HI Drug Study - v.3
HI Drug Study - v.3
HI Drug Study - v.3
Drug Name Classification and Indications and Side Effects and Adverse Special Nursing
Mechanism of Contraindications Effects Precautions Responsibilities
Drug Name Classification Indications and Side Effects and Adverse Special Nursing
and Contraindications Effects Precautions Responsibilities
Mechanism of
Generic Name: Classifications: Indications: CNS: Euphoria, insomnia, Stromal Check doctor’s order.
Dexamethasone Long-acting Adjunctive convulsions, increased herpes Observe the 10 rights of medication
corticosteroid, treatment for ICP, vertigo, headache, simplex, administration.
Trade/ Brand glucocorticoid cerebral edema psychic disturbances. keratitis, GI Monitor and report S&S of Cushing's
Name: associated with CV: CHF, ulceration, syndrome or other systemic adverse
Decadron Actions: brain tumor, hypertension, edema. renal disease, effects.
Prevents craniotomy, or Endocrine: Menstrual diabetes Monitor for S&S of a hypersensitivity
Dosage: accumulation of head injury irregularities, hyperglyce mellitus, reaction.
1 amp inflammatory mia; cushingoid state; hypo- Report lack of response to medication
cells at sites of Contraindications: growth suppression in thyroidism, or malaise, orthostatic hypotension,
Route: infection; Systemic fungal children; hirsutism. myasthenia muscular weakness and pain, nausea,
IVTT inhibits infection, acute Special Senses: Posterior gravis, CHF, vomiting, anorexia, hypoglycemic
phagocytosis, infections, active or subcapsular cirrhosis, reactions, or mental depression to
Frequency and lysosomal resting cataract, increased IOP, psychic physician. These symptoms may signal
Timing: enzyme release, tuberculosis, glaucoma, disorders, hypoadrenocorticism.
STAT, and synthesis of vaccinia, varicella, exophthalmos. seizures. Report changes in appearance and
then Q8H selected administration of GI: Peptic ulcer with easy bruising to physician. These
8-4-12 chemical live virus vaccines possible perforation, symptoms may signal
mediators of (to patient, family abdominal distension, hyperadrenocorticism.
inflammation; members), latent nausea, increased Keep appointments for checkups;
reduces or active appetite, heartburn, make sure electrolytes and BP are
capillary dilation amebiasis. dyspepsia, evaluated during therapy at regular
and pancreatitis, bowel intervals.
permeability. perforation Add potassium-rich foods to diet;
Musculoskeletal: Muscle report signs of hypokalemia.
weakness, loss of muscle Concomitant potassium-depleting
mass, vertebral diuretic can enhance dexamethasone-
compression fracture, induced potassium loss.
pathologic fracture of Discontinue drug gradually under the
long bones, tendon guidance of the physician.
Skin: Acne, impaired
healing, petechiae,
ecchymoses, diaphoresis,
allergic dermatitis, hypo-
or hyperpigmentation,
SC and cutaneous
atrophy, burning and
tingling in perineal area
(following IV injection).
Drug Name Classification Indications and Side Effects and Special Nursing Responsibilities
and Mechanism Contraindications Adverse Effects Precautions
of Action
Drug Name Classification Indications and Side Effects and Special Nursing
and Contraindications Adverse Precautions Responsibilities
Mechanism of Effects
Generic Classifications: Indications: CNS: Retrograde Patient with Check physician's order.
Name: Central Nervous Induction of amnesia, headache, COPD; Observe the 10 rights of medication
Midazolam System Agent; anesthesia and alsoeuphoria, drowsiness, chronic administration.
Benzodiazepine in the excessive sedation, kidney Inspect insertion site for redness, pain,
Brand Anxiolytic; management of confusion. failure; CHF; swelling, and other signs of extravasation
Name: Sedative- acute seizures. CV: Hypotension. the older during IV infusion.
Versed Hypnotic Special adult. Monitor for hypotension, especially if the
Contraindications: Senses: Blurred patient is premedicated with a narcotic agonist
Dosage: Actions: Intolerance to vision, diplopia, analgesic.
2.5 mg Intensifies benzodiazepines; nystagmus, pinpoint Monitor vital signs for entire recovery period.
activity of acute narrow-angle pupils. Be aware that overdose symptoms include
Route: gamma- glaucoma; shock, GI: Nausea, vomiting. somnolence, confusion, sedation, diminished
IVTT aminobenzoic coma; acute Respiratory: reflexes, coma, and untoward effects on vital
acid (GABA). alcohol Coughing, laryngospas signs.
