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Object Oriented Analysis and Design MCQs with Answers

1. ___ is the process that groups data and procedures into an entity called objects.
a. Object development methodology
b. Linear programming
c. Structured programming
d. Object oriented system development

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Answer: D

2. ___ technique analyzes and converts business requirements into specifications and finally
into manual procedures.
a. Structured analysis
b. Structured analysis and design (SADT)
c. Object oriented analyses
d. Structured design

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Answer: D

3. ___ identifies the same data structure and behavior, and groups them into a class.
a. Polymorphism
b. Identity
c. Classification
d. Inheritance

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Answer: C

4. We classify different objects of the program with the same properties into a class using
a. Categorization
b. Instantiation
c. Decomposition
d. Generalization

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Answer: A

5. A ___ is defined as a group of objects with the same structure and behavior.
a. Association
b. Polymorphism
c. Class
d. Method

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Answer: C

6. Messages are known as ___ functions.

a. Bounded
b. Unbounded
c. Non-specific
d. Specific

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Answer: C

7. In the ___ phase the design model is built based on the analysis model.
a. System Design
b. Application
c. Object design
d. Analysis

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Answer: C

8. ___ patterns are constant and inactive.

a. Generative
b. Anti
c. Design
d. Non-generative

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Answer: D

9. The ___ methodology includes the complete software development lifecycle and tracks the
stress between different phases.
a. Jacobson
b. Rumbaugh
c. Booch
d. Edward Yourdon

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Answer: A

10. ___ relationship is indicated by a dashed line beginning at the base use case and ending
with an arrow pointing to the use case.
a. Communication
b. Uses
c. Extends
d. Association

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Answer: C

11. ___ deals with the static process view of a system, from the perspective of a real or
prototype case.
a. Component diagram
b. Object diagram
c. Deployment diagram
d. State diagram
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Answer: B

12. The state of an object need not be directly observable and is ___ of the implementation.
a. Associated
b. Dependent
c. Independent
d. Interdependent

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Answer: C

13.___ is a creative activity to recognize and understand the problem, its related constraints,
and the methods of overcoming those problems.
a. Analysis
b. Implementation
c. Design
d. Testing

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Answer: A

14.___ denotes the aspirations of the users and the responsibility of the system to its users.
a. UML
b. OOA
c. Use-cases
d. Association

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Answer: C

15. ___ emphasizes the key concepts and helps to identify issues and flaws in the analysis
and design.
a. Scenario
b. Use-case diagram
c. Documentation
d. Class diagram

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Answer: C

16. The output of object analysis is a description of the ___ and the user requirements.
a. Problem
b. Solution
c. Quality assurance
d. Use cases

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Answer: A

17. Each iteration in the process of identifying relevant classes identifies some classes that
were ___.
a. Described
b. Defined
c. Noticed
d. Unnoticed

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Answer: D

18. Class Responsibility Collaboration (CRC cards) is an important tool used in the ___ of
object-oriented software.
a. Analysis
b. Design
c. Development
d. Specification

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Answer: B

19. The idea of the interface was introduced to solve the problem of ___.
a. Generalization
b. Association
c. Multiple inheritances
d. Dependency

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Answer: D

20. Self delegation is a ___ an object sends to itself

a. Value
b. Attribute
c. Message
d. Event

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Answer: C

21. ___ relationship hides the internal details of the superclass from the subclasses.
a. Interface
b. Inheritance
c. Part of
d. One too many

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Answer: B

22. ___ is said to be a valid fundamental truth that has no counterexample or exception.
a. Cohesion
b. Attribute
c. Axiom
d. Corollary

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Answer: C

23. The third phase of OOAD design deals with ___.

a. Designing view layer classes
b. Designing attributes
c. Designing access layer classes
d. Refining UML class diagrams

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Answer: A

24. Corollary 6 deals with ___.

a. Large number of simple classes
b. Design using inheritance
c. Strong mapping
d. Standardization

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Answer: B

25. In object oriented design it is important to describe the ___ between the associated classes
in an application.
a. Protocol
b. Function
c. Constraint
d. Procedure

