Druggggggg Study
Druggggggg Study
Druggggggg Study
Before Administration:
Generic Name: Thought to produce Lowers blood pressure and Peeing more than 1. Verify the doctor’s written order.
Acetylsalicylic analgesia and exert could be used for normal, feeling 2. Review the patient's current
Acid (Aspirin) its anti- preventing hypertension. thirsty, dry mouth, medications to check for potential
inflammatory effect feeling confused or drug interactions.
by inhibiting To relieve mild pain or dizzy, nausea and 3. Observe the 12 Rights of
Brand Name: prostaglandin and fever vomiting administering the medication.
Asaphen, Asatab, other substances 4. Obtain bp before starting drugs
Bayer, Durlaza, that sensitize pain 5. Explain the medication to be given
Ecotrin, Entrophen, receptors. Drug also and its purpose, expected effects,
Novasen appears to interfere potential side effects, and the
with clotting by CONTRAINDICATION ADVERSE importance of compliance.
keeping a platelet- REACTION During Administration:
Pharmacologic aggregating 1. Follow proper administration
class: substance from Contraindicated in patients CNS: Headache, techniques and safety guidelines.
Salicylates forming. hypersensitive to drug and fever restlessness, 2. Monitor the patient for any immediate
in those with NSAID- weakness adverse reactions.
Therapeutic Class: induced sensitivity CV: Arrhythmias, 3. Reinforce information about the
Anti-inflammatory reactions tachycardia medication, emphasizing the
drugs EENT: Blurred importance of taking it as prescribed
vision and not skipping doses.
GI: Abdominal 4. Advise the patient to report any signs
Dosage: 80mg cramps, anorexia, of adverse effects.
diarrhea, jaundice After Administration:
Route: Oral 1. Monitor vital signs, especially blood
Frequency: OD 2. Assess the patient for any signs of
adverse effects or complications.
3. Document the administration details,
including the time, dosage, and route.
4. Record any observed changes in the
patient's condition
Generic Name: Inhibits bacterial To treat acute Nausea, diarrhea, Before Administration:
Ciprofloxacin DNA synthesis, uncomplicated urinary vomiting, 1. Verify the doctor’s written order.
mainly by blocking tract infection upset stomach, 2. Review the patient's current
DNA gyrase; dizziness, medications to check for potential
Brand Name: bactericidal rash drug interactions.
Cipro 3. Observe the 12 Rights of
administering the medication.
4. Explain the medication to be given
Pharmacologic CONTRAINDICATION ADVERSE and its purpose
Fluoroquinolones CNS: Seizures, During Administration:
Contraindicated in patients headache 1. Monitor the patient for any immediate
Therapeutic Class: sensitive to HEMA: adverse reactions during or after
Antibiotics fluoroquinolones Leukopenia, administration.
neutropenia, 2. Advise the patient to report any signs
Dosage: thrombocytopenia of side effects.
Kidney damage
After Administration:
Route: Oral 1. Assess the patient for any signs of
adverse effects or complications.
2. Document the administration details,
Frequency: BID a including the time, dosage, and route.
week 3. Record any observed changes in the
patient's condition and the results of
any relevant laboratory tests.
Generic Name: Hydralazine is a Used to treat hypertension Chills, nausea and Before Administration:
Hydralazine vasodilator that (high blood pressure) by vomiting 1. Verify the doctor’s written order.
works by relaxing relaxing and widening 2. Review the patient's current
and dilating the blood vessels medications to check for potential
Brand Name: smooth muscles in drug interactions.
Apresoline the walls of 3. Observe the 12 Rights of
arteries, leading to administering the medication.
Therapeutic Class: increased blood 4. Check the patient's vital signs,
Antihypertensive flow. Its primary especially blood pressure.
mechanism of CONTRAINDICATION ADVERSE 5. Explain the medication to be given
Pharmacologic action involves REACTION and its purpose, expected effects,
class: Vasodilator direct vasodilation potential side effects, and the
through the release Hydralazine is Headache, palpitations, importance of compliance.
Dosage: of nitric oxide, contraindicated in dyspnea, fever,
1 amp resulting in individuals with a known anorexia During Administration:
decreased hypersensitivity or allergy 1. Clean access port in a circular
peripheral to the drug. It is also motion with an alcohol swab.
Route: IV resistance and contraindicated in patients 2. Check and ensure for IV line
reduced blood with coronary artery patency.
pressure. disease or rheumatic heart 3. Advise the patient to report any
Frequency: OD disease, as hydralazine can signs of adverse effects or
increase myocardial complications.
oxygen demand. 4. Monitor the patient for any
immediate adverse reactions during
or after administration.
After Administration:
1. Monitor vital signs, especially
blood pressure.
2. Assess the patient for any signs of
adverse effects or complications.
3. Document the administration
details, including the time, dosage,
and route.
4. Record any observed changes in the
patient's condition.