RPT Form 5 Physics 2022
RPT Form 5 Physics 2022
RPT Form 5 Physics 2022
2 1.2 Resolution of Forces Pupils are able to: Resolve a force into two components when the
1.2.1 Describe resolution of forces object does not move in the direction of the force,
1.2.2 Solve problems involving resultant force such as :
and resolution of forces pulled or pushed at an inclined angle
slides on an inclined plane due to its weight
3 1.3 Forces in Equilibrium Pupils are able to:
1.3.1 Explain forces in equilibrium Sketch a triangle of forces in equilibrium for:
1.3.2 Sketch a triangle of forces in equilibrium a stationary object on an inclined plane
a hanging picture frame
a ship pulled by two tugboats at constant velocity
A Vector Force Table Kit is used to demonstrate the
forces in equilibrium.
The direction of forces in the triangle of forces must
be in sequence.
1.3.3 Solve problems involving forces in Solve problems involving forces in equilibrium using
equilibrium these methods:
resolution of forces
drawing scale diagrams of triangle of forces
Sine and cosine rules can be used to solve problems
involving forces in equilibrium.
4 1.4 Elasticity Pupils are able to:
1.4.1 Describe elasticity Conduct activities to generate ideas on elasticity
using objects such as spring, sponge and rubber
1.4.2 Experiment to investigate the relationship Plan and conduct an experiment to determine the
between force, F and extension of relationship between force and extension of spring.
spring, x Introduce Hooke’s law, F = kx
1.4.3 Communicate about the law related to Analyse the graph of F against x to determine:
force, F and extension of spring, x (i) value of spring constant, k from the gradient of
(ii) elastic potential energy from the area under the
1 1 2
E p = Fx , E p= k x
2 2
Discuss factors that affect the value of spring
constant, k :
type of material
1.4.4 Solve problems involving force and
Solve problems involving combinations of series and
extension of spring
parallel springs.
(Source:Bahan Sumber PdP STEM Fizik),
6 2.2 Atmospheric Pressure Pupils are able to:
2.2.1 Describe atmospheric pressure Discuss atmospheric pressure based on the weight
of the air column that acts on an object on the
surface of the earth.
2.2.2 Communicate about the value of Discuss how the value of atmospheric pressure is
atmospheric pressure determined using the height of a mercury column
supported by atmospheric pressure (Torricelli
experiment / mercury barometer).
Patm = 760 mm Hg
Describe pressure measuring tools such as Fortin
barometer and aneroid barometer.
2.2.3 Solve problems in daily life involving Note:
various pressure units Pressure units such as:
Pascal, Pa
mm Hg
m H2O
Discuss the pressure that acts at:
2.2.4 Describe the effects of atmospheric high altitudes such as on mountain climbers,
pressure on objects at high altitude and planes and astronauts
underwater extreme depths such as on divers and
2.3 Gas Pressure 2.3.1 Determine gas pressure using a Carry out an activity to determine gas pressure in a
manometer container using a water manometer
2.3.2 Solve problems involving gas pressure in Calculate gas pressure in a container using a
daily life mercury manometer in mm Hg and Pa.
7 2.4 Pascal’s Principle Pupils are able to:
2.4.1 Describe the principle of pressure Make an observation using Pascal’s piston to
transmission in an enclosed fluid generate
an idea that pressure acting on an enclosed liquid is
uniformly transmitted in all directions.
2.4.2 Communicate about hydraulic system as State Pascal’s principle.
a force multiplier Carry out activities using a simple hydraulic system
and hydraulic press.
Derive a force multiplier formula from Pascal’s
2.4.3 Communicate about applications of F1 F 2 A2
Pascal’s principle = therefore, F 2= F2
A1 A2 A1
2.4.4 Solve problems involving Pascal’s
F1 = force acting on surface area A1
principle in daily life
F2 = force acting on surface area A2
Discuss applications of Pascal’s principle in:
hydraulic brake
hydraulic jack
9 2.5 Archimedes’ Principles Pupils are able to: Discuss buoyant force as a result of the difference in
2.5.1 Describe the relationship between liquid pressure between two levels of depth for a
buoyant force and the difference in liquid submerged object.
pressure at different depths for a Derive buoyant force,
submerged object F B= ρVg
ρ = density of liquid
V = volume of liquid displaced
g = gravitational acceleration
State Archimedes’ principle.
