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Layout of Reservoir, Diversion Structures and Other Structures

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Layout of reservoir, diversion

structures and other structures

3.4.8 Layout diversion structures, de-sanding basin,
3.4.15 Design of intake, trash rack, gravel trap and approach canal

Sanjeeb baral
• Headworks are all structural components to divert water from river and to draw
sediment free water in a hydropower projects.
• In hydropower projects, the diversion work is generally constructed in boulder stage
of river with steep gradient. So in river wide variety of sediment sizes are occurred in
the river ranging from fine silt to large boulder.
• Also in Nepalese river, there is high sediment concentration during flood time.
• Hydrology of Nepalese rivers comprise of high variation of flow during dry season and
wet season.
• Headworks is constructed in the diver to divert water in steep river profile.
• So to overcome these issues, the headwork site should be carefully selected,
constructed and wisely operated for sustainable hydropower generation. Hence
headworks cover the structure from diversion weir to settling basin to achieve the
function of diversion and to draw sediment free water from the river to the project.
• The main components of run of river headworks with side intake are weir, intake,
undersluice, divide wall, flood wall, gravel trap, approach canal and settling basin.
Diversion Headworks
(Side Intake)
Diversion Headworks
(Bottom Intake)
Features of ideal headworks
• Main objective of headworks is to draw required amount of sediment free water from river. Following
features are required to be good headworks.
• Withdrawal of required amount of water : necessary amounts of diverted water is ensured at any regime of
the channel (especially in dry period). The normal water level is maintained by the provision of weir crest
level, undersluice gate provision and intake level fixed below normal water level.
• Flood bypass: The peak discharge must be safely evacuated from the weir and from the intake structure
without damage being caused. To achieve this, hydrological data must be collected and evaluated in
sufficient quantity in order to enable the dimensions to be planned in accordance with safety aspect. Under
sluice is designed and constructed to bypass 10 to 20% of flood during monsoon period and flood wall is
designed upto the height of highest flood level allowing some freeboard provisions.
• Minimizes sediment entry: If possible, the diverted water should be free from solid matter to prevent the
diversion canal from being loaded with large amounts of bed load and / or suspended matter. To achieve
this, the site of the intake structure should be selected in accordance with the river training rule (with
respect to the river morphology / configuration)
• It should be possible for the bed load and suspended matter, which is possibly deposited upstream behind
the weir, to be evacuated by the water remaining in the river or by intermittent flushing. For this purpose,
additional constructional measure should be taken such as intake constructed in outer bank of river, the
under sluice floor is kept below where there is high concentration of bed load, and divide wall to kept the
one dimensional flow in undersluice avoiding cross current and vortex in front of intake.
• Settling basin control: Despite of all arrangement, during monsoon period, sediment entered from intake in
conveyance system due to huge concentration of sediment in river. Upto desired sized particles, in a
designed efficiency is settled down and removed from water by using settling basin in hydropower project.
Features of ideal headworks
• Economic and minimum operation and maintenance: A simple and moderately prices
construction should be aimed at which allows maintenance free operation and simple
repairs to be carried out.
• Minimizes hydraulic losses: The headworks structure should be designed / arranged for
minimum hydraulic losses. This can be achieved by designing suitable sized structures,
avoiding sharp bends etc in head works.
• Prevent formation of air vortices: Vortex free flow is desired in front of the intake. The
vortex formation at the front of intake cause non uniform flow condition, introduce air
into the flow, with unfavorable results on the turbines: vibration, cavitations, unbalanced
loads etc, increases head losses and decrease efficiency and draw trash into the intake.
• The criteria to avoid vortecity are not well defined, and there is not single formula that
adequately takes into consideration the possible factors affecting it. According to ASCE
committee on Hydropower intakes, distribution, which introduce non uniform velocity, can
initiate velocity, can initiates vortices. These include
• A symmetric approach conditions
• Inadequate submergence
• Abrupt changes in flow direction cause separation and eddy formation
• Approach velocities greater then 0.65m/sec
• Prevents floating debris, trash and ice from entering the water conveyance system:
To prevent floating debris, trash and ice entering, the trash rack is designed and placed
in the intake structure and the top level of the intake is places 30 to 50 cm below the
normal water level.
• Simple construction : Intake should be constructed with simple construction. No
disturbance with the natural flow is ensured. The topographical benefit and
configuration should be utilized properly. Observation of natural physical law for site
selection of the intake location should be ensured.
• Whether an intake is chosen with or without a river dam depends not only upon the
cost of the weir. The following aspects should be taken consideration
• Upstream topographic conditions damming up results in the back flow in the channel leading to a
rise in the water level, which in turn may lead to flooding of the bank areas far upstream of the
• The geotechnical condition of bank zones
• Height of the bank above the river bottom
• The ration of the quantity of diverted water to the residual quantity of water in the river at low
discharge, with regard to existing rights of use of the downstream users.
• The channel width in the trapping point (dependence of the water level at times of low discharge in
the river; meandering at low discharge in wide rivers etc; cost of damming structure etc)
• The routing of the diversion canal
• The intake structure must not narrow the cross section of flow of the channel; otherwise, at peak
discharges, the bottom erosion in the area of the intake structure in the river bed would be
increased, which in turn results in a change of water level. A safe diversion of water at low
discharges is therefore no longer ensured.
• A weir is a structure built across a river to raise the river water and store it for diverting a required flow towards the
intake. A diversion weir is required at the intake only if adequate flow cannot be diverted towards the intake during
the low flow season. As the weir receives the direct impact of a flood, it is the most vulnerable civil structure so
should be designed properly in hydropower projects.
key considerations for the design of the weir:
• Type: A weir should be permanent in nature for hydropower project. Sloped weir, ogee shaped weir or other types of
weir are practiced in hydropower project.
• Location: The weir should be adjacent to the intake. This will assure that water is always available and there is no
sediment deposit in front of the intake. A sufficient capacity under sluice should be designed to pass flood water and
high sediment concentration. Divide wall separate the weir portion and under sluice portion.
• Height: The weir should be sufficiently high to create enough submergence and driving head. The height of the weir
should be such that the water level rises above the upper edge of the intake mouth. In case of an orifice intake, the
weir height should be such that the orifice is submerged during the dry season.
• Operation: The weir profile should be such that movement of bed load is possible and boulders can roll over it.
• Stability: Weir should be designed to prevent from overturning, lifting or sliding during the high flows and floods.
• Seepage control: proper arrangement of cutoff wall and clay blanket should be designed as a integer part of weir to
control seepage through weir.
• Surface protection: in mountainous river with steep gradient, it carries huge sediments and heavy boulders during
flood time. So the surface of the weir should be properly designed to withstand the impact of such boulder. Heavy
boulder lining, hard stone lining, steel lining etc are possible protection measure of the weir surface.
• Intake is the structure to obtain the required quantity of water from the river or the reservoir
• Intake is “a structure to divert water into a conduit leading to the power plant” or simply defined
as a structure to divert water to a waterway
• A water intake must be able to divert the required amount of water into the power canal or into
the penstock without producing a negative impact on the local environment and with the
minimum possible headloss. The intake serves as a transition between a stream that can vary
from a trickle to a raging torrent, and a controlled flow of water both in quality and quantity. Its
design, based on geological, hydraulic, structural and economic considerations, requires special
care to avoid unnecessary maintenance and operational problems that cannot be easily
remedied and would have to be tolerated for the life of the project.
• Intakes of run-of-river hydropower projects shall be designed to draw the desired quantity of
water, limited to design discharge, from the river under controlled conditions.
• The general arrangement of the intake shall be decided considering the following primary
• Topographical features of area.
• Type of development, i.e. simple run-of-the river or pondage run-of-river project.
• Proposed project configuration behind intake.
• Content and nature of sediment in the river.
• Construction planning.
• Compatibility and integrity of intake with other headworks components.
Types of intakes
• Functionally, intake also can be divided as (depending on type of operation required)
• Surface intake: or free-flow intake ( Canal intake, side intake, frontal intake and bottom
rack intake).
• Sub surface intake: pressure orifice or sub surface type for the intake, it is also called
pressure intake, the intake from reservoir- side slope intake, tower intake, dam intake,
power or forebay intake is called sub surface intake.
• Generally, one of the following types of intakes shall be used for run-of-river hydropower
• Side (or lateral) intake.
• Frontal intake.
• Drop (or trench) intake.
• Depending upon the type of hydropower plants and layout, dams and water conveyance
system, following types of intake are adopted
• Run of river intake
• Canal intake
• Dam intake
• Tower intake
• Submerged Intake
• Shaft intake

