Cybercrime Psyhology
Cybercrime Psyhology
Cybercrime Psyhology
University of Twente
The prevalence of cyber-attacks is increasing constantly, all over the globe. However,
the psychological impact of cybercrime is still understudied. There is limited research on the
differences in psychological impact between different types of cybercrime. This study aimed
to explore such differences regarding three types of cybercrime (hacking, person-centered,
and financial cybercrime). According to the Shattered Assumption Theory, after experiencing
cybercrime, the victim’s assumption of the world is violated, which results in feelings of
anger, anxiety, fear, shame/embarrassment, and loss of self-esteem. Those negative emotions
were hypothesized to be especially severe after experiencing person-centered cybercrime, as
the victim’s interpersonal trust is most disrupted. Additionally, it was hypothesized that the
negative impact of psychological impact would increase when the victim was familiar with
the offender and had extensive contact with the offender before the crime. Participants read
one scenario about each type of cybercrime, including several additions (describing
familiarity and intensity of contact). Afterwards, their psychological impact was measured
with a self-developed scale assessing those concepts. Results indicated that experiencing
person-centered cybercrime led to a greater psychological impact and having intensive
contact with the offender enhanced the psychological impact. However, knowing the offender
did not influence the psychological impact. Consequently, future research should further
investigate the impact of person-centered cybercrime, and how psychologists can improve
their treatment of victims of such, as they need special attention. For the treatment of
cybercrime victims, awareness about intensive contact with the offender is crucial. Generally,
more research is required on the victim-offender relationship.
Table of Contents
Mental Wellbeing and Cybercrime: The Psychological Impact of Cybercrime on Victims...... 4
Types of Cybercrime ...................................................................................................... 5
Consequences of Cybercrime ......................................................................................... 6
The Current Study .......................................................................................................... 9
Method ....................................................................................................................................... 9
Design ............................................................................................................................. 9
Participants ................................................................................................................... 10
Materials ....................................................................................................................... 11
Scenarios and Additions ................................................................................... 11
Psychological Impact of the Victim Assessment.............................................. 11
Risk-Taking Assessment .................................................................................. 12
Coping Style Assessment ................................................................................. 12
Perceived Severity Assessment ........................................................................ 13
Perceived Knowledge Assessment ................................................................... 13
Interpersonal Trust Assessment ........................................................................ 14
Internet Trust Assessment................................................................................. 14
Sense of Security Assessment .......................................................................... 14
Procedure ...................................................................................................................... 15
Data analysis ................................................................................................................. 16
Results ...................................................................................................................................... 17
Additional Analyses ..................................................................................................... 17
Discussion ................................................................................................................................ 21
Findings and Implications ............................................................................................ 21
Strengths and Limitations ............................................................................................. 25
Future Research Implications ....................................................................................... 26
Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 27
References ................................................................................................................................ 28
Appendix A .............................................................................................................................. 37
Appendix B .............................................................................................................................. 38
Appendix C .............................................................................................................................. 43
Appendix D .............................................................................................................................. 44
In the globalised world, technology plays an important part in people’s lives. For
instance, individuals use the internet to connect with others through various communication
channels as well as to stream content and make online transactions (Deniz & Geyik, 2015).
Consequently, the internet has become a big part of people’s daily lives and some activities or
services are held entirely online nowadays. Worldwide, around 4.95 billion people have
access to the internet, which is around 62.5% of the population (Johnson, 2022). By 2023, this
number is expected to increase up to 5.3 billion (Johnson, 2022). Especially adolescents
interact to a large extent online, through platforms where they can express themselves freely
(Agustina, 2019). More specifically, the internet and especially social media are of high
importance for many individuals today, as their functions and services are deeply integrated
into people’s lives. This includes listening to music online or daily chatting with friends who
live far away.
At the same time, this increase in internet usage makes individuals more vulnerable to
potential risks of the online world, as it is another space for criminals (Kaakinen et al., 2018).
With the rise of technology, criminals gained new opportunities for marketing scams, identity
fraud, online stalking, getting unauthorized access to a system or device, and much more
(Kerr et al., 2013; Short et al., 2014). This phenomenon is called cybercrime, which refers to
“any criminal activity in which a computer (or networked device) is targeted or used”
(Munanga, 2019, as cited in Burton et al., 2022, p. 1). Traditional crimes, e.g., embezzlement
or fraud, are connected to a reduced risk for the perpetrator when executed online (Jahankhani
et al., 2014). Keeping in mind the global internet access of 62.5 %, these 62.5 % are at risk for
becoming a victim of cybercrime. Considering the importance of the internet in today’s
world, experiencing a crime online might cause severe psychological issues in the individual
(from loss of trust to symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or suicide), as it
potentially would after an offline crime (Borwell et al., 2021; Cross, 2015; Aiken et al, 2015).
Cybercrime is especially harmful due to the many ways the perpetrator can get access to the
victim’s data, the difficulty of prosecuting it, and the lack of knowledge of preventive
strategies for many internet users (Gupta & Mata-Toledo, 2016). Despite the rise of
technology and its serious risks, until now most researchers focused on the impact of
traditional crimes, and there is limited research on the impact of cybercrime (Borwell et al.,
2021). This study will explore the psychological impact of cybercrime on victims.
Types of Cybercrime
Cybercrime is a problem all countries worldwide have to deal with (Cheng et al.,
2020), and it is one of the fastest-growing threats worldwide (McAfee, 2018). One important
factor for this growth is that time, space, and national borders are less of an obstacle to
committing crimes (Koops, 2010). The Allianz Risk Barometer, which represents the
estimates of risk management experts in Europe, Asia, America, Africa, and the Middle East,
stated that cyber incidents are regarded as the most concerning risk in 2022 (Zandt, 2022). In
Europe, 71% of people using the internet express concerns over cybercrime, according to
research from the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (2019).
Cybercrime is either broad or specific, meaning from the institutional level, such as
cybercrime within organisations, companies, and institutions, to individual victim experiences
(Burton et al., 2022). Cybercrime can be differentiated depending on what the crime is aimed
at, such as a device, money, or the victim itself (Correia, 2019; Furnell, 2001). In other words,
it is described as hacking, financial cybercrime, or person-centred cybercrime.
