Field Investigation On River Hydrochemical
Field Investigation On River Hydrochemical
Field Investigation On River Hydrochemical
Field Investigation on River Hydrochemical
Characteristics and Larval and Juvenile Fish
in the Source Region of the Yangtze River
Liangyuan Zhao 1,2, *,† , Wei Li 1,2,† , Li Lin 1,2 , Weijie Guo 1,2 , Weihua Zhao 1,2 ,
Xianqiang Tang 1,2, *, Dandan Gong 1,2 , Qingyun Li 1,2 and Ping Xu 2
1 Basin Water Environmental Research Department, Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute,
Wuhan 430010, China
2 Hubei Provincial Key Laboratory of River Basin Water Resources and Eco-environmental Sciences,
Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute, Wuhan 430010, China
* Correspondence: (L.Z.); (X.T.);
Tel.: +86-27-8292-7263 (L.Z.); +86-27-8292-6192 (X.T.)
† The first two authors contributed equally to this work.
Received: 22 April 2019; Accepted: 24 June 2019; Published: 28 June 2019
Abstract: The source region of the Yangtze River (SRYR) is located in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,
where the climatic conditions and alpine-cold natural conditions are harsh. Field investigations of the
hydrochemical characteristics and larva and juvenile fish in rivers of the SRYR were carried out in
July 2018 with the aim of obtaining further information on the unique ecological environment status
of this plateau area. The results of the present research indicated that majority of the river water
quality parameters in the SRYR were in the range of class I to class II, according to the classification
of the environmental quality standard for surface water (GB3838-2002) in China. Among 12 kinds
of metal ions, the concentrations of four major ions occurred in the following order: Ca > Na > Mg
> K. The concentrations of eight heavy metal ions (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, Cr and As) were all
within the class I water range based on GB3838-2002. A total of three species of larval and juvenile
fish, i.e., Triplophysa stenura (T. stenura), Schizopygopsis microcephalus Herzenstein (S. microcephalus) and
Triplophysa bleekeri (T. bleekeri), were collected from 11 sampling sites. It was found that T. stenura
covered the widest distribution range and was the most abundant. The results of principal component
analysis and canonical correspondence analysis demonstrated that the distribution of S. microcephalus
exhibited a positive response to water temperature, a positive response to K and a negative correlation
with water temperature were demonstrated in the distribution of T. stenura. T. bleekeri distribution
had a positive response to Cu, but negative responses to total phosphorus and total dissolved solid.
Keywords: ecological environment; larval and juvenile fish; water quality; the source region of the
Yangtze River
1. Introduction
The Yangtze River (Changjiang) is the largest river in Asia and the third largest river in the world in
terms of length (6300 km) and discharge (900 km3 /year), which rises from the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
in the west and crosses the China through 11 provinces [1,2]. The source region of the Yangtze River
(SRYR) is located in the hinterland of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, which is called the roof of the world,
is well known as the “water tower of China” [3–5]. The SRYR is located between 90◦ 430 –96◦ 450 E and
32◦ 300 –35◦ 350 N, and has an average altitude of more than 4000 meters and an area of 12.24 × 104 km2 ;
its area accounts for 43.6% of the total area of the Three-river Headwater Region, which is the source
of the Yangtze, Yellow and Lancang Rivers in China and 8% of the total area of the Yangtze River
basin [3–5]. The SRYR is an important area in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau; its main function is to
ensure the long history of the Yangtze River and to transport water resources in high quality to the
downstream [3,4]. The SRYR is mainly composed of the Dangqu, Tuotuo and Chumaer Rivers [3,5].
The SRYR plays an important role in regulating the water volume and climate in the downstream due
to its important ecological functions, such as water resources conservation and regulation, biodiversity
conservation and ensuring the eco-security of the Yangtze River basin, which occupies an important
position in the role of ecological security in China and even in Southeast Asia [6,7].
In the past 50 years, the ecological environment in this source region has been deteriorating due to
the influence of natural processes, the intensification of human activities and the impact of global climate
change [4–6]. Environmental problems such as receding glaciers, shrinking wetlands, degradation of
grasslands and worsening soil erosion have became increasingly prominent, which pose a huge threat
to the water resources, ecological security and sustainable economic and social development for the
whole Yangtze River basin [5–7]. Therefore, increasing attention has been paid to the SRYR in recent
years, and the scientific research activities of this region are more frequent [6,7]. However, due to the
special geographical and climatic conditions in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, research regarding the aspect of
aquatic ecological environment has been restricted in this region [8,9].