A side intake shall be used to draw water from the river through an intake structure located on the
riverside (Figure 9-2). Its longitudinal axis shall usually be aligned perpendicular to the axis of the
river. It shall normally be sited immediately upstream of the diversion structure.

Side intakes shall typically consist

Side Intake
of the following components: Undersuice

a. A trash rack supporting

Side intakes
b. Intake opening for permitting
• A structure built along a river bank and in front of a canal / conduit
entry of water from the river.
end for diverting the required water safely. A side intake shall be used
c. Gate slot for closing intake
to draw water from the river through an intake structure located on Side intakes
openings / stop log grooves.
the riverside. d. Breast walls for control of the
flow during flood season.
Flap gate

• Its longitudinal axis shall usually be aligned perpendicular to the axisNWL

e. Piers for dividing intakes with
of the river. large horizontal spans into
Radial gate
• It shall normally be sited immediately upstream of the diversion two or more sections.
f. Service platform for operation
structure. of gates and stop logs, trash
• Side intakes are simple, less expensive, easy to build and maintain.handling and general
• Side intakes shall typically consist of the following Figure 9-2: Typical arrangement for side intake
• A trash rack supporting structure. A. Design consideration of side intake
• Intake opening for permitting entry of waterThefrom the river.
considerations for the design of the side intake are as follows:
• Gate slot for closing intake openings / stop log1.grooves.
Side intake is suitable for most of the river categories. A square or rectangular orifice type
of intake should be chosen if site conditions permit as this allows the design flow into the
• Breast walls for control of the flow during flood season.
waterways but limits excess flow during floods when appropriately sized. The intake
• Piers for dividing intakes with large horizontal spans
shouldtwo orsubmerged
be fully more (minimum of 30 to 50cm submergence) during the dry
sections. season so as to provide the full design flow. The side intake should be at:
• Service platform for operation of gates and stop logs,Straighttrash riverhandling
u/s & d/s of the intake.
and general maintenance. Alternatively, on the outer side of the bend to minimize sediment problems and
maximize the assured supply of desired water.
Relatively permanent river course.
By the side of rock outcrops in both banks of the river or large boulders for stability
and strength.
2. In rivers that do not have significant floods or where the site conditions do not permit
Design consideration of side intake
1. Side intake is suitable for most of the river categories. A square or
rectangular orifice type of intake should be chosen if site conditions
permit as this allows the design flow into the waterways but limits excess
flow during floods when appropriately sized. The intake orifice should be
fully submerged (minimum of 30 to 50cm submergence) during the dry
season so as to provide the full design flow. The side intake should be at:
• Straight river u/s & d/s of the intake.
• Alternatively, on the outer side of the bend to minimize sediment problems and
maximize the assured supply of desired water.
• Relatively permanent river course.
• By the side of rock outcrops in both banks of the river or large boulders for stability
and strength.
• In rivers that do not have significant floods or where the site conditions do not
permit placing of an orifice (e.g., high flood walls required), the extension of the
headrace canal is another option.
Design consideration of side intake
2. Fixing its invert level
• The invert level of the intake shall be fixed considering the sediment content in
the river flow and previous design and construction experience.
• This invert shall be minimum 0.5 to 2 m above the under sluice crest level,
according to site condition, to prevent entry of bed sediments into the intake
opening due to turbulence in sluice bay flow.
3. Capacity (Intake opening): According to the flushing requirement and
tentative losses the intake has to be oversized than the design flow by
about 10% to 20% (or Qdiverted). In other words the design discharge for
intake will be taken as 10 to 20% in addition of the turbine discharge.
4. Entrance velocity
• The entrance velocity through the intake opening should be less than 0.6 to 0.8
m/sec. but for small system the velocity can be upto 1.0m/sec.
according to site condition, to prevent entry of bed sediments into the intake
opening due to turbulence in sluice bay flow.
4. Capacity (Intake opening): According to the flushing requirement and tentative losses the
intake has to be oversized than the design flow by about 10% to 20% (or Qdiverted). In other
words the design discharge for intake will be taken as 10 to 20% in addition of the turbine

