ACKNOWLEDGEMENT……………………………………………. ii
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION………………………………….........07
CHAPTER 5: DISCUSSION………………………………………………...28
CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION…………………………………………….....29
CHAPTER 8: REFERENCES………………………………….…………….31
Electric discharge machining (EDM) is a material removal process that is
especially useful for difficult-to-cut materials with complex shapes and is
widely used in aerospace, automotive, surgical tools among other fields. EDM
is one of the most efficient manufacturing processes and is used to achieve
highly accurate production. It is a non-contact thermal energy process used to
machine electrically conductive components irrespective of the material’s
mechanical properties. Studies related to the EDM have shown that the process
performance can be considerably improved by properly selecting the process
material and operating parameters. This paper reviews research studies on the
application of EDM to different grades of stainless-steel materials and
describes experimental and theoretical studies of EDM that have attempted to
improve the process performance, by considering material removal rate,
surface quality and tool wear rate, amongst others. In addition, this paper
examines evaluation models and techniques used to determine the EDM
process conditions. This review also presents a discussion on developments in
EDM and outlines the likely trend for future research.
In recent years, the rapidly rising demand for materials with special
characteristics in such advanced industrial applications as aerospace and
surgical instruments, has led to the development of new materials. However,
these materials are mostly difficult-to-cut using more conventional
manufacturing processes and this pushes manufacturers to explore new
machining processes which maintain or even improve precision but at
reasonable cost.
Stainless steel is one of the widely used difficult-to-cut materials because of
its superior properties which combine good corrosion and chemical reaction
resistance, with the ability to be easily cleaned, polished, and sterilized. New
stainless-steel compositions are developed to meet the need for higher corrosion
resistance, increased strength, and elevated temperature resistance.
While many studies have reviewed EDM, wire EDM and other EDM
processes, no study has reviewed and reported on the use of EDM for machining
of stainless steel specifically, though there are many reviews available on other
materials machined by EDM.
This study aims to provide an overview of the significant contributions of
EDM to the machining of various stainless-steel variants. This paper reviews
the research studies that used different EDM variants for machining different
types of steel materials. The paper starts with a brief introduction of EDM and
its development, then it provides the working principles of this machining
method. EDM process parameters and performance measures are then
discussed. Next, the paper presents the various types of EDM processes. This
study also provides a review of the major areas of research into the application
of EDM to different grades of steel. The conclusions drawn by and the trend of,
the reviewed research is presented and discussed. Figure 1 shows the EDM
processes and their main input (process) parameters and output (performance)
The EDM manufacturing process was invented in the 1940’s. The principle of
the EDM technique is to use thermoelectric energy to erode a workpiece by
automatic spark repetition. The rapidly recurring electrical discharges (sparks)
between a non-contact electrode tool and the workpiece allow erosion caused
by sparks generated between electrode tool and the workpiece surface. In this
process, both the workpiece and the electrode tool are submerged in an
insulating dielectric fluid. The gap between the electrode tool and the workpiece
is carefully selected so that the voltage across the gap has a value that can ionize
the dielectric fluid in the gap due to electrical breakdown. Discrete electric
discharges between the electrode tool and workpiece are produced which in turn
generates a high temperature plasma channel, where instant thermal dissipation
occurs. The local high temperature melts both workpiece and tool. Then, the
eroded material solidifies in the form of debris. Flushing the dielectric fluid
during the machining process carries away debris (separated solid particles) and
restores the sparking condition in the gap and avoids short circuiting. No cutting
forces exist between the electrode tool and the workpiece because there is no
contact between them. This minimizes the vibration and stress problems that can
occur during machining.
The EDM process is driven by both electrical and non-electrical parameters. The
major electrical parameters are discharge voltage, peak current, pulse duration
and interval, electrode tool gap, polarity, and pulse waveform. The non-electrical
parameters include rotation of the electrode tool, the flushing action of the
dielectric fluid and the properties of the workpiece. These parameters are
described in this section.
