This document discusses the criteria for constructing a valid and reliable test. It explains that the first steps in assessment are to review the learning objectives from the lesson plan and create a table of specifications. The most important criteria for a good test are validity and reliability. A valid test accurately measures what it intends to measure, while a reliable test produces consistent results across multiple test administrations. The document outlines different types of validity, including face validity, content validity, criterion validity, and construct validity. It emphasizes that a reliable test is not necessarily valid and both reliability and validity need to be measured.
This document discusses the criteria for constructing a valid and reliable test. It explains that the first steps in assessment are to review the learning objectives from the lesson plan and create a table of specifications. The most important criteria for a good test are validity and reliability. A valid test accurately measures what it intends to measure, while a reliable test produces consistent results across multiple test administrations. The document outlines different types of validity, including face validity, content validity, criterion validity, and construct validity. It emphasizes that a reliable test is not necessarily valid and both reliability and validity need to be measured.
This document discusses the criteria for constructing a valid and reliable test. It explains that the first steps in assessment are to review the learning objectives from the lesson plan and create a table of specifications. The most important criteria for a good test are validity and reliability. A valid test accurately measures what it intends to measure, while a reliable test produces consistent results across multiple test administrations. The document outlines different types of validity, including face validity, content validity, criterion validity, and construct validity. It emphasizes that a reliable test is not necessarily valid and both reliability and validity need to be measured.
This document discusses the criteria for constructing a valid and reliable test. It explains that the first steps in assessment are to review the learning objectives from the lesson plan and create a table of specifications. The most important criteria for a good test are validity and reliability. A valid test accurately measures what it intends to measure, while a reliable test produces consistent results across multiple test administrations. The document outlines different types of validity, including face validity, content validity, criterion validity, and construct validity. It emphasizes that a reliable test is not necessarily valid and both reliability and validity need to be measured.
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Introduction: Good morning Everyone,
Have A pleasant day to all. Today we are
going to discuss the characteristics of a good test or the criteria for constructing a good test. Now in doing an assessment this is the third step but what are the first and second steps? #1 step: of course the first step there is going back to your learning objectives. What does it mean? The objectives that you have used in the lesson plan and you have using teaching are the same objective that you will use in the assessment. Once na nakuha Muna liwat Ang una nga objectives when you are starting the lesson or during the construction of your lesson plan the next part is you have to construct your table of specificationsl. Now,once you have constructed your table of specifications you have now the idea as to what type of test you are going to construct and in constructing those Test items you have to follow the rules and you have to follow the guidelines or criteria in constructing a protest. There are lots of criteria in constructing a good test no matter what the test item Is, no matter what the type is.Amuni sya nga characteristics na dapat pagasundon or Makita sa test nyo. Pero Ang pinaka importanti sa tanan nga criteria except sa clarity of learning objectives ,fairness, practicality and efficiency .Ang pinaka importanti ay Validity kag Reliability.Most important criteria in measuring the characteristics of a good test.Meaning test items or the test itself has to be valid and reliable . Now ,when we do say that the test is valid and reliable?(I will repeat). So okay, I’ll give you the definition,the valid test means that it could measure what it is supposed to measure.Buot silingon kaya nya takson Ang dapat ya takson,ano bala Ang dapat nya takson?amuna sya Ang criteria. A valid test is actually a test which could really Measure if the improvements needed to be given to the students based on your objectives are really meet.Those improvements nga pwd maacquire ,Ang skills nga pwd ma acquire ka students mo nga naka based sa structure or purpose sa pagtudlo mo Kun na meet or na reach ba nila .So amuna sya Ang ginatawag ta nga Validity.
