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Bme 2022

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Sl. Course Programme Code Credits
No. Code Course Title L:T:P C
1 21BM3031 Advanced Medical Image Processing 3:0:0 3
2 22BM2001 Biosignal Processing 3:0:0 3
3 22BM2002 Medical Ethics and Standards 2:0:0 2
4 22BM2003 Hospital Management 3:0:0 3
5 22BM2004 Modelling of Physiological Systems 3:0:0 3
6 22BM2005 Biomedical Instrumentation Laboratory 0:0:3 1.5
7 22BM2006 Biomaterials and Artificial Organs 3:0:0 3
8 22BM2007 Control System for Biomedical Engineers 3:0:0 3
9 22BM2008 Introduction to Biomedical Engineering 3:0:0 3
Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
10 22BM2009 0:0:2 1
11 22BM2010 Embedded System Laboratory for Biomedical Applications 0:0:3 1.5
12 22BM2011 Signal Conditioning Circuits 3:0:0 3
13 22BM2012 Microprocessor and Microcontroller 3:0:0 3
14 22BM2013 Electron Devices and Circuits 3:0:0 3
15 22BM2014 Signals and Systems for Biomedical Engineers 3:0:0 3
16 22BM2015 Medical Imaging Techniques 3:0:0 3
17 22BM2016 Electrical Circuit Analysis 3:1:0 4
18 22BM2017 Image Processing for Medical Applications 3:0:0 3
19 22BM2018 Image Processing Laboratory for Medical Applications 0:0:3 1.5
20 22BM2019 Human Anatomy and Physiology 3:0:0 3
21 22BM2020 Biology for Engineers 3:0:0 3
22 22BM2021 Biomedical Sensors 3:0:0 3
23 22BM2022 Medical Internet of Things 3:0:0 3
24 22BM2023 Signals Conditioning Circuits Laboratory 0:0:2 1
25 22BM2024 Biomedical Sensors and Transducers Laboratory 0:0:2 1
26 22BM2025 Digital Electronics 3:0:0 3
27 22BM2026 Medical Diagnostics and Therapeutic Equipment I 3:0:0 3
28 22BM2027 Medical Diagnostics and Therapeutic Equipment II 3:0:0 3
29 22BM2028 Virtual Instrumentation for Biomedical Engineers 3:0:2 4
30 22BM2029 Electrical and Electronics for Biomedical Engineers 3:1:0 4
31 22BM2030 Ergonomics and Sports Mechanics 3:0:0 3
32 22BM2031 3D Printing 3:0:0 3

Course code L T P C
21BM3031 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
Enable the student to:
1. Know the concepts of medical image processing and filtering techniques
2. Learn about the Segmentation techniques used in Medical image processing
3. Understand the applications of medical image processing for Diagnosis.
Course Outcomes:
The student will be able to:
1. Summarize the concepts of digital image processing techniques.
2. Identify the noise and apply filters for medical image applications


3. Determine the restoration for medical images.
4. Implement segmentation and evaluation techniques.
5. Apply the Featuring engineering on medical images.
6. Develop systems for medical image processing and analysis for diagnosis
Components of Digital Image Processing, Sampling and Quantisation, CAD System, Various Modalities
of Medical Imaging, Image Enhancement, Other Modalities of Medical Imaging
Sources of Noise and Filters used for Noise Reduction, Spatial Domain Filters, Frequency Domain
Filters, Practical Results with case studies.
Image Restoration, Degradation Model, Estimation of Degradation Function, Blur Model, Medical
Image Restoration, Blur Identification, Super – Resolution Method, Application of Image Restoration.
Image Segmentation: Broad Classification and Applications, Points Detection, Line Detection, Edge
Detection Methods, Thresholding and Edge Thinning, Histogram – Based Image Segmentation,
Segmentation using Split and Merge Method, Region Growing Method, Watershed Method, k- Means
Clustering Method, Self – similar Fractal Method, Topological Derivate- Based segmentation,
Comparison of Segmentation Methods. Systematic Evaluation and Validation.
Selection of Features, Shape Related Features, Fourier Descriptors, Texture analysis, Breast Tissue
Detection, Analysis of Tissue Structure.
Module: 6 Applications of AI in Medical Imaging 8 Hours
MR brain image classification, Mammogram image segmentation, Image enhancement in retinal images,
Medical image compression, Histopathological blood cell image analysis, Nodule detection in lung
images, Cancer detection in skin images.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Sinha G. R, Patel, B. C.(2014).Medical Image Processing: Concepts and Applications(1st ed.).
Prentice Hall.
2. Rangayyan R M.(2005).Biomedical Image Analysis(5th ed.).CRC Press.
Reference Books
1. Gonzalez R C, Woods R E.(2018).Digital Image Processing ( 4th ed.). Pearson.
2. Kayvan Najarian, Robert Splinter.(2014).Biomedical Signal and Image Processing (2nd ed.).CRC
3. Thomas Martin Deserno (2014). Biomedical Image Processing. Springer.
4. Guorong Wu, Dinggang Shen, Mert Sabuncu.(2016). Machine Learning and Medical Imaging (1st
ed.).Elsevier .
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 18th December 2021


22BM2001 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
To impart knowledge on
1. Signal processing fundamentals.
2. Filter design and its applications.
3. Analyzing biosignals using biosignal processing methods


Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
1. Describe the fundamentals of signal processing
2. Identify the effect of IIR Digital filter design
3. Illustrate the various applications of IIR filter
4. Discuss about the FIR Filter design and applications
5. Interpret the various methods to analyze biosignals
6. Explain the biosignal processing concepts for real time applications
Module: 1 Fundamentals of Signal Processing 7 Hours
Sampling and aliasing, simple signal conversion systems,Spectral analysis, FFT -decimation in time
algorithm, Decimation in Frequency algorithm, Different types of bioelectric signals and its basic
Module: 2 IIR Digital Filter Design 8 Hours
Impulse invariant method, Bilinear transformation method, Design of bilinear transformation method
using Butterworth and Chebyshev techniques, Design of impulse invariant method using Butterworth
and Chebyshev techniques
Module: 3 IIR Digital Filter Applications 7 Hours
Warping and pre-warping effect, frequency transformation, Frequency domain filters- Introduction to
adaptive filters – Removal of Artifacts in ECG, Maternal – Fetal ECG
Module: 4 FIR Digital Filter Design and Its Applications 8 Hours
Characteristics of FIR filter, FIR filter design using windowing techniques- Rectangular, Hamming,
Hanning and Blackmann windows, Time domain filters- synchronized averaging, moving average filters
Module: 5 Analysis of Biosignals 7 Hours
P-wave detection, QRS complex detection-derivative based method, Pan Tompkins algorithm, Template
matching method, Signal averaged ECG, Analysis of heart rate variability-time domain method and
frequency domain methods, Synchronized averaging of PCG envelopes, Envelogram, analysis of PCG
signal, EMG signal analysis.
Module: 6 Case studies in BSP 8 Hours
ECG rhythm analysis, normal and ectopic ECG beats, analysis of exercise ECG, Analysis of respiration,
spectral analysis of EEG signals, Case studies- in ECG and PCG, PCG and carotid pulse, ECG and Atrial
Electrogram, Cardio respiratory interaction, EMG and Vibromyogram (VMG).
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Rangaraj.M.Rangayyan, “Biomedical signal processing”, Wiley-IEEE press, 2nd Edition, 2015.
2. S.Salivahnan, C.Gnanapriya, “Digital signal processing”, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2nd
Edition, 2011.
Reference Books
1. John G. Proakis and DimitrisG.Manolakis, “Digital signal processing, algorithms and
applications”, PHI of India Ltd., New Delhi, 4th Edition, 2007.
2. Reddy D.C, “Biomedical signal processing: Principles and techniques”, Tata McGraw-Hill, New
Delhi, 2nd Edition, 2005.
3. Eugene N. Bruce, “Biomedical Signal Processing and Signal Modeling” 1st Edition, 2001.
4. Anke Meyer-Baese, Fabian J. Theis, “Biomedical Signal Analysis: Contemporary Methods and
Applications” The MIT Press Cambridge, 2010.
5. Varun Bajaj, G.R.Sinha, Chinmay Chakraborty “Biomedical Signal Processing for Healthcare
Applications” CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group 2022.
6. Jose Maria Giron-Sierra “Digital Signal Processing with MATLAB Examples” Springer Nature
Singapore, 2017.
Recommended by Board of Studies


Approved by Academic Council 24th September 2022

22BM2002 2 0 0 2
Course Objective:
To impart knowledge on
1. Achieve familiarity with some basic ethical framework& understand how these ethical
frameworks can be helpful in medical ethics.
2. Know about the legal and ethical principles and application of these principles in health care
3. Gain knowledge about the medical standards followed in hospitals.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of course, students will be able to:
1. Identify the scope of medical ethics
2. Illustrate the concepts of ethical theories and moral principles for the healthcare providers.
3. Paraphrase the purpose of medical standards
4. Acquire knowledge about hospital accreditation standards
5. Summarize the importance of hospital safety standards
6. Recommend the suitable principles of medical equipment safety standards in hospitals
Module: 1 Introduction to Medical Ethics 7 Hours
Definition of Medical ethics, Medical Ethics Vs Bioethics, Scope of ethics in medicine, American
medical Association code of ethics, CMA code of ethics- Fundamental Responsibilities, The Doctor
and the Patient, The Doctorand the Profession, Professional Independence, The Doctor and Society.
Module: 2 Ethical Theories and Moral Principles 8 Hours
Theories-Deontology & Utilitarianism, Casuist theory, Virtue theory, The Right Theory. Principles Non-
Maleficence, Beneficence, Autonomy, Veracity, Justice. Autonomy & Confidentiality issues in medical
practice, Ethical Issues in biomedical research, Bioethical issues in Human Genetics & Reproductive
Module: 3 Medical Standards 7 Hours
Evolution of Medical Standards – IEEE 11073 - HL7 – DICOM – IRMA - LOINC – HIPPA –Electronics
Patient Records – Healthcare Standard Organizations - Evidence Based Medicine
Module: 4 Hospital Accreditation Standards 8 Hours
Accreditation - JCI Accreditation & its Policies – JCAHO (Join Commission on Accreditation of
Healthcare Organization) - JCIA (Joint Commission International Accreditation) , Patient centered
standards, Healthcare Organization management standards
Module: 5 Hospital Safety Standards 7 Hours
Life Safety Standards- Protecting Occupants, Protecting the Hospital From Fire, Smoke, and Heat,
Protecting Individuals From Fire and Smoke, Providing and Maintaining Fire Alarm Systems, Systems
for Extinguishing Fires Environment of Care Standards-Minimizing EC Risks, Smoking Prohibitions,
Managing Hazardous Material and Waste, Maintaining Fire Safety Equipment, Features, Testing,
Maintaining, and Inspecting Medical Equipment.
Module: 6 Medical Equipment Safety Standards 8 Hours
General requirements for basic safety & essential performance of medical equipment. IEC
60601standards- Base Standard-general requirement of electrical medical devices, Collateral Standards
EMC radiation protection &programmable medical device system, Particular Standards-type of medical
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books


1. Olinda Timms, “Biomedical Ethics”, Elsevier Pub, 2019
2. JohnnaFisher, “Biomedical Ethics: A Canadian Focus.” Oxford University Press Canada 2009.
3. Ben Mepham,”Bioethics-―An Introduction for the biosciences”,Oxford, 2008.
4. Domiel A Vallero, “Biomedical Ethics for Engineers”, Elsevier Pub.1st edition, 2007.
Reference Books
1. Joint Commission Accreditation Standards for Hospitals, 2nd edition 2003.
2. NilsHoppe and JoseMiola, “Medical law and Medical Ethics”, Cambridge University Press 2014.
3. R.S.Khandpur “Telemedicine Technology and Applications (mhealth, Telehealth and ehealth)”,
PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd, Delhi 2017.
4. Peter.A.Singer, A.M.Veins, “"The Cambridge Textbook of Bioethics”, Cambridge University
Press, United Kingdom, 2008
5. Mohan Bansal, “Medical informatics”, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Ltd, 2003
6. Richard Edmund Ashcroft, Angus Dawson, Heather Draper , John McMillan “Principles of Health
Care Ethics” 2nd Edition, Wiley, 2015.
7. Norbert Leitgeb “Safety of Electro-medical Devices Law – Risks – Opportunities” Springer Verlog,
8. Physical Environment Online: A Guide to The Joint Commissions Safety Standards, HCPro,
9. Robert M Veatch,” Basics of Bio Ethics”, Second Edition. Prentice- Hall,Inc, 2003
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 24th September 2022


22BM2003 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
To impart knowledge on
1. The need and significance of Clinical Engineering and Health Policies.
2. The training strategies, human resources and hospital design.
3. The information technology and needs of medical records.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
1. Identify the need for clinical engineering in healthcare system.
2. Summarize the use of various health policies.
3. Demonstrate how high quality training is delivered for technical staff.
4. Evaluate the hospital designing and disposal of medical waste.
5. Debate the needs of hospital information system
6. Apply the use of computer and information technology in medical data
Module: 1 Clinical Engineering 8 Hours
Clinical engineering program, Educational responsibilities, Role to be performed by them in
hospital, Staff structure in hospital. Classifications of hospital, scope of hospital.
Module: 2 National Health Policies 7 Hours
National health policy, Five year plans, Health organization in country, state, Projects, schemes,
Health education, Health insurance..
Module: 3 Training and Management of Human resources 8 Hours
Difference between hospital and industrial organization, Levels of training, Steps of training,
Developing Training program, Evaluation of training, Wages and salary, Employee appraisal
method. Human resource management in hospital.
Module: 4 Hospital Design 7 Hours


Pilot study, Hospital committee, selection of location, survey, hospital consultant, funds, policies,
license, scope for expansion, commissioning the hospital, waste disposal.
Module: 5 Hospital Information System 8 Hours
Structure, benefits, selection of software, modules in Hospital information system, Computer
integration, case study: IoT applications.
Module: 6 Computers and Information Technology 7 Hours
Computer application in ICU, Picture Archival System for Radiological images department, Clinical
laboratory administration, Patient data and medical records, communication.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. R.C. Goyal, D.K. Sharma, “Hospital Administration and Human Resource Management”, 6th
edition, Prentice Hall of India, 2013.
2. Joseph. F. Dyro, “Clinical Engineering Handbook”, 1st Edition, 2004. eBook ISBN:
Reference Books
1. Antony Kelly, “Strategic Maintenance planning Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann, 2006.
ISBN: 0750669950.
2. Azzam Taktak (Editor), Paul Ganney (Editor), David Long, Clinical Engineering: A
Handbook for Clinical and Biomedical Engineers 2nd Edition, 2019. ISBN: 0081026943.
3. Webster, J.G. and Albert M. Cook, “Clinical Engineering Principles and Practices”, Prentice
HallInc. Englewood Cliffs, 1979.
4 Cesar A. Caceres and Albert Zara, “The Practice of Clinical Engineering”, Academic Press,
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 24th September 2022


22BM2004 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
To impart knowledge on
1. Basic ideas related to modeling.
2. Different modelling techniques of physiological systems.
3. Various regulatory systems of the human body.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Analyze the concepts of modelling
2. Differentiate the dynamics and static characteristics of physiological systems
3. Assemble the various concepts in modelling of circulatory system
4. Design and perform the modelling for physio thermo regulatory systems
5. Create various models for human filtration system
6. Evaluate the mass-balance concept for biological system
Module: 1 Basics of physiological control systems 7 Hours
Systems Analysis, examples of physiological control systems, differences between engineering and
physiological control systems. Generalized system properties, mathematical approach, electrical
analogs, linear models, lung mechanics, muscle mechanics, distributed parameter versus lumped
parameter models
Module: 2 Analysis of Physiological Models 8 Hours
Static and dynamic analysis of physiological systems: regulation of cardiac output, blood glucose
regulation, chemical regulation of ventilation, electrical model of neural control mechanism


Module: 3 Modelling of Circulatory System 8 Hours
Circulatory System: Physical, chemical and rheological properties of blood, problems associated with
extra corporeal blood flow, dynamics of circulatory system.
Module: 4 Modelling of Regulatory System 8 Hours
Thermal Regulatory System: Parameters involved, Control system model etc. Biochemistry of
digestion, types of heat loss from body, models of heat transfer between subsystem of human body
like skin core, etc. and systems like within body, body, environment, etc.
Module: 5 Modelling of Filtration In Human Body 7 Hours
Ultra-Filtration System: Transport through cells and tubules, diffusion, facilitated diffusion and active
transport, methods of waste removal, counter current model of urine formation in nephron, Modeling
Henle’s loop.
Module: 6 Modelling and Regulation of Respiration 7 Hours
Respiratory System: Modelling oxygen uptake by RBC and pulmonary capillaries, Mass balancing by
lungs, Gas transport mechanisms of lungs, oxygen and carbon dioxide transport in blood and tissues.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Physiological Control Systems: Analysis , Simulation and Estimation -IEEE Press Series on
Biomedical Engineering, 2018.
2. David O Cooney, Biomedical Engineering Principles, Marcel Decker Pub. Co 2002.
Reference Books
1. John Enderly, Joseph Bronzino. Introduction to Biomedical Engineering. Third Edition,
Academic Press Series in Biomedical Engineering, 2012
2. Willian B.Blesser, “A System Approach to Biomedicine”, McGraw Hill Book Co., New York,
3. Manfreo Clynes and John H.Milsum, “Biomedical Engineering System”, McGraw Hill and Co.,
New York , 2001
4. Richard Skalak and ShuChien, “Hand Book of Biomedical Engineering”, McGraw Hill and Co.
New York, 1998
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 24th September 2022


22BM2005 0 0 3 1.5
Course Objective:
To impart knowledge on
1. Measurements and monitoring of physiological parameters.
2. Recording of bio signals.
3. Analysis of various physiological parameters
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
1. Illustrate the working procedure of medical instruments.
2. Identify the suitability of diagnostic and therapeutic equipment for specific applications.
3. Analyze the performance of various biomedical equipment and infer their safety aspects.
4. Apply appropriate measurement techniques.
5. Design portable instruments capable of recording bio signals.
6. Evaluate the performance of medical instruments.
List of Experiments:
1. Real time acquisition of ECG and its analysis


2. Analysis of EEG signal using 10-20 electrode system
3. EMG signal acquisition and Analysis
4. Audiometer
5. Dialyzer and Heart lung machine
6. Spirometer
8. Real time patient monitoring system
9. Defibrillator – Study
10. Calculation of flow rate using Infusion and Syringe Pump
11. Analysis of multi physiological parameters using Polyrite
12. Pacemaker Simulator
13. Electrical Safety Analyzer
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 24th September 2022


22BM2006 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
To impart knowledge on
1. Learn the Concepts, Classification, Properties, and Structural variations in biomaterials.
2. Understand the testing of implants and cell-interfacing materials.
3. Know the applications of biomaterials in Artificial Organs and their development.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Identify the structural variations in biomaterials.
2. Determine the various properties of biomaterials.
3. Analyse the methods for testing implants
4. Recall the cell-biomaterial interactions for constructing artificial organs.
5. Assess the Interfacing materials and ethical implications.
6. Apply the biomaterials in healthcare sectors.
Module: 1 Structural Variations in Biomaterials 7 Hours
Definition, classification and properties of bio-materials, Surface, bulk, mechanical and biological.
Types of biomaterials; Biological response to biomaterials; Crystal structure of metals; Crystal structure
of ceramics; Carbon based materials; General structure of polymers; Synthesis of polymers. Bending
properties; Time dependent properties – creep properties of polymers; Influence of porosity and the
degradation of mechanical properties; Introduction to fatigue.
Module: 2 Properties of Biomaterials 8 Hours
Wound-healing and blood compatibility. Surface modification of biomaterials – plasma treatment,
radiation grafting, self-assembled monolayers (SAMs), Langmuir – Blogett films and covalent
biological coatings; Protein properties that affect biomaterial surface interaction; biomaterial surface
interaction that affect interactions with proteins; Protein adsorption kinetics; DLVO model for cell
adhesion; Assays to determine the effects of cell-material interactions – agar diffusion assay, adhesion
assays and migration assays.
Module: 3 Biocompatibility 8 Hours
Biocompatibility–Toxicology, Biocompatibility, Mechanical and Performance Requirements,
Regulation. Biomaterials associated infection. Cytocompatibility evaluation laboratory, Tissue
compatibility evaluation laboratory, Hemocompatibility evaluation laboratory, Sterility evaluation
laboratory, Histopathology evaluation laboratory, Physiochemical evaluation laboratory.


