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1. Are all the assessment tasks aligned to the learning outcome?

Yes, all the assessments tack aligned to the learning outcome the teacher study well before she taught
the lesson.
2. What are possible consequences if teacher's assessment tasks are not aligned to learning
outcome/s? Does this affect assessment results? How?
The class may not be able to succeed if the teacher's assessments task are not in line with the
leaming out comes because the evaluation recult were not in line with the desired learning objective, it
was impossible to determine what the pupils had learnt from the lesson.
3. Why should assessment tasks be aligned to the learning outcomes?
To meet the lessons objectives and to have an organized lesson, the assessment activities should be in
line with the learning outcomes- The intended learning outcomes will only be achieved if they are in line
with the assessment learning process.

Reflect on past assessments you have been through. Were they all aligned with what your teacher
taught (with learning outcomes?How dis this affect your performance? As a future teacher, what lesson
do you learn from this past experience and from this observation?

There teacher taught are tests that are not in line with what the or the learning outcomes, but this
rarely occurs. Instead, assessments are frequently in line with what the teacher taught and the learning
outcomes. This may be because some lesson So broad that it is challenging for the teacher to align it
with the leaming outcomes.
Assessments that are not aligned with what you taught have a significant impact on your performance
and the students because it creates confusion in the students mind about how it will answyer, and they
may receive lower score as a result of the assessment You gave.
As a future teacher, this observation helps to guide me on what I should do in the future. I realized that
every asse- as ment assignment should be based on what you have tau- ght and the leaming outcomes
you have. Before beginning any instructional materials or assessments, always review your learning
outcomes and objectives. I learned that it is important to know and applied the steps in making lesson
plan. If We already know the steps on how to make our plan then it will no longer be difficult for us to
make a intended good learning outcomes that aligned assament fearning.

1. Which assessment tools/tasks were most commonly used by teacher? Which ones were rarely used?
Why were they rarely used?
Multiple choice fests are more dependable than essay tests as an assessment tool for teachers. It is also
time-efficient since sudents can complete it in a short amout of time. The rarely use matching tippe.
Maybe because students can easily understand the answers without analyzing or thinking to much
2. Based on your answers found in the Tables above in which type of assessment tools and tasks were
the Resource Teachers most skilled in test construction? least skilled?
According to the table above, my resource teacher's most skilled test building is problem solving
and assay- restriction because statements are well-constructed, relevant, and brief, and students
analysis and comprehension skills are examined, And the completion is the least skill because I did not
notice her using this type of assessment instrument.
3. Can an essay or other written requirements, even if it is a written paper-and-pencil test, be
considered an authentic form of assessment? Explain your answer.

Yes, the paper and pencil test can be deemed genuine assessment Since, while it is a written
assessment, it also incorporates creative leaming experience to measure students' skill and
knowledge in a realistic environment.

1. Between analytic and holistic rubrics which one was more used? Why do you think that type of rubric
was used more? bom te borg
The rubrice that I observed were analytic with a score scale 1-5 and 91 description for each point. It is
casier for kids to grasp and has a guidance on how to make her outputs or performance.

2. Based on your answers in # 1, what can you say about the scoring rubrics made and used bythe
Resource Teachers?
My resource teacher created and used by my resource teacher were mostly holistic rubrics which only
have single criterion nibnics. But, in explaining the activity she also explain the rubrics one by one
3. Will it make a difference in assessment of student work if teacher would rate the product or
performance without scoring rubrics? Explain.

Yes, there is a difference because rubrics serve as athe tea guide on how at they will make and create
their product and performance, as well as guide for cher in scoring and grading the students output and
performance, and if there are no rubrics, the student will be confused on how the teacher graded their
performance and output.
4. If you were to improve on one scoring rubric used, which one and how? bone and how brak god
criterion will

IF I'm going to change one scoring rubric, it will be the holistic rubrics. Every cr have a
description. For example, in content, creativity, and the like, I will include a description of whats each
one's material should be.

5. Can an essay or other written requirements, even if it is a written paper-and-pencil test, be

considered an authentic form of assessment? Explain your answer.
Yes, even if it is an essay or written assignment, it is regarded on authentic assessment because the
students can still apply what they teamed in the prior cause it conneverthless test students abilities if
they truly absorb the course and use that knowledge and loaming to complete and finish the task or
6. Can rubrics help make students to become self-directed or independent learners? Do rubrics
20contribute to assessment AS learning (self-assessment?) What if there were no rubrics in assessment?
Yes, rubrics assist students become self-directed and autonomous leamers since they provide as a guide
for how they will finish or what the content of their assignment or work will be. If no rubrics is establi-
shed, students will become conpused will complete an activity or work that is not appropriate for the
standard that you desire.