Many previous studies have focused on the major ion chemistry and hydrobiology in the middle
stream and downstream of Yangtze River [1,10,11]. However, only a few studies on the hydrochemistry
and hydroecology of the river have been conducted in the SRYR. The previous results of our research
regarding the spatial-temporal distribution of water quality in the SRYR showed that the water quality
of rivers in the SRYR is good, i.e., belonging to class I to class II of the classification of the environmental
quality standards for surface water (GB3838-2002) in China in most regions. Influenced by the sediment
contents of river water and regional geological conditions, water quality indexes varied among rivers
in different regions in the SRYR, and water quality exhibited a small inter-year variation with a similar
fluctuation [10]. Jiang et al. (2015) investigated the chemical composition of the high mountain-rivers
in the SRYR; their results indicated that the main cations are Na+ , Ca2+ , Mg2+ and K+ , while the main
anions are Cl− , HCO3 − , SO4 2− and NO3 − , Na+ and Cl− are the dominant ions in river water [11].
Aquatic organisms such as fish, macroinvertebrates, phytoplankton, etc. are important components of
river water ecosystems in the SRYR. Yin et al. (2015) reported that diatoms were the main groups in 29
species of phytoplankton with abundances at each sampling site of 9.14−13.60 × 104 /L [9]. Arthropods
were the predominant groups for macroinvertebrates, comprising 86.2% of the total density and
95.8% of the total biomass respectively in the rivers of the SRYR investigated by Pan et al. (2013) [12].
Nonetheless, scant information is available on the compositions and community diversity of fish in
rivers of the SRYR. There have been three large-scale investigations of water ecological environment in
the SRYR [13], and the investigation results indicated that the rivers in the SRYR were basically kept in
the natural state. However, the background value of water chemistry indexes in some rivers was high
due to the greater influence from the geological environment [10,13].
With the intensification of climate change and anthropogenic activities, the ecological and
environmental problems in the SRYR have attracted extensive attention [14,15]. It is of great significance
for the protection of the SRYR to obtain basic data on the water ecological environment in this
ecologically sensitive and fragile area. The few aforementioned studies have investigated and analyzed
the hydrochemistry and aquatic organisms of the rivers in the SRYR and obtained valuable data;
however, there are still insufficient data on the comprehensive water environment and aquatic biological
characteristics in this area, especially regarding information on fish distribution and the relationship
between fish characteristics and river hydrochemical signatures. Therefore, more research is required
to elucidate the spatial patterns of the river hydrochemical characteristics and diversity of aquatic
communities in the different rivers of the SRYR [10,12].
A scientific investigation was conducted in July 2018 by the Changjiang River Scientific Research
Institute with the aim of obtaining more information on the unique ecological environment status
in this plateau area by performing an analysis of the basic data of aquatic ecological environment.
research is required to elucidate the spatial patterns of the river hydrochemical characteristics and
diversity of aquatic communities in the different rivers of the SRYR [10,12].
A scientific investigation was conducted in July 2018 by the Changjiang River Scientific
Research Institute with the aim of obtaining more information on the unique ecological
Water 2019, 11, 1342 3 of 20
environment status in this plateau area by performing an analysis of the basic data of aquatic
ecological environment. The present research analyzes variations in the characteristics of water
The parameters
present researchand larval variations
analyzes and juvenile fishcharacteristics
in the distribution characteristics in different
of water quality river
parameters sections
and larval
in the SRYR, and reveals the main environmental factors affecting larval and juvenile
and juvenile fish distribution characteristics in different river sections in the SRYR, and reveals the main fish
environmental which is affecting
factors importantlarval
to provide a scientific
and juvenile basis for the
fish distribution, protection
which of the to
is important ecological
environment of the SRYR.
a scientific basis for the protection of the ecological environment of the SRYR.