Module: 4 Implantation 8 Hours
In vitro assays for inflammatory response due to biomaterial implantation; Fibrous encapsulation of
healing process; Ideal features of soft tissue implants; Metallic Implant materials, Polymeric Implant
materials, Tissue replacement materials-soft, hard and blood interfacing materials.
Module: 5 Oxygenators &Audiometer 7 Hours
Heart, heart valves, oxygenators - bubble, film oxygenators and membrane oxygenators. Gas flow rate
and area for membrane oxygenators -air conduction, bone conduction, masking, functional diagram of
an audiometer.
Module: 6 Dialysers& Lung Devices 7 Hours
Dialysers - Haemodialysis: flat plate type, coil type and hollow fiber. Haemodialysis Machine, Portable
kidney machine - Brief of lungs gaseous exchange / transport, artificial heart - Lung devices,
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. John B.Park Joseph D. Bronzino, “Biomaterials - Principles and Applications” CRC Press, 4th
edition, 2003.
Reference Books
1. Buddy D. Ratner, Allan S. Hoffman, Frederick J. Schoen, Jack E. Lemons. An Introduction to
Materials in Medicine. Academic Press. USA, 2012.
2. L Hench J. Jones, “Biomaterials, Artificial Organs and Tissue Engineering”, Woodhead Publishing,
3. Michael Lysaght and Thomas Webster, “Biomaterials for Artificial Organs”, Woodhead Publishing
series , 2010
4. Rajendran V. and Marikani A., Materials Science, Tata McGraw Hill Pub. Company Ltd., New
Delhi, 2004
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 24th September 2022


22BM2007 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
To impart knowledge on
1. Bio control systems modelling technique.
2. Time response analysis and frequency response analysis.
3. Analyze biological control systems.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
1. Represent the system in various forms.
2. Interpret the response of the system in time domain.
3. Analyze the frequency response of any system
4. Examine the stability of the system.
5. Compute the mathematical model of physiological systems.
6. Summarize the features of physiological system.
Module: 1 Engineering Control Systems 7 Hours
Basic structure of control system, Positive and Negative Feedback, transfer functions, modeling of
electrical systems, block diagram and signal flow graph representation of systems- MatLab Programs
Module: 2 Time Domain Analysis 8 Hours
Introduction to simulation, Step response of first order and second order systems, determination of time
domain specifications of first and second order systems. Definition of steady state error constants and its
computation- MatLab Programs


Module: 3 Frequency Domain Analysis 8 Hours
Frequency response, determination of gain margin and phase margin using Bode plot, use of Nichol’s
chart to compute resonant frequency and band width- MatLab Programs
Module: 4 Stability Analysis 8 Hours
Definition of stability, Routh-Hurwitz criteria of stability, construction of root locus, Nyquist stability
criterion, Nyquist plot and determination of closed loop stability- MatLab Programs
Module: 5 Physiological Control Systems 7 Hours
Difference between engineering and physiological control systems, generalized system properties,
models with combination of system elements. Physiological system modeling, linear model of
respiratory mechanics.
Module: 6 Modelling of Physiological systems 7 Hours
Mathematical Model of chemical regulation of ventilation, linear model of muscle mechanics, model of
regulation of cardiac output, model of Neuromuscular reflex motion.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Michael. C. K. Khoo, “Physiological control systems- Analysis, Simulation and Estimation”, IEEE
press, Prentice –Hall of India, 2018
2. Benjamin C. Kuo, ”Automatic control systems” McGraw-Hill Education, 10th edition 2017
Reference Books
1. M. Gopal “Control Systems Principles and design”, Tata McGraw Hill ,2002, 2009
2. John Enderle, Susan Blanchard, Joseph Bronzino, “Introduction to Biomedical Engineering”,
Third Edition, Academic Press, 2005.
3. Richard C. Dorf, Robert H. Bishop,” Modern control systems”, Pearson, 2011.
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 24th September 2022


22BM2008 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
To impart knowledge on
1. The field of biomedical engineering and role of biomedical engineers in society.
2. The principles of various diagnostic, therapeutic equipment.
3. The some basic ethical framework and medical standards to be followed in hospitals.
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Interpret the role of biomedical engineering in society
2. Demonstrate the principles of various diagnostic devices.
3. Identify the various techniques used in diagnosis though imaging.
4. Describe the working principles of various therapeutic and assist devices.
5. Outline device specific safety goals and standards.
6. Illustrate the concepts of ethical theories and moral principles for the health professions.
Module: 1 Introduction 7 Hours
Historical Perspective-Evolution of modern healthcare system-Modern Healthcare system-Role of
Biomedical engineers in various domain -Recent advances in Biomedical Engineering-Professional
status of biomedical engineering-Professional Societies for Biomedical Engineering.
Module: 2 Fundamentals of Medical Instrumentation 8 Hours
Anatomy and Physiology – Sources of biomedical signals- basic medical instrumentation system-
Performance requirements –Intelligent Medical Instrumentation Systems - PC based Medical


Instruments - General constraints in design of medical instruments.
Module: 3 Diagnostic Imaging 8 Hours
X-rays, Nuclear Medical Imaging-Positron Emission Tomography-Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Scanners-Diagnostic Ultrasound- Thermal imaging systems.
Module: 4 Introduction to Biomedical Equipment 8 Hours
ECG – EEG - Cardiac Pacemakers - Cardiac Defibrillators – Haemodialysis Machines-Artificial
Kidney-Dialyzers- Ventilators-Humidifiers, Nebulizers and Aspirators- Anaesthesia Machine.
Module: 5 Medical Safety Standards 7 Hours
Medical standards and regulations – Institutional Review Boards – Good Laboratory Practices -Good
Manufacturing Practices -Human factors.
Module: 6 Ethical Practices in Health Care 7 Hours
Morality and Ethics-A Definition of terms,Human Experimentation-Ethical issues in feasibility studies,
Ethical issues in emergency use, Ethical issues in treatment use-Codes of ethics for bio engineers.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Enderle, John D, Bronzino, Joseph D, Blanchard, Susan M- Introduction to Biomedical
Engineering-Elsevier Inc 3rdedition,2012
2. R. S. Khandpur, Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
Limited 3rd edition , 2014.
Reference Books
1. Leslie Cromwell, Fred J. Weibell, Erich A. Pfeiffer, Biomedical Instrumentation and
Measurement, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi,2nd edition, 2011.
2. John G Webster, Medical Instrumentation: Application and Design, John Wiley and sons, New
3. Joseph. J Carr, John M Brown, Introduction to Biomedical Equipment Technology, John Wiley&
Sons, New York,4th edition, 2001.
4. Norbert Leitgeb “Safety of Electro-medical Devices –Risks Opportunities” Springer/Wein, 2010.
5. Michael Domach-“Introduction to Biomedical Engineering”, Pearson, 2004.
6. Daniel A Vallero, Biomedical ethics for Engineers, Elsevier publication, 1st edition,2011
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 24th September 2022


22BM2009 0 0 2 1
Course Objective:
The student should be made to:
1. To impart practical knowledge on basics of Electrical Engineering
2. To impart practical knowledge on basics of Electronics Engineering
3. To impart knowledge on testing of electrical and electronics components
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Test the electric circuit components
2. Study of electronic measuring instruments
3. Perform domestic wiring
4. Analyse the characteristics of basic diodes.
5. Test the electrical equipment
6. Design simple equivalent circuit.


1. Testing of active and passive components
2. Study of electrical safety, protection devices, gadgets.
3. Domestic wiring
4. Verification of KVL, KCL for DC circuits
5. Use of tester and test lamp to ascertain the healthy status of mains
6. Testing of electric equipment, short circuit, open circuit
7. Test the working of different types of rotary switches, limit switches
8. Test the working of different types of relays, contactor
9. Demonstration of fuse and MCB separately by creating a fault.
10. Characteristics of PN diode and Zener diode.
11. Zener diode as a voltage regulator.
12. Characteristics of halfwave and full wave rectifier.
13. Regulation of single phase transformer

Recommended by Board of Studies

Approved by Academic Council 24th September 2022


Course code L T P C
22BM2010 0 0 3 1.5
Course Objective:
To impart knowledge on
1. The integration of hardware circuits with software
2. The concepts of programming in an IDE and download it into a processor
3. The practical aspects of data acquisition and analysis
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Design interfacing circuits to acquire real time data and process it using software
2. Develop real time embedded systems for biomedical applications
3. Apply communication protocols for data transmission
4. Create an embedded C program for various I/O interfacing
5. Implement timer concept for providing real time delay
6. Integrate the sensor with microcontroller for embedded system design
List of Experiments:
8085 Processors
1. Arithmetic Operations: Addition of 8 Bit Numbers Using 8085
2. Arithmetic Operations: Subtraction of 8 Bit Numbers Using 8085
3. Multiplication and Division of Two Numbers Using 8085
4. Sorting of Numbers in an Array
5. Block Transfer Using 8085
Atmega 328P Microcontroller
6. Activation of LED
7. Temperature Sensor Interfacing
8. Distance Measurement Using Ultrasonic Sensor
9. ECG sensor Interfacing
10. PWM Signal Generation
11. DC Motor Interfacing
12. Stepper Motor Control
Keil µVision : 8051 & ARM Microcontroller
13. Study the concept of Timer


14. LED Display
15. Relay Control
16. Seven Segment Display Interfacing
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 24th September 2022

22BM2011 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
To impart knowledge on
1. Biopotential measurement techniques
2. Bioelectric amplifiers, filters and isolation circuits
3. Application of signal conditioning in biomedical field
Course Outcomes:
After completion of course, students will be able to:
1. Identify the origin and characteristics of various biosignals and its acquisition.
2. Apply the signal conditioning circuits using operational amplifiers for biomedical field.
3. Analyze and design bio filters and isolation circuits used in medical signal conditioning.
4. Paraphrase the elements of data acquisition system with analog and digital circuits
5. Create the various circuits for designing medical equipments using different ICs
6. Recommend the various safety standards and circuit design for biomedical applications.
Module: 1 Biopotential Measurement 7 Hours
Biopotentials and bioelectric currents, Nature of Bio Electricity: Bioelectric Currents, Nernst Potential,
Diffusion Potential, Action potential, Detection of Bio electric events, bio-electrode and electrode-skin
interface, Need for bioamplifiers and biosignal Conditioning.
Module: 2 Operational Amplifiers and Its Biomedical Applications 8 Hours
Operational Amplifiers Basic opamps parameters, Ideal and practical opamp, Op amp ICs with
datasheet, application of opamp for biosignals conditioning - Adder, subtractor, analog integrator,
differentiator, preamplifiers, Transimpedance amplifier.
Module: 3 Basic Filters and Isolation Circuits 8 Hours
Fundamentals of filtering, Active filters – Low pass filter, High pass filter, Band pass filter, Band stop
filter, First order and second order active filters, Instrumentation amplifier, Types of isolation amplifiers
and optocouplers.
Module: 4 Biosignal Data Acquisition Systems and Circuit Elements 7 Hours
Data Acquisition system, Aliasing and sampling, Analog to Digital, Digital to Analog conversion,
Comparators, Comparator applications, Multivibrators, 555 timers, Astable and monostable, Pacemaker
circuits, Practical applications.
Module: 5 Special Analog Circuits 7 Hours
Special analog circuits and systems used in biomedical transmission, Phase Detectors-Analog and
Digital, Voltage Controlled Oscillators, Various VCO ICS, Phase locked loops.
Module: 6 Circuit Design and Applications 8 Hours
Study of software for designing circuit, PCB fabrication, circuit design for biomedical applications,
Electrical Interface problems and Safety Standards in Bio Potential Measurements, Advanced biomedical
instrumentation systems.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Robert B. Northrop, “Analysis and Application of Analog Electronic Circuits to Biomedical
Instrumentation”, CRC Press, II Edition, New York, 2017


2. Sergio Franco, “Design with Operational Amplifier and Analog Integrated Circuits”, TMH, 3rd
Edition, 2009.
Reference Books
1. Myer Kutz, “Biomedical Engineering and Design Handbook”, II Edition, Volume 1, McGraw Hill
2. Robert F. Coughlin, Frederick F. Driscoll, “Operational Amplifiers & Linear Integrated Circuits”,
Prentice-Hall, 6th Edition,2004.
3. Milman&Hallkias, “Integrated Electronics-Analog and Digital Circuit”, McGraw Hill, II
4. Roy Choudhury and Shail Jain, “Linear integrated circuits”, Wiley Eastern Ltd,2002
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 24th September 2022


22BM2012 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
To impart knowledge on
1. The basic knowledge about architecture of processor & controller.
2. The interfaces in processors and instruction sets in controller.
3. The necessity of controller in real time applications.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of course, students will be able to:
1. Summarize the microprocessor organization and its evolution.
2. Interpret the various instruction sets and programming language of 8085.
3. Analyze their knowledge in designing a system using 8051
4. Compare controller / processor architecture and features.
5. Interface the peripheral devices with controller.
6. Simulate the real time system using integrated development environment.
Module: 1 Introduction to Microprocessor 7 Hours
Introduction about digital computer, System architecture- Von Neumann and Harvard architecture, CISC
and RISC processor, Fundamentals of Microprocessor, Hardware Architecture, Functional building
blocks of 8085 microprocessor, 8085 pin configurations and functions, Definition of embedded system
and its characteristics.
Module: 2 Instruction set and assembly language programming of 8085 8 Hours
Instruction formats, addressing modes, instruction set- Data transfer, data manipulation & control
instructions, Assembly language format, Simple programs.
Module: 3 8051 microcontrollers 8 Hours
8051 Architecture, Internal Block Diagram - CPU - ALU - address - data and control bus - working
registers - SFRs - Clock and RESET circuits - Stack and Stack Pointer - Program Counter - I/O ports -
Memory Structures - Data and Program Memory - Timing diagrams and Execution Cycles.
Module: 4 Programming 8051 Microcontroller 7 Hours
Addressing modes: Introduction, Immediate addressing - Register addressing - Direct addressing -
Indirect addressing - Relative addressing - Indexed addressing - Bit inherent addressing - bit direct
addressing. 8051 Instruction set - Instruction timings. Data transfer instructions - Arithmetic instructions
- Logical instructions - Branch instructions - Subroutine instructions - Bit manipulation instruction.
Assembly language programs - C language programs. Assemblers and compilers. Programming and
debugging tools, Study of Integrated development environment, Software installation and downloading
Module: 5 Interfacing of peripheral devices 7 Hours


Memory and I/O expansion buses - control signals - memory wait states. Interfacing of peripheral
devices, General Purpose I/O - ADC - DAC - timers - counters, Synchronous and Asynchronous
Communication, RS232 - SPI - I2C
Module: 6 Applications 8 Hours
Port access, LED interfacing, Switch and Keyboard interfacing, Timer programming, Stepper motor
control - DC Motor interfacing - Sensor interfacing.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. M. A.Mazidi, J. G. Mazidi and R. D. McKinlay, “ The8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems:
Using Assembly and C” ,Pearson Education, 2007.
2. R. S. Gaonkar, “, Microprocessor Architecture: Programming and Applications with the 8085” ,
Penram International Publishing, 2002

Reference Books
1. K. J. Ayala, “8051 Microcontroller”, Delmar Cengage Learning,2005.
2. R. Kamal, “Embedded System”, McGraw Hill Education,2009.
3. D. A. Patterson and J. H. Hennessy, "Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software
interface”, Morgan Kaufman Publishers, 2013.
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 24th September 2022


22BM2013 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
To impart knowledge on
1. The basic introduction and an understanding of Semiconductor devices.
2. The transistor and biasing circuits.
3. The design of amplifier and oscillator circuits.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of course, students will be able to:
1. Paraphrase the basic properties of solid state devices like diode, transistor and FET.
2. Identify and differentiate rectifiers, amplifiers and oscillators.
3. Analyze the amplitude and frequency response of general amplifier circuits.
4. Sketch the types of power amplifiers and their transfer characteristics.
5. Classify the power amplifiers to meet certain specifications.
6. Distinguish between amplifiers and oscillators.
Module: 1 Theory of Semiconductor 7 Hours
Energy band structure of conductors, insulators and semiconductors – Comparison of Germanium,
Silicon and gallium arsenide – Electron hole generation and recombination –Intrinsic and extrinsic
semiconductors – Conductivity – Temperature dependence – Hall effect – drift and diffusion in
Module: 2 Semiconductor Diodes 8 Hours
PN junction -depletion region – barrier potential – diode equation – Forward and Reverse characteristics.
Zener diodes – Schotky Barrier Diode – Tunnel diodes – DIAC – TRIAC – Photodiodes-Photo transistors
–LCD- LED-Gunn diodes -Varactor diode. Introduction, Load –line Analysis, Series Diode
configuration, Parallel and series-parallel configurations, Practical Applications of diode circuits
Module: 3 BJT 8 Hours
Introduction, Transistor construction, Operation, Common-base configuration & characteristics,
Common-Emitter configuration & characteristics, Common collector configuration & characteristics,