Hacking means that the criminal uses a technological device to get unauthorised
access to a computer (system) to obtain data, or commit fraud (Jaquet-Chiffelle & Loi, 2020;
Bregant & Bregant, 2014). A study by Reep-van den Bergh and Junger (2018) discovered that
since 2010, 1.2-5.8% of the European population experience hacking every year. In the
Netherlands, eight out of a hundred inhabitants were being hacked between 2012 and 2019
(Statista, 2021). Most of these hacking attacks were on a website or an online profile (Statista,
2021). Buil-Gil et al. (2020) investigated the shift of cybercrime suffered by individuals and
organisations during one year of the pandemic (May 2019 to May 2020) in the UK. They
observed that cyber-dependent crimes aimed at individuals, which are crimes that can only be
executed with computers or networks, e.g., hacking or viruses, increased by 14.91% (Buil-Gil
et al., 2020). Still, many of those cybercrime attacks remain undetected, due to their complex
nature and difficulty to find footprints, and a large number of unreported crimes (Koops,
2010; De Kimpe et al., 2020).
Another type of cybercrime, namely financial cybercrime, consists of criminal online
activities that are used for financial gain (Kaldor et al., 2019). The most prevalent form of
financial cybercrime is phishing, in which a link is sent within an email or text message to
lead the user to illegal websites, where passwords get stolen, viruses download automatically,
or private information falls into the hands of unauthorized third parties (Kaldor et al., 2019).
Regarding the individual financial impact, Hernandez-Castro and Boiten (2014) found that
even though oftentimes there is no financial impact at all, they stated that 2.3% of the
population in the UK experienced financial losses of over £10.000. De Kimpe et al. (2020)
stated that the psychological consequences of financial cybercrime might be as cruel to the
victim as the financial impact itself.
Person-centered cybercrime deals with any crime where the victim is the main target,
for example, online stalking, blackmailing, or cyberbullying (Borwell et al., 2021).
Cyberstalking is defined as repeated and undesired contact administered through technology
(Kaur et al., 2021). Blackmailing means to threaten the victim of exposing private
information, if they do not fulfil the required demands, which can be an (illegal) action that
needs to be done or money that needs to be sent (Mahdi Addai et al., 2022). The latter,
cyberbullying implies that the victim is harmed intentionally by the offender, in a situation
when they can hardly defend themselves (Olweus, 1999, as cited in Slonje et al., 2013).
Oftentimes,in all three types there is a power-imbalance between the perpetrator and the
victim in regards to technical skills and the facelessness of the offender (Kaur et al., 2021;
Mahdi Addai et al., 2022; Slonje et al., 2013). According to Buil-Gil et al. (2020), online
fraud against individuals increased by 51.99% during the Covid-19 outbreak.
Consequences of Cybercrime
It is crucial to look at the psychological consequences that these crimes can have more
in-depth, as they are not yet widely acknowledged, since many cybercrimes remain
unreported and the victims tend to suffer in silence (De Kimpe et al., 2020; Leukfeldt, 2017).
The impact of such crimes can be severe, mainly depending on the type of crime (Freeman &
Smith, 2014). However, most cybercrime victims tend to feel responsible for their
victimisation and do not understand enough about what has happened to them, thus
immersing themselves in a state of ‘learned helplessness’ (Das & Nayak, 2013). Within this
frame of mind, individuals feel like any act of defense is ineffective, and as a result, behave
rather apathic and passive (Peterson & Seligman, 1983). This in return leads to the victims
oftentimes not seeking (professional) help and support, which frequently worsens their
symptoms (Cross, 2015). Hence, getting insight into what victims of online crimes go through
is essential for understanding the extent of such crimes, but also for finding ways to help
The psychological impact of online crimes has been studied separately for each type of
cybercrime before, but not together. The three types appear to result in similarities, but also
differences regarding the emotional consequences for the victim. Generally, victims of
cybercrime tend to experience anxiety, fear, shame/embarrassment, symptoms of depression,
and loss of self-esteem (Cross et al., 2016; Kaakinen et al., 2018). They are likely to be
anxious because they do not feel safe anymore, especially within the online environment, but
also in the offline world (Cross et al., 2016). Furthermore, the victims fear that the offender
has access to their personal information, also after the crime happened (Das & Nayak, 2013),
for example to their bank account, which would affect them financially as well. Also, they
fear that they become victimized again, as their evaluation of people already failed once, so it
might easily happen again. They oftentimes blame it on themselves and their unreliable
evaluation of others (Borwell et al., 2021). Due to self-blame, feelings of naiveness and them
feeling less capable of navigating in the online world, victims are likely to experience shame
and embarrassment (Cross, 2015; Cross et al., 2016). Their own feelings of helplessness, self-
blame, fear, and anxiety about the consequences the crime might have, potentially result in
symptoms of depression (Notté et al., 2021). This is more likely for victims who are already
vulnerable to symptoms of mental illnesses, because through the traumatic experience of
cybercrime those symptoms might be triggered again (Lazzari et al., 2020). Similarly, those
feelings lead to loss of self-esteem, as the victims not only feel less confident about their
internet skills but also about their evaluation of others (Borwell et al., 2021).
Especially through hacking, cybercrime victims experience fear and distress because
they do not know to which data the offender might have access to (Palassis et al., 2021). This
makes it stressful to think about the future, as the offender could use their data or access a
certain account again. Furthermore, victims tend to be ashamed about having become a victim
of online crime, which can lead to social isolation in some cases (Barnett et al., 1996). Also,
many victims experience distress and feelings of violation due to losing their privacy and
security (Palassis et al., 2021).
When looking at the psychological impact of financial cybercrime, it tends to be more
crucial for greater financial losses (Kerr et al., 2013). Financial loss can be divided into
indirect and direct loss (De Kimpe et al., 2020). Direct loss is the cost and disturbance the
victim faces, such as money, time, or discomfort (Anderson et al., 2013). Indirect loss is the
loss for society, for example, disruption of trust in certain companies or bank institutes
(Anderson et al., 2013). A study by Modic and Anderson (2015) revealed that the emotional
impact is closely affected by the financial loss, but the degree is dependent on the individual’s
wealth. However, they showed that after losing money several times, extremely wealthy
individuals tend to experience similar psychological effects as those who are less wealthy.
Emotions that victims felt after financial cybercrime were for instance anger, fear, distress,
and worry, and depressive thoughts (Whitty & Buchanan, 2015). Additionally, victims were
less likely to engage in online shopping or banking in the near future (Bada & Nurse, 2020).
world anymore (Edmondson et al., 2011). Moreover, the victim tends to feel more betrayed as
they have evaluated the offender incorrectly.