Frequency This calms the intoxication; m (rare), respiratory Be prepared for amnesia to prevent an
and Timing: patient, relaxes intraarterial arrest. upsetting postoperative period.
PRN skeletal injection. Skin: Hives, swelling, Review written instructions to assure future
muscles, and in burning, pain, understanding and compliance. Patient
high doses induration at injection teaching during amnestic period may not be
produces sleep. site, tachypnea. remembered. Even if dose is small and depth
Body as a of amnesia is unclear, relearn information.
Whole: Hiccups, chills,
Drug Name Classification Indications and Side Effects and Special Nursing
and Contraindications Adverse Precautions Responsibilities
Mechanism of Effects
Generic Classification: Indications: GI: Belching, gastric Edema, sodium- Check physician's order.
Name: Antacid; Fluid Used for the distention, retaining Observe the 10 rights of medication
NaHCO3 and Electrolyte treatment of flatulence. disorders; administration.
(sodium Balance Agent metabolic Metabolic: lactation; older Monitor patient closely by observations
bicarbonate) acidosis which Metabolic alkalosis; adult patients. of clinical condition; measurements of
Actions: may occur in electrolyte imbalance: acid-base status (blood pH, Po2, Pco2,
Trade/ Brand Short-acting, circulatory sodium overload HCO3 –, and other electrolytes, are
Name: potent insufficiency due (pulmonary edema), usually made several times daily during
Citrocarbonate systemic to shock or hypocalcemia (tetany), acute period).
antacid. severe hypokalemia, milk- Observe for signs of alkalosis (over
Dosage: Rapidly dehydration alkali syndrome, treatment).
1 amp neutralizes dehydration. Observe for and report S&S of
gastric acid to Contraindication: Other: Rapid IV in improvement or reversal of metabolic
Route: form sodium Prolonged neonates acidosis.
IVTT chloride, therapy with (Hypernatremia, Do not use sodium bicarbonate as
carbon sodium reduction in CSF antacid. A nonabsorbable OTC
Frequency and dioxide, and bicarbonate; pressure, alternative for repeated use is safer.
Timing: water. patients losing intracranial Do not take antacids longer than 2
N/A chloride (as from hemorrhage). weeks except under advice and
vomiting, GI Skin: Severe tissue supervision of a physician.
suction, diuresis); damage following
heart disease, extravasation of IV
hypertension; solution.
renal Urogenital: Renal
insufficiency; calculi or crystals,
peptic ulcer. impaired kidney
Drug Name Classification Indications and Side Effects and Special Precautions Nursing
and Contraindications Adverse Responsibilities
Mechanism of Effects
Generic Classifications: Indications: CV: Postural hypotension, Do not take more than Check physician's order.
Name: Loop Diuretic Used to treat fluid dizziness with excessive the recommended dose. Observe the 10 rights of
Furosemide retention (edema), diuresis, acute High doses of medication administration.
and high blood hypotensive furosemide may cause Observe patients receiving
Trade/ Actions: episodes, circulatory
pressure irreversible hearing loss. parenteral drug carefully;
Furosemide collapse.
Brand (hypertension). Has closely monitor BP and vital
Metabolic: Hypovolemia,
Name: promotes been used signs. Sudden death from
Lasix diuresis by concomitantly with cardiac arrest has been
blocking tubular mannitol for hyponatremia hypokalem reported.
Dosage: reabsorption of treatment of ia, Monitor for S&S of hypokalemia
20 mg sodium and severe cerebral hypochloremia metabolic Observe older adults closely
chloride in the edema, particularly alkalosis, during period of brisk diuresis.
Route: hypomagnesemia,
proximal and in meningitis. Sudden alteration in fluid and
IVTT hypocalcemia (tetany),
distal tubules, as electrolyte balance may
well as in the Contraindications: precipitate significant adverse
glycosuria, elevated BUN,
Frequency thick ascending History of reactions.
and loop of Henle. hypersensitivity to Monitor I&O ratio and pattern.
GI: Nausea, vomiting, oral
Timing: furosemide or and gastric burning, Report decreased or unusual
STAT then sulfonamides; anorexia, diarrhea, increase in output. Excessive
Q12H increasing oliguria, constipation, abdominal diuresis can result in
8-8 anuria, fluid and cramping, acute dehydration and hypovolemia,
electrolyte pancreatitis, jaundice. circulatory collapse, and
depletion states; Urogenital: Allergic hypotension. Weigh patient
hepatic coma interstitial nephritis,
daily under standard conditions.
irreversible renal failure,
urinary frequency. Make position changes slowly
Hematologic: Anemia, because high doses of
leukopenia, antihypertensive drugs taken
thrombocytopenic concurrently may produce
purpura; aplastic anemia, episodes of dizziness or
agranulocytosis (rare). imbalance.