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Answer: A

26. ___ constraints are true for the attached set of relationships and instances over a long
period of time.
a. Primary key
b. Post-conditions
c. Pre-conditions
d. Invariants

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Answer: D

27. ___are objects that basically act as containers of data.

a. Display object
b. Value object
c. Application structure
d. Data object

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Answer: B

28. ___ is the layer of application functionality that encapsulates all the interactions within
the database.
a. Business layer
b. Presentation layer
c. Application layer
d. Access layer

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Answer: D

29. ___ is a special data processing system or part of a data processing system that helps in
storage, manipulation, reporting, management, and control of data.
a. Object store
b. Persistence
c. Object oriented database management system
d. Database management system

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Answer: D

30. In ___, a single table is used to map multiple no inheriting classes.

a. Table–class mapping
b. Multi-Table–inherited classes mapping
c. Table-multiple classes mapping
d. Table–inherited classes mapping

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Answer: C

31. A prototype that provides only the model of the UI is a ___

a. Horizontal prototype
b. Vertical prototype
c. Visual prototyping
d. Rapid prototyping

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Answer: A

32. ___ interferes with the user’s ability to use the conceptual model of how the application
a. Task automation
b. Interface
c. Prototyping
d. Modes

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Answer: D

33. ___ states that there should be a strong mapping between the user’s view of doing things
and UI classes
a. Corollary 1
b. Corollary 2
c. Corollary 4
d. Corollary 3
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Answer: C

34. ___ testing is a process, or a series of processes, designed to ensure that the computer
code does what it was designed to do and that it does not do anything unintended.
a. Software
b. Quality
c. Hardware
d. Functional

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Answer: A

35. ___ testing technique is used for testing software against its specifications with some
knowledge of its internal working as well.
a. White -box
b. Black-box
c. Correctness
d. Grey-box

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Answer: D

36. ___ is a powerful macro substitution and when improperly used can cause serious errors.
a. Abstraction
b. Encapsulation
c. Inheritance
d. Polymorphism

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Answer: C

37. Identifying the use cases is one of the initial stages of:
a. User satisfaction test
b. Program development
c. Usability testing
d. Use case design

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Answer: C

38. The main concern of ___ testing is how users interact with the system.
a. Usability
b. Software
c. Quality
d. Object oriented

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Answer: A

39. Test goals and the ___ must be decided before the user satisfaction test is performed.
a. Audience
b. Use case design
c. Testing questionnaire
d. Design goals

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Answer: A

40. Giving extra time for the test plans will reduce ___.
a. System performance
b. Testing time
c. Productivity
d. Consistency of the application

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Answer: C

41. Identify the approach used in system development to build information with the help of
structured and modular programming.
a. Object oriented approach
b. Traditional approach
c. Object oriented programming
d. Object technology

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Answer: B

42. Identify true and false statements.

1. The core of object oriented development is the identification and organization of the
concepts related to the application domain.
2. Object oriented development is the traditional approach for analyzing software based on
abstractions existing in the real world.
a. 1-F, 2-F
b. 1-T, 2-T
c. 1-T, 2-F
d. 1-F, 2-T

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Answer: C

43. Identify true and false statements.

1. The main aim of object-oriented system development is to make software development
2. The object oriented systems are used to abstract the inner programming details of the
a. 1-F, 2-F
b. 1-T, 2-F
c. 1-T, 2-T
d. 1-F, 2-T

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Answer: C
44. The two types of traditional operating systems methodologies are ___ and ___.
a. Class centric, function centric
b. Algorithm centric, data-centric
c. Algorithm centric, function centric
d. Class centric, data centric

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Answer: B

45. Which of the following statement is true?

1. The class diagram depicts the allocation of classes and objects to modules in the physical
design of a system.
2. Object diagram is a UML structural diagram that shows the instances of the classes.
a. 1-F, 2-T
b. 1-T, 2-F
c. 1-T, 2-T
d. 1-F, 2-F

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Answer: A

46. In the ___ phase the class diagram is improved by adding more details like ___ and
methods used for application.
a. Analysis, Testing
b. Prototyping, Testing
c. Design, Testing
d. Design, Attributes