The Current Study
The aim of this study was to explore the psychological impact of hacking, person-
centered, and financial cybercrime on victims, as well as the influence of familiarity and
intensity of contact with the offender. Therefore, this study manipulated three scenarios in an
online questionnaire, that described a situation for each type of cybercrime. These scenarios
were applicable to everyone, but still very detailed so that the participants could imagine how
it must feel like being a victim of cybercrime. Furthermore, to assess the anticipated
psychological impact of familiarity and intensity of contact with the offender, four additions
were manipulated (high familiarity, low familiarity, high intensity of contact, and low
intensity of contact), which describe the scenario further with details of the given
manipulation. The psychological impact was measured with the concepts of anxiety, fear,
anger, shame/embarrassment, and self-esteem. Accordingly, I hypothesised the following:
Hypothesis 2: The psychological impact of cybercrime is higher if the offender was familiar
than if the offender was unfamiliar with the victim.
Hypothesis 3: The psychological impact of cybercrime is higher if the victim was in contact
with the offender more intensively before the crime.
I employed a within-subjects design. There were three independent variables, namely
type of cybercrime, familiarity, and intensity of contact (see Figure 1). Every participant saw
three scenarios for the type of cybercrimes, namely hacking, person-centered cybercrime, and
financial cybercrime. Furthermore, everyone was exposed to four additions after every type of
cybercrime. There were two additions to manipulate familiarity with the offender (yes/no) and
two additions for the intensity of contact with the offender (high/low). The dependent variable
was the psychological impact on the victim, which was measured repeatedly for all three
independent variables, with the concepts of fear, anger, anxiety, shame/embarrassment, and
self-esteem added together. Additionally, the design included seven different control variables
Out of the 127 participants, 14 had to be excluded because they either did not
complete the questionnaire or had an unreasonable response time (< 500 seconds). Thus, there
were 113 participants in this sample. The inclusion criterion was to have proficient English
language skills. Thus, the exclusion criterion was not possessing sufficient English language
skills. 50.4 % of the participants were German, 25.7 % were Dutch, and 23.9 % were of other
nationalities. The participants’ age ranged from 17 to 57, with a mean age of 21.96 (SD =
5.48). Furthermore, 69.9 % were female, 29.2 % were male, and 0.9 % identified as non-
binary/third gender. Most participants, 77 %, indicated having finished secondary school,
17.7 % have finished their bachelor's or a similar higher, non-university degree, and 4.4 %
obtained a master's or another (post)graduate degree. Finally, 0.9 % finished primary school.
Next, 92 % of the participants were students, and 8 % were (self) employed. Most
respondents, namely 21.2 %, mentioned that they spend about four to five hours online daily,
or seven or more hours (also 21.2 %). 19.5 % indicated that they spend about five to six hours
online daily, and 18.6 % about three to four hours. Only 1 % said that they spend about zero
to one hour online daily.
Scenarios and Additions
There were three different scenarios described in the questionnaire, one about hacking,
one about person-centred and one about financial cybercrime (see Appendix D). These
scenarios were created by the researcher, based on the criteria that the definitions of each type
of cybercrime contain. Scenarios were used to let the participants easily imagine being in the
given situation, as they described the way every type of cybercrime can happen, in a very
personal way, but still applicable to everyone. For example, the scenario for person-centered
cybercrime was Imagine, that someone sends you a message on a social media platform
saying that they have hacked into your webcam and now have images of you, e.g., from
situations where you did not close your laptop and got undressed. They threaten you and say
that unless you pay them 1000€, they will send them to all your social media contacts. Every
participant read all three scenarios, and the order in which the participants read them was
randomised, as well as the order of the additions, which followed each scenario. This means
that every scenario described one type of cybercrime, followed by four different additions.
These additions each contained a little more information about either low or high familiarity
with the offender, being in intensive contact with the offender before the crime, or not
knowing them at all. An example for an addition describing a situation with high intensity of
contact was Before you notice that your account got hacked, you were chatting with someone
on social media who seemed to be interested in the company you are working for, and was
asking you some questions about it, such as how the atmosphere is in the company and with
what kind of programs and systems you are working. Later, you find out that this person was
the offender. After each scenario and after each addition, there was a question about the
psychological impact this type of cybercrime had on them.
Psychological Impact of the Victim Assessment
Psychological Impact
The psychological impact was measured to analyse what effect the different types of
cybercrime, as well as familiarity with the offender, and intensity of contact, have on the
victim. The psychological impact that has been assessed was measured with the concepts of
shame/embarrassment, anxiety, fear, anger, and self-esteem (see Appendix B). These items
were chosen based on studies by Cross et al. (2016), Kaakinen et al. (2018), and Tennant et al.
(2015), which investigated the emotional impact such crimes have, respectively. The mean
score of these concepts represented the psychological impact. This was measured after each
scenario, and after each addition. The participants were asked How much more (e.g., anxious)
would you likely be, compared to before the event?, answering on a 5-point Likert scale,
ranging from 1 (None at All) to 5 (A Great Deal). The mean score for psychological impact of
hacking before the additions was 3.47 (SD = 0.84), for person-centered cybercrime before the
additions it was 3.81 (SD = 1.07), and for financial cybercrime before the additions the mean
score was 3.46 (SD = 0.77). Cronbach’s alpha for this scale was proven to be good (ɑ = .74).
Risk-Taking Assessment
The DOSPERT-scale was used to assess participants’ risk-taking behaviour, which
might influence the psychological impact (Duell & Steinberg, 2021), because individuals who
enjoy taking risks more than others, might have less fear about the consequences that could
occur (Wake et al., 2020). The scale consists of 30 items, in which respondents indicate to
what extent they would engage in specific risky behaviours (see Appendix B). The items
cover five life domains, such as ethical, financial, health/safety, social and recreational risks,
with a 7-point rating scale ranging from 1 (Extremely Unlikely) to 7 (Extremely Likely). The
item ratings across all items of a subscale are added to obtain scores for the subscales. A
higher score represents greater risk-taking behaviour in the subscale domain. Sample items
include “Going camping in the wilderness” (Recreational), “Drinking heavily at a social
function” (Health/Safety), “Passing off somebody else’s work as your own” (Ethical) and
“Starting a new career in your mid-thirties” (Social). The internal reliability was proven to be
good (ɑ = .84), and the mean score of the scale was 3.55 (SD = 0.72).
Coping Style Assessment
Individuals who usually engage in rather beneficial coping strategies such as seeking
emotional support are assumed to cope better with traumatic life events (Jansen & Leukfeldt,
2018). To assess the participant’s coping mechanisms as a potential control variable, to see
how respondents cope with such events usually, the Brief-COPE was used (see Appendix B).