Limits of operation, Emitter-bias configuration, Voltage divider bias configuration, Emitter follower
configuration, Design operations, Practical Applications, study of Transistor data sheet
Module: 4 Rectifiers and Filters 7 Hours
PN Junction as Rectifiers, Half wave rectifier – Full wave rectifier – ripple factors – DC and AC
components in rectifiers. Bridge rectifiers, Full wave rectifier with Capacitor and inductor filters. Voltage
regulators-Transistorized series pass regulator, Practical Applications.
Module: 5 Amplifiers 7 Hours
Single stage- RC coupled amplifiers- Power amplifiers: Class A, AB, B power amplifiers, Push Pull
amplifiers- Feedback amplifier – Differential amplifier, Practical Applications.
Module: 6 Oscillators 8 Hours
RC Phase shift-Hartley Oscillator-Crystal Oscillator, Colpitts Oscillator – single tuned amplifier -
Double tuned amplifier, Practical Applications.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Robert Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, “Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory”, 9th Pearson
Education Edition, 2016.
2. Millman &Halkias, "Electronic Devices & Circuits", Tata McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition, 2013.
Reference Books
1. V.K.Metha,“Principles of Electronics”, Chand Publications,2015.
2. Malvino.A P, “Electronic Principles”, McGraw Hill International, 7th Edition 2016.
3. David .A .Bell, "Electronic Devices & Circuits ", Oxford University Press, 5th Edition 2010.
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 24th September 2022

Course code Signals and Systems for Biomedical Engineers L T P C

22BM2014 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
To impart knowledge on
1. The basic concepts of bio signals and its importance.
2. The time and frequency domain techniques.
3. The analysis of bio signals.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
1. Identify the nature of biomedical signals.
2. Analyze the spectral characteristics of continuous-time periodic and aperiodic signals using
Fourier analysis.
3. Classify systems based on their properties and determine the response of LTI system using
Laplace transform.
4. Apply Laplace transform and Z- transform to analyze continuous-time and discrete-time
signals and systems.
5. Summarize system properties based on impulse response by FIR, IIR filtering techniques.
6. Demonstrate mathematical tools in characterization of physiological system.
Module: 1 Introduction to Signals 7 Hours
Basics of Biomedical Signals and systems- representation –Sampling and quantization-Periodic, aperiodic and
transient, stationary and non- stationary signals. Two- dimensional signals-Images. Linear and Non Linear
systems- Linear System theory- Stability of systems
Module: 2 Fourier Transform 8 Hours
Time and frequency -domain signal representatives, Fourier series analysis, Symmetry, Frequency and Complex
representation, The continuous Fourier transform, The discrete Fourier series and discrete Fourier transform, The


Fourier transform and power spectrum: Implications and applications. Spectral averaging, Stationarity and time-
frequency Analysis
Module: 3 Joint Time-Frequency Analysis of Biomedical Signals 7 Hours
The Short- Term Fourier Transform. The Gabor and Adaptive Gabor Transforms, The Wigner-Ville and Pseudo-
Wigner Transforms, Cohen's General Class of JTF Distributions JTFA Using Wavelets, Applications of JTFA
to Physiological Signals
Module: 4 Linear Systems is the Frequency Domain 8 Hours
The transfer function. The response of system elements to sinusoidal inputs-phasor analysis. The transfer
function spectral plots. Linear systems analysis in the complex frequency domain: The Laplace transform and
the Analysis of Transients - The Laplace transform, The inverse Laplace transform, Laplace analysis - the
Laplace transfer function, Nonzero initial conditions- initial and final value theorems, The Laplace domain and
the frequency domain, Application of Laplace Transform
Module: 5 Linear Systems In The Time Domain 7 Hours
Convolution and simulation, Linear system analysis: Applications, Linear filters, filter types, Filter attenuation
slope- filter order, Filter initial sharpness, Basics of Z Transform. The digital transfer function and the Z-
transform, The digital transfer function
Module: 6 Biomedical Signals And Systems Analysis 8 Hours
Concurrent, coupled and correlated processes, filtering for removal of artifacts, event detection, wave shape and
wave form complexity, analysis of non-stationary signals. Mathematical Tools Used in the characterization of
Physiological Systems. Complex systems in biology and medicine - properties and examples
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. JohnSemmlow,"SignalsandSystemsforBioengineers"ElsevierIndiaPrivateLimited,2012.
2. RangarajM.Rangayyan,BiomedicalSignalAnalysis:ACase-StudyApproach,2nd,Wiley,2012
3 RobertB.Northrop,SignalsandSystemsAnalysisinBiomedicalEngineering,2ndEdition,CRCPress,T
aylor& Francis Group,2012
Reference Books
1 SureshR.Devasahayam,"Signals and Systems in Biomedical Engineering: Signal Processing and
Physiological Systems Modeling", Academic/PlenumPublishers,2000.
2 Lathi. B. P, "Linear Systems and Signals", Oxford University Press,2nd Edition,2005.
3 J. Proakis and D. Manolakis, "Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms, and
Applications", 4th Edition, Prentice-Hall, 2006.
4 LiTan,"Digital Signal Processing: Fundamentals and Applications",Elsevier,2008.
5 Mrinal Mandal, Amir Asif, "Continuous and Discrete Time Signals and Systems", Cambridge
University Press, 2008
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 24th September 2022

Course code Medical Imaging Techniques L T P C

22BM2015 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
To impart knowledge on
1. The scattered radiations and different types of radio diagnostic unit
2. The techniques to visualize opaque, transparent organs.
3. The special techniques adopted to visualize different sections of any organ.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Outline the various medical imaging techniques.
2. Paraphrase the principle of specific medical imaging techniques.


3. Interpret the imaging outputs.
4. Identify the suitable medical imaging techniques for specific pathology.
5. Sketch new ideas to solve certain issues in medical imaging.
6. Justify the impact of medical imaging system for diagnosis
Module: 1 Medical X-Ray Equipment and Digital Imaging 8 Hours
Nature of X-Rays - X- ray Absorption - Tissue Contrast . X-Ray Equipment – X- ray Tube, collimator ,
Bucky Grid, power supply. Digital Radiography - discrete digital detectors, storage phosphor and film
Scanning. X-Ray Image intensifier tubes –Dual Imaging-Fluoroscopy – Digital Fluoroscopy.
Angiography, Cine angiography. Digital Subtraction Angiography. Mammography
Module: 2 CT Imaging 7 Hours
Principles of Tomography - First to Fifth generation scanners – Image reconstruction Technique - Back
projection and Iterative method. Spiral CT Scanning - Ultra fast CT Scanners - X-Ray Sources –
Collimation – X-Ray Detectors – Viewing System
Module: 3 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) 7 Hours
Fundamentals of Magnetic Resonance -Principles of MRI pulse sequence – image acquisition and
reconstruction techniques – MRI instrumentation magnetic gradient system RF coils – receiver system
functional MRI Rotat ion and Precession – induct ion of a magnetic resonance signal – bulk
Magnetization – Relaxation Processes T1 and T2. – MRI artifacts- Various types of pulse sequences for
fast acquisition of imaging, NMR spectroscopy - Application of MRI
Module: 4 Ultrasonic and Infrared Imaging 8 Hours
Production of ultrasound – properties and principles of image formation, capture and display –
principles of A-mode, B-mode and M-mode display – Doppler ultra sound and color flow mapping –
applications of diagnostic ultra sound. Physics of thermography – imaging systems – pyroelectric
Videocon camera clinical thermography – liquid crystal thermography- Microwave Imaging-
Properties- Applications
Module: 5 PET and SPECT Imaging 7 Hours
Introduction to emission tomography, basic physics of radioisotope imaging Compton cameras for
nuclear imaging, pet scanner principles, SPECT, computer techniques in fast acquisition analytic image
reconstruction techniques, attenuation, scatter compensation in SPET spatial compensation in SPECT
Module: 6 Other Imaging Techniques 8 Hours
Optical coherence tomography (OCT): Introduction and its medical applications - Advances in image
resolutions-Magnetoencephalography- Applications- POCUS- Point of care Ultrasonography-Speed in
Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) in medical imaging, Safety aspects in Radio
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Gopal B Saha , “Physics and Radiobiology of Nuclear Medicine”, Third Edition, Springer 2013
2. Myer Kutz, “Standard handbook of Biomedical Engineering and Design,” Mc Graw Hill 2003
3. John Ball and Tony Price Chesney’s, “Radiographic Imaging”. Blackwell Science Limited, U.K.
4. Farr, “The Physics of Medical Imaging”, Adem Hilger, Bristol & Philadelphia, 2007.
Reference Books
1. M. Analoui, J.D. Bronzino, D.R.Peterson, “Medical Imaging: Principles and Practices”, CRC Press,
2. S. Webb, “Physics of Medical Imaging”, Taylor & Francis, 2010.
3. T. Farncombe, K. Iniewski, “Medical Imaging: Technology & Applications”, CRC Press, 2013.
4. J.S. Benseler, “The Radiology Handbook: A pocket guide to medical imaging”, Ohio University
Press, 2006.


5. R.R.Carlton, A.M.Adler, “Principles of Radiographic Imaging: An Art and a Science”, Delmar
Cengage Learning; Fifth Eddition, 2012.
6. N.B.Smith, A. Webb, “Introduction to Medical Imaging Physics, Engineering and Clinical
Applications”, CRC Press, 2010.
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 24th September 2022


22BM2016 3 1 0 4
Course Objective:
To impart knowledge on
1. electric circuits and network to students
2. To develop the ability to analyse the various types of electrical circuits and networks in students.
3. To make the students understand the various network theorems and its usage in analysing the
circuits and networks.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the students will be able to
1. Comprehend and design ac/dc circuits.
2. Develop and understand ac/dc circuits.
3. Evaluate ac/dc circuits.
4. Interpret electrical circuits.
5. Apply circuit theorems in real time.
6. Analyze with network theorems on DC circuits
Analysis with dependent and independent voltage source and current source, Current Division, Voltage
Division, Node Analysis, Mesh Analysis, Concept of Duality and dual networks
Module: 2 NETWORK THEOREMS 10 Hours
Superposition Theorem, Thevenin Theorem, Norton Theorem, Maximum Power Transfer Theorem
Reciprocity Theorem, Compensation Theorem, Tellegen’s Theorem, Millman’s Theorem, Star Delta
Series RL, RC Network, Series RLC Network, Parallel RL, RC Network
Parallel RLC Network, Initial and Final Conditions, Forced and Free Response, Time constants, steady
state and transient responses,,Complex Impedance
Representation of sine function as rotating phasor, phasor diagrams , Impedances and Admittances , AC
Circuit Analysis, Effective or RMS Value, Average Power and Complex Power, Three Phase Circuits
Coupled Circuits, Dot Convention in coupled circuits
Ideal Transformer
Review of Laplace Transform, Analysis of Electric Circuits using Laplace Transform for standard inputs,
Convolution Integral, Inverse Laplace Transform, Transformed Network with initial condition, Transfer
Function Representation, Poles and Zeros, Frequency Response, Series and parallel resonance
Two port networks, Terminal Pairs, Relationship of two port variables, Impedance Parameters,
Admittance Parameters, Transmission Parameters, Hybrid Parameters, Interconnection of two port
networks, Image Parameters


Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. William H. Hayt Jr, Jack E. Kemmerly and Steven M. Durbin, “Engineering Circuits
Analysis”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 8 th Edition, 2013.
2. Sudhakar A., Shyammohan S Palli, “Circuits & Networks: Analysis and Synthesis”, Tata
McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 4th Edition, 2010.
Reference Books
1. Joseph A. Edminister, Mahmood Nahri, “Electric Circuits”, Schaum’s series, Tata McGraw-
Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 2010.
2. Van Valkenburg M.E., “Network Analysis”, Pearson Education India, 3rd Edition, 2015.
3. Roy Choudhuri D., “Networks and Systems”, New Age International Private Limited, 2nd
4. Alexander C.K., SadikuM.N.O., “Fundamentals of Electric Circuits”, McGraw Hill Education
Series, New York, 5thEdition, 2013
5. Murthy K.V.V., Kamath M.S., “Basic Circuit Analysis”, Jaico Publications, 1st Edition, 2002.
6. Arumugam. M , Premakumaran.N,”Electric Circuit Theory”, Khanna Publishers, Fifth
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 24th September 2022


22BM2017 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
To impart knowledge on
1. Digital image fundamentals.
2. Low level image processing techniques.
3. Segment, compress and analyze images
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
1. Paraphrase the digital image fundamentals for a given condition
2. Illustrate the effect of image enhancement techniques on images
3. Distinguish between image restoration filters
4. Summarize about the image segmentation procedure
5. Compute the level of compression achieved for the given image data
6. Evaluate the features useful for image representation and recognition
Module: 1 Digital Image Fundamentals 7 Hours
Introduction – Origin – Steps in Digital Image Processing – Components – Elements of Visual Perception
– Image Sensing and Acquisition – Image Sampling and Quantization – Relationships between pixels -
color models, Medical imaging applications
Module: 2 Image Enhancement 8 Hours
Spatial Domain: Gray level transformations – Histogram processing – Basics of Spatial Filtering–
Smoothing and Sharpening Spatial Filtering – Frequency Domain: Introduction to Fourier Transform –
Smoothing and Sharpening frequency domain filters – Ideal, Butterworth and Gaussian filters.,
Application of filtering in medical images.
Module: 3 Image Restoration 8 Hours
Noise models– Mean Filters – Order Statistics – Adaptive filters – Band reject Filters – Band pass Filters
– Notch Filters – Optimum Notch Filtering – Inverse Filtering – Wiener filtering.Application of Image
Restoration in medical images
Module: 4 Image Segmentation 7 Hours


Detection of Discontinuities–Edge Linking and Boundary detection – Region based segmentation-
Morphological processing- erosion and dilation, Application of edge detection in medical images.
Module: 5 Wavelets and Image Compression 8 Hours
Wavelets – Sub band coding - Multiresolution expansions - Compression: Fundamentals – Image
Compression models – Error Free Compression – Variable Length Coding – Bit-Plane Coding –Lossless
Predictive Coding – Lossy Compression – Lossy Predictive Coding – Compression Standards, Case
Module: 6 Image Representation and Recognition 7 Hours
Boundary representation – Chain Code – Polygonal approximation, signature, boundary segments –
Boundary description – Shape number – Fourier Descriptor, moments- Regional Descriptors –
Topological feature, Texture - Patterns and Pattern classes - Recognition based on matching.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Rafael C. Gonzales, Richard E. Woods, “Digital Image Processing”, Fourth Edition, Pearson
Education, 2010.
2. Anil Jain K. “Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2011.
Reference Books
1. Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods, Steven L. Eddins, “Digital Image Processing Using
MATLAB”, Third Edition Tata McGraw Hill Pvt. Ltd., 2011
2. Willliam K Pratt, “Digital Image Processing”, John Willey, 2002.
3 Malay K. Pakhira, “Digital Image Processing and Pattern Recognition”, First Edition, PHI
LearningPvt. Ltd., 2011.
4 Chris Solomon, Toby Breckon, “Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing – A practical approach
with examples in Matlab”, Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
5 Jayaraman, “Digital Image Processing”, Tata McGraw Hill Education, 2011
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 24th September 2022


22BM2018 0 0 3 1.5
Course Objective:
To impart knowledge on
1. Working with various medical image data
2. Usage of Simulation tools for image processing
3. Process medical images using various methods
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate basic operations on a given image to obtain specific output
2. Produce enhanced images using spatial and frequency domain filters
3. Assess the performance of image restoration techniques under given condition
4. Identify the object in a given image through segmentation
5. Analyze the effect of image compression on given image data
6. Compute the features useful for image analysis
1. Basic operations on images
2. Color conversion of images
3. Image enhancement using point operations & filters
4. Image restoration in the presence of noise and degradation


5. Image segmentation using edge and region based methods
6. Morphological operations on images
7. Multiresolution analysis of images using wavelets
8. Image compression using lossless and lossy methods
9. Histogram processing of Images
10. Extraction of shape and texture features from an image
11. Image pseudo coloring
12. Image capturing and display using thermal camera.
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 24th September 2022


22BM2019 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
To impart knowledge on
1. Basic structural and functional elements of human body.
2. Organs and structures involving in system formation and functions.
3. Understand all systems in the human body.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
1. Recall the basic elements of human body.
2. Compare the major bones and their processes as they relate to each region of the body.
3. Interpret the major organs and components of the respiratory system and understand their
4. Recognize the major organs and vessels of the cardiovascular system and understand their
5. Summarize the basic components and functions of urinary and special sensing systems.
6. Demonstrate the structure and functions of nervous systems.
Module: 1 Basic Elements of Human Body 9 Hours
Cell: Structure and organelles - Functions of each component in the cell. Cell membrane – transport
across membrane – origin of cell membrane potential – Action potential Tissue: Types – Specialized
tissues – functions, Types of glands.
Module: 2 Skeletal and Respiratory System 7 Hours
Skeletal system: Bone types and functions – Joint - Types of Joint - Cartilage and functions
Module: 3 Respiratory System 7 Hours
Respiratory System: Components of respiratory system – Respiratory Mechanism. Types of respiration
- Oxygen and carbon dioxide transport and acid base regulation.
Module: 4 Circulatory System 8 Hours
Blood composition - functions of blood – functions of RBC.WBC types and their functions Blood groups
– importance of blood groups – identification of blood groups. Blood vessels - Structure of heart –
Properties of Cardiac muscle – Conducting system of heart -Cardiac cycle – ECG - Heart sound - Volume
and pressure changes and regulation of heart rate –Coronary Circulation. Factors regulating Blood flow
Module: 5 Urinary and Special Sensory System 7 Hours
Urinary system: Structure of Kidney and Nephron. Mechanism of Urine formation and acid base
regulation – Urinary reflex – Homeostasis and blood pressure regulation by urinary system. Special
senses: Eye and Ear.
Module: 6 Nervous System 7 Hours


Structure of a Neuron – Types of Neuron. Synapses and types. Conduction of action potential in neuron
Brain – Divisions of brain lobes - Cortical localizations and functions - EEG. Spinal cord – Tracts of
spinal cord - Reflex mechanism – Types of reflex, Autonomic nervous system and its functions.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Ross & Wilson “Anatomy & Physiology in Health & Illness” 13th Edition. Print Book & E-Book.
ISBN 9780702072765, 9780702072840.
2. Elaine.N. Marieb,“Essential of Human Anatomy and Physiology”, Eight edition, Pearson Education
NewDelhi, 2007.
3 Gillian Pocock, Christopher D. Richards, "The Human Body- An introduction for Biomedical and
Health Sciences", Oxford University Press, USA, 2009.
Reference Books
1. William F. Ganong,"Review of Medical Physiology, 22nd edition, McGraw Hill New Delhi, 2005
2. Eldra Pearl Solomon."Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology", W.B.Saunders Company,
3 Arthur C. Guyton, "Text book of Medical Physiology", 11 th Edition, Elsevier Saunders, 2006
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 24th September 2022


22BM2020 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To comprehend the fundamental principles of Life and Life forms
2. To impart knowledge on biodiversity and genetic theory.
3. To transfer knowledge in applications of biology in Industries.
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Illustrate the fundamentals of living things, their classification, cell structure and biochemical
2. Assess the significance of biodiversity in world.
3. Comprehend genetics and the immune system
4. Outline cause, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of common diseases.
5. Comprehend nervous system and mechanochemistry.
6. Apply future trends in biology.
Module: 1 Introduction To Life And Biomolecules 8 Hours
Classification of life forms - Characteristics of living organisms--cell theory-structure of prokaryotic and
eukaryotic cell-Introduction to biomolecules: definition-general classification and important functions of
carbohydrates-lipids-proteins-nucleic acids vitamins and enzymes.
Module: 2 Health and Well-Being and Stress Management 8 Hours
The Human Body during Health and Disease – Circulatory and Digestive. Stress and Depression-
Symptoms, Types, Causes and Treatment. Alcohol Abuse and Drug Abuse - Symptoms, Types, Causes
and Treatment. Case Study – Substance Abuse and Social Responsibility.
Module: 3 Evolution, Genetics And Immune System 8 Hours
Evolution: theories of evolution-Mendel’s cell division–mitosis and meiosis-evidence of e laws of
inheritance- nucleic acids as a genetic material-central dogma immunity antigens-antibody-immune
Module: 4 Human Diseases 7 Hours
Lifestyle diseases -diabetes, obesity, blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, tuberculosis and diseases
associated with drug abuse-Definition- causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of cancer.