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Answer: D

47. In a state diagram, the start state is represented as a ___ and an end state as a ___.
a. Hollow circle, Hollow circle enclosing a smaller colored circle
b. Small darkened circle, Hollow circle enclosing a smaller colored circle
c. Hollow circle enclosing a smaller colored circle, Small darkened circle
d. Small darkened circle, a Colored circle enclosing a smaller hollow circle

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Answer: B

48. Identify if the following statements are true or false.

1. The behavior package describes the static structure of the UML
2. The structure package describes the dynamic structure of the UML
a. 1F, 2T
b. 1F, 2F
c. 1T, 2T
d. 1T, 2F

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Answer: B
49. Identify true and false statements.
1. Use-case model defines what happens in the system when the use-case is performed.
2. Use-case model can identify classes and the relationships among subsystems of the
a.1-F, 2-F
b. 1-T, 2-F
c. 1-T, 2-T
d. 1-F, 2-T

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Answer: C

50. Business process model (BPM) can include both ___ processes and___ processes.
a. Actor, UT
b. People, IT
c. Actor, People
d. People, UT

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Answer: B

Unit 1

1. What are the characteristics of software?

a. Software is developed or engineered; it is not manufactured in the classical sense.
b. Software doesn’t “ wear out ”.
c. Software can be custom built or custom build.
d. All mentioned above

2. What is the simplest model of software development paradigm?

a. Spiral model
b. Big Bang model
c. V-model
d. Waterfall model
3. Software consists of ______ .
a. Set of instructions + operating procedures
b. Programs + documentation + operating procedures
c. Programs + hardware manuals
d. Set of programs

4. Which is the most important feature of spiral model?

a. Quality management
b. Risk management
c. Performance management
d. Efficiency management
5. Which is not a step of Requirement Engineering?
a. Requirements elicitation
b. Requirements analysis
c. Requirements design
d. Requirements documentation

6. Modifying the software to match changes in the ever changing environment is called
__________ .
a. Adaptive maintenance
b. Corrective maintenance
c. Perfective maintenance
d. Preventive maintenance

7. The model in which the requirements are implemented by its category is ______ .
a. Evolutionary Development Model
b. Waterfall Model
c. Prototyping
d. Iterative Enhancement Model

8. Requirement engineering process includes which of these steps?

a. Feasibility study
b. Requirement Gathering
c. Software Requirement specification & Validation
d. All mentioned above

9. Software Requirement Specification (SRS) is also known as specification of _______.

a. White box testing
b. Acceptance testing
c. Integrated testing
d. Black box testing

1. Which of the following is not an Advantage of

a. Smaller components are easier to
b. Concurrent execution can be made
c. Program cannot be divided based on
functional aspects.
d. Desired level of abstraction can be brought
in the program.
2. Which of the following defines the degree of intra-dependability within elements of a
a. Cohesion
b. Coupling
c. Design Verification
d. None of the above

3. When multiple modules share a common data structure and work on different part of it, it is
called _.
a. Common coupling
b. Share coupling
c. Data coupling
d. Stamp coupling
4. Which tool is use for structured designing?
a. Program Chart
b. Structure Chart
c. Module Chart
d. All the above

5. In Design phase, which is the primary area of concern?

a. Architecture
b. Data
c. Interface
d. All of the above

6. Which of the following is the best type of module cohesion?

a. Functional Cohesion
b. Temporal Cohesion
c. Functional Cohesion
d. Sequential Cohesion

7. Which of the following is the worst type of module coupling?

a. Control Coupling
b. Stamp Coupling
c. External Coupling
d. Content Coupling

8.Choose the option that does not define Function Oriented Software Design.
a. It consists of module definitions.
b. Modules represent data abstraction.
c. Modules support functional abstraction.
d. None of the above

9. Which of the following is an indirect measure of product?

a. Quality
b. Complexity
c. Reliability
d. All of the above

10. Which among these best represents Coupling

for an ideal device?
a. Do exactly one job completely.
b. Be loosely coupled to the rest of the
c. Hide its Implementation.
d. Never change its interface

