Article Mama Electrostatics 2015
Article Mama Electrostatics 2015
Article Mama Electrostatics 2015
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3 authors:
S. Flazi
Université des Sciences et de la Technologie d'Oran Mohamed Boudiaf
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Article history: In this contribution the influence of various stresses and their combined impact on the electrostatic
Received 3 July 2015 charging tendency of oil is studied. Various physicochemical properties were measured according to
Received in revised form ASTM Standards to detect changes in oil quality. A free radical reagent, 2.2 diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl
20 November 2015
(DPPH), was added to oil before and after the application of stresses to determine free radical concen-
Accepted 21 November 2015
Available online xxx
tration. The results obtained show that the application of stresses contributes to an increase in the
electrification current. These results also demonstrate that electrification current is affected by the
quantity of the free radicals.
Power transformers
© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Mineral oil
Cellulose paper
Electrostatic Charging Tendency
Dissolved Decay Products
Moisture content
Electrical discharge
Thermal stress
Spinning disk system
Free radicals
0304-3886/© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
26 M. Talhi et al. / Journal of Electrostatics 79 (2016) 25e32
Table 1 Method D 6180, was used (Fig. 2). The free electrons are
Some technical data concerning mineral oil. generated by a cylindrical copper electrode 15 mm (0.6 inches)
ASTM tests Mineral oil in diameter and 10 mm long sealed in a 500 ml Erlenmeyer
Dissipation factor (%)
glass. The electrode is placed in the center of the discharge cell
@ 100 C, D 924 <0.1 and suspended above the oil.
Breakdown voltage (kV)
D 877 >40 The distance between the central electrode and the surface of oil
D 1816 (0.0800 gap) >50
is approximately 25.4 mm (1 inch). Before applying the voltage, the
Gassing tendency (mL/min), D 2300B negative
Water content (ppm), D 1533 <20 discharge cell was vacuumed down to 1 Torr (133 Pa). After vacuum
Interfacial Tension (dynes/cm @ 25 C), D 971 48 degassing, the oil sample was subjected to high voltage discharge of
Total Acid Number (mg KOH/g), D 974 <0.01 10 kV during 5 h. After measuring five times, the pressure increases
Viscosity (mm2/s), D 445 inside the discharge cell to assess the quantity of gasses evolved.
40 C 7.5
100 C 1.9
Electrical breakdown according to ASTM D 877 [32] is referred
40 C 2100 to as Stress 2. This type of breakdown does not provide a long
0 C 45 burning arc, but more like a spark in the oil. 50 breakdowns were
Color, D 1500 <0.5 initiated in the oil. The level of voltage corresponds to the minimum
Flash point ( C), D 92 150
threshold of the oil's degradation [33] (Fig. 3).
Pour point ( C), D 97 63
Fig. 2. Discharge cell according to ASTM D 6180. Fig. 3. The experimental cell allowing the generation of arcs in oil to ASTM 877.
28 M. Talhi et al. / Journal of Electrostatics 79 (2016) 25e32
Table 2
Some physicochemical properties of mineral oil and paper at 20 C before the application of the stresses.
Table 3
Some physicochemical properties of mineral oil at 20 C after the application of the stress(es).
Fig. 7. Average streaming electrification current of mineral oil (after the application of
Fig. 5. Antioxidant activity of unused and used (after the application of various
stresses) as function of the spinning disk velocity. The measurements were performed
stresses) oil samples as a function of time with a DPPH reference solution at a 0.01%
at 20 C with a disk diameter of 4 cm covered with 1 mm thick Aramid paper.