Design consideration of side intake

5. Entrance velocity
a. The entrance velocity through the intake opening should be less than 0.6 to 0.8
m/sec. but for small system the velocity can be upto 1.0m/sec.
6. Intake Losses
Intake head losses shall be computed as (USBR, 1978)
Hf i K
Where, Hfi = intake head loss in m, K = intake loss coefficient, Vn= normal velocity
through intake in m/s, and g = acceleration due to gravity in m/s2.
The loss coefficient shall usually consist of two parts, namely
K Ki K t
Where, Ki = intake loss coefficient due to sudden contraction in flow from the inlet pond
as it passes the trashracks and piers
Kt = gradual contraction losses as the flow follows the transition part of the Intake into
the intake gate
Some approximate values for the two types of losses are given in table below

Typical values of Ki Typical values of Kt

Shape Ki Cone angle Kt
Bell mouth 0.03 - 0.05 30º 0.002
Slightly rounded 0.12 - 0.25 45º 0.04
Sharp cornered 0.50 60º 0.07
(Source: USBR, 1978)
7. A course trashrack should be provided to prevent big boulders and floating logs from
entering into the headrace canal.
Design consideration of side intake
7. A course trashrack should be provided to prevent big boulders and
floating logs from entering into the headrace canal.
8. A gate/stop log should be provided to regulate flow (adjust/ close)
during operation and maintenance.
9. To optimize the downstream canal and other structures, a spillway
should be provided close to the intake.
can damage the headrace canal and other structures downstream. However, the orifice need not
be at the intake area (i.e. at the riverbank). If it appears that the intake is at a flood plain or
susceptible to damage from boulders, then the orifice can be located downstream. In such cases
the canal upstream of the orifice and the intake would be temporary and may require repair after
every monsoon. An orifice is an opening (Figure 9-3) in the intake from which the river water is
conveyed towards the headrace. The orifice allows the design flow to pass through it under normal

Orifice design for side intake

conditions (i.e. low flow) but restricts higher flows during floods. The discharge through an orifice
for submerged condition is:
Q AC 2g(h r hh ) Design flood level

V C 2g(h r hh ) Trash rack Headworks

where: Q is the discharge through Normal river level
the orifice in m3/s Assuming a maximum velocity of 1.0 m/s through th
V is the velocity through the orifice hr - hh orifice opening using Q = V x A.
A is the area of orifice in m2
For a rectangular opening, A = W x H where W is the w
g is the acceleration due to gravity Canal hh according to the river and ground conditions and calcul
= 9.8 m/s2
hr is the water level in the river
River bed
next to the orifice relative to a orific
datum. at the
hr = ....m B
hh is the water level in the Figure 9-3 : Side intake orifice up to
headrace canal measured from that
the same datum as hr . H
C is the coefficient of discharge of the orifice and is dependent on the shape of orifice. The value of desig
C decreases with the amount of turbulence induced by the intake. For a sharp edged and roughly that
finished concrete or masonry orifice structure this value is as low as 0.6 and for carefully finished River bed
aperture it can be up to 0.8.
(hr - hh) will vary according to the discharge in theHeadworks
river since a higher water level in the river will
produce a greater head at the orifice. smal
The size of the orifice is calculated as follows: Assuming a maximum velocity of 1.0 m/s through the orifice, calculate the required area of the level
orifice opening using Q = V x A. level
For a rectangular opening, A = W x H where W isCalculate
the width the
H isthrough theoforifice
the height for flood
the orifice. Set conditio
(i.e. flow W.
according to the river and ground conditions and calculate during flood less the design flow) will have
gullies in the initial reach of the headrace.
HFL To ensure submerged condition, arrange the
orifice opening such that the water surface level
NWL C. Trashracks for side intake
at the headrace canal is at or slightly higher (say
hr = ....m B The
up totrashracks
50 mm) thanfor upper
side intakes
edge ofcan be manufactured
the orifice. Note
B. Orifice
welded together at fixed intervals. The trashrack at the intake is also known as design
“coarse for trashrack”
side intake
A side intake
since the bar spacing is wider here compared to the trashrack at the forebay. Fornormally includes the
side intakes, an orifice downstream of the trashrack at the riverbank, through
which water is initially drawn into the headrace. Sometimes, the side intake is just a continuation of
function of the trashrack is to stop boulders, cobbles, floating logs andthebranches
headrace from
canal entering the
up to the riverbank. However, as far as practicable, an orifice should be
headrace. Coarse trashracks for side intakes are not designed to exclude gravel
incorporated and
to limit sediment.
excessive flows during floods. With an intake that is just a continuation of the
This is the job of the gravel trap and the settling basin. headrace canal to the river bank, excess flow cannot be controlled during floods. Such excess flow
can damage the headrace canal and other structures downstream. However, the orifice need not
Since boulders can frequently impact the coarse trashrack, it needs be to atbetherobust, i.e. thick
(i.e. at steel