2. Materials
Materials and Methods
Sampling site
2.1. Sampling Site
SRYR has
The river system in the SRYR has aa fan-shaped
fan-shaped distribution,
distribution, and
and five
five major
major rivers,
rivers, the
the Chumaer,
Tuotuo, Dangqu,
Dangqu, Gaerqu
Gaerquand andBuqu
Rivers, being
being distributed
distributed in wide
in this this wide area [11,16,17].
area [11,16,17]. Field
Field investigations of water quality and larva and juvenile fish of rivers in the SRYR
investigations of water quality and larva and juvenile fish of rivers in the SRYR were carried out in were carried
out in
July JulyA
2018. 2018.
totalAoftotal of 12 sampling
12 sampling sites
sites in in 6 rivers
6 rivers in theinSRYR
the SRYR
werewere investigated
investigated (Figure
(Figure 1), i.e.,
1), i.e., the
the Tongtian,
Tongtian, Dangqu,
Dangqu, Tuotuo
Tuotuo andand Chumaer,
Chumaer, BuquBuqu
andand Gaerqu
Gaerqu Rivers,
Rivers, withwith the latter
the latter two two
beingbeing the
the two
two main
main tributaries
tributaries of theofDangqu;
the Dangqu; the detailed
the detailed location
location of each
of each sampling
sampling site
site is is shown
shown in Table
in Table 1. 1.
Figure 1.
Figure The schematic
1. The schematic map
map in
in the
the study
study areas.
Water 2019, 11, 1342 4 of 20
3. Results
Table 2. Water quality parameters of different rivers by field monitoring in the SRYR.
concentrations were below the detectable limit, which indicated that TN concentrations of river
waters3.1.2. TN, SRYR
in the TP andwereCODMnin the range of class I, according to GB3838-2002. The TN concentrations
of Dangqu The concentrations ofShan
4# and Tanggula were phosphorus
nitrogen, relatively higher
and other(p <nutrients
0.05), i.e.,in in the range
water of class I–II
are important
(0.2–0.5 mg/L). The
indicators concentrationswhich
of eutrophication, of TPcan
at the majority
reflect of theofsampling
the status sites were
water pollution andineutrophication
the range of class
process [22].
I–II (0.02–0.1 mg/L) Thebased
concentrations of TN andwhile
on GB3838-2002, TP inriver
river of
Buquat each
had thesampling
in the SRYR areof TP
(p < 0.01),
displayed in Figure
i.e., in 2 and
the range ofFigure 3, respectively.
class II–III (> 0.1 mg/L).As can Inbe seen in the
general, Figure 2, except for the
concentrations of sampling
nitrogen and
sites of Dangqu 4# and Tanggula Shan, there was no significant difference
phosphorus in the river waters of the SRYR were at relatively low levels, and the TN concentration in TN among other in
sampling sites, and the concentrations were below the detectable limit, which indicated that TN
the sections of the Chumaer and Zhimenda Rivers in 2015 were lower than the detection limit [10].
concentrations of river waters in the SRYR were in the range of class I, according to GB3838-2002.
Annual variations of nitrogen and phosphorus were not obvious when compared with the data in
The TN concentrations of Dangqu 4# and Tanggula Shan were relatively higher (p < 0.05), i.e., in the
2012 and
range2015, which
of class I–IIindicated that although
(0.2–0.5 mg/L). the status of
The concentrations of surface water
TP at the quality
majority in the
of the SRYR is
sampling greatly
were in the range of class I–II (0.02–0.1mg/L) based on GB3838-2002, while river of Buqu had thelarge
by the natural environment, due to low population density, low pollutant discharge and
environment capacity, the water
highest concentrations body
of TP (p possess
< 0.01), a strong
i.e., in self-purification
the range capacity
of class II–III (> 0.1mg/L).andInthe waterthe
general, quality
remains relatively stable
concentrations [10]. and phosphorus in the river waters of the SRYR were at relatively low
of nitrogen
The CODandMntheofTN concentration
river in the sampling
water in each sections of site
the Chumaer
in the SRYRand Zhimenda
is shown in Rivers in 2015
Figure wereMn is
4. COD
lower than the detection limit [10]. Annual variations of nitrogen and phosphorus
one of the important indicators used to evaluate the pollution level of the water [23] and the CODMn were not obvious
when compared
concentrations of waterwith the datainin122012
samples and 2015,
sampling which
sites in theindicated that although
SRYR ranged the statusmg/L,
from 0.96–5.64 of surface
and were
water quality in the SRYR is greatly affected by the natural environment, due to low population
in the range of class I (≤ 2 mg/L) and class I–II (2–4 mg/L) according to (GB 3838-2002) (Figure 4),
density, low pollutant discharge and large environment capacity, the water body possess a strong
while at the Dangqu 4# and Dangqu 2# sites, the CODMn concentrations were in the range of class
self-purification capacity and the water quality remains relatively stable [10].
