eared jerboa is a nocturnal insect-eating rodent. Do you know of any other
animals that are nocturnal?
5. When do you feel most active? At day time or at night time? Have you ever pulled an
all-nighter before? What did you do in order for you to stay awake?

Topic: Dogs Used To Be More Like Cats

Warm-up Exercise
Talk about the following expressions. Use them in your own sentences afterwards.
 Fighting like cats and dogs
 Raining like cats and dogs

Word Enrichment
A. Match the words in column A with its correct meaning from column B.

A. B.
1. Camouflage a. an animal that is hunted, killed and eaten by another
2. Altered b. land area
3. Physique c. to turn or to spin
4. Prey d. the size and shape of a person’s body
5. Swivel e. growing thickly and strongly in a way that is attractive
6. Lush f. to change
7. Terrain g. to hide by becoming or copying one’s surroundings/

Answer Key:
1. g 2. f 3. d 4. a 5. c 6. e 7. b

B. Choose the word which best completes the sentences below.

Camouflage Altered Physique Prey

Swivel Lush Terrain

1. Some animals use ___________ as a technique to escape from being the _________
of other bigger animals.
2. Despite her big _____________, Ms. Trunchbull could _________ easily as a cat.
3. The hem of this skirt is too long, so I should have it __________.
4. The cattle happily grazed on the __________ pasture.
5. The forest ranger advised us against hiking on spring because the __________ can
get muddy and slippery.
Answer Key:
1. Camouflage, prey
2. Physique, swivel
3. Altered
4. Lush
5. Terrain

Discussion Guide:
1. According to the article, what caused the changes among dogs?
2. What were some of these changes in dog’s physique that the researches in this
study noted?
3. Climate change is said to affect our environment and everything in it, in different
ways. Think of the changes brought about by climate change by completing this chart.

Changes that I notice How to cope with these changes


4. How do you think humans will be different in a million years from now?
5. Why is it important to study changes in animals? What benefit would it have on

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