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Final Top Sheet of TR-108

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TOP SHEET DOS-16.04.2012 CP 18 Months
220 KV TL-20 KMS & 132 KV TL-137 KM
I WORK CONTRACT VALUE (to Quote) 572725151 100.00
SUPPLY ITEM 433207100 75.640
CIVIL & ERECTION 139518051 24.360
1 SUPPLY OF BOUGHT OUT ITEMS 346925935 60.57
2 ERECTION & CIVIL 116023327 20.26
462949262 80.83
1 STAFF SALARIES 12569200 2.19
2 CONVEYANCE COST 1404000 0.25
3 STAFF WELFARE 527000 0.09
6 SITE STORES 2409000 0.42
8 Labor Cess 1283566 0.22
9 Unanticipated price variation and time over ru 8590877 1.50
SUB TOTAL 30448993 5.32
1 INSURANCE POLICY 2863626 0.50


3 CORPORATE/Divisional OFFICE OVERHE 8590877 1.50
4 Service Tax Differential 2584503 0.45
5 WC TAX / VAT 6975903 1.22
Provision for ESCALATION @3% on B/o
6 items 6,603,033 1.15
SUB TOTAL 33472480 5.84
TOTAL ( A+B+C ) 526870736 91.99

D M A R G I N INCL TDS 2.00% 45854415 8.01

GRAND TOTAL 572725151 100.00
5 Salaries & Allowances
Nos Months Salary/month Amount
Reg.Office Co-ordinator

Construction staff(Civil & Elect)

Sr.Project manager 0 18 75,000 0
PM 1 18 46,000 828000
APM 0 18 40,000 0
Sr.ENG 2 18 30,000 1080000
Planning Engineer/ ISO/QA/Testing 1 18 32,000 576000
Q A Engineer 1 18 28,000 504000
Quantity planner/ Land Surveyor 2 10 25,000 500000
Construction Engineer 0 10 32,000 0
Asst Engineer (Elect + Civil) 0 18 18,000 0
Jr Engineer/supervisor 4 18 15,000 1080000
Civil Supervisior 0 18 15,000 0
Design staff(Electrical)
DPM 0 0 40,000 0
ENG 0 18 30,000 0
Jr. Engineer 0 0 10,000 0
Electrician (field maintn) / operator 0 18 8,000 0

Safety department
Safety Engineer 1 18 40,000 720000
Safety stuards/ Supervisior 2 18 10,000 360000

Store department
Purchase officer 0 10 40,000 0
Store Officer 1 18 25,000 450000
Store Asst 2 18 15,000 540000
Helper / Lab Technician (NMR) 3 18 5,000 270000

Plant department
Plant Engineer 0 0 40,000 0
Mechanics 0 15 10,000 0
Drafts man 0 20 15,000 0
Account/Admin Dept
Admin Officer 1 18 35,000 630000
Accountant 1 18 30,000 540000
Accounts Asst 1 18 15,000 270000
Time Keeper 0 0 4,000 0
Computer Operator 0 12 4,000 0
Camp supervisor 0 0 4,000 0
office boy 2 18 5,000 180000
NMR staff / Driver 5 18 5,000 450000

TOTAL 30 8978000
Add 40 % for benifits. 3591200

Total Amount of Salaries / Allowances 12569200 12,569,200.00

6 Staff Accomadation
Type I 1 18 3,500 63000
Type II 3 18 2,000 108000
Type III 5 18 1,500 135000

Mess Facility 30 18 1,250 675000

Cooks 3 18 3,000 162000
Helpers 2 18 2,000 72000
Utensils 30 5,000 150000
Daily expneces
Total 1365000 1,365,000

2 of 16
Price to Quote: "Q" (Multiplying
Working Price "W" MF
Sr.no. Description Supply (W) Erection (W) Total (W) Supply(Q) Erection(Q) Total (Q)
1 Option No.1 360255384.572 116023327.0213 476278711.59 433207099.9481 139518050.7431 572725150.6913 1.2025