Module: 5 Nervous System, Cell Signaling And Mechanochemistry 8 Hours
Basics of nervous system and neural networks- General principles of cell signaling - ATP synthase
structure - The bacterial flagellar motor - Cytoskeleton -Bioremediation.
Module: 6 Biology For Industrial Applications 6 Hours
Stem cell and tissue engineering - bioreactors - biopharming - recombinant vaccines-drugdiscovery-
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. A Text book of Biotechnology, R. C. Dubey, S. Chand Higher Academic Publications, 2013
2. Biology for Engineers, Arthur T. Johnson, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, 2011.
Reference Books
1. ThyagaRajan. S., Selvamurugan. N., Rajesh.M.P., Nazeer.R.A., Richard W. Thilagaraj, Barathi.S.,
and Jaganthan.M.K., “Biology for Engineers”, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2012
2. Cell Biology and Genetics (Biology: The unity and diversity of life Volume I), Cecie Starr, Ralph
Taggart, Christine Evers and Lisa Starr, Cengage Learning, 2008
3. Biotechnology Expanding horizon, B.D. Singh, Kalyani Publishers, 2012
4. Jon Cooper, “Biosensors A Practical Approach”, Bellwether Books, 2004.
5. Diseases of the Human Body, Carol D. Tamparo and Marcia A. Lewis, F.A. Davis Company, 2011.
6. Martin Alexander, “Biodegradation and Bioremediation”, Academic Press, 1994.
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 24th September 2022


22BM2021 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
To impart knowledge on :
1. The basic of sensors and its applications in healthcare.
2. The principle and operation of different medical transducers.
3. The concept of bio sensors and comprehend the function of various receptors in human body.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of course, students will be able to:
1. Identify the need of a closed loop system with feedback and appreciate the use of sensors.
2. Interpret the errors in measurement by analyzing the performance characteristics of the sensors.
3. Develop advanced medical sensors based on the basic transduction principles.
4. Demonstrate the advanced sensor approach based on light and sound
5. Apply the suitable design criteria for developing a medical sensor for a particular application.
6. Summarize the use of electrodes in measuring electrical potential in human body
Module: 1 Introduction to Measurement 8 Hours
Generalized Instrumentation System, General properties of input transducer. Static Characteristics:
Accuracy, Precision, Resolution, Reproducibility, Sensitivity, Drift, Hysteresis, Linearity, Input
Impedance and Output Impedance. Dynamic Characteristics.
Module: 2 Sensors Based on Transduction Principle 8 Hours
Potentiometers, Strain gauges, Resistive Temperature Detectors (RTD), Thermistors, light-dependent
resistors, Capacitive sensors, Inductive sensors, Electromagnetic sensors.
Module: 3 Self-Generating Sensors 8 Hours
Thermoelectric sensors, Piezoelectric sensors, Electrochemical sensors, Signal conditioning for self-
generating sensors.
Module: 4 Optical and Ultrasound Sensors 8 Hours


N Optical techniques, General principles of optical sensing, Fiber-optic basics, Fiber-optic sensor
technologies and applications. Fundamentals of ultrasonic-based sensors, Ultrasonic-based sensing
methods and applications.
Module: 5 Biological sensors and Biosensors 7 Hours
Study of Various corpuscles like Pacinian, functions and modelling, Chemoreceptor, hot and cold
receptors, baro- receptors, sensors for smell, sound, vision, osmolality and test. Biosensors Operating
principle, biological elements in biosensors, Immobilization of the biological component, applications
and signal conditioning .
Module: 6 Bio potential electrodes 8 Hours
Electrodes Electrolyte Interface, Half Cell Potential, Polarization, Polarizable and Non Polarizable,
Electrodes, Calomel Electrode, Electrode Circuit Model, Electrode Skin-Interface and Motion Artifact.
Body Surface Electrodes.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Medical Instrumentation-Application and Design by John G. Webster, 2013
2. Transducers for Biomedical Measurements: Principles and Applications, Richard S.C. Cobbold,
John Wiley & Sons, 2004.
Reference Books
1. Electronics in Medicine and Biomedical Instrumentation by Nandini K. Jog PHI Second Edition
2. Instrument Transducer – An Introduction to their performance and design, Hermann K P. Neubert.
3. Biomedical sensors – Fundamentals and application by Harry N, Norton.
4. Biomedical Transducers and Instruments, Tatsuo Togawa, Toshiyo Tamma and P. Akeoberg.
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 24th September 2022


22BM2022 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
To impart knowledge on :
1. The necessary and practical knowledge of components of Internet of Things
2. The Knowledge on IoT protocols
3. The case studies related to healthcare applications of IoT.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of course, students will be able to:
1. Summarize internet of Things and its hardware and software components
2. Interface I/O devices, sensors & communication modules
3. Paraphrase the data and control devices
4. Interpret the data analytics and supporting devices
5. Analyze the Case studies on IoT applications in health care
6. Simulate real life IoT based medical applications
Module: 1 Introduction IoT Architecture 7 Hours
History of IoT, Layers of IoT, M2M – Machine to Machine, Web of Things, Data transfer referred
with OSI Model, IP Addressing, Data transfer & Network Topologies.
Module: 2 Engineering IoT Device Smart Objects 8 Hours
The “Things” in IoT, Sensors, Actuators, and Smart Objects, Sensor Networks, Wireless Sensor
Networks, Connecting Smart Objects, Communications Criteria, Range, Frequency Bands, Power
Consumption, Constrained- Node Networks, Data Rate and Throughput, Latency and Determinism,
Overhead and Payload


Module: 3 IoT Access Technologies 7 Hours
IEEE 802.15.4, IEEE 802.15.4g and 802.15.4e, IEEE 1901.2a, IEEE 802.11ah, Physical Layer, MAC
Layer, Topology, Security, LoRaWAN, LTE-M, NB-IoT
Module: 4 Cloud Computing 8 Hours
Overview of Cloud Computing, Characteristics of Cloud, Benefits, limitations, Cloud Deployment
Models, Cloud service models-Infrastructure as a service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software
as a Service (SaaS), Anything as a Service (XaaS). Edge computing.
Module: 5 Challenges in IoT 8 Hours
Design challenges, Development challenges, Security challenges – identity and access management.
Prevention of attacks and network security.
Module: 6 Case Study/Health Care 7 Hours
IOT in Emergency and Healthcare services,, Components of IoT healthcare, Remote health care, Real
time monitoring, Preventive care, Preventive Cardiological Monitoring, Health care systems- Activity
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. A Handbook of Internet of Things in Biomedical and Cyber Physical System, Bălaş, V.E., Solanki,
V.K., Kumar, R., Ahad, ISBN 978-3-030-23983-1, 2019
2. Medical Internet of Things, Hamed Farhadi, Intech Open, 2019.
3 "The Internet of Things: Enabling Technologies, Platforms, and Use Cases", by Pethuru Raj and
Anupama C. Raman (CRC Press)
4 "Internet of Things: A Hands-on Approach", by Arshdeep Bahga and Vijay Madisetti (Universities
5 Raspberry Pi Iot in C, Harry Fairhead , 1st edition, 2016, I/O Press;, ISBN-13: 978-1871962468.
Reference Books
1. "Internet of Things: A Hands-on Approach", by Arshdeep Bahga and Vijay Madisetti (Universities
2. Bălaş, V.E., Solanki, V.K., Kumar, R., Ahad, “A Handbook of Internet of Things in Biomedical and
Cyber Physical System” , ISBN 978-3-030-23983-1, 2019
3. Vijay Madisetti, Arshdeep Bahga, Ïnternet of Things, “A Hands on Approach”, University Press,
4. . Lu Yan, Yan Zhang, Laurence T. Yang, Huansheng Ning, “The Internet of Things: From RFID
to the Next-Generation Pervasive Networked”, 2008.
5 Vijay Madisetti , Arshdeep Bahga, “Internet of Things (A Hands-on-Approach)”, 2014.
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 24th September 2022


22BM2023 0 0 2 1
Course Objective:
To impart knowledge on
1. Design of filters and amplifier circuits for bioelectric amplifiers.
2. Different preamplifiers used for amplifying the bio signals.
3. Application of signal conditioning in biomedical field.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Summaries the principles of various digital ICs
2. Identify and apply the amplifiers and various signal conditioning circuits for biosignals


3. Demonstrate the basic concepts for filtering of bio signals
4. Design and build various analog and digital interfaces for signal conversion
5. Select suitable circuits to design various biomedical devices
6. Analyze the front end analogue circuit design for ECG, EMG, EEG, etc.
1. Study of basic digital logic used in bio-signal conditioning
2. Study of different data storage flip-flops used in medical hardware’s
3. Design of ADC and DAC circuits
4. Design of basic op-amp circuits for bio-signal processing
5. Design of wave shaping circuits
6. Instrumentation amplifier for ECG amplification
7. Design of constant current source and trans impedance circuits.
8. Design of pre-amplifier circuit
9. Design of medical isolation amplifier
10. Biosignal data acquisition system
11. Design of pacemaker circuit
12. Design of active filters for biosignal acquisition (PPG Signal Acquisition)
Recommended by Board of Studies
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Course Code L T P C
22BM2024 0 0 2 1
Course Objective:
To impart knowledge on
1. To introduce the practical aspects of various medical transducers and their characteristics.
2. To impart knowledge in measurement of Resistance, Inductance and Capacitance
using bridges.
3. To improve the skills in calibrating analog meters.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Summarize the method of calibration of basic instruments.
2. Analyze the performance characteristics of different sensors.
3. Demonstrate the appropriate sensor approach which is most likely to meet a specific
biosensor application.
4. Apply the suitable design criteria for developing a medical sensor for a particular
5. Develop advanced medical sensors based on the basic transduction principles.
6. Predict the qualitative performance of advanced medical sensors.
1. Blood Pressure Measurement
2. Heart Sound Measurement – PCG KIT
3. Heart Rate Measurement
4. Pulse Measurement using Doppler Ultrasound
5. Angle measurement Using Potentiometer
6. Ultrasonic Blood flow measurement
7. Temperature Measurement Using Thermistor and LM35
8. Displacement Measurement Using LVDT
9. Displacement Measurement Using Capacitive Transducer


10. Weight Measurement Using Strain Gauge
11. Temperature Measurement Using Resistance Temperature Detector
12. Proximity Measurement – Capacitance based
Recommended by Board of Studies
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22BM2025 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
1. To impart knowledge on
2. Number systems and binary codes
3. Basic postulates of Boolean algebra, methods for simplifying Boolean Expressions
4. Design procedure for combinational circuits and sequential circuits
Course Outcomes:
After completion of course, students will be able to:
1. Compute the Number System Conversions
2. Simplify the Boolean Expression Using Various Simplification Techniques
3. Design various Combinational Circuits
4. Simulate various Sequential Circuits
5. Implement Combinational Circuits Using PLD
6. Analyze Different Digital Logic Families
Module: 1 Number Systems & Boolean Algebra 7 Hours
Number Systems - Logic Gates: AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, Exclusive OR and Exclusive NOR
.Boolean postulates and laws – De- Morgan’s Theorem Principle of Duality Boolean expression
Minimization of Boolean expressions –– Minterm – Maxterm - SOP – POS- Canonical Forms.
Module: 2 Simplification of logic functions & Binary Codes 8 Hours
Karnaugh map Minimization – Don’t care conditions – Quine Mc Cluskey method of minimization. -
Implementations of Logic Functions using gates, NAND–NOR implementations – Multi level gate
implementations - Multi output gate implementations. Representation of Signed Numbers -Floating
point number representation Binary Codes - BCD -ASCII-EBCDIC-Excess 3 codes-Gray code-error
detecting & correcting codes
Module: 3 Combinational Logic Design 7 Hours
Implementation of Combinational Logic Functions – Half Adder and Full Adder – Half and Full
subtractor – Parallel Adder/Binary Adder – Encoders & Decoders – Multiplexers & Demultiplexers –
Code Converters – Comparator - Parity Generator/Checker – Implementation of Logical Functions
using Multiplexers.
Module: 4 Latches, Flip Flops & Synchronous Sequential Logic Design 8 Hours
Latches, Different types of clocking , Clock Parameters: Pulse width, setup, hold, propagation delay
RS, JK, D&T flip flops – JK Master slave flip flop –Excitation tables – Basic models of sequential
machines – Concept of State Table – State diagram – State Reduction through Partitioning -
Implementation of Synchronous Sequential Circuits-Sequence Generator.
Module: 5 Counters & Registers 7 Hours
Asynchronous Counters- Modulus Counters – Timing Waveforms-Counter Applications.-
Synchronous Counters–Synchronous Modulus Counters- Shift Register –Johnson Counter- Ring
Module: 6 Digital Logic Families 8 Hours
Basic structure of PLDS: PAL-PLA-PROM Implementation of simple combinational circuits using
PLDS. LOGIC FAMILIES: TTL families, Schottky Clamped TTL- Emitter Coupled (ECL)- MOS
inverter- CMOS Logic Gates -Comparison of performance of various logic families.


Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. M. Morris Mano, “Digital Design”, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 2008.
2. S.Salivahanan, “Digital Circuits and Design”, Oxford University Press, 2018.
Reference Books
1. John F.Wakerly, “Digital Design Principles and Practices”, Fourth Edition, Pearson/PHI,
2. John.M Yarbrough, “Digital Logic Applications and Design”, Thomson Learning, 2006.
3. Charles H.Roth. “Fundamentals of Logic Design”, 6th Edition, Thomson Learning, 2013.
4. Donald P.Leach and Albert Paul Malvino, “Digital Principles and Applications”, 6th Edition,
TMH, 2006.
6. Thomas L. Floyd, “Digital Fundamentals”, 11th Edition, Pearson Education Inc, 2015.
7. Donald D.Givone, “Digital Principles and Design”, TMH, 2003.
8. Subir Kumar Sarkar, Asish Kumar De, Souvik Sarkar, “Foundation of Digital Electronics and Logic
Design”, Pan Stanford Publishing 2014.
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 24th September 2022


Course code L T P C
22BM2026 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
To impart knowledge on
1.Principle of various bio potential recordings equipment.
2.Working of equipment used for physiological parameters.
3.Diagnostic and therapeutic procedures
Course Outcomes:
After completion of course, students will be able to:
1.Identify the procedures for acquisition of physiological signals
2.Demonstrate the methods for vital and biochemical parameters measurement
3.Describe the functions of various non invasive equipments
4.Illustrate the techniques for cardiac equipment
5.Assess the merits of the respiratory equipment based on its applications
6.Analyse the behavior of electrotherapy equipment.
Module: 1 Equipment for physiological signals acquisition 8 Hours
Bioelectric signals (ECG, EMG, EEG, EOG & ERG) and their characteristics - Electrodes for ECG, EEG
and EMG - Einthoven triangle, Standard 12-lead configurations - ECG Machine – EMG machine – 10-
20 electrodes placement system for EEG - EEG machine – Heart sound and characteristics, PCG.
Module: 2 Vital parameter and biochemical parameter measurement 7 Hours
Measurement of human body temperature, blood pressure monitor, body mass index, Heart rate,
respiration rate, Blood pH, Blood pO2, Blood pCO2 measurement.
Module: 3 Equipment for non invasive methods 8 Hours
Spirometer, cardiac output, blood flow meter and signal conditioning circuits. Heart rate measurement -
Apnea detectors - Oximetry -Pulse oximeter, Ear oximeter - Computerized patient monitoring system –
Bedside, Central Monitoring system.
Module: 4 Cardiac equipment 8 Hours
External and implantable pacemakers, Programmable pacemakers, Power sources, Design of
encapsulation and leads, Pacing system analyzers. Cardiac Defibrillators, Basic principles and


comparison of different Defibrillators, Energy requirements, Synchronous operation, Implantable
Defibrillators, Defibrillator analyzers.
Module: 5 Respiratory equipment 7 Hours
Principles of constant pressure and constant volume ventilators, Basic principles of electromechanical,
Pneumatic and electronic ventilators, Nebulizer, humidifier, Continuous positive airway pressure.
Module: 6 Electrotherapy equipment 7 Hours
Electro diagnosis, Electrotherapy, Electrodes, Stimulators for Nerve and Muscle, Stimulator for pain
relief, Interferential current therapy, Spinal cord stimulator, Functional Electrical Stimulation.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Joseph J. Carr and John M. Brown, “Introduction to Biomedical Equipment Technology”,Pearson
Education India, Delhi, 2004.
2. Cromwell, “Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurements”, Prentice Hall of India, New
Delhi, 2007.
Reference Books
1. Khandpur. R. S., “Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation”, Prentice Hall of India,
New Delhi, 2003.
2. Jacobson B and Webster J G Medical and Clinical Engineering – Prentice Hall of India New Delhi
3. John Low & Ann Reed. “Electrotherapy Explained, Principles and Practice”. Second Edition.
Butterworth Heinemann Ltd. 2000.
4. John. G. Webster. “Medical Instrumentation, Application and Design”Fourth Edition. Wiley &sons,
Inc, New York.2011.
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 24th September 2022


Course code L T P C
22BM2027 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
To impart knowledge on
1. Pulmonary analyzers and aid equipments and their functions on respiratory system
2. Physiotherapy and electrotherapy equipments
3. Instruments dealing with kidney and bones, sensory measurements and special equipments
Course Outcomes:
After completion of course, students will be able to:
1. Describe the principle involved in clinical and optical equipments
2. Identify the various therapeutic devices for pulmonary diseases.
3. Apply the appropriate therapeutic device related to kidney ailment.
4. Demonstrate the functions and applications of electrotherapy and lasers
5. Assess the merits and demerits of the diagnostic equipments for basic senses.
6. Design new therapeutic devices for particular application based on given specifications.