Does the Scoring Rubric in this FS Book I help you come up with better output?

Yes, it helps to have better output because it guides you on how to finish your work and what the
content of your work should be. You will become prepared and ready for the content and materials. or

Are authentic assessment tools and tasks new? Reflect on your experiences of tests for all the years as a
"Assessment is the engine which drives student learning" onc
by John Cowan
No, it is not new in my experience as a student because, while We cannot identify it as an authentic
assessment, it is where students and can apply their acquired skills and knowledge to complete task. The
concept of authentic assessment is not new, in fact, it has been used since the early 20s, mostly in face
to live online education becomes the norms, it is even more cascal to Use this assessment method in
order to provide an interesting and effective leaming experience.
Assessment is an important in classroom. It gives students a with and weaknesses andy are in a course,
identifies individual strengths and ultimately act as a measure of wether students #meet the
course's leaming objectives. Although each of these traits SeSorves a vital instructional or
pedagogic role, it is also critical that assessment interest students and prepare them for future courses,
practicums and even profcasions.Shinged of
Therefore I conclude that assessment tools are aucial techniques tom measure a students academic
abilities. Fluency and skills in a specific subject or to measure one's progress toward academic e
proficiency in a specific subject area.

1. With OBE in mind, which should be the basis for the selection of pieces of evidence to show that what
the student was supposed to learn was learned?
The activities that are appropriate for the objectives should meet on those activities that are included in
the patpolio to assess is students leamed what they are spposed to leam.

2. Scrutinize the elements of this portfolio. Based on the parts, under which type of portfolio does this
Based on the features describe above, this portfolio can be characterized as a development or growth
portpolio there are evidence showing the students reflect on the leaming they gained they gained from
the session.

3. Where and when does the teacher make use of each of the 3 types of portfolio?
The first is developing/growth, which teachers use to assess whether or not their student are changing
and developing because each type has its own set crucial and distinctive traits, the portfolio will be used
by the teacher at varias time & in certain locations, that differ from one another.

Have portfolios made the learning assessment process more inconvenient? Is the effort exerted on
portfolio assessment commensurate to the improvement of learning and development of
learners' metacognitive process that result from the use of portfolio?
Portfolio exaluation aids the leaming assessment process by allowing you to determine if your students
are progressing and developing through different sorts of portfolio. Yes, the effat put into portfolio
assessment is proportional to the improve- ment in learning and development of leamers metacognitivo
pro- cess that result from the students progress and development, particularly the metacognitive
processes that occur during the pro- cess of creating and completing the portfolio.

1. Which cognitive skill had the highest number of ass

For me, Remembering has the lowest while evaluating and creating has the highest.
2. What do these (lowest and highest number of assessment questions) reveal about Resource
Teacher's level of questions?
Base on the lowest and highest number of assessment question that made by the resorce teacher It
reveal the level of question balance bec- ause its based on remembering and analyzing. Remembering
where the students will recall only on what they discussed on their past lesson and analyzing because
students required to use their higher order thinking skills just to analyze the correct answer.
3. Based on Kendall's and Marzano's taxonomy, which are the highest cognitive skills? Give
an example of an assessment question for each of the two highest cognitive skills- metacognitive skills
and self-system thinking.
Kendall's and Marzano's knowledge taxonomy and Bloom's taxonomy of leaming
did not contradict with each other Talking about the purpose and objective of these taxonomics, both
were aimed of helping leamers best. These taxonomies Focused on the leamers development and


If you were to rate yourself on HOTS where will you be from a scale of 1 to 5 (5 as highest) where will
you be? As a future teacher, reflect on how will you contribute to the development of learners'

As a future teacher, I would assist my leamer's HOT development by using the following
strategies: take the mystery route, teach the concept, mame key concepts and categorize concepts tell
and show abstrack and back, teach steps por leaming concepts, progress from. to sophisticated.