It is a 28-item questionnaire, and the answers indicate how frequent the respondents engage in
the coping behaviour on a four-point Likert scale, ranging from 1 (I haven’t been doing this at
all) to 4 (I’ve been doing this a lot). Higher scores indicate greater coping strategies. The
scale assesses the respondent’s primary coping style with scores on three subscales (Problem-
Focused Coping, Emotion-Focused Coping and Avoidant-Coping). Fourteen facets are
covered by this scale, however, the facets that were not necessary for this study were deleted.
Thus, in this study, there were seven facets (Active Coping, Emotional Support, Acceptance,
Self-Blame, Self-Distraction, Denial and Behavioural Disengagement), each with two items.
The remaining facets (Use of Informational Support, Positive Reframing, Planning, Venting,
Humour, Religion and Substance Use) were found to be either overlapping with other items
(Carver, 1997) or not of value for this study. Sample items were “I’ve been giving up trying
to deal with it”, “I’ve been criticizing myself” or “I’ve been learning to live with it.”
Cronbach’s alpha for the scale was proven to be adequate (ɑ = .71). The mean scores of the
subscales were the following: Active Coping had a mean score of 3.42 (SD = 0.86),
Emotional Support of 3.42 (SD = 1.14), Acceptance of 3.66 (SD = 0.86), Self-Blame of 3.5
(SD = 1.08), Self-Distraction of 3.46 (SD = 0.95), Denial of 1.85 (SD = 1.01) and Behavioural
Disengagement of 1.96 (SD = 0.95).
Perceived Severity Assessment
Perceived severity of cybercrime affects how serious the victim evaluates the crime
(De Kimpe et al., 2020). More specifically, when the victim views cybercrime as a severe
threat to society and/or themselves, their reaction to becoming a victim might be greater than
when they assume that cybercrime is not severe. To assess the respondents' perceived severity
of cybercrime as a potential moderator for the relationship of the type of cybercrime with the
psychological impact, three items that were already used in a study by de Kimpe et al. (2020),
were applied (see Appendix B). In that study, the authors used the items from a study by
Witte (1996) and adapted them for the purpose of their own study. This adapted version was
suitable for this study because it could be related to cybercrime, e.g., I believe that cybercrime
is significant. A 5-point Likert scale was used to assess the answers, ranging from 1 (Strongly
Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree). Cronbach’s alpha was good (ɑ = .86), and the mean for
perceived severity in this sample was 4.5 (SD = 0.62).
Perceived Knowledge Assessment
The level of knowledge the victim has about cybercrime influences the psychological
impact as when the victim knows more about the potential risks and consequences, they might
perceive the threat as more serious than others, who might not know much about cybercrime
(Riek et al., 2016). The respondents’ perceived knowledge about cybercrime was assessed to
gain insight into how much they assumed to know beforehand and how this related to the
experienced psychological impact later. It has been assessed with two items from the
Eurobarometer, which have been used in a study by de Kimpe et al. (2019), such as for
example “I feel adequately informed about the risks of the internet.” (see Appendix B). A 5-
point Likert scale was employed, ranging from 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree).
They proved to have good internal reliability (ɑ = .78). The mean score for perceived
knowledge in this sample was 3.38 (SD = 0.93).
Interpersonal Trust Assessment
The victim is likely to have problems with establishing trustful relationships again
when their trust was misused (Borwell et al., 2021). There were two self-developed items
about interpersonal trust as a potential moderator included in the questionnaire. These items
were asked after each scenario and the four additions for every type of cybercrime, to assess
the impact on trust for each type (see Appendix B). An example of such an item was “I find it
easy to trust others.” Answers were given on a 5-point Likert scale, ranging from 1 (Strongly
Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree). The items correlate strongly after hacking (r = .65), person-
centered cybercrime (r = .63), and financial cybercrime (r = .59). The mean score for hacking
was 3.07 (SD = 0.96), for person-centered cybercrime it was 2.97 (SD = 0.96), and for
financial cybercrime it was 3.04 (SD = 0.95).
Internet Trust Assessment
Victims tend to be more cautious when using the internet, because their fear becoming
victimised again (Borwell et al., 2021). Internet trust was assessed with two items, to assess
the influence of internet trust as a potential control variable for psychological impact (see
Appendix B). The items have been used in a study by de Kimpe et al. (2019) before. An
example item was, “I have every confidence that the internet is safe.” Respondents could
answer on a 5-point Likert scale, ranging from 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree).
The correlation between these items is strong after hacking (r = .72), person-centered
cybercrime (r = .74), and financial cybercrime (r = .74). The mean score for internet trust
after hacking was 1.81 (SD = 0.80), for person-centered cybercrime it was 1.73 (SD = 0.82),
and for financial cybercrime it was 1.82 (SD = 0.81).
Sense of Security Assessment
The cybercrime victim’s sense of security is likely to decrease after the event, as they
tend to be more cautious about potential threats, online but also in their real life (Jansen &
Leukfeldt, 2018). The respondent’s sense of security was measured for each type of
cybercrime. The question was: After reading the scenario about hacking/person-centered
cybercrime/financial cybercrime, and the additions, please indicate how concerned you are
now about security on the Internet? (e.g., people reading your email, finding out what
websites you visit, etc.). Keep in mind that "security" can mean privacy, confidentiality,
and/or proof of identity for you or for someone else (see Appendix B). The answers were
based on a 5-point Likert scale, ranging from 1 (Not at All Concerned) to 5 (Very Concerned).
There was one item saying, “I know I should be concerned, but I’m not.” This item was
scored as a midpoint item, with 3. The internal reliability for these items was good (ɑ = .82),
and the mean score was 3.31 (SD = 0.79) for hacking, 3.42 (SD = 0.81) for person-centered
cybercrime, and 3.31 (SD = 0.78) for financial cybercrime.
First, the BMS Ethics Committee of the University of Twente ethically approved this
study design. The study was conducted with Qualtrics, and participants were recruited
through convenience sampling and the university’s recruitment system (Sona systems).
Respondents were informed about the goal, content, and course of the questionnaire, e.g., that
they will be reading three different scenarios with 12 short additions, and that they should
imagine being the victim and answer some questions about it (see Appendix A). Then, they
indicated if they give consent and participate in the study or withdraw. Afterwards,
participants started the study with demographic questions, followed by questions about their
perceived severity, and perceived knowledge of cybercrime, their risk-taking behaviour, and
questions about interpersonal trust and internet trust. Then, they read the first scenario, in
which they should imagine being the victim of one of the three types of cybercrime. The order
of the three scenarios was randomised (see Figure 2). After each scenario, there was a
question about the psychological impact this type of cybercrime had on them. After this, they
read four additions to this scenario, with also the order of these additions being randomised,
and answered the question about the psychological impact after each addition again. The
additions provided additional information about the situation regarding either being familiar
with the offender, not being familiar with the offender, having intensive contact with them
before the crime or not having any contact before. The same procedure was applied for the
next two scenarios and additions, respectively. After each scenario and its additions,
respondents were asked about their interpersonal trust and internet trust again, as well as their
perceived sense of security. After that, they had to fill out the questions for the coping scale.