15. ___ emphasizes the key concepts and helps to identify issues and flaws in the analysis
and design.
a. Scenario
b. Use-case diagram
c. Documentation
d. Class diagram

11. ___ deals with the static process view of a system, from the perspective of a real or
prototype case.
a. Component diagram
b. Object diagram
c. Deployment diagram
d. State diagram

5. A ___ is defined as a group of objects with the same structure and behavior.
a. Association
b. Polymorphism
c. Class
d. Method

2. ___ technique analyzes and converts business requirements into specifications and finally
into manual procedures.
a. Structured design
b. Structured analysis and design (SADT)
c. Object oriented analyses
d. Structured analysis

1. ___ is the process that groups data and procedures into an entity called objects.
a. Object development methodology
b. Linear programming
c. Structured programming
d. Object oriented system development

The vertcal dimension of a sequence diagram shows

a) abstract

b) line

c) time

d) messages

Aggregation is …
a) set of relationship

b) composed of relationship

c) part of relationship

d) all of these

Cohesion and coupling are represented by using …

a) structure part

b) structure effect

c) dependence matrix

d) all of these
2) What is the programming style of the object oriented conceptual model?
a) Invariant relationships
b) Algorithms
c) Classes and objects
d) Goals, often expressed in a predicate calculus.

3) The essential characteristics of an object that distinguish it from all other kinds of objects
and thus provide crisply defined conceptual boundaries, relative to the perspective of the
viewer is called:
a) Encapsulation
b) Modularity
c) Hierarchy
d) Abstraction

5) The process of compartmentalizing the elements of an abstraction that constitute its

structure and behavior is called as
a) Hierarchy
b) Encapsulation
c) Modularity
d) Entity Abstraction

What is that concept in type theory in which a single name may denote objects of many
different classes that are related by some common super class referred to ______
a) Monomorphism
b) Type Checking
c) Polymorphism
d) Generalization

Q1. Amongst which of the following is / are true in terms of design concepts in software
engineering. Software design encompasses,
A. Set of principles
B. Concepts and practices
C. Development of a high-quality system or product
D. All of the mentioned above

Answer: D) All of the mentioned above


Software design encompasses Set of principles, design concepts and practices, development
of a high-quality system or product. Design principles establish design work. Design
practices itself leads to the creation of various representations of the software.

Q2. Design develops a representation or ____.

A. Model
B. Testing
C. Requirements Analysis
D. None of the mentioned above

Answer: A) Model


Unlike requirements modeling, design modeling produces a representation or model of

software. Design modeling includes a detail description about the software architecture as
well as data structures, interfaces, and other components that are required to implement in the

Q3. Generally the software design done by ____.

A. Software engineers
B. Mechanical engineers
C. Architect
D. None of the mentioned above

Answer: A) Software engineers


In Software engineering, software designs done by software engineers.

Q4. Amongst which of the following is / are shows the key significances of software
A. Design allows us to build the blue print of the system or product
B. The model gives clarity of proposed system and can be improved before code is
C. Tests can be carried out, and end users involves during the process
D. All of the mentioned above

Answer: D) All of the mentioned above


The key significances of software designs are; design allows us to build the blue print of the
system or product, the model gives clarity of proposed system and can be improved before
code is generated and tests can be carried out, and end users involves during the process.

Q5. Amongst which of the following is / are the key steps of software designs?

A. Representation of architecture of the system or product

B. Representation of the interfaces that connect the software to end users
C. Construction and representation of the software components
D. All of the mentioned above

Answer: D) All of the mentioned above


The architecture of the system or product must be represented; the interfaces that connect to
the software to end users, to other systems and the software components that are used to
construct the system are designed.


Q6. The primary work product produced during software design is / are,

A. Architectural design
B. Interface design
C. Creation of components and deployment
D. All of the mentioned above

Answer: D) All of the mentioned above


The primary work products produced during software design are architectural design,
Interface design and creation of components and deployment.
Q7. The design model is assessed by the software team to determine; and the that have
been established.