Ang reliability Naman Muni sya Ang test
nga may internal consistency so what does it mean? Example kung mag pa test Ako or ihatag ko ka 5 times or 10 times sa same group of students Are they going to arrive to almost the same sport means if one took the test 10 times Ang score nya ay Wala galayo sa score nya sang sa una.Bisan mag 87 or 85 pa da but still Wala galayo sa score nya.And that’s what we call internal consistency.Now let’s explain it further ,e clarify pa natun. Another example is CHISMIS pag may mabatian ta nga chismis ,mostly ta mabatian sa mga tawo ,namangkot gd na sila Kun Reliable bala Ang source mo.Valid bala Ang impormasyon nga Gina deliver ano bala buot silingon Sina? Parehas sini Ay Nakita ko si Maria gabusong c Maria .Reliable bala Ang source means sa 10 or 20 ka tawo nga imu ginsugiran sang chimis nga Muna ga busong si Maria pare parehas lang Ang impormasyon nga na deliver nila (consistent Ang chismis nga halin sa source)sa 10 ka tawo Isa lang ka statement Ang ila nachismis which means reliable Ang source. So ano natawag ta na Valid? amuni sya Ang tuod or factual sya. Kung consistent bala Ang impormasyon natun kag sulit² na Gina hambal Ang statement nga to.bisan 10 pa ka tawo or 20 or bisan pila pa da ka tawo atun na istorya ,so it means valid bala sya or tuod? Ang sabat Dira is HINDI, So it means that hnd tanan nga chance (pagkakataon)that we are consistency what we say we are telling the truth ,we are factual. So it means that a reliable test is not automatically a valid test.So it means even if the scores of the students are consistent with the number of times he will take the test or he will took the test it doesn’t mean that is valid, it may be reliable but it is not valid. Pero remember when something is true you will be consistent. Buot silingon if you are starting facts ,if you are stating the truth it will be consistent.Truths are means a valid test is a reliable test but A reliable test is not automatically a valid test . So when you are going to measure the reliability of the test and the reliability is good it doesn’t mean you will not measure the validity .You still have measure the validity of the test.Once you measure the validity you may not compute more reliability.
So now, we are going to discuss the
different types of validity and the methods of computing the reliability of a test. Let’s go first the different types of validity, we have four types ,we have Face Validity,Content, criterion,and the other one is construct. When do we say that a test has face validity?Face refers to a physical appearance of the test.How does the test looks like ,of course it will referring to a test paper with all the items in there with all the test paper itself ,it will be examined and it has to pass face validity . So San o ta bala mahambal nga Ang Isa ka test ay may face validity?.1.) if it is readable 2.)it is free from the grammatical error ,it could really be fully understood by your student in terms of instruction .What else? CLEAR ANG PHOTOCOPY OR PRINTING Ng test.Kung gn hand written man ni teacher Ang test paper items ,main chindihan nyo Ang Agi ka maestra ,the spacing is correct hnd man sya Tama ka laba or lip ot, Ang tsakto lang nga spacing kag font size. Ang font color should be readable,hnd kulay red or yellow .Dapat clear nga mabasa maayo kaa students nga hnd man magsakit Ang mata. But the most important part of face validity is the arrangement of the item. The item it has to be arranged from easy to difficult.Maybe aside sa physical appearance sang test. Your teacher may ask you about the other face validity that you might think of . Which are very important when you are construct test items. Okay again, that’s the Face Validity, That’s the physical appearance of test
The next one is Content Validity, Since this
is Content it could be referring daw to what is inside the test paper.Not just sa physical kundi sa Content . Ano Ang Content nga to? So ano Ang dapat una² e consider ta sa content validity . First – are the test congruent or relevant to all of the test objectives. Amu to sya Ang test nga gn ubra nga naka base sa objectives sang lesson plan or sa learning objectives sa TOS. Amu ni sya Kun kis a Ang problema.Automatically kung Wala gn kuha ni teacher ya objectives nga Ara sa lesson plan kag nag ubra sya sang bag o nga objectives didtu sa TOS . Automatically valueted si validity,Anong klaseng validity. Kag amuna may problems sa Content Validity , automatically hnd maipasar sang mga students Ang test. So what else? There would be cases that Teachers will be using the objectives the lesson plan but when he taught the lesson he did not use the objectives in teaching the lessons. So Bali amuni sya ,Ari Ang lesson plan nga sa papel tapos si teacher lain Ang gintudlo ,lain Ang gn topic.Pero syempre mag ubra ka TOS automatically it has to follow your LP .Ginfollow ya man ,so meaning nagka gap didtu sa teaching , automatically Wala content.there is no content validity. Kay the idea there is the way you taught your student has to be based on the objectives of the LP and the way you taught the student is the way you train them.So the way you train them has to be the way you testing them also.Meaning you do assessment based on your training,Kay amu na sya Ang trading mo sa ila. So Kun analysis Ang training mo sa ila,then magpa test ka sa ila sang analysis Man. Pero when you taught them and your only manner of teaching is just to explain or define everything of all the lesson then do not expect them to be trained in analytical thinking because they will not able to analyze .So there will again Be problems with content validity.Okay, it has to be congruent,the lesson objectives They way you will taught the way you will ask questions.Pero may mga times kis a nga Lain Ang Lesson nga ginatudlo lain Ang ginpatest.Not unless gn construct Naman ni Teacher, na bala abi ka mga students Wala gntudlo but the truth is gnreconstruct lang ni teacher.They didn’t encourage memorization so there has been reconstruction of the words.but the topic is not really not taught, not really taught totally. That’s why ga ubra kita TOS para safe sa Content Validity.Basta ginsunod mo Ang TOS mo, may content validity Ang imu nga test.Automatic na Kay gnsunod mo Ang TOS .Ginsunod mo sya at the same time amo to Ang gingamit mo sa pag teach,Okay.