Finally, the respondents were debriefed about the purpose of the study (see Appendix C).
Overall, completing this questionnaire took approximately 15 min for most of the
Figure 2
Data analysis
The data were analysed with SPSS, the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. To
test if person-centered cybercrime has a greater psychological impact on the victim than
hacking or financial cybercrime (H1), a general linear model with repeated-measures
ANOVA and a contrast analysis were employed.
To test if being familiar with the offender has a greater psychological impact on the
victim than not being familiar (H2), a repeated-measures ANOVA was used.
To test if having intensive contact with the offender before the crime has a significant
effect on the victim’s psychological impact (H3), a general linear model with repeated-
measures ANOVA was applied.
A repeated-measures ANOVA was run to assess the effect of person-centered
cybercrime compared to the effect of hacking or financial cybercrime on the psychological
impact (H1). The assumption of sphericity was violated, thus the Greenhouse-Geisser
correction was employed. This showed a significantly different effect between the groups,
F(1.82, 224) = 10.645, p < .001. The contrast analysis demonstrated that there is no
significant difference between the psychological impact of hacking and financial cybercrime,
t(336) = 0.103, p = .918. However, when comparing the impact of hacking with person-
centered cybercrime, it proved to be significantly different, t(336) = 2.823, p = .005. More
specifically, the mean score for psychological impact was higher after person-centered
cybercrime (M = 3.81, SD = 1.07), than after hacking (M = 3.47, SD = 0.84). Furthermore, the
impact of financial cybercrime and person-centered cybercrime was proven to be significantly
different, t(336) = 2.927, p = .004. The mean score for the psychological impact after person-
centered cybercrime proved to be higher than for financial cybercrime (M = 3.46, SD = 0.77).
Therefore, I confirmed the first hypothesis.
For the second hypothesis, a repeated-measures ANOVA was employed, which
showed that being familiar with the offender did not significantly increase psychological
impact, F(1,112) = 1.982, p = .162, η²p = .52. When looking at the mean scores for the
psychological impact when being familiar with the offender (M = 3.41, SD = 0.78), it showed
a greater effect on psychological impact than not being familiar (M = 3.32, SD = 0.90),
however, it did not seem to be significantly greater. Thus, I rejected the second hypothesis.
To test whether the intensity of contact with the offender significantly impacts the
psychological impact (H3), a repeated-measures ANOVA was conducted. This analysis
proved that there was a significant effect on psychological impact, F(1,112) = 15.933, p <
.001, η²p = .98. The mean score for being in intensive contact with the offender before the
crime (M = 3.62, SD = 0.79), showed a greater psychological impact than the mean score for
not being in intensive contact (M = 3.45, SD = 0.84), hence, I confirmed the third hypothesis.
Additional Analyses
Besides testing the three hypotheses, additional analyses with the control variables
were conducted. The variables included were Risk-Taking Behaviour, Perceived Severity of
showed that sense of security had a significant effect on psychological impact, B = 0.37, T =
3.35, SE = .11, p = .001. Nine percent of respondents' psychological impact can be attributed
to their sense of security (R² = .09).
To see whether perceived severity, interpersonal trust, internet trust, the coping
mechanisms active coping, emotional support, acceptance, self-distraction, and behavioural
disengagement are correlated with psychological impact, I also looked at the Pearson
correlation of the variables. However, they were proven to have no significant correlation
with psychological impact (p > .05) (see Table 1).
Table 1
Means (M), Standard Deviations (SD), and Correlations Between 13 Additional Variables and the Psychological Impact
Variables M SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1. Risk-Taking 3.55 0.72
2. Perceived Severity 4.5 0.62 -.21*
3. Perceived Knowledge 3.38 0.93 .20* -.10
4. Internet Trust 2.05 0.86 .12 -.30** .08
5. Interpersonal Trust 3.5 0.86 -.13 .11 .10 .10
6. Sense of Security 3.35 0.68 -.003 .05 -.01 -.32** -.12
7. Active Coping (C. M.) 3.42 0.86 .11 .13 .06 .05 -.15 -.09
8. Emotional Support (C. 3.42 1.14 -.08 .14 -.02 .03 .22* .03 .23*
9. Acceptance (C. M.) 3.66 0.86 .25** .03 .32** -.07 .06 -.02 .51** .11
10. Self-Blame (C. M.) 3.5 1.08 .03 .07 -.11 -.08 -.15 .08 .05 .15 -.15
11. Self-Distraction (C. M.) 3.46 0.95 .17 -.04 .04 -.10 -.06 .01 -.04 .04 -11 .16
12. Denial (C. M.) 1.85 1.01 -.04 -.12 -.17 .03 -.07 .26** .07 .15 -.06 .30** .11
13. Behavioural Disengagement 1.96 0.95 .20* -.08 .11 .13 .06 .15 -.16 .11 -.06 .36** .32** .50**
(C. M.)
14. Psychological Impact 3.47 0.84 -.20* .17 -.24** -.07 -.15 .30** .12 .14 -.10 .20* .05 .35** .09
Note. N = 113, (C. M.) = Coping Mechanism
* Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
With this study, I aimed to investigate how the psychological impact of cybercrime on
victims differs depending on three different types of cybercrime (hacking, person-centered
cybercrime, and financial cybercrime). It was hypothesized that person-centered cybercrime
results in greater psychological impact, and that being familiar with the offender and having
intensive contact with them before the crime increases this effect. Results indicated that after
reading a scenario about person-centered cybercrime, victims indicated experiencing a greater
psychological impact than after scenarios about hacking and financial cybercrime. Knowing
the offender had no impact on the victim's psychological impact, however, when they
imagined having intensive contact with them before the crime, they demonstrated
experiencing a greater psychological impact.
Findings and Implications
Most importantly, victims experienced a significantly higher psychological impact
after person-centered cybercrime, compared to hacking or financial cybercrime. One
explanation for why this could have been the case, is the SAT, which indicates that the stable
assumptions victims have developed about people and the world over a long period of time
were completely disrupted (Edmondson et al., 2011). The cybercrime attack of person-
centered crime tends to feel more personal, targeting the victim themselves, which oftentimes
results in greater psychological impact (Van der Wagen & Pieters, 2018). In addition to the
online crime itself, the victim’s interpersonal trust and assumptions are violated more
extensively after person-centered cybercrime (Borwell et al., 2021). With the belief in a just
world that individuals generally have, they experience their surroundings as fair and relatively
stable, which proves to not be correct anymore after their victimization, and consequently
results in emotional distress (Borwell et al., 2021). This means that it takes time and effort for
the victim to establish a stable view of themselves and the world, and to build up trust again.