Schedule No.7 Break Up of Offered Prices (CIP OR FORD) For Plants alongwith Mandatory Spares to be supplied from Abroad or Within the
Employer's Country

S. No. Other (1.5% Total Qty Unit

Custom Duty/ Taxes +.25%)Inland
CIF/EXW Excise Duty VAT at Entry Tax Freight Total CIP/
Description Price (12.36%) CST (2%) actual (2%) &Insurance FORD Price
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Fabricated & galvanized Towers and their
extension Gantry structures complete with
Stubs & Cleats, Gusset plates
(i) HT Steel sections 8850000 1315366.65 203307.3 211002.52 181451.7947025 10761128.2933 150 MT
(ii) MS Steel sections 130647000 19417932.963 3001299 3114897.8 2678659.05339 158859788.489 2354 MT
(iii) Bolts & Nuts, step bolts, Spring & pack
washers for tower parts as per Sl. no. 1 above 8019000 991148.4 180203 187023.65 160831.14894 9538206.16728 99 MT

2 ACSR Conductor 0
(i) ACSR Zebra 24020574 2968942.9464 539790.3 0 549236.67 472316.546562 28550860.50 129 Kms.
(ii) ACSR Panther 92358176 11415470.5536 2075473 0 2111793.7 1816038.814688 109776952.01 496 Kms.
3 Earth wire (7/3.66mm, 95
6279000 776084.4 141101.7 146442.39 125933.25654 7468561.73143 161 Kms.
kg/mm2 quality)
4 Disc Insulator Strings/Long Rod porcelain
Insulators/Long Rod Polymer Insulators 0

(i) Single Suspension string for ACSR Zebra

1527565 188807.034 34327.44 35626.734 30637.2408069 1816963.45 331 Nos.
Conductor (equivalent to 13 disc of 70kn)
(ii) Double Suspension string for ACSR Zebra
119990 14830.764 2696.415 2798.4746 2406.5506374 142722.20 13 Nos.
Conductor (equivalent to 2X13 disc of 70kn)
(iii) Single tension string for ACSR Zebra
1916250 236848.5 43061.97 44691.866 38432.808225 2279285.14 219 Nos.
Conductor (equivalent to 14 disc of 160kn)
(iv) Double tension string for ACSR Zebra
Conductor (equivalent to 2X14 disc of 160kn) 420000 51912 9438.24 9795.4774 8423.6292 499569.35 24 Nos.

(v) Single Suspension string for ACSR Panther

4300470 531538.092 96640.16 100297.99 86251.3444422 5115197.59 1346 Nos.
Conductor (equivalent to 9 disc of 70kn)
(vi) Double Suspension string for ACSR Panther 485640 60025.104 10913.3 11326.371 9740.1221064 577644.90 76 Nos.
Conductor (equivalent to 2X9 disc of 70kn)
(vii) Single tension string for ACSR Panther
2527100 312349.56 56788.99 58938.455 50684.174646 3005861.18 683 Nos.
Conductor (equivalent to 10 disc of 90kn)
(viii) Double tension string for ACSR Panther
917600 113415.36 20620.31 21400.786 18403.624176 1091440.08 124 Nos.
Conductor (equivalent to 2X10 disc of 90kn)
5 Hardwares fittings of ACSR 0
Zebra Conductor for:
(i) 13 disc single suspension string 956590 118234.524 21496.49 22310.133 19185.6177534 1137816.76 331 Sets
(ii) 13 disc double suspension string 66170 8178.612 1486.972 1543.2541 1327.1227242 78705.96 13 Sets
(iii) 14 disc single tension string 545310 67400.316 12254.21 12718.028 10936.8791406 648619.43 219 Sets
(iv) 14 disc double tension string 119760 14802.336 2691.247 2793.1104 2401.9376976 142448.63 24 Sets
6 Hardwares fittings of ACSR
Panther Conductor for: 0