II–III (4–6 mg/L).
Figure 2. The concentration of total nitrogen in river water of each sampling site in the SRYR.
Figure 2. The concentration of total nitrogen in river water of each sampling site in the SRYR.
Water 2019,Water
11, 1342
2019, 11, 1342 8 of 21 8 of 20
The CODMn of river water in each sampling site in the SRYR is shown in Figure 4. CODMn is one
of the important indicators used to evaluate the pollution level of the water [23] and the CODMn
concentrations of water samples in 12 sampling sites in the SRYR ranged from 0.96–5.64 mg/L, and
were in the range of class I (≤ 2 mg/L) and class I–II (2–4 mg/L) according to (GB 3838-2002) (Figure
4), while at the Dangqu 4# and Dangqu 2# sites, the CODMn concentrations were in the range of class
II–III (4–6 mg/L).
Figure 4.Figure index of river water in each sampling site in the SRYR.
4. Permanganate index of river water in each sampling site in the SRYR.
in SRYR showed high levels of consistency in terms of concentrations; both in the Chumaer River
were significantly higher than those in the Tuotuo and Dangqu Rivers, which was consistent with the
variation of conductivity and total dissolved solids. Correlation analysis demonstrates that the degree
of mineralization is significantly related to total hardness (r = 0.95, p < 0.01), and that Ca had a positive
relationship with the degree of mineralization (r = 0.69, p < 0.01) and total hardness (r = 0.63, p < 0.05,
1342phenomenon was mainly caused by differences in the geological conditions in the 10 ofSRYR.
Figure 5. The degree of mineralization (a) and total hardness (b) of river water in each sampling site in
Figure 5. The degree of mineralization (a) and total hardness (b) of river water in each sampling site
the SRYR.
in the SRYR.
3.1.4. Metal Ions
3.1.4. Metal ions
Water quality is affected by various natural and human factors. The composition of main ions
Water quality is affected by various natural and human factors. The composition of main ions in
in water is widely used to identify the basic processes which control the chemical composition of
water is widely used to identify the basic processes which control the chemical composition of
water, such as rock weathering, evaporation crystallization of water, and the input of atmospheric
water, such as rock weathering, evaporation crystallization of water, and the input of atmospheric
precipitation material [5,11,25]. The concentrations of 12 kinds of metal ions in the river waters in the
precipitation material [5,11,25]. The concentrations of 12 kinds of metal ions in the river waters in the
SRYR are listed in Table 3. The concentrations of four major elements follows the order of Ca > Na >
SRYR are listed in Table 3. The concentrations of four major elements follows the order of Ca > Na >
Mg > K, which is similar to the major element distribution of river waters in the three river source
Mg > K, which is similar to the major element distribution of river waters in the three river source
region [25]. Since Na+ + and +K+ are mainly derived from the weathering of evaporates and silicates,
region [25]. Since Na and K are mainly derived from the weathering of evaporates and silicates,
2+ from carbonates, evaporites and silicates [26,27], the (Ca2+ + Mg2+ )/(Na+ +
while Ca2+2+ and Mg
while Ca and Mg from carbonates, evaporites and silicates [26,27], the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)/(Na+ + K+)
K+ ) ratio can be used to evaluate the relative contribution of different rocks. In the present research,
ratio can be used to evaluate the relative contribution of different rocks. In the present research, the
the average (Ca2+ + Mg2+ )/(Na+ + K+ ) ratio of river waters in the SRYR is approximately 4.4, which is
average (Ca2+ + Mg2+)/(Na+ +2+K+) ratio of river waters in the SRYR is approximately 4.4, which is
+ + K+ ) ratio of the global rivers (2.2), This suggests again
more than the averaged (Ca2+ + Mg2+2+ )/(Na
more than the averaged (Ca + Mg )/(Na + K ) ratio of the global rivers (2.2), This suggests again
+ +
that the
that the chemistry
chemistryof ofthe
SRYR is strongly influenced
is strongly influencedby carbonate
by carbonate weathering [11,28].