As a result, victims of person-centered cybercrime should be especially supported with
techniques for building trustful relationships, and they should be helped to develop new
assumptions about the world and themselves. More specifically, psychologists who treat those
victims should be aware that their worldview is violated, and they should empower them to
re-build a new system that enables them to successfully operate in this world again (Figley,
1986). For example, they could help the individual change their behaviours by gaining new
knowledge about secure internet usage, encouraging them to seek emotional support, or
redefining the event. Redefining in this case means trying to view the event in a way that is
consistent with the victim's prior assumptions, hence less traumatic (Figley, 1986).
Moreover, I found that being familiar with the offender had no significant influence on
psychological impact. This is contrary to the results of the study by Borwell et al. (2021), who
found that familiarity increased the psychological impact. The insignificant result in this study
could be due to low reliability and validity of the scenarios, as they were not tested in another
sample before. Thus, it was unclear how well they represent the types of cybercrime and the
several additions. Also, the mean scores were proven to be slightly higher for the
psychological impact when being familiar with the offender. Hence, the result might have
been due to unreliable scenarios and additions.
Similar to the results of this study, van de Weijer et al. (2020) found that when the
offender is known to the victim, they are less likely to report the crime. A reason for this
might be that if the victim knows more about the offender, they might feel more empathetic
towards them, and their wish for unpleasant consequences for the offender decreases (van de
Weijer et al., 2020). This would reduce the psychological impact caused by the crime,
respectively. Another important factor for this result might be that there is a difference
between simply knowing the offender and having (had) a personal relationship with them
(van de Weijer et al., 2020). The psychological impact likely increased the more intense the
personal relationship with the offender was, as seen in a study by Johnson and Kercher
(2009), who demonstrated that the victim-offender relationship plays an important part in the
victim’s psychological impact. In the additions of being familiar with the offender, the
relationship with the offender seemed to be rather distant, for example, the offender was a
party acquaintance or an old friend that is no longer a friend. Thus, this degree of victim-
offender relationship might not have been enough to cause a significant effect on the
psychological impact. This means that the psychological impact of cybercrime tends to be
greater, the closer the victim’s relationship with the offender is. For psychologists, this is an
important factor that they should be aware of when treating cybercrime victims. When the
relationship with the offender was relatively close, they will likely need more help and
support. For instance, they might struggle with trusting other (important) people in their lives.
The psychologist could help the victims establish trustful relationships (again), by first
building rapport with them, for example by being authentic and expressing their feelings as
well (as much as is recommended for a psychologist). Also, it it valuable to know that telling
the victim about the identity of the offender, does not significantly increase the psychological
impact. Thus when for instance the police investigated the case and the offender was found,
there is no reason to keep the identity of the offender classified.
Furthermore, there was a significant effect of the intensity of contact with the offender
before the crime on psychological impact. First of all, this might be explained with the SAT
again, since through intensive contact with the offender, the victim establishes a personal and
trustful relationship with them, which then results in greater loss and decrease of interpersonal
trust (Borwell et al., 2021). Also, Leukfeldt et al. (2018) proved that the longer the victim was
in contact with the offender, the greater was the decrease of trust. This might be because the
victim feels like they could have avoided the crime by better evaluating the situation
beforehand and the actions and behaviours of the offender, which makes them feel naïve and
unintelligent. Preventing that the victim and offender have less intensive contact before the
crime is only possible by making it harder for the offender to get in contact with the victim.
Hence, it is especially important to increase the victim’s awareness of cybercrime and
knowledge about how to use the internet in the safest way possible, so that they can detect
any signs of potential cybercrimes immediately on their own.
Nevertheless, even if the victims possess proficient internet skills, and are trained
regarding online crimes, there is still a chance that they might fall victim to cybercrime
(again). Therefore, psychologists or other professionals that these victims refer to, should not
only be trained in how the victims can build new trustful relationships again, but also provide
them with guidance on how they can learn to use the internet safely (Monteith et al., 2021).
Many individuals, especially victims, may find it hard to find trusted and secure websites. It
should be clear that it is not the psychologist's task to teach the victim about the potential
online risks and ways to avoid them, but merely they should encourage the victim to think
about what went wrong and provide them with secure websites or services that they can use
(Monteith et al., 2021). In line with this, when psychologists use technology within their own
treatment, they should provide guides and training of such for their patients.
Besides testing the hypotheses, I looked at the interactions between the additional
variables and psychological impact, while I did not take into consideration the different types
of cybercrime within this relationship. As the focus of this study was to find out which type of
cybercrime has the largest psychological impact and how this impact is influenced by
familiarity and intensity of contact, looking at the additional variables and taking their effect
within this relationship into account would have been out of the scope of my research. The
additional analyses revealed that self-blame and denial, two of the coping strategies assessed,
correlated with the psychological impact, meaning that the more people used those strategies,
the greater was the psychological impact. Also, both strategies were proven to predict the
psychological impact to some extent.
In previous studies, self-blame was associated with ‘positive’ outcomes if the blame
was about an individual’s behaviours, while it had a negative effect if the blame was related
to one’s character (Voth & Sirois, 2009; Filipas & Ullman, 2006). A reason for this effect
might be that behaviours are malleable, whereas character traits stay relatively stable, and it is
difficult to control them (Voth & Sirois, 2009). So, when the individual blames themselves
for a behaviour that they could have changed, they might change it in the future, and feel like
they learned from it, thus it has a ‘positive’, productive outcome. In this study, the
respondents might have felt like they could not have done anything differently in the
described situation, as they did not see the threat coming. Therefore, when they blamed the
crime on themselves, this resulted in a greater negative outcome compared to the respondents
who did not blame it on themselves to that extent. Consequently, psychologists who treat
victims of cybercrime should be aware that victims who experience a severe psychological
impact tend to blame themselves for the crime. Then they should know how to help the victim
shift that self-blame to blaming the offender and how they can cope with the situation.