Carry out an experiment to determine the
2.5.2 Relate the balance of forces with the between buoyant force and weight of liquid
state of floatation of an object in a fluid displaced.
Discuss the state of floatation of an object in a fluid:
weight of object, W = buoyant force,
object floats at a constant level
weight of object, W > buoyant force,
object moves downward with an acceleration
2.5.3 Communicate about applications of weight of object, W < buoyant force,
Archimedes’ principle in daily life object moves upward with an acceleration
Carry out activities to determine the density of
various liquids using hydrometer.
Build a Cartesian diver to understand the principle of
ballast tanks in a submarine.
2.5.4 Solve problems involving Archimedes’ Research and report on applications of Archimedes’
principle and buoyancy principle such as:
ship and Plimsoll line
hot air balloon and weather balloon
9 2.6 Bernoulli’s Principle Pupils are able to: Carry out activities to generate an idea that fluid at
2.6.1 Describe the effect of fluid velocity on high
Pressure velocity creates a low pressure area such as:
blowing on the top surface of a piece of paper
using straw to blow air in between two balloons
hung with thread
using Venturi tube to observe the flow of water or
State Bernoulli’s principle.
2.6.2 Explain lift as a result of the difference in Carry out activities to investigate the effects of lift
pressure due to different velocity of fluids using:
a filter funnel with ping pong ball
an aerofoil kit
Explain lift on an aerofoil by applying Bernoulli’s
principle and Newton’s third law :
Bernoulli’s principle:
lift, F = (P2 - P1)A
P2 - P1 = difference in pressure
A = surface area
Newton’s third law: aerofoil’s angle of attack
contributes to lift.
The direction of force produced is from high to low
pressure areas.
Research and report on Bernoulli's principle in daily
2.6.3 Communicate about applications of
life such as Bunsen burners, racing cars, sports and
Bernoulli’s principle in daily life
Proposed STEM project: design a paper plane
capable of flying at a distance by applying
Bernoulli’s principle and Newton's third law of
electrical energy based on power rating in electrical
appliances at home such as rice cooker, television,
3.4.5 Suggest ways to save usage of electrical electrical oven, light, fan and air-conditioner.
energy in household
(ii) solenoid Discuss electromagnetic induction as the production
of emf in a conductor when there is relative motion of
the conductor in a magnetic field.
4.2.2 Explain factors that affect magnitude of Carry out activities to study factors that affect
induced emf magnitude of induced emf
Explain Faraday’s law.
4.2.3 Determine the direction of induced Carry out activities to study the direction of induced
current in : current in:
(i) straight wire straight wire
(ii) solenoid solenoid
Introduce Lenz’s law and Fleming’s right-hand rule.
4.2.4 Design a direct current and alternating Gather information on the structure and working
current generator principle of a direct current or alternating current
Suggested STEM project:
Design a functional current generator (dynamo)
prototype by:
modifying electric motor to function as dynamo
studying the method to convert the function of a
motor to dynamo
19-20 4.3 Transformer Pupils are able to:
4.3.1 Describe the working principle of a Gather information related to the principle of a simple
simple transformer transformer.
4.3.2 Describe an ideal transformer Note:
Efficiency of a transformer, η:
output power
Ƞ= × 100 %
input power
For an ideal transformer there is no energy loss,
therefore, η = 100%,
Input power = Output power
V P I P =V S I S
4.3.3 Describe energy loss and ways to Gather information and discuss factors that cause
increase the efficiency of a transformer energy loss in a transformer such as:
eddy current
flux leakage
Discuss ways to increase the efficiency of a
4.3.4 Communicate about the use of transformer.
transformers in daily life Note:
Induction cooker produces eddy currents in a cooking
pot causing it to heat up quickly.
Gather information on the use of transformers in daily
life in:
electrical appliances
transmission and distribution of electrical energy
Search for information on generation of electrical
energy in nuclear reactor.
Discuss chain reaction in nuclear reactor.
Discuss ways to control energy produced from chain
reaction in nuclear reactor.
Search for information to make comparisons on
generation of electrical energy from power station that
uses coal, hydropower and nuclear energy. Aspects
that can be considered:
cost (construction, operation and maintenance)
location of power station
effects on ecosystem and carbon footprint
health and safety issues
use of technology and expertise
waste management issues
Discuss the suitability of building a nuclear power
plant in Malaysia.
The value of h is extremely small, therefore de
Broglie’s wavelength is too small for objects with
greater mass (more than mass of an atom), hence the
characteristics of wave cannot be observed.