Design of Trashrack
intake area the riverbank). If it appears that the intake is at a flood plain or
sections should be used. Depending on the length and width of the opening, nature of the sediment then the orifice can be located downstream. In such cases
susceptible to damage from boulders,
load and the required flow, a clear spacing of 50mm to 200 mm can be the canal upstream of the orifice and the intake would be temporary and may require repair after
every monsoon. An orifice is an opening (Figure 9-3) in the intake from which the river water is
The trashrack conveyed
is designed so the approach velocity (V0) remains between 0.60 towards
m/s and the1.50
m/sThe (a orifice allows the design flow to pass through it under normal
conditions (i.e. low flow) but restricts higher flows during floods. The discharge through an orifice
lower velocity is uneconomic, whereas a high velocity tends to attractfor bed load condition
submerged and debris,
is: and
results in increased head loss). The total surface of the screen will be given by the equation:
Q AC 2g(h r hh ) Design flood level
1 t a Q 1 V C 2g(h r hh )
S Trash rack Orifice
K 1 a Vo Sin where: Q is the discharge through Normal river level
the orifice in m3/s
Where: S = Total area of the submerged part of the screen hr - hh
V is the velocity through the orifice
Q = Rated flow A is the area of orifice in m2
V0 = Approach velocity g is the acceleration due to gravity Canal hh
= 9.8 m/s2
River bed
t = Bar width hr is the water level Headworks
in the river
next to the orifice relative to a
a = Space between bars datum.
280 hh is the water level in the
K1 = Coefficient related to the partial clogging of the screen: (noheadrace
automatic Figure 9-3 : Side intake orifice
canalraker 0.20-0.30,
measured from
automatic raker with hourly programmer 0.40-0.60, automatic the sameraker
as hr .differential
pressure sensor 0.80-0.85) C is the coefficient of discharge of the orifice and is dependent on the shape of orifice. The value of
= Angle of the screen with the horizontal C decreases with the amount of turbulence induced by the intake. For a sharp edged and roughly
finished concrete or masonry orifice structure this value is as low as 0.6 and for carefully finished
The head losses through the trashrack may be computed using the following
aperture itformula
can be up(IS: 11388 –
to 0.8.
1995): (hr - hh) will vary according to the discharge in the river since a higher water level in the river will
produce a greater head at the orifice.
t v2 The size of the orifice is calculated as follows:
hr k sin
a 2g 279
Where, hr = loss of head through racks, m
t = thickness of rack bars, mm
a = clear spacing between rack bars, mm
a = Space between bars
K1 = Coefficient related to the partial clogging of the screen: (no automatic raker 0.20-0.30,
automatic raker with hourly programmer 0.40-0.60, automatic raker plus differential
pressure sensor 0.80-0.85)
= Angle of the screen with the horizontal
The head losses through the trashrack may be computed using the following formula (IS: 11388 –
t v2
hr k sin
a 2g
Where, hr = loss of head through racks, m
t = thickness of rack bars, mm
a = clear spacing between rack bars, mm
v = velocity of flow through the trash rack, m/s
= angle of bar inclination to the horizontal, where (angle between the flow and the
perpendicular to the screen, the maximum angle = 90º for screens located in the sidewall
of a canal)
And, k = factor depending on bar shape, determined in accordance with figure shown

0.30t t

k= 1.29
t 0.15t
k= 2.42 k= 1.83 k= 1.67 k= 1.035 k= 0.92 k= 0.76

Figure 9-4 : Values of trash rack coefficient for different bar shapes (IS: 11388 – 1995)
In view of the large amount of trash in Nepali rivers during floods, 25 to 50 percent of the area of
racks may be considered to be obstructed by trash.
Trashracks can be cleaned by hand up to 4 meters depth. A horizontal platform above high-water

9.7 Frontal intake

Like the side intake, a frontal intake
shall also withdraw water from the river
through an intake structure located on
Frontal intake the river bank (Figure 9-5). However, its
longitudinal axis shall generally be

aligned parallel to the axis of the river Frontal intakes

flow. Depending on river bank
conditions, the intake may be placed
slightly upstream, along or downstream Flow
• Like the side intake, a frontal intake shall alsoof the axis of the diversion structure.

withdraw water from the river through an Undersluice

intake structure located on the river bank. Piers
However, its longitudinal axis shall generally
be aligned parallel to the axis of the river flow.
• Depending on river bank conditions, the Figure 9-5: Typical arrangement for frontal intake

intake may be placed slightly

9.8 upstream,
Drop (Trench) intake along
or downstream of the axis Theofdrop
shall form an integral part of a diversion structure (Figure 9-6). It shall consist of a
structure. trench-shaped intake gallery constructed in the river bed to entrap the river flow. A sediment trap
trench may be provided upstream of the intake gallery to trap bed sediments. A trash rack shall be
provided over the intake, often at the same level as the initial riverbed. The intake may be
furnished with flat upstream and downstream aprons.

Flushing gallery
Weir placed in dam body

Divide wall
The drop intake shall form an integral part of a diversion structure (Figure 9-6). It shall consist of a
trench-shaped intake gallery constructed in the river bed to entrap the river flow. A sediment trap
trench may be provided upstream of the intake gallery to trap bed sediments. A trash rack shall be
provided over the intake, often at the same level as the initial riverbed. The intake may be
furnished with flat upstream and downstream aprons.

