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IT312- Networking 2

Chapter 3- Routing and Switching – Network Switching

Network Switching

Switching is process to forward packets coming in from one port to a port leading towards the destination.
When data comes on a port it is called ingress, and when data leaves a port or goes out it is called egress.
A communication system may include number of switches and nodes.

Fig. A typical Network Packet

Two major categories of Network Switching

 Connectionless: The data is forwarded on behalf of forwarding tables. No previous handshaking
is required and acknowledgements are optional.
Handshaking is the process that establishes communication between two networking
devices. For example, when two computers first connect with each other through modems,
the handshaking process determines which protocols, speeds, compression, and error-
correction schemes will be used during the communication session.

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IT312- Networking 2
Chapter 3- Routing and Switching – Network Switching

 Connection Oriented: Before switching data to be forwarded to destination, there is a need to

pre-establish circuit along the path between both endpoints. Data is then forwarded on that
circuit. After the transfer is completed, circuits can be kept for future use or can be turned down

Circuit Switching
A circuit-switched network is one of the simplest data communication methods in which a
dedicated path is established between the sending and receiving device. In this physical links connect via
a set of switches.

When two nodes communicate with each other over a dedicated communication path, it is called
circuit switching. There 'is a need of pre-specified route from which data will travels and no other data is
permitted. In circuit switching, to transfer the data, circuit must be established so that the data transfer
can take place.

Following figure displays the working of circuit switched network.

In the above figure it shows a circuit switched network in which computer connect via 4 switches
with a point to point connections.

Circuits can be permanent or temporary. Applications which use circuit switching may have to
go through three phases:

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IT312- Networking 2
Chapter 3- Routing and Switching – Network Switching

1. Establish a circuit
2. Transfer the data
3. Disconnect the circuit

A. Circuit switching was designed for voice applications.

Telephone is the best suitable example of circuit
switching. Before a user can make a call, a virtual path
between caller and receiver is established over the

Examples of where circuit switching is used include the following:

1. Continuous connections. Circuit switching is used for connections that must be continuous
for long periods of time, such as long-distance communication. Traditional telephone systems
-- i.e., landlines -- are an example of a technology that uses circuit switching.
2. Dial-up network connections. When computers connect to the internet via a dial-up service,
it uses the public switched network. With dial-up, Internet Protocol (IP) data packets are
carried over a circuit-switched telephone network.
3. Optical circuit switching. Data center networks also use circuit switching. Optical circuit
switching is used to scale traditional data centers and meet growing bandwidth requirements.

Phases of circuit switching

1. Connection establishment. Also called call Setup Phase, this phase establishes a
dedicated circuit between two communicating endpoints. The parties send a message back
and forth acknowledging the established connection. There are usually intermediate links or
switches between the two parties.

2. Data transfer. Data -- usually voice -- is transmitted from the source to the destination. The
connection remains intact for the length of the interaction.

3. Connection relinquishment. This is also called the teardown phase. At the end of the
interaction, one of the two endpoints sends a message initiating a disconnection. The
communication path, including the intermediate links, is terminated.

Advantages of Circuit Switching:

1. A committed transmission channel is established between the computers which give a
guaranteed data rate.
2. There is no delay in data flow because of the dedicated transmission path.

Disadvantages of Circuit Switching:

1. It takes a long time to establish a connection.
2. More bandwidth is required in setting up dedicated channels.
3. It cannot be used to transmit any other data even if the channel is free as the connection is
dedicated to circuit switching.

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IT312- Networking 2
Chapter 3- Routing and Switching – Network Switching

B. Packet Switching

In the Packet switching Network, the message is divide into packets. Each packet
contains a header which includes the source address, destination address, and control

Packet switching enhances line efficiency as packets from multiple applications can be
multiplexed over the carrier. The internet uses packet switching technique. Packet switching
enables the user to differentiate data streams based on priorities. Packets are stored and forwarded
according to their priority to provide quality of service.

In the above figure, it shows how a data gram approach is used to deliver four packets from
station A to station D.

