Drug Study IM
Drug Study IM
Drug Study IM
Frequency: q 8 h
Generic Name: Anti-hypertensive Blocks vasoconstrictor Prevention of stroke CNS: dizziness, anxiety, depression, fatigue, 1. Assess blood pressure (lying, sitting, standing)
Losartan and aldosterone- in patients with headache, insomnia, weakness and pulse periodically during therapy. Notify
producing effects of hypertension and CV: hypotension, ,chestpain, edema, health care professional of significant changes.
Brand/Trade angiotensin II at left ventricular tachycardia 2. Monitor frequency of prescription refills to
Name: receptor sites including hypertrophy. GI: abdominal pain, diarrhea identify adherence.
vascula rsmooth MS: arthralgia, back pain, myalgia 3. Assess patient for signs of
Route: PO muscle and the adrenal angioedema(dyspnea, facial swelling)
glands 4. Do not confuse valsartan with losartan.
Dosage: 15mg 5. May be administered without regard to meal.
Frequency: OD
Generic Name: Anti-spasmodic Inhibits the action of Inhibits salivation CNS: confusion, drowsiness 1. Assess heart rate, blood pressure, and
Glycopyrrolate acetylcholine at and excessive CV: Tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension, respiratory rate
Brand/Trade Name: postganglionic sites respiratory palpitations 2. Assess patient routinely for abdominal
Indacaterol located in smooth secretions. GI: drymouth, constipation. distention and auscultate for bowel sounds.
Route: Inhalation muscle, secretory GU:urinary hesitancy
Dosage: 1 puff glands and CNS.
Frequency: OD
Frequency: BID