Flushing gallery

Drop intake Weir placed in dam body

Divide wall

Sediment trap
A A Intake gallery
Section A-A

Gravel trap Intake gallery

Figure 9-6: Typical arrangement for drop intake

• The drop intake shall form an integral part of a diversion structure. It shall
consist of a trench-shaped intake gallery constructed284in the river bed to entrap
the river flow. A sediment trap trench may be provided upstream of the intake
gallery to trap bed sediments. A trash rack shall be provided over the intake,
often at the same level as the initial riverbed. The intake may be furnished
with flat upstream and downstream aprons.
Bottom intake
• also known as a Tyrolean or trench intake, is a grille-like opening that captures water from the
bed of the river and drops it directly into the headrace.
• A structure built across and beneath a river for capturing water from the bed of the river and
drops it directly in to headrace. These are mainly useful for areas having less sediment
movement, steeper gradient, and surplus flow for continual flushing.
• Inaccessibility of trashrack throughout the monsoon season and exposure of the system to all the
bed load even though only a small part of the water is drawn are the common
problems/drawbacks of drop intakes.
• A bottom intake may be selected where there is no significant sediment movement along the
river bed, (steep river bed of bare rock or boulders which rarely move (they are suitable for flow
velocities exceeding 3 m/s);
• The longitudinal river slope is relatively steep (e.g. at least 1:10) and
• Excess flow is available for flushing even during the dry season. Surplus flow available for
continual flushing.
• Minimal bed load of sand and gravel;
• Design of bottom intake
• design of bottom intakes shall involve sizing of the intake gallery and the sediment trap trench.
• the bottom rack part shall be designed to pass the discharge up to 125% to150% of plant design
ii. trench. conceivable
the bottom rack part shall be designed to pass the discharge sediment
up to 125% loadoftoplant
to150% the gravel trap: a gradient of at least 1:20 is recommended. The
design flow. gravel trap may require continuous flushing, which means that sufficient head and surplus flow has
ii. the bottom rack part shall be designed to pass thetodischarge up to
be available. 125%
The to150%
design of plant
must be able to carry and spill back to the river the maximum flow
The following equation
design flow. is used for the design of a bottom intake: entering the intake under flood conditions.
The following 2 Note that in this example the width of the trashrack is less than the river width, which is acceptable
Q A =equation
CµbLis used
2gh for the design of a bottom intake: because only 5% of the river flow is required. Where most of the flow is to be
Q =
A CµbL 2gh
QA = design discharge into the intake in m3/s,
b = width of the bottom intake in m.
QL A==length
design discharge
of the trashrackinto the intake in m3/s,
in m.
In practice, b = itwidth of the bottom
is recommended intake
that in m. length (L) be increased by 20%, i.e., L= 1.2 x
the trashrack
Lcalculated. LThis will ensure
= length of thethat there willinbem.adequate flow when the trashrack is partially blocked by
wedged stones and branches.
In practice, it is recommended that the trashrack length (L) Figure 9-7 : Bottom
be increased byintake
20%, plan
i.e., and section
L= 1.2 x
Lcalculated. This
eadworks h = will
hE ensure that there will be adequate flow when the trashrack is partially blocked by
wedged stones2 and branches.
Headworks Vo Headw
hE = hhoo = Initial water depth in m in the river upstream of the intake. 286
h = hE in figure2 9-7, h is actually the initial water depth in the river plus the 2
ote that as can be3seen V E v0 /2g Table 9-1 : x values for ß
= h(vo o2/2g).o For steep rivers, the flow velocity should be measured since the
elocity head of the TEL
ho be
elocity head can = Initial
high. water 2g depth in m in the river upstream of the intake. ß X ß X
X =that as can
a function of thebe seen ofinthefigure
inclination 9-7,(ß)hasE shown
trashrack is actually
in Tablethe hE water
9-1, initial h0 depth in the river plus the
h 0° 1.000 14° 0.879
velocity head of the river (vo /2g). For steep rivers, the flow velocity should be measured since the
C = Correction factor for submerged
2 overfall,
velocity head can
3 be high. ß
Water Level 2° 0.980 16° 0.865
a 2
C 0.6 Cos
Xd = a function of the inclination of the285 trashrack (ß) as shown in Table 9-1, 4° 0.961 18° 0.851
a = clear spacing of the trashrack bars in m. 6° 0.944 20° 0.837
C = Correction factor for submerged overfall, B
d = centre to centre distance between the trashrack bars in m,
3 8° 0.927 22° 0.825
a of the trashrack with respect to the horizontal in degrees.
ß = angle of inclination Q
C 0.6 Cos 2
µ = contraction coefficient
d for the trashrack, which depends on the shape of the bars as 10° 0.910 24° 0.812
shown in figure below.
so in the figure,a Q=o clear spacing
is the river of the oftrashrack
flow upstream the intake bars
and Quinis m.
the excess flow in the river
ownstream of the
B. Trashracks for bottom intake
d intake.
= centre to centre distance between the trashrack bars in m,
ote that to solve the bottom intake equation, either the length or the width of the intakeSimilar to side intakes, the trashracks of bottom intakes can be manufactured from flat
eeds to be set ßand = the
can of
thenthebetrashrack withselection
calculated. The respectofangles,
onethe horizontal in degrees.
tees or round
of these bars welded together at intervals. The section chosen must be strong en
mensions depends on the site conditions. For example, if the length of the trashrack is too small,
to withstand impact by any bed load moving during floods. Its shape is also very important,
µ = contraction coefficient for the trashrack, which depends on the shape of the bars as
Must be >20% to incorporate chocking (by changing L)

9.9 Dam intake

Dam intake is provided in the body of the dam and is used in high head hydroelectric p
penstock or tunnel is embedded in the dam at the required level.

Dam intake Trash racks


and structure Tunnel


• Dam intake is provided in the To Power-house

body of the dam and is used in River A Reservoir A
high head hydroelectric plant. Air inlet

• The penstock or tunnel is

embedded in the dam at the (a) Plan
required level. Gate hoisting cable
• This type of intake is provided in
the big hydropower projects with Reservoir level Air inlet
high head. Dam
• The component parts of this Reservoir
Tunnel or penstock
intake are a trash rack structure in
front of the dam, a bell mouth Trash rack
entrance, a control gate operated To powerhouse
from the top of the dam by
hosting cable, an air inlet just
after the gate. (b) Sectional view on AA

Figure 9-8 : Plan and section of dam intake

The component parts of this intake are a trash rack structure in front of the dam, a b
entrance, a control gate operated from the top of the dam by hosting cable, an air inlet jus

gate. This type of intake is provided in the big conduit
hydropower projects with high head. The plan and
section of dam intake is shown in figure 9-8.

9.10 Tower intake

Figure 9-9 : Dry tower intake
The tower intake is of two type
Roof truss
a) Wet tower intake Bridge
Hoisting cable
b) Dry tower intake Hoisting room
Bridge connecting Reservoir level
Hoisting room Tower intakes are the generally
dam used
U/s Reservior level
in large projects, and wet tower
intake is preferable if a fluctuation
of water level or wave is Entry port Entry port
Gate quite often in reservoir
Gate level. Openings called ports are Gate Gate
Trash racks Vertical
on u/s only provided at various levels. The shaft
sectionEntry ports intake and dry
of wet
Entry port Entry port
Tower intakes are generally
intake is shown
figure 9-10.
Figurein figure
9-10 :9-9
Wetandtower intake
used in large projects, and
Withdrawal conduit
Entry Vertical
wet tower intake is
Water for Withdrawal conduit
preferable if a fluctuation of
production water level or wave is
generated quite often in
Figure 9-9 : Dry tower intake
Roof truss reservoir level. Openings
• a) Wet tower intake 290
called ports are provided at

• b) Dry tower intake

Tower intake Hoisting room
Hoisting cable
Bridge connecting
the dam
various levels.
U/s Reservior level

• Tower intakes are generally used in large projects, and wet tower intake is

preferable if a fluctuation of water level or wave is generated quite often

Trash racks
on u/s only
Entry ports

in reservoir level. Openings called ports are

Figure 9-10 : provided
Wet tower intake at various levels. Vertical Withdrawal conduit
ports shaft
Water for

9.11 Submerged intake
These submerged intakes are used in small power plants. It is used in reservoir or river which
not have lot of sediments so that the intakes may not get buried in course of time. It is econom
does not obstruct navigation, and therefore, widely used in small hydropower plant.

Reservoir level

Submerged intake
Bar screen

block Cast iron lining

• These submerged intakes are used joint Water for
in small power plants. It is used in production

reservoir or river which does not (a) simple concrete block submerges intake
have lot of sediments so that the Reservoir level
intakes may not get buried in course
of time. Bar screen

• It is economical, does not obstruct

navigation, and therefore, widely Rock fill Conduit

used in small hydropower plant.

