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Cri200 Reviewer

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Any material containing marks, symbols, or “Invention of paper is generally attributed to a Chinese
signs either visible, partially visible that may present or court official, CAI LUN (TSAI LUN. He is the first to
ultimately convey a meaning to someone, maybe in the succeed in making paper from vegetable fibers, tree barks
form of pencil, ink writing, typewriting, or printing on paper. (mulberry tree), rags, old fish nettings”.
a) Latin word “documentum”,means “lesson, or
b) French word “docere”, means to teach. PEN -. A tool for writing or drawing with
QUESTIONED. Any material which some issue has been a colored fluid, such as ink.
raised or which is under scrutiny. PEN NIBS - The tow divisions or points which from the
QUESTIONED DOCUMENT. One in which the facts writing portion of a pen are its nibs.
appearing therein may not be true, and are contested either
in whole or part with respect to its authenticity, identity, or A. REED PENS/SWAMP REED
origin. It was the first writing tool that had the writing end
DISPUTED DOCUMENT. A term suggesting that there is slightly frayed like a brush.
an argument or controversy over the document, and strictly
speaking this is true meaning. B. QUILL PEN
STANDARD (STANDARD DOCUMENT) - Are condensed Can be made from the outer wing feathers of any
and compact sets of authentic specimens which, if bird, those of goose, swan, crow and (later) turkey, were
adequate and proper, should contain a cross section of the preferred. Was made by the Spanish Theologian ST.
material from a known source. ISIDORE OF SEVILLE,
EXEMPLAR. A term used by some document examiners
and attorneys to characterize known material. Standard is C. STEEL POINT PENS (BRAZEN PENS)
the older term. "BRAZEN PENS" - JUAN DE YCIAR
HOLOGRAPHIC DOCUMENT. Any document completely The first patented steel pen point was made by
written and signed by one person; also known as a the English engineer BRYAN DONKIN
organized by the document examiner to assist him in LEWIS WATERMAN, patented the first practical
answering special questions. Reference collections of FOUNTAIN PEN containing its own ink reservoir.
typewriting, check writing specimens, inks, pens, pencils,
and papers are frequently maintained. E. BALL POINT PEN:
JOHN LOUD, patented the first ball point
B. KINDS OF DOCUMENT: writing tool.
1. PUBLIC DOCUMENT - notarized by a notary public or
competent public official with solemnities F. FIBER TIP PENS -
2. OFFICIAL DOCUMENT - issued by the government or The first practical fiber tip pen was
its agents or its officers having the authority to do invented by YUKIO HORIE
so and the offices, which in accordance with their
creation, they are authorized to issue and be issued in the G. Felt-tip markers
performance of their duties. are made of dense natural or artificial
3. PRIVATE DOCUMENT -executed by a private person fibers impregnated with a dye.
without the intervention of a notary public or of any
person legally authorized, by which documents, INKS:
some disposition or agreement is INK - is a fluid or viscous marking material used for writing
proved, evidenced or set forth. or printing.
4. COMMERCIAL DOCUMENT - executed in accordance
with the Code of Commerce or any Mercantile Law, 1. India inks –oldest form of ink.
containing disposition of commercial rights or 2. Iron gallo-tannate ink – is made of gallo tannic acid from
obligations. the gall nuts.
3. Logwood ink – Ink containing potassium chromate in
4. Indelible ink. This ink is rarely used in paper because of
PAPER: its permanent heavy ink that penetrates the paper and
⮚ PAPYRUS - people of Egypt. Palestine, Syria, and cannot be removed at all.
Southern Europe used the pith (soft spongy tissue of the 5. Copying inks – similar to writing inks in composition, but
stem) of the sedge (grass-like herb) CYPERUS PAPYRUS in addition contain small amounts of glycerin or sugar.
to make a writing material known as PAPYRUS. 6. Secret ink or the invisible inks – ink used by spy
⮚ PARCHMENT - writing material made from skin of organizations in sending messages
animals primarily of sheep, calves or goats. 7. Water Resistant Writing and Drawing Inks – These inks
are special group of dyestuff inks.