(i) 9 disc single suspension string 2409340 297794.424 54142.69 56191.989 48322.3494684 2865791.45 1346 Sets
(ii) 9 disc double suspension string 295640 36541.104 6643.622 6895.0832 5929.4327064 351649.24 76 Sets
(iii) 10 disc single tension string 1085970 134225.892 24403.92 25327.606 21780.4966722 1291707.91 683 Sets
(iv) 10 disc double tension string 432760 53489.136 9724.983 10093.073 8679.5470776 514746.74 124 Sets
7 Conductor Accessories of ACSR Zebra
(i) Midspan joints 53950 6668.22 1212.364 1258.2524 1082.035227 64170.87 83 Nos.
(ii) Vibration damper 607890 75135.204 13660.5 14177.554 12191.9998914 723055.26 881 Nos.
(iii) Repair sleeve 7440 919.584 167.1917 173.51989 149.2185744 8849.51 31 Nos.
8 Conductor Accessories of ACSR Panther
(i) Midspan joints 111320 13759.152 2501.583 2596.268 2232.6628632 132409.67 253 Nos.
(ii) Vibration damper 1596870 197373.132 35884.86 37243.105 32027.2399062 1899398.34 3226 Nos.
(iii) Repair sleeve 18796 2323.1856 422.3837 438.37094 376.97746296 22356.92 127 Nos.
9 Earthwire Accessories: 0
(i) Suspension Assembly 176440 21807.984 3964.96 4115.0334 3538.7265144 209866.70 401 Sets
(ii) Tension Assembly with jumper
155760 19251.936 3500.239 3632.7228 3123.9630576 185268.86 264 Sets
(iii) Midspan joint 8610 1064.196 193.4839 200.80729 172.6843986 10241.17 82 Nos.
(iv) Vibration damper for earthwire 421070 52044.252 9462.285 9820.4325 8445.0893982 500842.06 1066 Nos.
(v) Repair sleeve 4510 557.436 101.3487 105.18477 90.4537326 5364.42 41 Nos.
(vi) G.I. earth bond 520240 64301.664 11690.83 12133.331 10434.0687024 618799.90 929 Nos.
10 Tower Accessories
(i) Earthing set – 4 sets
6195000 123900 128589.62 110580.75 6558070.37 525 Sets
(As per drawing)
(ii) Danger Board – 1 No. 73500 1470 1525.6395 1311.975 77807.61 525 Nos.
(iii) Number Plate – 1 No. 27300 546 566.6661 487.305 28899.97 525 Nos.
(iv) Phase Plate (set of 3) 99604 1992.08 2067.4802 1777.9314 105441.49 673 Sets
(v) Anticlimbing Device
including Barbed wire –1 set. (As per
requirement brought out 2445548 48910.96 50762.24 43653.0318 2588874.23 523 Sets
in the bidding document)

TOTAL 360255384.57
S.No. ITEM Unit Total Qty Unit rate

1 Detail Survey* Kms. 157 10000

2 Check Survey Kms. 157 3000

3 Foundation work for

220/132kV Towers
3.1 Excavation for foundation
workincluding dewatering
shoring- shuttering backfilling
(i) Dry soil Cum. 12931 110
(ii) Wet soil Cum. 45282 130
(iii) Soft rock Cum. 4273 275
(iv) Hard rock Cum. 39 1200
3.2 Setting of Templates
(i) Setting of Template & Stub Per
0 9000
(Special River Crossing tower) Loc.
(ii) Setting of Template & Stub Per
0 9000
(220kV MC Type towers) Loc.
(iii) Setting of Template & Stub Per
0 9000
(132kV MD Type towers) Loc.
(iv) Setting of Template & Stub Per
72 7049
(220kV B Type towers) Loc.
(v) Setting of Template & Stub Per
451 4537
(132kV ND Type towers) Loc.
3.3 Earthing of tower at all the four Per
523 6000
legs Loc.
3.4 Cost of Concreting (1:1½:3)
including back filling, muffing,
coaping & curing including cost Cum. 2000 5359
of material (cement, metal, sand
3.5 Cost of Concreting (1:2:4)
including back filling, muffing,
coaping & curing including cost Cum. 8726 4240
of material (cement, metal, sand
3.6 Cost of Concreting (1:3:6)
including cost of material Cum. 428 3915
(cement, metal, sand etc.)
3.7 Cost of laying reinforcement
steel including cost of material MT 90 58470
(steel, binding wire etc)