Module: 1 Clinical and Optical Equipment 8 Hours

Clinical equipment’s, glucometer, hemoglobin monitor, Ultrasound scanner, holter monitor, multi
parameter monitor, capsule endoscopy, foot scanner., Optical Method - Colorimeter, Spectro photometer,
Flame photometer – Chromatography – Mass Spectrometer.
Module: 2 Pulmonary Equipment and Analyzers 7 Hours


Regulation of Breathing - Pulmonary gas flow measurements - Pulmonary volume measurements -
Respiratory gas analyzers – Nitrogen Gas Analyzer, Oxygen Analyzer - Humidifier, IPPB Unit -
Anesthesia machine
Module: 3 Instruments Dealing With Kidney 8 Hours
Regulation of Water and Electrolyte Balance – Artificial Kidney – Hemo dialysis - Crafts for dialysis -
Peritoneal dialysis - Dialyzers – different types.
Module: 4 Electrotherapy Equipment and Therapeutic Lasers 7 Hours
High frequency heat therapy, Principle, Short wave diathermy, Microwave diathermy, Ultrasonic
therapy, Lithotripsy, Therapeutic IR radiation, Therapeutic UV Lamps. Basic principles of Biomedical
LASERS: Applications of lasers in medicine, CO2 laser, He-Ne laser, Nd-YAG and Ruby laser.
Module: 5 Sensory Instrumentation 8 Hours
Mechanism of Hearing, Sound Conduction System - Basic Audiometer, Pure tone audiometer,
Audiometer system Bekesy – Hearing Aids - Ophthalmoscope – Tonometer - Measurement of Basal
Skin response and Galvanic skin response - Instruments for testing Motor responses - Experimental
Analysis of Behavior - Biofeedback Instrumentation.
Module: 6 Special Equipment 7 Hours
Endoscopy – Laparoscopy - Cryogenic Equipment - Automated drug delivery system – Components of
drug infusion system – Implantable infusion systems, BMD Measurements – SXA – DXA - Quantitative
ultrasound bone densitometer
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Geoddes L.A, and Baker L.E, “Principles of Applied Biomedical Instrumentation”, John Wiley, 3rd
Edition, 1975, Reprint 1989.
2. Khandpur R.S, “Hand-book of Biomedical Instrumentation”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition, 2003.
Reference Books
1. Stuart MacKay R, “Bio-Medical Telemetry: Sensing and Transmitting Biological Information from
Animals and Man”, Wiley-IEEE Press, 2nd Edition, 1968.
2. John G, Webster, “Medical Instrumentation application and design”, JohnWiley, 3rd Edition, 1997.
3. Carr Joseph J, Brown, John M, “Introduction to Biomedical equipment technology”, John Wiley
and sons, New York, 4th Edition, 1997.
4. Rajarao C, and Guha S.K, “Principles of Medical Electronics and Biomedical Instrumentation”,
Universities press (India) Ltd, First Edition, Orient Longman ltd, 2001.
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 24th September 2022


Course code L T P C
22BM2028 3 0 2 4
Course Objective:
To impart knowledge on
1. The basics of Programming Techniques
2. The data acquisition and control of a device by interfacing to a computer.
3. The design of virtual instruments for various biomedical measurements and applications
Course Outcomes:
After completion of course, students will be able to:
1.Summarize the basics of LabVIEW programming
2. Interface with real time signals
3. Analyse the application of VIs in medical instrumentation in developing medical instruments


4. Interpret the concepts of data communication and synchronization
5. Perform signal processing operations using virtual instrumentation
6. Apply virtual instrumentation for biomedical applications
Module: 1 LabVIEW Programming Principles & Environment 8 Hours
Data flow – Definition, and importance of data flow in LabVIEW – Identify programming practices that
enforce data flow in block diagram, Virtual instrumentation (VI), and sub-VIs - Identify programming
practices that break data flow – Polymorphism - Define polymorphism - Identify benefits of
polymorphism - Determine output or intermediate values of data elements in VI that utilizes polymorphic
inputs LabVIEW Environment
Module: 2 Software Constructs & Programming Functions 8 Hours
Front panel window and block diagram objects - Controls, indicators, IO controls, and refnums - Property
Nodes - Data types and data structures - Flat and Stacked sequence structures - Event structures- Formula
Node - Arrays and clusters
Module: 3 Data Communication & Synchronization 7 Hours
Local, global, and shared variables – Data Socket - TCP and UDP – Synchronization – Notifiers – Queues
- VI Server - configuring the VI Server
Module: 4 Virtual Instrumentation (Vi) Design & SubVI Design Techniques 8 Hours
Simple state machine - User interface event handler - Queued message handler - Producer/consumer
(data) and producer/consumer (events) - Functional global variables - Connector panes and connection
types - Polymorphic subVIs - Options related to subVIs - Error handling – User interface design and
block diagram layout
Module: 5 Memory, Performance And Determinism 8 Hours
Tools for identifying memory and performance issues - Profile memory and performance - Show buffer
allocations- VI metrics - Programming practices - Enforcing dataflow -User interface updates and
response to user interface controls -
Module: 6 Applications 6 Hours
Applications of LabVIEW in displaying and monitoring vital parameters, Biomedical signal processing,
controlling assistive devices.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. . Jovitha Jerome, “Virtual Instrumentation using LabVIEW”, PHI Learning, 2010.
2. S. Sumathi, P.Surekha, “LabVIEW based Advanced Instrumentation Systems”, Springer 2007.
3 Gary Jonson, ‘LabVIEW Graphical Programming’, McGraw Hill, New York, Fourth edition 2006
Reference Books
1. 1. Jon B Olansen and Eric Rosow, “Vitrual Bio-Instrumentation Biomedical, Clinical and
Healthcare Applications in LabVIEW” 2001.
2. 2. Rick Bitter, Taqi Mohiuddin, Matt Nawrocki “LabVIEW: Advanced Programming Techniques”
Second Edition, CRC press, 2007.
3. 3. Lisa K. Wells & Jeffrey Travis, ‘LabVIEW for Everyone’, Prentice Hall Inc., First edition 1997.
4. 4. S. Gupta, J.P. Gupta, ‘PC interfacing for Data Acquisition & Process Control’, Instrument Society
of America, Second Edition, 1994
5. 5. Yik Yang “LabVIEW Graphical Programming Cookbook”, Packt Publishing Enterprise, 2014.
Recommended by Board of Studies
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Laboratory Experiments:
1. Waveform Generation
2. Use of While Loop, For Loop and Case Structure
3. Study of Sequential Programming : Flat Sequence and Stack Sequence


4. Use of Arithmetic Functions and Properties : Shift Register, Formula Node and Property Node
5. Data Collection and Console Design : Arrays and Clusters
6. Data Storage Methods using File I/O – Read and Write File
7. Creation of Sub Program using Sub-VI
8. Data Communication using Queues and Notifiers
9. Measurement of Body Temperature
10. Calculation of Peak-to-Peak interval of PPG Signal
11. Measurement of Heart Rate
12. Lung Sound Cancellation from Heart Sound
13. Calculation of Pulse Height of each Pulse in PPG Signal
14. Measurement of Pulse Transit Time


Course code L T P C
22BM2029 3 1 0 4
Course Objective:
To impart knowledge on
1. basic concepts of electric circuits, magnetic circuits and wiring.
2. operation of AC and DC machines.
3. working principle of electronic devices and circuits.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the students will be able to
1. Compute electric circuit parameters for simple problems
2. Understand the working principle and application of electrical machines
3. Analyze the characteristics of analogue electronic devices
4. Outlinethe basic concepts of digital electronics
5. Interpret the operating principles of measuring instruments
6. Recollect the application of electronics in medical world
DC Circuits: Circuit Components: Conductor, Resistor, Inductor, Capacitor – Ohm’s Law –Kirchhoff’s
Laws -Independent and Dependent Sources – Simple problems- Nodal Analysis, Mesh analysis with
Independent sources only (Steady state) Introduction to AC Circuits and Parameters: Waveforms,
Average value, RMS Value, Instantaneous power, real power, reactive power and apparent power, power
factor – Steady state analysis of RLC circuits (Simple problems only)
Construction and Working principle-DC separately and Self Excited Generators, EMF Equation, Types
and Applications, Working Principle of DC motors, Torque Equation, Types and Applications,
Construction, Working principle and applications of Transformers, Three Phase Alternators,
Synchronous Motors and Three Phase Induction Motors
Resistor, Inductor and Capacitor in Electronic Circuits- Semiconductor Materials: Silicon &Germanium
– PN Junction Diodes, Zener Diode -Characteristics Applications – Bipolar Junction Transistor-Biasing,
JFET, SCR, MOSFET,IGBT – Types, I-V Characteristics and Applications, Rectifier and Inverters
Review of Number Systems, Binary Codes, Error detection and Correction Codes, Combinational
Logic Circuits-Representation of Logic functions-SOP and POS forms, K map representations-
Minimization using K maps(Simple Problems), block diagram of processor, Introduction to Embedded


Functional elements of an instrument, Standards and calibration, Operating Principle, types -Moving
Coil and Moving Iron meters, Measurement of three phase power, Energy Meter, Instrument
Transformers-CT and PT, DSO- Block diagram- Data acquisition
Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Electrocardiograph- Einthoven's ECG device-ECG graph paper,
Sphygmomanometer, Digital Thermometers, Blood gas analyser, Stethoscope
Total Lectures 60 Hours
Text Books
1. Kothari DP and I.J Nagrath, Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Second Edition,
McGraw Hill Education, 2020
2. S.K.Bhattacharya Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Pearson Education, Second
Edition, 2017.
3. Sedha R.S., A textbook book of Applied Electronics, S. Chand and Co., 2008
4. James A .Svoboda, Richard C. Dorf, “ Introduction to Electric Circuits, Wiley, 2018.
5. A.K. Sawhney, Puneet Sawhney “A Course in Electrical and Electronic Measurements and
Instrumentation”, Dhanpat Rai and Co, 2015.
Reference Books
1. Kothari DP and I.J Nagrath, Basic Electrical Engineering, Fourth Edition, McGraw Hill
Education, 2019.
2. Thomas L. Floyd, ˜Digital Fundamentals11th Edition, Pearson Education, 2017.
3. Albert Malvino, David Bates, ˜Electronic Principles, McGraw Hill Education; 7th edition,
4. Mahmood Nahvi and Joseph A. Edminister, Electric Circuits, Schaum Outline Series,
McGraw Hill, 2002.
5. H.S. Kalsi, ˜Electronic Instrumentation, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2010
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 24th September 2022


22BM2030 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
To impart knowledge on
1. Recognizing and evaluating hazards (ergonomic in nature) which are likely to cause occupational
illnesses or injuries
2. Design and redesign tasks and workstations to fit employees.
3. Understand the concept of biomechanics to various aspects of sports training.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
1. Apply ergonomic principles to the creation of safer, healthier and more efficient and effective
activities in the workplace;
2. Develop appropriate control measures for ergonomic risk factors;
3. Analyze workplace according to good ergonomic principles
4. Paraphrase biomechanics adaptations to various aspects of sports training.
5. Summarize environmental change adaptations in sports training.
6. Interpret the risks associated with adaptations.
Module: 1 Overview of Ergonomics 8 Hours
Aims, objectives and benefits of ergonomics-The role of the ergonomist-Interfaces between job, person
and environment-Applying work physiology - body metabolism, work capacity and fatigue-Static and
dynamic postures- Developing ergonomics, professional ergonomists and competence


Module: 2 Ergonomics Methods and Techniques 7 Hours
Task analysis and allocation of functions-Risk evaluation quantity and quality of risk-Problem solving
- scientific method - Control measures monitoring and feedback - Overall ergonomics approach.
Module: 3 Workplace, Job and Product Design 7 Hours
Principles of workstation and system design - Space and workstation design principles-Design of work
and practice - Carrying out assessments of risk at VDU workstations - Principles of software ergonomics.
Module: 4 Muscle Action in Sport and Exercise 8 Hours
Neural contributions to changes in muscle strength - Mechanical Properties and Performance in skeletal
muscles – Muscle and Tendon architecture and athletic performance - Eccentric muscle action in sport
and exercise – Stretch – Shortening cycle of muscle function - Biomechanical foundations of strength
and Power training.
Module: 5 Jumping and Aerial Movement 7 Hours
Aerial Movement - The high jump - Jumping in figure skating - Springboard and platform diving -
Determinants of successful ski- Jumping performance.
Module: 6 Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation 8 Hours
Mechanisms of musculoskeletal injury - Musculoskeletal loading during landing – Sports related Spinal
injuries and their prevention - Impact propagation and its effects on the human body.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Corlett & Clark 1995 The Ergonomics of Workspaces & Machines Taylor & Francis
2. Shephard, R.J. and Astrand, P.-0. (1992) Endurance in sport. Blackwell Science Ltd, USA

Reference Books
1. R.S.Bridger 2003 Introduction to Ergonomics Taylor & Francis
2. Kroemer & Grandjean 1997 Fitting the Task to the Human – a text book of Occupational
Ergonomics Taylor & Francis
3. Fundamentals of Sociology of Sport and Physical Activity, Human Kinetics by Katherine M.
Jamieson, Maureen M. Smith.
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 24th September 2022

Course code L T P C
22BM2031 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
To impart knowledge on
1. Importance of 3D printing in Manufacturing
2. Real-life scenarios and recommend the appropriate use of 3D printing technology.
3. 3. Comprehend the need of 3D Printing in Bio-medical and health care field.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
1. Summarize the importance of 3D printing in Manufacturing
2. Interpret their design process
3. Identify how technology shifts throughout history have made 3D printing possible
4. Paraphrase the advantages and limitations of each 3D printing technology
5. Design and print objects containing moving parts without assembly.
6. Evaluate the unique advantages of 3D printing to their designs.
Module: 1 Introduction 8 Hours
Introduction to Design- Prototyping fundamentals - Introduction to 3D printing and its historical
development – advantages in various field


Module: 2 Fundamentals of 3-D Printing 7 Hours
3-D Printing, Generic 3D Printing Process, Benefits of 3D Printing, Distinction Between 3D Printing
and CNC Machining, Other Related Technologies
Module: 3 Development of 3-D Printing technology 7 Hours
Introduction, Computers, Computer-Aided Design Technology, Other Associated Technologies, The
Use of Layers, Classification of 3D Printing Processes, Metal Systems, Hybrid Systems, Milestones in
3D Printing Development, 3D Printing around the World.
Module: 4 Biobuild Software For Medical Data Transfer 8 Hours
Introduction, Medical Imaging: from Medical Scanner to 3D Model, Computer Approach in Dental
Implantology. BioBuild Paradigm - Importing a dataset, Volume reduction, Anatomical orientation
Module: 5 Scaffold-Based Tissue Engineering & Orthopedic Implants 7 Hours
Introduction, Medical Imaging: from Medical Scanner to 3D Model, Computer Approach in Dental
Implantology. BioBuild Paradigm - Importing a dataset, Volume reduction, Anatomical orientation
confirmation, Volume editing, Image processing, Build orientation optimization, 3D visualization, RP
file generation, Future Enhancements..
Module: 6 3-D Printing for Medical Applications 8 Hours
Medical Applications for 3D Printing - Use of 3D Printing to Support Medical Applications, Software
Support for Medical Applications, Limitations of 3D Printing for Medical Applications, Further
Development of Medical 3D Printing Applications.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Ian Gibson, Advanced Manufacturing Technology for Medical Applications, John Wiley, 2005.
Reference Books
1. Ian Gibson, David Rosen and Brent Stucker, “Additive Manufacturing Technologies: 3D printing,
Rapid prototyping and Direct Digital Manufacturing”, Springer, (2014)
2. Chee Kai Chua, Kah Fai Leong, 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing: Principles and
Applications: Fourth Edition of Rapid Prototyping
3. Paulo Bartolo and Bopaya Bidanda, Bio-materials and Prototyping Applications in Medicine,
Springer, 2008.
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 24th September 2022


Sl. Credits
Course Code Course Title
No [L:T:P:C]
1. 21BM3001 Medical Instrumentation Design 3:0:0:3
2. 21BM3002 Advanced Biomedical Signal Processing 3:0:0:3
3. 21BM3003 Applied Medical Image Processing 3:0:0:3
4. 21BM3004 Advanced Healthcare System Design 3:0:0:3
5. 21BM3005 Embedded System and Programming 3:0:0:3
6. 21BM3006 Advanced Biomedical Engineering Laboratory 0:0:4:2
7. 21BM3007 Hospital Training 0:0:4:2
8. 21BM3008 Medical Image Processing Laboratory 0:0:4:2
9. 21BM3009 Medical Devices Development Laboratory 0:0:4:2
10. 21BM3010 Medical Sensors and MEMS Technology 3:0:0:3
11. 21BM3011 Human Computer Interface 3:0:0:3
12. 21BM3012 Human Assistive Devices 3:0:0:3
13. 21BM3013 Cognitive Technology for Biomedical Engineers 3:0:0:3
14. 21BM3014 Finite Element Modeling for Biomedical Engineers 3:0:0:3
15. 21BM3015 Rehabilitation Engineering 3:0:0:3
16. 21BM3016 Machine Learning for Healthcare 3:0:0:3
17. 21BM3017 Robotics in Surgery 3:0:0:3
18. 21BM3018 Telehealth Technology 3:0:0:3
19. 21BM3019 Hospital and Equipment Management 3:0:0:3
20. 21BM3020 Physiological Control Systems 3:0:0:3
21. 21BM3021 Ergonomics in Healthcare 3:0:0:3
22. 21BM3022 Medical Ethics and Safety 3:0:0:3
23. 21BM3023 Internet of Things in Healthcare 3:0:0:3
24. 21BM3024 Nanotechnology in Medicine 3:0:0:3
25. 21BM3025 Biomedical Engineering Entrepreneurship 3:0:0:3
26. 21BM3026 Energy Audit and Management for Hospitals 3:0:0:3
27. 21BM3027 Prosthetic Devices 3:0:0:3
28. 21BM3028 Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare 3:0:0:3
29. 21BM3029 Advanced RISC Machine in Biomedical Applications 3:0:0:3
30. 21BM3030 Tissue Engineering and Artificial Organs 3:0:0:3