Only small mass particles such as electron shows
observable wave characteristics.
29 7.1 Quantum Theory of Light 7.1.4 Explain concept of photon Discuss that light shows wave and particle behaviour
using computer/video simulation.
Discuss photon energy, E = hf
c hc
whereby, f = therefore, E=
λ λ
7.1.5 Solve problems using : Note:
(i) photon energy, E=hf Photon is quanta of light
(ii) power, P=nhf ; n is number of photon Number of photons emitted per second by 50 W lamp
emitted per second. for red light (λ = 7.0 x 10-7 m) is 1.77 x 1020 .
7.2 Photoelectric Effect 7.2.1 Explain photoelectric effect
View computer simulation about photoelectric effect.
Carry out an activity to determine the value of
7.2.2 Identify four characteristics of constant using the Planck’s constant kit.
photoelectric effect that cannot be Research and report on four characteristics of
explained using wave theory photoelectric effect that cannot be explained using
wave theory such as:
the effect of frequency on photoelectric effect
existence of threshold frequency
kinetic energy of electron does not depend on light
photoelectron is emitted instantly when light
shines on a specific material
30 7.3 Einstein’s Photoelectric 7.3.1 State minimum work function needed by Describe relationship between the kinetic energy of
Theory a metal to emit an electron using photoelectron and frequency of light using graph of
Einstein’s equation kinetic energy against frequency.
7.3.2 Explain threshold frequency, fo and work View computer simulation on violet, blue, green,
function, W yellow, orange and red light to obtain an idea that
metals have different threshold frequency.
7.3.3 Determine work function of metal, W=hfo Determine work function of metal such as zinc,
aluminium and steel using the threshold frequency of
that metal.
Threshold frequency, fo is the minimum frequency to
produce photoelectric effect on metal.
Work function, W is the minimum energy required to
emit photoelectron.
7.3.4 Solve problems involving Einstein’s Determine the maximum kinetic energy of
equation for photoelectric effect. photoelectron from graph or formula.
1 2
hf =W + m v
7.3.5 Explain production of photoelectric View computer simulation of caesium or lithium
current in a photocell circuit coated photocell to observe the production of
photoelectric current.
32 Revision Pupils is able to : - MPKR (1/10)
(27/9 – 1/10) Form 4 chapter 1 – 6 • solve 1 set of paper 1 and paper 2
Form 5 chapter 1 – 7 • discuss with teacher the questions that they
don’t understand.
• do correction for question that are wrong.
(4 – 8/10)
(11 – 15/10)
(18 – 22/10) RASUL (19/10)
36 Discussion of SPM Trial Pupils is able to : -
(25 – 29/10) examination understand their mistake in exam.
do correction for paper 1 and paper 2.
37 Program Minda Pupils is able to : - DEEPAVALI
(1 – 2/11) Revision – Pecutan SPM solve 1 set of paper 1 and paper 2. (3 – 5/11)
Module SPM – set 2 discuss with teacher the questions that
they don’t understand.
do correction for question that are wrong.
38 Program Minda Pupils is able to : -
(8 – 12/11) Revision – Pecutan SPM solve 1 set of paper 1 and paper 2.
Module SPM – set 2 discuss with teacher the questions that
they don’t understand.
do correction for question that are wrong.
39 Program Inspirasi Akhir SPM Pupils is able to : -
(15 - 19/11) Revision – Pecutan SPM solve 1 set of paper 1 and paper 2.
Module SPM – set 3 discuss with teacher the questions that
they don’t understand.
do correction for question that are wrong.
40 Program Inspirasi Akhir SPM Pupils is able to : -
(22 – 26/11) Revision – Pecutan SPM solve 1 set of paper 1 and paper 2.
SPM Trial State Paper discuss with teacher the questions that
they don’t understand.
do correction for question that are wrong.
41 Program Inspirasi Akhir SPM Pupils is able to : - HARI AKADEMIK
(29/11 – Revision – Pecutan SPM solve 1 set of paper 1 and paper 2. 2
2/12) SPM Trial State Paper discuss with teacher the questions that
they don’t understand.
do correction for question that are wrong.
42 Program Inspirasi Akhir SPM Pupils is able to : -
(6 – 10/12) Revision – Pecutan SPM solve 1 set of paper 1 and paper 2.
SPM Trial State Paper discuss with teacher the questions that
they don’t understand.
do correction for question that are wrong.