4 Tower Erection
(i) Erection of super structure for
double circuit normal tower/
Gantry Structure including all
work above ground level MT 2482 4000
including tightening, punching of
bolts & nuts.

(ii) All round Peripheral welding of

Nos. 211610 5
nuts & bolts
(iii) Fixing of tower accessories like
Danger Board, Number plate,
Phase plate and Anticlimbing Per
523 800
device. Loc

(iv) Fixing of Phase plate only (in Per

76 30
case of 2nd circuit stringing) Loc

5 Stringing:
i. Stringing of ACSR Zebra
conductor & earth wire including
jointing&hoisting of insulator
strings, armour rods dampers
and other accessories and final
jumpering of for complete route
kM with :

a. 3 CONDT. & EARTH WIRE Kms. 0 50000

b. 6 CONDT. & EARTH WIRE Kms. 20 77000
c. 12 CONDT. & EARTH WIRE Kms. 0 149000
ii. Stringing of ACSR Panther
conductor & earth wire including
jointing & hoisting of insulator
strings, armour rods dampers
and other accessories and final
jumpering of for complete route
kM with :
a. 3 CONDT. & EARTH WIRE Kms. 137 35000
b. 6 CONDT. & EARTH WIRE Kms. 0 77000
c. 12 CONDT. & EARTH WIRE Kms. 0 149000
iii Second circuit stringing with 3
Power conductors (ACSR Zebra) Kms. 0 100000
while first circuit is charged.
iv Second circuit stringing with 3
Power conductors (ACSR
Panther) while first circuit is Kms. 25 80000
(i) Excavation (for tower site
leveling and revetment work).
(a) Dry soil Cum. 3925 110
(b) Wet soil Cum. 3925 130
(c) Soft rock Cum. 3925 275
(d) Hard rock Cum. 0 1200
(ii) (a) Cost of building revetment
with stones with 1:5 cement
mortar per Cum of stone Cum. 3140 2794.308577
(b) Cost of top seal cover of
revetment wall with 1:2:4 mix Cum. 79 4239.5314
(c) Back filling and levelling of
the volume enclosed by Cum. 785 100
revetment walls in Cum.
(d) Cost of concrete 1:3:6 mix
required for base padding
including all material including Cum. 314 3914.5314
(iii) (a) Erection of counterpoise Per
earthing including all material, laying 960 75
excavation and back filling Meter
(b) Cost of providing additional
earthing at the each Per
counterpoise wire incl.cost of 16 6000
Total Erection Cost

Note: 1. Though the quantity of Check Survey work has been indicated above, commitment for detail survey
only may be included while working out total cost of erection work
2. The stub setting templates required for foundation of towers will have to be arranged by contractor
at his own cost.
Line-1 Line In Line Out (LILO) of one circuit of
220kV double circuit Bhopal-Ashta line at
Mugalia Chhap.
Line-2 132KV Double Circuit Single Strung (DCSS)
line between 220KV Shujalpur Substation
and 132KV Pachhore Substation.
Line-3 Stringing of second circuit of existing 132KV
Khilchipur- Jeerapur Transmission line.
Line-4 132 kV Jeerapur-Susner DCSS Line.
Line-5 132 kV Ichhawar-Sehore DCSS Line.
Line-6 132kV Mugalia Chhap -Sehore DCSS line.
Unit Rate Amount
With S.T.