[11,28]. The concentrations of the eight heavy metal elements (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, Cr and As) all
The concentrations of the eight heavy metal elements (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, Cr and As) were
were allthe classthe
within I range
class based
I rangeon GB3838-2002.
based on GB3838-2002.
In the present research, the concentrations ofof
In the present research, the concentrations the
the same
same metal
metal ionion were
were found
found to be
to be significantly
different in the different sampling sites in the SRYR, with variations of
different in the different sampling sites in the SRYR, with variations of several or even dozensseveral or even dozens of times,
which may
times, whichindicate that thethat
may indicate characteristics of hydrochemistry
the characteristics are closely
of hydrochemistry arerelated
the geomorphic
to the
type, rock properties
geomorphic type, rock and weathering
properties degree of degree
and weathering the study area
of the [5,27].
study areaIn addition,
[5,27]. due todue
In addition, physical
weathering in the SRYR, a large number of fine particles of mineral rocks,
physical weathering in the SRYR, a large number of fine particles of mineral rocks, instantaneous instantaneous hydrological
factors, as wellfactors,
hydrological as the high concentrations
as well as the high of suspended
concentrations matter,
of will make thematter,
suspended concentration of elements
will make the
vary greatly. Compared
concentration of elements with the greatly.
vary reportedCompared
metal ion concentrations
with the reported of river water
metal ioninconcentrations
the SRYR, the metal
concentrations in the SRYR were found to be lower than the reported
river water in the SRYR, the metal concentrations in the SRYR were found to be lower than the values in 1998, and were basically
reported with the literature
in 1998, reported
and were in 2012
basically [13,29]. Among
consistent with thethe four major
literature metalsinof2012
reported K, Na, Ca and
Mg, the the four major metals
Na concentration of K,
is much Na, than
lower Ca and the Mg, the Na
reported concentration
values in the SRYR, is much
may be than the to
reported values in the SRYR, which may
the regional differences in the geological background of be related to the regional
source area.differences in the geological
background of the source area.
Water 2019, 11, 1342 10 of 20
Figure quantity and
and distribution
distribution of larval
of larval andand juvenile
juvenile fishfish in each
in each sampling
sampling site. site.
Figure PCA
7. PCA
Figure 7. analysis
analysis of environmental
of 22 22 environmental variables
variables (T = temperature,
(T=temperature, Con = conductivity,
Con=conductivity, TDS=total
TDS = total dissolved solid, Sal = salinity, DO = dissolved oxygen, ORP =
dissolved solid, Sal=salinity, DO=dissolved oxygen, ORP=oxidation reductionoxidation reductionpotential,
Tur = turbidity, TP = total phosphorous, TH = total hardness, DM = the degree of mineralization).
Tur=turbidity, TP=total phosphorous, TH=total hardness, DM=the degree of mineralization).
Water 2019, 11, 1342 13 of 20
Water 2019, 11, 1342 14 of 21
Figure 8. CCA analysis between fish and environmental factors (DO = dissolved oxygen,
Figure 8. CCA analysis between fish and environmental factors (DO=dissolved oxygen,
T = temperature, TDS = total dissolved solid, TP = total phosphorous, Tur = turbidity, K = potassium ion,
T=temperature, TDS=total dissolved solid, TP=total phosphorous, Tur=turbidity, K=potassium ion,
Ca = calcium ion, Cu = copper ion, TStenu = Triplophysa stenura, SMicro = Schizopygopsis microcephalus
Ca=calcium ion, Cu=copper ion, TStenu=Triplophysa stenura, SMicro=Schizopygopsis microcephalus
Herzenstein, TBleek = Triplophysa bleekeri).
Herzenstein, TBleek=Triplophysa bleekeri).