1. What do you like in the new grading system?

The new grading system was implemented with the goal of reducing grade-based misdassification of
students. It will put an end to unhealthy competitive behavior among top achievers. #t will alleviate
cultural pressures and give students more freedom

2. Do you have problems with the new grading system. If there is, what?
They I don't have problems with the new grading system.
3. Does the new grading system give you a better picture of your performance? Why or why not?
According to them, the newygrading system provides a more accura- te image of their work because
they are longer concerned about failing grades because as they indicated, it is no longer zero-based.
4. Which do you prefer - the old or the new grading system? Why?
They preferred the new grading system because it given. them a chance to get higher grades than

1. What are the bases for grading? the leamers

All grades will be based on the weighted raw score of Summative assessments. The minimal grade
required to pass a certain learning area.

2. How do you compute grades per quarter for Grades 1 to 10 and Grades 11 to 12. Give an quarterly
assessment in grading period, but there example.
There is only one should be opportunities for students to produce written work and amonstrate what
they know and can do through performance task.

3. How do you compute grades at the end of the school year?

According to quarterly grades from first to fourth grade to determine their final grades my resource
teacher, she will add up her student's in several course, or cubjects.
4. What descriptors and grading scale are used in reporting progress of learners?

When students has higher grades after calculating her overall grades From the first to last quarter,
helche will not be promoted.
5. What are the bases for learners' promotion and retention at the end of the school year?

The leamers report cards.

6. What is the report on learners' observed

The report observed value by pupils will be based on ther behavior both inside and outside of the
1. Do teachers and students like the new grading system? Why or why not?

Yes, she like the new grading system because the students to do their best to become an honor students
or to get OF 90% above.
2. What are the good points of the new grading system according to teachers? according to students?

I think the reason why she like the grading system is it is easy to encode outputs of the students and it is
focused in the performance of the students.
3. What are teachers challenged to do by this new grading system?
Teachers challenged to be the facilitons of leaming and they are tasked to assist the learners by giving
them the right knowledge about a certain topic.

4. Do you favor the distribution of percentages of written work, performance tasks and quarterly
Yes I am Favor, I understand that Deped. try to meet the needs of the younger generation of students.

5. Did you like the experience of computing grades? Why or why not?

Yes, I like the experience of computing grades because it is very easy and simple.

1. How do you give feedback to your students regarding their performance? When do you give

The stimulate my students, I give feedback to them while they are reciting by saying things like "very
good and great so on."

2. How do you very on of reporting grades to parents?

I am reporting the grades of my students thru PTA meeting. It is held every end of the grading Period,

3. What problems on grade reporting did you encounter with parents? How did you address it/them?

Once issue I run into is when a parent questions their son's poor grades. I handled it calmly. I
allowed them exom, performance grade and so on, of his son, so she will understand why he had 100 g
of thesand had a poor grades.

1. Do you see the meaning of your grades in the School Report Card?

Yes, if it is. high, I need to study hard and perform well in class if Low I have something missed.

2. Does knowing your grade motivate you to work harder?

Yes, because the higher grades will make my parents proud of their hard work for and it will motivate
me to.

1. Does your child's Report Card give you a clear picha

Yes If I saw the report card I will noticed how my kid performance in school.

2 If you were asked what else should be found in the Report Card, which one? Why? m Hugo

There is no needed to add on report card it is enough to see performance of students.

3. Do you find the Card Distribution Day important? Why or why not?
Yes, card distribution is important to monitor my kids performance in school

4. Any suggestion on how to make Card Distribution more meaningful?

I don't have any suggestions about card distribution because the otto teacher did proper way.

1. What were the most common issues raised on students' performance?

Based on my experienced, the most common sue raised on students performance in school was their
low grades or why the got failing grades,

2. Based on your observations and findings, what practices must be

a) maintained and
b) improved to make grades and reporting meaningful?

In my opinion, to make the giving of report cards more relevant, children should also be present to see
their results alongside their parents. And if there is an issue with the grade, they may give their children
come advise on how to improve their marks.


1. Grades are often a source of misunderstanding How should I do reporting so that it will result to
effective learning?
To avoid misunderstanding, the teacher should explain the grading System to the parents and
demonstrate how the elements that they considered in computing their grades: Grades are simply
Figures, they do not truly reflect our true skills and capacities as individuals in order to evaluate
ourselves in knowving and understanding the true meaning of effecient leaming, we must first grasp
own leaming capacities and study habits. To properly give news, you must keep it short and simple, be
direct and to the point and know your audience. This allows you to simply capture your audience's

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