Fig. 6. Temporal evolution of the streaming electrification current (disk diameters Fig. 8. Average value of the streaming electrification current (disk diameters 4 cm
4 cm with 1 mm thick Aramid) for the mineral oil before application of stresses covered with 1 mm thick Aramid paper) versus the spinning disk velocity, for mineral
(without stresses). The measurements were performed at 20 C. The spinning disk oil (after combination of stresses). The measurements were performed at 20 C.
velocity acted as a parameter.
results of these measures performed every 60 s for a total duration Figs. 7 and 8 represent the average streaming electrification
of 20 min, are summarized in Fig. 5. current as a function of the spinning disk velocity for different
It can be seen that the inhibition increases with time elapsed. stresses (electric and thermal), respectively, and the combination of
The amount of free radicals increases in the new oil sample after these stresses.
stresses applications. Thermal stress yielded a higher amount of The streaming electrification current increases after stress
free radicals. Oil thermally stressed demonstrated stronger in- application. This increase is much higher after the application of
hibitions (Fig. 2). New oil had lower activity than the stressed oils. thermal stresses for all the spinning disk velocities. The injection of
a. Influence of stresses applied and spinning disc velocity free electrons (e) in oil (Stress 1) breaks the chemical bonds be-
Out of Fig. 6, it can be observed that the peak value of the tween the hydrocarbon chains; after this rupture, the buildup of
streaming electrification current increases with velocity of the disk decomposition by-products is possible [35e41]. These products
to reach saturation. The accumulation of charges is important at accelerate the aging of oil and paper and increase the viscosity of
higher speeds (600 rpm). The variation of current for different oil. The electrostatic charging tendency (ECT) increases along with
speeds is practically weak because our oil sample did not contain the escalation of the liquid's viscosity. The decomposition of the
many impurities; measurements evidenced by data reported in hydrocarbon chains produces a number of important free radicals
Table 2 confirm this result. The sign of the current is positive for all that affect the electrification current.
speeds. The currents measured during the studies carried out with The streaming electrification current is significantly higher after
ECT device and the loop of flow of the LEA [5] clearly confirmed this the application of Stress 1. This is mainly because in the stress 1, the
30 M. Talhi et al. / Journal of Electrostatics 79 (2016) 25e32
Fig. 11. Average value of the streaming electrification current (disk diameters 4 cm
Fig. 9. Relationship between mineral oil properties and the streaming electrification
covered with Aramid paper or Cellulose) for the mineral oil before and after applica-
current (disk diameters 4 cm covered with 1 mm thick Aramid paper). The mea-
tion of stresses. The measurements were performed at 20 C, with a spinning disk
surements were performed at 20 C with a spinning disk rotating speed at 600 rpm.
rotating speed at 600 rpm.
Fig. 12. Temporal evolution of the streaming electrification current (disk diameters
Fig. 10. Temporal evolution of the streaming electrification current (disk diameters 4 cm with Cellulose) for the mineral oil before application of stresses (without
4 cm with Aramid paper or Cellulose) for the mineral oil before the application of stresses). The measurements were performed at 20 C. The spinning disk velocity acted
stresses (without stresses). The measurements were performed at 20 C. as a parameter.
M. Talhi et al. / Journal of Electrostatics 79 (2016) 25e32 31
Fig. 13. Average value of the streaming electrification current (disk diameters 4 cm covered with Cellulose) for mineral oil after application of stresses. The measurements were
performed at 20 C, with a spinning disk rotating speed at 600 rpm.
when oil is paired with cellulose-based paper. For un-stressed pa- Acknowledgment
pers, Aramid is less affected by the streaming electrification.
Chemically, the smoother surface and chemical structure of Aramid This work was partially sponsored by the Fonds de recherche du
are factors that probably help limit the streaming electrification Quebec e Nature et technologies (FRQNT) under Grant No. 2013-
phenomenon [43]. Unlike cellulose paper, its thermal stability al- PR-166504. The authors would like to thank James Cross (Man-
lows reducing the ECT in the oil. ager, Research and Development) from Weidmann Electrical
c. Influence thickness of paper Technology Inc. (St. Johnsbury, VT, USA) for supplying the materials.
From Figs. 10 and 11, it was observed that cellulose depicted Thanks are also extended to Institut de Maintenance et de Se curite
higher tendency to charges generation. These tests were therefore, Industrielle (IMSI), University of Oran (Algeria) for supporting the
performed with cellulose. The variation of the electrification cur- research stay of Mrs Talhi in Canada.
rent with the thickness (e) of paper is represented by Figs. 12 and
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