Advantages of Packet switching

 As packets contain maximum length, they can be stored in the main memory itself and not disk.
This reduces access delay. Moreover packet size is fixed and hence network will have improved
delay characteristics as no long messages are available in the queue.
 As switching devices do not require massive secondary storage, costs are minimized to great
extent. Hence packet switching is very cost effective technique.
 Packets are rerouted in case of any problems (e.g. busy links or disabled links). This ensures
reliable communication.
 It is more efficient for data transmission as it does not require path to be established between the
sender and receiver and data are transmitted immediately.
 Many users can share the same channel simultaneously. Hence packet switching makes use of
available bandwidth efficiently.
 With improved protocols, packet switching is widely used for video and voice calls using
applications such as WhatsApp, Skype, Google Talk etc.
 Due to competition among telecom carriers and availability of latest wireless standards such as
LTE, LTE-Advanced packet switching is widely used by internet users.

Disadvantages of Packet switching

 Packet switching network cannot be used in applications requiring very little delay and higher
quality of service e.g. reliable voice calls.
 Protocols used in the packet switching are complex and require high initial implementation costs.
 If the network becomes overloaded, packets are delayed or discarded or dropped. This leads to
retransmission of lost packets by the sender. This often leads to loss of critical information if
errors are not recovered.

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Chapter 3- Routing and Switching – Network Switching

 It is not secured if security protocols (e.g. IPsec) are not used during packet transmission.

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Chapter 3- Routing and Switching – Network Switching

C. Circuit Switching Vs. Packet Switching

S.No Parameter Circuit switching Network Packet switching Network

1 Path In circuit switched network a In packet switched network no

dedicated path is created dedicated path is created
between two points by setting between two points. Only the
the switches. virtual circuit exists.

2 Store and In circuit switching there is no In virtual packet switched

forward concept of store and forward network, each node may store
transmission transmission. incoming packets and forward
them after use.

3 Dedicated The links that make a path in In the virtual circuit network,
circuit switched network are links that make a route can be
dedicated and cannot be dedicated with other
used for other connections. connections.

4 Availability of In circuit switching, bandwidth In the virtual circuit network,

Bandwidth is fixed because it is reserved require bandwidth is dynamic
in advance. because it can be released as
it is needed.

5 The route The route followed by The route followed by packets

followed by packets is always the same. is may or may not be different.

6 Call setup An in-circuit switching call In packet switching, call setup

setup is required. is not required.

7 Congestion In circuit switching, In packet switching,

congestion can occur at set congestion can occur on every
up time. packet.

8 Wastage of In circuit switching, bandwidth Other packets from an

Bandwidth is fixed, unused bandwidth on unrelated source may utilize
an allocated circuit is wasted. unused bandwidth.

9 Charging In circuit switching, users are In packet switching, users are

charged based on time and charged based on time and
the basis of distance. number of bytes carried & not
based on distance.

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Chapter 3- Routing and Switching – Network Switching

10 Application Telephone network for Internet for datagram and

bidirectional, real time reliable stream service
transfer of voice signal. between computers.

11 Layers Circuit-switched network is A virtual circuit network is

implemented at the physical implemented at the data link
layer. and a network layer.

12 Reliability Circuit-switched is highly In packet switching, low

reliable. reliability, subject to

13 Overhead In Circuit-switched network, In packet switching, Overhead

bits no overhead bits after call bits in each packet.

14 Technologies Circuit switching using two Packet Switching using two

or types technologies technologies
Time Division Switching Datagram circuit approach
Space Division Switching Virtual circuit Approach

15 Installation Circuit switching's initial cost Packet switching networks

Cost is low. have high installation costs.

16 Protocols Circuit switching requires Packet switching requires

simple protocols for delivery. complex protocols for delivery.

17 Addressing In Circuit switching, In Packet switching,

scheme Hierarchical numbering plan Hierarchical address space is
scheme is used. used.

18 End Terminal In this telephone and modem In this computer is used as

is used as end terminal. end terminal.

19 Information In this information type is In this information type is

type Analog voice or PCM digital binary information.

20 Multiplexing In circuit switching, circuit In packet switching, packet

scheme multiplexing is used. multiplexing shared media
access network in used.

21 Routing In circuit switching, route In packet switching, each

Scheme selecting during set up. packet is routed

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