⮚ VELLUM - writing materials from fine skins from young
B. Comparison - Properties or characteristics of the
ALPHABET: unknown determined thought analysis are now
compared with the familiar or recorded properties of known
1. Iconographs – The first form of written communication items.
graphically represented by arranged objects and drawing C. Evaluation- Similarities or dissimilarities in properties or
on the walls of caves and big stones characteristics will each have a certain value for
2. Ideographs – are simple drawings such as sticks figures identification, determined by its likelihood of occurrence.
3. Pictographic writing – an early system of writing used D. Verification - it is the process of double checking the
pictures to represent. accuracy and correctness of the examination usually
4. Hieroglyphics – represents symbols and forms. conducted by other experts in the said field.
5. Cuneiform - Considered as the oldest form of writing.
“The first Latin alphabet consists of 21 Greek letters from
the Etruscan alphabet. After 600 years of changes the STANDARD - They are known writings, which indicate how
Roman alphabet was established In the first century BC a person writes
two more Greek symbols were added (“Y” and “Z”). Three EXEMPLARS - Specimens of the writing of suspects.
Latin letters were also added (“U”, “W”, and “J”) bringing SAMPLE - A selected representative portion of the whole.
the total to the current 26 letters of the Roman Alphabet”.
1. HOLOGRAPHIC WILL - will entirely written in the 1. Collected Standards are KNOWN (genuine) handwriting
handwriting of the testator of an individual such as signature and endorsements on
2. NOTARIAL WILL - signed by the testator before a notary canceled checks, legal papers letters, commercial, official,
public with 3 witnesses. public and private documents.
2. Request standards are signature or other handwritings
Technical Terms written by an individual upon request.
a. ADDITION - Any matter made a part of the document 3. Post Litem Motam Exemplars - writings produced by the
after its original preparation. subject after evidential writings have come into dispute.
b. CONCLUSION - A scientific conclusion results form
relating observed facts by logical, common- sense HOW TO PREPARE AND COLLECT HANDWRITING
reasoning in accordance with established rules or laws. STANDARDS?
the details and elements of documents in order to identify B. SIMILARLY OF SUBJECT MATTER.
their source or to discover other facts concerning them. C. RELATIVE DATES
d. ERASURE - The removal of writings. D. CONDITION UNDER WHICH BOTH THE
e. EXAMINATION - It is the act of making a close and QUESTIONED AND THE STANDARD ARE PREPARED.
critical study of any material and with questioned E. WRITING INSTRUMENT AND PAPER.
witness who by reason of his special training or experience
is permitted to express an opinion regarding the issue HANDWRITING - It is the result of a very complicated
g. INSERTION OR INTERLINEATION - include the series of facts, being used as a whole, a combination of
addition certain forms of visible mental and muscular habits
of writing and other material between lines or paragraphs acquired by long, continued painstaking effort. Some
or the addition of the whole page to a document. defined handwriting as “visible speech.”
h. NON-IDENTIFICATION (Non-identity) – as used in this I. KINDS OF WRITINGS:
text it means that the source or authorship of the compared A. Cursive –writing in which one letter is joined to the next.
questions and standard specimens is different. B. Script – separated or printed writing.
i. OBLITERATION - the blotting out or shearing over the C. BLOCK – all CAPITAL LETTERS.
writing to make the original invisible to as an addition.
j. OPINION. it refers to the document Examiners 1. extensor muscles - push up the pen to form the upward
conclusion. strokes
k. QUALIFICATION. The professional experience, 2. flex muscles which push the pen to form the downward
education, and ability of a document examiner strokes.

SCIENTIFIC METHOD IN QUESTIONED DOCUMENT 1. Form – This refers to the shape or design of the
EXAMINATION individual letters.
ACE-V Methodology is the scientific method in the 2. Slope or Slant – It is an angle or inclination of the axis of
identification of questioned documents especially in the letters relative to the baseline.
identification of handwriting. 3. Size – Size as a writing characteristic is somewhat
A. Analysis (Recognition) - properties or characteristics, divergent under varying conditions
observed or measured.