Cast iron lining

(b) Rock filled timber-crip submerged intake

Figure 9-11 : Simple submerged intakes of two different types

9.12 Shaft intake

It is a vertical or near vertical shaft driven in the bed which carries water to penstoc
powerhouse for power production.

Hoist chamber

Shaft Intake Gate hoist

Reservoir level
• It is a vertical or near vertical shaft driven in Trash racks
chamber Trash racks
the bed which carries water to penstock for Gate

powerhouse for power production.

• This shaft intake consists of following parts Reservoir bed

• Trash rack at the entry of water to the shaft Water to penstocks

• Vertical or near vertical shaft followed by an Elbow

elbow which connects the shaft and the

• Intake gate arrangement Figure 9-12 : Shaft intake
• Gate chamber This shaft intake consists of following parts
• Hoist chamber Trash rack at the entry of water to the shaft

• Sometimes an access tunnel from top of the Vertical penstock

or near vertical shaft followed by an elbow which connects the shaft and

dam with intake to have entry of water under Intake gate arrangement
submerged condition. Gate chamber
Hoist chamber
Sometimes an access tunnel from top of the dam with intake to have entry of water un
submerged condition.

9.13 Selection of type of intake

The most suitable type of intake for a particular site shall be selected considering the follow
Selection of type of intake
The most suitable type of intake for a particular site shall be selected
considering the following factors:
• Nature of river.
• Nature and scale of hydropower development.
• Sediment, trash and debris content.
• Construction considerations.
• Operation and maintenance considerations.
Site selection for intake
• Principle for the arrangement of the intake structure on the river
• The location of an intake structure must be so chosen that the largest
possible portion of the bed load remains in the river and is not taken in the
diversion canal with the diverted water. A satisfactory arrangement of the
intake structure does not re move the suspended matter; this is the task of a
sand trap arranged downstream.
• Use of physical laws
• In straight sections of river or stream, the water flows approximately in the
cross section of the channel, parallel to the banks. When the bed load
transport begins, the bed load is transported accordingly on the bottom of
the river.
• Technical measures
• Sediment management in intake
• The undersluice shall be provided to flush out the sediments deposited in front of the intake and thus
control the bed levels in its approach area. Hydraulic design of the undersluice shall consist of
determining its location, length, profile and opening size.
• The undersluice shall be located close to the intake. It shall be provided in continuation with the
overflow section, separated from the latter by a divide wall. The length of the undersluice shall be
fixed based on the following considerations:
• It shall be capable of passing at least twice the diverted discharge to ensure efficient flushing capacity.
• It shall be capable of passing about 10 to 20 percent of the maximum flood discharge at high floods.
• It shall be capable of passing fair weather freshets and low monsoon floods for obviating overtopping and/or
operation of crest gates.
• Based on the flow to be passed, the undersluice may consist of one or more bays. However, for small
rivers flows, a single sluice bay may be preferred over two or more bays with smaller openings. The
bay opening of the undersluice shall be sized to pass the largest possible boulders brought along by
the river. Generally, the minimum opening shall be twice the boulder size expected in the river stretch
in the vicinity of the headworks.
• The undersluice shall be designed as a broad-crested weir with downstream submergence. Its crest
level shall be maintained close to the general ground level; about 2 m below the intake invert level.
The design shall be performed in accordance with the design of a flumed section. The capacity of the
undersluice shall be sufficient under submergence conditions.
• Normally, energy dissipation downstream of the undersluice shall be achieved through a stilling basin
with a downstream cutoff to check undermining.
• Spillways are required in headrace canals to spill excess flows during the
monsoon and in case of obstruction in the canals. Similarly, spillways are
also required at the forebay to spill the entire design flow in case of sudden
valve closure at the powerhouse. The excess flows that are discharged via a
spillway should be safely diverted into the stream or nearby gully such that
they do not cause any erosion or damage to other structures. Sometimes,
this may require the construction of a channel to the natural water course.
• A first spillway should be provided as close to the intake as possible so that
excess flows can be diverted away from the system as early as possible.

Where water is ponding at a downstream regulator such as in a forebay, the design of spillways
can be based on the weir equation
Q spillway C w L spillway (hovertop )1.5
Qspillway = discharge over the spillway in m /s

Lspillway = length of the spillway in m overtop = head over the spillway in m (i.e. height of
water over the spillway)
Cw = a coefficient (similar to weir coefficient) which varies according to the spillway profile.
The design steps are as follows:
Calculate the flow through the intake during floods after calculating the water level above
weir crest in river during flood time. The spillway should be sized such that the entire flood

frequency is less during the low flow periods whereas continuous flushing is recommended during
the monsoon. A gravel trap may be equipped with overflow spillway. The typical section of gravel
trap is shown in figure 9-16.



Gravel trap Flushing gate

Figure 9-16 : Typical gravel trap

• A gravel trap shall be required to flush out bedThesediments that enter the approach canal back into
gravel trap may be placed below the invert level of an intake structure floor. Alternately, it may
the river. The necessity of a gravel trap may arise owing to faulty design of the river intake.
be located downstream of the intake structure in the approach canal. The gravel trap designed just
• The gravel trap is constructed close to the intake
below in
the order
invert leveltoof aprevent gravelshall
river intake structure from
function asinto thecanal. However,
a pressure
approach channel. it may function as a pressure or a non-pressure canal if it is placed in the approach canal after the
river intake structure. In either case, its minimum opening shall not be less than 0.80 m. The
• Main function of the gravel trap is to collect the bed
opening of aload, smaller
gravel trap located atthan the
the river trash-rack
intake shall always be opening
provided with trash racks to
size, entering through it to the approach canal.protect against clogging by boulders.