The discharge or machining voltage is the average voltage in the spark gap
during machining. The electrical potential drops sharply after the open gap
voltage because of the discharge and the current flow rises. The machining will
begin at the working voltage. The discharge voltage directly influences the size
of spark gap and overcut. A low voltage is normally used with electrode tool
and workpiece materials that possess high electrical conductivity. In contrast,
materials with low conductivity use a much higher voltage. The peak current,
which is defined by the maximum power spent in discharge machining, is a
parameter that highly influences the EDM process. The peak current is
represented by the maximum level that is reached during the on-time of each
pulse. This parameter has a direct effect on the Material Removal Rate (MRR),
Tool Wear Rate (TWR) and machining accuracy. These characteristics make it
very important and has resulted in research into high wear resistance that can
occur with high current conditions.
The pulse on-time is the duration for which the discharge is applied. A high-
temperature plasma channel heats both the electrode tool and the workpiece
during the discharge. The amount of energy generated during the pulse on-time
has a direct effect on the MRR. Increasing the discharge energy by applying
longer pulse on-times increases the MRR. Debris form during the discharging
period, creating an insulation layer and lead to arcing. This layer can be flushed
away during pulse-off time. The pulse off-time is the time in which no discharge
is applied. Proper selection of the pulse off-time provides stable machining. A
shorter period can increase the machining speed but off-time should be long
enough to allow flushing away of debris from the gap; otherwise, it may result
in unsuitable conditions for the next on-time pulse, considering that long breaks
between pulses can cause overcooling the machined material which has impact
on MRR. The pulse wave form is usually rectangular in shape, to reduce
electrode tool wear other pulse shapes have been used, for example, trapezoidal.
Another generator has recently been developed to facilitate initiation of the main
pulse by producing a high voltage pulse with a low current for a short period
before the main pulse.
The effect of the EDM process parameters on performance cannot be easily
explained because of the stochastic nature of the discharge mechanism. Thus,
many studies related to EDM have explored the influence of the process
parameters on performance measures and have introduced the concept of optimal
process parameters that achieve best performance.
The electrode tool polarity in the EDM process can be positive or negative
and this determines the direction of the electrical current, from or toward the
electrode tool. The choice of polarity depends on many factors, including
electrode tool and workpiece materials, current density and pulse length. In die-
sinking EDM, the generators have the flexibility to switch to either a positive or
a negative electrode tool polarity based on the machining requirements. Positive
electrode tool polarity is generally used in EDM operations because electrode
tool wear will be lower. The negative electrode tool polarity is a better choice if
a high MRR is more important than precision. Nevertheless, this is at the cost
of very high electrode tool wear. Negative electrode tool polarity machining
conditions are suitable for machining materials, such as carbide, titanium and
copper alloys, amongst others. In the wire-EDM process, the electrode “wire”
usually has a negative polarity because a high machining rate is required and the
wire wear is not important because the wire can be fed continuously to replace
the eroded portion.
The necessary sparks do not occur if the electrode tool and the workpiece
touch each other. Thus, the electrode tool and the workpiece are separated by a
small distance called the “inter-electrode gap.” The discharge gap is controlled
by the discharge gap servo that maintains the proper separation which is
normally between 0.005 mm and 0.1 mm. The electrode tool is moved up and
down during machining to enable proper evacuation of the debris. The discharge
occurs during the down period and the up period allows the flushing of the debris
away from the machining area. For finishing and micro EDM processes, RC
generator is usually used. The RC pulse generator is a low-cost power source
for EDM and principally a relaxation oscillator with a resistor and a capacitor.
It can produce very small pulse energy that generates small craters which in turn
lead to produce small surface roughness. However, lack of precision control is
the main disadvantage of RC generator especially for timing and slow charging.
The main non-electrical parameters are the flushing of the dielectric fluid,
workpiece, and electrode tool rotation. The EDM process needs a dielectric fluid
medium that submerges both the electrode tool and the workpiece to at least a
suitable distance above the gap between them. In addition to high dielectric
strength, the dielectric fluid must have a flushing ability and fast recovery after
breakdown. The dielectric fluid provides insulation against premature
discharging, reduces the temperature in and around the machined area and
cleans away the separated debris.