4. Proportion – refers to the relative height of one letter to 10. Hook or Through – the bend, crook or curve on the
another letter. inner side of the bottom loop or curve of small letters.
5. Ratio – is the relationship between the tall and short 11. Hump – the rounded outside of the bend, crook, or
letters. curve in small letters.
16. Space Filler or Terminal Spur – an upward horizontal or
6. Connecting Strokes – this refers to the strokes of links downward final stroke usually seen in small letters.
that connects a letter with the onefollowing. 17. Retrace or Retracing – a stroke that goes back over
7. Initial Strokes – it is the beginning strokes of a letter. another writing stroke.
8. Terminal Strokes – it is the ending strokes of a letter. 18. Retouching or Patching – a stroke that goes back to
9. Pen-Lift – It is an interruption in a stroke caused by repair a defective portion of writing.
removing the pen from the paper. 19. ASCENDER - is the top portion of a letter or upper
10. Hiatus – It is a gap between strokes due to speed in loop. 20. DESCENDER - opposite of ascender, the lower
writing or defective writing instruments. portion of a letter.
11. Lateral Spacing – It is the distance of a letter in a word 21. BOWL - a fully rounded oval or circular form on a letter
or of words in a sentence. complete into "O".
12. Shading – It is the widening of the ink strokes with 22. Staff – backspace of a letter.
increased pressure on the paper surface. 23. Baseline – rules of the imaginary line where the writing
13. Line Quality – It is the visible records in the written rest.
stroke of the basic movement and manner of 24. Copybook Form – design of letter, which is fundamental
holding the writing instrument. to a writing system.
14. Alignment – It is the relation of the parts of the whole 25. Pen Emphasis – it is the periodic increased in pressure
line of writing or line of individual letters in words or of intermittently forcing the pen against the paper surface
signature to the baseline. with increase pressure.
15. Rhythm – It is the balance quality of movements of the
harmonious recurrence of stress or impulse. Writing Habits - Writing by all its thousand peculiarities in
16. Writing Skill – is the relative degree of ability of a combination is the most personal and individual thing that a
writer’s proficiency. man does that leaves a record which can be seen and
17. Pen pressure – It is the average force in which the pen studied.
contacts the paper.
18. Tremor – it is a deviation from uniform strokes due to A. GENERAL(CLASS) CHARACTERISTICS - These
lack of smoothness perfectly apparent even characteristics refer to those habits that are part of the
without magnification. basic writing system or which are modifications of the
⮚ Vertical Tremor – is the involuntary up and system of
down movements or changing pressure which produces a writing found among so large a group of writers that have
line of varying width or intensity as the pressure is suddenly only slight identification value.
increased or diminished. B. INDIVIDUAL CHARACTERISTICS - They are
19. Natural Variation – it is due to a lack of machine-like characteristics which are the result of the writer's muscular
precision of the human hand. control, coordination, age, health, and nervous
20. Rubric or Embellishment – It is the additional, temperament, frequency of writing, personality and
unnecessary strokes, not necessary to legibility of character.
letter forms or writings but incorporated in writing for a. Loose writing - this is characterized by too much
decorative or ornamental purposes. freedom of movement and lack of regulation. This is
noticed especially in tall letters forms.
Common Terms and Description of Letters b. Restrained writing - there is lack of freedom and inhibited
movements. It gives you the impression that every stroke
1. Arc or Arch – any arcade form in the body of the letter. was made with great difficulty. This writing is small.
2. Beard – a rudimentary curved initial strokes.
3. Blunt Ending or Beginning – results of the drawing
process in forgery.
4. Buckle Knot – the horizontal and looped strokes that are
often used to complete such letters.
5. Central Part of the Body – the part of a letter ordinarily
formed by a small circle that usually lies on the line of
6. Eye loop or Eye let – the small loop formed by strokes
that extend in divergent direction.
7. Foot of the Letter or Oval – the lower portion of any
down stroke which terminated on the baseline.
8. Diacritic – an element added to complete certain letters.
9. Hitch – the introductory backward strokes added to the
beginning or ending of capital or small letters.

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