Denial of the psychological impact was related to malfunctioning behaviours that will
make the individual feel better for a short period of time, such as smoking, eating, drinking,
and denying that the event occurred (Vos & de Haes, 2006). These strategies are ways to
distract oneself from the situation, and the individual tends to feel out of control, pessimistic,
and powerless, which are feelings similar to depression and proven to be malfunctioning (Vos
& de Haes, 2006). Hence, psychologists should help the victim to learn not to deny their
negative feelings about the crime, but instead rather provide them with guidance and support
on how to deal with those feelings and explain to them that this will help them the most in the
long term. Both coping mechanisms, self-blame, and denial, should consequently be regarded
as potential moderators of the victims’ psychological impact in future research.
Furthermore, respondents who were highly risk-taking, were proven to experience a
smaller psychological impact. This phenomenon can be explained with the concept of positive
risks. Positive risks tend to be enriching activities that have productive outcomes, such as
trying out a new sport (Duell & Steinberg, 2018). In contrast, negative risks tend to be illegal
and hazardous, such as stealing something. Engaging in positive risks is proven to promote
personal growth, which in turn leads to better wellbeing. Through taking (positive) risks,
gaining new knowledge, and making new experiences, people feel more accomplished and
personally develop a lot. This makes them feel good about themselves, proud, and satisfied
with their own life (Duell & Steinberg, 2018). Hence, this might be a reason for why
participants who were more likely to engage in risky behaviours that are positive, experienced
a smaller psychological impact.
Moreover, while Borwell et al. (2021) showed that the SAT is a suitable theory for
explaining the impact of cybercrime on the victims, the victim’s sense of security failed to
predict that impact. Therefore, in this study, the perceived sense of security was included as
an additional measurement, which showed that individuals who had higher concerns for
security on the internet, were more likely to have higher scores on psychological impact.
Also, I found that sense of security predicted the respondent’s psychological impact to a
significant extent. The victims question their capabilities and knowledge of the internet world
and tend to be more cautious of repeating the mistake (Jansen & Leukfeldt, 2018). Hence, to
help those individuals feel secure and confident in using the internet again, their feelings of
trust need to be strengthened again (Coutu & Dupont, 2021). This can be done for example by
gaining more awareness about potential risks and consequences of using the internet, and how
to avoid them (Coutu & Dupont, 2021). Coutu and Dupont (2021) found out that very few
prevention campaigns were proven to be successful until now. This shows that there is a large
demand for improving such campaigns, as cybercrime is increasing constantly.
Strengths and Limitations
The strengths of this study are, most importantly, the scenarios. Through the scenarios,
respondents could easily imagine what it must be and feel like being a victim of the specific
type of cybercrime. They were written very detailed so that it was easy to imagine being in
that situation, but still applicable to everyone. After thoroughly looking at other studies, this
was the best way to get the most reliable answers to the questions, without harming the
participants. Another important strength of this study is that it controlled for the individual
effect of the participants. Every respondent read every scenario and answered the same
questions, which gave the study a high power, with the relatively big sample size (n = 113).
Nevertheless, this study seems to have several limitations. Firstly, even though the
scenarios were the best possible way to assess the psychological impact, it implies that only
the respondent’s anticipated psychological impact was measured. When people fall victim to
cybercrime, their actual reaction might differ from their anticipated reaction. Also, I did not
measure whether the participants had any prior experiences with cybercrime. This could have
impacted the results as those who already fell victim might feel more strongly about it and
their feelings of being a victim might come up again. However, when looking at other studies
(Hernandez-Castro & Boiten, 2014; Dreßing et al., 2014), mostly very few participants
indicated having experienced cybercrime, which did not affect the results tremendously.
Furthermore, there was no possibility of pilot testing for the scenarios, which implies that
neither their reliability nor their validity was checked beforehand. Also, regarding the items
for psychological impact, there was only one question for every concept, e.g., fear or anxiety.
This measurement of psychological impact was not as valid as it could have been, due to the
small availability of (short) validated scales. Thus, this showed that there is a need for scales
that measure the psychological impact in a valid and reliable way. Additionally, the question
about psychological impact, which was asked after each scenario, was formulated in a way
that the respondent could only indicate to experience more anger, anxiety, etc. compared to
before, a decrease or equal feelings of the psychological impact were not possible. Still, as the
study aimed at finding a significant difference between the types of cybercrime, which was
possible to identify with this question, it was sufficient for the purpose of this study. Another
limitation might be that this study looked at the three most prevalent types of cybercrime,
however, there are many more types which also result in a severe psychological impact for the
victim (Yadav et al., 2021). Nevertheless, person-centered cybercrime proved to have a
serious psychological impact, which needs to be investigated more in-depth.
Future Research Implications
The results show that there is a need to investigate person-centered cybercrime and its
impact further, as the different kinds of person-centered cybercrime might translate into
different aspects of psychological impact. For example, cyberstalking victims stated to have
experienced feelings of helplessness, irritation, insomnia, and disruption of interpersonal trust
(Dreßing et al., 2014), while victims of cyberbullying were found to experience mainly
agony, sorrow, and resentment (Schenk et al., 2012). To understand and be able to help and
treat victims of person-centered cybercrime, the subtle differences in the psychological impact
must be considered. Another future research implication is that this study looked at the direct
immediate psychological impact, while it is unclear how stable and persistent these effects
might be. Hence, there is a need to investigate the long-term psychological impact of person-
centered cybercrime. For example, victims of all types of person-centered cybercrime could
be asked several times after different periods of time about their victimization. There might be
different effects for cyberbullying than for cyberstalking, also in the long term. For the
psychologists that are treating cybercrime victims, this study underlines that those who
experienced person-centered cybercrime will likely need more support. Also, they should
know how to help their patients establish interpersonal trust again, which is especially
demanded by those victims who knew the offender well or those who were in intensive
contact with them prior to the crime. Additionally, psychologists can try to help reduce the
prevalence of cybercrime by making their patients aware of potential risks of the internet, in
particular when they are providing treatment online as well. Finally, future research should
look into the different types of relationships that the victim can have with the offender, and
how this relationship might influence the psychological impact. It would be valuable to know
at what degree of relationship the victim experiences greater psychological impact.
This study revealed that person-centered cybercrime is a highly prominent predictor of
psychological impact, and intensive contact before the crime increases this impact, while
simply knowing who the offender is, has no (significant) effect. As a result, this suggests that
psychologists who treat cybercrime victims need to be aware of the differences in the
psychological impact of the different types of cybercrime. For example, victims of person-
centered cybercrime should be regarded as more severely emotionally affected. Similarly, the
psychologists should ask if the victim had intensive contact with the offender before the crime
and if they knew the offender, and if so, how close their relationship was. Accordingly, they
should adjust their treatment. However, the findings only reveal the surface of the differences
in psychological impact and show that more extensive research needs to be done, especially
on person-centered cybercrime as the impact might also differ among the specific types of
person-centered cybercrime.