Special Senses: Tinnitus, Avoid replacing fluid losses with
vertigo, feeling of fullness large amounts of water.
in ears, hearing loss
(rarely permanent),
blurred vision.
Skin: Pruritus, urticaria,
exfoliative dermatitis,
purpura, photosensitivity,
porphyria cutanea tarde,
necrotizing angiitis
Body as a
Whole: Increased
paresthesias; activation
of SLE, muscle spasms,
thrombophlebitis, pain at
IM injection site.
Drug Name Classification Indications Side Effects and Adverse Special Nursing
and and Effects Precautions Responsibilities
Mechanism of Contraindications
Generic Classifications: Indications: Cardiovascular: This vaccine is Check physician's order
Name: Vaccines, Toxoid is indicated hypotension NOT indicated Observe the 10 rights of
Tetanus toxoid Inactivated, for booster Dermatologic: for primary medication administration
Bacterial. injection only for redness, immunization. Inform the patient of the
Trade/ Brand persons 7 years of warmth, edema, importance of completing the
Name: Actions: age or older induration with or Federal (USA) law immunization series, unless
N/A Following the against tetanus without tenderness as prohibits a contraindication to further
administration, (lockjaw). well as urticaria, and dispensing immunization exists.
Dosage: the immune rash. without Inform the patient about the
1 ampule system is Contraindications: General: prescription. potential for adverse reactions that
stimulated and Hypersensitivity to malaise, transient fever, have been temporally associated
Route: responds to the any component of pain, with Tetanus Toxoid
Intramuscular antigens the vaccine hypotension, nausea and administration. The health-care
(Left deltoid present in the arthralgia in some provider should provide the
injected) vaccine. TH2 patients following an Vaccine Information Statements
and B cells injection. (VISs) which are required by the
Frequency and are activated, Nervous system: National Childhood Vaccine Injury
Timing: which then cochlear lesion, brachial Act of 1986 to be given with each
11 produce plexus neuropathies, immunization.
immunoglobins paralysis of the radial Report any adverse reactions to
against the nerve, paralysis of the health-care provider.
toxoid, allowing recurrent nerve,
for adequate accommodation
protection paresis, Guillain-Barre
against future syndrome, and EEG
infections. disturbances
with encephalopathy
Drug Classification Indications and Side Effects and Special Precautions Nursing
Name and Contraindications Adverse Responsibilities
Mechanism of Effects
Generic Classifications: Indications: CNS: Headache, tremor, This medicine may Check physician's order
Name: Electrolytic To promote diuresis convulsions, dizziness, cause serious Observe the 10 rights of medication
Mannitol And Water and used to reduce transient muscle allergic reactions, administration
Balance Agent; elevated intraocular rigidity. increase your risk of Observe injection site for signs of
Trade/ Osmotic (IOP) and CV: Edema, CHF, having kidney inflammation or edema.
Brand Diuretic intracranial pressure angina-like pain, problems, may Lab tests: Monitor closely serum and
Name: (ICP). hypotension, cause fluid or urine electrolytes and kidney
Osmitrol hypertension, electrolyte function during therapy.
Actions: Contraindications: thrombophlebitis. imbalances and may Measure I&O accurately and record
Dosage: In large doses, Anuria; marked Eye: Blurred vision. cause infusion- to achieve proper fluid balance.
100 ml increases rate pulmonary GI: Dry mouth, nausea, related reactions, Monitor vital signs closely. Report
of electrolyte congestion or vomiting. significant changes in BP and signs of
Route: excretion by edema; severe CHF; Urogenital: Marked CHF.
IV the kidney, metabolic edema; diuresis, urinary Monitor and report for possible
particularly organic CNS disease, retention, nephrosis, indications of fluid and electrolyte
Frequency sodium, intracranial uricosuria. imbalance (e.g., thirst, muscle
and chloride, and bleeding; shock, Metabolic: Fluid and cramps or weakness, paresthesias,
Timing: potassium. severe dehydration, electrolyte headache dyspnea and signs of CHF).
For 30 history of allergy imbalance, especially Be alert to the possibility that a
minutes hyponatremia; rebound increase in ICP sometimes
STAT dehydration, acidosis. occurs about 12 h after drug
dose, then Other: With administration. Patient may
Q6HR extravasation (local complain of headache or confusion.