For the die-sinking EDM, the dielectric fluid is a hydrocarbon and silicone-
based dielectric oil and kerosene with an increased flash-point. Some die-
sinking EDMs use de-ionized water for high-precision machining, such as fine
hole drilling. De-ionized water and oil are also used with wire EDM. Many
studies have recently been conducted to explore the use of oil-based synthetics
to avoid harmful effects to the worker and the environment. Previous studies
have reported that the dielectric type, flushing method and flushing pressure
influence the MRR, TWR, Surface Roughness (SR) and Surface Quality (SQ).
Dielectric flushing is improved with workpiece and electrode tool rotation. The
improvement in flushing due to electrode tool rotation achieves a better SR and
a higher MRR. Selecting the optimal flushing pressure can minimize the density
of the crack and the recast layer.
The performance parameters are the factors that measure the performance of the
EDM process. These parameters include the MRR, TWR and SQ. The MRR is
a measure of the performance of the erosion rate of the workpiece surface and
an indication of the machining ratio. The MRR is usually expressed as the
volume of the removed material per unit time. Techniques and methods to
improve the MRR have attracted attention because the MRR represents the
machining speed. The TWR is a measure of the erosion rate of the electrode tool
and has a direct influence on the shape of the machined cavity because of the
continual change in the electrode tool profile during the machining process. Like
the MRR, the TWR can be expressed by the volume of material removed per
unit time. Previous studies focused on reducing the TWR because the wear of
the electrode tool affects the electrode tool profile and leads to a lower precision.
The SQ is a measure of the quality of the machined surface and includes many
components, such as the SR, extent of the heat affected zone (HAZ), recast layer
thickness and micro-crack density. Many research studies have explored
utilization of the EDM process in surface treatment and have reported the SQ
generated by the process.
and enhance the machining performance and the environment as regards worker
health. From this point of view, this process could be named as the “Green
EDM.” The dry EDM process positively influences the MRR and reduces the
EWR. Under ideal conditions, this process allows to obtain very good accuracy
and surface layer quality.
In addition to the previous main types of EDM, there are other types such as
EDM milling, in this type the final shape is obtained using a simple electrode
tool which is moved in a 3D path along several directions and may also subject
to rotations. A combination of the two cutting systems can also be applied. Also,
EDM grinding, when the electrode tool design as a rotating disk.
discharge state, where Poisson equation is used to model the spatial discharge
from electrode and particles of the dielectric fluid. Fluid flow in the
interelectrode gap is modelled by. The model attempts to study the motion of
the debris particle as well as the drag force between the particles and the
dielectric fluid. The purpose is to improve the removal of debris from the
machining zone. Fluent software is used to build 3D model of drilling high
aspect ratio of a hole. The effect of incorporating ultrasonic vibration is verified
using the proposed model; optimal amplitudes and frequencies are determined
using the model based on a set of process parameters.
Chemical and
0.08 C, 19
food processing
304 S30400 Cr, Annealed 515 (75) 205 (30) 40
2.0 Mn, 9 Ni
cryogenic vessels
0.03 C, 17
Cr, 2.0
316L S31603 Mn, Annealed 485 (70) 170 (25) 40
2.5 Mo, 12
Table 2. Details of EDM process research studies for different grades of stainless steels.
Grades and
Corresponding Composition (wt.%) Properties
Machining Operations
AISI (SUS) 304
Die-sinking EDM C ≤ 0.08, Cr 18.00–20.00, Excellent corrosion resistance and very good
Wire EDM Mn ≤ 2.0, Ni 8–10.5, drawability. It has low yield strength and high
Micro-EDM P ≤ 0.045, S ≤ 0.03, Si ≤ elongation. It can be welded by all fusion and
Dry EDM 1.00 resistance welding processes
Powder-mixed EDM
C ≤ 0.03, Cr 18.00–20.00
The low carbon version of 304. It has good
AISI 304 L Mn ≤ 2. 00, Ni 10.00–13.00,
resistance to carbide precipitation and so is
Micro-EDM P ≤ 0.045, S ≤ 0.030, Si ≤
recommended for corrosion resistance in water
It has excellent corrosion resistance. Subject to
AISI (SUS) 316 C ≤ 0.08, Cr 16.00–18.00, pitting and crevice corrosion in warm chloride
Die-sinking EDM Mo 2.00–3.00, Mn ≤ 2.00, environments and to stress corrosion cracking above
Wire EDM Ni 10.00–14.00, P ≤ 0.045, S ≤ about 60 ◦C. It cannot be hardened by thermal
Micro-EDM 0.030, Si ≤ 1.00, treatment. It has excellent weldability by all fusion
C ≤ 0.03, Cr 16.00–18.00,
AISI 316L The low carbon version of 316. It is more resistant to
Mn ≤ 2.00, Mo 2.00–3.00,
Die-sinking EDM carbide precipitation and has higher strength at
Ni 12.00–15.00, P ≤ 0.045, S ≤
Micro-EDM elevated temperatures.