Course code L T P C
Course Objective:
The student should be made to:
1. Understand the fundamentals of human physiology system and its functions.
2. Learn the fundamental concepts of physiological parameters measurement.
3. Apply the concepts of various instrumentation techniques for biomedical applications.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Identify the basic functions of various human physiological systems
2. Demonstrate an interfacing circuit for real time bio signal acquisition
3. Construct the suitable instrumentation technique for a specific illness
4. Categorize the medical devices based on its biomedical applications
5. Assess the various parameters, constraints in methodology for effective diagnosis
6. Design of advanced biomedical equipments for various diseases and ensure patient safety
Module: 1 Introduction To Human Physiology 8 Hours
Circulatory system – cardio vascular system-central nervous system – respiratory system – muscular skeletal
system – digestive system – excretory system – sensory organs – voluntary and involuntary action.
Module: 2 Biopotentials And Their Measurements 7 Hours
cell and its structure – resting potentials – action potentials – bioelectric potentials – measurement of
potentials and their recording – Electrode theory – bipolar and Unipolar electrode-surface electrode –
electrode impedance –equivalent circuit for extra cellular electrodes- micro electrodes. basic principles of


Module: 3 Advanced Medical Instrumentation 7 Hours
Design of instrumentation system for physiological measurements-temperature, pressure, strain, weight, angle
measurements using encoder, flow measurements. Sensor selection for speed, location and acceleration
measurement.Case study. IoT based medical instrumentation.
Module: 4 Cardiovascular System And Instrumentation 8 Hours
Design of instrumentation system for Blood pressure measurement, selection of sensors, design specifications,
blood flow measurements, phonocardiography, Cardiac pacemakers, heart lung machines, Tread Mill, Test
design of interfacing circuits. Design of interface system. Casestudy.Artificial intelligence in cardiovascular

Module: 5 Respiratory System And Instrumentation 7 Hours

Mechanics of breathing, regulation of respiration, design of instrumentation system for respiratory system,
selection of transducers, artificial respiration therapy, artificial mechanical ventilation, troubleshooting and
maintenance of ventilators. Design of interfacing circuits.Case study. Machine Learning in diagnosis.
Module: 6 Neurological Instrumentation System 8 Hours
Neurophysiology, design of EEG amplifiers, wireless EEG, Bispectral Index EEG measurements for
depth of anesthesia monitoring. Deep learning in neurocomputing.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Joseph J Carr, John M Brown, “Introduction to medical equipment technology”, Pearson education
publisher, New Delhi, 2013.
2. Steven Schreiner, Joseph D. Bronzino, Donald R. Peterson, “Medical Instruments and Devices: Principles
and Practices”, CRC Press, 2017.
Reference Books
1. John G. Webster, “Medical Instrumentation Application and Design”, John Wiley and sons, New York,
2. Joseph D. Bronzino, “The Biomedical engineering handbook”, Vol I, CRC press, 2000.
3. Myer Kutz, “Standard Handbook of Biomedical Engineering& Design”, McGraw Hill
4. Leslie Cromwell, “Biomedical Instrumentation and measurement”, Prentice hall of India, New Delhi,
5. Khandpur,R.S,”Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation”, Second Edition. Tata Mc Graw Hill Pub. Co.,
Ltd. 2003
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
Course Objective:
The student should be made to:
1. Know the basic concepts of Bio signal Processing
2. Learn about the filtering techniques used in Medical Signal Processing
3. Understand the Applications of Signal Processing for Diagnosis.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
1. Summarize the basic concepts of digital signal processing techniques.
2. Identify the nature of Biomedical signals.
3. Apply the Filtering Techniques.
4. Analyze the Noise Cancellation Techniques for Biosignals.
5. Understand various Techniques for Detection of Events.
6. Develop systems for Biosignal Acquisition and Analysis
Module: 1 Overview of Digital Signal Processing And Applications 8 Hours
Sampling and aliasing , Signal reconstruction, Signal conversion systems, convolution - Correlation - FFT -
decimation in time algorithm, Decimation in Frequency algorithm. Artificial intelligence in signal processing.
Module: 2 Introduction to biomedical signals 7 Hours


Nature of biomedical signals - Examples of biomedical signals-EEG, EMG, ECG, VMG, VAG, evoked
potentials, Event Related Potentials, Speech Signal, Bioacoustic signals - Objectives and Difficulties of
Biomedical Signal Analysis. Deep learning in Biosignal analysis.
Module: 3 Filtering Techniques 7 Hours
Random Noise, Structured Noise, and Physiological Noise Time domain filtering – Synchronous averaging,
Moving average filters, Frequency domain filters – Design of Butterworth filters- optimal filtering, Machine
Learning applications in signal computation.
Module: 4 Noise Cancellation in Bio Signals 8 Hours
Adaptive noise cancellation-LMS and RLS algorithms in adaptive filtering – Application: Motion Artifacts in
ECG, Powerline Interference in ECG, Maternal Interference in ECG. Machine Learning applications in noise
Module: 5 Analysis of Biosignals: 7 Hours
Cardiological Signal Processing - Methods in Recording ECG , Waves and Intervals of ECG - ECG Data
Acquisition , ECG Parameters and Their Estimation - ECG QRS Detection Technique - Template Matching
Technique - Differentiation Based QRS Detection Technique - Simple QRS width Detection Algorithm - High
Speed QRS detection Algorithm - Estimation of R-R Interval - Estimation of ST Segment - Analysis of PCG
signal - Analysis of EMG signal and EEG Signal. Deep learning for biosignal analysis.
Module: 6 Applications 8 Hours
Adaptive Segmentation of ECG and PCG signals - Time varying analysis of heart rate variability - Detection
of Coronary Artery Disease - Analysis of Ectopic ECG beats.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Rangaraj M. Rangayyan, “Biomedical signal analysis”, John Wiley &Sons.Inc. 2002.
2. Monson H.Hayes, “Statistical Digital signal processing”, John Wiley &Sons.Inc 1996
Reference Books
1. Arnon Cohen, “Biomedical Signal Processing” Vol I and II,CRC Press, Florida, 1988.
2. D.C.Reddy, “Biomedical Signal Processing: Principles and Techniques, Tata McGraw Hill Pub, Third
reprint 2007.
3. SanjitK.Mitra “Digital Signal Processing”, A Computer Based Approach”, Tata McGraw- Hill, New
Delhi, fourth edition 2011.
4. John G. Proakis and DimitrisG.Manolakis, “Digital Signal Processing, Algorithms and Applications”,
PHI of India Ltd., New Delhi, fourth Edition, 2007.
5. Khandpur,R.S,”Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation”, Second Edition. Tata Mc Graw Hill Pub. Co.,
Ltd. 2003
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
Course Objective:
The student should be made to:
1. Learn the fundamentals of medical image processing
2. Understand various medical image processing techniques
3. Apply the methodologies for clinical applications
Course Outcomes:
Upon the completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Describe the fundamentals to represent the images as per the given requirement
2. Discuss the segmentation method for a given clinical application
3. Explain the spatial transformation and its use for medical application
4. Distinguish between various rendering techniques on medical images
5. Assess the effect of image registration with respect to clinical application
6. Discuss the techniques for reconstruction of CT images
Module: 1 Image Representation 8 Hours
Pixels and voxels, gray scale and color representation, image file formats, DICOM, other formats- intensity
transform functions, and the dynamic range, windowing, histogram and histogram operations, dithering and
depth, filtering and Fourier transform. Artificial intelligence in filtering methods.
Module: 2 Segmentation 7 Hours


The segmentation problem, Region of interest and centroid, theresholding, region growing, sophisticated
segmentation methods, morphological operations, evaluation of segmentation results-Clinical applications.
Machine learning techniques in image segmentation.
Module: 3 Spatial Transforms 7 Hours
Discretization, interpolation and volume regularization, translation and rotation, reformatting, tracking and
image guided therapy. Deep learning in image processing.
Module: 4 Rendering And Surface Models 8 Hours
Visualization, orthogonal and perspective projection, and their view point, raycasting, surface based rendering-
Clinical applications.
Module: 5 Registration 7 Hours
Fusing information, registration paradigm, merit functions, optimization strategies-camera calibration,
registration to physical space-evaluation of registration results - Clinical applications. Deep learning methods
in image registration.
Module: 6 CT Reconstruction 8 Hours
Introduction-Radon transform-algebraic reconstruction-Fourier transform and filtering-filtered back
projection-Clinical applications. IoT for clinical applications.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Wolfgang Birkfellner, “Applied medical Image Processing- A basic course”, Second Edition, CRC Press,
2. Rafael C. Gonzales, Richard E. Woods, “Digital Image Processing”, Third Edition, Pearson Education,
Reference Books
1. Anil Jain K. “Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2011.
2. William K. Pratt, “Introduction to Digital Image Processing”, CRC Press, 2013.
3. Chris Solomon, Toby Breckon, “Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing – A practical approach with
examples in Matlab”, Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
4. Jayaraman, “Digital Image Processing”, Tata McGraw Hill Education, 2011.
5. Khandpur,R.S,”Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation”, Second Edition. Tata Mc Graw Hill Pub. Co.,
Ltd. 2003.
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
Course Objective:
The student should be made to:
1. Understand the needs for wearable devices and the technology
2. Learn the concepts in digital health care and digital hospitals
3. Apply the tools in design, testing and developing digital health care equipment
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Identify the available technology for wearable healthcare devices
2. Interpret the need for digital methods of handling medical records
3. Modify the tools and methods for work flow
4. Compare various standards for inter-operability of devices
5. Decide quality and safety standards for developing healthcare systems
6. Formulate advanced strategies for innovation to societal needs.
Module: 1 Wearable Devices And M-Health Care 8 Hours
Introduction to mobile health care-devices-economy-average length of stay in hospital, outpatient care, health
care costs, mobile phones, 4G, smart devices, wearable devices, Uptake of e-health and m-health technologies.
Standards, system Design and case study.
Module: 2 Digital Radiology 7 Hours
Digital radiology for digital hospital, picture archiving and communication, system integration, digital history
of radiology, medical image archives, storage and networks.
Module: 3 E-Health 7 Hours
Health care networking, Medical reporting using speech recognition, physiological tests and functional
diagnosis with digital methods, tele-consultation in medicine and radiology. Machine learning in diagnosis.


Module: 4 Modality 8 Hours
Multimodality registration in daily clinical practice. Mobile healthcare.Casestudy.IoT applications in
Module: 5 Digital Health 7 Hours
Requirements and best practices, Laws and regulations in Digital health, Ethical issues, barriers and strategies
for innovation
Module: 6 Standards For Inter Operability 8 Hours
Selection and Implementation in e-Health project, design of medical equipments based on user needs. Security
and privacy in digital health care.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. ChristophThuemmler, Chunxue Bai, “Health 4.0: How Virtualization and Big Data are Revolutionizing
Healthcare”, Springer, 1st ed. 2017.
2. Samuel A. Fricker, ChristophThümmler, AnastasiusGavras, “Requirements Engineering For Digital
Health”, Springer, 2015
Reference Books
1. Rick Krohn (Editor), David Metcalf, Patricia Salber, “Health-e Everything: Wearablesand The Internet
of Things for Health, ebook. 2013.
2. WlaterHruby, “Digital revolution in radiology – Bridging the future of health care, second edition,
Springer, New York. 2006.
3. Khandpur,R.S,”Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation ”,Second Edition. Tata Mc Graw Hill Pub. Co.,
Ltd. 2003
4. John, G. Webster. Medical Instrumentation: Application and Design. Second Edition. Wiley Publisher,
New Delhi. 2013.
5. Joseph J Carr, John M Brown, “Introduction to medical equipment technology”, Pearson education
publisher, New Delhi, 2013.
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
Course Objective:
To impart knowledge on:
1. Basic concepts of Embedded Systems
2. Various techniques used for designing an embedded system.
3. 3. Real time system with an examples
Course Outcomes:
Upon the completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Discuss the basics of embedded systems and its hardware units
2. Identify the various tools and development process of embedded system
3. Create the programming for embedded system design
4. Demonstrate the various I/O interfacing with microcontroller
5. Summarize the real time models, languages and operating systems
6. Design a real time embedded system for biomedical applications
Module: 1 System Design 8 Hours
Definitions-Characteristics -Architecture of an embedded system-Overview of micro-controllers and
microprocessors- Classifications of an embedded system - Embedded processor architectural definitions-
Embedded hardware units and devices in a system, Design Process, Design process and metrics in embedded
system, Design challenges, Optimising the design metrics, Skills required for an embedded system designer.
Module: 2 Embedded Software Tools for Programming 7 Hours
Embedded software development Process, Host and Target machine, Linking and Locating Software, Getting
embedded software into the target system, Converting embedded C programming into Machine codes,
Embedded Software IDE for programming, Embedded Software Tools.
Module: 3 Course in Embedded C 7 Hours
Review of embedded C programming Language,Programming in assembly language and high level language,
C program elements, Embedded C programming- Simple programs, High level language descriptions of
software for embedded system, Basics of Python programming.
Module: 4 Hardware interfacing and Programming Skills 8 Hours


Study of microcontroller, Interfacing and Programming – Switch, Keypad, LED, Seven segment displays, Data
Acquisition system, A/D, D/A converters, Timers and Counters. Interrupt concept.
Module: 5 Techniques for Embedded Systems 7 Hours
State Machine and state Tables in embedded system design, Simulation and Emulation of embedded systems.
Real time models, Language and Operating Systems-Tasks and task states, operating system services, RTOS
functions, Interrupt routine in RTOS environment.
Module: 6 Real Time Applications 8 Hours
Body temperature measurement, Stepper motor control.Embedded system in biomedical application- Wireless
sensor technologies, Body sensor network, Patient monitoring system. Case study.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. RajKamal, “Embedded Systems Architecture, Programming and Design”, Tata McGrawHill ,Second
Edition, 2008
2. Tim Wilhurst, “An Introduction to the Design of Small Scale Embedded Systems,Palgrave, 2004.
Reference Books
1. Tammy Noergaard, “Embedded Systems Architecture”, Elsevier, 2005.
2. Frank Vahid, Tony Givargis, “Embedded Systems Design”, Wiley India, 2006
3. Khandpur R.S, “Hand-book of Biomedical Instrumentation”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition, 2003.
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
Course Objective:
The student should be made to:
1. Learn the methods of recording Biosignals and design of interfacing circuits
2. work with calibration of medical devices
3. study the modeling and analysis of physiological systems
Course Outcomes:
Upon the completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Record the biosignals
2. Understand the selection of sensors
3. Design the biosignal processing circuits
4. Analyse the modeling and analysis physiological parameters
5. Compare various standards
6. Perform the calibration of medical devices
1. Record and analyze the ECG signal
2. Record and analyze the EMG signal.
3. Record and analyze the EEG signal.
4. Design, selection and testing of micro pressure for medical applications
5. Design, selection and testing of micro flow sensor for medical application
6. Design and testing of strain sensor for biomechanics applications
7. Design and analysis of angle sensor for GAIT system
8. Modeling of respiration system and analysis
9. Modeling of cardiovascular system
10. Modeling and analysis of muscle reflex
11. Calibration of infusion pump
12. Design and testing of patient monitoring system
13. Simulation and Calibration and ECG recording system
14. Design of control system for cardiac assist devices
15. Calibration and design of CPAP device
16. Testing and calibration of oxygen concentrator
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021


Course code L T P C
Course Objective:
The student should be made to:
1. Work and testing of various medical equipments
2. Have experience in hospital work environment
3. Assess various methods of quality in medical devices
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:
1. Demonstrate the functions of medical equipments
2. Identify the specifications, operating procedure, and maintenance log
3. Modify the applications for specific purpose
4. Experiment the effect of human factors on design of medical devices
5. Access the regulations, standards and certification of devices
6. Integrate the functions, analyse the data and develop methodologies
List of Experiments:
1. Study and testing of the instruments for vital sign monitoring
2. Study and testing of the instruments for respiration monitoring
3. Study and testing of the anesthesia machine
4. Study and testing of the instruments for post operative care
5. Study and testing of the equipments in ICU, ICCU, HDU, NICU
6. Study and testing of the equipments in operation theatre
7. Study and testing of the equipments for minimally access surgery
8. Study and testing of the equipments in dentistry
9. Study and testing of the equipments in urology
10. Study and testing of the equipments for chemotherapy
11. Study and testing of the equipments for physiotherapy
12. Study and testing of the equipments for podiatry
13. Study on Equipments for waste handling
14. Study on quality standards, medical record and certification
15. Handling of power sources, water and general maintenance practices
16. MiniProject
17. Study on ISO standards, regulatory Practices and safety
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
Course Objective:
The student should be made to:
1. Work with various medical image data
2. Have experience in MatLab for image processing
3. Process medical images using various methods
Course Outcomes:
Upon the completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate the manipulation of images for the specified requirement
2. Identify the region of interest using segmentation and morphological operations
3. Modify the image geometry for specific purpose
4. Show the effect of rending on given image
5. Indicate the results of fusion and registration of images
6. Demonstrate image reconstruction using the given data
1. Basic operations on medical images
2. Enhancement of medical images
3. Image segmentation using thresholding and region based methods
4. Morphological operations on medical images
5. Translation and rotation of medical images
6. Image reformatting and tracking


7. Volume rendering and Surface rendering
8. Methods for medical image fusion using artificial intelligence
9. Image registration methods using deep learning
10. Image reconstruction using machine learning
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code L T P C
Course Objective:
The student should be made to:
1. understand the fundamentals of Embedded system
2. develop programming techniques in real time applications
3. design and develop biomedical devices and products in healthcare
Course Outcomes:
Upon the completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Create an embedded C program for various I/O interfacing in medical devices
2. Implement hardware timer concepts for providing delay
3. Develop real time embedded systems for biomedical applications
4. Apply internet protocols for data transmission
5. Design interfacing circuits to acquire real time data and process it using software
6. Integrate the sensor with internet protocol for online monitoring
1. Port Programming
2. Input and Output device Interfacing
3. Concept of timer for generating hardware delay
4. PWM generation
5. Biosensor Interfacing
6. ON/OFF Relay control
7. Low Power wireless transmission of Biosignals
8. Analysis of biosignals and image with Raspberry Pi using python
9. Configuring Raspberry Pi processor for cloud storage and interfacing of biosignals
10. Design of Online Patient monitoring system –IoT implementation
11. Mobile phone based design of medical devices for continuous monitoring system
12. Web server based monitoring and control
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021