The next one is Criterion Validity, when
we say criterion Validity it is referring to the idea that your criteria .it is referred to the test could really Measure an external aspect.Buot silingon sang external aspect Kung naggamit ka sang iban nga test kag Ang test na external nga to gin compare sa test nga gin ubra mo .When you compare these two test, they correlate To each other.And there is Criterion Validity.Liwaton ko ah, Criterion Validity there is a test ,and these test could measure a given criteria Or could measure a given ummm characteristics or another test it is compared to that then there will be criterion Validity. So there is 2 types Predictive Validity and the other one is concurrent.So ano ini sila?so hmbal natun kung Ang Criterion Validity,we compare it into something. So mahambal ta Ang validity ay Predictive it means A test is constructed now Currently there is a test which is constructed and it correlates the criteria of the test , correlates to the performance of the student.It could predict the future performance of the student. Example We have constructed certain ability test and this ability test we have tried to correlate it to the passing of the Education students sa Licensure examination so nag ubra kita sang test sa tanan nga areas Sa GenEd,ProfEd or Major sheet ,Nag ubra kita sang test tapos na predict nya ni nga Amu ni sya Ang mga Bata nga makapasar .Kay sila to Ang nakapasar sa amuna nga test,sila man to makapasar sa Licensure examination after 4yrs. We computed that reliability or correlation .And we were able to that they are correlated .So meaning Ang test nga ni ay may ginatawag nga Predictive Validity, Kay Gina predict nya Ang future performance sang mga Bata. While Concurrent Validity Naman ya is the type of validity whereby a test is constructed 10 years ago,5 years ago but when this test which was constructed long time ago and was used today , Currently used It can still predict the same factor or ability which it had predicted before . Example Mam Donna was constructed a test 10 years ago ,then one of the faculty members found the test items and we tried to give the test to the students and it was found out that it correlated the grades of your students. So meaning the old test 10 years ago,it was constructed but it can still be used now It can still measure the same ability that we measured Before of the same degree ,then the test has concurrent Validity. So the last type of Validity is Construct Validity, when it comes sa construct We two types.Divergent and Convergent Construct. When we say construct it means factor.Since this is factor meaning it entail relationship .If the test is related to another test or the test is intended to be given for a specific ability test could still be correlated as measure another ability test .Amu sya Ang ginatawag ta na construct Validity. When we say divergent construct ,meaning there is internal relationship among all of the test items Kay may internal relationship sila kaya nila e measure Ang Isa ka ability. I believe our teachers have told that Group of interralated competencies are ability,group of interralated skills are competencies.So, Ang idea natun nagung factors sya sa amuni nga grupo that related competencies and it measures one skills.So amuna sya Ang construct.
When we say Divergent construct If you’ve
watched The Movie Divergent,it is to be divergent because naiiba sya sa tanan. So it means kung Ang test ay may divergent construct,nalain sya sa tanan,it means isa lang Ang ability Ang Makaya e measure. Example : a test is constructed and it’s intended to construct. I think it is intended to measure LOGICAL- MATHEMATICAL(sulat sa whiteboard) ABILITY . This test is said to be divergent or convergent? Okay, this test would be convergent because it would measure logic and mathematics,but if this test can only measure logical ability and it cannot measure mathematical ability then this is divergent test, divergent construct.Ngaa nagdivergent sya? Kay Ang factor nya ay Isa lang kaya e measure logical kag ngaa natawag man sya convergent? Because ginaconvertt sya it means pare pareho lang sila.Tungod pareho lang sila LA and MA it considered as convergent . Inshort kung more than 1 Ang ability nga na measure it is called convergent.kung Isa lang it is called Divergent.