• Gravel trap’s location is governed by the site conditions,

9.19 Hydraulic availability
design of gravelof flushing
trap head and gravel
carrying capacity of the approach canal. Its dimension depends on the flow velocity, gravel size
and specific density of the gravel and it shouldCritical
be sufficient
velocity to settle and flush gravels passing
from the coarse trash-rack. For the size of gravels to be transported by the flow in the gravel trap, the critical velocity of flow
shall be determined by
• Gravel trap is generally designed to collect maximum of 12 hours gravel deposit. A flushing
arrangement associated within the gravel trapVcris operated
a d to flush out the collected gravels to the
river. Flushing frequency is less during the lowwhere,
flowVcrperiods whereas continuous flushing is
is the critical velocity of flow in cm/s, a is an empirical coefficient equal to 44.0 for
recommended during the monsoon. particle size greater than 1 mm; d is the particle size to be transported by the flow in mm.
• A gravel trap may be equipped with overflow Length
spillway.of gravel trap
Based on the flow velocity in the trap and the settling time of the particle, the length of settling trap
shall be obtained as
L t set .V
where, t set

L is the length of settling trap in m, tset is the settling time of particle

river intake
river structure. In eitherIn case,
intake structure. either its minimum
case, openingopening
its minimum shall not be not
shall lessbethan
Them. The
of a gravel
of a trap located
gravel at the river
trap located at theintake
river shall
intakealways be provided
shall always with trash
be provided with racks
trash to
racks to
protect against cloggingclogging
protect against by boulders.
by boulders.

9.19 9.19
Hydraulic designdesign
Hydraulic of gravel trap trap
of gravel
For the For
of gravels to be transported
size of gravels by the flow
to be transported in flow
by the the gravel
in the trap,
gravelthe critical
trap, velocityvelocity
the critical of flowof flow
shall beshall
determined by
be determined by
Vcr a Vcrd a d
where, where,
Vcr is the
Vcr critical
is the velocity of flow ofin flow
critical velocity cm/s,in acm/s,
is ana empirical coefficient
is an empirical equal to
coefficient 44.0tofor
equal 44.0 for
particle particle
size greater than 1 mm;
size greater than d1 ismm;
thedparticle size to size
is the particle be transported by the flow
to be transported in flow
by the mm.in mm.
Length Length
of gravel
of trap
gravel trap
Based onBased on the
the flow flow velocity
velocity in the
in the trap andtrap
theand the settling
settling time of time of the particle,
the particle, the length
the length of settling
of settling trap trap Headworks
shall beshall be obtained
obtained as as Flushing velocity
L t set .LV t set .V The flushing velocity in the trap gallery (canal) may be found by the formula
Flushing velocity
h h Vf 2gh
where, where,
t set t set The flushing velocity in the trap gallery (canal) may be found by the formula
where Vf is the flushing velocity in m/s, is the velocity coefficient (0.60 to 0.80), g is the
f 2gh in m/s2 and h is the differential head in m.
to gravity
L is theLlength
is theoflength of settling
settling traptset
trap in m, in ism,the
is the settling
time of time of particle
where Vtime
Flushing f is the flushing velocity in m/s, is the velocity coefficient (0.60 to 0.80), g is the
h is thehdepth
is theofdepth
flow inof m
flowandin m isand is the settling
the settling velocityvelocity
in m/s. in m/s. acceleration due to gravity in m/s2 and h is the differential head in m.
The time taken for flushing (emptying) the volume of water and gravel mixture from the gravel trap
basin will betime
determined as
300 300 The time taken
V for flushing (emptying) the volume of water and gravel mixture from the gravel trap
T be 0determined as
basin will
Where T isTthe Qflushing time in s,V0 is the volume of the gravel-water mixture in the gravel trap
basin in m3 and Qf is the flushing discharge of the two-phase mixture at the gallery in m3/s.
Where T is the flushing time in s,V0 is the volume of the gravel-water mixture in the gravel trap
basin in m3 and Qf is the flushing discharge of the two-phase mixture at the gallery in m3/s.
The flushing of the gravel-water mixture may be performed either by periodical or by
Otherscontinuous flushing depending upon the type of gravel trap/ejector basin designed.
trapof shall
the gravel-water mixture
be lined with may be performed
abrasion-resistant either
material. by lining
This periodical
terminated at flushing
the pointdepending uponflow
where normal the conditions
type of gravel
are trap/ejector
attained. basin designed.
The and
Gates gravel
logsshall be lined the
for controlling withoutlet
abrasion-resistant material.
of the gravel trap This
shall be lining nearest
provided shall be
terminated at the point where normal flow conditions are attained.
to its outflow. Usually, the outlet level of the trap shall be positioned above the 5-year
turbine discharge of a project is 1.45 m3/sec. Assume other suitable data for design.
Turbine discharge = Qd = 1.45 m3/sec
Intake discharge = Qi = 1.2 x Qd = 1.2 x 1.45 m3/sec = 1.74 m3/sec

Headworks River bed level = 3315.0m amsl

•Solved Exampleside9-1 : intake with coarse trash rack for a project in which river bed level is
Weir crest level (h ) = 3317.5 m amsl

3315.0m amsl, weir crest level (normal water level) is fixed to 3317.5 m amsl. From
Canal water level (h ) = 3317.3m amsl

hydrological analysis and in for proposed

Design side intake with coarse trash rack for a project in which river bed level
is intake
is 0.9m/sec
weir crest level (normal water level) is fixed to 3317.5 m amsl. From hydrological analysis and in for
sill (top)
design condition (for given
level 30cm below the normal water level, and assume velocity of water at
proposed headworks designbedcondition
level(forand givenopening,
undersluice bedweir length
level and opening, weirandlength height),Q the 1 .74
heighest flood level in
and100years return period is 3320.83m amslamsl and and flood
flood levellevel
Cross sectional area required = Ain 20 years 1 .93 m return period is
height), the heighest flood level in 100years return period is 3320.83m in V 0 .9
20 3319.55m
years return periodamsl. Theamsl.
is 3319.55m canal water
The canal level
water level is asfixed
is fixed 3317.3m
Assume asamsl.
depth 3317.3m amsl.
Theas 1.0m, then
of intake The
length of intake turbine
is 1.93m /1m = 1.93mdischarge of