11236 1764052 1.52 1236 250.29 39295.53

0.00 0 0 0
3370.8 529215.6 0.46 370.8 75.087 11788.659
0.00 0 0 0
0.00 0 0 0

0.00 0 0 0

123.596 1598219.876 1.38 13.596 2.75319 35601.4999

146.068 6614251.176 5.70 16.068 3.25377 147337.213
308.99 1320314.27 1.14 33.99 6.882975 29410.9522
1348.32 52584.48 0.05 148.32 30.0348 1171.3572
0 0.00 0 0 0
10112.4 0 0.00 1112.4 225.261 0

10112.4 0 0.00 1112.4 225.261 0

10112.4 0 0.00 1112.4 225.261 0

7919.8194444 570227 0.49 871.20833 176.419688 12702.2175

5097.68102 2299054.14 1.98 560.76306 113.55452 51213.0884

6741.6 3525856.8 3.04 741.6 150.174 78541.002

6020.845881 12041691.7621 10.38 662.31448 134.118682 268237.365

4763.537481 41566628.0596 35.83 524.00608 106.111231 925926.605

4398.367481 1882501.28189 1.62 483.83608 97.9768064 41934.0731

65696.892 5912720.28 5.10 7226.892 1463.44563 131710.107

0 0.00 0 0 0
0 0.00 0 0 0

4494.4 11155100.8 9.61 494.4 100.116 248487.912

5.618 1188824.98 1.02 0.618 0.125145 26481.9335

898.88 470114.24 0.41 98.88 20.0232 10472.1336

33.708 2561.808 0.00 3.708 0.75087 57.06612

0 0.00 0 0 0
0 0.00 0 0 0

0 0.00 0 0 0

56180 0 0.00 6180 1251.45 0

86517.2 1730344 1.49 9517.2 1927.233 38544.66
167416.4 0 0.00 18416.4 3729.321 0

0 0.00 0 0 0

39326 5387662 4.64 4326 876.015 120014.055

86517.2 0 0.00 9517.2 1927.233 0
167416.4 0 0.00 18416.4 3729.321 0

112360 0 0.00 12360 2502.9 0

89888 2247200 1.94 9888 2002.32 50058

0 0.00 0 0 0
0 0.00 0 0 0
123.596 485114.3 0.42 13.596 2.75319 10806.2708
146.068 573316.9 0.49 16.068 3.25377 12771.0473
308.99 1212785.75 1.05 33.99 6.882975 27015.6769
1348.32 0.00 148.32 30.0348 0

3139.6851171 9858611.26775 8.50 345.37654 69.9387494 219607.673

4763.537481 376319.461002 0.32 524.00608 106.111231 8382.78728

112.36 88202.6 0.08 12.36 2.5029 1964.7765

4398.367481 1381087.38905 1.19 483.83608 97.9768064 30764.7172

84.27 80899.2 0.07 9.27 1.877175 1802.088

6741.6 107865.6 0.09 741.6 150.174 2402.784

116023327.021 2584503.25

above, commitment for detail survey

will have to be arranged by contractor

Tower Package-TW01 for ± 800 kV HVDC Champa PS -Kurukshetra Transmission line (WR-I Portion) associated with WR-NR HVDC Interconnector for IPP Projects in

Cost Analysis for Concreting

Material Cost
Cement 290.00 per bag
Sand 1298 cum
Metal 20 mm 680 cum
Labour Cost 600 cum
Stone for Revetment 519 cum
Reinforcement Steel 51400 MT
Cost of Steel 48000 MT
VAT @ 5 2400 MT
Transportation 1000 MT
51400 MT
Reinforcement steel
S.No. Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 Reinforcementsteel MT 1 51400 51400.00
2 Wastage MT 5.00% 2570.00
Bar bending & binding &
3 Transportation to Site including MT 1 4500 4500.00
binding wire
4 Head Loading MT 0 1000 0.00
Total per 1 MT 58470.00