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Appendix A
Informed Consent
Dear participants,
thank you very much for taking part in this study about mental wellbeing and cybercrime.
Please carefully read the following information.
With your help, I want to assess the impact of different types of cybercrime on the
psychological wellbeing of the victim. Cybercrime is defined as “any criminal activity in
which a computer (or networked device) is targeted or used” (Burton et al., 2022).
The study will take approximately 15 min. You will be asked some questions about your
perspective on cybercrime, you will read 3 different scenarios and 12 short additions in which
you should imagine being the victim and answer some questions about it.
Participating in this study is entirely voluntary. You can withdraw from it at any time, without
any negative consequences for you.
There are no risks associated with this research study. It is ensured that your data will be
treated anonymously and is only available to the researcher and the supervisor. After the
study is finished, the data will be deleted. If you have any questions or concerns about this
study, feel free to contact me, the researcher, or the supervisor.
Kind regards,
Louisa von der Ahe
By giving consent, you confirm that you understood everything and you agree to take part in
this study.
Appendix B
Demographic Items
What is your nationality?
1. Dutch
2. German
3. Other, namely…
Perceived Severity
*Assessed on a 5-point Likert scale (1 = Strongly Disagree; 5 = Strongly Agree)
In the following statements, please indicate how you perceive the severity of cybercrime.
1. I believe that cybercrime is significant.
2. I believe that cybercrime is serious.
3. I believe that cybercrime is severe.
Perceived Knowledge
* Assessed on a 5-point Likert scale (1 = Strongly Disagree; 5 = Strongly Agree)
In the following two questions, please indicate how informed you feel about cybercrime.
1. I feel adequately informed about the risks of the internet.
2. I feel adequately informed about how to avoid the risks of the internet.
Internet Trust
* Assessed on a 5-point Likert scale (1 = Strongly Disagree; 5 = Strongly Agree)
In the following questions, please indicate how trustful you are.
1. I have every confidence that the internet is safe.
2. I am optimistic about the safety of the internet.
Interpersonal Trust
* Assessed on a 5-point Likert scale (1 = Strongly Disagree; 5 = Strongly Agree)
In the following questions, please indicate how trustful you are.
1. I find it easy to trust others.
2. I generally assume that people act morally.
Sense of Security
* Assessed on a 5-point Likert scale (1 = Not at All Concerned; 5 = Very Concerned)
After reading the scenario about hacking and the additions, please indicate how concerned
you are now about security on the Internet? (e.g people reading your email, finding out what
websites you visit, etc.) Keep in mind that "security" can mean privacy, confidentiality,
and/or proof of identity for you or for someone else.
* Assessed on a 5-point Likert scale (1 = Not at All Concerned; 5 = Very Concerned)
Psychological Impact
* Assessed on a 5-point Likert scale (1 = None at All; 5 = A Great Deal)
How much more … would you likely be compared to before the event?
• …anxious…
• …ashamed/embarrassed…
• …fearful…
• …angry…
• …unconfident…
11. I've been doing something to think about it less, such as going to movies, watching
TV, reading, daydreaming, sleeping, or shopping.
12. I've been accepting the reality of the fact that it has happened.
13. I've been learning to live with it.
14. I've been blaming myself for things that happened.
Appendix C
Thank you for taking part in this survey!
The purpose of the study was to analyze the psychological impact of the three different types
of cybercrime (hacking, person-centered, and financial cybercrime), together with people's
risk-taking behaviour, coping skills and perceived severity of cybercrime.
Also, I tried to measure what impact familiarity with the offender, as well as the intensity of
contact have on the victim's wellbeing.
If you have any questions or concerns about this study, please contact the researcher
Appendix D
Scenarios And Additions
Imagine, that you are working in a big company, and you are close friends with some
of your colleagues. One day, when you try to login into your Facebook account, your
password does not work. You try it several times, but you do not succeed. When you tell your
colleagues about it, some of them mention that they have received suspicious messages from
your account, in which they were asked for personal but also work-related information e.g.,
that they should tell you about the password for one of the companies’ accounts, and some
also received a link in which they should enter their credit card details.
Addition Intensive Contact
Before you notice that your account got hacked, you were chatting with someone on
social media who seemed to be interested in the company you are working for, and was
asking you some questions about it, such as how the atmosphere is in the company and with
what kind of programs and systems you are working. Later, you find out that this person was
the offender.
Addition No Contact
You did not have any further contact to the person who hacked into your account.
Addition Being Familiar
Later, you find out that the offender was someone you were working with in your
previous job at another company, which is competing with the one you are working for right
Addition Not Being Familiar
Later, you find out the offender’s identity, but you do not know this person.
Person-Centered Cybercrime
Imagine, that someone sends you a message on a social media platform saying that
they have hacked into your webcam and now have images of you, e.g., from situations where
you did not close your laptop and got undressed. They threaten you and say that unless you
pay them 1000€, they will send them to all your social media contacts.
Addition Intensive Contact
You are sceptical if this is true and they indeed have these pictures, therefore you chat
with the offender and say that you do not believe them. Also, because you do not have the
money right now you also try to gain some time by chatting with them. You ask for proof,
and indeed they send you a picture where you took off your clothes. But because you did not
send the money on time, they send the pictures they have of you to all your contacts.
Addition No Contact
You did not have any further contact with the offender, you directly send them the
Addition Being Familiar
Later, you find out that the offender was someone you were friends with in high
school, but you stopped being friends after graduation.
Addition Not Being Familiar
Later, you find out the offender’s identity, but you do not know this person.
Financial Cybercrime
Imagine, that you receive an email from Netflix, stating that you need to pay your
annual subscription. You thought that your friend with whom you are sharing the account
already paid this, but they are on vacation right now, and you don’t want to bother them. So,
you click on the link in the email and pay through online banking, meaning that you enter
your credit card details. A few days later, you talk to your friend again, and they say that they
indeed already paid this annual fee. You think it might be a mistake from Netflix, so you
check the email address again, and you see that it contains one letter more than the ‘real’
Netflix email address, so it cannot be from Netflix.
Addition Intensive Contact
Before you transferred the money, you reply to the email because you are not sure if
your friend already paid the subscription. You say that you probably already paid, but they
respond that they did not receive any payment for your subscription.
Addition No Contact
You did not have any further contact with the offender, you transferred the money
after you read the email.
Addition Being Familiar
Later, you find out that the offender was someone you know from a party where you
talked about watching Netflix, and you mentioned that you are sharing your account with
Addition Not Being Familiar
Later, you find out the offender’s identity, but you do not know this person.