21BM3010 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
The student should be made to:
1. Understand the in depth and quantitative view of medical sensors and its characteristics
2. Knowledge of the current state of the art to micro sensor fabrication methods
3. Apply the tools to design and development of sensors for the medical applications
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Identify the principle of medical sensors and its interfacing circuits
2. Classify the micro sensor materials, synthesis, fabrication and its characterization
3. Choose the design tools to test and develop products to required specifications
4. Infer the most relevant challenges facing in the fabrication process
5. Judge a sensor based on standard performance criteria and environmental impact
6. Construct the micro system for appropriateness for an application and user.
Module: 1 Classification Of Medical Sensors 7 Hours
Sensors for Pressure Measurement- Sensors for Motion and Force Measurement- Sensors for Flow
Measurement -Temperature Measurement- Sensors for speed, torque, vibration- smart sensors, design of
interface system. Artificial intelligence in sensor technology.
Module: 2 Microsystem Design 8 Hours


Technological Breakthrough, Dielectrics for Use in MEMS Applications, Piezoelectric Thin Films for MEMS
Applications, Modeling of Piezoelectric MEMS, Interface Circuits for Capacitive MEMS Gyroscope,
Advanced MEMS Technologies for Tactile Sensing and Actuation, MEMS-Based Micro Hot-Plate Devices,
Inertial Sensor. Design of microsystem for sensing and control.Case study. Machine Learning tools in system
design and analysis.
Module: 3 Material For MEMS And NEMS 7 Hours
Working principle of Microsystems, materials for MEMS and Microsystems, micromachining, System
modeling, Properties of materials, Synthesis, selection and characteristics of materials. Artificial intelligence
in material characteristics.
Module: 4 Fabrication Methods 8 Hours
Clean room, microfabrication methods, Lithography, epitaxy, sputtering, deposition, surface and bulk
micromachining. Case study.
Module: 5 Microsensors And Actuators 7 Hours
Mechanical sensors and actuators – beam and cantilever, piezoelectric materials, thermal sensors and
actuators- micromachined thermocouple probe, Peltier effect, heat pumps, thermal flow sensors, micro
gripper microlens, microneedle, micropumps-Testing of the performance using software tools. Deep learning
in actuator design and analysis.Applications of Optimization tools.
Module: 6 Software Tools 8 Hours
Modeling and design, using MatLab, Design of sensors, pressure sensor, vibration sensor, actuators
Analysis using solvers, MatLab, Comsol, mechanical solver, electrical solver. Machine learning tools in design
and analysis.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. VikasChoudhary, Krzysztof Iniewski, “MEMS: Fundamental Technology and Applications”, CRC Press,
UK, 2017.
2. Tatsuo Togawa; Toshiyo Tamura; P. Ake Oberg, “Biomedical Sensors and Instruments”, CRC Press,UK
Reference Books
1. Octavian Adrian Postolache and Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay, “Sensors for Everyday Life: Healthcare
Settings (Smart Sensors, Measurement and Instrumentation), CRC Press, 2017.
2. Gabor Harsanyi, “Sensors In Biomedical Applications: Fundamentals, Technology & Applications”, CRC
Press, USA, 2000.
3. Tai Ran Hsu, “MEMS and Microsystems Design and Manufacture”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Company, New Delhi, 2002.
4. Marc J. Madou ‘Fundamentals of Microfabrication: The Science of Miniaturization’, CRC Press, 2002.
5. Mohammad Ilyas, Imad Mahgoub, “Handbook of Sensor Networks Compact Wireless and Wired
Sensing Systems” CRC Press, USA. 2005.
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021


21BM3011 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
The student should be made to:
1. Understand the fundamentals of EEG signal acquisition techniques
2. Learn the feature extraction methods
3. Design EEG based robotic application
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Identify the data acquisition methods for EEG signal
2. Classify the types of signals and its components
3. Choose the design tools to develop simulation models
4. Classify the signals to develop the applications
5. Assess the systems based on the design specifications
6. Construct the applications for medical diagnosis and robots
Module: 1 Human Computer Interaction 7 Hours


Introduction to theories within cognitive and perceptual psychology, human decision making and actions in
computer supported situations. Design and construction, Interaction between human and computerized
technical systems.Artificial intelligence in decision making.
Module: 2 Introduction To Brain Computer Interfaces 8 Hours
Concept of BCI, Invasive and Non-invasive Types, EEG Standards, Signal Features, Spectral Components,
EEG Data Acquisition, Pre-processing, Hardware and Software, Artifacts, Methods to Remove, Near Infrared
BCI.Machine learning for brain computer interface.
Module: 3 BCI Approaches 7 Hours
Movement Related EEG Potentials, Mental States, Visual Evoked Potential. P300 virtual platform.
Module: 4 EEG Feature Extraction Methods 8 Hours
Time/Space Methods, Fourier Transform, Wavelets, AR models, Band pass filtering, PCA, Laplacian Filters,
Linear and Non-linear Features. Deep learning and artificial intelligence in feature extraction methods.
Module: 5 EEG Feature Translation Methods 7 Hours
LDA, Regression, Memory Based Vector Quantization, Gaussian Mixture Modeling, Hidden Markov
Module: 6 BCI Controlled Robots 8 Hours
Case Study of Problems in BCI, Case Study of Brain Actuated Control applications.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Chang S. Nam (Editor), Anton Nijholt (Editor), Fabien Lotte, “ Brain–Computer Interfaces Handbook:
Technological and Theoretical Advances”, CRC Press, UK. 2018.
2. Maureen Clerc, Laurent Bougrain, Fabien Lotte, “Brain Computer Interfaces 2: Technology and
Applications”, Wiley Publisher, 2016.
Reference Books
1. Rajesh P. N. Rao, “Brain-Computer Interfacing: An Introduction”, 1st Edition, Cambridge University
Press, 2018.
2. Andrew Webb, “Statistical Pattern Recognition”, Wiley International, Second Edition, 2002.
3. R.Spehlmann, “EEG Primer”, Elsevier Biomedical Press, 1981.
4. Bishop C.M, “Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition”, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1995.

Recommended by Board of Studies

Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021


21BM3012 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
The student should be made to:
1. Introduce the Fundamental terms and concepts of human assist devices
2. Learn various assist device functions and characteristics.
3. Apply design tools for modeling and analysis of assist devices
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Identify the requirements for human assist devices
2. Classify the systems based on applications
3. Relate soft tools for analysis and design of devices for specific applications
4. Infer the merits of human assist system and its influence to environment.
5. Choose the methodologies in measurement systems and conditions
6. Combine instrumentation techniques for development of assist devices to human needs
Module: 1 Heart Lung Machine And Artificial Heart 7 Hours
Condition to be satisfied by the H/L System. Different types of Oxygenators, Pumps, Pulsatile and Continuous
Types, Monitoring Process, Shunting, The Indication for Cardiac Transplant, Driving Mechanism, Blood
Handling System, Functioning and different types of Artificial Heart, Mock test setup for assessing its
Functions.Artificial intelligence in assist devices.
Module: 2 Cardiac Assist Devices 8 Hours
Synchronous Counter pulsation, Assisted through Respiration Right Ventricular Bypass Pump, Left
Ventricular Bypass Pump, Open Chest and closed Chest type, Intra Aortic Balloon Pumping, Arterial Pumping,


Prosthetic Cardio Valves, Principle and problem, Biomaterials for implantable purposes, its characteristics and
testing. Case study.
Module: 3 Artificial Kidney 7 Hours
Indication and Principle of Hemodialysers, Membrane, Dialysate, Different types of hemodialysers,
Monitoring Systems, Wearable Artificial Kidney, Implanting Type- Modeling and analysis. Case
study.Machine learning in analysis and testing of devices.
Module: 4 Prosthetic And Orthodic Devices 8 Hours
Hand and Arm Replacement - Different Types of Models Externally Powered Limb Prosthesis Feedback in
Orthodic System, Functional Electrical Stimulation, Haptic Devices.
Module: 5 Respiratory And Hearing Aids 7 Hours
Intermittent positive pressure, Breathing Apparatus Operating Sequence, Electronic IPPB unit with monitoring
for all respiratory parameters. Types of Deafness, Hearing Aids- Construction and Functional Characteristics.
Module: 6 Sensory Augmentation And Substitutions 8 Hours
Classification of Visual Impairments, Prevention and cure of visual impairments, Visual Augmentation, Tactile
vision substitution, auditory substitution and augmentation, tactile auditory substitution, Assistive devices for
the visual impaired. IoT based assist devices.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Kolff W.J, “Artificial Organs”, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1979.
2. Andreas.F.Vonracum,“Hand book of biomaterial evalution”,Mc-MillanPublishers, 1980.
Reference Books
1. Albert M.Cook, Webster J.G., “Therapeutic Medical Devices”, Prentice Hall Inc., New Jersey, 1982.
2. John. G. Webster – Bioinstrumentation - John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pvt Ltd, 2004.
3. Muzumdar A., “Powered Upper Limb Prostheses: Control, Implementation and Clinical Application,
“Springer, 2004.
4. Rory A Cooper, “An Introduction to Rehabilitation Engineering, Taylor & Francis, CRC Press, UK.
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021


21BM3013 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
The student should be made to:
1. Learn the various soft computing frame works
2. Be familiar with design of various neural networks and fuzzy logic
3. Learn genetic programming and hybrid systems
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:
1. Identify various soft computing frame works
2. Interpret various neural networks and fuzzy logic methods
3. Relate genetic programming and hybrid soft computing
4. Select computing techniques for biomedical applications
5. Assess hybrid techniques
6. Design diagnostic and therapeutic methods
Module: 1 Introduction To Artificial Neural Networks 7 Hours
Characteristics- learning methods – taxonomy – Evolution of neural networks- McCulloch-Pitts neuron - linear
separability - Hebb network - supervised learning network: perceptron networks - adaptive linear neuron,
multiple adaptive linear neuron. Artificial intelligence in medical applications.
Module: 2 Types Of Neural Networks 8 Hours
BPN, RBF, TDNN- associative memory network: auto-associative memory network, hetero-associative
memory network, BAM, hopfield networks, iterative autoassociative memory network & iterative associative
memory network – unsupervised learning networks: Kohonenself organizing feature maps, LVQ – CP
networks, ART network. Case studies on biomedical applications.
Module: 3 Fuzzy Logic 7 Hours
Membership functions: features, fuzzification, methods of membership value assignments- Defuzzification:
lambda cuts - methods - fuzzy arithmetic and fuzzy measures: fuzzy arithmetic - extension principle - fuzzy


measures - formation of rules-decomposition of rules, fuzzy inference systems-overview of fuzzy expert
system-fuzzy decision making. Case studies on biomedical applications.
Module: 4 Genetic Algorithm 8 Hours
Genetic algorithm and search space - general genetic algorithm, operators - Generational cycle, stopping
condition, constraints. Classification, genetic programming, multilevel optimization, real life problem,
Advances in GA. Case studies on biomedical applications using deep learning.
Module: 5 Hybrid Soft Computing Techniques 7 Hours
Neuro-fuzzy hybrid systems - genetic neuro hybrid systems - genetic fuzzy hybrid and fuzzy genetic hybrid
systems - simplified fuzzy ARTMAP. Case studies on biomedical applications.
Module: 6 Applications 8 Hours
A fusion approach of multispectral images with SAR, optimization of traveling salesman problem using
genetic algorithm approach, soft computing based hybrid fuzzy controllers. Case studies on biomedical
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Laurene V. Fausett, “Fundamentals of Neural Networks: Architectures, Algorithms and Applications”
Pearson Education, 2010.
2. S.N.Sivanandam and S.N.Deepa, “Principles of Soft Computing”, Wiley India Pvt Ltd, 2011.
Reference Books
1. J.S.R.Jang, C.T. Sun and E.Mizutani, “Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing”, Pearson Education 2004.
2. S.Rajasekaran and G.A.VijayalakshmiPai, “Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm:
Synthesis & Applications”, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 2006.
3. George J. Klir, Ute St. Clair, Bo Yuan, “Fuzzy Set Theory: Foundations and Applications”, Prentice
Hall, New Delhi. 1997.
4. Simon Haykin, “Neural Networks Comprehensive Foundation”, Second Edition, Pearson Education,
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021


Course code L T P C
21BM3014 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
The students should be made to:
1. Understand the concepts of finite element methods for biomechanical analysis
2. Study beam elements and scalar problem in two dimension
3. Create applications to field problems
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to:
1. Define modeling using finite element formulation
2. Identify boundary conditions and mesh elements
3. Relate finite element analysis in biomechanical research
4. Select the tools and develop the models
5. Assess the models and observe the performance
6. Create physiological model for biomedical applications
Module: 1 Introduction To Modeling 7 Hours
Historical Background, Mathematical Modeling of field problems in Engineering, Governing Equations,
Natural and Essential Boundary conditions - Basic concepts of the Finite Element Method. One Dimensional
Second Order Equations, Discretization, element types- Linear and Higher order Elements Derivation of
Shape functions and Stiffness matrices and force vectors Assembly of Matrices - solution of problems from
solid and bio mechanics- Structural, stress, and strain analysis of the human body and/or artificial
implants.Artificial intelligence based design applications.
Module: 2 Beam Elements And Scalar Problem In Two Dimention 8 Hours
Fourth Order Beam Equation Transverse deflections - Natural frequencies of beams and Longitudinal vibration.
Second Order 2D Equations involving Scalar Variable Variational formulation Finite Element formulation
Triangular elements Shape functions and element matrices and vectors. Application to Field Problems in Bio
mechanics, Quadrilateral elements.
Module: 3 Applications To Field Problems 7 Hours


Higher order elements. Natural co-ordinate systems Isoparametric elements Shape functions for isoparametric
elements One, two and three dimensions Serendipity elements Numerical integration and application to plane
stress problems transformation in coordinates- Jacobian of transformation-order of convergence- numerical
integration example problems- shape functions in natural coordinates- rectangular elements- Lagrange family-
Serendipity family rectangular prisms- tetrahedral elements. Deep learning tools in analysis.
Module: 4 Isoparametric Formulation And Miscellaneous Topics 8 Hours
Introduction to elasticity equations stress strain relations plane problems of elasticity element
equations Plane stress, plane strain and axisymmetric problems stress-strain-time or constitutive equations for
soft connective tissue components Modelling and force analysis of musculoskeletal systems Stress calculations.
Module: 5 Non-Linear Analysis 7 Hours
Introduction to Non-linear problems - some solution methods- computational procedure- simple material
nonlinearity, stress stiffening, contact interfaces- problems of gaps and contact- geometric non-linearity-
modeling considerations.
Module: 6 Impact Analysis 8 Hours
Mechanical properties of biological and commonly used biomedical engineering materials - Critical reviews
of finite element analysis in biomechanical research.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. J N Reddy, “Finite element methods”, Tata Mc GrawHill, 2003.
2. Seshu, “Text Book of finite element analysis”, Prentice Hall, New Delhi, 2003.
Reference Books
1. Connie McGuire, “Finite Element Analysis: Biomedical Aspects”, NY Research press, 2015.
2. Moratal D., “Finite Element Analysis from Biomedical Applications to Industrial Developments”,
InTech Publisher, 2014.
3. King-Hay Yang, “Basic Finite Element Method as Applied to Injury Biomechanics”, Elsevier
Academic Press. 2017.
4. Suvranu De and FarshidGuilak, “Computational Modeling in Biomechanics”, Springer, 2010.
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021


21BM3015 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
The student should be made to:
1. Know about various types of disability and its rehabilitation models
2. Understand the integration of sensor and actuators to combat disability
3. Build rehabilitation robots for training and applications in rehabilitation
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Describe the basic terminology in rehabilitation and models for societal applications
2. Classify the sensors and actuators for particular applications.
3. Discover the new methodology and systems for societal needs related to disability
4. Compare the devices and methods under various environmental conditions
5. Criticize the design, performance, cost, user need and affordability
6. Develop the products based on cost effectiveness, user needs, environment friendly
Module: 1 Introduction To Rehabilitation 7 Hours
Introduction, models, Health, disability, quality of life, Safety standards, Community based rehabilitation,
independence, mobility, reforms.
Module: 2 Transducer And Actuators For Rehabilitation 8 Hours
Linear and Angular displacement transducer, velocity Strain, Force measurement, Motion sensor-
accelerometer, Proximity sensor, optical encoder Electrical actuators for rehabilitation,
electromechanical mechanism, Pneumatic actuators, Hydraulic actuators.IoT based application design.
Module: 3 Technology And Disability 7 Hours
Design of upper limb, Design of lower limb,prosthetics design, and design parameters. Deep learning based
design and analysis.
Module: 4 Robots In Rehabilitation 8 Hours


Physiology basics of neuromotor recovery, neurorehabilitation, robots assisted rehabilitation therapy, actuator
design methods and controllers. Exoskeleton applications for upper and lower
limb.rehabilitationrobotics,Mobility and navigation.
Module: 5 Rehabilitation Training And Assessment 7 Hours
Assessment methods, computational models, interactive training, software tools, Personal and patient
transportation system, Design of Smart wheel chair, Gait training, wearable robotic systems,robots in activities
for daily living.
Module: 6 Control Of Exoskeleton 8 Hours
EMG based controls. Modeling, simulation and control of exoskeleton.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Barbara Gibson, “Rehabilitation: A Post-critical Approach”, Rehabilitation Science in Practice Series,
First Edition, 2016.
2. Myer Kutz, “Standard Handbook of Biomedical Engineering& Design”, McGraw Hill
Reference Books
1. Roberto Colombo (Editor), Vittorio Sanguineti, “Rehabilitation Robotics: Technology and
Application”,1st Edition, Elsevier, UK, 2018.
2. Volker Dietz, Tobias Nef, William Zev Rymer, “Neuro Rehabilitation technology”, Springer, London,
3. Clarence W. de Silva, “Sensors and Actuators: Engineering System”, CRC Press, UK, 2016.
4. Xie, Shane, “Advanced Robotics for Medical Rehabilitation: Current State of the Art and Recent
Advances, 2016.
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021


21BM3016 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
The student should be made to:
1. Learn the concept of machine learning.
2. Analyse recent advances in machine learning algorithms
3. Explore supervised and unsupervised learning paradigms towards applications
Course Outcomes:
After completion of course, students would be able to:
1. Describe features that can be used for a particular machine learning approach
2. Classify contrast pros and cons of various machine learning techniques
3. Illustrate various methods for developing the application
4. Infer various machine learning approaches and paradigms.
5. Choose the methods towards challenges
6. Create solution to human problems in healthcare domain
Module: 1 Supervised Learning 7 Hours
Basic methods: Distance-based methods, Nearest-Neighbours, Decision Trees, Naive Bayes Linear models:
Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Generalized Linear Models Support Vector Machines, Nonlinearity
and Kernel Methods-Beyond Binary Classification: Multi-class/Structured Outputs, Ranking
Module: 2 Unsupervised Learning 8 Hours
Clustering: K-means/Kernel K-means, Dimensionality Reduction: PCA and kernel PCA, Matrix Factorization
and Matrix Completion, Generative Models (mixture models and latent factor models)
Module: 3 Evaluating Algorithms 7 Hours
Machine Learning algorithms and Model Selection, Introduction to Statistical Learning Theory, Ensemble
Methods, Boosting, Bagging, Random Forests.
Module: 4 Sparse Modeling And Estimation 8 Hours
Modeling Sequence/Time-Series Data, Deep Learning and Feature Representation Learning. Medical
applications case study.
Module: 5 Scalable Machine Learning 7 Hours