A. Errors, inconsistencies, or omissions

B. Alternatives existence
C. Implementation of model within the constraints, schedule, and cost
D. Al of the mentioned above

Answer: B) Alternatives existence


The software team evaluates the design model to identify whether there are any flaws,
inconsistencies, or omissions; whether there are any alternatives; and whether the model can
be implemented within the restrictions, schedule, and budget that have been specified.

Q8. The architectural design defines the relationship between major structural elements
of the software,

A. True
B. False

Answer: A) True


The architectural design represents the framework of a computer-based system which is

derived from the requirements model. The architectural design of a software system specifies
the link between the primary structural aspects of the system under consideration.

Q9. Amongst which of the following is / are the key aspects of interface design,

A. Smooth communication between the system and the users who use it
B. This implies a flow of information
C. Both A and B
D. None of the mentioned above

Answer: C) Both A and B


The key aspects of interface design are to keep Smooth communication between the system
and the users who use it. An Interface design implies a flow of information.
Q10. The component-level design transforms structural elements of the software

A. True
B. False

Answer: A) True


Structures in the software architecture are transformed into procedures for describing how the
components of the software work at the component level by using component-level design.


Q11. Component design is prepared with the information obtained from ____.

A. The class-based models

B. Behavioral models
C. Both A and B
D. None of the mentioned above

Answer: C) Both A and B


The information gathered from the class-based models and behavioral models is used to make
the component design. During the design phase, we make decisions that will have an impact
on the overall success of the software creation process.

Q12. Design provides the representations of software that can be assessed for ____.

A. Quality
B. Testing
C. Analysis
D. All of the mentioned above

Answer: A) Quality


Design provides the representations of software that can be assessed for quality. Essentially,
design is a method of accurately translating the requirements of stakeholders into a finished
software product or system.
Q13. Software design is a process of,

A. Translating requirements into a blueprint for software construction

B. A holistic view of software
C. Detailed data, functional, and behavioral requirements
D. All of the mentioned above

Answer: D) All of the mentioned above


Software design is a process of translating requirements into a blueprint for software

construction; a holistic view of software; and a detailed data, functional, and behavioral

Q14. Amongst which of the following is / are shows the software quality,

A. Implicit & explicit requirements

B. A readable, understandable
C. A complete picture from an implementation perspective
D. All of the mentioned above

Answer: D) All of the mentioned above


The key aspects of software quality and attributes are; the design should implement implicit
& explicit requirements, the design should a readable, and understandable, and the design
should have a complete picture from an implementation perspective.

Q15. Amongst which of the following is / are the key attributes of software quality.

A. Functionality & Usability

B. Reliability & Performance
C. Supportability
D. None of the mentioned above

Answer: B) Reliability & Performance


The key attributes of software quality are functionality, usability, reliability, performance and
Q16. The process of abstraction can also be referred to as ____.

A. Modeling
B. Analysis
C. Implementation
D. None of the mentioned above

Answer: A) Modeling


The process of abstraction can also be referred to as modeling. It is all about hiding
complexity in building various parts of application.

Q17. Software modularity is a,

A. Design approach to divide entire software into smaller units

B. Modularity facilitates a developer to identify issues quickly
C. Modularity helps developer to enhance software and its quality easily
D. All of the mentioned above

Answer: D) All of the mentioned above


Software modularity is a design approach to divide entire software into smaller units;
modularity facilitates a developer to identify issues quickly; and helps developer to enhance
software and its quality easily.

Q18. Cohesion is a functional strength of a module.

A. True
B. False

Answer: A) True


Cohesion is a functional strength of a module. Unlike other modules, a cohesive module is

focused on a single purpose and requires little interaction with other components in other part
of a program to complete.

Q19. Coupling indicates the interdependence among modules.

A. True
B. False

Answer: A) True


The term "coupling" refers to the connectivity of modules in a software framework. Coupling
indicates the interdependence among modules. The degree of coupling is determined by the
intricacy of the interfaces between modules.

Q20. Deployment-level design elements allocate the architecture, its components, and
the interfaces to the physical configuration of a system.

A. True
B. False

Answer: A) True


The architecture, its components, and its interfaces are allocated to the physical configuration
of a system through the use of deployment-level design elements.

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