a project is 1.45 m3/sec. Assume other suitable

turbine discharge
Headworks of a project is 1.45 m /sec. Assume
3 other suitable data for
Hence adopt data
1m width byfor design.
1m depth 2 number of intake openings.
Solved Example 9-1 :
Solution Now check discharge carrying capacity of intake in given NWL condition and flood condition, by
Design side intake with coarse trash rack for a project in which river bed level is 3315.0m amsl, using the formula
Turbine discharge
weir crest = Qwater
level (normal d = 1.45
level) m 3/sec
is fixed to 3317.5 m amsl. From hydrological analysis and in for
proposed headworks design condition (for given undersluice bed level and opening, weir length Q AC 2g(h
r hh )
anddischarge = Qi = flood
height), the heighest 1.2 xlevel
1.2 x 1.45
3/secis = 1.74 mamsl
3320.83m 3/sec and flood level in
20 years return period is 3319.55m amsl. The canal water level is fixed as 3317.3m amsl. The Here, the intake is assumed roughly finished concrete intake so take C = 0.6
bed discharge
level = 3315.0m
of a project isamsl
1.45 m3/sec. Assume other suitable data for design.
A = (1+1) x 1 m2 = 2m2
Weir crest level (hr) = 3317.5 m amsl hr - hh = 3317.5 - 3317.3m = 0.2m
Turbine discharge = Qd = 1.45 m3/sec
Canal water level (h ) = 3317.3m amsl
Intake discharge = Qih= 1.2 x Qd = 1.2 x 1.45 m3/sec = 1.74 m3/sec Q 2 x 0 .6 2 x 9.81x0.2 =2.37m3/sec
Place intake
River sill= (top)
bed level 3315.0m level
amsl 30cm below the normal water level, and assumeWhich
velocity of water
is greater at design of intake hence ok.
than the
intake iscrest
Weir 0.9m/sec
level (hr) then,
= 3317.5 m amsl Intake invert level = 3317.5 – 0.3- 1.0 =3316.2 m amsl (which is 1.2m above the river bed level)
Canal water level (hh) = 3317.3m amsl
Q 1 .74 2 Design of trashrack in intake
Cross sectional
Place intake sillarea required
(top) level = A the normal water level,
30cm below 1 .93
assume velocity of water at
intake is 0.9m/sec then, V 0 .9 Trashrack opening (a) = 100mm
Cross depth
intake as=1.0m,
required A
Q then length
1 .74
m 2intake is 1.93m /1m = 1.93m
1 .93of
2 Thickness of bar (t) = 20mm
V 0 .9
Shape factor (k) = 2.42 ( for rectangular bar)
Hence adopt 1m width by 1m depth 2 number of intake openings.
Assume depth of intake as 1.0m, then length of intake is 1.93m2/1m = 1.93m
check discharge
adopt 1m width bycarrying
1m depth 2capacity of intake
number of intake in given NWL condition and flood condition, by
openings. 282
discharge carrying capacity of intake in given NWL condition and flood condition, by
using the formula
ACAC 2g(h
h )
h h )h

thetheintake isassumed
intake is assumed roughly
roughly finishedfinished concrete
concrete intake so takeintake
C = 0.6 so take C = 0.6
A = (1+1) x 1 m2 = 2m2
A = (1+1) x 1 m2 = 2m2
hr - hh = 3317.5 - 3317.3m = 0.2m
hr - hh = 3317.5 - 3317.3m = 0.2m
Q 2 x 0 .6 2 x 9.81x0.2 =2.37m /sec

Q 2 x 0 .6 2 x 9.81x0.2 =2.37m3/sec Here, depth of intake is 1m Soso submerged
effective deptharea
opening of the trash rackisis83.33%
of trashrack 1m andofthere is 2two
3.29m intake2
Which is greater than the design of intake hence ok. opening of 1m depth and Hence
width ofapproach
pier between two intake is 0.5m and 0.3m on edge is taken so
total submerged width of the trashrack is (0.3+1.0+0.5+1.0+0.3 = 3.1m). The intake is inclined to
Intake invert level = 3317.5 – 0.3- 1.0 =3316.2 m amsl70°
(which is 1.2mso,above the river Q 1.74
with horizontal V0 bed level)
Aeff 2.74 =0.635 m/sec
Design of trashrack in intake Gross submerged area of trashrack is
3. 1x1
= 3.29m2
Now, the loss through
Sin70 the trashrack is calculated using the formula
Trashrack opening (a) = 100mm But the trash rake is provided with opening 100mm 4 3 and
t v 2 thichness of bar 20 so percentage opening
100 hr k sin
Thickness of bar (t) = 20mm is 83.33% a 2g
100 20
Shape factor (k) = 2.42 ( for rectangular bar) So effective opening area of trashrack is 83.33% of20
4 3 2
0 . 635 2
3.29m2 =2.74m
h r 2 . 42 sin70
Hence approach velocity 100 2x9.81
Angle of inclination with Horizontal ( ) = 70° 282 Q 1.74 = 0.00546m
Here, depth of intake is 1m so submerged depth of the trash rack is 1m and there isA two intake
2.74 =0.635 m/sec
opening of 1m depth and width of pier between two intake is 0.5m and 0.3m on edge is taken so
= 5.46mm
Now, the loss through the trashrack is calculated using the formula
total submerged width of the trashrack is (0.3+1.0+0.5+1.0+0.3 = 3.1m). The intake is inclined toHence the velocity through the intake is within the limit of 0.6 to 1.5
43 2
70° with horizontal so, t v leadloss through the trash rack in normal water level period hence adopte
hr k sin
3.1x 1 a 2g3.1m and depth of 2m (1m submerged depth and 30cm below the intake
Gross submerged area of trashrack is = 3.29m2
20 upto 0the HFL)
2 inclined at 70° with horizontal is proposed.
4 3
. 635
h r 2 . 42opening
But the trash rake is provided with opening 100mm and thichness of bar 20 so percentage sin70
100 The trash
2x9.81rack get clogged frequently so allowance for clogging sho
100 designed area should be greater than the required area.
is 83.33%
100 20 = 0.00546m
So effective opening area of trashrack is 83.33% of 3.29m2 =2.74m2 = 5.46mm
Hence approach velocity Hence the velocity through the intake is within the limit of 0.6 to 1.5 m/sec hence ok and the
Q 1.74 leadloss through the trash rack in normal water level period hence adopted. The trash rack width is
Aeff 2.74 =0.635 m/sec 3.1m and depth of 2m (1m submerged depth and 30cm below the intake bottom level to maximum
Now, the loss through the trashrack is calculated using the formula upto the HFL) inclined at 70° with horizontal is proposed.
The trash rack get clogged frequently so allowance for clogging should be provided, i.e the
t v2 designed area should be greater than the required area.
hr k sin
a 2g 283
4 3
20 0 . 635 2
hr 2 . 42 sin70
100 2x9.81
= 0.00546m
Thank you!

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