0.030, Si ≤ 1.00,
Excellent toughness at low temperatures.
C ≤ 0.15, Cr 17.00–19.00, When machined produces long, gummy chips. The
AISI 202 Mn 7.50–10.00, N ≤ 0.25, material can be welded by fusion and resistance
Die-sinking EDM Ni 4.00–6.00, P ≤ 0.060, S ≤ methods but should not be joined using oxyacetylene
0.030, Si ≤ 0.75, welding. Forging below 1010 ◦C (1850 ◦F) is not
advisable for this grade
This grade has high hardness, wear resistance and
C 0.39, Cr 15.89, Mo 1.02, strength. It loses mechanical properties by over-
AISI 440
Mn 0.87, P < 0.003, tempering; therefore, it should not be used at
A2 Wire EDM
S < 0.003, Si 0.46, temperatures below the relevant tempering
temperature. It is fully annealed at 850 to 900 ◦C.
A high-carbon steel with minimum chromium
AISI C 0.16–0.25, Cr 12.00–14.00 content of 12%. It offers good ductility in its
420 Wire Mn ≤ 1.00, P ≤ 0.040, S ≤ annealed state and excellent corrosion resistance
EDM 0.030, Si ≤ 1.00, properties when the metal is polished, surface ground
or hardened. It has corrosion resistance.
Modified AISI C 0.38, Cr 13.6, Mn 0.5, Si
Similar to grade 420 with more carbon content.
420 Wire EDM 0.9, V 0.3
Super duplex ferralium 255 SD50 has high yield
C max 0.03, Cr 24.50–25.50, Cu strength, withstanding stresses of over 550 N/mm2. It
1.5–2.0, Mn 0.8–1.2, has excellent corrosion resistance to corrosive. In
Ferralium 255 SD 50
Mo 3.20–3.80, N 0.21–0.24, seawater it offers superior resistance to crevice
(plate) Micro EDM
Ni 5.60–6.50, P ≤ 0.035, S ≤ corrosion and pitting. It shows excellent ductility and
0.030, Si ≤ 0.4 impact resistance combined with a great resistance to
abrasion, erosion and cavitation erosion.
The authors reported that the breakdown mechanism was different from the
traditional EDM when the work gap was filled with gas rather than liquid
dielectric. They presented MRR, TWR and specific MRR, as well as the
sparking, arcing and ignition delay times on the function of the anode material.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 9. (a) MRR dependence on anode and cathode material combinations; (b) TWR as
a function of anode and cathode material combinations; (c) sparking, arcing, shorts and
ignition delay times as a function of anode and cathode material combinations; and (d)
current specific MRR as a function of the anode and cathode material combinations
Figure 11. (a) General EDM; (b) strip EDM; and (c) concept of the strip EDM.
It was revealed that a copper electrode tool performed better than a brass
electrode tool in terms of hole quality, MRR and EWR. Muthuramalingam, used
brass and tungsten carbide tools to investigate the effect of tool re-solidification
on surface hardness during EDM of AISI 202 stainless steel. It was revealed that
the surface hardness of the workpiece increased with the tungsten carbide
electrode tool whereas it decreased with the brass electrode tool due to layer
formation on the workpiece.
The study investigated the effect of machining parameters, such as pulse-on
time, peak current, gap voltage and tool thickness on the MRR and TWR. The
study explored the effect of these parameters on the on cylindricity error,
circularity error and diameter error. The author reported that, Wire tension has
highest contribution on cylindricity error which is lowest at high value wire
tension. Pulse on time has minor contribution on the cylindricity error and it
increases with the increase of pulse on time. Pulse of time does not have any
influence on the cylindricity error. The circularity error was lowest at medium
pulse off time and medium wire tension; and those two parameters have almost
similar and highest contributions. The pulse on time has around 14%
contribution on circularity error and the medium value of it minimizes the
circularity error. The input parameters such has pulse on time, pulse off time
and wire tension have around 13%, 16% and 7% contributions respectively on
diameter error which is minimized at medium pulse on time and low pulse off
time and low wire tension.