4. Discussion
4. Discussion
The Yangtze is the mother river of the Chinese nation, and its water quality is an essential issue
for the Yangtze
local people is in
basin river
regionsof the
The SRYR nation,
is theand its water
original placequality
of theishydrological
an essential issue
for the local people
throughout the Yangtzein theRiver
regions and[38].
theThe SRYR of
changes is the
water original place of in
environment thethe
SRYR will cycle
throughout the Yangtze River Basin, and the changes of water environment
an impact on the aquatic ecological environment and the sustainable water resources use of the whole in the SRYR will have an
impact on the aquatic ecological environment and the sustainable water
Yangtze River Basin [4]. Therefore, it is crucial to illuminate the current status and change trends of the resources use of the whole
river water River Basin [4]. Therefore,
environment in the SRYR. it is crucial to illuminate the current status and change trends of
the river water environment in the SRYR.
In past decades, a few studies have been conducted on the characteristics of river water environment
In past
and water decades,
quality in thea SRYR.
few studies
Fu et al.have(1998) been conducted
indicated that the onphysical
the characteristics
and chemicalofcharacteristics
river water
of the water and water quality
environment in the in the
SRYRSRYR.were Fubasically
et al. (1998)kept indicated
within thethat original
the physical and state
natural chemical
characteristics of the water environment in the SRYR were basically
background value of the river water environment [39]. Water quality monitoring and assessment kept within the original naturalfor
surfaceand background
water of the SRYR value
the river in water
the results showed [39]. Water
that allquality monitoring
water quality and
(including COD, for surface
BOD5water , NH4of -N,the SRYR were
fluoride, conducted
sulfide, TN, Cr6+in, phenol,
2008; theHg, results showed that
petroleum.etc) all water
were in the
quality indicators (including COD, BOD 5, NH4-N, fluoride, sulfide, TN, Cr6+, phenol, Hg,
range of class I according to the classification of GB3838-2002 in China, which indicated that no water
contamination were was foundin the inrange of classarea
the source I according
of the SRYRto the classification
[40]. of GB3838-2002
Water Spatial-temporal in China,
of water quality indexes such as organic and metal pollutants in the SRYR in 2012, 2014 andWater
indicated that no water contamination was found in the source area of the SRYR [40]. 2015
demonstrated thatdistribution
most of the riverof waterwaterquality
parameterssuchinasthe organic
SRYR were and metal
in the pollutants
range of classin the
I to
SRYR in 2012, 2014 and 2015 demonstrated that most of the river water
class II, based on the guideline of GB3838-2002, and that organic pollutants such as phthalic acid esters quality parameters in the
SRYR were in the
were detected range of
in surface classsamples
water I to classof II,
source onarea
the [10].
In theofpresent
research,and that organic
classification of
pollutants such as phthalic acid esters were detected in surface water
class I-II was observed in the majority of water quality indexes in rivers of the SRYR, and especially, samples of the source area
[10]. In the presentofresearch,
the concentrations TN in most classification of class
sampling rivers I-II below
were was observed in the limit,
the detectable majoritywhichof water quality
indicates that
indexes in rivers of the SRYR, and especially, the concentrations of
nitrogen levels were low in this area, and much lower than in the midstream and downstream areas TN in most sampling rivers were of
below the detectable limit, which indicates that nitrogen levels were
the Yangtze River; this further suggests there is almost no effect from human activities. In general, low in this area, and much
lower thanwater
the river in theinmidstream
the SRYR and downstream
is basically areas ofstate.
in a natural the Yangtze
However,River;thethis further suggests
environmental there
is almost no effect from human activities. In general, the river water
caused by soil erosion, alpine wetland degradation, river-related project construction, domestic garbage in the SRYR is basically in a
natural state. However, the environmental problems caused by soil erosion, alpine wetland
degradation, river-related project construction, domestic garbage produced by local herders and
Water 2019, 11, 1342 14 of 20
produced by local herders and tourists, overgrazing, livestock manure, etc. cannot be ignored, as these
affect the water ecological environment of the SRYR [29,40]. Therefore, the environmental protection
of river water in the SRYR should be strengthened.