Online and Distributed Learning, A selection from some other advanced topics, e.g., Semi-supervised Learning,
Active Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Inference in Graphical Models, Introduction to Bayesian Learning
and Inference
Module: 6 Recent Trends 8 Hours
Various learning techniques of Machine Learning and classification methods for IoMT applications. Various
models for IoMT, and applications. Healthcare applications case study.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Kevin Murphy, “Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective”, MIT Press, 2012
2. Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, Jerome Friedman, “The Elements of Statistical Learning”, Springer
Reference Books
1. Christopher Bishop, “Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning”, Springer, 2007.
2. Arvin Agah, “Medical Applications of Artificial Intelligence”, CRC Press, 2017.
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021


21BM3017 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
The student should be made to:
1. Understand the fundamentals of robotics and its degree of freedom
2. Learn the various sensor and actuators required for its functions
3. Apply the machine learning concepts in medical applications
Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Identify the fundamental concepts in robotic systems
2. Interpret the types of sensors and actuators for its applications
3. Choose the design tools to develop artificial intelligence techniques
4. Classify the conditions required for testing and control of autonomous robots
5. Judge the safety aspects to human and environment
6. Construct the robots for assisting in surgery
Module: 1 Introduction To Robotics 7 Hours
Degrees of freedom, path planning, Lagrange equation of motion, kinetics, payload, Links and Joints.
Module: 2 Sensors And Actuators 8 Hours
Gripper, tactile sensor, Sensor for vision and motion, Interfacing techniques, proximity switches,
controllers. Path planning, path tracking.
Module: 3 Programmable Controller 7 Hours
Artificial intelligence, machine vision, design of controllers based on embedded system, feedback control
design. Human machine interface. Case studies.
Module: 4 Human-Robot Interaction 8 Hours
Human factors: perception, motor skills, social aspect of interaction, safety, Haptic robots, collision detection,
autonomous robots. Machine learning based path tracking.
Module: 5 Medical Robotics 7 Hours
surgical robotics, robot supported diagnostics, micro-robots, nanorobots at the cell level, Robots in medical
applications. case study. IoT based robot control.
Module: 6 Surgical Robot 8 Hours
Configuration, kinematics and workspace, design of intraocular robot surgery, Haptics, Laparoscopic robotic
surgery, applications of smart materials. Case study.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Mohsen Shahinpoor, SiavashGheshmi, “Robotic Surgery: Smart Materials, Robotic Structures, and
Artificial Muscles”, CRC Press, 2015.
2. Jacob Rosen, Blake Hannaford, Richard. M. Satava, “Surgical Robotics”, Systems Applications and
Visions”, Springer, 2011.
Reference Books
1. Farid Gharagozloo, FarzadNajam, “Robotic surgery”, McGraw Hill Publishers, US, 2009.First edition.
2. Bruno Siciliano and Lorenzo Sciavicco, “Robotics: Modeling, Planning and Control”, Springer, 2010.


3. Bruno Siciliano, OussamaKhatib, “Springer Handbook of Robotics”, Springer, 2008.
4. M. Tavakoli, R.V. Patel, M. Moallem, A. Aziminejad, Haptics for Teleoperated Surgical Robotic
Systems, World Scientific, 2008.
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021


21BM3018 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
The student should be made to:
1. Introduce the concept of telemedicine
2. Understand the Benefits and Limitations of Telemedicine.
3. Know Security and Standards and their use in Telemedicine Applications
Course Outcomes:
1. Justify the need of telemedicine
2. Comprehend the various types of information
3. Realize the various data acquisition and storage system
4. Describe the issues in data handling and strategic Planning
5. Describe the role of Internet in telemedicine
6. Apply telemedicine in different fields like cardiology, oncology, pathology etc.
Module: 1 Introduction To Telemedicine 7 Hours
Data types, Data acquisition Systems, Display Systems, Data Storage Systems, Communication Networks.
Module: 2 Multimedia Data Exchange And Telemedicine Quality Control 8 Hours
Networking Architecture, Protocol Hierarchies for Multimedia communication, Media Coding. Data analytics
in telemedicine.Artificial intelligence in medical coding.
Module: 3 Internet In Telehealth Care 7 Hours
Security, Quality of Service, Personal Communication, Medical Data Sharing, Telemedicine Needs, E-mail
applications, World Wide Web, Teleworking, Teleteaching, Organizational Environment – Teleworking design
and development.
Module: 4 Data Handling 8 Hours
Data security and privacy, Mechanism of security, Security on Internet, security and legal issues, Liability and
legal aspects, Main Deontological applications, Contract scenarios, legal protection.
Module: 5 Planning And Other Social Aspects 7 Hours
Constraints for use of telehealth care, Costs/benefits, Planning for implementation, Forces affecting technology
transfer, Scenarios for technology transfer, Technology transfer requirements, Strategy of telehealth care.
Module: 6 Healthcare Applications 8 Hours
Teleradiology, Telepathology, Telecytology, Telecardiology, Teleoncology, Teledermatology, Tele-Home
care, TelesurgeryTelepsychiatry, Primary Care, Telephonic Medicine. IoT in health care
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Olga Ferrer-Roca, M.SosaLudicissa, “Handbook of Telemedicine”, IOS press 2002.
2. A.C.Norris, “Essentials of Telemedicine and Telecare”, John Wiley & Sons, 2002.
Reference Books
1. E-Health, Telehealth, and Telemedicine: A Guide to Startup and Success By Marlene Maheu, Pamela
Whitten, Ace Allen E-Health, 2001.
2. Current Principles and Practices of Telemedicine and E-health, RifatLatifi, IOS Press, 2008.
3. Steven F. Viegas, Kim Dunn, “Telemedicine: Practicing in the Information Age, 2000.
4. Richard Wootton, John Craig, Victor Patterson, “Introduction to Telemedicine, second edition, 2013.
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021


21BM3019 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
The student should be made to:
1. Understand the fundamentals of health care delivery services
2. Learn the procedures in maintenance of equipments
3. Apply the design principles in engineering systems


Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1. Identify the principle of organizational structures and regulatory services
2. Classify the types of codes followed and applications
3. Modify the design to develop support systems
4. Infer the most challenges in environment and market trends
5. Evaluate the systems based on the safety criteria to environment
6. Create the methodology for new equipments to user needs
Module: 1 Health And Hospital Management 7 Hours
Health organisation of the country, the State, the Cities and the Region, Management of Hospital
Organisation, Nursing Sector, Medical Sector, Central Services, Technical Department, Definition and
Practice of Management by Objective, Transactional Analysis Human Relation in Hospital, Importance
of Team Work, Legal aspect in Hospital Management. Case study: Health survey.
Module: 2 Regulatory And Voluntary Guidelines And Health Care Codes 8 Hours
FDA Regulation, Joint Commission of Accreditation for Hospitals, National Fire Protection Association
Standard, ISO, NABL, ISO:13485, ISO:14791, risk management, Environmental regulation. Case study on
risk management.
Module: 3 Healthcare Supply Chain Management 7 Hours
Essentials of healthcare supply chain management, designing sustainable health care supply chain, performance
metrics, emerging trends in healthcare supply chain management. Data analytics in supply chain management.
Module: 4 Clinical Engineering 8 Hours
Role to be performed in Hospital, Manpower & Market, Professional Registration, Maintenance of Hospital
support system, surveillance network, electric power management, Medical gas production, waste disposal,
inventory control. Case study: RF ID tag for inventory. IoT in inventory management.
Module: 5 Safety Equipments 7 Hours
Operation of safety devices, personnel safety equipments, Gas mask, Radiation measurements, equipment
safety systems, elements of basic first aid, fire fighting, Case study: Safety Awareness.
Module: 6 Equipment Maintenance Management 8 Hours
Organizing the maintenance operation, biomedical equipment procurement procedure, proper selection,
compatibility, testing and installation, purchase and contract procedure, trained medical staff, on proper use of
equipment and operating instructions. Maintenance of job planning, preventive maintenance, maintenance
budgeting, contract maintenance.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Hokey Min, “Healthcare Supply Chain Management: Basic Concepts and principles”, Business expert
press, NewYork, 2014.
2. Keith Willson, Keith Ison, SlavikTabakov, “Medical Equipment Management”, CRC Press, 2013.
Reference Books
1. Webster.J.G. and Albert M.Cook, “Clinical Engineering Principles and Practices Prentice Hall Inc.,
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1979.
2. Robin Guenther, Gail Vittori, “Sustainable Healthcare Architecture”, Wiley, 2013.
3. Sharma D K, R.C.Goyal, “Hospital administration and human Resource Management in Hospital”,
Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2017.
4. Syed Amin Tabish “Hospital and Health services Administration Principles and Practices” Oxford Press,
New Delhi, 2001.
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021


21BM3020 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
The student should be made to:
1. Learn the modeling techniques of physiological systems.
2. Understand physiology and control techniques
3. Study the various regulatory systems of the human body.
Course Outcomes:
1. Describe the concepts of modeling and simulation
2. Differentiate characteristics of physiological systems


3. Show various concepts of biofeedback methods
4. Categorize adaptive and learning techniques
5. Criticize various control methodology for medical device applications
6. Design the biomedical systems useful for community
Module: 1 Modeling of Physiological Systems 7 Hours
Systems Analysis, examples of physiological control systems, differences between engineering and
physiological control systems. Generalized system properties, mathematical approach, electrical analogs, linear
models, lung mechanics, muscle mechanics, distributed parameter versus lumped parameter models.
Module: 2 Analysis of Physiological Models 8 Hours
Static and dynamic analysis of physiological systems: regulation of cardiac output, blood glucose regulation,
chemical regulation of ventilation, electrical model of neural control mechanism, sleep apnea, respiration.
Machine learning tools in analysis of physiological system.
Module: 3 Biofeedback In Physiological System 7 Hours
Circulatory System: respiration system, cardiovascular measurements, EEG and EMG, Pupil reflux. Blood
pressure, heart rate. Case study.
Module: 4 Stability Analysis 5 Hours
Routh-Hurwitz, Root locus, Lyapnov methods.
Module: 5 Control Techniques 10 Hours
Introduction to adaptive control, Direct and indirect adaptive control, Model reference adaptive control,
Parameter convergence, Persistence of excitation Adaptive back stepping, Adaptive control of nonlinear
systems, Composite adaptation. Case study.Artificial intelligence in physiological control.
Module: 6 Advanced Controllers 8 Hours
Robust adaptive control Neural Network-based control Reinforcement learning-based control, Repetitive
learning control, Predictive control, Robust adaptive control.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Physiological control systems: Analysis, Simulation and estimation, IEEE Press Series on Biomedical
Engineering, 2018.
2. John Enderly, Joseph Bronzino, “Introduction to Biomedical Engineering”, Third Edition, Academic
Press Series in Biomedical Engineering, 2012.
Reference Books
1. William B.Blesser, “A System Approach to Biomedicine”, McGraw Hill Book Co., New York, 2009.
2. ManfreoClynes and John H.Milsum, “Biomedical Engineering System”, McGraw Hill and Co., New
York, 2001.
3. J.J.E. Slotine, and W. Li, “Applied Nonlinear Control”, Prentice-Hall, 1991.
4. P. Ioannou& B. Fidan, “Adaptive Control Tutorial”, SIAM, Philadelpia, 2006.
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021


21BM3021 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
The student should be made to:
1. Introduce the Fundamental terms and concepts of human factors
2. Learn principles and optimize human well-being and overall performance.
3. Apply methodology for human stress work area.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Identify the problems in posture and work efficiency
2. Classify the workspace and related systems
3. Choose signal processing techniques for analysis and feature extraction.
4. Relate the anthropometric concepts to human system and environment.
5. Assess the methodologies in measurement systems and conditions
6. Construct instrumentation techniques for development of user friendly systems
Module: 1 Ergonomics In Healthcare 7 Hours
Human factors and ergonomics in health care, ergonomic challenges in patient safety, work system design in
healthcare, effect of workplace on healthcare workers, healthcare work schedule. Human error in healthcare,
error reduction strategies.


Module: 2 Human–Machine System 8 Hours
Human machine interaction, human technological system, manual, mechanical, automated system, human
system reliability, human system modeling, Human Output And Control, material handling, motor skill, human
control of systems, controls and data entry devices, hand tools and devices.
Module: 3 Workplace Design 7 Hours
Applied anthropometry, workspace design and seating, design of computer worktable, case studies.
Environmental conditions. Workplace design.
Module: 4 Measurement System 8 Hours
Physical stress and fatigue measurement using EMG and EEG. Assessment and evaluation tools for
musculoskeletal disorder and patient handling techniques. Design of assessment system: Case study. Deep
learning in EMG, EEG analysis.
Module: 5 Ergonomics Methodologies 7 Hours
Cognitive work analysis in healthcare, risk management for medical products, analysis of workflow, simulation
based trainings, Information technology design and development, programmes and implementation models,
patient safety and ergonomics for patient safety. Data analytics in ergonomic analysis.
Module: 6 Ergonomics Applications In Hospital 8 Hours
Human factors and ergonomics in ICU, emergency department, pediatrics, home care, primary care, anesthesia,
medication safety, infection prevention, surgical excellence. Case study.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Pascale Carayon, “Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care and Patient Safety,
Second Edition, CRC Press, UK. 2017.
2. Alan Hedge, “Ergonomic Workplace Design for Health, Wellness, and Productivity, CRC Press, 2016.
Reference Books
1. Bridger R S, “Introduction to Ergonomics”, Taylor and Francis, London, 2003.
2. Vincent G. Duffy, Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare, Advances in Human
Factors and Ergonomics Series, 2017.
3. Mccormic.E.J., and Sanders.M.S, “Human factors in Engineering and Design”, McGraw Hill, New Delhi,
4. Webster, “Medical Instrumentation Application and Design”, Wiley India Pte Ltd, New Delhi, 2014.
5. Pascale Carayon, “ Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care and Patient Safety”,
CRC Press, USA. 2012.
Stephen J. Guastello, “Human Factors Engineering and Ergonomics: A Systems Approach, Second
Edition, CRC Press, USA. December 2013.
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021


21BM3022 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
The student should be made to:
1. Provide a source of useful ideas, concepts, and techniques
2. Improve performance to avoid patient injury, achieving efficacious treatment
3. Reduce Medical error and controlling health care costs.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Identify the mechanical and electrical safety standards of medical equipment
2. Understand device specific safety goals
3. Interpret reasonable, acceptable and effective remedies and counter measure
4. Select the clinical suitability to the impact of the device on the environment
5. Device more reliable medical equipment incorporating safety goals
6. Combine new techniques for device management
Module: 1 Reliability And Safety Testing 7 Hours
Reliability – Types of reliability – Reliability optimization & assurance – Reliability’s effect on medical
devices – The concept of failure – Causes of failure – Types of Failures in Medical devices – Safety testing –
Device specific safety goals, Failure assessment and Documentation – Visual inspection: External & Internal
visual inspection – Measurement – Safety parameters, Function test. Data analytics in reliability analysis.
Module: 2 Medical Devices Handling, Environmental Safety 8 Hours


Safe medical devices – Handling and operation – Medical Application safety – Usability – Clinical assessment
– Environmental safety. Deep learning in clinical assessment.
Module: 3 Electrical Safety 7 Hours
Safety Mechanics – Electrical Safety – Biological aspect – Limitation of Voltages - Macroshock and
Microshock – Earth and Protection – Leakage currents – Magnetic fields and compatibility – Basic assumptions
in safety technology – Safety classes.
Module: 4 Medical Devices Standards 8 Hours
Medical Standards and Regulations – Device classification – Registration and listing –CE, UL standards,
ICMED regulations– Investigational Device Exemptions – Institutional Review Boards – IDE format – Good
laboratory practices – Good manufacturing practices.
Module: 5 Ethical Theories & Moral Principles 7 Hours
Theories-Deontology& Utilitarianism, Casuist theory, Virtue theory, The Right Theory. Principles - Non-
Maleficence, Beneficence, Autonomy, Veracity, Justice. Autonomy & Confidentiality issues in medical
practice, Ethical Issues in biomedical research, Bioethical issues in Human Genetics & Reproductive Medicine.
Module: 6 Introduction To Medical Ethics 8 Hours
Definition of Medical ethics, Scope of ethics in medicine, American medical Association code of ethics, CMA
code of ethics- Fundamental Responsibilities, The Doctor and the Patient, The Doctor and the Profession,
Professional Independence, The Doctor and Society. Data analytics in medical ethics.
Total Lectures 45 Hours
Text Books
1. Norbert Leitgeb “Safety of Electro-medical Devices Law – Risks – Opportunities”
Springer Verlog, 2010.
2. Bertil Jacobson and Alan Murray, “Medical Devices Use and Safety”, Elsevier, 2007.
Reference Books
1. Richard Fries, “Reliable Design of Medical Devices – Second Edition”, CRC Press,
Taylor & Francis Group, 2006.
2. Robert M Veatch, “Basics of Bio Ethics”, Second Edition. Prentice- Hall, Inc. 2003
3. Domiel A Vallero, “Biomedical Ethics for Engineers”, Elsevier Pub.1st edition, 2007
4. Erich H. Loewy, “Textbook of Medical Ethics”, Springer; 2014.
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council 25th September 2021

Course code Internet of Things in Healthcare L T P C

21BM3023 3 0 0 3
Course Objective:
The student should be made to:
1. Teach the internet concepts and design methodology
2. Teach fundamentals of embedded system
3. Teach importance of embedded and IoT in health care.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Acquire the knowledge & concepts of IoT.
2. Explain the basic concepts of IoT Protocols.
3. Illustrate the concepts of embedded system for health care applications.
4. Categorize the importance of digital health
5. Criticize the ethical issues in health care
6. Develop an application based on IoT in health care
Module: 1 Internet Concepts And Infrastructure 7 Hours
Broad Band Transmission facilities, Open Interconnection standards, Local Area Networks, Wide Area
Networks, Network management, Network Security, Cluster computers. Internet concepts, Capabilities and
limitations of the internet.Interfacing Internet server applications to corporate databases HTML and XML Web
page design through programming and the use of active components.Data analytics in medical data processing.
Module: 2 Design Metholody And Protocols 8 Hours
Introduction, Characteristics, Physical design, Protocols, Logical design, Enabling technologies, IoT Levels,
Domain Specific IoTs, IoT vs M2M. IOT design methodology, IoT systems management, IoT Design
Methodology Specifications Integration and Application Development.
Module: 3 Embedded Systems 7 Hours


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