RCC 1:1.5:3(M20) RCC M25

S.No. Description Unit Qty Rate Amount S.No. Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 Cement Bgs 8 290 2320.00 1 Cement Bgs 8.2 290 2378.00
2 Sand cum 0.50 1298.3775 649.19 2 Sand cum 0.50 1298.378 649.19
3 Metal (20mm) cum 0.90 680 612.00 3 Metal (20mm) cum 0.90 680 612.00
Labour Charges & Contractor labour Charges &
4 cum 1 600 600.00 4 cum 1 600 600.00
T&P Contractor T&P
5 Intercorting cum 1 200 200.00 5 Intercorting cum 1 350 350.00
6 Shuttering cum 2 250 500.00 6 Shuttering cum 0 200 0.00
7 Transportation Course Aggregate cum 1 175 175.00 7 Transportation from cum 1 0 0.00
8 Cube Testing Charges cum 1 30 30.00 8 Cube Testing Charge cum 1 30 30.00
9 Curing Charges cum 1 25 25.00 9 Curing Charges cum 1 25 25.00
Contractor profit @
Contractor profit @ 12 % on 12 % on Metal,
10 Metal, Sand, Labour & 247.34 10 Sand, Labour & 226.34
Transportation Charges Transportation
11 Head Loading Charges Cum 0 1500 0.00
Workable Rate /Cum 5358.53 Workable Rate /Cum 4870.53
PCC 1:3:6(M10) PCC 1:4:8
S.No. Description Unit Qty Rate Amount S.No. Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 Cement Bgs 4.4 290 1276.00 1 Cement Bgs 3.4 290 986.00
2 Sand cum 0.50 1298.3775 649.19 2 Sand cum 0.45 1298.378 584.27
3 Metal (20mm) cum 0.90 680 612.00 3 Metal (20mm) cum 0.90 680 612.00
labour Charges & Contractor labour Charges &
4 cum 1 600 600.00 4 cum 1 450 450.00
T&P Contractor T&P
5 Intercorting cum 1 200 200.00 5 Intercorting cum 1 350 350.00
6 Shuttering Sq m LS 100 100.00 6 Shuttering Sq m LS 100 100.00
7 Transportation from Store and l cum 1 175 175.00 7 Transportation from cum 1 0.00
8 Cube Testing Charges cum 1 30 30.00 8 Cube Testing Charge cum 1 30 30.00
9 Curing Charges cum 1 25 25.00 9 Curing Charges cum 1 25 25.00
Contractor profit @
Contractor profit @ 12 % on 12 % on Metal,
10 Metal, Sand, Labour & 247.34 10 Sand, Labour & 200.55
Transportation Charges Transportation
11 Head Loading Charges Cum 0 1500 0.00
Workable Rate /Cum 3914.53 Workable Rate /Cum 3337.82

PCC 1:2:4(M15)
S.No. Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 Cement Bgs 6.4 290 1856.00
2 Sand cum 0.50 1298.3775 649.19
3 Metal (20mm) cum 0.90 680 612.00
labour Charges & Contractor
4 cum 1 600 600.00
5 Shoring & Suttering cum 1 50 50.00
6 Transportation from Store and l cum 1 200 200.00
7 Curing Charges cum 1 25 25.00
Contractor profit @ 12 % on
8 Metal, Sand, Labour & 247.34
Transportation Charges
9 Head Loading Charges Cum 0 1500 0.00
Workable Rate /Cum 4239.53

Revetment (1:5)
S.No. Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 Cement Bags 2.5 290 725.00
2 Sand cum 0.40 1298.3775 522.60
3 Stone cum 1.0 500 500.00
4 labour Charges cum 1 600 600.00
5 Transportation from Store and l cum 1 200 200.00
6 Curing Charges cum 1 25 25.00
Contractor profit @ 12 % on
7 Metal, Sand, Labour & 221.71
Transportation Charges
8 Head Loading Charges Cum 0 1500 0.00
Workable Rate /Cum 2794.31

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