Water chemistry and dissolved materials in river water are strongly influenced by the lithological
composition of the bed rock, hydro-climatic conditions, human activities and the ground water within
the river basin [38,41]. Obvious zoning features were exhibited in the river hydrochemistry of the SRYR;
the degree of mineralization ranged from 550 to 3100 mg/L in 2010, in which the northern rivers the
Chumaer River belonged to the water chemical belt with strong degree of mineralization, the chemical
belt with middle-strongly mineralized water appeared in the the western rivers Tuotuo River and
Dangqu River referred to southern river exerted the lowest mineralized water [13]. Three types
of hydrochemical characteristics were exhibited in the present research on the basis of regional
differentiation and river differences in the SRYR [11]. The northern rivers refer to Chumer river
(Wudaoliang and Quma River), which is lies to the north of Tongtian river. Compared with Dangqu
River and Tuotuo River, the Chumer River had the highest conductivity, TDS and salinity in river water
among all sampling rivers (p < 0.01), i.e., approximately twice than those of the Tuotuo River (p < 0.01)
and about 10 times those of the Dangqu River (p < 0.01). However, the sediment concentration of the
Chumaer River was relatively low, and the turbidity of the water was less than 20% that of the Tuotuo
River (p < 0.01). The western rivers, Tuotuo river (Tanggula Shan), which is lies to the west of Tongtian
river, showed a TDS greater than 1000 mg/L and high salinity, which is 4–8 times that of the Dangqu
River and tributary rivers (p < 0.01). High salinity is caused by concentration through evaporation,
which accelerates the accumulation of salt [11]. Tuotuo river has the highest sediment concentration
among all the sampled rivers (p < 0.01). Its turbidity is approximately 4–11 times that of the Chumaer
River, and even thousands of times that of the Dangqu river (p < 0.01), which can be explained by
the river sediment discharge in SRYR [42]. The sediment transport volume was the largest in the
Tuotuo river, followed by the Chumaer river, and was the smallest in the Dangqu river. As for the
southern rivers, the Dangqu and its tributaries (Gaerqu and Buqu), had less TDS than the northern
rivers. The salinity of these rivers was relatively lower because glacier melt water is an important
supply source for these rivers. As for metal ions, the water chemical constitution of the SRYR also
showed a higher concentration of dissolved solutes, including Ca2+ and Mg2+ . The value is not only
higher than the average for water in Europe, Africa, and North and South America, but also higher
than the Asian average, i.e., 1–2 times than in the waters of world rivers [43]. Those characteristics
of river hydrochemistry in the SRYR are closely related to the natural geographical conditions of the
region, which mainly depend on the lithology, flow process, water quantity and climatic conditions of
the bedrock through which the river flows.
In recent years, much research regarding river aquatic organisms in the SRYR has been conducted,
including field investigations of the compositions and community diversity of macrobenthos and
phytoplankton in rivers [9,12]. However, there is a lack of data or research on the distribution of river
fish and its relationship with environmental factors in the rivers of the SRYR. Habitat environment is
an essential component of the river ecosystem [44]. Environmental factors, including water quality
indicators, hydrological regime and river topographical features, have a significant influence for fish
habitat distribution. Water quality indicators such as water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and
sediment concentration are strongly associated with the growth and reproduction of fish. River flow,
flow rate and water depth are the most basic hydrohydraulic parameters, and changes of these variable
are closely related to fish habitats and river ecology [40,42]. There is a significant difference in the
frequency distribution of the flow rate in the spawning area of the fish and the non-oviposition area [45].
The fish spawning and growth and reproduction of the juveniles are selective for the flow rate [46].
The water depth provides sufficient activity space for the fish and a proper hatching environment for
the eggs. River topographical features have an impact on fish community function and structure [44].
Rivers with greater wide-depth ratios possess broad river valleys and well-developed river wash land,
thus providing a more diverse habitat for fish [43]. Micro-habitat refers to the habitat environment
Water 2019, 11, 1342 15 of 20
such as gravel, sandy mud on the pebbles and plant litters, which also play an important role in fish
distribution [47]. The river geomorphic unit and its characteristics, such as the density of the deep
shoal and the type of sediment in the geomorphic unit, are also important factors for the survival of
juveniles. The species richness, integrity and biomass of fish in the river with high sinuosity are higher
than those in straight river sections [48]. The deep pool can provide a relatively calm rest environment
for fish; shallows can meet the hydraulic environment required for fish to lay eggs, while the deep
stream shoal interlaced with complex water flow can improve the success rate of fertilization [44,47].
