1. What was the best thing about your childhood? Did you have a happy childhood?
2. What about your childhood do you wish you could change?
3. What do you miss most about being a child?
4. Where did you grow up? How did that affect your childhood?
5. What were some of your favorite activities when you were a child?
6. What do you want to provide your children that you didn’t have when you were growing
7. Did you have a favorite toy as a child? What was it?
8. Were you a well-behaved child or a naughty one? Why?
9. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
10. Who, besides your parents, had the biggest impact on your childhood?
11. Who were you really jealous of when you were a child? Why were you jealous?
12. What was your experience at school like? Were you a good student? What was your
favorite subject and why?
13. Do you remember anything about your personality when you were a child?
14. Were you good at making friends? What were you doing with your friends? Do you still
have childhood friends?
15. What kind of food did you like? Did you used to eat anything or were you a picky
16. What was your worst punishment as a child?
17. Who took care of you when you were little? A parent? A grandparent? A nanny?
Was that person super protective?
18. How are you similar to your parents? How are you different?
19. Did you have any nicknames? Tell us about it.
20. Were you afraid of anything? What?
21. What were your favorite cartoons and TV shows?
22. What's your happiest memory from childhood?
1. What do you think is most important for a happy childhood?
2. Do you think that children these days have a better or worse childhood than your
generation? Why?
3. Do you think that children today are spoiled? Why?
4. Do you enjoy being an adult, or would you prefer being a kid again?
5. If you could do your childhood all over again, what would you choose to do differently?
6. If you could raise your own children anywhere in the world, would you raise them in your
hometown or somewhere else? Why?
7. What is the best thing about being a child? What is the worst thing?
8. Do you remember a time when you got into trouble as a child?
9. What makes someone a good parent?
10. Do you think children are innocent?
11. What is the difference between teenagers and adults? When does a teenager become
an adult?
12. Is it better to be too strict or too lenient with a child?
13. How did your parents punish you when you did something wrong? Do you think it was
14. What do you think children worry about most?
15. Did you collect stuff as a child? What stuff?
Do you agree?