Figure 14. Photographs showing (a) the failed piston and (b) the location of failure.
The effect of deep cryogenically treated post tempered electrode tools during
EDM operation of AISI 304 stainless steel. They considered process parameters
including pulse on time, duty cycle, peak current, gap voltage and flushing
pressure to investigate the process performance by means of radial overcut.
Microstructural analysis has been carried out for the machined surfaces. The
authors reported that, deep cryotreated post tempered electrode tools
considerably decrease the radial overcut. developed a micro punching system
with a micro electrical discharge machining (EDM) module. They reported that,
the key dimensional error of blanked part varies by different materials, which is
less than 2.5 µm.
An experimental investigation of thermal strain caused by electrical discharge
machining on a stainless-steel (SUS430) plate was proposed. Experimental
results revealed that the maximum thermal strain caused by electrical discharge
machining was proportional to the drilling depth.
Figure 15. Relative usage of the different EDM processes utilized for studying stainless
steel machining.
Despite so much work in the field of EDM, there remain issues which require
further investigation, these are listed as follows:
• Optimizing Process Parameters.
• Extending EDM to a wider range of workpiece materials.
• Use of different electrode tools.
• Electrode tool cooling methods.
• Hybrid or assisted EDM Powder mix EDM.
Future research directions can be classified into four broad categories which can
be further divided into sub-categories as follows:.
1. Pérez, J.; Llorente, J.; Sanchez, J. Advanced cutting conditions for the
milling of aeronautical alloys. J. Mater.Process. Technol. 2000, 100, 1–11.
2. Komanduri, R.; Hou, Z.-B. On thermoplastic shear instability in the
machining of a titanium alloy (Ti-6Al-4V). Metall. Mater. Trans. A 2002,
33, 2995.
3. Benes, J. Cutting Difficult Machine Materials. Available online:
http://www.Americanmachinist.com/304/ Issue/Article (accessed on 24
January 2007).
4. Ruszaj, A.; Skoczypiec, S.; Wyszyn´ski, D. Recent developments in abrasive
hybrid manufacturing processes. Manag. Prod. Eng. Rev. 2017, 8, 81–90.
5. Anonymous. Stainless Steel for Machining, Design Handbook, Design
Handbook, Specialty Steel Industry of North America. Available online:
http://www.ssina.com/download_a_file/machining.pdf (accessed on 6
February 2019).
6. Callister, W.D.; Rethwisch, D.G. Materials Science and Engineering: An
Introduction; John Wiley & Sons: New York, NY, USA, 2007; Volume 7.
7. Chiang, K.-T.; Chang, F.-P. Optimization of the WEDM process of particle-
reinforced material with multiple performance characteristics using grey
relational analysis. J. Mater. Process. Technol. 2006, 180, 96–101.
8. Hewidy, M.; El-Taweel, T.; El-Safty, M. Modelling the machining
parameters of wire electrical discharge machining of Inconel 601 using
RSM. J. Mater. Process. Technol. 2005, 169, 328–336.
9. Kumar, A.; Maheshwari, S.; Sharma, C.; Beri, N. Research developments in
additives mixed electrical discharge machining (AEDM): A state of art
review. Mater. Manuf. Process. 2010, 25, 1166–1180.
10. Lee, S.; Li, X. Study of the effect of machining parameters on the machining
characteristics in electrical discharge machining of tungsten carbide. J.
Mater. Process. Technol. 2001, 115, 344–358.
11. Yu, Z.; Jun, T.; Masanori, K. Dry electrical discharge machining of
cemented carbide. J. Mater. Process. Technol. 2004, 149, 353–357.
12. Beri, N.; Maheshwari, S.; Sharma, C.; Kumar, A. Technological
advancement in electrical discharge machining with powder metallurgy
processed electrodes: A review. Mater. Manuf. Process. 2010, 25, 1186–