In the present field investigation, the established relationship between the larval and juvenile fish
distribution and water quality parameters indicated that the distribution of S. microcephalus exhibited
a positive response to water temperature, the distribution of T. stenura had a positive response to K,
and a negative correlation with water temperature, T. bleekeri’s distribution had a positive response to
Cu, while negative to TP and TDS. In addition, positive and negative relationships were observed
in the larval and juvenile fish number with pH (r = 0.57, p < 0.05), turbidity (r = 0.68, p < 0.01),
water temperature (r = −0.64, p < 0.05) and ORP (r = −0.69, p < 0.01). The above results further
demonstrated environmental factors, e.g., that water quality indicators had significant influence on
the fish habitat distribution. In addition, large numbers of larval and juvenile fish were distributed
in the Dangqu (Dangqu 1#, Dangqu 2# and Dangqu 3#), Gaerqu, Tuotuo (Tanggula Shan) and
Chumaer(Wudaoliang) rivers, which are mainly related to the habitat characteristics of juvenile
fish. In the Dangqu river, the habitats of the main fish areas are characterized by curved river
regimes, low flow rates, river banks with low sediment content or near-shore areas with large pebbles.
The sampling section of Tuotuo River is a shallow shoal with a curved river regime, the flow rate
is relatively slow, the sediment is mud, and the juveniles are distributed in a concentrated manner.
The rivers of the Gaerqu River are curved to form a small river bay. The water in the beach has a high
sediment content, and the riverbed is mixed with a large number of large pebbles and small gravel.
In contrast, the juvenile fish are rarely collected in the near-shore area of the river section, such as the
Tongtian River section, where no large pebbles exist and a steep river regime exists, in addition to
a high flow rate and sediment concentration. Although the preliminary qualitative description and
analysis of habitat factors such as flow rate, river bed matrix and river regime in three main rivers
of the SRYR associated with the larvae and juvenile fish distributions based on field observations
were carried out in present research, the key characteristics of ecological and hydrological elements
including hydrological regime and river topographical features, which could affect the distributions of
the larvae and juvenile fish, still could not be quantitatively illuminated by means of such a limited
analysis. Further research is needed to establish a clear correlation between larvae and juvenile fish
distributions and specific parameters of the hydrological regime and river topographical features via
long-term field observations, aiming to provide a scientific basis for the management and protection of
juvenile fish in the SRYR.
5. Conclusions
The water quality of river water in the SRYR was generally good in 2018, and the majority of
water quality parameters, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, CODMn and heavy metals, etc. in different
rivers of the SRYR were in the range of classes I–II, based on Chinese surface water standards
(GB3838-2002). The concentrations of four major ions occurred in the following order: Ca > Na
> Mg > K. Three species of larval and juvenile fish (Triplophysa stenura (T. stenura), Schizopygopsis
microcephalus Steindachner (S. microcephalus) and Triplophysa bleekeri (T. bleekeri)) were distributed in the
rivers of the SRYR, with T. stenura covering the widest distribution range and being the most abundant.
The distributions of larval and juvenile fish species exhibited different relationships with the river
water quality parameters.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, L.Z.; methodology, X.T., L.L. and W.L.; investigation L.Z., W.L., W.G.,
W.Z. and D.G.; resources, Q.L. and P.X.; L.Z. wrote the manuscript and all authors contributed to improving
the paper.
Water 2019, 11, 1342 16 of 20
Funding: This work was financially supported by National Key R&D Program of China (Grant
No.2018YFC0407603), Central Public-interest Scientific Institution Basal Research Fund (Grant No.CKSF2019292/SH,
CKSF2017062/SH) and Outstanding Young Talents of National High-level personnel of special support
Acknowledgments: We thank the reviewers for their useful comments and suggestions.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Appendix A
The relationship among the various water quality parameters and fish numbers is presented in
Table A1, analyzed by Pearson correlations.
Water 2019, 11, 1342 17 of 20
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level. * Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level.
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