8-2-8 edema, skin necrosis;
chills, fever, allergic
Drug Name Classification and Indications and Side Effects and Special Nursing
Mechanism of Contraindications Adverse Precautions Responsibilities
Action Effects
Generic Classifications: Indications: Body as a Whole: Older adult or Check physician's order.
Name: Autonomic Cardiac Arrest Nervousness, restlessness, debilitated Observe the 10 rights of
Epinephrine Nervous Emergency sleeplessness, fear, patients; medication administration.
System Agent; treatment of anxiety, tremors, prostatic Monitor BP, pulse, respirations,
Trade/ Alpha- And allergic reactions severe headache, hypertrophy; and urinary output and observe
Brand Beta- cerebrovascular accident, hypertension; patient closely following IV
Name: Adrenergic Contraindications: weakness, dizziness, syncope, diabetes mellitus; administration.
N/A Agonist; Hypersensitivity to pallor, sweating, dyspnea. hyperthyroidism; Keep physician informed of any
Bronchodilator sympathomimetic Digestive: Nausea, vomiting. Parkinson's changes in intake-output ratio.
Dosage: amines; narrow- Cardiovascular: Precordial disease; Use cardiac monitor with patients
1 mg/ 1ml Actions: angle glaucoma; pain, palpitations, tuberculosis; receiving epinephrine IV. Have full
Strengthens hemorrhagic, hypertension, MI, psychoneurosis; crash cart immediately available.
Route: myocardial traumatic, or tachyarrhythmias in patients with Check BP repeatedly when
IVTT contraction; cardiogenic shock; including ventricular long-standing epinephrine is administered IV
increases cardiac dilatation, fibrillation. bronchial asthma during first 5 min, then q3–5min
Frequency systolic but cerebral Respiratory: Bronchial and emphysema until stabilized.
and Timing: may decrease arteriosclerosis, and pulmonary edema. with Take medication only as prescribed
for 5mins in diastolic blood coronary Urogenital: Urinary degenerative and immediately notify physician
3 minutes pressure; insufficiency, retention. heart disease of onset of systemic effects of
intervals increases arrhythmias, Skin: Tissue necrosis with epinephrine.
cardiac rate organic heart or repeated injections.
and cardiac brain disease; Metabolic: Metabolic
output. during second acidosis, elevated serum lactic
stage of labor; for acid, transient elevations of
local anesthesia of blood glucose.
fingers, toes, ears, Nervous System: Altered
nose, genitalia. state of perception and
thought, psychosis.
Drug Name Classification Indications and Side Effects and Special Precautions Nursing
and Contraindications Adverse Responsibilities
Mechanism of Effects
Generic Classifications: Indications: Body as a Children <3 y Check physician's order
Name: Analgesic, It provides Whole: Negligible with unless directed by Observe the 10 rights of medication
Paracetamol Antipyretic temporary recommended dosage; a physician; administration
analgesia for mild rash. repeated Monitor for S&S of: hepatotoxicity,
Trade/ Actions: to moderate pain Acute administration to even with moderate acetaminophen
Brand Reduces fever and lowers body poisoning: Anorexia, patients with doses, especially in individuals with
Name: by direct temperature in nausea, vomiting, anemia or hepatic poor nutrition or who have ingested
Amcetam action on individuals with a dizziness, lethargy, disease; arthritic or alcohol over prolonged periods;
hypothalamus fever. diaphoresis, chills, rheumatoid poisoning, usually from accidental
Dosage: heat- epigastric or abdominal conditions affecting ingestion or suicide attempts; potential
300 mg regulating Contraindications: pain, diarrhea; onset children <12 y; abuse from psychological dependence
center with Hypersensitivity to of hepatotoxicity— alcoholism; (withdrawal has been associated with
Route: consequent acetaminophen or elevation of serum malnutrition; restless and excited responses).
IVTT peripheral phenacetin; use transaminases (ALT, thrombocytopenia. Do not take other medications (e.g.,
vasodilation, with alcohol. AST) and bilirubin; cold preparations) containing
Frequency sweating, and hypoglycemia, hepatic acetaminophen without medical
and Timing: dissipation of coma, acute renal advice; overdosing and chronic use can
STAT, then heat. failure (rare). cause liver damage and other toxic
when Chronic effects.
necessary ingestion: Neutropenia, Do not self-medicate adults for pain
for T=38.5 pancytopenia, more than 10 d 3without consulting a
and above leukopenia, physician.
every 4 thrombocytopenic Do not use this medication without
hours purpura, hepatotoxicity medical direction for: fever persisting
in alcoholics, renal longer than 3 d, fever over 39.5° C
damage. (103° F), or recurrent fever.